MEAT-EATING AND YOUR HEALTH by Lawrence Wilson, MD © March 2015, The Center For Development This article discusses many topics related to eating meat. It is an important article to dispel many myths about the problems of meat-eating. Meat is an excellent food when fresh and clean, properly prepared and eaten correctly. Dr. Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, one of my mentors, said: “There is bad meat, but meat is not bad”. THE NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF FLESH FOODS Meats are an excellent source of many nutrients. Claims that meats are not quality foods, or that they are not nutrient-dense foods are ridiculous. In fact, I explain to our die-hard vegetarian clients that they may wish to regard a little meat as a 'food supplement'. Here are just a few examples of these nutrients not found elsewhere besides meats. Iron. The iron in meat products is better absorbed than vegetarian sources of iron. The type of iron in meats is called heme iron, and it is by far the best absorbed iron. Niacin and other B-complex vitamins. All meats, along with eggs, is high in niacin, as well as many other B-complex vitamins. While there are some vegetarian sources such as beans and yeast, they are not necessarily as good. Over 100 years ago, researchers found that some meat and eggs were needed to overcome pellagra and other B-vitamin deficiency diseases. Fat. Dr. Bernard Jensen, a well-known natural health authority, referred to the fats found in meats as the 'brain fats'. Our nervous system is highly dependent upon certain fatty substances for its proper functioning. Dr. Jensen's statement regarding meat-eating is, "It is hard to drive the Los Angeles freeways and be a vegetarian". By this he meant that the nutrients that are depleted living in an urban environment are hard to replace adequately without eating at least some chicken and fish. He recommends flesh foods at least several times per week for everyone people. It is true that today animals are fed on grains. Thus their meat contains less of the essential omega-3 oils. However, it is possible to buy grass-fed beef - over the internet if nowhere else - that is a rich source of omega-3 fats. Below is a longer discussion on the type of meats to buy. Zinc. Zinc is a another critical nutrient that is low in many, if not all vegetarian diets. Vegetarian foods are almost all very low in zinc, and when zinc is present, most vegetarian foods are high in copper, which competes with zinc for absorption. Grains and soy also contain phytates that bind with zinc and prevent its absorption. Zinc is a critical and essential nutrient for everyone today, as it is needed for hundreds if not thousands of enzymes in the human body. All of our food is lower in zinc today due to agricultural methods, hybrid crops, zinc-deficient soils, stress and for other reasons. For this reason, a zinc supplement is given as part of all nutritional balancing programs – in addition to recommending that everyone eat some red meat, the best source of zinc. Zinc is needed for the nervous system, acid-base balance, wound healing, vision, the prostate gland, male and female fertility, hair, skin and nails, growth and development in children, emotional stability, higher intelligence, mental development in adults, and to prevent birth defects and many other body functions. Zinc is lost whenever we come under stress as part of the fight-or-flight response. There is plenty of stress today, and this is another reason this nutrient is one of the most important reasons for eating meats. The zinc found in pumpkin seeds and other seeds and grains is not nearly as well utilized, in my experience. Carnitine. This is an essential nutrient found in greatest abundance in meats, especially in lamb. Vegetarians do not get enough of it, and it affects their health profoundly. Taurine. This is another essential nutrient for the brain, nervous system, the heart and other organs. It, too, is mainly found in red meat. Pre-formed vitamin A. Meat contains some vitamin A, as well. Those with low thyroid activity have difficulty converting B-carotene to vitamin A. They need the pre-formed vitamin A found in animal products. Alpha-lipoic acid, a powerful anti-oxidant nutrient, is another nutrient found mainly in animal flesh foods. Fiber. Meat is low in fiber. This is important, as one must eat plenty of cooked vegetables to obtain one’s fiber. Too much meat can be constipating and can cause the buildup of toxins in the intestines. This will not happen if it is digested properly, however. COOKED VERSUS RAW MEAT A few health authorities recommend eating raw meat. I do not agree with this. Cooking destroys harmful bacteria, parasites and other things in meats. However, do not overcook meats. In general, the meat must be cooked thoroughly on the outside. Inside, if fresh, it can be red or bloody. Cooking meats for hours in a crock pot or in the oven is not as good, as it becomes harder to digest in most cases. I think it is best to cook all food, including meats, at low temperature, if possible, and do not overcook any