Abraham was a Pimp: The Wacky World of Christian Identity 22Save Digg LinkedInRedditEmail Aug 23, 2014 Odinia 11 comments Facebook Twitter Reddit Share ZOG-Google censored article, originally posted on Sep 01, 2012 by Odinia, then banned. Republished here on the 23rd of August, 2014. Updated on the 6th of May, 2016. Abraham with the minor Jewish volcano god, Yahweh, which Jews have elevated to a monotheistic god for the purpose of their Christianity scam. Abraham with the minor Jewish volcano god, Yahweh, which Jews have elevated to a monotheistic god for the purpose of their Christianity scam. Emily Dickinson’s poem, “Abraham to kill him” Abraham to kill him Was distinctly told— Isaac was an Urchin— Abraham was old— Not a hesitation— Abraham complied— Flattered by Obeisance Tyranny demurred— Isaac—to his children Lived to tell the tale— Moral—with a mastiff Manners may prevail. Abraham was supposed to kill what is dearest to him to show obeisance to, what, to us, is a foreign Jewish god. Will we choose to obey the alien “god”, the tyrannical mastiff Emily Dickinson refers to above, or to love our folk instead, as our own real European Gods and Ancestors intend? That is what this article is about… A very Jewish-looking depiction of Jesus A very Jewish-looking depiction of Jesus Was Jesus Jewish or part Jewish…did he even exist? I could give you an educated opinion, or my best guess, but I honestly do not know the answer for certain. One thing I shall be is honest. If there was a Jesus it seems probable that he was at least half Jewish and very likely entirely Semitic. Personally, from the historical records I have seen, I suspect he did exist, or, at least, that he existed in part. Since I first wrote this, Osred Jameson has pointed out that there are at least 8 different historical figures the Jewish tale of Jesus could have been cobbled together from. [1] .. Much of the legend regarding Jesus was borrowed from earlier sources, just as the creation story in the Jewish bible was taken from a far earlier legend, that of ancient Sumer, and twisted to fit Jewish aims, even then. In fact, Christianity is more or less analogous to the Holohoax, as the single biggest enforced scam ever perpetrated by Jews and their collaborators against Europeans. Christianity has acted as a philosophical plague. It was created and used by Jews as a vehicle for spreading and enforcing cultural Marxism, just as later Communism was created and used by them, both for the purpose of destroying European nobility, and for gaining land, money, and power. Christianity is a fake religion that has no content of its own, apart from Jewish supremacism and cultural Marxism. It is a parasite religion, made by a parasitical people who outrageously twist and use our pre-existing traditions, defiling them, our ancestors, our Gods, and us, in the process. Some parts of this video (for instance minute 23-26) illustrate the fraudulent nature of Jew worship, and although certainly this is only a very small part of it, it gives some idea of the scope of the fraud. For example, Mithras was reborn after 3 days in a tomb well before the myth of Jesus. Was this genuine religious tradition of Mithras taken over, plagiarized, and semitized, just like everything else, by a Jewish cult? Were the “holy trinity” and the “three wise men” not first our Three Gods? Without doubt. Such also is the case with the “xmas tree”, which was taken from our holy Yule Tree, and Easter, taken from the Festival of our Goddess, Ostara. Most definitely, these traditions were stolen and a false Semitic meaning put over what is real and pure. Do I particularly care what a person who espoused the cultural Marxism that has almost completely destroyed our people and culture had to say, if indeed he even said any of it? Not really. I care about OUR people, and our EUROPEAN martyrs and heroes [2] and about saving them from Semitic cults. I absolutely do not care about Jew worshipers, Semitic invaders, and collaborators. Christianity demands that one put the Jewish god before our race, our tribe, our family, and ourselves, and this is an integral part of the religion. In what sense can these anti White maniacs be considered European folk, much less White Nationalists? They sometimes pay shallow lip service to unity, but they do not mean it. In their religion, loyalty to their Jew god comes first, not loyalty to the White race. Many Christians will lie without a second thought when it comes to the Jewish god because if one does not put the Jewish god first, one is not a Christian. It is only our religion, Odinism, which embraces honor and truth as opposed to obedience. Sadly, even when they are of European ancestry, we cannot work with such people, or any Christian who does not put our race first . We are not on the same side. Christianity demands that one put the Jewish god before our race, our tribe, our family, and ourselves, and this is an integral part of the religion. In what sense can these anti White maniacs be considered European folk, much less White Nationalists? They sometimes pay shallow lip service to unity, but they do not mean it. In their religion, loyalty to their Jew god comes first, not loyalty to the White race. Many Christians will lie without a second thought when it comes to the Jewish god because if one does not put the Jewish god first, one is not a Christian. It is only our religion, Odinism, which embraces honor and truth as opposed to obedience. Sadly, even when they are of European ancestry, we cannot work with such people, or any Christian who does not put our race first . We are not on the same side. What is C.I. or Christian Identity? It is the most bizarre Semitic cult of all.. It is comprised of a group of people, some European or part European, and others of obvious Jewish ancestry. Their brief, in short, is this… Europeans are the Israelites and Jews are not Israelites. Jesus was not a Jew either. Everyone in the bible is a White European Israelite! (-; Jews love it because in this bizarre scheme of things, the evil Edomites (who are Arabs) race mixed with the innocent blonde Jews and destroyed them, and all of we Europeans are Semites. Needless to say, this is not so, and Europeans and Semites are genetically, morally, and culturally two entirely different people and always have been. Now I am an open minded person. I’ll listen to any theory, no matter how crazy it is, out of respect and good manners if nothing else, but this one has nothing to recommend it. In the thousands of messages I have received from several people and skimmed so as not to be rude, I have not found ONE single rational, historical or scientific argument to support this claim. The level of reasoning is somewhat along these lines…the Tribe of Dan sounds like “Dane” so Danes are one of the tribes of Israel! (-; Like Jehovah’s Witnesses, they think that saying something