“to cerebrate the semen and seminate the brain,” It is possible, however, to regenerate the brain. But in order to regenerate it one has to transmute the Entity of semen, turn it to energy. Only thus can one “cerebrate the semen.” Extraordinary psychosomatic changes occur when the Sacred Sperm is transformed into energy. We know well what the hormonal vessels in our gonads are; how they work; how the hormones pass from one vessel to another; how they travel along the spermatic cords, eventually reaching the prostate. We know well how precious the prostate is. There the greatest transformations of the Entity of the semen are produced, and the hormones finally enter the blood stream. The word hormone comes from a Greek root that means “a yearning for being, the force of being.” Hormones have been studied by our men of science; hormones are wonderful. Sexual hormones, for example, work miracles when they enter the blood stream: they come into contact with the endocrine glands (whether the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, or the thymus, etc) and stimulate them; they make those little micro-laboratories produce more and more hormones. These hormones, produced by all the glands in general, enrich the blood stream extraordinarily, and then ailments disappear, illnesses disappear. Do you know what growing old really is? Maybe you think it is related to the years of age, to time. However, what we call “time” is nothing more than an illusion of the mind. Now, you must know that the most powerful hormones in the human organism are in the sexual glands of inner secretion. Think for a moment: what are, for example, the sexual hormones. Clearly - and let us focus on facts - the testicles have three layers: the first testicular layer has cells that manifest their activity very specially during the first seven years of infancy, then one is under the rulership of the Moon; later on, from seven to fourteen years, under the rulership of Mercury, the second testicular layer moves into activity and fully defines the sex of that male; and much later on, from fourteen to twenty-one, under the rulership of Venus, the third testicular layer becomes active, producing abundant zoosperms. The zoosperms that are produced in the third testicular layer ascend by the adjacent testis and continue along the spermatic cord towards the seminal vesicles, until they reach the prostate. It is most interesting to know that those zoosperms become electrified as they ascend trough the spermatic cords, they gradually become charged with a lot of electricty, and what is even more interesting is that they become magnetized, so to speak, from south to north; that is, they work like a compass, south-to-north; they also orientate themselves towards the North, being electrified, magnetized... It is most interesting to see how they pass from one small vessel to another, climbing through the spermatic cords, until they reach the seminal vesicles, where the sperm is purified even more (all those zoosperms), until they reach the prostate, where there is a very important chakra. Obviously, the Svadisthana Chakra, which is fundamental for the mastery of sexual transmutation, is located there. Sexual transmutation is based on the prostate. The Prostatic Chakra is, therefore, most important, and most interesting. That sperm becomes totally purified. It becomes completely radioactive, it becomes completely electromagnetic... And with transmutation, it turns into energy. Zoosperms break down into hormones, which go through the membranes and finally enter the blood, actively stimulating the glands of inner secretion. They make them work in an extraordinarily intensive way. Then the hormones ascend, they continue on their way to the brain. There they activate the brain areas that do not work anymore, that are degenerated; they make all the brain cells dynamic and activate certain powers latent in man, etc., etc., etc... Unfortunately, and this is the most serious thing, my dear friends, people are degenerated. Vulgar, ordinary men do not let the zoosperms rise to the prostate - not even for a second: they eliminate them from the sperm sacks to satisfy their brutal impulses. Under such circumstances the brain degenerates awfully, due to the lack of rising hormones. It does not receive sexual hormones and loses its capacity for action. The faculties latent in man degenerate because there is not enough stimulus from sexual hormones, which are so powerful, as I said. They have the power to move all the glands of inner secretion into activity, to make them produce all sorts of hormones, which make the living organism dynamic. Besides, there are other factors that must be taken into account: the sexual force is what produces the phenomenon of “mitosis” in the fetus. Mitosis is the splitting of cells to gestate humans, animals... Well, the presence of creative energy makes the original cell, which has the well-known 48 chromosomes1, split into two; it makes the two split into four, the four into eight, etc., etc., etc., and this is how the tissues, the organs and so on are formed. This is the process of gestation, the formation of creatures in the maternal womb. Now from the point of view of sexual transmutation, I want to tell you that the sexual hormones (active in the blood, charged with electricity and magnetism) produce mitosis in the adult human organism: new splitting of cells, formation of new tissues, etc. This is how you can achieve - from a biological standpoint - a complete regeneration or rejuvenation of the human organism. What is the difference, for example, between