The Vegan Conspiracy - Part I article by Jennifer Lake Veganism (vee'-gan-is'-m), while hardly catching on in the general population, is promoted more and more by officialized "health" advocates. Only 1 to 2% of the public is claimed by survey to endorse it. The distinct difference betweens vegans and vegetarians is a complete rejection of all products issuing from animal sources. This is a new and unprecedented development in human history, highly dependent on "scientism" and supplements, with a grossly inadequate body of evidence to support it. In fact, the evidence against veganism is gathering like storm clouds. But why should you care if so few people are interested, and not likely to be put off of their usual cuisine? The answer may lie in the interests of governments, policy creation, and the health fascism taking root within the establishment. It's clear that the agricultural heritage of humankind would be greatly impacted by a shift toward veganism, most notably the elimination of small farms producing eggs and dairy, perhaps the last truly independent farmers. Apart from the land-grabbing potential underlying the vegan politic is a question about the impact to health : is it good for you? Reformed fruitarian Arnold DeVries, author of "The Elixir of Life" recounts the experience of the great Mohandas Gandhi and his followers who attempted disciplined experiments in veganism in the 1920s. The group fell into weakness and sickness and despite decades of experimental effort with veganism, Gandhi declared in 1946, "The crores of India today get neither milk nor ghee nor butter, nor even buttermilk. No wonder that mortality figures are on the increase and there is a lack of energy in the people. It would appear as if man is really unable to sustain life without either meat or milk and milk products. Anyone who deceives people in this regard or countenances the fraud is an enemy of India.". Gandhi was compelled to restore himself with fresh goat's milk. [1]. The ruination of milk in our modern times is the result of criminal industrial practices and the many frauds of pasteurization. The health of any animal is indisputably entwined with the quality of its environment and the appropriateness of its food supply. Destroying the goodness of meat, milk, and eggs is a long travail through the horrors of industrialization but the plant kingdom of living creatures has also been deeply subject to forced industrial insult. Genetic modifications notwithstanding, adulterated WATER, contaminated rain, and run-off have poisoned everyone's food for more than a century. Read the online synopsis of "Death by Faucet" on the synergistic health effects of water pollution by researcher Glen Caulkins. [2]. Vegan voices, however, selectively disregard the inconvenient scientific truths and push moral arguments and foolish ideas in their place. It is propaganda, after all. The main moral argument is self-evident animal abuse which is just no "argument", as in the example of the turn-of-the-last-century public crying out on behalf of the Union Stockyard cattle inmates described by Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle". Chicago's Union Stockyards were financed by the Rothschild banking house of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. with partnership in the operations and it doesn't go lower than their bottom line. The foolish ideas from vegans about "human design" are dependent on the clinch of moral arguments and the hope that you won't look up the basic facts about the differences in human and animal anatomy. An example is the pervasive promotion of the idea that humans have long intestinal tracts "like herbivores". Reality. Average cow --130 foot intestine with a special four-compartment stomach called a rumen. Average goat --100 foot intestine with a four-compartment rumen. Average human --25 foot intestine with a single stomach. This is like selling candied cereal to children, and perhaps that is exactly the intent. [3]. So, who are these vegan voices, and what's the angle? Dr. Peter Singer is one of the more prominent spokesman for veganism in the U.S., endorsed by PETA, also a vegan promoter. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) maintains a large organizational presence on the internet and has inserted the word "cautious" into their official endorsement of Peter Singer ever since he publicly enunciated his comfort with the practice of bestiality. Singer, author of the book "Animal Liberation" and much more, ranks in the highest strata of academia as a medical ethicist. His views have been deemed anti-human especially in the characterization of infants as "lacking essential personhood" and therefore "simply killing an infant is never equivalent to killing a person". Singer writes for the Greater Good Science Center at UCBerkeley and the journalistic Zionist think tank, Project Syndicate, among other professional outlets, and decries the posturing of "speciesists".