The Rays in Esoteric & Spiritual Astrology Monad Ray, Soul Ray, Personality Ray, Astral Ray, Mental Ray, Physical Ray & the sub-rays including the Calculation Tables for individual determination Artwork by Jean-Luc Bozzoli Primarily you are your Monad ray, that unchanging divine spark within you, which secreted part of itself onto the fifth mental plane as your Soul ray. The Soul ray is the deity’s expression, which must be creatively released for your spiritual evolution. Your personality ray is, of course, the impulse behind the exterior motivations. Personality is purified through character perfecting and to serve the Soul’s needs. Governing your learning and eventual service as an invisible helper on the other side, especially during the sleep state, is your astral ray. There are two more rays, one governs your mental body and the other rules your physical or body nature. In all, you express five ray forces, reaching up eventually to be reabsorbed into the primary Monad ray. We are taught that this occurs at the fourth initiation. (One other focusing ray will be added, the ethereal ray, as man evolves to develop his etheric sight and hearing. This time is fast approaching, a few are just beginning to hear and see) The rays give the spiritual preconditioning which prompts bodies into activity. The Monad ray is that divine life atom to which all other permanent atoms were attached by the attending angel at your conception. Simply, it is the unity of your invisible divine self, being the droplet of spirit essence secreted by the absolute. This is the Deity’s expression within you, which is eternal and unchanging. Your Soul ray evolves from it, serves the Monad’s reasons for evolution, which is the way (one of seven) to perfection. Man, as he seeks his perfection (reunion with the absolute) is a spiritual being, always progressing forward, regardless of his pace. Once this sought-after perfection is achieved, Soul will be reabsorbed into the Monadic ray, after which it is the plane of intuition upon which he conducts his activities. This occurs after the fourth initiation when adeptship is reached, delusion then has no hold upon him, and separatism is viewed as conflicting with the striven for unity. The Monad ray, then, is the beam of your spiritual self-consciousness, the divine spark within you. Man is a Monad. You are a Monad. You are spirit and matter threaded together with intellect. Harken to that Monad ray, the dweller of the innermost recesses. Hear the higher self and the whispers of your Soul. As the Monad is the divine unchanging part of you, understand that it is only response to that which is necessary. Response can only occur when one is aware. Soul and the release of it is another matter. A willingness to quicken that release is necessary to advance spiritually. Your Soul Ray is important because it is the reincarnating you; it is the dominant impulse if you have acquired spiritual discipline. However the personality Ray forcefully shows itself in outer-world matters. Only with determined effort can the personality ray become submissive to the Soul ray. Bear in mind how the Soul is unfolding through change, eternally striving to return to the monad and the bosom of its originating source. This originating force is unchanging. The Soul reminds us through conscience and the aspirations to which we are inclined. The Soul is a permanent repository of collective experiences, life after life. Unless your Soul and personality Rays are the same, you involuntarily will to blend them that they may focus through your nativity harmoniously. The Astral Ray and others At some point your Soul was baptised in intelligence and, at the same time in evolution, took up its work on the astral plane. That type of service is motivated through your astral ray. Very few remember their astral experiences upon awakening from sleep; nevertheless there were experiences. It takes spiritual dedication to attract knowledge or working out relationships on that plane. Here on earth you work within the confines of body, time or space. On earth the Soul ray in the waking state is the energy through which your Soul fins its joy and release. On falling to sleep your Soul functions in another way. You then switch emphasis to another evolutionary vibration that is revealed by knowing your Astral Ray. Primarily you are your Monad ray, that unchanging divine spark within you, which secreted part of itself onto the fifth mental plane as your Soul ray. The Soul ray is the deity’s expression, which must be creatively released for your spiritual evolution. Your personality ray is, of course, the impulse behind the