The 8-Pointed STAR Symbol 13 Votes Dragon-Eye-fantasy-35238946-1920-1080 The eight-pointed star appears in cultures around the globe. It can be found within national flags, and even religious iconography. With it carries various meaning inclusive of each culture. Bab-IluGateofGod If you follow through, this will all begin to make sense! Just bear with me… ishtarstar Astrological Origin The roots of the eight-pointed stat symbolize the four corners of space. The eight lines are symbolic of north, south, east, and west; and time as well with the two solstices and two equinoxes. The first cross is the intersection of the Galactic Equator with the ecliptic and the axis perpendicular to this intersection. When the Earth Cross and the Galactic Cross are superimposed they form an eight-pointed cross. The two separate crosses become conjunct and form a single 4 pointed cross during the moments of a Great Celestial Conjunction. After the individual crosses separate again and form an eight-pointed cross again. The Bible warns us of using astrological sorcery…another form of this is the astrological signs such as Leo, etc. GOD made the firmament and stars but not for idolizing and the secret here is it takes GOD out of the picture and places the planets and stars as the creator. mayan Mayan Cross of Quetzalcoatl In the Dresden Codex we find Az Tzul Ahaw, who’s believed to represent a Venus deity since the Venus glyph appears where his face is. Notice the cross symbols in the sky band. When the crosses in the sky band are superimposed an 8 pointed cross is formed. 8 Hinduism The eight paths in the way of Buddah and eight immortals in Chinese tradition carry weight within their culture. However, its universal symbolism is interesting because it deals with balance, harmony, and cosmic order. Its pattern is associated with early astronomy, religion, and mysticism. This comes at a high price to the human race. 88 Star of Lakshmi: In Hinduism, Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, has eight emanations known as Ashtalakshmi, which are represented by two entwined squares forming an octagram. These emanations represent eight forms of wealth: monetary, ability to transport, endless prosperity, victory, patience, health and nourishment, knowledge, and family. CUR.86.227.70 Use in Islam By the middle-ages, the eight-point star is widely used as a symbol in Islamic art. It is called khatim or khatim sulayman, seal of the prophets, as in signet ring. The phrase “seal of the prophets” is also used in the Koran and has particular ideological meaning for Muslims. Moroccan zillij artisans also refer to the eight-point star as sibniyyah, sabniyyah, which is a derivative of the number seven sab’ah. The design of the Muslim khatam was likely inspired by Jewish version, which is the Seal of Solomon. The seal of Solomon is a six point star formed by overlapping two triangles. According to the brilliant book, Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe” Muslim legend recounts Solomon using the star to capture djinns, genies, the immaterial counterparts to humans. SthWheelYear The Wheel of the Year The Wiccan Wheel of the Year is commonly represented as a circle containing eight spokes or an eight-pointed star. Each point is a major holiday known as a Sabbat. Wiccans emphasize the system of holidays as a whole: each holiday is influenced by what has come before and prepares for the one approaching next. 0.611 Overlapping Squares: Octagrams formed from overlapping squares often emphasize duality: yin and yang, male and female, spiritual and material. Squares are often connected with the physical world: four elements, four cardinal directions, etc. Together, the they can mean both positive and negative aspects of the four elements, for example, and balancing them. inanna Ancient Use An Italian nobleman named Pietro della Valle discovered the use of an eight-point star as a seal in the ruins of the ancient city of Ur (~2000BC), Tell al Muqayyar, in the mid-seventeenth century. He wrote “I found on the ground some pieces of black Marble…which seem to be a kind of Seal like what the Orientals use at this day: for their Seals are only letters or written words…Amongst the other letters I discovered in a short time was…a star of eight points…” Abraham, the shared prophet of the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) lived in the Sumerian city of Ur. Excavations from Ur reveal early use of the eight point star, often in the form of an eight petal rosette used in jewelry or metalwork decoration. wicked The Sumerians used an arrangement of lines as a symbol for both star and God. The linear eight-point star represented the goddess Inanna, Sumerian queen of the heavens and Ishtar (Astarte), the Babylonian goddess known as “The Lightbringer.” An eight-point star enclosed within a circle was the symbol for the sun god. The “Babylonian star-cult is the core and the archetype of subsequent astrology.” For centuries, the Greeks believed that the morning and evening star we different entities. The Greeks recognized Venus as the morning and evening star is 400 BC, 1,500 years after Sumerians. I mention the Sumerian history to show the earliest origins of the eight-point star as a reflection of astronomical observations from one of the world’s oldest civilizations. Sumer is located in an era of the world where several civilizations, such as Babylonian, Arkadian (Semetic), Elam (proto Indo-Iranian), Egyptian, and Greek expanded and retracted. images Egyptian-Old Kingdom Egyptians recognized a group of eight deities, four male and four female, with the female bearing feminine forms of the male names: Nu, Nanet, Amun, Amunet, Kuk, Kauket, Huh, and Hauhet. Each pair represents a primal force, water, air, darkness, and infinity, and together they create the world and the sun god Ra from the primordial waters. Together, these eight are known as the Ogdoad, and this context is borrowed by other cultures which may represent it with an octagram. Esoteric sources love to give you their evaluations of the what’s and why’s to this subject. There are as many as you can count! I’ve found some VERY INTERESTING connections and want to share them. Now, first understand we must view the esoteric views to get the full scope of what it means to the occult. The most striking symbol of mystery to me is the 8-rayed star, or octagon, which is one of the most prevalent ‘synchro-mystic’ themes to date. The esoteric love this symbol because it forms the divine energy-consciousness that is utilized in magical rituals as well as in alchemy. “The Stone (or Elixer, or Quintessence) is a result of separation and recombination (Solve et Coagula) of the action and passive forms of the Spirit, the primordial form of energy-consciousness that is utilized in magical rituals as well as alchemy. It is symbolized by an eight-spoked wheel.” octagons Image at the bottom right shows a black stone shiva lingam behind the man are octagonal stars with equal-armed solar crosses inside them helping cement the connection between the cross & cube, and the octagon & pyramid Synchnificant sources such as movies seem to use these as ‘stargate’ symbols. More below… symbols It is also the symbol of Chaos magic, which is appropriate considering the above alchemic quote where the elements which form the Stone (octagon) came from Chaos. The Symbol of Chaos originates from Michael Moorcock’s Eternal Champion stories. Furthermore, the ‘8’ of Wands in Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot deck features prominently an eight-pointed star with arrows at the ends. Crowley described the card as representing “energy” scattering at “high velocity” that had managed to create the depicted eight-pointed figure. Moorcock says, about his version — “The origin of the Chaos Symbol was me doodling sitting at the kitchen table and wondering what to tell Jim Cawthorn the arms of Chaos looked like. I drew a straightforward geographical quadrant (which often has arrows, too!) – N, S, E, W – and then added another four directions and that was that – eight arrows representing all possibilities, one arrow representing the single, certain road of Law. I have since been told that it is an “ancient symbol of Chaos” and if it is then it confirms a lot of theories about the race mind. … As far as I know the symbol, drawn by Jim Cawthorn, first appeared on an Elric cover of Science Fantasy in 1962, then later appeared in his first comic version of Stormbringer done by Savoy.” 