[4]. PETA, in their promotion of vegan nutrition, has posted a webpage of acceptable snackfoods at to encourage the faint of heart that potato chips, cookies, and soft drinks are good products for vegans too. Ironically, the fine print warns that ingredients derived from animal sources may be present in the listed foods. It's okay! , says PETA-- it's about the MESSAGE. McDonald's could have used the help of PETA publicists before it was sued in a class-action lawsuit by six religionists who were in part members of the North American Vegetarian Society in Oppenheim, New York. The "class" ate McD's french fries tainted by an animal substance and won six million dollars, having to battle over the loot with other vegetarian organizations who felt entitled to share. All of the organizations are designated as educational non-profits and need funds to expand their "awareness campaigns" --maybe they started by educating their members on the hazards of schmoozing around Big Macs after the cash cow goes dry. Less controversially, but more expensively, I heard Reggie McVeggie needs a new tour bus. Fortunately for Reggie's friends, they won't have to put up a legal defense fund for an infringement suit by McDonald's. The matter was already legally challenged, settled, and Reggie won the right to exist. While review of this case seems oddly hand-in-glove to this researcher, the "message" that PETA is encouraging happy snackers to send to food manufacturers appears to be "it's okay to sell animal-derived ingredients in products to vegans". It smells like another lawsuit and it looks like another Hegelian construct of controlled opposition. What up Veggies? Beyond the legal hi-jinks are the sincerely practicing vegans who wouldn't be caught dead in McDonald's. Their history begins with the founding of the British Vegan Society in 1944 by Donald Watson. Watson, born in 1910, is typical of a vegan who is converted in adulthood, but atypical for being raised on a family farm eating fresh milk, eggs, and meat until the age of 32. Watson's longevity into his 90s is credited to veganism. Searching for other geriatric vegans grew into a daunting task, however. Dr. Stanley Bass illustrates the dilemna on his website in a particular interview with the Essene Brother John. Brother John is now a contented lacto-vegetarian after losing his health from 5 years of veganism with a cautionary tale to tell. Once a professional vegan proponent, Brother John relates the rampant cheating he witnessed among other professional vegan proponents, people who write and sell books on the benefits of veganism, sneaking around to eat pizza and other savory unmentionables. He wouldn't name names, as a sort of professional courtesy, but his story certainly troubles the waters. More testimonials on Dr. Bass' website from non-cheaters, like Greg Westbrook and his fellowship on the Hallelujah Diet attest to the health crises confronted by aspiring vegans. They echo in form and substance the experience of Gandhi and the authenticity of people striving to practice their beliefs. The environmentalism of the 1970s provided ethical twinship to the vegan cause as could no other time in history, hence its appearance in pocketed groups within the schema of Earth activists. It is largely an environmental platform that floats the vegan ideology today and the concern over animal "footprints" ( flatulent bovines are contributing to Global Warming, dontcha know?!) Food informationists in the 70s, who issued the booklet "You Are What You Eat", capitalized on the world's hungry and informed a wakening public of the unbalanced exchange of food calories in grain and water into meat and milk which is still the current positioning. But, it was true then as it is now that modern agriculture has produced enough grain and plant-based foodstuffs to provide over 4 pounds of food per person per day to everyone on the planet and still feed the animals. Hunger in the modern world has never been about food production shortages in the same way that petroleum Oil has never been in shortage. The problem is abundance and corruption. Or has been, but who can say now, with weather weapons, distribution breakdowns, and genocidal maniacs on top of the game? Veganism is one more weaponized food program in the battle of nutrition information, an extreme example of the ideals enshrined in the Food Guide Pyramid. The International Vegetarian Union was founded in 1908 and set out to become a template of high-minded global governance, its membership going on to establish offshoot organizations like the World Union of Vegetarian/Vegan Societies, founded by Alex Hershaft, who claim of their "promoting vegetarianism worldwide since 1908". Interesting year, 1908. The U.S. federal government passed the draconian Quarantine Act, the first human virus, poliovirus, was "discovered", and Eugenics was