exterior motivations. Personality is purified through character perfecting and to serve the Soul’s needs. Governing your learning and eventual service as an invisible helper on the other side, especially during the sleep state, is your astral ray. There are two more rays, one governs your mental body and the other rules your physical or body nature. In all, you express five ray forces, reaching up eventually to be reabsorbed into the primary Monad ray. We are taught that this occurs at the fourth initiation. (One other focusing ray will be added, the ethereal ray, as man evolves to develop his etheric sight and hearing. This time is fast approaching, a few are just beginning to hear and see) The rays give the spiritual preconditioning which prompts bodies into activity. For an example, an individual having a 7th physical ray would be highly motivated for physical activity, while the 6th ray’s physical activity would be motivated by his object of devotion - family, or the like. The 5th physical ray would be prompted into action by practical reasons. Looking at the mental ray, taking a 7th mental ray individual, one would expect his mental motivation to be stimulated by group activity, projects requiring order, and fields in which his mentality could be applied for perfection. The mental, astral , ethereal and physical bodies are all related to the lower man. The personality ray dominates the natal horoscope. For the Soul to absorb the personality, and this includes integration of the astral, mental, physical and ethereal aspects, one must overcome the weaknesses and conflict connected with the aforementioned. When this total integration is accomplished, you are then Soul conscious, and no longer respond to the lower dictates of the natal pattern but to a far higher frequency level, service-minded and other oriented. You are above the common tests and now self motivated for the hierachial plan, that of co-operating with the Universal vision for the evolution of mankind. Below are shown the tables for calculating and identifying the Monad Ray, the Soul Ray, the Personality Ray, the Astral Ray, the Mental Ray, the Physical Ray, and the subrays through which they operate. Note that All times are shown as EST (US Eastern Standard Time)To convert to EST from GMT then deduct 5 hours from the natal birth time. (example birth time 15:00hrs GMT = 10:00hrs EST) This may also show the day of birth being different to the natal time zone. If this is the case then use the changed day as the reference day. To identify the MONAD RAY Time of Birth Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Midnight to 3.30am 1 3 2 2 3 1 3 3:30am to 6.55am 1 3 1 3 2 2 3 6.55am to 10:45am 2 3 1 3 1 3 2 10:45am to 1:40pm 3 2 2 3 1 3 1 1:40 pm to 5:05pm 3 1 3 2 2 3 1 5:05pm to 8:40pm 3 1 3 1 3 2 2 8:40pm to Midnight 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 To identify the SOUL RAY Birth Time (EST) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray 3.30am to 6.55 am Mon Sat Thur Tue Sun Fri Wed 6.55am to 10.45am Wed Mon Sat Thu Tue Sun Fri 10.45am to 1.40pm Fri Wed Mon Sat Thu Tue Sun 1.40pm to 5.05pm Sun Fri Wed Mon Sat Thu Tues 5.05pm to 8.40pm Tues Sun Fri Wed Mon Sat Thur 8.40pm to midnight Thur Tues Sun Fri Wed Mon Sat midnight to 3.30am Sat Thur Tues Sun Fri Wed Mon To identify the PERSONALITY RAY Time of Birth Ray Energy Sacred Planet 6.55am to 10.45 am 1 Will/Power Vulcan 10.45am ro 1.40 pm 2 Love/Wisdom Jupiter 1.40pm to 5.05pm 3 Active Intelligence Saturn 5.05pm to 8.0pm 4 Harmony through Conflict Mercury 8.40pm to midnight 5 Concrete Science/Knowledge Venus Midnight to 3.30am 6 Devotion/Idealism Neptune 3.30am to 6.55am 7 Ceremonial Order Uranus The tables are set up for Eastern Standard Time (to convert to GMT deduct 5hrs) If your birthtime is borderline, read the other Ray also to determine the one that most closely fits your life`s circumstances, and take that one to be accurate. The times given are without strict lines of demarcation. To identify the ASTRAL RAY Time of Birth EST Ray Energy 6:55am to 10:45am 3 Active Intelligence 10:45am to 1:40pm 4 Harmony Through Conflict 1:40pm to 5:05pm 5 Concrete Science/Knowledge 5:05pm to 8:40pm 6 Devotion/Idealism 8:40pm to Midnight 7 Ceremonial Order Midnight to 3:30am 1 Will/Power 3:30am to 6:55am 2 Love/Wisdom To identify the MENTAL RAY Time of Birth EST Ray Energy 6:55am to 10:45am 4 Harmony Through Conflict 10:45am to 1:40pm 5 Concrete Science/Knowledge 1:40pm to 5:05pm 6 Devotion/Idealism 5:05pm to 8:40pm 7 Ceremonial Order 8:40pm to Midnight 1 Will/Power Midnight to 3:30am 2 Love/Wisdom 3:30am to 6:55am 3 Active Intelligence To identify the