meats. Barbequing once in a while is fine, but if you do this all the time, the high temperature and other chemicals that form due to this high-temperature cooking method are slightly toxic. Much better are steaming, stir-frying, or baking meats, but do not overcook them. Meat can also be marinated and tenderized mechanically. These methods of preparation appear to be okay, as far as I know. ALWAYS TAKE A DIGESTIVE ENZYME WHEN YOU EAT MEAT, CHEW THOROUGHLY AND EAT IT IN SIMPLE FOOD COMBINATIONS Many people have an easier time digesting meat than they do digesting nuts, seeds, beans, cheese and other proteins. If you have trouble digesting meat, do not give up on it. Instead, do the following: 1. Always take a digestive aid when you eat it, even if you are in good health. The best digestive aid in my view is pancreatin and ox bile. I recommend a product called GB-3, for example. Another product is called Bilex, and there may be others. 2. Always chew meat thoroughly. 3. Always eat it in simple food combinations. The best is to eat it alone. This is called a mono meal. If this is too difficult, then add some cooked vegetables with it, but nothing else. Do not eat it with grains, for example. Also, mixing meat with other proteins, cheese, milk or fruit are not good food combinations and will often cause gas, bloating and stomach discomfort. 4. Do not drink much liquid with meals. Drink just enough to take your nutritional supplements and keep your mouth wet, if needed. The less, the better. 5. Begin with just a small amount of meat – maybe just a few bites. Work up slowly as you are able to do so. 6. Ideally, rest for 10 minutes or more after eating meat. This promotes much better digestion. LAMB, A VERY SPECIAL MEAT Lamb is not eaten too much because of its taste, and its higher cost. However, it is a wonderful type of meat. Any lamb is good. Buying it at the supermarket or Costco is fine, and it need not be organic. Most of it is grass-fed, as lambs require some pasturing in all cases. Lamb is mentioned a lot in the Bible, and Jesus was called “the lamb of God”. Jewish people celebrate Passover with the “pascal lamb”, and so on. There is a reason for this emphasis on lamb. I suggest that everyone eat lamb at least once a week. If you do not like its taste, then spice it with curry, for example, garlic, onions and other healthful spices. I do not recommend mint sauce that many people put on lamb, as it is too high in sugar. Lamb may contain forms of selenium and other minerals that seem to promote health, longevity and spiritual and mental development. This may be why it is mentioned often in the Bible. Lamb is also the best source of carnitine. ARE CHICKEN AND TURKEY GOOD FOODS TODAY? The answer is a definite yes, especially fresh chicken and turkey. You may have to try several brands of chicken, as some are not as healthful as others. I found I did not feel good on one brand of organic, free-range fed chicken at the health food store. So beware of this fact. I would avoid “glued chicken”, chicken nuggets, which are similar, and things like “turkey roll”. This is the usual turkey sold in restaurants. Be sure you are getting real chicken or turkey meat, for example, not the glued together rolled up variety that may contain many chemicals. IS THE TYPE OR QUALITY OF MEAT IMPORTANT? Yes, it is important, although not critical if all you can afford is the commercial quality meats. Ideally, fresh, free-range (where the animals are free to roam around and eat what they like), and pasture-fed meats are best. I suggest avoiding processed meats such as bologna and salami because most contains a lot of nitrites and other toxic chemicals. Most hot dogs also contain many preservatives. They are okay once in a while, but not more often. Also, I would avoid hamburgers and other meats at the fast food restaurants. They are often of inferior quality. Meats at good restaurants, in contrast, are often very fresh and of good quality. Fortunately, in America one can buy fairly good meat at the supermarket that is fresh. It is not as good as grass-fed meats (see below) but I think fresh meats at the supermarket are still very edible, especially lamb and chicken. IS BEEF A GOOD FOOD? Beef cattle are very hybridized today, so I do not recommend beef as much as I recommend lamb, chicken and turkey. Some beef is okay, however, especially if grass-fed and hormone-free. Even this beef, however, is not to be eaten too often, as it is still usually hybridized and somewhat irritating. WILD GAME Meats such as elk, antelope, deer, and perhaps others are also fine to eat, especially if fresh. They are often healthful and contain much more omega-3 fatty acids, for example, than grain-fed chicken or beef. I do not recommend bison. It just does not seem to be as digestible as some of the other meats. I have read that some wild game can harbor trichina cysts, such as walrus. Since this is not a commonly-eaten food, it is probably not a problem. WHAT ABOUT BEEF JERKY AND OTHER MEAT JERKY? Beef and other types of meat jerky are excellent snack foods, provided they are not loaded up with