legalizing its criminal practices. Feeding experiments on animals in private laboratories were proving that meat and fresh milk would help the animals recover from the traumatic treatments of surgery, irradiation, and chemical poisoning. Victorian hospitals had already noted the added susceptibility of patients to drug uptake when deprived of fat and protein-rich foods, which must have delighted the charity institutions who could feed people cheaply and get a bonus of better drug response. It surely plays a part in the institutional human experiments covertly carried out with vaccines and pharmaceuticals and explains much about the reasons why healing foods were not served in hospitals. By extension, it explains much about why drug-pushing doctors finish medical school ignorant of nutrition. Critics of veganism mince no words in identifying the practice as a religion. William Jarvis of the National Council Against Health Fraud calls veganism "an hygienic religion that meets deep emotional needs of its followers who revel in self-denial and wars against pleasure". Examples of spiritual cults provide the only historic background for the antiquity of vegetarianism, largely a proscription against eating anything that copulates. These monastics sanctioned the eating of fish because fish don't Do It, not for any perceived benefits of health. Jewish vegetarianism is a teaching intended to usher in the messianic age, also not for reasons of health or animal welfare. It's intriguing to read that "according to some Kabbalists, only a mystic, who is able to sense and elevate the reincarnated human souls and 'divine sparks' is permitted to consume meat..." [5]. Notes and References [1]website of Stanley Bass at, and read about the Hallelujah diet experience at [2] Death By Faucet, readable info on water contamination and health effects, found at [3] share this with the kids on anatomy, ... _Digestion [4]the wikipedia, on Peter Singer, [5] for a general overview and the quote above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last edited by plam; 18-08-2011 at 03:21 PM. plam is offline Reply With Quote plam View Public Profile Find More Posts by plam Old 18-08-2011, 02:57 PM #2 plam Banned Join Date: Apr 2011 Posts: 4,272 Likes: 1 (1 Post) Default Part II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Vegan Conspiracy - Part II Time, experience, and tradition have been humanity's greatest teachers. The flowerings of all human thought and endeavor rely on the durability of this simple formula for success. Our ancestors may have lacked scientific explanations for their practices but our existence is a testimony to their experience, for good or ill. Nothing is more biologically basic or essential than eating; food knowledge and food access being a fundamental human right and not a discretionary privilege. Tampering or altering of the food supply, for any species, is a chemical redirection of adaptive evolution. Ever since "Better Living Through Chemistry" trivialized our delicate biological relationships, we've allowed a priesthood of chemists to minister from the top of the food chain and donate our bodies to science. With a timely "wink" and a "nod" to our penchant for love-of-intoxication, veganism is one more experiment of the scientific infantilists. It may be the last Big Squeeze between mankind of the past and mankind of the future, the vegan ideal being such as to wipe away the perceived Primitive of human origins. In 1957, as nuclear weapons fallout was peaking around the globe, the International Vegetarian Union held its 15th World Vegetarian Congress. An address to the convention by Daniel P. Hoffman demonstrates a triumph over primitivism thusly, "Not long ago in Life Magazine there was a picture of a docile vegetarian lion who was a favourite household pet; it showed the change in attitude and actions of an animal that has ceased to be flesh-eating..." . The text of Hoffman's speech purports to be an examination of "a few pertinent facts relating to meat consumption and the reaction on American life which most of us will appreciate is principally caused by unhumane flesh eating", but I leave it to the reader to play spot-the-science in Hoffman's remarks. In his own words, "Great dieticians like Dr. E.V. McCollum and W.C. Sherman, while not advocating an exclusively non-meat diet, have stressed the necessity of making at least half the diet from vegetables and fruits, and have upheld milk and eggs as high quality body-building sources..." [1]. Amusing, it is, to find embedded contradictions within the very words of the nay-sayers, though unfunny to consider that incremental conditioning is prepared in this way. Psychobiologist Robert Cohen, author of, is another incremental "conditioneer" who embeds contradictions within his message. In Cohen's case, there is ample evidence from this disingenuous vegan to surmise that is an active psy-op. Citing