repeatedly makes it so. If one points out the pre-existence of the European Odinist religion, and the really quite extreme similarities, Christian Identity adherents do not let linear time get in the way... They quote Justin the Martyr, and actually say that the devil went back in time to plant a fake Odinist religion to deceive Christians! Hmnn... If one points out the pre-existence of the European Odinist religion, and the really quite extreme similarities, Christian Identity adherents do not let linear time get in the way… They quote Justin the Martyr, and actually say that the devil went back in time to plant a fake Odinist religion to deceive Christians! Hmnn… Never mind any pesky conflicting details such as the fact that the Edomites supposedly mixed the Israelites out before Jew-sus was born, making him an Edomite… They just make it up as they go along. When confronted with facts or with logical statements which are not in keeping with their Jewish myth, they attempt to alter their story so as to avoid such things. Recently, finally realizing just how Jewish the Moses story is, one of the Christian Identity leaders, forgetting that he had just been raving about Passover and how it must be celebrated with no European elements, started a new effort to deceive, this time saying that the Jews had never been slaves in Egypt. At this juncture, a Christian Identity follower actually used reason. She asked why, if the Israelites had never been in Egypt, he wanted them to celebrate the Passover! George Orwell's words, so many of which have proven to be prophetic. George Orwell’s words, so many of which have proven to be prophetic. Faced with someone of obvious European ancestry having read the bible, but not being called by the Jew “god”, the only answer is to demonize or kill the unbeliever, For example, according to various Christian Identitists, I am the Satanic offspring of a Fallen Angel, one of the Nephilim, a witch, the woman on the red dragon in the Book of Revelations, and, at times, I am proud to say, the Anti-Christ. I shall not tell you the other things they call me since children might read this. If one disagrees with them in any small point, however politely one is “attacking” them, because like Jews, they like to play victim. According to Christian Identity, a gythia, or Odinist priestess, falls into the witch category. One wonders why the British Israelite who posted this just befriended me on social media? Does he plan to measure me for a stake? According to Christian Identity, a gythia, or Odinist priestess, falls into the witch category. One wonders why the British Israelite who posted this just befriended me on social media? Does he plan to measure me for a stake? The very first thing they would do if they could would be to eliminate us European ancestry devil Pagans. Jews, Native Americans, etc. on the other hand, apparently can repent and still be their brothers. CI cultists typically try to imply that we Europeans all are Semites, or were originally, and sometimes even go on to the theme that the great Semites, which we are a mere offshoot of (an inferior European branch), are now extinct. One Jewish CI man (“Doc K”) actually told me…: “If it wasn’t for my people yours wouldn’t exist. Because we are your origins!” Click picture to enlarge. The bizarre consequences that can occur when Europeans are denied access to their own culture and forced to see the entire world from the point of view of a Jewish book meant to destroy them. The bizarre consequences that can occur when Europeans are denied access to their own culture and forced to see the entire world from the point of view of a Jewish book meant to destroy them. It might be well for them to remember that Semitic “religion” has existed for only approximately 4,000 years, not very long in the big scheme of things…and of course Christianity and Islam, the other Semitic cults, have been around an even shorter time, only 2,000 years, and 1,500 years respectively. Thankfully, Christianity shows signs of collapsing soon on its own. Our European religion has, by contrast, existed since at least Cro Magnon times, some 50,000 years… Then there is the question of civilization..The ancient Israelites were a criminal desert tribe who have never had their own civilization. They feed off of and destroy other civilizations but create nothing of their own. No one could consider the nightmarish modern day Israel, in Palestine, to be a civilization. Amazingly, the C.I. cultists, many of whom are Europeans, actually prefer to make up obvious lies about their own people, who created the greatest of all civilizations, and insult their own ancestors, all because they cannot live without a Jewish book to tell them what to do. #BabyAbraham Jews want you to hate your own ancestors and be willing to deliver up any who will not betray their folk for the Jewish "god" to them, even those who are already dead. The question is, are you going to allow them to do it? #BabyAbraham Jews want you to hate your own ancestors and be willing to deliver up any who will not betray their folk for the Jewish “god” to them, even those who are already dead. The question is, are you going to allow them to do it? One of the funniest things CI cultists do is try to represent the Jewish bible as being “European”. It is true that the European King James translation did much to make parts of it appear more elegant and complex, but this does not make it a European book, any more than Jews taking the ancient Sumerian creation legend and modifying them for their use make the Jews who did this “Sumerians” .. Anyone who reads even a small part of our ancient literature, for example, The Iliad, can see that our ancient European ancestors had an idea of honor that permeated their whole existence and society, and of course their religion too. Wars were fought for the honor of marriage bonds, and due to violations of sacred hospitality. By no stretch of imagination would a European man do as Abraham did and trade the favors of his wife for presents and land! When I point this out to C.I.’s they make excuses for Abraham (who was a pimp)[3] . They say, “He was afraid of being killed” or “he felt he had to” to explain why Abraham lied and said his wife was his sister. When the part of the story where he was expelled for lying is pointed out to them, and the fact that Jews are often expelled for crimes, comes up, they have nothing to say and just blithely go on talking about things like Esau having red hair, and how this means he must be Irish!. (-; This makes the stance of Christian Identity pretty clear. When these lying, latent homosexual Jew worshipers tell you that they want to "fight with you side by side", do not leave your mothers, daughters, or sisters, children, or any other Odinist who is not a warrior with them if you do not want us to be burnt as "witches". This makes the stance