sugar and many preservatives. Even if they have a few preservatives, they are still quite good snacks – much better than nuts, seeds, fruit, dried fruit, granola, trail mix or other raw grains, for example. WHAT ABOUT PORK, HAM AND BACON? Pig products are often infected with trichina or other parasite ova or cysts, even if well-cooked, in my experience. It is hard to eliminate all the cysts. For this reason alone, I would avoid ALL pig products, including ham, bacon, pork, pigs feet, lard, pork rinds, and all sausage made with pig intestines. Pig products also seem to have detrimental effects upon human anatomy and physiology. The Biblical and Islamic prohibition against pig products therefore appears to be a very good idea. DIABETES AND THE PALEOLITHIC DIET Recent reports indicate that diabetics respond better to the "cave-man diet”, now sometimes called the paleo or Paleolithic diet than to the high-carbohydrate diets often recommended for diabetics. The paleo diet consists of cooked meats, poultry, fish, eggs, raw and cooked vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts. I do not recommend the paleo diet. The fruit and raw food are too yin, and the nuts and seeds are difficult to digest and slightly toxic. For more on this topic, please read The Paleo Diet on this website. Also, I find that most people need some cooked whole grains, unless one cannot tolerate them for the time being. On a nutritional balancing program, the intestines will heal to the point that everyone can tolerate some whole grain rice and blue corn, for example. These are actually excellent, more modern foods needed today for everyone. MEAT-EATING HELPFUL FOR THOSE WITH CHRONIC CANDIDA ALBICANS INFECTION AND OTHER FUNGUS AND YEAST PROBLEMS The cave-man diet also happens to be the type of diet recommended for the common condition of chronic candida albicans overgrowth. Meat does not feed the yeast, the way that fruit, fruit juices, sweets and too much grain or starchy vegetables or beans do. CANCER AND MEAT-EATING If one has cancer, I suggest avoiding all red meat and all eggs until the cancer is in remission or gone. This is because both these foods are high in iron, a problem for cancer patients. Also, one must use a digestive aid when eating meat in all cases. Otherwise, cancer patients cannot digest much of it at all. Also, food combinations must be very simple with either one or two foods at the most per meal. This is also to promote easier digestion of flesh foods, in particular. There is nothing wrong with a small meat of just chicken or just a can of sardines, for example. Add spices if you do not like the taste of it alone. Some doctors recommend a complete vegetarian diet for cancer patients. So far, I find it is not necessary or helpful if the cancer recovery program is correct. Avoiding all meat makes one very yin after a while. For more on these topics, read Cancer And Alternatives and Yin Disease. EVIDENCE FROM PRIMITIVE OR INDIGENOUS HUMAN TRIBES Weston Price, D.D.S., author of the classic text, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, traveled the world studying the healthiest groups of people he could find. More than any other single text, this classic textbook of nutrition documents the devastating effects of refined and processed foods on the health of human beings. In his travels, Dr. Price expected to find vegetarians among the healthiest populations, but he found none. He encountered vegetarian populations, but they were not the healthiest populations. For much more on this topic, read Weston Price, DDS on this site. OBLIGATORY VEGETARIANS Some people become vegetarians because they are unable to digest meats. A meat meal, particularly red meat, feels heavy and can sit in the stomach for hours. Such individuals are called 'obligatory vegetarians'. The cause is a slowing of metabolism accompanied often by low digestive enzymes in the stomach, causing an inability to handle animal protein and fat. Today many people are obligatory vegetarians due to decreased adrenal and thyroid gland activity for a variety of nutritional and other reasons. When the causes are addressed, the condition can be reversed and one actually develops a craving for meat. WHY DO PEOPLE SOMETIMES FEEL MUCH BETTER ON A VEGETARIAN DIET, AT LEAST INITIALLY? It is true that many people feel better initially on a vegetarian diet. However, in my experience this is because they have eliminated many junk foods and perhaps foods they were allergic to. Also, they are often eating simpler food combinations. Also, to digest meat most people need a digestive enzyme, so a vegetarian diet can feel better in the stomach and reduce gas and bloating. However, vegetarian diets are not best, in my experience. In fact, they are dangerous because they are deficient and too yin, in my experience. I do not agree that one can simply substitute vegetable foods and obtain all the nutrients found in meat. It is simply not true in my experience. Perhaps for this reason, many of our vegetarian clients report feeling 100% better when they add back at least chicken and fish to their