Gandhi as the "NOTMILKman", in the "Second Opinion" column of the homepage, Cohen writes his concluding line as, "...shortly before he was assassinated, Mahatma Gandhi dined on cooked vegetables, oranges, and goat's milk." Gandhi, the NOTMILKman? Go figure. Cruising around the site provided other splendid examples of hypocrisy such as this: (in the Second Opinion section) under "Goat's Milk", Cohen criticizes the NewYorkTimes for an article by Joseph D'Agnese for writing, "If your body can't tolerate cow milk, goat's milk often makes a suitable alternative." Cohen responds, "Such a statement might very well be considered medical advice, and could result in a deadly prescription for one or more NewYorkTimes readers." Cohen himself seems to have no problem dispensing medical advice: in the right-side alphabet section under "Eggs", Cohen tells an aspiring-to-be-vegan inquirer, "I am primarily concerned with your body and your is the order that I would advise seeing you give up food groups: First--eliminate all milk and dairy, Second--eliminate all poultry and eggs, Third--eliminate all seafood, Fourth--eliminate all pork, Fifth--eliminate all beef ". According to his own qualifications, Robert Cohen is a NOTdoctor and the "hundreds of surgeries" he has performed were dissections on NOTpatients, but sacrificial lab rats. [2]. Reading the post "Alex Hershaft, animal rights" and imagining that Cohen suddenly grew a conscience about the lab work he loved is as plausible as Gandhi rejecting milk yet drinking it on his last day. Cohen posts NOTnutritionist Mr. Rogers peddling soymilk to kids on TV-- Rogers died from stomach cancer (read the soy hazards from notmilk on the soy-stomach cancer connection in Japan which Cohen diverts to the role of alcoholism and smoking). Lest we forget, the U.S. irradiated the Japanese. Get 'em while they're young, huh fellas? That's the psychobiology way. Robert Cohen's website is a battleground of propaganda. He uses science that both helps and hurts his cause. What's that --"fair and balanced" reporting? He would like you to believe that his forte equips him to "communicate with scientists, understand complicated scientific data, and I can translate scientific experience into concepts easily understood by non-scientists."[2]. Hmm...can someone just explain to him the meaning of "not"? This wouldn't be so irritating if people like Cohen, who use the same old game of fractured reductionist science, weren't trying to get EVERYBODY's goat! Andy Mars, founder of Camp Exploration in California, knows the value of getting them young. He proudly tells of veganized campers going home and demanding their parents go vegan. Mars himself didn't go vegan until graduating from college, but he specializes in converting children in elementary school with "enrichment programming". Dr. Andy has a PhD in Education and among his activities, Mars organizes Los Angeles "World Vegan Day", the "Kids World" at L.A."World Fest", and is a founding member of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, having a few choice words about the Physicians Committee as a functioning arm of PETA. The actions of vegan promoters look like they're straight out of the Zionist Protocols playbook. Interestingly enough, an article from footnoted below, highlights a vegetarian/vegan school lunch program endorsed by the DoE-- our former Atomic Energy Commission and sponsor of the Human Genome Project. [3]. The DoE deserves a very special section on its role in our national and global health --which it will duly receive! This is not about scientific sounding trumps. It's about changing the biological basis of life and inducing "low-intensity conflict" into human communities. It's about buying time and diverting our attention away from protecting our lands, our food traditions, and our rights, what's left of them. It's about covering-up more than a century of crimes against humanity and nature. And it's not clever-- just persistent, loud, and intentionally confusing. Citing Robert Cohen the researcher again, he says,"It's usually a good idea, when treating one group of animals with a drug or device, to use a control group. Without a control group, one can never know what the effects of that drug would be on the 'untreated' group." [2]. Turning real foods into drugs and nonfoods into foods has been a very long and complicated experiment of controlled groups, namely on the very young and very old. In the face of monumentally contrary evidence, the notmilk minion dares to post, "I met with top scientists at the FDA in Rockville, Maryland, discussing among other things, breastfeeding. It was their collective opinion that breastfeeding offered psychological nurturing benefits, but nothing more...". The article continues in support of breastfeeding based on a four-month study, but why would "top" scientists anywhere come out against the physical value of breastmilk? Might