11 In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says: “Earth, Water, Fire, Ether, Spirit, Intelligence, and Ego are my 8 separate energies.” This seems to be a universal language of sorts, does it not? DragonCatholic Notice how ‘Jesus’ is weaved into the picture. Each letter of ICHTHYS can be found in the eight-spoke circle. Notice how most of the letters of ICHTHYS can mean “wisdom” or “secret knowledge.” Keeping with the octagonal theme, Jesus is also equal to 888 using gematria (the “Dominical Number.” Also, Jesus resurrected on the 8th day (on Sunday, first day of the new week), and 8 people were saved on the Ark). Another interesting number associated with Jesus is the “measure of the fish,” the mathematical ratio of the Christian fish symbol (visica pisces, seen above), 153:265 or 265/153 = square root of 3 = 1.732 (which connects to the 23/17 enigma). In one Biblical account, Jesus caused 153 fish to be caught in Peter’s net. The numbers 1 thru 17, when added together, equal 153 (Also, 9 is often found in “17” equations, such as in 9×17=153; remember that there are 9 Kingdoms, but 7 Heavens). 17 is the day of Osiris’ death in the month of Athyr. (And 1+7 = 8) Osiris is the original Green Man, having green skin of decay and representing the death and re-birth of vegetation. melchizedek-seal-san-vitale2 The eight-pointed star, also known as Rub el Hizb or 125510874_640 The Seal of Melchizdek… essenes According to certain Essene traditions the Essenes came from Venus. In the Book: “Le Memoire d’Essenien, L’autre visage de Jesus” the following can be found on this subject: (p.18) “Look very well at that star behind me: it is one of the symbols of our people” (p.32): “Look,” he said, “that is the big morningstar, we call her ‘Moon-Sun’ or ‘Ishtar’ (Venus). To our people she stands for Mysterie and Light. The meaning of the octagram: it is the expression of the “Law of Cause and Effect”. Those two are inextricably tied together: “What ye sow, ye shall reap”. (compare with Karma / Wheel of life) That makes the number 8 the number of fate, destiny and justice. Transformative qualities are: resurrection, immortality and prosperity. notgod Jesus Christ, the Son of GOD is NOT who these people speak of! “The Tomb of God” the following can be read on p.69: “The eight-pointed symbol before our eyes – deducted from two squares, superimposed on each other – was already used by the Rosycrucians in the seventeenth century as a symbol for the eight points of a geometrical Universe, that was guarded by eight Angels”. In “Edgar Cayce on Jesus and his church”, p.134/135 the following can be read about the Law of Cause and Effect”: …”Through the varying activities He overcame the world through the experiences, bearing the cross in each and every experience, reaching the final cross with all power, all knowledge in having overcome the world, and of himself accepted the cross. Hence doing away with that often called karma, that must be met by all. The immutable Law of Cause and Effect is, as evidence in the world today, in the material, the mental and the spiritual world; but he, – in overcoming the world, the Law – became the Law. The Law, then, becomes as the schoolmaster, or the school of training, and we who have named the Name then, are no longer under the Law as Law, but under Mercy as in Him; for in Him – and with the desires – may there be the coordination of all things.” …Then, as each soul builds for that it, as a soul, is to act, whether in mind or body, the soul mind is already in the throes of the influences necessary. Then when we comprehend, we realize there is no time, no space, and that the divinity of the man, Jesus, was was perfect in his activity in the earth, for it was offered even from the first.”… 4421180681_a78e136af81 All those symbols can be found in the symbol of our community: in the middle the Circle of Infinity, with inside the cross of creation, plus as round it the Padma (the Lotus, symbol of Creation from the All, the Brahman) and behind that, in perspective, the eventual fulfillment in the “Union Jack” of the star, with hidden in it the crosses of the Spiritual New Israel. The eight-pointed star is a Gnostic symbol, known as the octagram of creation. It is related to Venus, and also sacred to Ishtar. palace-octagon-close In Nordic traditions the octagram is used to invoke magic and also as a protecting ideogram. Chaospheres have 8 points – order 90 degrees and chaos 45 degrees. This is the traditional Star of Ishtar. Composed of two intertwined squares, this is a symbol of regeneration. It is a symbol for the natural universe interweaving order and disorder, yin and yang, to create an ultimately harmonious and balanced design. wormhole BABYLON’S TIME MACHINE The eight-rayed or spoked ATLAS detector at CERN may very well be a representation of a wormhole. Was Quetzalcoatl was time-traveler entering a wormhole? Or was it Nimrod who built a ‘ladder’ or TOWER to the heavens that reached from Babylon to the stars? ta wer At the Sety’s 14th century B.C. temple at Abydos, in the Osiris Chapel, there is depiction of Osiris as a pillar or tower. In fact, the Egyptians called this Osiris pillar the Ta-Wer or ‘bond between heaven and earth’. Sounds like the Tower of Babel to me! On the opposite wall is the Osiris Device, depicted as a ship of eternity which the king will sail into eternity as a star. This resembles a modern drawing of a wormhole. Notice the next drawing…. portal I guarantee the events which are depicted in the Bible will be duplicated! Thousands of years later and we’re headed for the RIDE of a lifetime! UFOanimation GUESS Who the 8-pointed Star stands for? Sanat Kumara. SATAN! The Ascended Master… Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot, and Asteroth), in demonology, is a Crowned Prince of Hell. He is a male figure named after the Canaanite goddess Ashtoreth. The name Astaroth was ultimately derived from that of 2nd millennium BC Phoenician goddess Astarte, an equivalent of the Babylonian Ishtar, and the earlier Sumerian Inanna. demon I believe this is the Ashtar of the Galactic Federation of Light-so-called ‘aliens’…demons in disguise. I believe it (the demon) is a HERMAPHRODITE. Having Male & Female parts! This is why the name covers so many avenues. astarte Ishtar (Isis, Astarte, Aphrodite, Inanna, Libertas, etc) is only one name for many personages. Ashtar Symbols like the 8-pointed star represents this figure. This entity is known as the EYE GODDESS, and she has EYE TEMPLES. Found were thousands of figurines with her staring wide, owl-like eyes which coiled like snakes. Let’s skip to this! 445904 Vlad, the Impaler… Who would have thought this was connected. The National Gallery of Slovenia holds this visage of Pontius Pilate…the Viennese paintings were once in the Museum of the Franciscan monastery, but evidence to date indicates that the origins are more likely Bavarian that Viennese or Frankish area (Cevc). vladblasphemy This makes perfect sense to me. I believe the Franks and Bavarian are hand in hand in this project! Research their bloodlines! The royal bloodline of the Queen makes it perfectly clear they are related to Vlad, the Impaler. And to put such paint on canvas to portray this image is pure blasphemy. sion Vlad often had the stakes arranged in various geometric patterns. The most common pattern was a ring of concentric circles in the outskirts of a city that constituted his target. Order of the Dragon’s insignia is a serpent/Dragon with it’s tail wrapped around it’s neck (like a variation on the ouroboros used by Braum’s Theosophical Society or something). According to his biography; at age 5 he was initiated into the Order of the Dragon. The Order of the Dragon was “an elite chivalric order for selected royalty and nobility” and primarily flourished in Germany and Italy. Remember our (British people’s) Queen is really German; note that the Order of the Garter also uses the 8 pointed star and dragon motifs, as do the Order of St. Vladimir and many of the other elite groups wings More trauma was inflicted on him as a boy as his father gave him and his brother up as hostages to their sworn enemies at age 13; I’ll quote wiki again: “These years were influential in shaping Vlad’s character; he was often whipped by his Ottoman captors for being stubborn and rude. Here is where he learned his torture tactics.” The abused becomes the abuser [this is programming, and works in non-conspiracy terms obviously with intergenerational abuse and whatnot]. He was programmed, and then released by the Turks as their literal puppet (mind controlled pawn, like most politicians today), this quote from wiki is too much: “To protect their political power in the region, the Ottomans invaded Wallachia and the Sultan put Vlad III on the throne as his puppet ruler.” The world’s a stage; we (the masses) will never see the director/puppeteer; only the actors/puppets are shown to the masses doing exactly what the puppeteer/director makes them do to benefit their clandestine agenda. Our third eye is not going to awaken, our consciousness is not going to suddenly expand.. Impaler The origins of the