of Christian Identity pretty clear . When these lying, latent homosexual Jew worshipers tell you that they want to “fight with you side by side”, do not leave your mothers, daughters, sisters, children, or any other Odinist who is not a warrior with them if you do not want us to be burnt as “witches”. C.I. cultists ignore the references to Moses, a Jewish infiltrator who clearly was in charge of a mass Jewish ritual murder of non Jewish babies…(a religiously motivated crime Jews have become infamous for in Europe with 100’s of recorded cases[4] ). Another famous Jewish infiltrator in the bible is Esther [5] , if the entirely Jewish nature of the pattern were not already clear. Then there is Yet ANOTHER expulsion of Jews called “the Exodus”…The thinly veiled Jewish drama in this fairy tale has as its basis a very familiar pattern… Jews being expelled for their crimes [6] . Anyone who knows anything about Jewish history, and C.I. cultists do, certainly can see the truth. Anyone who is familiar with our ancient European cultures before they were tainted by Semitic religions, sees the difference even more clearly. The bible is Jewish drama about Jews and written by Jews, a somewhat pitiful attempt to give a people who did not even necessarily know who the fathers of their children were (hence the reckoning from the female line) some sort of identity. No doubt this desire to ape those who actually had a background, for instance the Greeks and Romans that they encountered, was born of a realization that in order to survive and flourish, one needs a strong identity. Unfortunately for us, and many other races, the Jews also realized that one of the easiest ways to destroy their victims was to destroy our identity. [7] . The Jews are the Self-Chosen, not the Chosen The Jews are the Self-Chosen, not the Chosen Certain things need to be faced rationally and even though the truth- that those of us who were or are Christian have been lied to regarding religion- might be painful to some people, it is not a good idea to shy away from it. Jews call themselves the “Chosen People” because no one ever would have believed they had the divine blood of Gods… Jews push monotheism for the sake of Jewish control… Jews wrote the bible calling it “the” bible to give it special importance, but it is nothing more than a Jewish book of lies meant to manipulate. Anyone who would believe the word of a self- glorified criminal tribe, openly proud of their trickery, and expelled 109 times for fraud, corruption, and murder (in the last 2,000 years alone), and take their word over that of our own dear European ancestors, who believed in honor and truth and created real civilizations, needs to think again. Consider the source. Hebrews engage in ritual murder of a European female through bloodletting and vampirism... symbolic of the torturous destruction of Europa by Jews. Hebrews engage in ritual murder of a European female through bloodletting and vampirism… symbolic of the torturous destruction of Europa by Jews. I am pretty certain that a number of the people involved with C.I. are Jewish and that it is a mechanism for bringing those Christian Europeans who have stumbled upon the truth back into the Judeo Xtian fold. After all, what can be more useful and more of an ego trip to a bunch of Jewish con artists than to have a people whose civilization dwarfed theirs into insignificance, worship them, want to be them, and think they are the Chosen People of god, and so on. Guess who the "witches" are? There is no real difference between fake Jewish Pagans, fake Jewish Christians, and some European Christians as well as regards "witches" because this is not really about witchcraft but about destroying European culture. This is an attempt by Jews to degrade and demonize our own Ancestors, Gods, and Odinist priesthood, and to pervert and demonize our religion, and sow generalized hatred of European culture and folk. For more on this topic see, here and here. Guess who the “witches” are? There is no real difference between fake Jewish Pagans, fake Jewish Christians, and some European Christians as well as regards “witches” because this is not really about witchcraft but about destroying European culture. This is an attempt by Jews to degrade and demonize our own Ancestors, Gods, and Odinist priesthood, and to pervert and demonize our religion, and sow generalized hatred of European culture and folk. For more on this topic see, here and here. C.I. is part of an attempt to falsely link Semites and Europeans…and to enslave us once again with the same regressive, Semitic religion… one that has caused countless setbacks for our science, art, and music, not to mention damaging the heart and identity of our people and encouraging us to seek self destruction. Christian Identity is doing the exact same thing as many other Messianic Jewish cults presently, attempting to take away our identity, so that we will be easier to control. They have already managed to force an alien religion on us, and have been promoting race mixing in the 97% Jewish- owned media for some time to further this aim. Now they are attempting to remove any remaining European content from the Christian religion. Abraham prepares to sacrifice his son to the Jew "god". Odinists are often accused of human sacrifice by Christians, but these same Christians seem never examine the fact that their 'god" apparently expects them to sacrifice their entire race including themselves, or that Christianity has been a major factor in White genocide. Most sacrifices in the ancient Heathen European world were of animals, or criminals or enemies. By contrast, Semites, such as the Phoenicians, were well known for sacrificing babies in massive numbers. To this day, Jews sacrifice animals cruelly, which is something our ancestors never did. With their practice of Jewish ritual murder, Jews seem to like sacrificing our children instead of theirs. Abraham prepares to sacrifice his son to the Jew “god”. Odinists are often accused of human sacrifice by Christians, but these same Christians seem never examine the fact that their ‘god” apparently expects them to sacrifice their entire race including themselves, or that Christianity has been a major factor in White genocide. Most sacrifices in the ancient Heathen European world were of animals, or criminals or enemies. By contrast, Semites, such as the Phoenicians, were well known for sacrificing babies in massive numbers. To this day, Jews sacrifice animals cruelly, which is something our ancestors never did. With their practice of Jewish ritual murder, Jews seem to like sacrificing our children instead of theirs. Christian Identity and British Israelites seek to push the idea of obedience to a Jewish god, and even to such things as Jewish dietary laws, and the keeping of Jewish blasphemy and sabbath laws, with death penalties for disobedience. At the same