diets. As a former vegetarian who 'followed the rules', I have experienced this myself. There must be reasons for this phenomenon. MEAT-EATING AND VIOLENCE Ghandi and Albert Einstein were vegetarians, but so was Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden. While a few spiritual leaders were vegetarians, let us not forget that most were not. India, a largely vegetarian country, is one of the most backward countries, and certainly has had its share of wars. America is eating less meat, but as a country we seem to be becoming more violent. A neighbor is from India. He commented to me that his own people in India have so little drive and energy that he is much happier living in the United States. People on vegetarian diets often become tired and listless. This might reduce violence because one no longer has the energy to fight. This is not non-violence. This is burnout! Many vegetarians that I come in contact with are copper-toxic. This is due to the high copper content of beans, seeds, nuts, and grains. At the same time, these people are not eating the zinc-rich meats which could balance their copper intake. Copper toxicity causes fatigue and 'spaciness', which often masquerades as peacefulness and happiness. Many vegetarians fool themselves into thinking they are less violent, when in fact they are really just tired. IS MEAT-EATING THE CAUSE OF WORLD HUNGER? Francis Moore Lappe, author of Diet For a Small Planet, mentions that there are many causes of hunger. These include: 1)governments that systematically starve their own people to maintain control, 2) collective farms that are unproductive, 3) poor food distribution, and 4) mismanagement and destruction of agricultural land. In many places, grazing by animals is the most productive use of the land. MEAT-EATING AND CHOLESTEROL Eskimos eat more fat than any other group and have cholesterol levels of about 170 mg. The Massai tribe drink up to seven quarts of milk daily, yet they too have low cholesterol. There is much more to the cholesterol story than how you butter your toast. Cholesterol, the precursor for the steroid hormones, often rises when the body is under stress. While overeating on any food is not beneficial, avoiding all cholesterol-containing foods is not necessary or wise for most people. IS MEAT SAFE TO EAT? I am amused by people who shun meat because it contains hormones, but are not bothered by the tons of herbicides and pesticides used on vegetables and fruits. As the demand for pure food increases, more hormone-free and antibiotic-free meat is becoming available. I only recommend organically-produced meats. We can continue to support clean food by buying it in preference to sprayed and tainted food. This is the strongest message we can send to the farmers and the supermarkets. Dr. Bernard Jensen, a respected health authority, commented on this subject that "there is bad meat, but meat isn't bad". Some people avoid meat because it contains bacteria and 'toxins'. However, all foods contain toxins. Flesh foods are an integral part of the diet of virtually all human groups. This would suggest that the benefits to eating healthfully-produced flesh foods far outweigh any harmful effects. WHY NOT EAT MEAT SUBSTITUTES? 1. They don’t contain the same nutrients contained in meats. 2. Some are highly processed, chemical-laden concoctions that are hardly fit to eat. For example, soy, a major meat substitute, contains phytates that bind minerals, enzyme inhibitors, and has been linked to a greater incidence of dementia in the elderly. I do not recommend any soy foods at all, even tempeh and tofu, except perhaps once a month or so. They are just not as high quality foods as meats, eggs, poultry and raw cheeses. Textured vegetable protein (TVP) and soy isolate are refined byproducts of the soy oil refining. They are junk foods, in my opinion. They are found in many processed foods such as Hamburger Helper, and they are found in some vegetarian meat substitutes and in many “fast food” hamburgers and other fast foods because they are cheap. Stay away from them. WHAT ABOUT NATURAL HYGIENE AND MUCUSLESS DIETS? While there are some valid ideas in the vegetarian literature, there are also numerous false concepts. For example, the once-popular book, Fit For Life, expounds the Natural Hygiene point of view that since our intestines are like those of apes we ought to eat like apes. But how many apes drive the freeways or go to college while holding down a full-time job? These analogies are not logical when examined carefully. The same book encourages fruit-eating by stating that because the earth is about two-thirds water, so our food should be composed of two-thirds water. Figure that one out! Fruit is too yin today due to its mineral composition and its higher sugar content. I would avoid all fruit, especially tropical and sub-tropical fruits, raw fruits, and all fruit juices. Even the healthful berries are not needed because there are plenty of anti-oxidants and the other phytonutrients in other excellent foods such as blue corn. For more, please read Fruit-Eating on this site. I was