www .w-reich.de RUDOLF STEINER’s ANTHR OPOSOPHY, A NAZI CULT? Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy, A Nazi Cult? ................................ .............................. 1 1. The Nature of Anthroposophy .................... 2 2. Anthroposophy and the Nazi Movement .... 5 3. Waldorf Schools ................................ ....... 12 by Peter Nasselstein Copyright  by Peter Nasselstein Wilhelm Reich h ad the following to say abou t mov ements like Rudo lf Steiner’s anthropo soph y: "It would b e worthwhile to make a thorough study of (...) the various theosophic andanthroposophical trends (...) as socially important manifestations of patriarchal sexual economy.Let it suffice to say here that mystical groups merely represent a concentration of facts that wefind in a more diffuse, less tangible, but, for all that, no less clear form, in all layers of thepopulation. There is a direct correlation between mystical, sentimental, and sadistic sentiments onthe one hand and the average disturbance of the natural orgastic experience on the other hand. (...)Compare this with the realistic, unsentimental, vital experience of the genuine revolutionary, thededicated natural scientist, healthy adolescents, etc." (The Mass Psychology o f Fascism, TheNoonday Press, 1995, p. 138 )."The setting up of ‘animal’ and ‘man of spirit’ as opposites, follows from the setting up of‘sexual’ and ‘spiritual’ oppo sites. It is the antithesis that always forms the basis of everytheosophical moral philosophy"1 (ibid., S. 162). "As might be expected, the mystical attitudeoperates as a powerful resistance to the uncovering of unconscious psychic life, especially torepressed genitality. It is significant that mysticism tends to ward off natural genital impulses,especially childhoodmasturbation, more so than it tends to ward off pregenital infantile impulses.The patient clings to his ascetic, moralistic, and mystical views and sharpens the philosophicallyunbridgeable antithesis between ‘the moral element’ and ‘the a nimal element’ in man, i.e., natural In the original German one reads "gesamte theosophischeMoralphilosophie" and could thus also translate "the whole theosophicalmoral philosophy."www .w-reich.de 12ointment. These experiments were performed by the KZ-physician, Anthropo soph ist and SS -Haup tsturmfueh rer Dr. Sigmund Rascher. His father had been a lead ing member of the Anthropo soph ic Society at its center in Dornach, who, of course, had sent his s on to a Waldorf schoo l. As a kid Rascher even met Steiner himself at Dornach pe rsona lly (14). Rascher was of equa l qua lity to h is c olleague Menge le, an unbe lievable pa thological sadist, who no t even beg rudged h is victims the delicacies of their last meal, so that in 1945 he was, because o f embezzlement, shot on o rders from Himm ler. At the time Rascher still was a special favorite o f Himm ler, if not his persona l friend , he submitted to Himm ler in Augu st 1942 h is own invention: the ga s c hamber. Here one ha s to know that it was one o f Steiner’s teachings that potassium cyanide (like in the insecticide "Zyklon B" used in Auschwitz) from an o ccult point of view not only destroys the bod y, but also the soul. 3 Thus Rascher aspired to a truly Anthropo soph ic "final solution" (14). Ravenscroft proud ly claims that Himm ler used, as a follower of Steiner’s bio-dynamic farming, Anthropo soph ic "pest control of rabb its, rats and sub-humans" (Ravenscroft words) to d rive a way the remaining Jews from the European continen t by mean s of ashes from the KZ-crematories homeopa thically dispersed in the air (12). 3. Waldo rf Schoo ls According to Haverbeck’s Handbu ch zur Deutschen Nation (Handboo k on the German Nation, 1986 ) many elements of Waldorf edu cation be came in 1936 pa rt of the then inaugu rated o fficial Adolf-Hitler-Schoo ls and Napo la-Schoo ls (Nationa l Political Institutions to form the future Nazi élite) (14). Indeed , the lead ing Nazi pedagogue Alfred Baeu mler liked Waldorf 3 Steiner spoke abou t Zyankali (the po ison 20 years later used in Auschwitz) to workers building the Goethenau m on 10 .10.1923 pub lished in Rudo lf Steiner: Mensch und Welt - Das Wirken d es Geistes in d er Natur . Gesamtausgabe Vol. 351 , Dornach (3. edition) 1978 , p. 47. He said that Zyankali takes not only the bod y but also the soul, and if Anthropo soph y were more known nobod y would comm it suicide with Zyankali. www .w-reich.de 13 schoo ls very much and , e.g., t he edu cationa l concepts of the Nazi pedagogue Magda lene von Tiling were qu ite like those o f Steiner’s (6). Toda y there a re in Germany abou t 170 Waldorf schoo