Since the December Solstice Stargate, we are being guided into more introspection, integration and solitude. It is a time of moving within, being the Hermit and acting as our own personal Healer. Without this time, we would not be able to integrate the Light upgrades we received during the Solstice At first I experienced deep body fatigue from the crystalline Light infusion. Then after Christmas I found I could not leave the house, just the thought of going outside was unbearable. My energy had become so Light-filled that it was too sensitive to be around the lower vibrations of the collective. I had planned to see friends for dinner, go to some movies, go hiking…forget about it. All my plans fell through, as my body continued to integrate the Light infusion. I needed to stay still, be quiet, and hold inner focus. The good news is this down time is strengthening our Light Body and building deep inner Soul-Strength. During the next coming weeks we just need to allow the energies to assimilate with our new expansion of higher awareness. Follow your gut instincts and intuition on what energy to engage in and where to contain your energetic boundaries. I’ve been compelled to contain my living space and remain focused in an inner meditative state as much as possible. The new Crystalline Light infusion is also anchoring into the planetary gridwork, which will make it easier for the Starseeds and Light Bearers to live here on Gaia. We are experiencing the unfoldment of our Soul Blueprint and Light Body activation…this is a new experience for all of us. We have worked tirelessly to reach this phase of the Cosmic Ascension Plan. For the past two decades I’ve been teaching about the Ascension Process and how we need to accelerate our energy frequency into higher octaves so that we can access the higher realms. All of my newsletters, radio shows and Ascension Training has been targeting the Starseeds and Light Bearers…you are my Family of Light and part of my Soul Blueprint is to assist the Ascension of Starseeds into 5D and higher. In my first reading with Lavandar ( some 5 years ago, she read my chart and said I carry thousands of passports to bring the Starseeds home. But a problem developed about 10 years ago…I started to receive guidance from Metatron and the Masters that the original Ascension Plan to migrate from 3D to 4D was not working properly. The original Plan was to anchor the Light so all 3D souls would ascend with Gaia into 4th density. And we see so many signs of 4th density heart activations…more tolerance for others, acceptance of diversity in race, color, religion, and religious orientation. We see more united demands for peace, liberty, and the end of fear, violence and war. Although Planet Earth has been ascending into 4th density, there are so many 3D souls still stuck in self-serving Ego, living in the dark Time Matrix. Plus the 4D Astral plane has been swarmed with negative polarity and become a ‘battle zone’ between Light and dark forces. As you know, our Chakras correspond to each dimensional density. Our Solar Plexus connects us to 3rd density, our Heart Chakra connects us to 4th density. The original Ascension Plan was to open humanity’s heart in 4th density to love and compassion. We were to evolve from living in the negative polarity of the self-serving Ego, and ascend into heart-centered service to the greater good. We were not prepared for the intense negative polarity and Ego resistance to ‘service to others’. And if our heart centers did open in loving kindness, it was manipulated by negative 4D Astral entities to become ‘self-sacrifice’ service, victimhood and martyrdom. Many of us encountered this interference in our heart-filled service to others, and it needs to be cleared and healed. Our role was to assist humanity to ascend into 4th Density ‘green ray ‘hearts, and to live with love and compassion for all life on the planet. The human race is still learning this lesson and experiencing negative polarity to motivate their ascension. Currently there are 3D souls invested in self-serving Egos, there are 4D souls with open hearts but still being manipulated, being hosted on and entrapped in servitude/sacrifice to others. There are 4th density souls learning the universal Laws of One and evolving into ‘high heart’ awareness and intuition. And there are visiting souls who are ascending into 5th density and higher, as they complete their mission in service to the ascension of Gaia into 4th density. It has been a successful mission and is rippling through the planetary field. At this point in the plan, the Starseeds are moving into the 2nd Phase of the Ascension Plan…breaking free from the Time Matrix, completing and clearing all past karma, moving out of the incarnation trap and into their Sovereign Light Body/energy fields. The Starseeds are accelerating their energy frequency into the new 5D planetary hologram, so that they can return to