the young “new waves” and the antiquated and retardant old people? One: a young man’s third testicular layer produces large amounts of sexual hormones, lots of zoosperms. All these zoosperms, transformed into hormones, go to the brain and renew it. That is why young people have a revolutionary way of thinking and open up to what is new, etc. On the other hand, the poor old men who have already wasted the Sacred Sperm, who have deteriorated through sexual abuse, are really ruined: the third testicular layer now produces very few zoosperms. Quite often it takes them days and months to have enough zoosperms to achieve a simple erection. And of course, when they manage to achieve an erection, they immediately seek the coitus and eliminate these zoosperms. They spend days, a month, or more, accumulating new zoosperms; once they have them, they immediately waste them (for the passionate satisfaction of a moment), and that is how they spend their lives, till they die. Since they do not have what produces great amounts of zoosperms, the third testicular layer gradually becomes totally atrophied. It produces its cells or hormones, but due to its atrophy these cannot pass on to another stage. Then there may even appear certain inflammations and swellings between the second and the third layers and, worst of all, this logically comes to affect the prostate. Those poor, degenerated old men always have their prostates operated on because of their abuses. This is clear and I want you to understand it specifically and definitely. So, since their third testicular layer is not producing enough zoosperms, the poor old men do not have new ideas, because their brain cells are atrophied and certain areas are not working. They become stuck in what they learned in the past, and turn into old-fashioned people who do not accept anything new; they continue with their ancient ideas from yesterday, dated and clumsy. Obviously, they clash with young people, because the young ones are producing new zoosperms and so they have new ideas and open up to what is new; then comes the clash between what is new and what is old. That is then the difference between young people of “the new wave” and old people: it is wholly a sexual, biological difference. Understand that clearly. Notes: 1 - 48 chromosomes: In his other writings, Master Samael explains that two chromosomes are etheric, corresponding to the vital body, thus modern science remains unaware of their existence and has recognized only forty-six. < Previous: The Transformation of Impressions Next: The Transmutation The gonads of women are the ovaries, the breasts and the uterus. Those of males are the testicles, the phallus and the prostate gland. Such reproductive glands basically turn out to be wonderful sexual micro-laboratories. It is unquestionable that the abovementioned glands have a double function, since they have external and internal secretion. Although it is true that the ovaries produce the ovum, it is less evident that they also increte [secrete internally] a marvellous endocrinal substance that vitalizes women and makes them feminine. It is true, effective and real that the testicles have the Ens Seminis (the entity of semen) as an external secretion in which the spermatozoa float. In fact, the latter amount to the vital germs of existence. The intimate hormonal incretion from the testicle cortex is the wonderful power that gives energy to males and makes them essentially masculine. A normal male is he who has normal male gonads. A normal female is she who has normal female gonads. The ovaries very wisely regulate the distribution of calcium in women. This has already been proven. An excessive number of pregnancies “because of circumstances,” causes the terrible cases of osteomalacia, or deformities due to soft bones, which are so common in the densely populated countries of the world in which we live. It has been scientifically verified that when pregnancies are very frequent they truly exhaust the calcium reserves and so the bones are weakened. Any doctor can make it evident that many women suffer from trouble with their teeth during pregnancy. In men, the testicles (also called interstitial glands) regulate the calcium in bones, giving them strength and stability. Through many years of observation and experience, sages have been able to verify that males with very strong bones are generally very virile sexually. It has already been fully ascertained by means of profound scientific observations that some of the endocrines act intelligently as accelerators of the sexual glands and that others diminish such action. Eminent biologists, whom we cannot doubt, think that the thymus gland stops sexual appetite. It is known that the ovaries release an ovum every twenty-eight days according to the lunar cycle. Obviously this female gamete is collected into one of the Fallopian tubes and is carried to the uterus, where it must meet the male germ (the spermatozoon), if a new life is to begin. It has been proven that no force in life expresses itself in a more impelling way than the effort the male and female gametes make to meet each other. Birth control is a crime; control of fertilization is a duty. In these days of world crisis and population explosion there are three absurd systems around for controlling fertilization: • A. Physical • B. Chemical • C. Biological Included within the first system are: pessaries, spirals, condoms, membranes, etc, etc, etc. The second system is comprised of spermicidal ointments that are arsenic-based, mercury-based, etc. (cellular poisons). Within the third system