time they push the idea that anything that is Pagan is evil, and of course, everything that is Pagan is European, therefore everything European is evil. All three clearly related groups: Christian Identity, British Israelites, and Messianic Jews, all exhibit the same seething hatred of Europeans and go out of their way to sneer at European culture. I recently came across a British Israelite quoting the Hávamál and discussion about how inferior and barbaric it is [8] . Compared to what, one wonders, the bible? This video is mild indeed, however, compared to the bizarre anti-European anti Odinist ravings Christian Identitists frequently engage in with pseudo academic homosexual writings as their source. [9] . As you can see, as usual, the Christian Identity adherents, who seem always to use Jewish sources, are completely in line with what the rabbis are saying, for instance in this bizarre video, “Edom became Odin“. According to this maniac, Edomites and Europeans are the enemy, but Christian Identity is “pro White”. You can hear more on this topic in this interview [10] .There is not the slightest doubt in my mind that the people who are in charge of the growing number of excessively well funded Christian cults meant to remove European holidays and symbols, and the like, from Christianity, and Christian Identity itself , both are run by Messianic Jews. A "British Israelite" who advocates Jewish dietary laws, and a death penalty for not keeping the Sabbath, for "witches", and we can see here, for blasphemy. Blasphemy is, of course, a Jewish terrorist and censorship tactic for silencing rational opposition and speech against the Jewish "god". Christianity cannot survive open and fair debate. A “British Israelite” who advocates Jewish dietary laws, and a death penalty for not keeping the Sabbath, for “witches”, and as we can see here, for blasphemy. Blasphemy is, of course, a Jewish terrorist and censorship tactic for silencing rational opposition and speech against the Jewish “god”. Christianity cannot survive open and fair debate. If people really are dumbed down enough to believe there is a link between Semites and Europeans, this way we can all be presented as being “one”. (-; The next step, is saying that we should all love our “white” Semitic brothers,. etc. (i.e. them) (something which I personally witnessed a partly Semitic C.I. person (DB) stating a few years ago), and in this manner the parasite has connected to the host again. Certainly there are also some European C.I. people who cannot let go of Jew worship and the Jewish book and have nothing but scorn for European culture, but are these people in any sense European? For me, with the exception of those who have not yet seriously considered our European religion, the answer is no. A dreadful woman suggested to me, not long ago, that it would not matter if we no longer existed as a race and that our European culture could exist without our race. She thought this was great and oh so politically correct! She seemed oblivious to the fact that race and culture are inextricably linked. Our Odinist religion is important for our identity and essential for our survival. Below you can see an illustration of Judeo-Christians destroying the holy trees of our folk. For more about Jews wanting to cut out, burn, and otherwise destroy the root of our people, click on the footnote here. [11] Charlemagne, the possibly half Jewish monster who genocided 2/3rd of the Saxon race for an alien Jewish "god", considered a hero and role model by Christians. These Christians gloat about the murder of our sacred trees, the destruction of the very root of our folk. Charlemagne, the possibly half Jewish monster who genocided 2/3rd of the Saxon race for an alien Jewish “god”, considered a hero and role model by Christians. These Christians gloat about the murder of our sacred trees, the destruction of the very root of our folk. Some say religion does not matter in our struggle to survive and that the point is just to preserve our people, but religion is part of that equation. I think it highly unlikely that the Jews could ever have induced us to fight Brother Wars [12] against our own and believe their lies, had we still embraced our native religion, rather than thoughtlessly adhering to the idea that we are all one in Jesus, and that there is no Greek and no Jew. Nothing could be further from the truth. Different races have different interests, and a religion that seeks to promote the opposite of this belief, and at the same time, the supremacy of very foreigners who imposed it, is a false religion meant to destroy. The Irimsul...the True Pillar of the Nordic Soul. Picture for the Solar Storm interview about "Putting the Soul back into Souling". The Irimsul…the True Pillar of the Nordic Soul. Picture for the Solar Storm interview about “Putting the Soul back into Souling”. The end game in this may sound crazy, but just how bizarre is it that millions of people betray their own kind for the sake of a Jewish Communist who may never have existed? The next step in this ZOG [13] plan, if they can ever achieve it, will be even more outlandish and monstrous, and that will be to become us. If they can ever manage it, these real racists will take credit for our civilization and great accomplishments, and “become” the “real” Aryans, descended from the Israelites (-;. Meanwhile, we goyim, the actual Aryans, who are always presented as white trash in the 97 % Jewish- owned media, and encouraged to race mix ourselves out of existence in the same source, will, in their scheme of things, be degraded mongrels, like the Edomites. Yes, they hate us, but they envy us too, and want to be us. The problem is, that even if they kill off every single Nordic person on the planet, they still cannot be us, this is something they can never be. I am not an Odinist because I think it is the only way to preserve our people. I am an Odinist because I know our religion is real and the Semitic cults false. However, I do believe we will not survive if separated from our own European soul. Above: The Hraunfossar or "Lava Falls" of Iceland..Beneath the hardened lava, pure, clear water bursts forth.. The Hraunfossar or “Lava Falls” of Iceland..Beneath the hardened lava, pure, clear water bursts forth.. For more about the brainwashing and conditioning of mankind to blindly accept an unreasoning semitocentric [14] world view, in regard to both science and religion, watch the Odinist video rede and blot, Cosmic Ostara II. Footnotes According to Instauration Magazine, September 1979, page 27, “Eight Jesuses were Jewish”: To quote: The Hebrew name which is vocalized as Yehoshua (=Joshua) and means “God is riches” (or, in more up-to-date English, “God is money”), was colloquially contracted (as our “William” is contracted to “Bill”), especially in the dialect of Aramaic, to Yeshua, for which the Latin equivalent