living in the Law of One, in unity consciousness. We have completed our mission of carrying the Light for 3D souls to ascend into 4th density. For the past decade many of us have been anchoring the 5th density hologram to Gaia’s crystalline grids for all to return to the League of Light. Most souls entering the 5D realm are visiting Starseed souls who have already mastered living in the Law of One. We cannot look back, but must stay focused forward into ascending to our Soul’s destination in the League of Light. Our job now is to continue to elevate our energy frequency beyond 5th density, into 6th and 7th density. We will anchor our physical bodies onto the 5th density gridwork, and continue to activate 4th density heart service to merge with 6th/7th density wisdom, intuition and discernment. We use the golden Infinity Figure 8 of Light to synch up our heart centers with our divine knowing and wisdom in the 3rd Eye of the Higher Self – to become a coherent field of Light. In this manner, we are ascending into living in our ‘high heart’, which is grounded in ‘discerning service’ to others. We are no longer sacrificing ourselves for the greater good. We no longer carry the burden of saving the 3D souls. We will not tolerate anymore martyrdom, victimhood, or slavery. Our 4D hearts are not to be manipulated with, hosted on or destroyed. We are learning how to live according to the Law of One and will demonstrate unity consciousness with divine wisdom in all that we do. During March is the final Uranus Pluto square of Ascension Astrology, which will propel humanity through another threshold point of evolution. This coming planetary reset will push the lower 3rd density souls into the 4D Earth, so that all can learn the lessons of polarity at their own pace and predilection. There will be a ‘parting of the ways’ as the higher 5D souls move into more and more unity consciousness. We are being called to honor, nurture and care for our body and being, to allow the ascension upgrades to assimilate within. New sensitivities are signs that you are integrating the sacred feminine, which is so needed for the balance and harmony of life. We are completing the 1st Phase of our mission and must disentangle from the 3D/4D Time Matrix. We have completed all involvement in the negatively polarized incarnational cycle. We are learning how to master the polarized self-serving Ego, so that we can live more and more in the divine wisdom of the Soul Presence. And we are elevating up to living at the ‘high heart’ frequencies or discerning love and compassion…guided by the wisdom of our Higher Self. Lovingly, Meg Copyright (c) 2015 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice Ra On Fourth and Fifth Density Written by Wes Annac On 12-28-14 We’ve probably talked a little about fourth and fifth density so far, but here, Ra will share more information about them and their conditions. As we’ll learn, fourth density entities choose to stay invisible to human eyes, and this is partially because we wouldn’t be able to handle seeing them. It’d definitely shatter some paradigms if we suddenly witnessed fourth density and its various life forms, and we have to gradually adjust to a higher state of consciousness before we can perceive it. We aren’t given anything we can’t handle, and if we’ve learned anything so far, it’s that our evolution entails a gradual progression through the densities. We’ll perceive fourth and fifth density when we’re ready, but for now, we still have a lot of growing and learning to do before we can handle them. Most people on earth are still primarily adjusted to third density, but a lot of seekers think this will change as the collective vibration rises and more people become aware of spirit and the wonders that exist beyond our conscious perception. As we’ve learned in previous installments, fourth density harbors intense compassion, which is resolved in fifth density where we learn to be more harmonious; more in sync. We won’t require lessons that have to do with compassion in fifth density, because we’ll have long graduated and, in doing so, realized that it’s a distortion. Everything in this reality (and the realities beyond) is technically a distortion – even the famed love and light – and we won’t need to express compassion in fifth density because we’ll have resolved any negative polarities that require it. We’ll have entered a realm of pure bliss and harmony, and we’ll no longer express or require compassion because there’ll be nothing low or negative to express it about. Ra tells us about fourth density’s invisibility. “The 4th density is, by choice, not visible to third density. It is possible for 4th density to be visible. However, the 4th density entity must concentrate upon a rather difficult vibrational pattern or complex – which is the 3rd density you experience.” (1) Fourth density entities compulsively protect and care for others, we’re