Darwinist Evolution Is False Real Human Origins Darwinism is the ideal that Human origins are from a slow process of evolution from a single cell life form to the modern human. However with 150 years to prove this theory and an entire scientific world studying and promoting this as fact. There is still nothing found to prove Darwin in fact its the other way around. All of the claims of pre Human groups we evolved from are unproven and they can't find any links to piece them together. And the DNA testing done on the found preserved body of a Neanderthal has proven we didn't evolve from them. We have always been a different species. What has been found in the Human is vastly different Human's don't have a evolutionary history on this world we just appeared around 200,000 years ago and probably much early the ancients mention around half a million years in their own histories. However we just appeared. And the reason is for our existence is they found the missing two chromosomes within humans, they had been fused together into one which is called Chromosome 2 and this is what has given us our complex human form and being. From what geneticist have stated this as well as genes like FOXP2 what gives us our expression for complex speech. And in our general formulation of our genetic structure is too well done and sophisticated to have been done by random chance of Darwinist evolution as even Darwin questioned his own theories when looking at the complex nature of certain biological systems such as the eye in his own book "Origin of Species": "To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberrations could have been formed by natural selection seems I freely confess absurd in the highest degree." As Wallace who worked with Darwin and helped to cofound the concepts of evolution stated on this himself: "In his book Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection, published in 1870, Wallace leaves no doubt with is readers about what he's saying: "Natural Selection would only have endowed savage man with a brain a little superior to that of an ape, whereas he actually possesses one very little inferior to that of a philosopher." Looking back to the human structure we didn't evolve by natural selection we where created. With the Chromosome 2 which created our humanity: "The study is telling us that during the fusion, or immediately afterward, the overlapping functions from what were originally two separate chromosomes were either adjusted, turned off, or removed altogether to make the new single chromosome more efficient." The findings on genetic research and longevity have also revealed that the human is not build to grow old and die naturally either this was not part of our design. We have a gene in our cells that is supposed to be switched on that produces Telomerase which keeps the length of the Telomeres their proper length which means you are not supposed to age past puberty. The switching off of this gene in all but the reproduction cells is what has caused people to grow old, get sick and die. We where designed by an intelligent physical Creator who designed us to have eternal youth and life from the start. The answer comes from the ancient records of human history. The Sumerian's tell us that Enki came to earth with the other physical Gods and created human's and put into us a special blood of the Gods so that we may too become like them. These Gods are immortal's and eternally young ascended beings. The ancient texts also mention that Enki then taught the new human race the ascension teachings so that we will ascend. The Jewish text the Bible then explains the rest. The earth was attacked and a new collective of race of beings called "Elohim" and sometimes YHVH then removed this eternal life from humanity with a curse placed upon them. Part of this is removing spiritual knowledge. And sentenced all human's to die. The Jewish leaders in their own more esoteric or hidden histories have stated Elohim is a collective of Extra Terrestrial Reptilian's. Keep in mind studies have found that energy or consciousness effects DNA so the question is the curse the enemy place on humanity to grow old and die this relates to the energy field they have created with the Torah as well. Also note it was found that practicing Yoga especially the SaTaNaMa mantra from the Kundalini yoga system did actually cause in the control groups using this reactivation of Telomerase and started to reverse the aging process. In Tibet, China and India its commonly documented that Yogi's are alive there who are hundreds of years old and still young. Old age, sickness and death is of the enemy. Eternal Life is the birth right of humans given within our being by Satan our Creator. We must take special note that of all the names of Enki. Satan which is fully SaTaNaMa is the one the enemy hates the most it contains His energy within it. And it grants life and well being. Once can note from the image the picture of Enki with the DNA serpent Helix entwined around Him with the symbol of Eternal Life the Ankh: Human by Design, Greg Braden This is an incredibly important sermon, I believe, that could not be more overstated for those of us here with scientific influence in our respective societies. I have had immense trouble convincing my colleagues or friends and family about the truth that evolution is not scientifically grounded, or something we can even consider to be the truthful account of humanities origins. The alternative to evolution isn't creationism in the sense that so many believe will be the case if we can't prove the churches wrong, but rather the alternative is Satanism - only at this stage does a creationist rationale make sense. If evolution were true, and humanity were getting smarter as time passes, then we would have in the last 100 years gained intelligence, technology, and sophistication unknown to all of humanities collective efforts in the past 2000 years, and, according to the false history we are all allowed to have, has surpassed all collective human ingenuity since we ever became man today as we know it (something modern science is still unclear about, because it looks for answers where there won't be any, i.e., in evolutionary links). To excel as we have these past 100 years is indicative of potential that should have been there since the beginning, from an evolutionary point of view. It is simply too fast for that kind of intellectual progress to be safely within the confines of an evolutionary process. On top of this, no one expects human beings to evolve into something greater still. We are all we are ever going to be, and only individually can we improve ourselves. We don't need genetic purity to try and breed better offspring that might be capable beyond what our pure selves could achieve through hard work of their own. Secondly, elemental molybdenum is a necessary trace mineral needed for enzymatic processes within the human body that allow us to function normally. It is not a mineral which is commonly found on Earth, and for all accounts, evolutionists struggle to explain how something which supposedly grew naturally on the Earth - humans - could require so urgently a metabolite which never before had the Earth supplied to it in abundance. We should have evolved only to use those minerals which the Earth has plenty of, but we didn't, because we didn't evolve. The Cambrian 'explosion' is something also worth investigating. Cancer is today understood by medicine to be 'what happens when cells become immortal and separate themselves from the command of the body'. Essentially, oncologists define cancer as a process where cells can no longer be suppressed by certain biological agents which prevent them from becoming unable to halt their own dividing and growth. This endless cell division DOES NOT end because of telomeres shortening or degradation gradually accumulating in the cancerous cells. Cancer cells can clone themselves without limit, and never lose their genetic information, the only resource it needs is blood, oxygen, and so forth which is supplied by the human body. But that ability for a cell to go rogue, become unstoppable and immortal, and grow until the human body it originated from can no longer live to support it, is the same ability ever cell has in our body to refurnish itself, repair itself, and never die, but in a beneficial way to us, which all of us can use to last forever. In fact, the process of cellular repair is largely unknown by most medical scientists even today. The immune system doesn't repair cells, and quite often there is an assumption that it does. It doesn't. The immune response only defends us from harm. The process of cellular repair is performed by the same mechanism required for god head, except we use it only very slightly to stay alive. If you're alive today, and reading this, then you have already been using this mechanism to repair your cells which if developed properly becomes ageless immortality. Here's a great explanation of it by one of the few scientists today who understands it. Worth a read! (After all, it explains cellular healing and immortality. Have a try!) http://www.cheniere.org/books/aids/priorenontech.htm This response is incredibly rushed. I don't have the time right now. Important points are there! Thank you, HP Mageson. What an excellent sermon. HAIL SATAN! SATANAMA Satan is truth; knowledge is power. Power is the greatest virtue. Re: Darwinist Evolution Is A Lie Real Human Origins HP HC, you are quite right. And I had only shortly after making my previous post become aware of the few things I'd said which are going to be held against me - and rightly so. There is a course of evolution - or a process which we can call evolution - which does make sense and does exist. I avoided mention of it in my previous post in an attempt to prevent confusion, but you're right: Darwinian evolution is not correct, but there is an evolutionary process that is. Darwin's theory touches upon certain elements to give his work plausibility, but is still lacking overall to explain us. It is this lacking unfortunately which guides modern scientific exploit into erroneous understanding. Secondly, genetic purity is required. I knew that was something I shouldn't have said the way I did without further clarification. What I meant in my statement was that it was not our only means of evolving as a species. Most often the idea of breeding continually greater offspring is the method to which a species can improve, and fair enough, however for humanity there is the case where genetic purity and lineage can allow living members to grow and progress into immortality and so forth without one day relying on a child that is endowed with it at birth instead for any progress at all to be made. The process of adapting to ones environment whilst being alive, and doing so in the short time frame of one's own living, is not evolution as defined by Darwin and his co-worker, but as the process of speciation which explains rapid but impermanent changes to the physiology of a creature to better suit it's immediate and impermanent environment, and not be something which changes the genetic information of that creature. For example, we can be born at very high altitudes and learn how to breath and survive at these heights where as tourists must gradually acclimatise in order for survival. However, no matter who has children at great heights, the "white" race of humanity will always in its men the greatest lung volume of all the human race and speciation won't change this, only race mixing (at this stage) will. (It's also a very important point that Aryan men, or white men, have the greatest lung volumes of all races, and the women a close second. We can breath the greatest volumes of air, I believe, for a very important reason which is heavily tied to spiritual progress. It would seem, also, that the only reason we can breathe such large lung volumes is for the reason that engineering favoured it, and that a purely Darwinian evolutionary explanation has not yet revealed itself.) So I apologise, I meant to say that racial purity is not the only means of evolution to a species such as ours, whose process of evoluion I had avoided mentioning on the presumption it would make for confusion. Humanity does evolve, and can do it with both genetic purity in their offspring as well as other mechanisms, but none of this is understood or accepted by modern scientific authorities. It is my hope that readers will understand that evolution as the status quo understands it, should be heavily revised and thoughts which guide self-understanding be kept open to new things, unless, of course, Hooded Cobra rightly points out those corrections as he did, to which I'm glad. Satan is truth; knowledge is power. Power is the greatest virtue. HAIL SATAN! HAIL ASTAROTH! HAIL BASTET! Unread postby HP Mageson666 » Sat Feb 02, 2019 8:22 am Evolution as a general phenomenon exists in nature however we didn't evolve we where created by and from a highly advanced race. Just strip someone naked in the wild and tell me we evolved over millions of years on this planet in this environment. Evolution as a general phenomenon exists in nature however we didn't evolve we where created by and from a highly advanced race. Just strip someone naked in the wild and tell me we evolved over millions of years on this planet in this environment. We could never have survived in cold or even tropical environments for so long with such a declared slow pace of evolution. Sure we are smart as we are now but if we naturally evolved at such a slow pace we'd be about as intelligent as monkies and would know nothing in regards to building shelters or wearing clothes and be able to keep at that for millions of years without fail. In regards to the history of the planet, humans are the fastest evolved creature on the planet. Compared to other species that took millions of years to reach any kind of significant change, it only took us a few thousands. That alone can't possibly be ignored by every rational person. We were given significant assistance and aid in our development from ETs, from Satan when he placed us here. And because of the enemy we've actually devolved and some of Satan's work has actually been undone. We need to evolve ourselves on his behalf to regain what was ripped away from us. Our meditations and our spiritual advancement is essentially one massive healing working for ourselves, mending what the enemy destroyed and rebuilding what was lost and going even further beyond. "Delight in what you create, and delight in what you destroy." - Satan Unread postby Gray0123456789 » Sat Feb 02, 2019 11:23 am I have a question guys. So, the question is about the stellar energy ... The stellar energies can serve for different purposes .... to bring out some personal characteristics such as ... greed from Hyades and Terebellum, dishonesty by Vindemiatrix, mastery in deception and fake by Bellatrix, occult and astronomical and astrological talent from Epsilon Tauri etc. The question is POLARIS ... At the beginning of the section on the stellar energies in JOS it is written that some stars like Polaris and Caput Algol are extremely destructive and some people have gone crazy after invoking their energies. Then for each star is explained in detail. Caput Algol is one of the most violent stars of the zodiac and is only destructive energy. Instead Polaris is extremely destructive and provides spiritual powers and respects thanks to them, ability to find their own way and so on. Obviously, Polaris is like the North and like Darkness and is Absolutely a source of power. I also like Regulus. What do you think guys? About, I ask you to help me ... I have to do to effectively absorb energy from the stars ... I speak of beginner level unfortunately ... I know very well that being advanced, just concentrating on energy, I can manage and direct ... to evoke and invoke. Can you tell me some technique for beginners to absorb energy from the stars effectively? What do you think guys ... which star do you recommend? Obviously I'm interested in anything that is a source of power. Hail Satan HAIL SATAN IN INFINITY Re: Darwinist Evolution Is A Lie Real Human Origins You know what else is annoying? People are using darwinist evolution to explain everything about human nature. Google any question which goes like "why people...", and you are guaranteed to find answer that uses evolution to explain human behavior. "Oh, that? You know, it goes back to the time when we were apes, hunters-gatherers...et cetera..." That's not a damn explanation, you are just making shit up and are clueless as much as I am, but you pretend to know. He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe. -Marcus Aurelius