this be construed as medical advice, Robert? ..Robert? The attack on human milk strikes at both young and old in a fell swoop, this being a good place to mention that 2 years of breastfeeding is recommended for a healthy life, and the "6 months" now promoted by the WHO throws another kink into the flow of human development. At the tender age of 6 months babies are forming their ability to trust and rely on the maternal bond for their life-long social outlook. For the millions who never tasted their mother's milk, the squawkbox goes mute. You folks are on your own. You're part of the experiment. But there is lots of help with dozens of well-documented websites on the benefits of fresh raw milk for people facing lifelong gastrointestinal disease, or worse. The website introduces readers to the many-faceted benefits of real foods, humane agriculture, and the political trials of people seeking to reclaim their health through natural means.[4]. A bottom line in nutrition is "You are what you assimilate" which can be a severe challenge to adult bottle-babies. The standard veganized inducement to eat high daily levels of fiber and drink 8 glasses of water could be your ticket to doom --back to the ruse of "human design", actually looking nothing like a toilet. Malabsorption, demineralization, and degeneration await the chronic scrub-n-flushers-- did I mention water contamination? In the U.S., bottled and filtered water prepared for interstate commerce is allowed the highest level of added fluoride approved by federal standards, even in states that forbid fluoride. That said, an additional danger for the intestinally compromised is that fiber and water in quantity can mask a true dysfunction for a long time. "Intestinal agents" are the darlings of bioweapons, witnessed in the development of poliovirus within the scope of this research. Pasteurized milk was rolled in like a Trojan Horse past the gates of our internal defenses disguised as a gift, disarming the public body. Oddly enough Nathan Straus,"the Milk King" had another nickname, "the Horse". This is trouble. Big trouble. 80,000 untested commercial chemicals stream into the river of life as an invisible infantry of marauding microbes. The real "milk of human kindness" is an irreplaceable source of living flora and fauna, our microscopic allies. In our times, maintenance of life and health is redefined under the threat of constant seige from relentless pollution (and misinformation!) calling for a full-time construction crew to rebuild and repair our delicate but amazingly responsive body-temples. Marshal your resources and circle the wagons. War is upon you, arrayed and displayed most aptly in a quote from historian E.L. Doctorow in the preface of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer's biography, "The great golem we have made against our enemies is our culture..." [5]. Notes and References [1]the International Vegetarian Union archive from 1957, [2]meet Robert Cohen of NotMilk, in this brief sketch of his psychobiology profile, [3]Andy Mars testimonial and the newsletter of American Vegan, [4]the "real food" advocates share, Dr. Mercola supports eating raw eggs, and the Primal Diet offers therapeutic use of raw meat, milk, and eggs., plus a wealth of sane and traditional food information from [5]from the book, "American Prometheus: the Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer" by Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin, 2005, Alfred A. Knopf publisher, New York -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last edited by plam; 18-08-2011 at 03:40 PM. plam is offline Reply With Quote plam View Public Profile Find More Posts by plam Old 18-08-2011, 02:59 PM #3 plam Banned Join Date: Apr 2011 Posts: 4,272 Likes: 1 (1 Post) Default -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Vegan Conspiracy - Part III The Talmudic tradition of a "golem" is the magical creation of a pseudo-lifeform that is "souless" and bound to follow the direction of its master. Shelley's Frankenstein was a literary demonstration of one possible golem attaining an autonomy beyond predictable control, breaking free, and returning to ultimately destroy its creator. Not nice to fool mother Nature --lesson taken. Genetically modified Frankenfoods make it impossible to discern between The Foods and The Drugs, or drug-bearing foods, requiring special labels and the oxymoronic infallible regulation of industry to identify and separate. Set upon this path, the entire food chain, us included, is undergoing a sub-visual reconstruction of life's biochemical foundations --the end of the world as we know it. In a quasi-religious sense perhaps, this is desirable and supported in vegan ideation. The unified Eastern counterparts of the Western vegan organizations stem largely from India and Hindu culture. Within these traditions come the "breatharians" who aspire to ascend beyond all animalism