are included anovulatory pills; ligatures of the Fallopian tubes or of the spermatic cord; Ovulen 28; Anovlar 21; Retex, etc, etc, etc. It is obvious that not only do all the physical contraceptive procedures, which are one hundred percent mechanistic, cause often irreparable organic damage, but they also radically relax human ethics and lead to degeneration. It is unquestionable that ointments of all kinds applied to the vagina produce chemical irritations and imbalance in the cells of the womb neck. Undoubtedly, all biological anovulants, which prevent the fall of the ovum into the uterus, provoke an appalling imbalance of the marvellous Hypophysis-Gonad Axis. All the contraceptive pills may result in diverse ailments in the female organism. Really, many contraceptives used by women can only produce cancer. Some males have a vasectomy, and obviously, with that kind of operation, they cause serious alterations in all their organic activities. It is indispensable that we understand thoroughly the tremendous power of those vital agents called lysosomes, without which the nucleus of the organic cell could not stay alive. It is evidently manifest, clear, and positive that the stabilized lysosomes of the spermatozoon and the ovum generate healthy and strong babies. The contraceptive pill and the other biological and chemical elements destroy the lysosomes of spermatozoa and ovum, giving rise to sick babies, lunatics, paralytics, deaf-mutes, blind people, idiots, homosexuals, lesbians, etc. Scientists have been able to verify that the ointments applied to the neck of the womb with the purpose of blocking it destroy cellular lysosomes. The lysosomes thus destroyed are free to annihilate cells and cause ulcers and cancer in the vaginal walls and the neck of the womb. Lysosomes in full harmonious activity inside the living cell constitute the foundation of existence. Varied forms of lysosomes exist: amylases (carbohydrates); catalases; peroxidases; hydrases (hydrogen); Lipases; oxidases; proteases (proteins). It is obvious that the lysosome in itself is an enzymatic electromagnetic center. In the living nucleus of the cell is the K-meson which by radiating towards the periphery produces the intracellular lysosomes by the Law of the Eternal Heptaparaparshiknokh. In harmony with the infinite, in contact with nature, the surface tension and the osmotic and encotic pressure of all the cells (red cells, spermatozoa, etc) reach equilibrium. Detergents, insecticides, spermicidal ointments, drugs, hormones from animals, carbon monoxide, etc, destroy the lysosomes of spermatozoa, ova, etc. Vital air far from cities, prana in forests, sun, pure water, etc, fortify and enrich the organism with wonderful lysosomes. Certainly, lysosomes are the active agents of the vital stock (lingam sarira - the Vital Body). The physical, chemical and biological procedures in fashion for birth control destroy lysosomes, bring about frightening diseases and kill life. The best contraceptive system that exists is to never reach the spasm, the orgasm of organic physiology. Obviously, during “metaphysical,” or “chemical,” copulation (sexual Alchemy), any ripe spermatozoon can escape and cause fertilization. There is no need to pour out thousands of spermatozoa to achieve one fertilization. During the practice of the transmutation of the creative energy, if the procreation of another human being is desired, any mature spermatozoon can escape in order to fertilize an ovum, and that is all. This is the only healthy system for solving the extremely serious problem of demographic expansion. This is the key for controlling human fertility in an intelligent and harmless way. Non-ejaculation is evidently a terrible sacrifice for lustful people. Thelema (willpower) is what is required in order to withdraw in time, before the sexual spasm. It is advisable that we state that nature does not make leaps; the student can and even must make the change little by little. If we really want to consolidate, to establish, to utilize our system, I consider it necessary to start with brief sexual practices, of very short duration, from one to five minutes daily, at the most. Later on we can certainly extend the time of each practice. Great athletes of sexual yoga are used to practicing the Sahaja Maithuna daily for an hour. In no way is it advisable to begin with long sexual practices; the change must be made methodically and with very great patience, never being dismayed. After some years of patient learning, the Sahaja Maithuna will become his or her normal function, the standard of his or her sexual life. One of the wonderful advantages of our system is that it conserves sexual potency one’s whole life through. The Caduceus We need to transmute sperm into energy in order to awaken the Sacred Fire and make it climb along the spinal column up to the brain. Only thus will it be possible for us to develop all of our faculties and powers. We need to work with that Caduceus of Mercury that we have in our spinal column. Obviously, when we are able to transmute the sperm into energy, when we do not make the mistake of spilling the Vessel of Hermes Trismegistus, then the sperm that has not been ejaculated is transformed into Seminal Energy. That energy, in turn, bipolarises into solar and lunar atoms of a very high voltage, which rise through two nervous cords twined along the spinal column, the two cords that appear in Mercury's Caduceus. - Samael Aun Weor, from the lecture “The Esoteric Pentagram” The vertebral column or rachis is harmoniously made up by the perfect superimposition of