the health director at a Natural Hygiene Spa for 3 and 1/2 years. While I was there, the owner nearly died of pernicious anemia. When he recovered, thanks to a blood transfusion, he asked me not to tell anyone what had happened. He died only a few years later, perhaps from permanent damage that had been done to his body by his rigid vegetarian diet. I am sharing this story so that others may be warned about following any rigid diets. VEGETARIANISM AND LIMITATION Many people limit themselves to rigid regimens including vegetarian diets. Often this is an expression of guilt, or an effort to control an aspect of life because life seems out of control. In these instances, guilt, limitation and fear are the real issues. This is not a sound way to decide what to eat! Also, vegetarianism is a physically-based concept of life that I have found extremely limited. Life is not just about what we eat. By changing our physical diet we cannot atone for our sins, save the earth or achieve enlightenment. It is time to let go of these ideas. I believe, along with all native or indigenous cultures, that certain animal species have agreed to serve as food, and it is their service to humanity. Let us thank them and enjoy their gift to us. TOO MUCH MEAT, RAPE AND SEXUAL FLUID CRAVING It is possible to eat too much meat, and this is common in some cultures in Europe, particularly. In most cases, red meat should be eaten in most cases no more than two or three times a week. An exception is in women or men who experience rape. They need more for a while, particularly beef. It will help them recover. To understand this better, read Rape and Healing Rape on this site. Eating more red meat is absolutely needed to get rid of sexual fluid craving, a common problem among women today. For more on this, read Sexual Fluid Craving on this website. EAT GRASS-FED MEATS, IF POSSIBLE This small section is courtesy of I don’t agree with Dr. Mercola on many things, but I do agree on the value of grass-fed meats. Unfortunately, most animals in the USA and some in other nations are not fed their natural food, which is grass, insects and other forage. Instead, they are fed on corn and perhaps other things that are inexpensive and abundant. This produces a less healthy meat that is much lower in zinc and in omega-3 fatty acids, for example. A joint effort between the USDA and Clemson University researchers in 2009 determined a total of 10 key areas where grass-fed beef is better than grain-fed for human health. In a side-by-side comparison, they determined that grass-fed beef was: Lower in total fat Higher in total omega-3s Higher in beta-carotene A healthier ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids (1.65 vs 4.84) Higher in vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) Higher in CLA (cis-9 trans-11), a potential cancer fighter Higher in the B-vitamins thiamin and riboflavin Higher in vaccenic acid (which can be transformed into CLA) Higher in the minerals calcium, magnesium, and potassium Lower in the saturated fats linked with heart disease BLOOD TYPES Dr. Peter D'Adamo's research on blood types indicates that some blood types fare better on a diet that includes animal products. This should come as no surprise. The design of our bodies is ancient, and some developed in climates where flesh foods were the only available source of nutrition. Is it a surprise these bodies function best with animal proteins? I have not found Dr. D’Adamo’s blood type diets too useful, but he does emphasize that some people definitely need meat, and I appreciate this very much. CONCLUSION While a few people appear to do well on a healthful vegetarian diet, most eventually become lethargic, depressed, and susceptible to yeast infections and other problems. They do not live longer and are not healthier. In fact, they may seem very healthy, but in my experience, they die sooner than meat-eating people, at least in America. In certain illnesses such as cancer, eliminating red meat and eggs is helpful to reduce one’s iron intake for about a year or so. However, as the body is rebuilt using nutritional balancing science, but not necessarily other methods, everyone can benefit by then re-introducing organically-produced flesh foods into the diet. A most important principle is to love yourself so fully and completely that you are willing to give your body whatever it needs. This is an important principle of health. If animal products would be helpful, then let us thank and bless the animals for their gifts and gratefully accept what we need for our health. For more on vegetarian diets, please read Vegetarianism on this site. SARDINES - ONE OF THE BEST FOODS TODAY by Lawrence Wilson, MD © March 2015, The Center For Development The humble sardine is emerging as one of the best foods for everyone. Sardines are very small fish that live in the oceans of the world, particularly the Atlantic Ocean. They are healthful for the following reasons: 1. Very high in omega-3 fatty acids. Everyone needs more omega-3 fatty acids in their diets due to the use of processed vegetable oils in foods, and