is Jesus, but in the general ignorance of the Roman decadence, when the Christian cult became popular, this was corrupted to Jesus, whence the English “Jesus.” The name was extremely common among Jews. The more civilized ones replaced it with genuinely Greek or Roman names to affect participation in the culture of the time, much as Jews in this country often assume English names. Other individuals bearing that name could be distinguished from one another only by adding the name of the father or the place of origin, if either was known, and, obviously, even with such additions, a great deal of confusion was possible and even likely. There were quite a number of agitators named Jesus whose careers could have contributed elements to the various Christian legends. Among them: (1) A Jewish rabble-rouser who adopted the Greek name, Chrestus, and whose real name may have been Jesus. He is mentioned by Suetonius, who tells us only that around AD. 30 he incited Jewish outbreaks in Rome so serious that they had to be put down by troops. He may have escaped from Rome at that time to incite trouble elsewhere, possibly in Palestine. He is mentioned first because he would account for the fact that when the Christians first appear in history, around A.D. 112, they were known as Chrestiani, and it took them a century to get their name changed to the spelling now in use. (2) Jesus, son on Ananias, who prophesied in A.D. 62 that the temple in Jerusalem would soon be destroyed. According to Josephus, the Sanhedrin tried to persuade the Roman procurator to crucify this jesus, but the Roman thought him merely insane and so released him. He was eventually killed by a Roman missile during the siege of Jerusalem. (3) A Jew from Egypt, name unknown but identified in the Talmud as Jesus of Nazareth, who tried to start an insurrection in Jerusalem by posing as a “prophet of God,” intending to pillage the city with a mob that he assembled on the Mount of Olives. According to Josephus, the Roman procurator naturally sent out the cavalry, killed four hundred of the crazed fanatics and captured two hundred more, dispersing the rest. The agitator naturally took care of his own skin, eluded pursuit, and high-tailed it back to Egypt. He must have been glib, if, as Josephus says, he acquired in Judaea a following of 30,000 before he made his foolish attempt to attack Jerusalem. His career would account for the odd association of the Christian hero with Egypt in many legends. (4) Jesus, son of Sapphias, who started a revolt in Tiberias, where he burned the palace and massacred the Greek inhabitants. He escaped from the region, according to Josephus, who tells us no more. (5) Jesus of Galilee, who went to Jerusalem with a private army of 600 men and tried to infiltrate the city, but was betrayed by one of his confederates, Jesus, son of Gamdlas. Josephus does not tell us what happened to him, but if the Romans caught him, they probably sliced off his head or nailed him to a cross. (6) The Jesus, son of Gamalas, just mentioned, who, although a Man of God according to Josephus, was assassinated by the Zealots while the Romans under Titus were besieging Jerusalem. (7) A thaumaturgist named Jesus (paternity unstated), who, according to Josephus, was called a messiah, attracted quite a following, and was crucified. The passage in Josephus’s Antiquitates is generally regarded as a Christian interpolation, on the grounds that a Jew would not speak well of a Christian messiah, but that argument is grossly anachronistic since it supposes a difference between jews and “Christians” at a date when the “Christians” were just another one of the many sects of Jewish malcontents and fanatics in Palestine. According to Josephus, this man had a brother named Jacob (James), whom the Sanhedrin, putting something over in the interval between the departure of one procurator and the arrival of another, had stoned to death. If this group had a considerable popular following, Josephus may well have wanted to curry favor with that party of Jews. He wrote, for popular consumption by his fellow Jews, a version of his work in Aramaic, now lost but probably the basis of a Slavonic version in which it is said that this Jesus was the legitimate King of the Jews, but did not reign because he was crucified by the prosperous Jews, who feared that his projected revolt would fail and get them in trouble with the Romans. Of course, one cannot be sure of the authenticity of either passage. (8) Quite a number of Jews who jostled others out of the post of High Priest and were later jostled out them-selves were named Jesus. One such, who assumed the Greek name of Jason, was thrown out by his brother, Onias, who called himself Menelaus. Jason-Jesus started riots to regain his holy office and may have been killed or executed. His brother, Menelaus, remained High Priest until his intrigues got him into trouble and he was seized and executed (mode of execution not stated) by Antiochus Epiphanes. ^ “What is Honor?” ^ In the Jew-bible, Abraham is essentially the Patriarch of Prostitution and the Jewish god, being Jewish- created and Talmudic in nature even then, acts a player in the scam. Yahweh does not punish Abraham of course, since he is a Jew! Even though the Pharaoh had no idea he was sleeping with a married woman, he is to blame, just as a small non- Jewish child raped by a Jew would be at fault for having tempted a Jew to sin, according to the Talmud.The Israelites obtain treasure from their whoring scam and leave Egypt, but later in Genesis, Abraham does it again! He goes to Gerar and pitches the same story about about Sarah (who was his half sister) being only his sister. King Abimelech is about to have sex with Sarah but is warned in a dream that Yahweh will kill him if he does and he gives Abraham gifts, such as livestock, to get him to leave. We can safely assume that this is a whitewashed version of a real prostitution scam carried out by the ancient Israelites. ^ Quotes from the “Holy” Talmud…Why the Hell would Anyone want to Expel these People? ^ The New Jewish Hate Holiday… Rachel Corrie Vitriol, Haman, and Purim…. ^ Quotes from the “Holy” Talmud…Why the Hell would Anyone want to Expel these People? ^ “The Old Will Die and the Young Will Forget”…Using Mimir’s Wisdom to Fight the Culture Destroyers.. ^ The Wisdom of King Odin ^ Taken from a post on the “Fake White Activism Awareness” Page on Facebook, made 21st of January, 2015, reproduced here in its entirety. For the actual CI quote itself, which is well worth looking at, if for no other reason than to see just how crazed Christian Identity hatred of European culture truly is, scroll farther down. About the Daily Stormer and Andrew Anglin and Response to Libel of Odinia International, and its Censorship of Odinists. I have just been unbanned from Zionbook. I was banned on Facebook this time for suggesting that the