ls (with 68 000 pup ils) and 110 more a re unde r construction o r planned currently. Worldwide there a re more than 700 schoo ls (5). Even if Anthropo soph y per se is not taugh t the "atmosphe re" is there and the whole structure o f the edu cationa l course is based on Anthropo soph ic theo ry (5). There a re the rigid schemes of four "ether bod ies," cycles of seven years, and the traditiona l Aristotelian four tempers (8). Steiner took the more specific elements of this latter concept, t he very hea rt of Waldorf edu cation, from the, at the end o f the 19 th century, popu lar trivial edu cationa l boo ks of Bernha rd Hellwig, toge ther with a ll its popu lar dep reciatoric notions on, e.g., t he "phlegmatic" temper (6). Also there is the "law of Karma," the Waldorf teacher has to suppo rt, unde rmining an y possibility of persona l development (2). Due to Steiner’s version o f the law of Karma an y bod ily feature ga ins moralistic s ignificance, since the spirit got this s pecial bod y due to h is former karmic actions - a kind o f micro racism (6). A little female pup il told he r female teacher that her father abu ses her sexually, the teacher answered: "You ha ve chosen your parents yourself" (1). According to Steiner the Waldorf teacher is a "prophe t" of "the coming development of humanity" and a missiona ry of the "spiritual world." A "mediator" between the "divine world o rder" and the child (5). Typical for Waldorf teachers are h ysteric outbursts of corporal pun ishment and e ven sadistic exorcisms of "evil spirits," literally! (10). Nonconformity is treated with "medicinal Eurythmics" (5). Everything is s een from a moral point of view. Even the a rtistic expression o f the children is s ubmerged in morality: no color contrasts and no edge s are a llowed, and e verything ha s ethical mean ing (8). The Waldorf view of life is patriarchic, moralistic, anti-sexual, and conservative (1). Little children who a sk where the bab ies are coming from are told abou t the hea venly origin o f the hu man soul, the role o f the gua rdian ange l and o ther such stuff (5). The world o f the o ld 19 th century fairy-tales is brough t to the children, with a ll its guilt, f ear, and ang st. A little girl, who d id no t enjoy fairy tales, Steiner called a "natural demon" void o f any humanity (1). Since the 1890 s human shape s were bo rn who a re no reincarnations of humans at all, but the hu man form is filled b y natural demons (16). The main ene my of Waldorf edu cation is the masturbatory interest of the child. According to Steiner little children a re no t ego istic, not www .w-reich.de 14 agg ressive, not curious, not erotic, not sexual - if they are, there a re Ahrimanic forces beh ind it (1). Before the age o f 20 o r 21 sexuality is considered something pa thological and pe rverse, so that kids are fired from Waldorf schoo ls, if their sexuality gets too ob vious (10). Teenage rs s hou ld be d istracted from pube rty by the spiritual. Younge r children a re bea ten up . There is a case where a Waldorf kinde rgarten teacher hea vily slapped the face o f a p re-schoo l boy who had e xposed h imself naked in front of a p re- schoo l girl. One bo y’s mouth was washed with soap a fter he u sed d irty words (1). It is repo rted that in Waldorf edu cationa lly-subno rmal-schoo ls restless children a re b ind fast to their chairs. Other measures of Anthropo soph ic special edu cation a re writing do wn sentences a hund red times, staying in the quo in, or slugs: like in the merry old Prussian schoo l (8). But the main edu cationa l technique o f the be loved Waldorf teacher-Fueh rer is the withdrawal of love (1). The teachers, of course, also ope rate with devastating moral judg ments - and o ccult spells, literally! (8). To call Waldorf a "free schoo l" is the same a s c alling a p rivate Catholic sc hoo l a "free schoo l" (8). Well, there a re no marks and repo rts as in o ther schoo ls, instead the teacher writes little a ssessments, "app raisal repo rts," of the pup il’s persona lity: open ing the doo r for all kind o f stigmatizations of the pup il by psychological dilettantes (5). Literature: 1. Rudo lph, Charlotte: Waldo rf-Erziehung , Darmstadt 1987 2. Prange , Klaus: Erziehung zur Anthropo soph ie , Bad Heilbrunn 1985 3. Dvorak, Josef: Satanismus , Frankfurt 1989 4. Trimond i, Victor and Victoria: Der Schatten d es Dalai Lama , Duesseldorf 1999 5. Grand t, Guido and Michae l: Waldo rf Conn ection , Aschaffenbu rg 1998 6. Ulrich, Heiner: Waldo rfpaedagog ik und o kkulte Weltanschauung , Weinhe im 1986 7. Heyer, Friedrich: Anthropo soph ie - ein Stehen in Hoeheren Welten? , Konstanz 1993