Satanism and the Kundalini Serpent Bioelectricity, what it is and what it does: Bioelectricity is also known as the life force, the chi, the body electric, prana, the aura, the spirit, witch power, etc. There are many different names for this energy. Our bodies run on bioelectricity. Thoughts are electrical impulses in the brain. The brain runs on bioelectricity. When this electricity becomes imbalanced, one has seizures. The amount of bioelectricity an individual has, determines the degree of their physical, psychological and spiritual health. People, who are ill or depressed, have lesser amounts of bioelectricity. Depression all by itself, is a symptom of too little bioelectricity. Bioelectricity increases our energy, our immunity to disease, our charisma, instills a positive outlook, and strengthens our thought power. With increased bioelectricity, our thoughts (electrical impulses) become stronger and are more able to manifest themselves in reality. Some examples of bioelectricity include: •Buddhist monks, who sat motionless in the street, (protesters), were soaked with gasoline and lit on fire. They continued to sit still and burn to death. •Martial artists: busting through concrete with their fists, knife hand "karate chop," enduring major, crushing, and lethal blows, unharmed. •Dim Mak: the deadly martial art of inflicting light specific blows to chi (a variation of bioelectricity) meridians (acupressure points of bioelectric energy flow) during specific times that can cause delayed death, sometimes up to five months later. •When the mind, through fear, panics, or when one is in a life and death situation, this sometimes enables an individual to lift extremely heavy objects, for example, back end of a car, that under normal conditions, would be impossible. •Telekinesis- The ability to move objects with the mind •Pyrokinesis- The ability to set things on fire with the mind •Electrokinesis- The ability to control objects, such as computers that run on electricity •Levitation- Some martial arts and yoga masters have the ability to levitate their bodies into the air. The strength of one’s bioelectricity is the foundation of all magickal success. Old spells with strange ingredients have little or nothing to do with the success of a magickal working, the success depends upon the strength of the mind and the aura [the bioelectrical field] that with proper focus and direction, will affect one's environment and others. Those known as the Gods (very powerful and advanced extra-terrestrials who have genetically modified their DNA so they don't age), have much of this very energy. Lucifer is known as "the shining one." Many of these Gods "known as Demons" are radiant with this very energy. The hieroglyphs on the walls in the Egyptian temples, tombs and inside the Egyptian Pyramids explain how important this energy is in becoming a God. Reaching true Godhead is difficult and requires consistent hard work and dedication. Mastery of the mind is essential. The spirit, as long as you are alive, is a part of the physical self. Yes, many of us can astral project (leave our bodies at will), BUT, the physical self acts to empower the soul as long as we are alive. My experience with the dead is they do not evolve in power any more, beyond what they had when they were alive. A spirit remains a spirit until they reincarnate physically. Only through the strength of the soul (powerful bioelectricity), will one ascend into godhood. Kundalini and the chakras: Kundalini is the highest form of yoga. It is a god thing. All of the tenets of Yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc., and the western religions, preach helplessness, instruct one on how to be a total victim and try to make sure the results obtained from these disciplines are kept under strict control, if obtained at all. Sacred writings [hiero means "Holy" and glyph means "symbol”] left for us in Egypt [one of the original centers of True Satanism] are instructions for becoming a god. The objective of mainstream religions, both east and west, is to keep humanity enslaved and powerless. These religions use fear is used as a tool. "Karma" this, and “Karma" that. Satanism does not preach helplessness. Satan is brilliant, fearless, incredibly strong, and defiant. He rebels against limitations placed upon freedom. The Chakras There are seven chakras located along the spine that are the most powerful. These are the "seven seals," written about in the Christian bible book of “Revelation.” These are "The seven lamps of fire that burn before the throne of God." They are referred to as "seals" because the enemy aliens sealed them in humanity to prevent our acquisition of godly power and knowledge. We have been cut off from spirituality and the astral world. Thousands