thirty-three vertebrae, forming a precious case for the spinal cord. It can be located with absolute precision in the posterior and middle parts of the trunk. Five parts or regions can clearly be distinguished in it: cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal. Out of the total number of vertebrae (“pyramids,” or “canyons,” as they are called in occult science), seven are cervical, twelve dorsal, five lumbar, five sacral, and four coccygeal. Medical doctors know very well that the cervical, dorsal and lumbar vertebrae remain independent one from another, whereas the sacral and coccygeal ones are united with surprising eurythmy, respectively forming the sacrum and the coccyx. A careful study on the vertebral column allows one to understand that all the vertebrae have a series of characteristics in common, while some other of their characteristics are unique to the vertebrae of each region. A vertebra in itself is made up of an osseous mass or body, more or less cylindrical and which occupies its anterior part; from which two anteroposterior columns or peduncles project, wisely connecting the body with a series of protrusions called transverse, articular and spinal apophyses, and vertebral laminae. Between these and the vertebral body, there is an ample orifice which, together with the other vertebrae, forms a roughly cylindrical duct or vertebral duct, well known to people of science. Inside this tube, the spinal cord is lodged in an extraordinary and marvellous way. The vertebral body is more or less cylindrical, its surface being carved on a vertical direction at its lateral and anterior sides, while its posterior side is slightly carved in a transverse direction, constituting the tube of the medulla oblongata. The bases of the cylinder, the superior and inferior sides of the body, are horizontal and somewhat concave, since they are obviously more protruding at the periphery than at the center, where they present many wonderful orifices, while the periphery is extraordinarily made up of compact tissue. According to the yogis in the Hindustan, there are two most fine and thin nervous channels along the spinal column, which are called Ida and Pingala, and a deep channel called Sushumna, which runs inside and along the whole of the spinal cord. Obviously, those specific nervous channels serve for the ascension of the sexual energy. Unfortunately, they will never be found with a scalpel, because they belong to the Fourth Dimension. And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep, and said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof: and two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof. Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof? And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves? And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord. Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the LORD of the whole earth. - Zechariah 4: 1-3, 11-14 The two olive-tree branches that pour out oil like gold through two pipes, are the two nadis Ida and Pingala. These are the two Olive Trees of the Temple. These are the two candlesticks before the Throne of the God of the Earth. These are the Two Witnesses of the Apocalypse and, if anybody wanted to harm them, fire comes out from their mouth and devours their enemies. The ancient wisdom tells us that Ida and Pingala tie up at the coccygeal bone and rise from there, like two snakes coiled around the spine, to the brain. Nevertheless, the very root of that pair of nervous cords is to be found in the sexual organs, as Sivananda teaches in his book Kundalini Yoga. In males, Ida starts at the right testicle and Pingala at the left one; in females, that order is reversed starting at the ovaries. The secret doctrine teaches its disciples that Ida is of lunar nature and that Pingala is solar. Hindustani yogis assert that Ida is intimately connected to the left nostril, and that Pingala is connected to the right nostril. Although that order is reversed in women as mentioned above, the result is the same. The Gnostic Movement teaches its disciples that during the esoteric practices of sexual transmutation, the lunar atoms of the seminal system ascend through the nervous channel Ida while the solar atoms ascend victoriously through Pingala. Profound research has allowed us to understand that Ida and Pingala end at the frontal region in between the eyebrows, forming a gracious knot and continuing from there as certain subtle ducts that start at the root of nose through very thin osseous canals, where some nerve endings are stimulated, that in turn receive stimulation during certain esoteric practices. Ultimately, such channels connect Ida and Pingala with the esoteric heart, a wonderful magnetic center located in the region of the thalamus. The esoteric heart is the capital center that controls the physical heart. The chakra of the tranquil heart is controlled by the capital chakra located in the thalamus. Wise esotericists in Laya Yoga say that in the region of the thalamus is found the mysterious nervous channel called Amrita Nadi, which serves the specific purpose of connecting the esoteric heart with the famous Anahata Chakra, the magnetic lotus of the physical heart. Ida and Pingala, continuing to the heart through this mysterious set of subtle channels, connect the sexual organs to the cardias. Further research has allowed us to understand that the Amrita Nadi has (besides other functions) the very singular function of connecting the esoteric heart of the thalamus with the thousand-petalled lotus located on the pineal gland, in the upper