eight-pointed star on Vlad’s hat… According to Laurence Gardner, the present Chancellor of the Imperial Court of Dragon Sovereignty and his postal address of Devon, England at Colomba House. Columba = dove = Queen Semiramis Order According to Garner, the name Dracula means ‘Son of Dracul’ and was inspired by Prince Vlad III of Transsylvania=Wallachia, a Chancellor of the Court of the Dragon in the 15th century. The prince’s father was called Dracul within the Court. Dracul = Draco emblem Soon to come is an article I plan to do on the underground cavern systems. This system is controlled by the “Unseen Hand” by the Atlanteans/Ascended Masters/Fallen Angels. The reoccurring motif in the discourse of these wicked ones is VAMPIRISM! It is said that in order for some of these entities to maintain their presence in this dimension they must drink blood, which they need to hold their human form. They also use fear, aggression, and negative emotions for energy. Vlad In their network of secret societies, of which the Order of Draco is but a single manifestation, they highlight the conspiratorial dimension of all vampires. Finally, they share with the traditional vampire the capacity to hypnotize. Certainly, ‘vampires’ embody the market for genetic engineering as well as space exploration. symbol Top picture is the Official Seal of the “Dominion” of the Order of Melchizedek the High Priesthood. st_jhons_cross St. John Wax Seal Stamp I thought this was interesting… It’s considered the ‘cross’ of St. John. It originates in the Maltese Cross, the emblem of the Knights of Malta, and was used by the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem at the time of the crusades. Knights of Malta have an eight-pointed star! This is yet another form of proof that these people are NOT the same as GOD’S people. church of the dragon Lastly, we need to address how wicked the Roman Catholic Church is. Within it are many symbols and signs of its infiltration by satan. Here is an old photo of the center of St. Peter’s square, and note that around the obelisk, at the center of the huge eight-pointed wheel, is a smaller four-pointed sun wheel, the same symbol as found on the altar stone in the temple of Baal in Hatzor! Pleiades, Lakota, and Hopi what is the connection? Is the Star cluster Pleiades where the Human Race originated? My good friend, Dr. James Gillihan, a Cherokee man who was raised by the Lakota, shared wonderful Lakota traditions with me. Also, my good friend and mentor, Cherokee elder and wisdom keeper, John Red Hat Duke, enlightened me about many of the Cherokee and Hopi traditions. I was very blessed by both of these friendships. The Lakota and Hopi both have oral traditions related to their origination from the Star cluster Pleiades. When the Hopi see the seven stars overhead (seven stars of Pleiades?) then the members of the Two Horn Society begin to sing their creation songs. Dr. A.C. Ross, in his book, "Mitakuye Oyasin: We are all related”, shares with us some information about the Pleiadians, and their similarities with the Lakota Sioux. He said that the Pleiadians communicate mostly through mental telepathy, and the Lakota also communicate through mental telepathy especially during ceremonies. Pleiades Star Cluster The number twelve appears in Pleiadian stories as well as biblical. It is interesting that the Pleiadians are apparently governed by a High Council traditionally made up of twelve highly advanced spiritual members. The “Pale Prophet”, who is said to have walked the Americas, selected twelve men who would continue his teachings after he left. We read in the Bible that Jesus selected twelve disciples whom he taught, and they were to continue his teachings after he was put to death. The Bible tells us about the twelve sons of Jacob who became known by their names as the twelve tribes of Israel. They were to be a light to the world. It does appear that the number twelve is very significant. Apparently the Pleiadians lived a culture of “all things common”, in community, much like the culture of the Lakota. They shared necessities with one another. It appears that the Pleiadians are working through selected individuals to help humans rise to a higher level of consciousness. They especially are known to contact the Lakota and Hopi Native Americans possibly because their minds are more open to those we call “aliens”. Many of the reports of those who have been contacted by the Pleiadians say that they appear to them in hooded robes. The Pleiadians apparently want to help humans evolve to a higher spiritual level of consciousness so that their minds, bodies, and spirits move into an existence of balance and harmony. In this way, they will also evolve into loving harmony with the “Power Source” of the universe. by Dorothy K Daigle [This says: Christian Cross @ Temple of Phila??]. Philae in Greek or Pilak in ancient Egyptian, meaning 'the end,' defined the southern most limit of Egypt. It was begun by Ptolemy II and completed by the Roman Emperors. The Temple was dedicated to the goddess Isis, the wife of Osiris and mother of Horus. These three characters dominate ancient Egyptian culture and their story possesses all the drama of a Shakespearian tragedy. The god Osiris is murdered and dismembered by his brother Seth. Isis searches for the fragments, collects them together and with her magic powers brings Osiris back to life. They then conceive the god Horus. Osiris becomes god of the under world and judge of the dead - who must answer to him for their deeds on Earth. Meanwhile Isis gives birth to Horus and protects the young god. Later when Horus is grown he avenges his father by defeating Seth in combat. For centuries the temple complex was the holiest site for Isis worshippers. The temple was officially closed down in the 6th century A.D. by the Byzantine emperor Justinian. It was the last pagan temple to exist in the Mediterranean world. Philae was a seat of the Christian religion as well as of the ancient Egyptian faith. Ruins of a Christian church were still discovered, and more than one adytum bore traces of having been made to serve at different eras the purposes of a chapel of Osiris and of Christ. The Philae temple was converted into a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary, until that was closed by Muslim invaders in the 7th century. Isis is a very important figure in the ancient world. She is associated with funeral rites but as the enchantress who resurrected Osiris and gave birth to Horus she is also the giver of life, a healer and protector of kings. She was known as 'Mother of God' and was represented with a throne on her head. During the Roman period her cult spread throughout Greece and the Roman Empire. There was even a temple dedicated to her in London. The temple at Philae was nearly lost under water when the high Aswan dam was built in the 1960s. Fortunately the temple was rescued by a joint operation between the Egyptian government and UNESCO. In an engineering feat to rival the ancients the whole island was surrounded with a dam and the inside pumped dry. Then every stone block of the temple complex was labelled and removed later to be assembled, like a giant jigsaw puzzle, on the higher ground of Agilka island. The whole project took ten years and has saved one of Egypt's most beautiful temples from certain destruction. Egyptian hathor with celestial cross in keyhole and her eye is the eye of Horus Nimrod Nimrod winged sun disc Nimrod (Lucifer) 1. Symbol of the sun. 2. Compass (Freemasons use this symbol). 