of years ago, we were as the Gods, until the earth was attacked and there was “war in heaven.” Our being sealed has caused the human race to degenerate. Imbalances in this energy and blockages, along with holes in the aura cause drug and alcohol addiction, depression, a lack of concern for the feelings of others and other forms of life, abusive behavior and many other things that plague humanity. Kundalini The SERPENT OF FIRE is the symbol of kundalini. It lies dormant, coiled at the base of the spine, beneath the Muladhara chakra. The objective is to ascend the serpent [powerhouse of energy] from the base of the spine, through all the seven chakras and out through the crown chakra at the top of the head. In order to do this safely, all seven chakras must be completely open and unobstructed. In order to handle a large amount of bioelectricity safely, one's body must be strong and all of the seven chakras must be fully open. Kundalini is the life force and is very sexual in nature. This is the reason the Christian church and other RHP religions ban masturbation and all forms of sex. Sex is the creative power; it is one’s use of the life force to create another human being. When one is trained and adept, the use of this force can be applied to many other objectives. Hatha [physical] yoga can be a big help in stimulating and opening the chakras and very recommended. By increasing our level of physical flexibility, the life force flows easier. One only needs to look at the stiffness of old age and the ill health that accompanies it, old age precedes death. There are many different methods of awakening this power. Some of these include: •Chanting- Vibration is very powerful. The power of sound can break glass, weaken steel, and cement structures. Vibrations cause the chakras to open and stimulate the kundalini at the base of the spine. •Controlled Breathing (pranyama) - Different methods of controlled breathing are specific to each chakra. We are all aware how important the breath is to the life force. The Egyptian God Thoth has said many times "Life is in the Breath." •Visualization and concentration- Through visualizing and focusing our minds on each chakra, we can open, close and control them. •Revamping the bioelectricity ideally, should be done slowly and gradually. One’s physical and spiritual self is accustomed to operating on a certain voltage of bioelectricity. Increased Bioelectricity: •Can induce intense bliss. •Strengthens and intensifies the aura. •Gives a feeling of lightness, floating, glowing and assists in astral projection (where one wills one's soul to leave one's body and return safely). •Opens one's mind for spirit contact and telepathic communication. Will enable one to resist disease and also provide the power to heal one's self. •Protects the immune system. •Provides the power to work magick- true magick without props- empty handed. This is the art of the true adept. Ceremony is unnecessary. LIMITATIONS ARE NOT A PART OF SATANISM. Satanic Symbols It is a sad fact that few Satanists know the real meaning of our symbols. Most take false and erroneous information from Christian sources. Christians show their stupidity and ignorance incessantly. Knowledge is their most formidable enemy for no scam, no hoax, nor any lie can succeed when one has knowledge of the truth. Every Satanic symbol represents powerful spiritual meaning in regards to humanity reaching the godhead of spiritual and physical perfection and immortality. Most if not all Satanic symbols pertain to the true spiritual knowledge and the human soul. THE SERPENT: The most sacred symbol in Satanism. The serpent represents the kundalini force at the base of the spine. When the serpent is activated through power meditation and specific exercises, it ascends through the seven chakras, bringing intense awareness, enlightenment, psychic powers and abilities, and all-knowing. The hooded cobra, seen in many ancient carvings and paintings in Egypt, symbolizes the resulting expanded consciousness of raising the serpent. This is the TRUE foundation of Satanism- raising the serpent. Those who are successful in raising the serpentine energy are on a much higher spiritual level and can no longer be deceived by Christianity and its related programs. The Point Down Pentagram symbolizes energy entering our crown chakra from above. The Satanic Lightning Bolt symbolizes Satan as our True Creator God. The lightning bolt is the life force- the bioelectricity. All point down symbols in Satanism represent energy from above descending and giving life to, and empowering the human soul. The Equal Armed Iron Cross is seen in most Demon Sigils and represents the correct alignment of the chakras and the shape of the human soul. Lucifer has several sigils. All have to do with reaching the godhead. His symbol at left represents the True GRAIL. This is the cup that holds the elixer of life. The Catholic Church STOLE this concept and corrupted it. The Grail is part of the Magnum Opus, the potential of which we have within ourselves. It is not a material object, it is a concept. The "blood of the chakras" is the energy they leak when stimulated. The Grail is depicted as "Royal Blood." this is the 'blood' of the chakras. The symbols on the left are of Astaroth. Both were derived from the Egyptian Ankh. The Egyptian Ankh represents the key to the soul and the heart chakra. The glyph for the planet Venus was derived from the ankh. Both the planet Venus and the heart chakra are of Astaroth. The colors RED, WHITE, and BLACK date back not only to Ancient Egypt, but to their origins in the Far East. Egypt was known as the "Black and Red Land" and was the center of Alchemy. Alchemy is the transformation of the human soul into the godhead. Through this transformation, we complete Our Creator Satan's unfinished work. The colors red, white and black are of the three major nadis of the human soul. The Ida is black, the Pingala is red, and the Sushumna is white. "DARKNESS" The association of "darkness" with Satanism has been totally twisted. This is not about spooks, ghouls or any other crap like that. Satanic "darkness" has to do with the "yin" in the "yang." This represents the female side of the soul; the subconscious mind that we access through meditation. The Serpent of Satan is of the female side of the soul. The male side of the soul is the logical side- the left brain. The female side is the right side of the brain. The soul has both positive and negative poles. Both the male and the female must work together. The logical male side; the left brain directs the female side through thought and will. The female side of the soul is the powerhouse of the soul. The female side makes manifest the thoughts and ideas generated from the male logical side. The female side is also the creative aspect of the soul; dreams, music, feelings and intuitions. Because of the power to direct one's own destiny and the spiritual freedom that comes with this are of the female side of the soul, the Christian Churches and their related ilk, such as Islam, work at promoting an inferior image of women; with Islam being brutal to women, and the incessant denegrations of women in the Judeo/Christian bible. All of this in addition reflects on the subconscious, subliminal level to suppress and deny the female power of the soul. Through centuries of this enforced garbage, which is nothing more than a program to remove spirituality, the female side of the soul and its powers have atrophied. This is why humanity and this world are in such an ugly mess right now. This has created a most serious imbalance that has become generational. Satanism works through power meditation to empower the female side of the soul to regain balance and restore spiritual health, along with empowering the individual. The "Devil's Pitchfork" is actually a very ancient symbol predating Christianity by thousands of years. This symbol originated in the Far East [where Christianity and its Jewish root stole from copiously; hideously perverting and corrupting the massive theft beyond recogntion, in order to destroy spiritual knowledge and keep spiritual power in the hands of the "Chosen" few]. It is known as the "TRISHUL" and symbolizes piercing through the three knots in the base, the heart and 6th chakras, also known as "granthis" in Sanskrit. For the serpent to ascend, all three must be open. The Trishul symbolizes the serpentine energy piercing through the three granthis. The image of Baphomet of western occultism was taken from the image of Shiva [above]. Note the position of the arms, one pointing upwards and the other downwards. The Baphomet again is symbolic of both the male and the female aspects of the soul. Note the Baphomet is both male and female, as also seen with in images of the Egyptian God Akhenaton. The horns are symbolic of Mercury, which is the vril, chi, witchpower, lifeforce, prana. The wings of the soul represent spiritual freedom. The goat symbolizes fertility- fertility in multiplying the life force, vril, which activates and raises the serpent. The "Goat of a Thousand Young" is referring to the crown chakra, "Sahasrara" in Sanskrit which means "Thousand Petaled Lotus." The horns are symbolic of the life force, the witchpower, vril, chi...This is symbolized by the symbol for the planet Mercury [shown directly below]. "Mercury" is known as "Messenger of the Gods." "God/s" is a code-word for the chakras. Note the horns shown on the image of Azazel [shown at left], with the rays shining fromm his head, representing the risen serpent. The PYRAMID is symbolic of the shape of the human chakra. The missing capstone represents the unfinished work and the ALL-SEEING EYE represents the gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also known as "SAMADI" or "SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS." The photo at left was taken from the US One Dollar Bill. The United States, government and all, was founded upon Masonic prinicples and is not Christian by any stretch of the imagination. Original Freemasonry was of Satan. is the Kabbalistic square of the Sun. 666 is the all-important solar chakra. The true meaning of the "Temple of Solomon" is the TEMPLE OF THE SUN. "Sol" "Om" and "On" are all words for the Sun. "Sol" is the Latin word for the Sun and is close to the English word "soul." "Om" is a name given by the Hindus to the Spiritual Sun and "On" is an Egyptian word for Sun. The symbolism of the Temple of Solomon was stolen by the Jews and made into a fictitious character, as with the fictitous nazarene and nearly everything in the Judeo/Christian Bible. For more information: The Removal and Desecration of the Original Gentile Religious Texts and Exposing Spiritual Corruption: Spiritual Alchemy & The Bible The true meaning of the "Temple of the Sun" is spiritual. This symbolizes the perfected soul, where the rays from the solar [666] chakra, which is the center of the soul and circulates spiritual energy, radiates into 8 separate rays. The shining soul is symbolized by the sun. 8 is the number of Astaroth. This is also "The New Jerusalem." The name of "Jerusalem" has also been stolen and corrupted into a city in Israel. "Jerusalem" IS A CONCEPT! Note on the two Satanic symbols on the far right above, the number 8 is the symbol for infinity/immortality. The 8 is turned on its side. The double cross symbolizes the human soul at the solar [666] and heart/shoulder chakras. The 8 pointed star to the left is the Star of Astaroth. The Catholic Church labeled this as "Sigil of the Beast." Anything having to do with spirituality has been maligned, slandered, blasphemed and desecrated by the Christian Churches. The shining perfected soul is also symbolic as "The Light." Astaroth's symbol at left symbolizes the balance and equilibrium, obtained when both the Ida and Pingala nadis are equally active, and the Sushumna is no longer dormant. The Skull and Bones is symbolic of the Nigredo [transformation] stage of the Magnum Opus (The transformation of the soul into the godhead). This is the death stage in the work, before the soul is purified into the godhead. The dross is separated from the pure. The Black Sun, the Raven, the Crow, and the color black also symbolize the Nigredo [transformation] stage. The Black Sun is the astral Sun. The Peacock is sacred to Satan and represents the third eye and the multi-colored stage of the Magnum Opus following the Nigredo [transformation]. Lucifer, Lucifer, stretch your tail, and lead me away full speed through the strait passage, of the valley of death, to the shining light, the palace of of the Gods -Isanatha Muni The inverted cross is a very ancient symbol, YES, predating Christianity and its Jewish root by thousands of years. Its true meaning symbolizes the correct way of aligning the chakras. The all-important solar [666] chakra is aligned point down, and gives the soul its power. Concerning the Solar Chakra and Freemasonry: The character "Hiram Abiff" is another allegory. Note "HIRAM" is a very ancient mantra for the Sun. The Black Sun [astral Sun]. Hrim ties into the freemason Hiram Abiff. “presented to all candidates during the third degree in Freemasonry.” Note THIRD- the third solar chakra. The gold chakra. The Sun chakra, which is also symbolized by the swastika. From Wikipedia: article on Hiram Abiff Hiram Abiff (also Hiram Abif or the Widow's son) is the central character of an allegory presented to all candidates during the third degree in Freemasonry. Hiram is presented as the chief architect of King Solomon's Temple, who is murdered in the Temple he designed by three ruffians during an unsuccessful attempt to force him to divulge the Master Masons' secret passwords. NOTE: “Hiram is presented as the chief architect of King Solomon's Temple.” In other words, the solar chakra symbolized by the Satanic inverted cross, is the source of the magnum opus and the powerhouse of the soul. This is also symbolized by Thor's Hammer. The solar chakra is the "architect of the soul." All energy to empower your soul comes from this chakra. The solar chakra being located near the navel is also the spot where we were first nourished and given life in our mother's womb. Hiram Abiff is not a character, but a CONCEPT. The "secret passwords" are the mantras and words of power that awaken and empower the chakras. All of the ancient Pagan religions placed emphasis on the Sun. The Sun is the giver of life and this also includes the astral Sun of the soul; the "Temple of Solomon." The solar chakra also plays a key role in the magnum opus. Concerning the False Spiritual Teachings of Yoga The ego is the self. "As above, so below," we need to work as a unit in order to advance. The Sanskrit word, "yoga" means "union." In my work as a medium, I invoked many spirits of deceased humans. On the astral, deceased souls stagnate and do not change or evolve. One needs a physical self in order to advance the soul. Due to the right hand path teachings, many practitioners of the eastern disciplines have little knowledge of how to use their powers. The teachings of selflessness, sacrifice, asceticism, denial, ignoring the physical self and chastity (absence of sexual relations) are for the purpose of preventing humanity from accessing any mind power. One needs the physical self in order to advance the soul. Mastery over the physical self is another matter. An adept should be able to transcend pain. Mastery over the physical self and ignoring/neglecting the physical self are two very different things. When one neglects the physical self, one creates disunion. Yoga in this case is no longer a concept. The same goes for ego and desire. We should not let our desires dominate our lives, but without desire, life itself becomes meaningless. Our wants and desires are what make us unique individuals, and give us the personalities we have. Without desire, we stagnate and have nothing. Desire motivates us and our ego is our self. By denying the essential parts of ourselves, we break up the union. The practice of yoga or any other disciplines would not even begin without desire. Without desire, we have nothing. Strong desire, along with a strong mind and will is what makes magickal workings successful. When the life force is strong, there is a strong desire to live. Absence of desire is death. When we no longer have desires, we stop living. Most of us will agree, upon meeting and uniting with Satan, he brings us together spiritually. We have a feeling of wholeness that we didn't have before. The popular yoga teachings are here only to deter us from power, like all of the teachings of Christianity and the other related religions. IGNORE THEM. Only use the physical techniques. There are stages one goes through in the activation of the chakras and kundalini. Some of these stages are a lack of sex drive and lust. This is because the kundalini is sexual and when we begin power meditation, this energy is directed into different areas of the soul. People have also reported having much more intense orgasms once the kundalini is stimulated. Orgasms are much more intense and pleasurable with more bioelectricity. Sex should, if possible, be an addition to kundalini awakening. Kundalini is the life force and very sexual in nature. There are murals on the walls of the pyramids and temples in Egypt. These murals are of the Gods tuning their chakras. The male Gods are always shown with a full erection when undergoing this process. The life force and sex drive are the same. By centuries and centuries of preaching the lies of abstinence and self-denial, these teachings have kept humanity enslaved both physically and spiritually. When the life force is strong, one does not experience depression, apathy, futility, or hopelessness. The Effects of Kundalini on the Thoughts and the Mind Kundalini and the energy of the chakras is bioelectricity. Our brains run on bioelectricity. This can be seen when some people experience seizures. Thoughts are electrical impulses. When we revamp our bioelectricity, we stimulate areas of our minds that have been and are normally dormant. Kundalini can kick up old fears, unpleasant thoughts and all kinds of things that have been buried in our minds. Void meditation and the ability to banish thoughts at will, is a definite help here, as negative thoughts serve no real purpose and tying into them is a waste of time, unless it is for a specific reason, as one wanting to deal with them. This is just a stage and will pass in time. Ignore any negative thoughts if they surface and they will go away. As we can see, by focusing our attention to our chakras, we empower them. Through awareness and focus; when turning our attention to anything, we give it power. When we completely ignore any negative thoughts or psychic disturbances, they will wither away. People who have or have had a tendency to seizures need to be extra careful with kundalini stimulation. Experiences are often very individual and what one persona may not experience, another person will. Remember to take things slow in regards to working on your soul. Demons will often be of assistance and guidance. Less is always better with these exercises, especially when one is new to meditation, but regardless of any experiences, one should proceed fearlessly. Those who are weak, usually those of the RHP who practice yoga and are not evolved, become anxious and fearful when they run into problems. Remember, fear is not a part of Satanism. Satanism's Origins in the Far East From years of research, and guidance from our Beloved Father Satan, we have discovered the true origins of Satanism. We have come to the conclusion, knowing Judaism, Christianity and Islam to be unparalleled and viscious hoaxes upon humanity, that the claims these programs make in regards to the origins of humanity being in the Middle East are lies and cover-ups to further delude and confuse people as to the truth. Spiritual knowledge and teachings came to Egypt and Mesopotamia from the Far East. The Far East is also where Judaism and Christianity STOLE their doctrines from, after corrupting them and replacing them with imposter filth, with the goal to remove all spiritual knowledge from the populace, their trail of lies is replete with the murdered, the tortured, the damned and the spiritual degeneracy of humanity. More and more lies are necessary for these programs to cover up their stinking foundation of corpses, destruction of historical artifacts, and horrendous corruption. When doing any personal research/study on your own regarding the Far East disciplines, it is very important to remember that unfortunately, these have been heavily polluted with Christian filth and lies like just about everything else. The TRUE goal of Satanism [the root word/name "SAT" of 'all names and variations of Satan' means "TRUTH" in Sanskrit, which is one of the worlds oldest languages], is to advance our souls and to empower ourselves. Meaningless crap such as references to certain 'morality' and 'personal conduct' should be weeded out as dross. These in truth have nothing whatsoever to do with obtaining the powers of the mind and soul. Knowledge and application of that knowledge is the only key. "Right up to the thirteenth century, Yantra-Tantra practises thrived on a widespread basis in the whole of Eastern India. In the Thirteenth century, muslim invaders destroyed the famed universities and centres of learning of Yantra-Tantra and ruined thousands of volumes of literature in the form of books, manuscripts and icons. People practising the art of Yantra-Tantra were massacred and those who were able to save their lives escaped to South India, Assam and countries like Nepal, Tibet, Burma, Ceylon and Java. In more recent times, the Chinese invaders who plundered Tibet further destroyed the monasteries and literature of Yantra-Tantra." Reference: Power of Mantra and Yantra by P. Khurrana As we can easily see from the above excerpt, Christianity and Islam are nothing more than formidable tools to destroy all true spirituality and replace it with false imposter lies and corruptions. Much has been destroyed. Satan leads us to the truth through our own study and through opening our souls and minds. IMPORTANT! MOST OF THE TEACHINGS AND DOCTRINES OF THE ANCIENT RELIGIONS HAVE BEEN CORRUPTED. IGNORE THEM. THE EXERCISES, SUCH AS THOSE IN HATHA AND KUNDALINI YOGA, BREATHING EXERCISES, MARTIAL ARTS EXERCISES, ETC., THESE ARE ANOTHER MATTER AND THEY ARE VERY POWERFUL IN RAISING THE SO-CALLED WITCHPOWER, VRIL, CHI. THIS IS THE ESSENCE OF SATANISM. Astaroth's Eastern Connection She was known to the Canaanites as Astarte; to the Sumerians, she was known as Inanna; to the Babylonians, she was known as Ishtar, and to the Assyrians and the Akkadians, she was known as Ashtart, Ashtoreth, Asherah, and Astoreth. To the Egyptians, she was known as Isis, Ashet and Aset, and to the Phoenicians, she was known as Tanit-Ashtart and Ashtaroth. "Ashta" and variations of her names in Sanskrit [one of the most ancient of languages] means "eight." Jnana Yoga [Inanna] is the "Path of Knowledge." The number 8, when turned upon its side is the symbol for infinity, and immortality. Most of us who are familiar with Yoga have heard of the 'Eight-Fold' Path. Unfortunately, much of this has been polluted by Christian and Muslim filth, after the destruction of the original doctrines. The Eight-Fold Path has nothing to do with personal conduct or 'morality.' "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely." - Satan, from the Al Jilwah In truth, the Eight-Fold Path is the observance and practice of the following, which greatly amplifies the powers of the mind and soul: 1. Asanas - Physical positions of the body such as in Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, the Five Tibetans, and Tai Chi. One must work on and strengthen the physical self through gentle stretching, and manipulation of the spine to facilitate the safe ascension of the serpent. The physical body must be free and flexible, otherwise energy may become trapped. When one consistently performs power meditations, one raises extreme amounts of energy that must be properly directed and above all, free. 2. Pranayama - Breathing Exercises 3. Dhyana - Meditation 4. Mantras - Vibration of words of power to obtain certain goals and/or personal powers 5. Yantras - meditation upon sigils and certain symbols [used along with vibration of mantra for maximum effectiveness] 6. Mudras - Certain seals such as hand positions which activate the vril [chi/witchpower] 7. Bandhas - Energy locks which stimulate and direct the serpent 8. Maithuna - Sexual activity, either with a partner/s or alone. Orgasm is very necessary in both activating and in amplifying the life force. This is why the Christian Church and Muslim program, in an attempt to remove all spiritual knowledge and power, are always condemning, and placing restrictions on sexual activity. By practicing all of the above, one will greatly enhance and amplify his/her powers and shorten the time in achieving the godhead. More information about Astaroth's Eight-pointed Star, also known as 'Sigil of the Beast' Important Information About Serpent Yoga I have read many, many different books on yoga, meditation and kundalini. Much of this knowledge was preserved in the Far East as we know. The true origins of Satanism are in the Far East, NOT the Middle East, or in Mesopotamia, though it is evident our Gods were at one time in this area. The Seven Towers of Satan are both an allegory for the chakras and also are physical markers across the territory spanning from the Far East to the Middle East, marking the trek of physical migration from east to west. The point of this sermon is through Satan, we can make much more and unheard of rapid progress in our meditations and in raising our serpent. Most yoga texts and related meditation texts will relate that through hard work, consistent meditation [over an hour a day minimum] and advanced hatha yoga practice, a non-Satanist just might be able to raise their serpent after a period of 22 years. Most of these involved secluding one's self in what is known as an 'ashram,' denying normal sex, suppressing orgasm, adherence to a strict vegan [no meat, no dairy, no eggs or any animal products] diet and all sorts of other restrictions. Through Satan, some of our people have raised their serpent in a very short period of time. The enemy = restrictions. It is no wonder many non-Satanists who are intense practitioners of yoga and meditation, who are without, go through all kinds of problems, frightening experiences, and a strict anti-life program that in truth is designed by the enemy to discourage and block any true spiritual progress. In ancient times, before Christianity reared its ugly head, a requirement to become a legitimate priest was a risen serpent. My entire point of this post is to remind everyone- IN ORDER TO RAISE YOUR SERPENT, YOU MUST BE FREE. This is the entire message of yoga, beyond the corrupted teachings the enemy has infested it with. Hatha [physical yoga] is to make the body more flexible and to open joints and other areas where energy is trapped due to being tight. Eat as you please, have sex as you please, indulge as you please, be free. Sexual orgasm opens the chakras. As I wrote before, many authors of meditation books out there advocate retaining the semen and such. Most are now dead and none has ever lived to any great age. There are exercises one can do with the above, but these are not to be done continuously, as these books claim. Orgasm is necessary for both physical, psychological and emotional health. Our Beloved Father Satan guides us to the truth and gives us knowledge and abilities that are far beyond where those who are without are at, regardless of how dedicated these people are to their programs. As I wrote before, the enemy promotes everyting that is unnatural, and anti-life. Sexuality is condemned and suppressed to make damned good and sure that no one raises his/her serpent or experiences any spiritual advancement. Remember this when reading or studying for yourselves from any Eastern teachings, meditation or yoga texts. Our people are advancing in unheard of short periods of time through Satan, in a safe and healthy manner. As the serpent grows powerful and begins to ascend [often it retreats back into the base chakra until it rises above the solar chakra], past hang-ups [whatever they may be] and any psychological issues are brought to consciousness so they can be dealt with and eliminated. The serpent is also cleansing the soul through the astral element of fire. SATANISM = BEING FREE