and transform their meaty substance into that of Divine Light by eating nothing. Veganism is remedial to these folks presumably, and may be an example in the west of the "Garden of Eden" which implies a certain level of embodiment from dust. In the historical book "League of the Iroquois", it appears that a pervasive belief among early North Americans was that after death the liberated spirits of the People would inhabit a land far to the East where they would dine eternally on ready, sweet fruits. In the misty dawn of "spiritual Man" is where veganism draws its hypothetical history, not to lay claim on a terrestrial dwelling but to recapture a spiritual one. And a spiritual planet is what vegans most claim to want, exposing both weaknesses and strengths in the contradictory positioning of general veganism that uses Moral High Ground for a carnal pulpit. Even in the most extreme teaching of a breatharian believer, Paramahansa Yogananda, the great guru who established the Self-Realization Fellowship in California, enjoined his followers to "drink daily milk", equating it with the experience of personal miracles. [1]. Some people would just call veganism another New Age manifestation --precisely the point. The low-intensity conflict potential of this newness is one primarily imposed in scientific circles, but the divisions it engenders are felt among committed self-healers rising to the call of Hippocrates to let "food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food". Representing a People's Science of ad hoc experimenters, the healers fall on both sides of the "animal" divide --or all sides more accurately, vegetarians being the valuable demographic in debate about veganism. Vegans and vegetarians are an idealogical world apart. It's an insidious deception of propaganda to mix these two groups of foodists together. Meta-studies that pool statistics to find large trends rate "vegetarians that eat fish" in the highest categories of health and longevity, even though vegetarians don't eat fish or any flesh. But, that's the way it goes in the time-honored, experience-driven tradition of propaganda where words, phrases, and redactions have a subliminal value beyond their context. Straightforwardly, however, vegans ranked the lowest alongside heavy meat-eaters. [2]. Pressed for the scientific evidence, vegans admittedly come up short (from the more honest ones anyway) which is how this debate ends up becoming about cow farts and footprints. In the real world, chemical agriculture and bacteria-laden produce are causing more environmental and human havoc than livestock. Row-crops, the vast fields of waving grain, are inducing a never-before-seen erosion crisis summarized as "Peak Soil". [3]. To his credit, prize-winning journalism professor and author Michael Pollan profiles a small farm in his book "The Omnivore's Dilemna" that illustrates a practice of restoring a denatured landscape through the wise application of animal-grazing. He also gives an eye-opening review of the hidden "corn" used in processing, from foodstuffs to building materials. Getting the most out of the least is the epitome of the commercial and military objective. It goes without saying in the western model of industrial economics, that efficiency always wins the day --when governments stay out of it, of course. The Report From Iron Mountain, legitimate or not, is a telling expose on the government model with the incentive to create waste and more waste. Feeding the whole world with a cheap, versatile plant food is the most logical of economic drivers to satisfy both of these large invested parties. Enter the lowly yeast, mycological wonder extraordinaire. The cropping of yeasts has already proven its monetary value as medicine and food (antibiotics, additives of MSG, brewer's yeast, etc.) The Int'l Vegetarian Union conventioneers back in 1957 were regaled with a vision of yeast protein feeding the starving masses. Grown in vats by the likes of Pfizer, Monsanto, and Fleischmann, yeast may be the up-and-comer of all future food. A forecast of the uses of yeasts was demonstrated in the 1930s when food scientists began "fortifying" basic products like milk and bread. "The addition of vitamin D to milk was originally accomplished by irradiating milk or by feeding the cows irradiated yeast."[4]. Currently available books such as "Use of Yeast Biomass in Food Production" suggest this is true, but alarming in the troubles already presented by mutant yeasts that are implicated in prion diseases and cancers as well as more familiar conditions. [5]. Is this the new golem? Food issues of all stripes have been a major military concern in America. The "recommended daily allowance" (RDA) and the later Food Pyramid were outgrowths of the 1941 National Nutrition Conference for Defense under the auspices of the Office of Defense, Health and Welfare. Representatives at the conference, charged with preparing the public for war, were distressed to learn that the department of Selective Service was forced to reject one-third of the young draft-age selectees on grounds of malnutrition and decided that the U.S. government be pressed into action. The imperative of wartime food-rationing, with new-science substitutes and madeover staples, required a sponsored "buyers' guide" to prevent a national nutrition disaster from becoming an even bigger catastrophe. The actual USDA Food Pyramid did not become a curricular enterprise until 1992 when it was adopted as official U.S. authorized policy. If the government was so interested in national health, would it have waited until 1992 to make a statement? Is this curious timing coincidental with the Iraqi Gulf War (new-era perpetual war?) and the incoming Clinton administration? [6]. The Food Pyramid of 92, updated in relative sameness in 2005, was an anachronism prior to its debut and is the subject of endless medical "debate". Low-intensity conflict? The book mentioned in the previous paragraph on yeast biomass was published in 1991 as instructive for industry.[7]. Coincidence? Checking around for a "book-launch" to match government policy always seems to turn up something pertinent. Additionally, the user-friendly updated version (2005) Food Pyramid interpreted by includes "dairy not essential" and "fats, sweets, and alcoholic beverages as unnecessary". Fats unnecessary?! Yikes!! Supplement dependency is a hallmark of the vegan lifestyle. Author Brenda Davis says "Don't forget the vitamin B12!...There are no reliable plant sources of vitamin B12. Use a supplement or fortified foods...a lack of vitamin B12 can result in muscle wasting, weakness and irreversible nerve and brain damage." [8]. Sounds like polio. An important read on B12 and its relationship to intestinal and bone marrow deficiencies (radiation illness!) is highlighted at DoE interest in the vegan experiment is emerging into a clearer light. High profile Cold Warriors were big investors in vitamin manufacture. Paul H. Nitze, Sec.of the Navy and Deputy Sec. of Defense, cofounded the U.S. Vitamin and Pharmaceutical Company that made him rich. Nitze was a team leader surveying A-bomb damage at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There is little wonder in finding tell-all library books like "Natural Causes: Death, Lies, and Politics in America's Vitamin and Herbal Supplement Industry". Statistics from author Dan Hurley reveal a 22 billion-dollar-a-year market in U.S. supplements (2006), mostly manufactured or administrated from Utah and California. This industry is at the apex of loophole exploitation and lobbying finesse, hand-holding its big brother Pharma. A salesjob webpage for B12 suggests the best way to get yours is by injection or transdermal patch. [9]. Pharmers love the patch! It's a great way to get drugs into the very young and very old. Transdermal biotechnology is so promising that someday soon we could all just wear the drugs in our shoes and clothing. Maybe we already do. Plastic food packaging today comes with the pesticides included as an ingredient of the plastic--can't say if this violates "organic" rules or not, but medical grade drug-releasing plastics have been around since at least the 1960s. [10]. PET packaging, polyethylene terephthalate, is another contentious pollutant of processed foods that releases its chemical constituents on contact just because it does. It's in the nature of lipid-like plastics to be classifiable drugs. If your body is lean on lipids for nerve repair it will make the best use of what's available. This new emphasis on becoming casually vegan, beyond the vigilant naturalist types, could be setting these people up. Yup. You're part of the experiment. Physiologically speaking, it could take 5 to 10 years for vegan deficiencies to become problematic. Smart supplementation can stave off those effects for an undetermined extension, but nobody can say empirically how this is going to work out. The lab animals didn't fare well. Oh yeah...getting rid of lab animals, I mean liberating them...well, any volunteers? Notes and References [1] ParamahansaYogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, sayings about food and more [2] meta-studies, listings at and "The Vegan Health Study" [3] Peak Soil [4] quote from the document ... /45-55.pdf, and a romp on making bread yeast from [5] yeast and prion disease [6] the most change-making event of 1991-1992 is given as the Information Revolution ... hanged.htm [7] Yeast Biomass in Food Production, buy it from Amazon! ... 0849358663 [8] Brenda Davis, author of Becoming Vegetarian in 1992 and Becoming Vegan in 2000, quote found at ... ddlers.htm [9] B12, buy the patch [10] drugs in plastics, early silicone implants by Judah Folkman ... lkman.html and developed by virtually all pharmaceutical companies as transdermal deliveries and "micro-gels"