PHYSICAL RAY Time of Birth EST Ray Energy 6:55am to 10:45am 5 Concrete Science/Knowledge 10:45am to 1:40pm 6 Devotion/Idealism 1:40pm to 5:05pm 7 Ceremonial Order 5:05pm to 8:40pm 1 Will/Power 8:40pm to Midnight 2 Love/Wisdom Midnight to 3:30am 3 Active Intelligence 3:30am to 6:55am 4 Harmony Through Conflict As the rays focus through your aspects of being - Divine, Soul, personality, astral, mental and physical - you, the advancing disciple are consciously integrating one aspect of your being after another, perfecting your equipment. By way of your monad Ray, your spirit must exercise its divine privelege to ~will~. Attune to the will of the Universe and blend yours with it for the blessed upliftment and the bliss of spiritual unity. By way of your Soul Ray, your Soul aspires to know. This explains, therefore, why Soul joyfully manifests on the mental plane. By way of your personality ray, you are urged to become purified. To assume this self appointed task requires courage and sacrifice. Once your character is purged of negativity, your personality is then happily fit for Soul use. By way of your Astral Ray, you strengthen your supernatural powers. By programming yourself to remember dreams, you may eventually recall all the knowledge gained during sleep hours. Often interpretations come at a later date. The rays gives the spiritual pre-conditioning which prompts bodies into activity. For example, an individual having a seventh physical ray would be highly motivated for physical activity while the sixth rays physical activity would be motivated by his object of devotion - family, or the like. The fifth physical ray would be prompted into action by practical means. Looking at the mental ray, and taking the seventh mental ray individual as an example, one would expect his mental motivation to be stimulated by group activity, projects requiring order, and fields in which his mentality could be applied for perfection. THE SUB- RAYS Each Ray has ~Sub-rays~ How one chooses to express ones rays is often described by ones sub- ray; it determines the indivdual choice or path within the energy demands of one’s ray’s impulses. You may be a 4th ray artist with a 6th sub-ray, then your works would reflect fiery devotion to a cause. Bear in mind that average men react more often to the undesirable or negative aspects of rays, to the vices rather than the virtues. But that is what life is all about, the overcoming for progress, leaving in harmony behind to seek potential. Each ray has seven sub-divisions beginning with its own and continuing there from in numerical sequence. Hence whatever your soul and personality rays may be, you are being subjectively impinged with their sub-rays as well. The sub-ray is the path you will take. One can be born under one ray and feel the added intensity of the sub ray as well. If a man were born a third sub ray of a second soul ray he could well be an astrology teacher. Teaching is an impulse of the second ray; astrology and interpretation are associated with the third. Example: Born 4:10 am on a Jupiter Thursday, the individual is a seventh personality ray in the second subdivision, or first sub ray of the seventh ray, therefore the subjective path would be one of leadership ability {first ray} within the impulse of the seventh of ceremonial order. The potential, then, may be to become either a bishop or a movie producer, according to the nativity. Using the same example, the soul ray is the 3rd of active intelligence; in the second sub-division or the fourth ray of the third; therefore the soul’s growth depends on how the individual handles conflicts and preserves harmony while transforming his life through the understanding gained. An artistically adaptable intellect would be the expression. To Identify THE SUB RAYS Time A B C D E F G 6.55am to 10.45 6.55 to 7.28 7.28 to 8.01 8.01 to 8.34 8.34 to 9.07 9.7 to 9.40 9.40 to 10.12 10.12 to 10.45 10.45am to 1.40pm 10.45 to 11.10 11.10 to 11.35 11.35 to 12.00 12.00 to 12.25 12.25 to 12.50 12.50 to 1.15 1.15 to 1.40 1.40pm to 5.05pm 1.40 to 2.09 2.09 to 2.38 2.38 to 3.07 3.07 to 3.37 3.37 to 4.06 4.06 to 4.36 4.36 to 5.05 5.05pn to 8.40pm 5.05 to 5.36 5.36 to 6.07 6.07 to 6.38 6.38 to 7.08 7.08 to 7.38 7.38 to 8.09 8.09 to 8.40 8.40pm to midnight 8.40 to 9.09 9.09 to 9.38 9.38 to 10.07 10.07 to 10.35 10.35 to 11.04 11.04 to 11.32 11.32 to midnight 12.00am to 3.30am 12.00 to 12.30 12.30 to 1.00 1.00 to 1.30 1.30 to 2.00 2.00 to 2.30 2.30 to 3.00 3.00 to 3.30 3.30am to 6.55am 3.30 to 3.59 3.59 to 4.28 4.28 to 4.58 4.58 to 5.28 5.28 to 5.58 5.58 to 6.27 6.27 to 6.55 Notes to assist in the Sub-Ray Calculation When one looks