3. Cresent moon and star 4. Solar wheel 5. Three layered mitre 6. Cross of Horus (priest of Horus would wear this). *place your pointer on picture Nazi [Nazi symbols] Baal/Shamash SS Totenkopf Flag Knight's Templar [Knights Templar] Masonic/Knights Templar grave carving Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago Medallions struck for York Rite, especially within the Knights Templar degree Order of the Temple, convey memorable symbols and references that remind the wearer of experiences gained in the degree. In hoc signo vinces Cap Badge of the Royal Army Chaplains' Department Knights of Columbus The Maltese Cross was worn by the priest of Horus in ancient times. Nowadays, the Pope takes the role. The symbols of Baal and Shamash worn by a Catholic Bishop. Religious Luciferian symbols Pope Benedict XVI, with Maltese cross emblems on his robe. The four-spoked Maltese cross within a circle is a key symbol of sun worship. Media Mogul Shawn Combs is actually wearing the Maltese cross which symbolizes a heavier involvement in the Zionist Agenda. This cross cannot be worn unless you are an Initiate. Ascended Masters These are highly evolved beings. Ascended Masters are not only part of the Spiritual Hierarchy that overlooks the Earth plane, also the higher Solar and Universal Cosmic planes. Many Ascended Masters belong to both the 'White Brotherhood' and the 'Order of Melchizedek'. Many of the 'Order of Melchizedek' are currently in embodiment today to assist in the development of humanity. Ascended Masters are also enlightened Spiritual Beings who lived on Earth, faced the same challenges we face today and reunited with God. Today they serve as the Teachers of mankind from the Realms of Spirit. They guide, protect, inspire and heal mankind. They are Teachers in the truest sense of the word. They can help us grow in any area of our lives and achieve the real purpose of life: to become One with God in the Ascension - a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity; a being who has raised his/her vibration to a sustained frequency of light. He/she can come and go at will from the earth plane without the Birth//Death cycle. These ascended masters return to the earth from time to time, to assist in the progress of humankind. They love the earth greatly and they seek to bring light into the hearts and minds of people so that they may move ever onward in their development. When ascended beings are entirely free of negative karma, they can choose where in the universe they would like to serve. They may choose to continue evolving with earth or to move on to other worlds. Many ascended masters have chosen to stay connected with souls on earth to guide them on the path of soul development and self-transcendence, which they themselves have fully achieved. They are the true teachers of mankind, directing the spiritual evolution of all those who desire to reunite with divine consciousness, or God. The Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Solar logos constantly work with us to connect with them more consciously. They are real and dynamic beings in energetic form. Their purpose is to provide us with guidance, and processes that allow us to open up to our true Self. Lord Melchizedek is the overseeing consciousness of the Order of Melchizedek. The Melchizedek energy strives to bring higher wisdom to humankind by influencing the arts and sciences, education and technology. Melchizedek represents one of the triune of consciousness - that of Wisdom - which make up the fundamental human life force The Elohim The Seven Elohim are mighty Beings of Love and Light Who responded to the invitation of the Sun of this System and offered to help to manifest the Divine Idea for this System, created in the Minds and Hearts of our Beloved Helios and Vesta — God and Goddess of our physical Sun Itself. Through ages of time, the Elohim have learned how to successfully use the creative powers of thought, feeling, spoken word and action as God intended them to be used from the beginning and, in cooperative endeavor, the Elohim drew forth our entire System in perfect manifestation, of which System the Earth is just one small planet. "Beginning in the Heart of the Great Central Sun, Hierarchy manifests as the stepping-down of the Energies of Alpha and Omega, of the Sacred AUM, of the I AM THAT I AM that is the Fiery Focal Point for the whole of creation, the whole of the cosmos. The Elohim and Cosmic Beings carry the greatest concentration, the highest vibration of Light that we can comprehend in our state of evolution. "The Elohim, the most powerful aspect of the Consciousness of God, include in their Hierarchy "Elemental Builders of Form". Elementals are the sylphs that control the air, the gnomes that control the earth, the undines that control the water, and the salamanders that control the fire element. These four aspects also govern man's four lower bodies. Serving directly under the Elohim are the Beings of Nature – the Four Beings of the Elements, who are the Twin Flames who have dominion over all of the evolutions of the gnomes, salamanders, sylphs, and undines. . "The Seven Mighty Elohim and Their Divine Complements, their Feminine Counterparts, are the Builders of Creation. It was They who responded to the Fiat of the Lord God 'Let there be Light: and there was Light' and the Fiat of Creation to create the worlds. . . . The Karmic Board and Lords Of Karma (members) The Karmic Board dispenses justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, mercy and judgement on behalf of every lifestream. All lifestreams pass before the Karmic Board before each incarnation on earth to receive their assignment and karmic allotment for that lifetime. They pass before the Karmic Board again at the conclusion of each lifetime to review their performance. The Lords of Karma members of the Karmic Board are: ?Goddess of Liberty ?Ascended Lady Master Nada ?Cyclopea, Elohim of the Fifth Ray ?Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth ?Portia, the Goddess of Justice ?Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy The Brotherhoods of Light C.W. Leadbeater, one of the early influences of the Theosophical Society, in his book 'The Masters and the Path' writes: 'The consciousness of the Great White Brotherhood is an indescribably wonderful thing. It is like a great calm, shining ocean so strongly One that the least thrill of consciousness flashes from end to end of it instantaneously, and yet to each member it seems to be absolutely his own individual consciousness, though with a weight and a power and a wisdom behind it that no single human consciousness could ever have. This magnificent sea of 'cosmic consciousness’ of the brotherhood is something so great, so wonderful, that there is nothing else in the world like it: even those who belong to it by virtue of having passed the first great initiation can only catch glimpses of it, can remember only a little of it here and there. It can be felt fully only on the nirvanic plane, on which the brotherhood primarily exists, though it has its manifestation on the lower planes, even down to the physical world.' It has been said that there are many brotherhoods of light of which the Great White Brotherhood is a part. 'The Keys of Enoch' says that there are 70 brotherhoods or orders serving as a field of intelligence for the Father. This text states of the brotherhoods of light: 'Advanced spiritual intelligence that can take on physical form and have the responsibility of governing stellar orders with respect to the local hierarchy/federation of the Deity ... the 70 brotherhoods which comprise the Great White Brotherhood that have the greater responsibility of administering the cosmic law ... 'whole light beings' comprise the ranks of the spiritual brotherhoods preparing the physical and spiritual civilizations' and are in charge of renewing or reawakening creations. The Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy and Councils [See below for the Universal Guardian Alliance/Councils] The Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy can be likened to our government structure, but is far more complex. The Council of Nine: A tribunal of teachers governing our immediate super-galactic and galactic region, subject to change in evolving ‘new programs’ of the Father’s Kingdom. The Council of Twelve: Sons of Heaven working to supervise the creation and regeneration of the lower worlds. In the book 'Mahatma - Books I and II', Brian Grattan writes: 'Pure love, wisdom, joy, peace, balance and every other quality of the light can only be attained through the One Great Presence, the Source Council of Twelve for this Cosmic Day, wherein each member represents one Cosmic Ray. It is this complete Council of Twelve, embodying the Twelve Rays, which enables this creation, this one Cosmic Day, to exist.' He also states that 'The Twelve Rays that constitute this Cosmic Day are the self-luminous, intelligent substance of the I AM, Mahatma, which exists at all points (except for those third dimensional planets still limited to Seven Rays) and of which all of Creation is composed.' The Council of Twenty-Four: A council governing spiritual civilization in the Son Universe and is not to be confused with the 24 Elders. The Council of One Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand: A tribunal of Ascended Masters administering the program of the ‘Ancient of Days’. The infinite mind working through the Creator God, the hierarchy of the ‘Higher Heavens’ that governs the hierarchies of the mid-heavens and the lower-heavens, assessing the final ‘soul programs’ of man and master alike. The Council of Light: The collective name for the above councils which govern this galaxy and other regions of distant universes. These are not solar or planetary councils. *The Order/Brotherhood of Enoch: Initiates the faithful into new worlds of consciousness by creating the spiritual-scientific scrolls of knowledge. The brotherhood builds the pyramid grids on the planets necessary to evolve the biomes of intelligence. [ CAUTION ] The Order/Brotherhood