told. “The impulse to protect the loved other-self is one which persists through the 4th density, a density abounding in compassion.” (2) We’re also told how long a traditional fourth density lifetime takes (as measured by our time), and how long a fourth density cycle lasts (i.e., how long we might stay there before we graduate to the fifth). “The typical time for one incarnation or ‘lifetime’ in the harmonious 4th density is approximately 90,000 of your years as you measure time. Question: “How long is a cycle of experience in 4th density in our years? “The cycle lasts approximately 30 million of your years if the entities are not capable of being harvested sooner.” (3) Ra then describes what fourth density’s like for negatively polarized entities. Question: “Could you give me some idea of what conditions are like on a 4th density negative or service-to-self planet? “The planetary conditions of 4th density negative include the constant alignment and realignment of entities in efforts to form dominant patterns of combined energy. The early 4th density is more of most intensive struggle. “When the order of authority has been established and all have fought until convinced that each is in the proper placement for power structure, the social memory complex begins. The 4th density effect of telepathy and the transparency of thought are always used for the sake of those at the top of the power structure. “In the 4th density the methods used in battle are mental rather than manifested weapons.” (4) There are no physical fights in the negatively charged fourth density – it’s all mental, emotional and spiritual. From what Ra says here, it seems that entities try to control, hurt and/or ‘destroy’ each other in a bid to reach the top of a self-created pyramid, and if you look around our world, you’ll notice a similar battle playing out in the halls of power. The planetary elite are playing a game with our society – a game where they strive to reach the top of their own power structures. Most people don’t know it’s going on, but it’s been happening for centuries. People have always fought to retain wealth and power, and this battle can apparently carry on into fourth density. It seems that if we aren’t careful here on earth, we’ll enter a place that’s just as divisive and strife-fueled (if not more so) when we pass on. Now, we’ll learn about fifth density, which has been called the ‘wisdom density’. As Ra tells us, entities can either learn lessons independently or collectively in this sphere. Question: “Graduation into 5th density is a function of the violet ray for the entire memory complex. Is this correct? “This is correct although in 5th density entities may choose to learn as a social memory complex or as mind/body/spirit complex. The wisdom density is an extremely free density whereas the lessons of compassion leading to wisdom necessarily have to do with other-selves.” (5) If you think about it, we can experience third density together or separately too. We might not all be literally stuck together, but we can grow and learn lessons as a unit or as individuals. The choice is ours, and it basically comes down to whether or not we want to experience life with other people. Married couples who are close can attest that life provides them challenges to handle together. I think it was Ra who said that experiencing life with a significant other is necessary so we can practice for the experiences we’ll all eventually have together, and whether or not two people are married, they can learn and grow as one if they stick together. Fifth density is ‘extremely white in vibration’, Ra tells us. They also tell us that the Law of One is understood and embraced in this sphere. “5th density is extremely white in vibration. Question: “At what point in the densities is it necessary for an entity to be consciously aware of the Law of One in order to progress? “The 5th density harvest is of those who accept the honor and duty of the Law of One.” (6) Consuming food is still necessary in fifth density, we’re told, and it’s used as a reason to come together. Question: “I am guessing that it is not necessary to ingest foodstuffs in 5th density. Is this correct? “This is incorrect. However, the vehicle needs food which may be prepared by thought – a nectar or ambrosia or light broth of golden white hue. Question: “Does the fueling of the body teach, i.e., is it a catalyst for learning? “In 5th density it is a comfort for those of like mind gathered together to share in this broth, thus becoming one in light and wisdom while joining hearts and hands in physical activity. It becomes a solace rather than a catalyst for learning.” (7) People enjoy consuming this golden, nectary broth together in fifth density, because it’s another reason to come together and share the joy of communion and consumption. Needless to say, rampant consumption isn’t an issue in fifth density like it is here in the