Booklist Here are other books you might look for: A FLIGHT TO THE LAND BEYOND THE NORTH POLE The Missing Diary oif Admiral Richard E. Byrd Inner Light Publications, Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 089093 ($10) PHANTOM OF THE POLES by William Reed, 1906 Fieldcrest Publishing Co. 210 Fifth Avenue New York, New York Carol Publishing Group, 120 Enterprise Ave., Secaucus, NJ, 07094 THE SMOKY GOD by Willis George Emerson This wonderful book tells how a Norse father and son sailed into the inner earth and spent two years there. The book describes the people, their religion and their sun. Amherst Press P.O. Box 296 Amherst, WI 54406 WORLD BEYOND THE POLES by Giannini Amherst Press AGHARTA-THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD by Dr. Raymond Bernard Fieldcrest Publishing / Carol Publishing Group PARADISE FOUND by William F. Warren Fieldcrest Publishing / Carol Publishing Group AGHARTA-THE ILLUSTRATED BOOK by Robert Ernst Dickhoff, Ph.D. Fieldcrest Publishing / Carol Publishing Group