of Melchizedek: Is in charge of the consciousness reprogramming that is necessary to link physical creation with the externalization of the divine hierarchy *The Order of Michael/Brotherhood of Michael: Guards the galaxies from biological/spiritual interference from the lesser forces of light except where necessary to test/train for soul advancement. Source for the Botherhood of light / Spiritual Hierachy: Jasmuheen Some of the many Ascended Masters Chohan - is a term that is used to mean “lord” or “master.” It is a title of respect and honor, and a specific chohan presides over each of the seven rays. These seven chohans, or lords, of the rays have specialized in applying the qualities of their ray throughout their many incarnations on earth, and they can instruct us in how to gain self-mastery on that ray. SANAT KUMAR: also called "The Ancient of Days" and "youth of endless summers." From Venus, he has assisted humanity from the lighter realms perhaps longer than any other master. He has also been the "planetary logos" for Earth, its prime overseer. Sanat Kumara is the Planetary Logos, and the greatest of the Avatars. He oversees ascension initiations in the inner planes. He has an Ascension seat in Shamballa, over Gobi Desert, where you may ask to go in meditation. THE CHRIST : He is that Great Being whom the Christian calls the Christ; he is known also in the Orient as the Bodhisattva, and as the Lord Maitreya, and is the one looked for by the devout Mohammedan, under the name of the Iman Madhi. He it is who has presided over the destinies of life since about 600 B.C. and he it is who has come out among men before, and who is again looked for. He is the great Lord of Love and of Compassion, just as his predecessor, the Buddha, was the Lord of Wisdom. Through him flows the energy of the second aspect, reaching him direct from the heart center of the Planetary Logos via the heart of Sanat Kumara. He works by means of a meditation centered within the heart. He is the World Teacher, the Master of the Masters, and the Instructor of the Angels, and to him is committed the guidance of the spiritual destinies of men, and the development of the realization within each human being that he is a child of God and a son of the Most High. Daily he pours out his blessing on the world, and daily he stands under the great pine in his garden at the sunset hour with hands uplifted in blessing over all those who truly and earnestly seek to aspire. To him all seekers are known, and, though they may remain unaware of him, the light which he pours forth stimulates their desire, fosters the spark of struggling life and spurs on the aspirant until the momentous day dawns when they stand face to face with the one who by being "lifted up" (occultly understood) is drawing all men unto himself as the Initiator of the sacred mysteries. JESHUA12/SANANDA, The real Jesus represented Divine Love and the Higher Realms of Spirit. Sananda is his Higher Self name. He represents the Ascension Process of Humanity rising back to the Godhead. Call him in to help you with healing, teaching, guidance and comforting. He works with the Guardians Race. Jeshua12 left the planet in 12AD. His mission and teachings were done in silence without any publicity. THE TRUE TEACHINGS OF THE KRIST. YESHUA9/JESUS This being was ordained by Jeshua12. This is the son of Mary and Joseph. He is the Master of the sixth ray, the ray of abstract idealism and devotion, which is indigo. During His incarnation as Jesus, He was a high priest in the order of Melchizedek and was overshadowed during His life by Lord Maitreya (The Christ). He also had lives as Adam, Enoch, Jeshua, Joshua, Elijah and Joseph of Egypt. He works with Archangel Uriel to bring peace, brotherhood, service and freedom to people. BABAJI NAGRAJ: Babaji is the immortal master of the Himalayas, known as the deathless avatar. He was initiated into Kriya Yoga and became the greatest Siddha or Perfected Master ever known. After ascension he promised to stay in his physical body to help all humanity and still appears to groups of disciples. Yogananda writes about him in Autobiography of a Yogi. It is said that you only have to say his name with reverence and you directly attract a blessing from him. DJWHAL KHUL: also called "The Tibetan," was a beautiful master who achieved liberation under master Kuthumi's guidance. He is profoundly learned, knowing more about the seven rays and the spiritual hierarchy than perhaps any of his peers. He channeled wisdom works to Alice Bailey, a modern leader of the Theosophical Society. EL MORYA: whose Divine focus is Creative Power and Inspiration. Call him in for creativity and ideas. El Morya was embodied as Abraham, the wise man Melchior, Arthur, king of the Britons, Thomas Beckett, Thomas More, both martyred, Akbar, greatest of Mogul emperors, Thomas Moore, El Morya Khan, the most renowned of the Tibetan mahatmas. El Morya came originally from Mercury and is a member of the White Brotherhood. He works with Archangel Michael and is the chohan or master of the first ray, which is red and governs power and will, drive, confidence and strength. He works with rulers, executives, public servants, the military, sports people and those who are commanders. KUTHUMI: is the Master of wisdom and Love. His Divine Focus is Loyalty. He comes to those who seek world knowledge in this time of change - and to use that accumulated knowledge for the good of all and to overcome the tendency towards intellectual arrogance. HILARION: works to help us with healing and expand the mind to bring new consciousness and spirituality into all areas of scientific discovery. He stands for accuracy justice, common sense and upright attitudes and works particularly with mathematicians, scientists, inventors, musicians, chemists, electricians, engineers, surgeons and researchers. He also works with souls to help them gain mastery in the third-eye chakra and green-ray qualities, including healing and the science of holding the immaculate concept. LADY MARY, also known as Mother Mary in the Christian faith is the symbol of the feminine, Universal Mother or Yin essence. Call her in to help you with healing, teaching, guidance and comforting. A beautiful, powerful ascended master of great love, wisdom and compassion. She protects women and children and intercedes in healing. One of her past incarnations was Isis, where she instructed initiates in the Mystery Schools. LADY NADA: works on the ray of compassion and is on the Karmic Board, where she represents the third ray. Lady Nada works with mental healing and upliftment. She is said to be the twin flame of Jesus. She works on the ray of compassion and is on the Karmic Board, where she represents the third ray. Lady Nada works with mental healing and upliftment. She teaches that intelligence requires the addition of love to become wisdom. LADY PORTIA: Lady Portia is one of the Lords of Karma representing the Seventh Ray on that Board. She helps those who want to balance heart and head. She will also help those who judge and criticize others from the lower mind to raise their energy to their heart centre and be loving towards themselves and others. You may apply in meditation to the Lords of Karma for release of personal or collective karma. If you do this, ask if karma may be released on every level - physical, mental emotional and spiritual, in every dimension and in every reality and universe. Lady Portia is one who frequently offers grace. One can call to Her for assistance in legal action. Her electronic pattern is the Maltese Cross." LANTO: The Master Lord Lanto pervades the various educational systems on Earth and is a powerful helper to any teachers who feel the need to develop their students’ Spiritual understanding'. Chohan of the Second Ray - Lord Lanto was an ancient Chinese master who lived about 400 B.C. He is said to have accomplished more than any other master of earth. He developed the light in his heart to such a degree that it shone like a golden sun through his flesh. MAHA COHEN: The Maha Chohan is a representative of the Holy Spirit to earth and her evolutions. He initiates souls in the secret chamber of the heart and helps them prepare to receive all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. PAUL The Venetian: Chohan of the Third Ray (Love, Beauty, Art) Initiation and balancing of the heart chakra. Helps develop tolerance and love for one another. Training of elementals. Paul will be the next Maha Chohan, when the current Representative of the Holy Spirit for this earth goes on to another Office in Hierarchy. Ascended: April 19, 1588 from the Chateau de Liberte in southern France after his passing at the age of sixty Paul the Venetian. RAMA: 'The Lord Of The Wind' was the first human ever to ascend from the Earth 35,000 years ago. Known