new law allowing the taking away of social security from suspected “Nazis” was like the NDAA (which of course it is), and also for pointing out that social security is not a benefit but taken by the government out of our own salaries. Stating this is in no way against Zionbook guidelines and yet I was banned for 30 days on the eve of one of our religious holidays, apparently for my being an Odinist and a European, and for pointing out crimes committed against my race and other races by Jews. For our Jewish supremacist censors… Such behavior is in violation of accommodation discrimination law and if this is deleted, I shall take legal action. You will not be allowed to exclude European world views and religion and race from this social media site or use selective ethnically biased censorship to cover up historical or current crime. The following is done in order to protect my reputation and that of our organization which I am legally entitled to do since the website in question, the Daily Stormer, has posted comments containing libelous accusations.. see bottom of this description for an example… and it has also engaged in libel against Odinism itself, and censorship to protect its lies. The Daily Stormer website would, on the face of it, appear to be anti-Zionist at a brief glance, but after examining it off and on for quite some time, the only conclusion I can come to is that the primary aims of it are not pro-European, but anti-European and anti-Odinist. It is a hotbed of Jewish activity, including the following: 1). Trying to ensure that any White person who finds out what the Jews are doing does not stop worshiping the Jewish “god”, loving one’s enemies (how convenient), sacrificing oneself and one’s tribe to the Jewish god, reviling our indigenous religion, and making our folk look bad. This would appear to be the primary aim of the website, and they go to outlandish lengths to make this come about, deleting any facts that might point out the inaccuracy or lack of reason in their semitocentric assertions, demonizing those who make simple factual comments that refute their lies in the foulest terms imaginable, and even using Jewish homosexual “academic” journals to back their attacks on Odinism as you can see below. They ask questions, but delete any rational responses. There is no possibility of open and honest debate or discussion on the Daily Stormer, there is only one sided Communist Judeo-Christian (and possibly Jewish as well) censorship. In either case, they cannot handle a debate. The truth might come out. 2). Attempts to homosexualize European males and turn them against women of their own kind. This is rather like blaming “Moslems” for all problems rather than the Jews who orchestrated mass immigration of non-whites to European ancestry nations. It is a Jewish distraction technique to take attention away from who the real enemy is…The Judeo Christian “blame European women” refrain has been going on far longer than the equally Jewish “blame European men” tactic of modern Jewish feminism and with far more serious results too, such as exceptional European women being burned in great numbers in witch hunts.. I have never make blanket statements about hating men, because I do not hate men, I hate traitors, and I hate traitors whether they are male of female. What I see in many of the comments tends to be either homosexual hatred of women, Jewish distraction from the real enemy, Judeo -Christian attacks on women which involve blaming women rather than dealing with the enemy because that is too hard and dangerous, or men processing their personal grievances with specific women who were dishonorable to them by hating women in general and focusing on this, and even bonding on this basis, rather than fighting the enemy. None of this gets the job done. On many occasions, my polite, but factual and rational comments have been removed from this site by its foul mouthed, oppressive Communist, Christian Identity administrators. The person whose site this is disclaims responsibility for their behavior but does nothing about it. Daily Stormer admins have posted libel and slander as well such as the video in which Michael Delaney of Christian Identity calls me a “stupid f@cking whore” repeatedly for 16 minutes for no apparent reason except that I am an Odinist. Michael Delaney also censored Odinists by excluding them from Trutube. In addition to often demonizing our religion and our ancient Odinist clergy and even our Gods, and at the same time as calling me a whore, the slander and libel implies that I am not a normal heterosexual woman, but calls me a “thing” something that has been done repeatedly by Jewish members of Heathens United Against Racism, Christian Identity, and the Asatru Folk Assembly.. This libel has been mass posted literally thousands of times over a period of years by several individuals and orgs, some of whom are Jewish and Communist, and some of whom claim to be pro-European, for example, a couple Odinic Rite admins, AFA members, and Wyatt Kaldenburg, who also suggested our SSL protected website (we are only Odinist or Asatru org with SSL encryption and therefore the safest) had viruses and that no one should look at it. Even Ron McVan and “Smash Cultural Marxism”participated in these Communist anti-Odinist efforts. I would imagine that the reason they are presenting me as a trans something or other would be to make not just me, but the wholesome and normal pro-European ideals and religion that I stand for, appear repulsive to a normal European man. Here below, is an example of a long rambling comment made on the Daily Stormer which was not removed, one which you might wish to skim in order to see just how crazed with anti-European hatred and deceitful it is. The major source of the “scholarship” of the anti-Odinist claims in it is an academic journal which is specifically made up for the purpose of homosexualizing Heathenry, and the source article referred to was written by a homosexual woman named Birtt Solli and taken from a chapter entitled “Queering the Gods”.. The other source, Ms. Ellis Davidson is, of course, Jewish, and also demonstrably highly deceitful and anti-European. . The comment is made by a Christian Identity supporter and directed against me. My purely academic response disproving it was removed. Suffice it to say that there is nothing whatsoever in our history to support the vicious anti-European nonsense presented in the “academic” claims made by Christian Identity below. “See her using German Church history interactively with the crap she spews, if there was ever a “woman” that cheesed me off, its this thing “Seana” with her so-called “Oxford Degree” Here’s some news for you Seana:- Odinism/Wotanism Exposed! Recently, historian Brit Solli of the University of Tromsø, has concluded that Wotan was a effeminate transsexual that took pleasure in role playing as a