feeding livestock on corn, rather than pasture land. Sardines are a wonderful source of high-quality omega-3 fatty acids. To read more about this topic, please read Omega-3 Fatty Acids on this site. 2. High in vitamin D3. I find that everyone needs more vitamin D, as a general rule. The sun is not providing enough, even in those who like to sunbathe, and even in those who live in sunny, Southern climates. Sardines are a rich source of this very essential vitamin. To read more, please read Vitamin D on this site. 3. Low in mercury. The small size of the sardine means that it has less opportunity to pick up and accumulate mercury. The skinless and boneless sardines are even lower in mercury, with up to 50% less mercury than regular sardines because apparently the mercury concentrates in the sardine’s spinal cord that is removed in the boneless ones. Many people say they also taste better. All of the larger fish, even salmon, can concentrate mercury up to a million times more than the lowly sardine. I do not agree with some health authorities who recommend some of the larger fish. They are nutritious, but they are very high in mercury and I find the mercury shows up quickly on hair mineral tests if one eat even one serving of salmon per week, for example. To read more, please read Mercury on this website. 4. High in protein. Sardines provide a complete and balanced protein that is easily utilized by human beings. 5. Very high in RNA and DNA. Sardines are rich in purines. These are nucleic acids that are proteins needed to rebuild body tissues. For fast oxidizers, in particular, they can balance the oxidation rate. However, they are fine for everyone. 6. A decent source of bioavailable minerals. Sardines contain many minerals, among them calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, some zinc, and others. There are few others, such as raw dairy products, some cooked vegetables and some nut and seed butters. 7. Very high in coenzyme Q-10. Co Q-10 is a very essential nutrient that most people do not get enough of. It is required for energy production in the cells, and is especially important for the health of the heart and the brain. Sardines are among the richest food source of coenzyme Q-10. 8. Healthful organ meat and nerve tissue. When sardines are processed, the heads are removed, but the organs remain, and are healthful, in moderation. If one eats larger fish and other animal foods, these are removed. Animals such as bears that eat salmon, for example, know that a little organ meat is superb for one’s health. Unfortunately, most organ meats today, such as liver and kidney, are too contaminated with toxic metals to be eaten on a regular basis. However, the small size of the sardine makes its organs acceptable as a daily food. 9. Wild caught. Most all sardines are still caught with nets in the ocean. This means they eat what they like, swim where they wish, and are a lot healthier and cleaner than most fish sold today. Most fish today are farm-raised. A few fish farms are quite health-conscious. Many are not healthful places at all – fish lie almost motionless surrounded by their own urine and feces until they are harvested. 10. A developmental food. Development, as the word is used on this website, is a particular process that some human beings go through that enhances brainpower and the immune response. Sardines are one of the few foods on planet earth that contribute to this process. To read more about this amazing topic, please read Mental Or Spiritual Development on this website. Other developmental foods are quality eggs and meats, organic blue and yellow corn, mustard, and kelp, a sea vegetable. Others include most well-cooked vegetables, except for the night shade family of vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, all peppers and eggplant). 11. Low in cost, and high in convenience. Sardines are relatively low in cost, much less than other fish. They are also convenient because they come cooked and easily eaten. We find no problems with the aluminum or steel cans in which they are packed. The canned sardines are actually better preserved and therefore fresher than most “fresh” fish that are transported sometimes thousands of miles before they are cooked. These are the main reasons for eating sardines. Most adults need 3 to 4 cans weekly of the 3.75 ounce cans. If your cans are smaller, you will need more of them to get enough omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D for your body’s needs. If you eat this many, do not take additional supplements of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Both sardines and the supplements are not needed. HOW TO EAT SARDINES AND ENJOY THEM VERY MUCH Sardines make an excellent, high-protein, low-calorie snack or small meal. For those who want to watch their weight, sardines are also superb. Sardines have a slightly fishy taste. So make sure they are as fresh as possible by looking at the expiration date on the can. Here are ways to make them that taste better if you don’t like their flavor. 1. I eat them plain from the can. I spice them up with sea salt, garlic powder, or a little cayenne powder or other spice. 2. Put some of your favorite mustard on them if you don’t like the taste. 3. Mash them with a fork, add mayonnaise and some chopped celery and/or onions to make sardine salad, very much like tuna salad. Most people cannot taste the difference between them. 4. You could add the mashed sardines to your favorite dip such as a bean dip. Mix the sardines into the dip and just eat. Put some cayenne pepper with it if you still don’t like the taste. 5. Make sardine tacos by mashing them or putting them whole inside a corn tortilla or preferably a blue corn tortilla or blue corn taco shell. Add a few cooked vegetables or perhaps some cilantro and salsa to taste. 6. Mix the mashed sardines with some cooked rice noodles, and perhaps add soy sauce to add flavor. ARE SARDINES BAD BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT FRESH, AND THEY COME IN AN ALUMINUM CAN? The answer is that most sardines in the can are quite fresh, though not totally so, of course. Fresh sardines are hard to find. Some Oriental markets sell dried sardines, and these are fine, too. The nutrients are still present in the canned ones. Be sure the sardines you buy have not passed their expiration date. Sardine cans are all coated on the inside so the sardines do not come into contact with the aluminum or steel can. WHY DO MANY PEOPLE DISLIKE THE TASTE OF SARDINES? Some sardines taste a little fishy. I find the skinless and boneless ones taste better, but it is an individual matter. It is wise to learn to ignore the taste because this is one food that is extremely healthful for everyone. WHAT BRANDS AND HOW MANY CANS OF SARDINES SHOULD A PERSON EAT? 1. The brand of sardines does not seem to matter much. However, the ones from the Atlantic Ocean may have a little less mercury than the ones from the Pacific Ocean. As stated above, the skinless and boneless sardines have a lot less mercury in them, and that is good. You don’t need the skin and bones, although they are nutritious. I suppose you can remove the spinal cord yourself if you like the skins. The smoked sardines, or ones packed in water, olive oil or mustard, are all good. Those packed in tomato sauce are okay, but tomato sauce is not ideal because it is a fruit and a member of the nightshade family of plants that are somewhat irritating for the body. 2. Have three to four cans each week of the 3.75 ounce size. This will provide enough omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D for most people, so you won’t need a supplement. I have seen no appreciable mercury or other toxicity at this level of sardine consumption. By contrast, most all other fish and all shellfish, even wild-caught salmon, contain too much mercury. I would avoid them all. 3. Children. Children under the age of about five or six usually do not need extra omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Over the age of six, most children need about 300 mg of omega-3 fatty acids as well as about 600 iu of vitamin D3. Instead of taking these in pill form, a can of sardines a week, for example, mixed up with some cream or other foods to make them tasty, is excellent for children. Children over the age of about 11 usually need two cans of sardines per week, OR about 600 mg of EPA and DHA (omega-3 fatty acids) and about 1500 units of a vitamin D3 supplement daily. ORGAN MEATS by Lawrence Wilson, MD © January 2014, The Center For Development Some health authorities suggest eating organ meats because they are rich in some nutrients. This may include some of the Weston Price advocates, and others such as the Paleo Diet advocates. Organ meats may include kidney, liver, stomach, pancreas and others. The problems with organ meats are: 1. Metal and chemical toxicity. The earth is far more toxic today than when Weston Price lived 100 years ago. Therefore, advice from an older time period can be very dangerous today. Organ meats tend to concentrate toxins, which include Toxic Metals and Toxic Chemicals. Today when you eat organ meats, you are taking in excessive toxins, no matter what anyone claims to the contrary. 2. Toxic forms of etheric energy. This website discusses a nutritional concept called the Etheric Energy content of foods. In general, one wants to eat foods high in this subtle form of energy. This includes some meat, eggs, and cooked vegetables, mainly. Organ meats are high in etheric energy, but it is in a toxic form that is best avoided. While eating organ meat can have a stimulating effect for this reason, and due to its high toxic metal content, especially cadmium, it is not good for overall health. 3. Not as much nerve tissue as muscle meats. Muscle meats contain many more nerves than most organ meats because muscles are very rich in nerve endings. Today, this is a great benefit and this is another reason I suggest muscle meat, not organ meats. 4. Parasite problems tend to be worse in organ meats. Parasites such as liver flukes and others are quite common. Some are killed by cooking, but others are harder to kill. For all these reasons, please do not eat organ meats.