as Lord Rama in the Hindu tradition. Rama was one of 13 Ascended Masters who organized the incarnation of Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus Christ). SERAPIS BEY: Serapis Bey originally came from Venus and is the Keeper of the White flame. He works with Archangel Chamuel on the ray of compassion and is the only Ascended Master who works with the Seraphim. Chohan of the Fourth Ray - Serapis Bey, an ascended master associated with Luxor in Egypt, who holds open the Temple doors on the etheric level, and is one of the great teachers of ascension on the planet. ST. GERMAIN is associated with the Amethyst Ray for healing and manifestation. He is concerned with harmony, musical sounds, peace and personal growth in consciousness. Call him in to use his violet ray for activating Grace and Forgiveness within you. *Lord Metatron supports humanity, when we choose to enter the state of initiation, reducing fear and polarity on both individual and collective levels. Metatron says “You will come through me” because the Metatron vibration is present during reductions of polarity to help maintain continuity in major shift times. [Metatronic] *Archangel Michael is the overseeing Force of Power through Non-attachment and wields the Sword of Light as its spiritual instrument. *Enoch The same soul who was Enoch the Prophet was also Thoth, Hermes, Metatron, among others who allegedly wrote 'Books about the Sacred Knowledge of Creation'. These creational stories are based on patterns of geometry that repeat in cycles through the concept of TIME. The ancient Greeks declare that Enoch is the same as Mercury / Hermes Trismegistus writing the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. [Metatronic] *Thoth was the Egyptian god/master from Niburu.Thoth in Other Important Roles: Hermes Trismegistus is the wisdom of the Hermetica - Emerald Tablets. Sumerian Gods Reality depicted as a biogenetic experiment with extraterrestrial connotations. Rome Mercury who was Hermes in Greek Mythology Communication . Quetzalcoatl the Mayan Calendar - Time and and end date of December 21, 2012 . Viracocha - Incan God . Atlanteans - Chiquitet, Tehuti - Zep Tepi . Persia as the Prophet Zarathustra or Zoroaster - Z . The list of roles this soul played is endless from all mythological pantheon gods - religious figures - to famous people in science and history, creational forces including alien gods, etc... According to a very old Masonic tradition, the Egyptian god Thoth had played a major part in preserving knowledge of the mason craft and transmitting it to mankind after the flood. Our reality is a Masonic Program [mother sound - creation by harmonics] [Metatronic] *Alpha-Omega Templar Melchizedek Anunnaki-Drakonian Alliance -Conduct the largest False DNA Activation-“Ascension” Program. False 12-Strand DNA Activation Programs are geared toward “Monadic Reversal” [Metatronic] * Fallen Masters (False Gods) from 12D & Beyond Frequencies [ Listen to the Truth about these Masters ] [Metatronic] The UNIVERSAL GUARDIAN ALLIANCE (GA) / COUNCILS The GA represents a smaller, specialized group, and primary task force, within a greater Guardian Organization called the Inter-dimensional Associations of Free Worlds. created 568 million years ago after the Angelic Wars. The GA is a co-operative organization through which an enormous variety of different interstellar, multi-dimensional and inter-time species and races work together to assist in the evolution of developing cultures throughout the multi-dimensional universe. Their mission is to protect and insure that species discover and fulfill their genetic plan of true spiritual enlightenment and multidimensional heritage as they were intended. Many members of the GA appear to be quite human, but they possess knowledge and abilities far beyond conventional human development. All the Guardian races on Earth are considered Amenti Races. Some other members of the GA include: The regal Lyran-Sirian Whites, an elder, pale-skinned hominid Sirian race frequently called the Founders. The Aethien, large, white graceful beings of high spiritual development, which resembled upright preying mantises. The Rhanthunkeana (refered by some as Rhantia), tall, thin light-emitting beings with translucent white skin, almond-shaped eyes of various hues and kinky white hair; skilled shape-shifters and highly advanced spiritually. The Breneau, advanced beings from the highest dimensional worlds that appear as tall, luminescent figures with elongated heads and large eyes, when they physically manifest. The Queventelliur. Large, longhaired apelike being of great intelligence and sensitivity, who are occasionally glimpsed on Earth as they monitor Earth’s environment for guardian purposes. The Turaneusiams, tall, beautiful humans with elongated heads and skin/hair colors representing all those apparent on Earth plus some in pastel hues. The human lineage evolved out of the Turaneusiams, the Elder Race, primarily immortal. There are many other species involved with the Guardian Alliance, from various hybrids created through intermixing of these species, to the vast, formless sentient conscious entities who direct the Guardian Alliance, entities that exist beyond the scope of dimensionalization. The GA was formed as a TASK FORCE to increase security in our Time Matrix when the Annu-Elohim Fallen Angelic Legions created the Anunnaki race line 568 million years ago to destroy the Oraphin-Angelic Human lineage and races of the Emerald Covenant. Specializes in propagation of the Emerald Covenant and serves as the governing body of over 10 million Emerald Covenant Star League Nations within the 4 Densities of matter in our Time Matrix. The GA is directed by the Yanas, Density-5 MC Eieyani Master Council of the Elohi-Elohim Emerald Order Breneau. Christos Founders Races and the IAFW. The GA is the administrative body of 12 GA Signet Councils. Each of the 12 GA Signet Councils is appointed by the Yanas and IAFW to serve as Primary Guardians of one of the 12 Universal Star Gates (SG's) in the Universal Templar Complex. Under the Guardian Alliance (GA) there are 12 smaller “Signet Councils” that serve as Primary Guardians of each one of the Primary Star Gates in the Universal Templar Complex of out Time Matrix. Because the 3 Lyran Star Gates (D-12 Aramatena, D11- Aveyon and D-10 Vega) are the primary passageways between the Primal Light Fields and the lower Dimensional Density Systems, they are the most important and in greatest need of protection. D-12, D-11 and D-10 (Star Gates-12, 11 and 10) allow the Yanas and Breneu Founders Races to enter the Time Matrix form the Energy Matrix for assistance. As the representatives of the 3 Lyran GA Signet Councils are composed of members of the original Christos Founders Race lines that seeded the life-field in the Time Matrix, the 3 Lyran GA Signet Councils as often referred as the “Royal Houses.” Signet Council 12: the Council of Aramatena-Lyra. Star Gate-12 Signet Council 11: the Council of Aveyon-Lyra. Star Gate-11 Signet Council 10: the Council of Vega-Lyra. Star Gate-10 Signet Council 9: the Council of Mirach-Andromeda. Star Gate-9 Signet Council 8: the Council of Mintaka-Orion, Star Gate-8 Signet Council 7: the Council of Epsilon or Sirian-Arcturian Coalition, Star Gate-7 Signet Council 6: the Council of Azurline-Sirius B, Star Gate-6 Signet Council 5: the Council of Alcyone-Pleiades. Star Gate-5 Signet Council 4: the Solar Council of D-4 Sun. Sol Star Gate-11 Signet Council 3, 2 and 1: The Amenti Planetary Templar Security Team and Inner Earth MC Priest of Ur. Universal Star Gates D-3 Earth-SG-3, D-2 Inner Earth-SG-2 and D-1 Parallel Earth-SG-1. The Universal Star Gate 1 through 6 in the densities 1 an 2 (dimension 1-6) systems operate under the direct supervision of the MC Eieyani Master Council (“Sirian or Azurite Council”) of Density-5 and has maintain a biological presence in regions compromised by the chaos of Fallen Angelic Legion conquest. Level-2 and beyond TRUE Ascended Masters. A True Ascended Master is a highly evolved Ultra-terrestrial gestalt of consciousness, in pure ante-matter wave form, that exist BEYOND the dimensionalization of the Time Matrix, within the 3 levels of the non-dimensional Energy Matrix. Though all beings in time (Time Matrix) originally began their journey of individualization through such and Ultra-terrestrial Collective, and thus each being has, as part of its higher identity anatomy 3 levels of ascended mastery consciousness, a being within the Time Matrix is not considered to be the embodiment of an Ascended Master unless the being has experienced a full projection into the Time Matrix and a full 15-Dimensional ascension back out of the Time Matrix, before returning to manifestation within time. As a being proceeds to evolve within the dimensions