at the table shown for Sub-Ray calculation there are 8 columns and seven rows. The first column is headed Time and is the one used with your time of birth. The next columns are titled with the letters A through F respectively. Once you have worked out your Personality Ray number and your Soul Ray number you are ready to begin here. Starting with your birth time proceed row by row to find your birth time area. For example, if you birth time is 3:18 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) then you will go to row three. It reads 1:40 p.m. to 5:05 p.m. and your birth time of 3:18 is shown under column D. Starting with the Personality Ray (although you could do either one first). If your Personality Ray is 4, then start with column A and consider that as 4 (your Personality Ray) Therefore you then count the next column to the right as 5, the next as 6 and so forth. Therefore, your Personality Sub-Ray is 7. You follow the same procedure with the Soul Ray. If your Soul Ray is 7, then you would use column A as the starting point and count that column as 7. Since the numbers wrap around the next column will be 1 and the next 2 so your Soul Sub-Ray is 3. Rays focusing through Capricorn First Ray of Will-Purpose Vulcan of justifying existence is the sacred planet Third Ray of Active Intelligence Saturn of concentration is the sacred planet Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order Uranus of creative innovation is the sacred planet Self preservation is a Capricorn instinct. With that fundamental basis along with the predisposition for self government, the cardinal air sign and might first ray are companionable. Through the frequency of Vulcan, sacred planet of the resolute First, practical application of spirituality becomes possible. Capricorn is said to be the gateway out of life and holds much mystery, some of which can be gleaned through the world supply, the unicorn or one sighted vision (all seeing third eye). Under the First Ray Capricorn’s resolute purpose is indomitable as God’s will is working through the sheath. This is ~will~ concentrated in expression. With the Third Ray issuing through the executive sign, concentration and organisation are the keys. The natural flow of abstract thinking finds concrete release and the impulse for continual release nourishes on patience. There is clear vision into the mysteries of life followed by fertile solutions. Discipleship is served by the philosophic Third. The Seventh ray is a force for initiation especially the first initiation {actually undergone on the astral plane}. This is the Taurus versus Scorpio crisis and the redirecting of the sacral energies to the throat center where intellect thereafter rules. It is Capricorn which is the pure initiatory channel. For the wisdom of the perfection striving Seventh Ray comes the following advice. He who wishes to control the working or release of his Soul must become familiar with the heavenly order of things, that is the hierarchal ranks from the lowest to the highest. In this way, through knowledge of God’s order he can invoke angelic assistance and become apprentice to a Master {a perfected man}. Capricorn easily receives ceremonial Seventh ray energy through its basic nature for organisation, performance of duty. Instigation of and maintenance of groups is part of the overall intention, and mastering the intangible world through diverse faculties. We cannot forget the sexual emphasis of the Seventh Ray, sex manifesting as spirit fusing with matter; as Soul thrilling to its ray impulse; and as physical unity for reasons of procreation. The purity of elevated sex breaks down when emotional desire creeps in. Capricorn and the Seventh ray lead a man to initiation and sexual energy is playing a major role. The education toward that end is a Third Ray matter which is easily flowing through Capricorn. Capricorn under the First Ray is a supreme ruler, a governmental head, a master of life. Capricorn under the Third Ray is an executive intellect, the true spiritual healer who heals by allowing himself to be a universal transmitter. Capricorn under the Seventh Ray is the occult master, the skilled politician. All of the chakras have Ray correspondences, as well as planetary ones. The relationship of the sacred and non sacred planets to the chakras, and their implications about the soul and personality, and the physical body should be carefully considered. The following table lists the Rays and their corresponding chakras/ planets Ray Chakra Gland Organ Planet 1 Crown Pineal Brain Vulcan Pluto 2 Heart Thymus Heart Jupiter Sun 3 Throat Thyroid Vocal Chords, lungs Saturn Earth 4 Root Adrenals Spinal column Mercury Moon 5 Brow Pituitary Eyes, ears, nose Venus 6 Solar Plexus Pancreas Stomach, liver, gall bladder Mars Neptune 7 Sacral Gonads, ovaries Reproductive systems Uranus The crown chakra is the most important from the perspective of the Soul, as it is in its point of ~entry and exit~. When the crown chakra is fully open and operative an individual is said to be awakened to the Soul;s reality, and those processes resulting in a Soul-infused personality have been accomplished. Thus the ~thread of consciousness~ - the pathway of the Soul into the personality - is focused in the region of the pineal gland. It is through the Ray line of Will/Power (Rays One-Three-Seven) that the Soul is able to regulate physical plane activities through the nervous system and the brain. The ~thread of life~ is anchored in the heart, as it is there that the Sun rules in terms of the Second Ray ~Life~ of the Divinity of our solar system. The life force in the individual is distributed in the physical organism through the circulation of the blood. From the perspective of the Rays, this corresponds to the Ray line of Love/Wisdom (Rays Two-Four-Six). As the expansion and development of consciousness takes place and the link between the Higher land lower selves occurs, the unfolding of one;s personal evolutionary direction manifests. An individual then finds that there is a definite re-orientation to his or her life direction. This occurs simultaneously with the increased activation of the various chakric centres. The life of a person on the Mutable Cross (one who is totally personality centred) is only expressing itself through the lower three chakras. Thus the life is spent focused on: 1. Survival in the material world - root chakra (instinctive intelligence) 2. Survival of the species through the expression of personal desire - sacral chakra (instinctive sexuality) 3. Survival through the power of the expression of personal emotions - solar plexus chakra (instinctive territorial dominance) Very often, as one transforms the nature and direction of consciousness, certain changes do occur in the physical body. This means that a person mounting another Cross may find himself inexplicably ill for certain periods of time. Just as the mental and emotional bodies have to be purified as alignment to the Soul progresses, so frequently, does the physical body. Ordinary, allopathic medicine may not be able to find the cause of these symptoms. Yet through an esoteric medical diagnosis, the planetary and chakric correspondences may be ascertained. These subtle imbalances may be corrected more efficiently by the use of either Oriental or herbal medicine, practiced by a highly trained healer. As consciousness expands and a shift is made to the Fixed Cross, and then eventually to the Cardinal Cross, there is a corresponding shift of the expression of the life energies to the higher centres. Thus an individual who is soul-centering would find the following changes taking place in his life. 1. Instead of vacillating between an intermittent emphasis on the mental, the emotional, and the physical life, an integration of these three facets of the personality would be taking place. this would result in a synthesised, strongly focused lower self. 2. The values, needs, and desires of this lower self would begin to give way to the sensing of higher, more inclusive, and less personality focused values, needs and desires. 3. The awakening to the world of true spiritual realities and perceptions would be accompanied by the urge for wider and more selfless service, and the need to be joined in a group dynamic by others of like mind. This is the arena and world view of the Soul-centred individual. The process described above has its correlation in terms of the re-orientation of the energies of the lower centres and their absorption by those centres located above the diaphragm. There is a pattern to this re-orientation. 1. The centre of the personal will, located in the root chakra, becomes magnetised and is ~drawn under~ the influence of the centre of spiritual will located in the crown centre. 2. The energies of the sacral centre likewise come under the control of the throat centre. the Third Eye (brow centre) begins to open and the combination of the energies of the throat and the brow gives rise to a tremendous creative potential. 3. As the heart centre awakens, it draws the energy of the solar plexus to it. This eliminates the tremendous confusion that many people have about their ways of loving. If the solar plexus is functioning and the heart is closed, one is likely to interpret personal emotional needs and lust as love. When the heart centre has opened and the energies of the solar plexus have become integrated within it, then one becomes the vehicle for the cohesive, healing and uplifting joy which is at Love;s core. This Love may also be expressed while making love. When the four centres are opened and one has become soul-centred, the focus of existence moves from survival to life: 1. Life as expressed through Love - heart chakra (true Consciousness) 2. Life as expressed through Creative Activity - throat chakra (true Intelligence) 3. Life as expressed through Perception of Reality - brow chakra (true spiritual Awakening) 4. Life as expressed through Identification - crown chakra (true Spiritual Will) In recent years, many methods for the stimulation and opening of the centres have appears. Much has been said about the ~opening of the third Eye~ and the generation of psychic powers which such development allegedly brings about. Many classes, especially for those people training to be psychics or channels have stressed the need to ~sit for development~, and as a result, to stimulate the seven vital centres. The evolution of a soul-centred individual is not witnessed by attachment to glamour ridden phenomenology. The externalisation of the Higher Self requires, more than anything else, an inner attitude of service and a clear method of training; the opening of the higher centres may then safely take place, along with the accompanying perception of spiritual reality, and as the result of a great deal of dedicated work. The following is from Alice Bailey which also confirms that there is no ~quick fix~ {smile} "I teach no mode of awakening the centres, because right impulse, steady reaction to higher impulsions, and the practical reognition of the sources of inspiration, will automatically and safely swing the centres into needed and appropriate activity. this is the sound method of development. it is slower, but leads to no premature development, and produces a rounded unfoldment; it enables the aspirant to become truly the Observer and to know with surety what he is doing: it brings the centres, one by one, to a point of spiritual responsiveness, and then establishes the ordered and cyclic rhythm of a controlled lower nature" Alice A Bailey ~ Glamour - A World Problem~ The Astrological Significance of the Seven Rays (Artwork byDavid Campa) Let us remember that ~ Ray~ is but a name for a particular force or type of energy, with the emphasis upon the quality which that force exhibits and not upon the form aspect which it creates. The seven primordial energies are beyond complete, exact depiction in words, or even in thoughts on the planes of this world. The Seven Rays are divided into two groupings Rays One, Two and Three are the Primary Rays or ~Rays of Aspects~ that is, the three essential aspects of Divinity. Rays Four through Seven are called the ~Rays of Attribute~ as they express the attributes of the first three Rays in greater detail of manifestation, and are combinations of the qualities of the Primary Rays. In actuality, Rays Four through Seven emanate from the Third Ray of Active Intelligence, whilst this Third Ray is actually a product of the energies of Rays One and Two. These Seven Energies enter our Solar system through the Twelve Gates of the zodiac, and each one of the Seven is primarily focused through three of the signs. Thus the twelve signs are the vehicles for the sevenfold energies of manifestation representing the Trinity of Life, which is essentially and even One. The Seven Rays should be seen as being much closer to the basic energies of life than their expressions through the archetypes of the 12 signs which are further differentiations of expression of the Seven Rays. It is for this reason that a greater understanding of the Seven will lead one to a deeper and more penetrating attunement to the Twelve. As theosophy teaches that man is a Monad, a sacred flame, an unchanging Monad, but that his ego must unfold through change. Consider yourself then, a human Monad, and indivisible permanent atom on the wheel or rebirth. The divine part of you is responsible for spiritual self consciousness. Through the: 1st Ray - You have an ~atmic body~ responsible for your spiritual will. 2nd Ray - You have a ~buddhic body~ responsible for your Soul, and its evolution through enlightenment; your intuition comes through the universal mind. 3rd Ray - You have ~manas~, the upper abstract mental center. This is your higher mental vehicle for Soul unfoldment through which the Monadic ray manifests itself. 4th Ray - This is your linking ray. All rays use it for interaction. 5th Ray - you have a ~mental body~ (lower mental vehicle). This is used for concrete and formal thought, for knowledge seeking and learning objectively. This mental body is the one used for attaining discipleship. Meditation will quicken your consciousness. 6th Ray - You have an ~astral body~ through which you learn to control emotions and desires. Since mind and desire are entangled they must be separated, analysed, and consciously directed. Self-control is required to check unruly emotions. 7th Ray - You have an ~etheric double~ which is really part of your ~physical body~. It can be seen clairvoyantly or through highly refined photography, as an electric like outline extending one to six inches around the physical body. This container, really a filtering system, acts as a receiving sac for solar rays which provide (to the degree of your individual frequency) the vital life forces, providing the livingness within your dense physical body. On a far higher level, your etheric double, with its network of chakras and relaying centres, conducts the spiritual inflowing forces. You have a ~physical body~ for housing the Soul, for personality involvement, and for mastering earthly existence and regenerative powers. Sex, feeling and awareness come into play here. You are on a spiritual sojourn on a non-sacred planet, Earth - and so you were born onto a field of creative tension whereon the battle between spirit and flesh is won through the agency of intellect. A few points to assist in remembering the function of the different rays within the individual.. One important thing to understand is that there are only three Monad rays, the major first, second and third. By way of your Monad ray, your spirit must exercise its divine privilege to ~will~. Attune to the will of the Universe and blend yours with it for the blessed upliftment and the bliss of spiritual unity. By way of your Soul ray, your Soul aspires to know. This explains, therefore, why Soul joyfully manifests on the mental plane. By way of your personality ray, you are urged to become purified. To assume this self appointed task requires courage and sacrifice. Once your character is purged of negativity, your personality is then happily fit for Soul use. By way of your astral ray, you strengthen your supernatural powers. By programming yourself to remember dreams, you may eventually recall all the knowledge gained during sleeping hours. As the rays focus through your aspects of being, divine, Soul, personality, ethereal, astral, mental and physical, you the advancing disciple, are consciously integrating one aspect of your being after another, perfecting your equipment. The personality ray is an exterior urge, untamed motivation for your Soul (which is really the disciple). The astral, mental, physical and etheral bodies are all material bodies according to the aspects of the personality. The following links offer more detailed interpretations of the seven Rays - simply click on the Ray Picture next to the Title Ray Seven - Ceremonial Order Artwork by David Camp The Four Rays of Attribute The Seventh Ray : Ceremonial Order Planet: Uranus Concept: The co-ordination and unification of the inner life principle and its expression in form; the reflection of Will through Order; fusion, blending, co-ordination. Soul Level: the urge to gather, formulate and harmonise various aspects of a given set of life circumstances into an ordered expression for the Will of god; the urge to make ~heaven on earth~. The Seventh Ray, and the energies of the Aquarian Age which it stimulates, began coming into manifestation in the current world cycle in the year AD 1675, whilst the influences of the Sixth Ray and the Piscean Era were just beginning to wane. As the New Age energies gain in the strength of their expression, the characteristics of the Seventh Ray will become increasingly apparent to us all. The Seventh Ray is essentially an agent of fusion, blending and co-ordination. its main function is to work for the infusion of the energies of spirit with the substance of matter. The ancient Teachings say "When matter and spirit vibrate at the same rate, evolution and involution will cease". thus the Seventh Ray demonstrates itself most clearly through the transformation of matter. In this respect, it is the working of the Seventh Ray which aids in the fusion of the soul and the personality, and the resulting reorientation of a individuals life purpose and direction. It is this process of Soul infusion that can be symbolically rendered by the Seventh Ray alchemist as the process of changing lead into gold. The Hope for the Aquarian Age, the Age of the Seventh Ray, is for such a "golden" collective transformation and re-orientation to take place for humanity. Certainly the opportunities are there for us to do so. Fading now is the often impulsive Sixth Ray of Christianity as the Seventh ray gradually begins to influence mankind - an influence we are told can be traced back to the lost continent of Atlantic. Under this heavy physical ray, the battle to join spirit with matter is waged, hence it is a sensual ray, the one attached to sex and procreation. It is largely responsible for the mass-meditation movement and for man becoming more service minded. Through human will combined with divine grace regeneration is achieved. Simply the Seventh Ray provides and facilitates for the coming Age. Under this Ray a man may tread the path of initiation. Here there is a focalising on opposites, on polarity, and on the fusing of the masculine and feminine into one throughout all of creation. Truly it is a Ray for new order insisting on decency and human rights, assuring all men freedom from mental harassment, to become what they are to be. Focusing through a strong horoscope, the Seventh Ray man can become a mediator between humanity and the hierarchical brotherhoods - black or white. Its sensual aspect is part of the reason it attracts one toward magic, ritual, spiritual and occult movements. This Ray is conductive to earthbound affairs, doing things the hard way, spiritual transformation, exerting the spiritual being, and some scientific research. Under this Ray one realises his place in the Universal scheme, recognising and accepting those relationships with whom his destiny is entwined. Seventh Ray will energy strives for neatness and order, for beautification throughout daily experiences. On the average level it is a Saturnian type energy. Foundations are laid under its focus; there are instigating seeds and the ease with which to spread them for new age growth. It is where the willed idea meets with divinity and becomes manifest. It is where the will fuses with Soul and personality. We have then, through the pourings of the Seventh Ray, the matrix for new age activity. Divine instruction issues through it. Under the focus of the Seventh Ray a man becomes wise, a master magician in total control. Nothing happens to him or to his charges without his consent. For some occult insight as to the complexity of the Seventh Ray ponder the ant community as its citizens ritualistically move about capable of extraordinary heavy physical feats. They function within a complex and social organisation, following their inclination as impelled from above. Notice how they express a constant order throughout the colony, each member knowing its place. Under the Seventh Ray the man functions very well in a group, as opposed to the First Ray man who functions best alone. The two rays are opposites. The first is the alpha or beginning, the seventh is the omega or the end. In the highest state, through attention of minute detail and method, the individual transforms himself into a person with total control of his hidden forces. In doing so he then learns to control nature’s forces. Through diverse faculties he becomes skilled and co-operating with invisible intelligences. He is a lover of order and believes that if you do a thing it should be with the whole of your being; he knows nature looks away from halfway measures. Here we have a group member involved for specific training, an etheric manoeuverer, one loving pomp and ceremony, a magician with interpretive prowess. His reason for being is to become a spiritual magician. The Seventh Ray impulse affects the physical body. Attuning to the silence within himself, he hears the rhythm of the whole universe. For the Seventh ray, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn are the assigned triad, and Uranus of occult light is the sacred planet. The Comte de St Germain {Raksczy} is Chohan. It provides the will to control the etheric forces and their motion. The Mineral Kingdom is the Kingdom of the Seventh Ray. KEY WORDS Perfectionist Tidy Divers faculties Ceremonial Loving rituals Etheric manipulator A manifestor Controller of invisible forces Power in action Benefits from universal Methodical Dramatic Skilled in his speciality Having etheric affinity Able to harness forces of Mother Nature Lover of the beauty in order Working out relationships Believing he is a co-worker with God Magic through imagination Calling upon universal intelligences Focalising on opposites Appreciation of the graceful and beautiful Sees the beautiful in all things Matrix for new age activity Regenerative, emphasis on sex ~ Spiritual movements are attracting ~