part of the brain. The spinal column is that cane like a measuring stick of which the Book of Revelation speaks; it is Brahma’s rod, Aaron’s staff, Mercury’s wand with its two coiled snakes. The spinal cord ends in a kind of swelling - the medulla oblongata - which is not fixed to the brain but floats in a liquid medium, so that if one receives a knock on the head, its force is absorbed by the liquid and the medulla is not damaged. A Transmutation Practice: Ham-Sah There are diverse esoteric systems for transmuting the seminal entity into sexual energy. Certainly, the most powerful one (the Arcanum A.Z.F.) has to be performed by a man and a woman - we are talking specifically about the Sahaja Maithuna, sexual yoga, White Tantra; elsewhere we will give all the details for that practice. Now, for the moment we are going to explain an exercise that can be practiced by single people as well as by those who are married. I am going to tell you the technique just now; please pay attention... Sit down comfortably: the eastern way (cross-legged) or the western way (on a comfortable armchair). Relax your bodies as children do. Inhale deeply, very slowly, and imagine that the creative energy rises through the spermatic channels up to the brain; mentally pronounce the mantra HAM like this: HAAAAAAAMM. Exhale, short and quick, as you pronounce aloud the mantra SAH: SAAAAHH... Undoubtedly, you inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. While inhaling, you “mantralize” the sacred syllabe HAM (mentally, since you are inhaling through the nose); but you can articulate the syllabe SAH with sound while you exhale. The marvelous symbol that in the East makes the chaotic waters of life fertile is Ham-Sah, the Third Logos. Usually, the sexual forces flow outwards from the inside in a centrifugal way and that is why there are nocturnal emissions; when you have a dream based on the Sexual Center, there occurs an emission, a loss of sacred sperm or spermatic liquor... If one organizes one’s vital systems and instead of propitiating the centrifugal system, uses the centripetal system, that is, if one makes the sexual forces flow inwards from the outside through transmutation, then there are no emissions even if there may be erotic dreams. One needs to organize one’s sexual forces if one wants to avoid emissions; such forces are closely linked with one’s nourishment, with the prana, with life - that is obvious. Therefore there is a profound relation between one’s sexual forces and one’s breathing, so that when both are duly combined and harmonized, they bring about fundamental changes in one’s physical and psychological anatomy. To make the sexual energies “re-flow” inwards and upwards in a centripetal way is what matters; only thus is it possible to produce a specific change in the office and functions that the sexual creative force can fulfil. During meditation one needs to imagine the creative energy in action, making the energy rise to the brain in a rhythmic, natural way by means of vocalising the mantra HAM-SAH, not forgetting to synchronize the inhalations and exhalations of air in perfect concentration, harmony and rhythm. Let us make it clear that inhalation has to be deeper than exhalation simply because we need to make the creative energy flow inwards from the outside; that is, we need to make exhalation shorter than inhalation. With this practice there comes a moment when all the energy flows inwards and upwards. Clearly, the creative energy so organized - in a centripetal way - becomes an extraordinary instrument for the Essence, a means to awaken consciousness. I am teaching you genuine White Tantra; this is the practice used by the Tantric Schools in the Himalayas and the Hindustan; this is the practice through which one can achieve Ecstasy or Samadhi, or whatever you want to call it. They have spoken much about the Illuminating Void and clearly we can experience it ourselves. It is in that Void where we can find the Laws of Nature as they are in themselves and not as they seem to be. In this physical world we only see the mechanism of causes and effects but we do not know the Laws of Nature in themselves, whereas in the Illuminating Void we can recognise them in a simple, natural way, just as they are. We have been told that a suction pump is needed in order to form a void; we have such a pump in the spinal column and the channels Ida and Pingala through which the creative energy rises to the brain. We have also been told that a dynamo is needed; we have that in our brains and strength of will. Finally in any technique, obviously there must be a generator; fortunately, our generator is the creative organs, sex, the sexual force. Having the system and all the elements, we can form the Illuminating Void; the pump, the dynamo and the generator are the elements that we need in order to achieve the Illuminating Void in meditation. Only through the absolute Void can we get to know that which is real. In fact, the Illuminating Void is produced because the creative energies flowing inwards from the outside, impregnating the consciousness and eventually making it leave the ego and the body. Extracted from the ego as if out from a bottle, in the absence of ego and outside the physical body, the consciousness undoubtedly goes into the Illuminating Void and receives the Tao. Therefore, the creative energy combined with meditation serves to awaken the consciousness. Unquestionably, it draws the consciousness out from the ego and into absorption in the Illuminating Void. Meditation combined with Tantra is tremendous. HAM-SAH is the key...