of the Time Matrix, the geometrical structures of the morphogenetic field progressively reassemble, re-opening the conduits of communication through first the dimensionalized identity levels, then finally with the ascended mastery identity levels beyond time, when the consciousness has merged its 15 dimensionalized Hova Bodies and transmuted into the ante-matter Rishi state of being. Through this first evolution, the morphogenetic codes (scalar wave patterns) of the entire 15-Dimensional Matrix become embodied within the identity's morphogenetic field and these codes will remain as the consciousness leaves the Time Matrix to return to the Ultra-terrestrial Collective. When an ascended being chooses to re-enter the Time Matrix for incarnation, the morphogenetic codes it collected in its first projection in time will remain, and upon the second projection these "codes of ascension" or "Cap Stone Codes" can be imbued within the morphogenetic fields of the dimensionalized identity aspects, where they will manifest as dormant potentialities within the physical genetic code of the Incarnate and Soul bodies in Harmonic Universes 1 and 2 Thus only beings that have achieved full ascension and then returned to incarnation are considered to be true embodiments of Ascended Masters. Rishi, Avatars, Souls and Over-souls, though all transcended levels of identity, do not qualify as true Ascended Masters unless their gestalt of consciousness has fully completed at least one full cycle of ascension out of time. Founder Races The 3 Breneau Collectives of Density-5, dimensions 13,14 and 15 created the first 3 manifest “Founder Races” in the Pre-matter Hydroplasmic “Cristos Liquid Light Field” of dimension 12, the entry point into densification of matter. Long before creation of the Human genetic line in our Time Matrix. Also Known as the Seed Races of the Palaidia Empires. 1) The Elohei-Elohim Feline-hominid Christos Founders Races (Also called the Anuhazi or Lyran-Sirian Whites) and the Feline-Aquatic Ape called Anyu. 2) The Seraphei-Seraphim Avian-Insect-Reptile Christos Founder Races. (Also called Cerez or Bird People or Carians) 3) The Bra-ha-Rama Cetacean-Aquatic Ape-Pegasus Christos Founder Races. (Also the Inyu - known as the “Whale people”; NOT the “Dolphin people and the Pegasi – known as “Pegasus””) Christos Founder Races (Christos Angelic Races) Long before the creation of the Human genetic line, the 3 primary, biological manifest “Christos Founder Races” were created through the 3 Pre-matter Density-4 “Liquid Light Christos Field” planets of Dimensions 12, 11 and 10. These planets are: D-12 Aramatena, D-11 Aveyon and D-10 Vega. (Called the Cradle of Creation) The genetic codes and manifestation blueprints for every life form now manifest in our Time Matrix has emerged from the combining of the genetic templates of these 3 Primary Christos Founders Races of Density-4 and their various biological expressions. These 3 Primary Christos Founders Races were seeded from the Kee-Ra-ShA Primary Light Fields of dimensions 13, 14 and 15 into Pre-matter Density-4, dimensions 12, 11 and 10. This Christos Founders Races seeding took place trough the natural Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex that open between dimensions in our Time Matrix. The continuous efforts of the Founders Races to restore peace and safety to this Time Matrix are a reflection of the responsibility for their creation. With the privilege of Free Will creation once given to the Founders Races by the Yanas, which set the life-field of out Time Matrix in motion 950 billion years ago, the Founders know that they are accountable for what occurs within this Time Matrix, and they realize that “they made the mess so it is their rightful responsibility to clean it up.” For this reason the Founders Races and Guardian Angelic Nations (see Guardian Alliance) will continue with their crisis intervention efforts for however long it takes in terms of experiential “time.” The Founders Nations had not intended such chaos, nor had they anticipated that the polarity dramas within this Time Matrix could reach such extremes; extremes that threaten the structural integrity and well being of other life-systems far beyond our Time Matrix. Yanas Yanas collective from each of the 3 Primal Sound Fields of the Khundaray (Energy Matrix) are collectively called the Eieyani. The Yanas Collectives of the Primal Sound Fields represent our “Cosmic Family of Consciousness”, through which all manifest things are indelibly connected to Source through the energetic expression of the Primal Sound Field. The Yanas exist beyond the smaller reality fields within which space-time-matter experience takes place. The Eieyani collectives of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields are the Eternal Guardian Collectives that are responsible for maintaining the structure integrity of the Energy Matrix and Time Matrix systems within them, and for seeding “life-waves” into manifest Time Matrices. The Eieyani of the Khundaray Primal Sound Fields last seeded a life-wave into our 15-dimensional Time Matrix 950 billion years ago (Earth time translation), through the creation of the 3 Primary Founders Race Collectives in our Time Matrix referred to as the Breneau Orders; and they exists as eternal gestalts of consciousness in the form of spherical Ante-matter constructs of Thermoplastic Radiation within the 3 Primal Light Fields that form Density-5, dimensions 13,14 and 15 of our 15-dimensional Time Matrix. (Referred as the Kee-Ra-ShA) The Eieyani Collective responsible for seeding life into out Time Matrix is called Melchizedek Cloister Eieyani or MC Eieyani. Occasionally they incarnate in various forms, into the fields of space-time-matter within the Density Levels of our Time Matrix, to fulfill universal service missions. When in physical incarnation in time, incarnate Yanas most often use the name Eieyani in reference to their family line; in contemporary times, the Eieyani incarnate on Earth are commonly referred as “Type-1 Grail Line Indigo Children.” Yunasai (CENTRAL SOURCE OF CREATION) All reality itself emerges from, and exists within, a Central Source of Creation that is commonly referenced to as Spirit, Source or God. Guardian Angelic Nations often refer to this Central Source of Creation as the Yunasai (pronounced “You’-na-sigh”), which means “Central Point of All Union” and “Eternal Consciousness of the One-All” The Guardians refer to this Central Creative Source as the Yunasai and it is the sentient, creative identity-in-energy through and within the cosmos and its part manifest. Human consciousness first individuates within the Source-God-Mind in the for of God-Seed, a eternal, electro-tonal gestalt of consciousness composed of pure conscious radiation, which exists within the Unified Field of Source Consciousness - The Yunasai. The God-Seed is imbued with the characteristics of consciousness possessed by the Yunasai, and thus creates within itself smaller constructs of consciousness that reflect the structures set by the Yunasai. (A process of exponential fractalization). The God Seed represents the Source Family of Gestalt Consciousness within which the levels of individuated identity have their being. The Yunasai creates many God-Seeds, and in relation to the structure of our Cosmic Order, there are 24 (2 sets of 12) Primary God-Seed Collectives within our cosmos and universes manifest. Creation of the God-Seed of Consciousness Gestalt is the first step in the Stair Step Creation. Yunasai Matrix Identity Level – the Geomancy (Yunasai Matrix) The 6th Primary Level of Multi-dimensional Identity exist beyond the structure of 15-dimensional construction. Collectively called the Cosmic Conscious Mind. Represents the Cosmic Mind Matrix. (or “Cosmic Logos”) It represents an eternal gestalt of identity that is non-dimensionalized and free from space-time-matter orientation, a level of mind that exist as part of the One Mind – or Source Mind of the Core Creative Force. This identity level is called the Geomantic Entity – or Geomancy. All other levels of identity and mind and the structures of all dimensional systems exist within the crystalline latticework morphogenetic blueprint of the Geomantic Entity Gestalt identity. Through the Geomancy all things, beings and consciousness are connected to and contained within the Central Creative Gestalt Identity of Source Mind. Symbols of the Illuminati - INRI and the Iron Cross The term "INRI", and the symbol of the Iron Cross, provides us with an example of what Plutarch refers to as "the Robes of Isis". "As for the robes, those of Isis are variegated in their colours; for her power is concerned with matter which becomes everything and receives everything, light and darkness, day and night, fire and water, life and death, beginning