woman. This is not surprising, nor a new fact. Hilda Davidson, Jenny Blain, David M. Wilson, Peter Godfrey Foote and Jacqueline Simpson have long exposed Wotan for being a bisexual. Everyone is familiar with the masculine image portrayed by some so-called ‘bikers’ as manly warriors but none will deny they have a perversity for anal sex and molestation of young boys. Considering the Æsir have migrated from the area of Troy according to the Snorri Sturluson they were likely extremely steeped in the pederasty of that era similar to their Greek kinsman. There are many sites on the internet applauding this Sodomite heathen find. This might also explain the Germanic Völkisch movement’s world view of hermaphrodites as divine beings as exemplified in Jorg Lanz Von Lebenfel’s Theozoology which along with a few other syncretic doctrines sparked the modern folkish Wotanist movement. We are all familiar with the misrepresentation of Christ by the Judeo-Churchian establishment, as a sissified victim which bears NO resemblance to Jesus Christ. Because of this slander, Odinism can seem an attractive alternative, especially to the brave young Nationalist. A stereotype of Odin is currently promoted as a good outlet for our ‘Macho’ will for action. How ironic and embarrassing for some that Historical researchers like Foote & Wilson, Jacqueline Simpson, Ellis-Davidson etc., have given us evidence for the priesthood of Odin during the Viking Age of 800-1200 AD as being anything but Macho. The Seithr (or Seiðr), Thul or Odin’s priesthood were in fact a ‘select’ group of men who donned effeminate robes in rituals to dance together and imitate women, who would fondle each others genitals behind screens and later bribe men from villages to perform buggery with them as part of granting ‘magical’ powers. The habits of Odin’s devotees – “involved such practices as to make people believe that Odin played the woman’s part in the sexual act. In the Norse world such an invert was regarded with disgust, but also with apprehension, for it seems to have been believed that unknown knowledge and perilous psychic force might be gained by playing such a role” Along with bringing promiscuity, venereal disease, hallucinogenic substance abuse, transvestitism and cross-gender intercourse into the minds and bodies of otherwise healthy young white men, the Seithr were also keen to instigate fratricidal slayings as means to settle disputes, and regular sacrifices of precious livestock and humans. Far from being a ‘natural’, Aryan religion, all of this manic Blood Tribute was set flowing purely to derange folk settlements and build up into a frenzy the status of the Seithr themselves, as a small but occult group that the majority must be in awe of. The same can be said about their female equivalent, the Volva and Wicca priestesses of Freya and other goddesses. One recurrent story is of a travelling band of swart, bow-legged priestesses, individually called ‘The Angel of Death’ orchestrating the gang-rape and garrotting of otherwise healthy young girls, usually because they happened to be servants in the household of a landowner who had passed away (Simpson, 1967:199). Amongst the Nordics, every year their own ‘deity’, Nerthus the Earth Mother, would apparently tour round the country villages and visit them in person, hidden in a heavily draped wagon. Male escorts to Nerthus would encourage young men, preferably virgins and the sexually inexperienced, to climb in and fornicate with her. But, as with the Seithr, the gender of Nerthus again was ambiguous. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, Nerthus and the wagon were kept in a hidden grove on an island, and the slaves who washed the vehicle and its inhabitant’s clothing after its ‘tour of duty’ were all ritually drowned. Furthermore, folk tales relate how many unfortunate youths who had a physical encounter with Nerthus were unable to recall what the ‘deity’ really looked like, on account of the heavy drapes blocking out the light. Embarrassed and traumatized, victims would sometimes conjure up the illusion that they had copulated with a woman of unmatched divine beauty. But others were probably being more honest about the sexual ordeal they had suffered when clasped by Nerthus in the back of the wagon. They proclaimed that ‘she’ was in fact an un-comely pox-ridden hag, or possibly a Hermaphrodite, because during the bestial rut ‘Nerthus’ had behaved and smelt like a man and felt to touch like a warty boar. Eventually the link between Homosexuality and the use of debilitating hallucinogenic substances and Odin’s priesthood became so explicit that ordinary Scandinavians eventually regarded Seithr as perverse for men to perform and only allowed women to escape the ban on such ritual (ibid, 404). The practice was thoroughly suppressed in Christian times and the displeasure at effeminate tendencies still holds sway in people’s minds. There is a trendy psychoanalyst who uses ‘Pagan’ archetypes and familiars, or power animals, in his group-therapy sessions. He recalled that as a child in a playground in Norway he was often labelled a sissy for his feminine manners, and that his childhood protagonists would be using a modern form of the Old Norse term for ‘Seithr’. Such abominable rituals and transvestite priesthoods do not even necessarily have their origins in the populations of Pagan Scandinavia at all, but rather from contact with foreign races. The historian H.R. Ellis Davidson refers to the ancient document ‘The Golden Ass’ by the Roman Apeleius which suggested that Nerthus is equivalent to Cybele, the fertility Goddess of Assyria. Apeleius describes how a totem of Cybele was carted around fields, accompanied by giggling, shrill-voiced ‘priests’ in women’s clothes, who would pretend to fall into a state of ecstasy and indulge in ‘disgusting practices’ (Ellis-Davidson, 1964:96). This perverse worship of Cybele spread from Syria right through to Gaul and is recorded at St Martin in the 4th Century, and again by Gregory of Tours at Autun. This is another amazing link to Assyria; there is a definite connection between Odin and the Middle East. Odin was the Norse war god. The Assyrians and Babylonians also had a war god known as “Adon,” and the Greeks later had a god named “Adonis,” as well. The Babylonian Adon was the god of wine. In the Norse Elder Edda we are told that Odin ate no food but wine: “The illustrious father of armies, with his own hand, fattens his two wolves; but the victorious Odin takes no other nourishment to himself than what arises from the unintermittent quaffing of wine. For ’tis with wine alone that Odin in arms renowned is nourished forever.” The name of Odin’s other well-known son is Thor. Now as Odin had a son called Thor, so the second Assyrian Adon had a son called Thouros (Cedrenus, vol. 1, p. 29). The name Thouros seems just to be another form of Zoro, or Doro, meaning, ‘the seed.’ So Odin’s son, Thor, is an exact parallel to the Assyrian god Adon’s son Thouros. Quite an amazing similarity! (Lexicon, pars 1, p. 93: “The D is often pronounced as ‘Th’ using the Norse letter ‘eth’ (ð); Adon in the pointed Hebrew, being Athon.”) The ritual intercourse and strangling of slave-girls by the above mentioned ‘Angel of Death’ is attributed by Russian scholars to Volga Turks. Others see these itinerant squat, grim-faced hags as a cult originating from Lapland. As for the Seithr of Odin, although Odin had long existed in the pantheon of Scandinavian-Teutonic Pagan religion, his cult or Seithr priesthood only spread through west Scandinavia in the Viking Age itself, 800-1200 AD. At this time an articulate but profane clique of deviants, drawing upon foreign racial traditions, used their skills of manipulation to pervert Viking mercenary soldiers cut off from the secure regularity of family farming communities, and used fear to extract great wealth and status from warrior-Kings and their retinues. So what did the self-proclaimed priesthood of Odin and female Seithr bestow upon our forefathers? Male and female Homosexuality certainly, along with Hallucinogenic drugs and other Sado-masochistic deviancy, Gonorrhoea and Syphilis, pointless ritual bloodletting of people and animals, infanticide, the unnecessary waste of other natural resources and the promotion of berserk psychotic violence as a ‘normal’ mechanism for dealing with arguments between close-kin and territorial neighbours. With all of these insane afflictions that the parasitic minority put upon ordinary Pagan society it is not surprising that our otherwise noble Aryan ancestors could, at times, barely sustain themselves and were often forced to practice the ‘exposure’ (killing) on bare mountainsides of their babies and children that they could no longer manage to feed. Looking at this list of assaults on our race we are now in a better position to understand why our ancestors were more than happy to be Christianized and worship the Lord. To turn away from the lewd caricature of wholesome life that the Pagan priesthood had entrapped them in, and escape the Seithr vampires who were literally sucking the lifeblood out of our White race. As Michael Hoffman puts it, “The assumption is that Christianity simply deceived and coerced the hardy pre-Christian Europeans into the fold. But early Christians like St. Patrick were accepted because they rid the Pagan people of what Michell terms, ‘the final excesses of a degenerate priesthood, whose alters demanded ever more sacrificial blood” In our own times the only way forward for our race is through a resurgent Christendom. Part of the strategy for our revival may indeed involve rediscovering the Folk Wisdom of our Teutonic past, uncovering The Lord’s Natural Law teaching that St. Paul said is engraved on the heart of all pagans, whilst making a clear distinction between such healthy traditions and the diseased perversions of a degenerate clique. Only Odinism (historically) has institutionalized perversity as part of their religion itself. As for her reference to Walpurgis Night being pagan, its as Christian as can be, Saint Walpurga — the only habitual liars I see are people like this “Odinia” sitting in a Volcano in Hawaii.” ^ “Putting the Soul back into Souling” The Solar Storm: Seana Fenner (11-1-15) ^ Taken from “Darwin’s Choice.. Extinction and De-evolution or “Racism”? Part 2. The Theft of European Identity…” Ryan Smith (a Jewish, homosexual fake Pagan), using a number of biblical “root” allusions states: “The greater patterns of misogyny, racism, fundamentalism, homophobic and transphobic words and deeds do not solely exist in the mainstream. Many of these assumptions are at work in our communities and in our movement. If we dig out the organized, most egregious examples of these toxins by root, stem, and branch, but leave undisturbed the soil in which their seeds first took root, then we will be passing this terrible burden on to the next generation of Heathens. Without decisively removing the ubiquitous influence of systemic prejudices against the marginalized in our society, then any immediate success over organized hate groups will be at best a fleeting victory. The course ahead will not be easy and will take everyone well past what they find comfortable. But in that challenges, struggle and toil, there is an opportunity to truly prove ourselves. We can, and we must, show the often quoted words from the Havamal…” This quote is not the statement of a Nordic Pagan but of an individual dedicated to the cause of Jewish supremacism and white genocide. Saying one is a Heathen does not necessarily mean one is, any more than Mr. “Smith” getting dressed up in a kilt and frolicking with his male friends in San Francisco makes him a “Scot”. However, from a psychological perspective, it is interesting to compare his demented exhortations to the psychotic ravings of others of his real tribe: Ezekiel 17:9 ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Will it thrive? Will he not pull up its roots and cut off its fruit, so that it withers–so that all its sprouting leaves wither? And neither by great strength nor by many people can it be raised from its roots again.” Malachi 4:1 “For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze,” says the LORD of hosts, “so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.” Amos 2:9 “But as my people watched, I destroyed the Amorites, though they were as tall as cedars and as strong as oaks. I destroyed the fruit on their branches and dug out their roots.” Hell, even Daniel left a stump (although covered it with metal… hmnn) Daniel 4:13-16 ‘I was looking in the visions in my mind as I lay on my bed, and behold, an angelic watcher, a holy one, descended from heaven. ‘He shouted out and spoke as follows: “Chop down the tree and cut off its branches, Strip off its foliage and scatter its fruit; Let the beasts flee from under it And the birds from its branches. Yet leave the stump with its roots in the ground, but with a band of iron and bronze around it. For more about the tendency of Zionists to cut down the trees of helpless people, steal their olives, poison their wells etc, just the tip of the iceberg really, see here. ^ “What are Values?” ^ “Zionist Occupied Government” ^ A phrase I have invented to express the bizarre Semitic enforced view that there is only one god, who is Jewish, that civilization originated in Mesopotamia, etc and that every race in the world must identify with Jewish beliefs rather than their own native religion and Gods. ^ Tweets by @OdiniaInvictus If you wish to receive new articles related to Abraham was a Pimp: The Wacky World of Christian Identity enter your email address in the field below and subscribe: Thanks for your interest in Abraham was a Pimp: The Wacky World of Christian Identity