third, and instead of embracing gluttony, fifth density entities recognize that consuming light-filled foods is necessary to help their bodies grow and to have a reason to enjoy each other’s company. A lot of people on earth use eating as a reason to come together and celebrate on various occasions, and the celebration’s constant in fifth density. If one isn’t celebrating by consuming the nectary broth, I’m sure they’re doing something else that unites hearts and celebrates their harmonious existence. Fifth density entities can change their form to appear more human, according to Ra. Question: “Do some of them look just like us? Could they pass for Earth people? “That is correct. Those of this nature are most often 5th density. Question: “I assume the same answer would apply to the Orion group. Is this correct? “This is correct. “In 5th density the manifestation of the physical complex is more and more under the control of the conscious mind complex. Therefore the 5th density entity may dissolve one manifestation and create another.” (8) In fifth density, we can actually embody qualities that are recognizable to third density entities. Maybe this is how Ra (who’s a sixth density collective consciousness) and other entities have appeared before humanity without startling or overwhelming us. Ra is one of many entities who are believed to have assumed a recognizable form and shared revolutionary technologies with humanity, but we don’t hear about their contact or the contact we’ve made with various other entities who wanted to introduce spirituality and help us advance into a new age. We’ll learn the truth in time, but for now, we might have to accept that there’s a lot we don’t know. In our final quote, Ra tells us that light is a useful tool in fifth density. “In 5th density light is as visible a tool as your pencil’s writing.” (9) I’d imagine light is helpful for anyone who wants to do anything significant in fifth density. I’m not sure what exactly it does, but if I had to guess, I’d say it’s used to create other fifth density realities or help lower density souls evolve. Ra mentioned that the drive to help others excel is lessened in fifth density because it doesn’t feature fourth density’s intense compassion, but this doesn’t necessarily mean fifth density entities aren’t passionate about helping their counterparts in lower spheres evolve. If they are, they can use light and whatever other tools are available (I’m sure there are a lot) to help as many souls as they can to graduate into their sphere. Given that light’s usually paired with love, which is a distortion that creates realities and enables people to spiritually progress, it’s main function is probably to create things out of love. Light’s probably paired with love to manifest things that didn’t previously exist in fifth density, but it doesn’t create these things out of thin air. Anything that can be created already exists in another place, so maybe light’s used as a tool to bring things over from other realms and manifest them in fifth density. This is all just speculation, of course. In our next installment, we’ll learn that Ra exists in sixth density (which I mentioned earlier). We might learn about how they’ve lowered their vibration into fifth density, which they did so they can help humanity excel after the teachings they gave us were suppressed by people in power who twisted their doctrines around to mean something completely different from their original meaning. I’ll repeat that our history’s nothing like we’ve been told. One of the most surprising things for people to learn will probably be that the current power structures have always known about certain spiritual teachings, the existence of extraterrestrials (both good and bad), and various other things we’ve been conditioned to believe are fictional. We have a lot to learn about what’s been done to keep us pacified and unaware of the spiritual nature of our existence, and this is why I’m always grateful for genuine channeled entities like Ra, who are here to clear away the fabrications and reintroduce the pure, aligned teachings they gave the ancient Egyptians. Everyone will learn the truth in time, but it’ll be hard for a lot of people to come to terms with the idea that a corrupt, self-serving elite has kept us from understanding and receiving things that would’ve drastically increased everyone’s quality of life. Once we learn about how we’ve been kept down, we can start the difficult but necessary process of building ourselves back up. I’m sure we’ll be given even more higher-dimensional assistance when the time comes, but for now, we’ll have to be content with the insights we’ve received from spiritual teachers, genuine channeled messages, truth-seekers or any other source that’s proven to be spiritually aligned and genuine in their desire to help humanity out of the darkness. Footnotes: Ra, channeled through Carla Rueckert: “The Law of