and end...the robes of Isis they use many times over; for in use those things that are perceptible and ready at hand afford many disclosures of themselves and opportunities to view them as they are changed about in various ways." The robe of Osiris is tucked away and guarded, "unseen and untouched". In this example, INRI and the IRON CROSS represent the "Robes of Isis", while the underlying framework, a matrix of numbers hidden under the Letters, is the Robe of Osiris. The Numbers remain hidden and unseen, while the Robes of Isis, the way in which words are constructed, as well as the way Symbols are constructed and furthermore, provide with a glimpse into the conceptual such that we may perceive the Robe of Osiris. To simplify this, the "Robes of Isis" are the many ways in which Pi as a philosophical construction is being carried forth on the winds, while Pi itself is the guarded and unseen element to the philosophy which remains hidden, "guarded", and unseen. The Book of Formation and the Double Headed Eagle The Sepher Yetzirah, or "Book of Formation", has this to say about the Letters: "These twenty-two letters, which are the foundation of all things, He arranged as upon a sphere with two hundred and thirty-one gates, and the sphere may be rotated forward or backward, whether for good or for evil; from the good comes true pleasure, from evil nought but torment." The operative element here is the idea of placing the Letters as upon a sphere, and it is a conceptual component to the philosophical construct. When a string of letters is placed as upon a sphere, and if you were to be able to see the sphere as if it were a clear surface, the letters that appeared on the surface of the sphere would be read as viewed on a piece of paper. But when the letters begin to appear on the opposite side of the sphere, they will appear as being reversed. In a word that contained all symmetrical letters, such as the term I MAIM, when such letters would be viewed as on the other side of the sphere, from the original viewing position, would appear as MIAM I To simplify this in practice, we must always view words as being from left to right, from right to left, and from the center out, for each of these methods could and are used in the formation of esoteric formulae. The "double headed eagle" remains a primary symbol that expresses this fundamental reality. Through invoking the principles of the "double headed eagle", clarity of vision is maintained, and what is written as being left to right may be ascertained correctly as being meant to be read from "right to left", etc. He Shall Rule with an INRI The conceptual embedding of the larger Philosophy into words that go from right to left and from left to right and from the center out, etc., provides but another example of what is meant by the "variegated Robes of Isis". However, the Letters are and remain glyphs that hide a whole range of esoteric formulae, from archetypal coding to mathematical coding to phonetic coding, etc. Perhaps now, with the above, the totality of the coding of INRI and the IRON ROD will begin to make some rational sense. "Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a Name inscribed which no one knows but Himself. He is clad in a robe dipped in blood, and the Name by which He is called is The Word of God [see The Logos]. And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, followed Him on white horses. From His mouth issues a sharp sword with which to smite the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; He will tread the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On His robe and on His thigh He has a Name inscribed, King of kings and Lord of lords." - Revelations: 11-16 The above, of course, must be kept in perspective relative to the Mystery schools. As was said of Osiris, as commented by Plutarch, "One of the first acts related of Osiris in his reign was to deliver the Egyptians from their destitute and brutish manner of living. "This he did by showing them the fruits of cultivation, by giving them laws, and by teaching them to honour the gods. BLater he travelled over the whole earth civilizing it without the slightest need of arms, but most of the peoples he won over to his way by the charm of his persuasive discourse combined with song and all manner of music. Hence the Greeks came to identify him with Dionysus." The tale in Revelation was and remains a political agenda riding underneath the facade of a religious mystical tenet and what was being revealed was a strategy to unleash unthinkable crimes upon the civilized world in an effort to destroy the latent and functioning civilizations still beholden to and functioning under Osirian and Isisian mystery traditions. This was to be a war of massive metaphysical machinations, yet we can read the codes as they were caste into the historical, mythological, and symbolical record. He who was to rule with an IRON ROD was the code of INRI. REVERSE THE CODE OF INRI to reveal the following: IRN I The IRN is the IRON part of the formula. The I is the ROD part of the formula. Revelations was putting into motion an ages long war to once and for all destroy the Osirian and Isisian Mystery traditions, traditions which would be put to the run and emerge as the various secret societies that would flourish in the West in direct opposition to the Rome that would rule with an INRI, or when reversed, and IRON I, or in simple words, and IRON ROD. INRI = IRN I = Iron Rod INRI and the IRON CROSS The words ORION, INRI, and ZION, are key words within the Illuminati philosophy. The UNION JACK, or the joining of three flags, seems almost constructed such as to reveal the need to merge these three keywords of ORION, INRI, and ZION, with each of the flags of the Union Jack being a code for one of these three primary words. The merging of these three words creates a philosophical reality that is vastly greater than the individual sum of the parts, and here is why. ORION, when reversed, creates the word NOIRO. These letters have numbers of N = 14 O = 15 I = 9 R = 2 (Isisian Codes) O = 6 (isisian Codes) This is PI, wherein PI is 3.1415926. ZION reversed forms NOIZ. Again we see that N = 14 O = 15 I = 9 Z = 26 The mythologies take us from the Egyptians to the Jewish systems in that Jewish systems vilify the Egyptians (and by inference ORION), but are in reality using the same coded number of 1415926 of the 3.1415926 of Pi. From a mythological chronology, we may say that ORION is followed by ZION. ZION (NO EYES and NOT SEES) is then followed by the INRI (IRON ROD). INRI, the IRON ROD, really bridges the gap, however, between the Judaic systems (essentially barbarity at its worse) and the Osirian systems (benevolence to a naive fault?). This "bridging the gap" between Osirian (ORION) and Setianist (ZION) systems with the movement known as "INRI", or the Iron Rod, may be demonstrated in code as follows: In this case, the TAU, which is a key symbol of INRI, also encodes the word ORION, hinting that the movements within which INRI has gained strength and a foothold still has within it Osirian influences which it cannot escape. Whether it is the TAU as shown, or the inverted TAU as expressed by the descending dove (descending Holy Spirit), or as shown here, the Coat of Arms of a very orthodox and Christian Ukraine, the primary matrix of ORION was preserved, even as it was fused to and infiltrated by Setianists ZION systems. However, there is one final element to the narrative. The primary goal was to preserve knowledge of and the foundation to "the Construct". As such, it would have been and was acceptable to lose many battles in what remains a very metaphysical war, knowing that the war will and can be won if the "truth" were preserved and able to be awakened at some point in the future. Hence in INRI we only have a small part of the larger formula, and it is with the larger formula that we are able to ascertain who was able to maintain and control the truth. In the ORION, INRI, ZION matrix, the revealing code is that what is being preserved is ORION and with such, what is being preserved is that of the knowledge of OSIRIS. INRI, or the IRON ROD, would be set loose to destroy all those kings on their horses, or what we could more simply call "the then civilized world". War was declared and wages to this day. However, under all this metaphysical surface remains active priest crafts of the civilized Osirian and Isisian mystery schools, and their command and control of the Letters. INRI and the IRON Rod, and with it, the IRON CROSS, reveals under the surface the core key to the code, which is that element known as "the Omnific Word" or Pi. The IRON CROSS is a matrix that reveals ORION, in alignment with the TAU and the Descending Dove (Holy Spirit). We must distinguish between the design and the use. Read more: