Sexual Orgasm Energy November 15, 2017 by anarchistbanjo In Organic Gnosticism I’m going to make some serious claims about the development of the soul and its powers through the generation of sexual orgasm energy. These are based on years of personal experience and direct attainment of results. While I am not going to say that Tantric rituals, mantras and traditional practices don’t work; I am going to say that they are not important! We have been deluded into thinking things that are not true. It’s time to bring these things out into the open! It is the generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day that is important and nothing else. It is a mechanical process that works in a mechanical way. The generated energy is stored within the physical body then released in the astral as explosive dream activity. This generated energy can also be directly sent to an astral sexual partner anywhere in the world and they will share an awareness of it. I have had numerous confirmations of astral contacts of this kind from various soulmate partners around the world over the years. These contacts are real and both people are aware of them at the same time. For both the male and female orgasm should be prolonged for as long as possible allowing the sexual orgasm energy to spread throughout the body and be absorbed completely, sent up the spine or sent directly to your partner. By this I mean the waves of pleasurable energy that flow through the body and not sexual fluids. The physical sexual fluids have no importance in this practice. It is the astral energy that is important, not the physical energy. Stated clearly the physical orgasm is stalled or prevented until the energy bursts through the veil of the astral and enters the astral as nonphysical energy. Electrical energy is forced to transmute into magnetic energy! This happens naturally for the female when she experiences full body orgasm. As much sexual orgasm energy needs to be forced into the astral as possible. This happens when orgasm energy floods the entire body and beyond. Results are cumulative over long periods of time. This transference of sexual energy into the astral begins with sexual arousal and stops at the moment of physical orgasm. The goal is to do this twice a day and the energy will be discharged and dispersed into the astral at night through explosive dream activity. This is the key secret of sex magic! As mentioned before, this is entirely natural for the female and easily accomplished. It is not natural for the male and this will be addressed shortly in one of the next essays. Loss of sperm will result in energy loss for the male and make the generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day impossible over long periods of time. However, the sexual orgasm energy that is able to be transferred is cumulative and this process will work, but slowly. I want to be very clear at this point in saying that I am specifically talking about contacts and connections with soulmates and divine counterparts. These are people that we have soul connections with and our energy is extremely compatible. These cycles of energetic activity phase lock the energies of two people together in a way that nothing can alter or destroy it. Casual or indiscriminate sex is an abomination and does not work to develop the soul. The main point of this essay is to state in the most definitive way possible that most of the traditional Tantric methods and rituals with the exception of sperm retention for the male are not required for the development of the soul or its powers. These are all misdirection and a deliberately hiding of what is truly important. Various postures are not important. Astrological considerations are not important. Mantras are not important. Sigils are not important. Ritual is not important. Having a suitable partner is not important because the energy itself will find the proper person for you and draw you both together energetically! In short, there is nothing that prevents anyone at all from developing their soul and its empowerment through Tantric practice except fear. That is why this path is only for the most courageous! Blind fear and wrong thinking are what prevents this! This material has been kept secret far too long and it is time to bring it out into the open where it can be discussed and understood. I would also like to state that sexual dreams are normal and part of normal life. We all experience them at one time or another and what we are experiencing is a natural function of what I have tried to express in this essay. The only added ingredient is the active generation of sexual energy through conscious intent! Share this: « Chapter 5B The Mental Planes » Sexual Orgasm Energy And The Healing Process November 15, 2017 by anarchistbanjo Health and vitality are the result of open energy channels within the physical body. Blocked or trapped energies result in illness and disharmony. The healing process involves opening energy channels within the physical body and gaining conscious awareness and control of those energies. Scientology teaches that past emotional and physical trauma are trapped within the cells of the body as engrams. The human body has a limited amount of free energy available to it and the release of this trapped and repressed energy can significantly increase the amount of free energy the individual has at their disposal. By going back in memory to the original moment of pain which created the engram in the first place and by consciously reliving it; it is possible to release and regain that lost energy. Only by consciously reliving the experience is it possible to release the trapped energy and claim it once more. The original moment of pain resulted in a momentary period of unconsciousness in which the engram was created. During this moment of unconsciousness a snapshot of the entire environment was created. As a consequence anything within that snapshot can trigger and release the energy trapped within the engram! A certain smell, a certain sound, a similar environment, a particular emotion, any of these things can trigger the explosive force which is trapped within the engram. The same thing is true about sexual orgasm energy! For the average person the orgasm is marked by a moment of unconsciousness, the creation of a blockage or engram, and the snapshot of the environment at the time of its creation. But sexual orgasm energy is deeper and more powerful than the energy of pain. The objective of Tantric practice is to work with sexual orgasm energy with full conscious awareness at all times! In doing this no engrams or blockages are created and the energy is allowed to flow freely and naturally throughout the body. Because of this close similarities may be drawn between Scientology and Tantra in the releasing of engrams through the process of bringing the trapped energies into awareness. Tantric practice involves the generation of sexual orgasm energy with full awareness for the purpose of developing the androgynous soul and its powers. This energy is generated with full awareness. It can be directed consciously up the spine, into a partner or into the astral planes. But first of all energy pathways need to be cleared of blockages and engrams. This is the first step in effective Tantric practice. Both engrams and the astral planes are highly elastic and resist penetration. The generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day is required to break through an engram or make a meaningful change within the astral planes. Once a day is simply not enough. The energy will be merely absorbed and distributed harmlessly in a way which will not produce meaningful change. This is the secret significance of Shiva and Kali being able to destroy and create the universe! To generate sexual orgasm energy twice a day is to destroy the old universe and create a new universe! This is something that can be proven through practical experience! The generation of sexual orgasm energy twice in one day will result in vivid and explosive dreams as the energy is released during sleep. The generation of sexual orgasm energy only once in a day may or may not result in a vivid or explosive dreams. But the generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day will always result in vivid or explosive dreams as the energy breaks through the engrams and pierces the astral layers! This is the basic foundation of all sex magic practice! It has nothing to do with ritual, technique, mantras, or spirits. It is a mechanical process based entirely on the generation and release of sexual orgasm energy at least twice a day and the resultant destruction of an engram or the piercing of an astral plane! This buildup of pressurized energy will find the weak spot and cause it to rupture! In the beginning, the weak spot will almost always be an engram within the physical body itself. That is why most magical work produces inner transformation and not outward transformation. As the engrams are released and the energy pathways within the body are opened the magical activity shifts to outside of the body and within the astral planes themselves. Working with sexual orgasm energy is often violent and explosive! Most people will try it a few times, become frightened at the power released, and choose to focus on more harmless things such as ritual, technique, mantras or spirits. A few may choose to work with sexual orgasm energy on a monthly or weekly basis and progress cautiously in the development of their androgynous soul and its powers. Only the bravest of the brave will deliberately choose daily work on this explosive path! Only the bravest of the brave will choose to be a Shiva or Kali! Working with sexual orgasm energy is different for males and females. Females have an advantage over males because the generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day is fairly simple and natural for them. The female orgasm naturally pushes sexual orgasm energy through the energy channels within the body and into the astral planes. The male has a far more difficult time generating sexual orgasm energy twice a day. For the male to generate sexual orgasm energy twice a day for any length of time they must master the difficult technique of semen retention during orgasm. This ancient Tantric practice is required for any male who is serious about following the left-hand path of Organic Gnosticism. Share this: Sexual Orgasm Energy and the Healing Process July 13, 2015 by anarchistbanjo Chapter 7 Sexual Orgasm Energy and the Healing Process Health and vitality are the result of open energy channels within the physical body. Blocked or trapped energies result in illness and disharmony. The healing process involves opening energy channels within the physical body and gaining conscious awareness and control of those energies. Scientology teaches that past emotional and physical trauma are trapped within the cells of the body as engrams. The human body has a limited amount of free energy available to it and the release of this trapped and repressed energy can significantly increase the amount of free energy the individual has at their disposal. By going back in memory to the original moment of pain that created the engram in the first place and consciously reliving it; it is possible to regain that lost energy. Only by consciously reliving the experience is it possible to release the trapped energy and claim it once more. The original moment of pain resulted in a momentary period of unconsciousness in which the engram was created. During this moment of unconsciousness a “snapshot” of the entire environment was created. As a consequence anything within that “snapshot” can trigger and release the energy trapped within the engram! A certain smell, a certain sound, a similar environment, a particular emotion, any of these things can trigger the explosive force trapped within the engram. The same thing is true about sexual orgasm energy! For the average person the orgasm is marked by a moment of unconsciousness, the creation of a blockage or engram, and a “snapshot” of the environment at the time of its creation. But sexual orgasm energy is deeper and more powerful than the energy of pain. The objective of Tantric practice is to work with sexual orgasm energy with full conscious awareness at all times! In doing this no engrams or blockages are created and the energy is allowed to flow freely and naturally throughout the body. Because of this close similarities may be drawn between Scientology and Tantra and the releasing of engrams through the process of bringing the energy into awareness. Tantric practice involves the generation of sexual orgasm energy with full awareness for the purpose of developing the androgynous soul and its powers. When this energy is generated with full awareness it can be directed consciously up the spine, into a partner or into the astral planes. But first of all energy pathways need to be cleared of blockages and engrams. This is the first step in effective Tantric practice. Both engrams and the astral planes are highly elastic and resist penetration. The generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day is required to break through an engram or make a meaningful change within the astral planes. Once a day is simply not enough. The energy will be merely absorbed and distributed harmlessly in a way that will not produce meaningful change. This is the secret significance of Shiva and Kali being able to destroy and create the universe! To generate sexual orgasm energy twice a day is to destroy the old universe and create a new universe! This is something that can be proven through practical experience! The generation of sexual orgasm energy twice in one day will result in vivid and explosive dreams as the energy is released during sleep. The generation of sexual orgasm energy only once in a day may or may not result in a vivid or explosive dream. But the generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day will always result in a vivid or explosive dream as the energy breaks through engrams and pierces the astral layers! This is the basic foundation of all sex magic practice! It has nothing to do with ritual, technique, mantras, or spirits. It is a mechanical process based entirely on the generation and release of sexual orgasm energy at least twice a day and the resultant destruction of an engram or the piercing of an astral plane! This buildup of pressurized energy will find the weak spot and cause it to rupture! In the beginning the weak spot will almost always be an engram within the physical body itself. That is why most magical work produces inner transformation and not outward transformation. As the engrams are released and the energy pathways within the body are opened the magical activity shifts to outside of the body and within the astral planes themselves. Working with sexual orgasm energy is often violent and explosive! Most people will try it a few times, become frightened at the power released, and choose to focus on more harmless things such as ritual, technique, mantras or spirits. A few may choose to work with sexual orgasm energy on a monthly or weekly basis and progress cautiously in the development of their androgynous soul and its powers. Only the bravest of the brave will deliberately choose daily work on this explosive path! Only the bravest of the brave will choose to be a Shiva or Kali! Working with sexual orgasm energy is different for males and females. Females have an advantage over males because the generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day is fairly simple and natural for them. The female orgasm naturally pushes sexual orgasm energy through the energy channels within the body and into the astral planes. The male has a far more difficult time generating sexual orgasm energy twice a day. For the male to generate sexual orgasm energy twice a day for any length of time they must master the difficult technique of semen retention during orgasm. This ancient Tantric practice is required for any male who is serious about following the left-hand path of Radical Satanism. Working With Magical Energy Part 1 November 30, 2017 by anarchistbanjo So far we have discussed several types of energy. Spiritual energy is tapped by use of the energy ball extended above the head. Earth energy is tapped by use of the energy ball forced deep into the center of the earth. Sexual energy is tapped by flooding the physical and astral body with waves of pleasurable energy before and during orgasm. This energy is accumulative as are spiritual and earth energies. Etheric energy is that energy at the low end of the elemental scale. The astral planes surrounding the earth can only hold a finite amount of energy of any type. During the lunar cycle it will squeeze any excess energy out of the astral planes in the form of physical events or force opposing types of energy together in a destructive matter/anti-matter type of action that destroys both types of energy. As your energy enters the earth’s astral planes and begins to fill them, the energy will be repelled away from you and used by others for their own purposes. This means that you will enter a period where very little is happening to you but quite a bit is happening to others that are using your energy to form physical events that they want. Your energy is harmonizing with other peoples energy by altering its frequency and nature to suit them. When it encounters other types of energy it is the weaker and alters itself to merge with that of others. Gradually your energy will strengthen and other energies will alter as they merge with yours. At each new contact there will be a brief struggle that determines which energy will change and which energy will remain the same. As long as your energy alters easily any thing created by you can be easily manipulated, taken, or destroyed by others. In time you will be able to create astral events of your own but they will resist becoming physical events for you. Others may try to alter these events to suit themselves and you may be forced to defend your astral creations. Magical energy is astral energy that is linked to physical reality through connections to the earth’s south pole magnetic vortex and tends to become physical reality. Spirit energy is astral energy linked to physical reality through connections to the earth’s north pole magnetic vortex and tends to dissipate into the cosmic. The best way to think of these two types of energy is by saying that the astral levels in the northern hemisphere surrounding the magnetic north pole are made of Spirit energy. The astral levels surrounding the magnetic south pole in the southern hemisphere are made of Magical energy. In reality each type of energy encircles the entire earth forming two entirely separate astral planes. Spirit energy forms the outer and higher astral planes. It contains all elemental energies from the spiritual energies to the etheric energies and tries to dissipate them. In the same manner Magical energy forms the inner astral planes that surround the earth and contains spiritual and etheric energies. Magical energy is intended to become physical reality and will eventually do so unless it is somehow destroyed. Often the shape it takes in becoming physical reality is totally different that what it started out as. Magical energy has a tremendous ability to adapt and mutate into something unrecognizable. The Spirit astral planes that surround the earth deal with long term and projected events. All superfluous material is stripped away until only the pure isolated event is left. The Spirit astral planes determine which key events and individuals are the most important and must be allowed to happen as physical reality. In this respect the Spirit planes rule over the Magical planes. These key events are critical and will be allowed to become physical reality without the distortion and mutation of pure Magical energy because they are powered by Spirit energy even after they drop down into the Magical planes and into the fixed etheric levels there. PS: I have started a Facebook discussion group called Organic Gnosticism. Feel free to join if you are interested. Working With Sexual Energy Part 5 November 29, 2017 by anarchistbanjo PROCEDURE FOR DEVELOPING SEXUAL ENERGY MALE: The male should drain the bio-electric and magnetic field energy from the testes by slowly approaching orgasm and by avoiding ejaculation and loss of sperm cells. This pleasurable energy should be forced out of the sperm cells and into the physical and astral body by channeling it up the spine. It will find its way naturally upward to transform into mental and spiritual energy. The waves of pleasurable energy should fill the entire body if possible. This should be done once or twice a day. In the beginning this energy must pierce through a pain barrier. There will be a few instances of severe pain at the base of the spine lasting from ten to fifteen minutes. Nothing can be done to prevent this. It is caused by the sexual energy being forced from the lowest astral levels into the higher levels. As the energy channels open this will not happen anymore except in very rare activations of this astral “pain” body. After draining the energy from the testes your body will have an imbalance of male/female energy. You will attract female energy to you to neutralize the excess male energy. Visualize the energy ball and plunge it deep within the center of the earth where it will attract energy from your soul mate. Then raise the energy ball as high as possible into the “spiritual” light. Do this a few times until you feel that your male/female energy is balanced. This will distribute the energy evenly throughout your entire system. FEMALE: Try to reach orgasm as quickly as possible and raise the sexual energy as high as possible. Hold the orgasm at its peak for as long as possible trying to fill the entire physical and astral body with sexual energy. The energy will tend to fall back downward toward the earth. This should be done once or twice a day. In the beginning this energy must pierce through a pain barrier. There will be a few instances of severe pain at the base of the spine lasting from ten to fifteen minutes. Nothing can be done to prevent this. It is caused by the sexual energy being forced from the lowest astral levels into the higher levels. As the energy channels open this will not happen anymore except in very rare activations of this astral “pain” body. After the sexual energy has been drained from the ovaries the physical and astral body will have a surplus of female sexual energy and will attract male energy to it to neutralize the surplus. Visualize an energy ball and raise it as high into the “spiritual” light source as possible. It will attract male soul mate energy to neutralize the excess female energy. Then plunge the energy ball into the center of the earth. Do this several times until the normal balance of male/female energy is restored. This will distribute the energy evenly within your system. PS: I have started a Facebook discussion group called Organic Gnosticism. Feel free to join if you are interested. Share this: Working With Sexual Energy Part 4 November 29, 2017 by anarchistbanjo The action of the lunar cycle will stress and rack the astral planes forcing “normal” astral creations to give way to “phase-locked” astral creations. All that you need to do is keep a steady supply available and let the process work itself. Sexual energy is stored in the sex glands. In the male sexual energy is stored in the testes and in the female it is stored in the ovaries. There are significant differences between male sexual energy and female sexual energy that must be understood. Both the testes and the ovaries act as batteries that store and discharge bio-electrical and magnetic field energy. During the female orgasm this energy is forced out of the ovaries and floods into both the physical body and into the astral body giving a pleasurable sensation as it flows. The ovaries then draw energy from the earth to recharge themselves making it possible for the female to have multiple orgasms. During the male orgasm this energy excites the sperm so much that under normal conditions ejaculation occurs causing the loss of these vital “batteries” as well as most of the bio-electrical and magnetic field energy that they contain. This loss should be minimized for our purposes. The simplest way to prevent this loss is for the male to have a vasectomy which will prevent the sperm from leaving the body. Instead the orgasm energy will be forced into the physical and astral body in the same manner as it is with a female orgasm. The depleted sperm will then recharge themselves from “spiritual” light energy and be capable of multiple orgasms after recharging. It is the pleasurable waves of energy that fill the body with energy and force it into the astral and not the energy contained in the sperm itself that is important. Retaining the sperm simply helps in a rapid recharging that makes five or six sessions a day possible if desired. Loss of the sperm would not make this number of sessions possible over long periods of time. The physical body could not replace the lost sperm cells that fast. By delaying orgasm as long as possible the male will inject the greatest amount of sexual energy into the astral. The critical thing is to experience the waves of pleasurable energy flooding the body because it is at that time the physical energy becomes astral energy. These injections of energy are cumulative and enlarge the passageways already opened by the spiritual energies. If a vasectomy is not desired it is possible to prevent ejaculation by learning to slowly drain the testes of their energy and never approach full orgasm. The pleasurable sensation is the flow of energy into the body and is what is worked for. It is also possible to prevent ejaculation by tightening the pelvic diaphragm muscles at the right time. In time energy channels open up and this process can become very routine with the energy easily flowing from the testes into the physical and astral body without a loss of sperm or minimal loss of sperm. As a general rule the male orgasm should be approached and prolonged as long as possible to completely drain the testes of their energy before ejaculation. The female orgasm should be reached as quickly as possible and held at its peak for as long as possible. In both cases a point will be reached where no more energy is available until the body is recharged. The reason for this difference is that the male’s energy source is light energy and his sexual energy will tend to rise naturally through the body and transform itself into mental and spiritual energy. As it rises through the body it will activate and loosen trapped “black energy” causing the energy also to transform into mental energy and rise into conscious awareness. The main goal is to get the sexual energy forced into the physical and astral body. The rest will occur naturally. The female energy source is earth energy and will tend to remain as low in the physical and astral body as possible. The object is to raise this energy during orgasm as high as possible within the body and keep it at that level as long as possible. Female sexual energy will not release “black” energy but it will raise it up until it finds a suitable outlet and then let it go down again to find its way into physical events. In this respect female energy tends to impel “black” energy into physical events. This tendency can be guarded against with the proper use of the energy ball described later. Also, when the physical and astral body is completely saturated with sexual energy the “black” energy is then forced completely out of the body through the top of the head. During orgasm the energy should be pushed as high as possible trying to force it entirely out of the head into the spiritual light source. Both the male and the female should attempt to channel the sexual energy up the spine instead of through the organs of the body. The reason for this is that the spine has already been prepared by the use of the energy ball during the lesser work described in chapter five. With a little practice it will also carry the denser sexual energy. In time the sexual energy will also channel itself effortlessly through the organs and the bone structure. In the male this sexual energy will gradually build up inside the physical and astral body expelling all foreign energies. It will accumulate at the top of the head and gradually force itself downward into the lower emotional levels activating one astral body after another until they are all united into one “phase-locked” astral body that can travel on all astral levels. Finally the pressure of this sexual energy buildup will force itself out the base of the spine into the earth’s astral plane where it will eventually contact your soul mate’s astral energy. In the female the sexual energy will build up until it is forced out the top of the head and into the earth’s astral planes. She will activate one astral body at a time from the lowest to the highest and will need to deal with feelings of extreme sensuality and the problems that her “raw” sexual energy attracts to her in the form of inappropriate male attention. Her excess female energy will attract male energy to her that is not her soul mate’s. The important thing to realize is that the pleasurable sensations that flood the body during sexual arousal and orgasm are the sexual energies being drained from the sex organs into the physical body and the astral body. These pleasurable sensations should be made to last as long as possible. The physical body will only be able to store so much of this energy and the rest will be forced into the astral body and into the astral planes. This will strengthen the astral body and fill the astral planes with your sexual energy in a cumulative manner. If you do not have a partner the sexual energy will activate your astral bodies one at a time before entering into the astral planes by getting opposite sex energy directly from the collective and the environment. If you have a partner the energy will merge with your partners and escape directly into the astral plane and into the collective before permanently activating any astral bodies. When the astral plane is filled to bursting with your sexual energy it will back up and begin to activate your astral bodies one at a time. If your partner is not your soul mate the relationship will then be dissolved and you will separate. What this means is that it doesn’t matter how you do it as long as you daily force sexual energy into the astral. The end result will be eventual contact with your true soul mate and a phase-locking of sexual energies on the astral plane. As in so many things practice makes perfect and it is the effort that counts with each occurrence adding to what is already in the astral. Male sexual energy is expansive and destructive in nature. It will tend to expand and destroy other astral creations that it comes into contact with. It forces itself through astral blocks and barriers forming new pathways for the energy to flow. Female sexual energy is restrictive and blocking in nature. It will tend to block off unwanted astral energies and isolate itself within an impenetrable wall of phase-locked astral energy. The male must not only find his soul mate since she can’t find him, he must also have enough energy to penetrate the protective barrier that she has placed around herself by isolating herself from other male energies. The continuous addition of sexual energy into the astral will assure that this happens in a timely manner. As mentioned earlier, the entire process is quite automatic and will happen according to the laws of nature and not according to the laws of man. PS: I have started a Facebook discussion group called Organic Gnosticism. Feel free to join if interested. Share this: The Holy Grail November 23, 2017 by anarchistbanjo I’ve just finished some research on the Holy Grail. Please bear with me as I try to put some unconventional thoughts into words, thoughts that reflect my personal experience. As Jakob Boehme stated the female womb or matrix includes a spiritual matrix as well. But I would not put it exactly that way. I have described how tantric sexual orgasm creates male/female cycles where the immortal soul or observer self is created and also timelines and entire worlds in holograph form. This can be with Divine Counterparts, chakra soulmates, tantrikas and love partners. There is so much we don’t know about the female mysteries. The main point to be stated unequivocally is that the female womb not only creates babies, but also soul bodies or observer selves, astral bodies, timelines and alternate worlds. It does this when non-physical male orgasm energy is mixed with the females own energy to form a third energy that is magical. The male himself is not able to create astrally, but can use his energy to destroy, heal and make grow. The male requires the female to be open to his energy if it is to become creatively magical. And the female has the power to block any unwanted energy that she doesn’t want. But she can’t create magic without male energy to mix with hers. So the female womb is capable of creating physically, spiritually, magically and astrally with the addition of the proper non-physical male energy mixing with her own. Because of this the female womb has been called the Holy Grail, the Magic Cauldron, The Fountain of Life and many other mythical things. But in terms of the Holy Grail it is sought after by knights on a perilous quest. It can only be activated by love, energy sex, tantric sex or the generation of non-physical sexual orgasm energy! The Holy Grail will destroy all who seek it for purely physical sex or animalistic pleasure. The magical female womb works through non-physical energies and not through the use of male sperm and physical sex which is considered normal sex that often results in procreation. This is the solution to the sacred mystery and it is very profound. Now the male has a very difficult time generating non-physical sexual orgasm energy without sperm loss and most efforts are not enough to produce meaningful results unless tantric sex is practiced where orgasm is prolonged, the energy is passed to the female and the sperm is not lost. So the quest for the Holy Grail is something like this: The female womb is a magical object that can create all things but only with the proper mix of non-physical male and female energy. The male is required to learn how to produce non-physical sexual orgasm energy through some type of tantric practice. The female womb has the power to destroy as well as to create! This is the quest for the Holy Grail and only the bravest are able to succeed at it. It is another example of the tantric left hand path but offers even more advice on how dangerous lust and animal pleasure can be. It is a spiritual quest. It is a quest for the development of the soul and it’s powers. This is achieved through the creative power of a third energy that is produced within the womb and released into the astral planes where it will be allowed to physically manifest. The Sacred Virgin And The Tantrika November 21, 2017 by anarchistbanjo Organic Gnosticism derives from the original “path of woman” and was created for the male. That much is certain. I can only speculate about the path of the female, but I have been given insight into some things that touch upon magical practice. The Sacred Virgin and the Tantrika is one of them. In magical practice it is the female that uses male energy mixed with her own energy to create observer selves for both of them, time lines for both of them and the etheric pattern of their entire world at the level of her particular energy. It has long been known that a magician needed to find a female partner capable of manifesting magic in a physical way. Such a female was highly treasured and very few females are at this level of the Tantrika or Diva. These females often worked with several male partners and were teachers to many. They had no need to be virgins. Their normal energy level was the lowest level of sexual orgasm energy. Now in my personal experience I’ve been drawn into cycles with various females that created observer selves or astral bodies, timelines and worlds from out of each chakra center or energy. None of them were virgins and most were platonic relationships. These cycles didn’t include or require physical sexual relationships. But I worked these cycles developing the crown chakra, the third eye chakra, the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the spleen chakra and the root chakra before experiencing the final Divine Counterpart cycle of the sexual orgasm energy of the testes/ovaries chakra and this also was non physical in nature. The point is that each of these women were masters of a certain energy and that energy was what I needed to work with. They were not able to work the lowest energy with other males except for one, the one to whom they lost their virginity! Every female can work the lowest sexual orgasm energy with one male, the one she loses her virginity to. This is the riddle of the Sacred Virgin and why she was treasured for her magic in magical circles. With all other males she works the energy of her own specialty or mastery and is not able to manifest physically through the magic of sexual orgasm energy. Her magic is of a higher type. « Literacy And The Soul Magic, Mystery And Madness » The Incubus And Succubus November 19, 2017 by anarchistbanjo Whether you are generating sexual orgasm energy with an opposite sex partner, homosexually or auto erotically you will still experience the incubus or succubus. Sexual dreams are a normal part of a healthy dream life. By generating and sending sexual orgasm energy you’re actively provoking such experiences! The act of generating sexual orgasm energy is a mechanical process. How the body stores that energy during the day and releases it into the astral at night through dreams is the magical part of the process. Sexual orgasm energy is highly polarized as male or female and will attract suitable opposite sex energy within the dream environment. You will draw astral lovers to yourself or be drawn to them. This is all part of the process and is involuntary unless you deliberately choose to send the energy to someone in particular or go to them. The incubus or succubus is a projection of the shadow self of your magical partner. The more distorted the incubus or succubus, the more distorted your magical partner’s belief in themselves. The same is true for angelic love encounters. These are projections of your partner’s higher self and not of their true nature. Only after you and your magical partner dissolve and integrate these two secondary personalities can you meet face-to-face within the dream/astral worlds. What this means is that in the beginning you will encounter the demonic side of your magical partner and they will encounter your demonic side. You’ll come face-to-face with their greatest fears and they will come face-to-face with yours. You will also come face-to-face with their greatest desires and they with yours. But neither are real. They are the sharing of not self; those things despised or those things desired but unattainable. Coming face-to-face with the greatest fears of someone else is even more challenging than confronting your own greatest fears. The same is true for your greatest desires. These things are what makes this path so difficult. You need to integrate both the shadow and higher self of your magical partner as well as integrating your own shadow or higher self. Fortunately this is an automatic process that unfolds gradually in its own time and in its own way as you continue to generate sexual orgasm energy twice a day. There is an ancient wisdom within the physical body and that wisdom guides the entire process. First is the dissolving and integration of the shadow and higher self, then the giving and receiving of energy to the female to create her own Observer self, then the birth of an astral child that will house the male’s Observer self, then the creation of a personal timeline and lastly the astral creation of an entire world. Throughout this process various other experiences will follow as the soul develops and begins to function magically within the astral worlds. You maintain an astral connection with your magical partner throughout the entire cycle and remain permanently linked at its conclusion even though you may each go separate ways. It is likely that you will be drawn into various cycles with various magical partners as level after level of the astral is explored and layer after layer of the soul is developed. But there will only be one magical partner at a time. This is the concept known as magical celibacy. The incubus and succubus are personality fragments of actual people whom you are in energetic contact with in some manner, personally, or even over the Internet. The Finite Astral Planes November 19, 2017 by anarchistbanjo The astral planes are not empty, they are full to the brim! Sometimes it is almost impossible to inject sexual orgasm energy or any other type of energy into them and other times it is very easy. There are also times when the first injection of energy seems like it hits a wall, but later when you try the second time there is lots of room. What has happened is that the first try actually burst through the astral congestion and made some space for your second attempt! Other times it feels like the astral is draining every ounce of energy away from you! It is doing this to support your own astral creations by the way! Once something is created within the astral it will try to maintain itself and resist alteration. It will draw energy from you to remain intact. This is a good thing even if it drains you of energy! The lunar cycle is like a heartbeat that alternately squeezes and expands the astral layers and circulates the astral energy throughout all the levels, impelling some things toward physical manifestation and other times destroying astral creations. The process of generating sexual orgasm energy or any other type of energy twice a day and injecting it into the astral is somewhat similar to jumping in front of a train! Your energy creates a major disruption causing the astral bonds to burst at a weak point and then merge back together in a new pattern, one that includes your added energy! You add the energy and the daily cycle, the lunar cycle and the solar cycle are the trains which create the pressure that makes things happen by bursting through the existing astral configurations. In the beginning the weak spot is inside of yourself and that is where the energy will burst apart blocked energy channels as it clears them. Later as your energy channels become open and functioning the astral disruption happens outside of you in other places within the astral. At times this messes with other magic workers and provokes magical combats. But magical combat is not to be feared because it is all about energy and you replenish your energy everyday while the other magicians don’t! I have had hundreds of astral conflicts over the years and never lost one of them, although it might have been a draw in the early days and required several repeated attempts. The important point is that the astral is finite and injecting sexual orgasm energy or any other type of energy into it twice a day radically empowers your astral creations and helps them to magically manifest and also helps to develop your soul and your astral bodies. It forces growth and this is what we want. The astral resists change and will absorb most efforts at changing unless those efforts are forceful. Continue injecting sexual orgasm energy or any other type of energy twice a day into the astral until the present moment is the present moment which you desire. It is that simple. The reverse is also that simple. Without injecting energy into the astral your astral creations will just stay there in limbo and not go anywhere. Most people end up creating astral events for their next physical life because what they create will never manifest in this one! This is what makes the Tantric path different. It is the path of attainment in this lifetime! These are not empty words! But the path is only for the bravest of the brave! Male Magical Energy November 17, 2017 by anarchistbanjo The Tantric practice of working with male sexual orgasm energy for the development of the soul and its powers is problematic and that’s why I have kept it for last. As before the stated goal is to generate sexual orgasm energy twice a day over long periods of time. The problem is that this can’t be done without the Tantric practice of sperm retention! Each sperm is a battery full of life force energy and the idea is to discharge the battery while leaving the sperm in place. These sperm are recharged overnight and able to be used the next day and the day after that. Sperm loss requires the body to generate more sperm which is lost more quickly than it can be generated. I realize that contentious know it all’s will violently argue this point. I’m not interested in arguing. I have personally generated sexual orgasm energy twice a day continuously for seven years! I know that it can be done. I also know that I couldn’t have done it without the Tantric practice of sperm retention. It is very difficult to do as it is. What’s more, I know that this is purely a mechanical process because I didn’t follow any other path, ritual or practice. It was the generation of this energy alone that drove my spiritual development and still drives my spiritual development. Generating sexual orgasm energy twice a day will fill the body and that energy will be discharged into the astral during the night as explosive dreams. This dream activity is of an empowering nature although it may at times be violent. The process itself is simple but difficult. Try to bring yourself to the peak of orgasm and hold it there without ejaculation. Squeezing the pelvic and uric diaphragms tightly shut are the traditional ways of controlling this. Think of the male that has gotten a vasectomy and how orgasm would work for him. It is essentially the same thing. Holding oneself at the edge of orgasm and letting the pressure slowly fade away will gradually open astral channels which will allow the sexual orgasm energy to bleed off into the astral without ejaculation. As one becomes more skilled they can send the energy up the spine and to all of the energy centers or out the crown chakra into the universe or into one’s physical or astral sexual partner. This is something that takes practice, practice, practice! The loss of sperm isn’t the end of the world either. But a very real truth is that learning the skill of prolonging orgasm and channeling the energy is very useful for a pleasurable sex life! With practice orgasm can be prolonged for over an hour and one can experience multiple orgasms! In essence the male is learning to have a female type of orgasm which energizes instead of resulting in energy loss. This skill makes one a better lover! Think about it! Male sexual energy is buoyant and will rise up through the body whether one circulates it consciously or not! Meditation and consciously moving it is not necessary like it is for the female. It will find its own path through the body, hitting repressed packets of negative emotional energy and cause them to flare up and discharge. In other words it will work to unblock the body’s energy channels in a natural and automatic way. The activation of these trapped energies will act to free the repressed energy and bring it into conscious awareness or cause it to be acted out in psychotic behaviors. This is the traditional danger of this path. But Gaia’s current entry into the new eon has caused much of this activation to already be released. The entire population is going crazy because of the release of repressed and toxic energies. Going crazy is not the danger that it once was. This rising of male energy is why so many males are head trippers and also prone to mystical thoughts as in the patriarchal religions. This spirituality or head tripping is natural to the male but not natural for the female who is much more grounded. Consider that the prisons have mostly male populations and I have made my point. In general females are much healthier mentally and emotionally than males. The process is as follows: the generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day causes astral energy to be stored within the physical body during the day and released into the astral at night as explosive dreams which are healing and empowering in the long run, but a bit disconcerting in the beginning. Another interesting thing about male sexual orgasm energy is that root chakra energy is not really sperm energy but prostate gland energy. Tapping the actual sperm energy only comes after years of working with root chakra energy. When this happens the electric tingle of energy will come from the testes themselves and not from the root chakra. This has been a major deception about working with male orgasm energy and Tantric practice in general. Most Tantric practices involving the root chakra are tapping prostate gland energy and not sperm energy at all! When sperm energy is activated there will be a feeling like electricity flowing through the testes and often a drain upon them as this powerful chakra actually opens up and allows its energy to pour forth. I worked with sexual orgasm energy for over 20 years before tapping into the true sperm energy. The male orgasm works with both the root chakra and the energy center of the testes themselves although that final energy seems to be channeled directly from a energetic sun or energetic Gestalt spherical in nature which is within the nonphysical planes. In other words the testes tap into an even deeper source of energy than the root chakra. Share this: Female Magical Energy November 17, 2017 by anarchistbanjo Female magical energy has some very definite differences from male magical energy. I’ve already mentioned that the Tantric path is very natural for the female. The female orgasm automatically floods the body and sends energy into the astral. This is one reason why females have always been accused of being witches and having the ability to do magic. They are naturally active in creative magic. From the Tantric point of view all they really have to do is prolong the edge of orgasm as long as possible. Tantra also suggests that the woman learn to use the muscles of her womb during sex to press the penis and enhance the pleasure. This is essentially the kugel exercise that pregnant women are taught. That is all old stuff. I want to share new stuff, stuff that hasn’t been shared before my knowledge. The source of magical orgasm power in the female comes from the ovaries and womb which are located near the heart and solar plexus energy centers. For practical purposes the female orgasm includes all of these energy centers in a massive full body sensation so the heart and solar plexus also play an important part in this for the female. Often this might be such a strong feeling that it might seem the orgasm is centered in the heart itself. So orgasm for the female is very love centered and very powerful and involves more than one energy center or chakra! Female orgasm energy will tend to fall or drop down to lower levels unless it is consciously worked with and deliberately raised to the higher energy centers. This can be achieved through conscious meditation and circulating her energy upward. This is one of the reasons why many women sink into depression. Their natural energy is drawing their awareness down unconsciously. The reason it falls is because it is a manifesting energy and seeks physical manifestation. Male energy when mixed with female energy tends to raise the female energy and help it be more buoyant. That is because male energy is expansive and more solar in nature. A mutual working that includes male energy helps the female awareness to rise to the highest levels. In Wicca this practice is called drawing down the moon! It is also why the female often seeks a highly spiritual male partner to lift her own energies as high as possible. This is also why spiritual relationships are so important. By itself female orgasm energy is very powerful and can be used to block something or used in self-defense by creating a magical barrier of protection around the female or those she loves. The more sexual energy generated for this purpose, the stronger the protection. One final particular about the female is her ability to choose which energies that she will accept and which energies she will reject or block. She is extremely powerful in this ability and her magic is very strong. The female can magically choose her partner and the energies that she shares with her partner. The male requires the female to create a space for him energetically or he will not find balance and peace. To create a space is how the female can make an empty house a home filled with love and joy. Without female love the male is empty and without love. When the female takes in male energy and mixes it with her own it becomes plastic and can be magically worked with to create things within the astral which she desires. Her energy by itself solidifies astral creations while mixed energy allows her to magically work with them and shape them. I’ve already mentioned how the female takes in the males energy until she is completed and her soul or Observer self is created. She then continues to take in male energy, until she becomes astrally pregnant and gives birth to an astral child which the male then embodies as his own soul body or Observer self. This is the hidden occult meaning of being born again! Females often have dreams of such babies! Share this: The Left Hand Path November 13, 2017 by anarchistbanjo Organic Gnosticism takes the so-called left-hand path in an entirely new direction! Orthodoxy considers the left-hand path to be involved with opposite doing and taboo breaking. While these may be considered extremely powerful and important practices, they need to be looked at in an entirely new light. Organic Gnosticism is involved with the creation and development of the androgynous soul created from a balance of male and female energy. After the creation and development of the androgynous soul contact and reunion with one’s Divine counterpart is pursued. Like the yin-yang symbol the two halves of the soul should be symmetrical and relatable to each other. One side should be that of a human male and the other side should be that of a human female if one desires to remain part of humanity! To participate in bizarre and subhuman or inhuman practices might very well free you from societal restrictions, but it might also make you an inhuman monster and that would cause your Divine counterpart to become an opposite inhuman monster! It would also make it that much harder to merge with your Divine counterpart. The creation and development of the androgynous soul naturally forces you to develop and integrate the opposite sex qualities of your own ego. Working with sexual orgasm energy naturally forces you to confront your own innermost fears as well as those of your Divine counterpart because it works with subconscious forces. The acceptance and integration of those innermost fears are far more powerful than any Orthodox head tripping taboo breaking and opposite doing. That is because they precisely trigger those things and activities needed to be confronted and integrated on a deep and intensely personal level. Instead of confronting collective fears and demons, you’re forced to confront your own personal fears and demons as well as those of your Divine counterpart! In fact, focusing on taboo breaking and bizarre behaviors concerns our relationship with society, not with the development of our soul! Organic Gnosticism breaks even more completely with orthodoxy concerning the left-hand path! The generation of sexual orgasm energy twice daily over long periods of time will provoke incubus or succubus experiences, attract the necessary opposite sex energy and develop the androgynous soul at different levels of the astral planes! It will also draw us to the proper opposite sex partners in real life. As the androgynous soul is created and strengthened its powers and abilities are also strengthened automatically! What I am saying is that practice and technique are not what develops the soul and its powers. The generation of sexual orgasm energy and its automatic combining with opposite sex energy is what develops the soul and its powers! This continued generation of sexual orgasm energy twice daily is literally the only requirement for the development of the androgynous soul and for eventual contact with one’s Divine counterpart! As the androgynous soul is developed completely at each level its powers are activated automatically and naturally as a consequence. All other teachings, techniques, and beliefs concerning the so-called left-hand path are superficial and of no consequence! The entire process is driven by the continued generation of sexual orgasm energy over long periods of time and by nothing else! This is a mechanical and automatic process that works organically without the need for conscious control or direction. It makes use of the innate intelligence of the human body and its own natural functions as well as cosmic law! The sharing of opposite sex energies in love relationships is what is important. The energy will seek out the right partner magically. All of this can be easily demonstrated and proven through personal experience. Organic Gnosticism collects the needed information on how to develop the androgynous soul safely and effectively and how to ultimately connect with one’s Divine counterpart! This is the Kali Yuga and for the next 2000 years sexual orgasm energy, vital life force energy or garden of Eden energy has become available for all life forms, not just humans. All species can use this unprecedented opportunity to develop their souls and magical powers. If humanity does not use this energy it will be eclipsed by other species that are more vital and adaptive. The higher levels no longer offer empowerment or protection against this wave of creation energy! Share this: Shiva And Kali November 13, 2017 by anarchistbanjo When we consider Tantrism, Buddhism and Hinduism it is immediately apparent that most of the knowledge contained within these paths, especially those that follow the left-hand path, is based upon personal experience and as such able to be duplicated by others. The student is not expected to blindly believe what they are told, but to experience it personally and directly within his or her body. This is especially true in regards to the Tantric generation and use of sexual orgasm energy in the development of the soul and the various subtle bodies. For the past 4000 years the energies of empowerment have been those of the throat chakra and the third eye, abstract mental energy and so called Christ consciousness, respectively. That is 4000 years of denial of all other organic intelligence and awareness! In today’s world people debate whether there is a soul or extrasensory abilities. Materialism has become so prevalent that the spiritual or nonphysical side of life is not recognized and ignored by large segments of the population. All of that is about to change, and to change radically as the crown chakra energies of unity and the sexual orgasm energies, the garden of Eden energies, dominate our new world! This is the Kali Yuga! This is the age of Tantrism! This is the age of the left-hand path! This is the age of the diamond or thunderbolt body! This is the age when each person has the opportunity to experience for themselves the reality of the soul and the reality of the nonphysical worlds and beings. There is nothing theoretical about this, only experiential! There is an organic process which is sweeping across our world and opening our psyches to new realities. In the book “the yoga of power: Tantric, Shakti and the secret Way” by Julius Evola he says: “The tantras go on to reaffirm the ancient Vedic-brahmanic and Buddhist belief in the siddha’s superiority to all other divinities. The siddha has power over three worlds. No God, including Brahma, Vishnu, and Hari – Hara can resist him. The possibility of doing as one pleases and to prevent things from happening is theoretically upheld. The siddha is Lord of death in the specific sense of being able to kill the body through an act of the will – the so-called Samhara – mudra, the act of dissolution – of not experiencing death, and of transferring one’s consciousness to any chosen level of existence. A siddha, according to Milarepa, goes at will through existence as an untamed lion freely roams a mountainous region. A power often considered by Tantrism is the so-called phowa. On the one hand, this power consists in projecting oneself outside one’s body, into bodies corresponding to other abodes or cosmic planes. On the other hand, it consists in assuming someone else’s body, thus becoming the real driving force behind that person’s thoughts, resolutions, and passions, which he still believes to be his. In particular, a siddha cannot lie, since his word is a word of power, which commands to reality; thus everything he says would become true. In him the fundamental Tantric motif of the unity of bhoga and mukti is actualized. He enjoys the dignity of chakravarti, of a world ruler, and also of a freedom that cannot be expressed anywhere else. The tantras therefore claim that there is no yoga as powerful as kundalini yoga.” This is powerful stuff! Especially when one is asked to personally experience it for themselves and not just take it as an element of faith. Perhaps the most powerful images of the Tantric path are those of the divine couple Shiva and Kali/Shakti. Shiva is portrayed in a dance representing the rhythm of both the creation and destruction of the worlds. Notice the use of the plural. These worlds represent the multidimensional astral planes or the spirit jewel worlds which create and support the manifestation of the physical world we experience. He is also depicted as shooting forth unending quantities of sperm energy. This image contains the entire secret of Tantrism in terms of the male generating sexual orgasm energy. Consider this excerpt by Julius Evola: “In a highly symbolic Tantric icon Shakti is portrayed at the earth’s level (the muladhara chakra) as a snake wrapped around Shiva’s phallus and resting its head on the phallus’s orifice. We must refer to the metaphysical theory according to which animal or physical generation is an empty surrogate of spiritual generation. The continuation of the species, through the use of sex perceived mainly as a generative power, represents a sort of ephemeral and earthly eternity, or a facsimile of continuity, in the series of separated, mortal individuals that follow one another in time. This spatio-temporal continuity is a mere surrogate for the continuity that would be insured by an ascending or vertical birth, or by a metaphysical integration that is well beyond the finite state of an individual who is conditioned by a specific physical body. Shiva’s reproductive organ (phallus), is called svayambhu-linga, or supportless linga, since it has its principal within itself. The term alludes to the power proper to a different begetting, not physical, but transcendent and anagogic; a begetting into a perfect, unblemished, incorruptible, and eternal life. Kundalini’s head is blocking the opening of Shiva’s phallus, thus preventing the ejaculation of semen, which is the principle of such an endogenesis. This clearly signifies that polarization, in the sense of sexual desire and procreative energy, prevents the force of the Shaivist’s vayanrbhu-linga from becoming explicit and from assuming its proper form.” What is described here is the deliberate use of sexual orgasm energy driven in an upward direction for the creation of the immortal physical body or the soul. This is done through the process of sperm retention during orgasm. Personal experience will readily show that the generation of sexual orgasm energy twice a day is required for the destruction/creation of the astral universe and development of the soul. This is to be considered a continuous or ongoing process taking place over several years. “Kali/Shakti is portrayed in this way: A further interpretation of Kali’s role is found in popular iconography. There Kali appears black and naked, wearing only a necklace of severed heads. Under this aspect the goddess is Shiva’s Shakti, namely, his power of active transcendence. The color black represents transcendence over any manifested and visible thing. According to a well-received etymology of the word, her name is Kali since she devours time, becoming, and progress, which constitute the lot of samsara existence. Her nakedness symbolizes her being free of forms. The 50 heads she wears around her neck which in popular mythology belong to slain demons are made to correspond to the 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, which in turn symbolize the various cosmic powers presiding over the manifestation (matrika, which Greek speculation identified as logoispermatikoi) The heads allude to those powers because they are removed from the elementary nature, proper to the descending phase. Therefore, if the role of maya-shakti’s power in the tantras is one of negation, then Kali’s role, and the aspect so far considered, may be said to be a negation of the negation. Here we begin to witness the self-destructive and self transcending orientation of the power that in Tantrism plays a considerable role, especially in the context of left-hand practices and rituals. To destroy and to transcend should be seen mainly in terms of (1) going beyond manifested and conditioned forms, and (2) getting rid of the habit of identifying oneself with external forms, whether human or cosmic. The destruction considered here concerns the elements of desire and of enslaving fascination with the self. It is considered a matter of secondary importance if, at an individual or social level, this attitude may eventually require severing relationships and personal attachments. When we talk about the process of destruction at work in the multiform world of nature, we should not confuse it with Kali’s attributes, since they serve the transcendental purpose of leading upward and beyond ( this incidently, is the Latin etymology of the word transcendence). That is why in a Tantric hymn Kali is presented under that particular Shaktic form in which she picks up what preceded her. In this context, the term employed to describe her action is vikvasamghera. In it, Shiva’s power, or Shakti is clearly manifested.” What is being described here is Kali’s role in receiving Shiva’s sexual orgasm energy, mixing it with her own, and weaving a brand-new reality out of the substance out of the substance of the old reality. In doing this she uses his energy as the pattern for a new creation. This entire process takes place within the astral realms prior to manifesting as physical reality. In the act of creating a new reality out of the substance of the old reality both destruction and creation appear simultaneously. This time the process involves working with female sexual orgasm energy, receiving male sexual orgasm energy, combining with it, and through the destruction of existing astral realities creating something new. Again, sexual orgasm energy needs to be generated at least twice a day to destroy the existing fabric of the astral worlds. This is symbolized by the continuous and unending intercourse between Shiva and Kali. All of this happens upon the nonphysical planes of the astral. It is the continuous and unending intercourse between the subtle bodies of the male and female that destroy and create new realities and new universes! It is not a requirement for the female and the male to be physically joined in a sexual embrace, but they must be joined in a nonphysical embrace and in the exchange of non-physical sexual orgasm energy. This is perhaps the most profound and powerful secret of Tantrism! Stated plainly, the male and female partner must both generate sexual orgasm energy at least twice a day, continuously, over an extended period of time. But this energy can be generated auto erotically and transferred into the astral or spiritual planes where it will automatically find and combine with the opposite sex energy of the correct partner! The two opposite sex partners are not required to have physical contact, only nonphysical contact! It is the soul contact that is important, not the physical or sexual contact! This aspect of Organic Gnosticism develops the soul and its powers through the use of the subtle body or nonphysical body which in the past has been incorrectly termed an incubus or succubus. These subtle bodies are in actuality aspects of an individual soul and projections of the physical body. For the first time Organic Gnosticism reveals the stunning truth! You do not require a physical partner and a physical relationship to practice Tantrism and the development of your soul. Until you find the correct physical partner you can work auto erotically and your sexual orgasm energy will seek out and be drawn to an appropriate soul partner! It does not matter whether you are male or female. This is possible because the energy of the new eon is sexual orgasm energy, vital life energy, or garden of Eden energy, whichever you prefer to call it. It is now available to all life forms and all species! This is the Kali Yuga in which all the secrets of Tantrism will be revealed! I Share this: The Kali Yuga November 12, 2017 by anarchistbanjo I would like to begin this chapter with an excerpt about the Kali Yuga from the book “The yoga of power; Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way” by Julius Evola. It will serve as an introduction to some of the concepts that I would like to address later in this post.This excerpt also proves that Organic Gnosticism has been known all through the ages but kept secret. “The intent was to convey the idea that Tantrism presents an extension or a further development of those traditional teachings originally found in the Vedas and later articulated in the Brahmanans, the Upanishads, and the Puranas. That is why the Tantras have claimed for themselves the dignity befitting a fifth Veda, that is, a further revelation beyond what is found in the traditional four Vedas. To this they added a reference to the doctrine of the four ages (Yugas) of the world. It is claimed that the teachings, writings, and disciplines that would have been viable in the first age (the Krita or Satya Yuga, the equivalent of Hesiod’s golden age) are no longer fit for people living in the following ages, especially in the last age, the dark age (Kali Yuga, the Iron Age, the age of the wolf in the Edda). Mankind in these later ages may find knowledge, a worldview, rituals, and adequate practices for elevating humans over and beyond their conditions and for overcoming death (mrityun javate), not in the Vedas and in other strictly traditional texts, but rather in the Tantras and in the Agamas. It is stated therefore that only Tantric practices based on Shakti (Shakti –sadhana) are suitable and efficious in our contemporary age. All others are considered to be as powerless as a snake deprived of its poison. Although Tantrism is far from rejecting ancient wisdom, it is characterized by a reaction against (1) a hollow and stereotypical ritualism, (2) mere speculation or contemplation, and (3) any aceticism of a unilateral, mortifying, and penitential nature. It opposes to contemplation a path of action, of practical realization, and of direct experience. Its password is practice (sadhana,abhyasa). This runs on the lines of what may be designated the dry way, resembling the original Buddhist doctrine of the awakening, with its reaction against a degenerated Brahmanism and its dislike of speculations and hollow ritualism. One among the many Tantric texts remarks rather significantly: It is a womanly thing to establish superiority through convincing arguments; it is a manly thing to conquer the world through one’s power. Reasoning, argument, and inference may be the work of other schools [shastras]; but the work of the tantra is to accomplish superhuman and divine events through the force of their own words of power [mantras]. And also: A special virtue of the tantras lies in its mode of Sadhana. It is neither mere worship [upasana] nor prayer. It is not limiting or contemplaation or repentance before the deity. It is the Sadhana which is the union of Purusha and Prakrti; the Sadhana which joins the male principal and the mother element within the body, and strives to make the attributed attribute less… This Sadhana is to be performed through the awakening of the forces within the body… This is not mere philosophy, a mere attempt to ponder upon the husks of words, but something which is to be done in a thoroughly practical manner. The tantras say: begin practicing under the guidance of a good guru; if you did not obtain favorable results immediately, you can freely give it up. Thus tantras often employ an analogy taken from medicine: the efficacy of the doctrine, like a drug, is proved by the results it produces, and in this particular case, by the siddhis, or powers, that it grants. Another text says: ‘Yoga siddhis are not obtained by wearing yoga garments or by conversation about yoga, but only through tireless practice. This is the secret of success. There is no doubt about it.’ In the previous quotation referring to the body, another important point was alluded to. The analysis of the last age, the dark age or Kali Yuga, brings to light two essential features. The first is that mankind living in this age is strictly connected to the body and cannot precind from it; therefore, the only way open is not that of pure detachment (as in early Buddhism and in the many varieties of yoga) but rather that of knowledge, awakening, and mastery over secret energies trapped in the body. The second characteristic is that of the dissolution typical of this age. During the Kali Yuga, the bull of Dharma stands on only one foot (it lost the other three during the previous three ages). This means that the traditional law (Dharma) is wavering, is reduced to a shadow of its former self, and seems to be almost succumbing. During Kali Yuga, however, the goddess Kali, who was asleep in the previous ages, is now fully awake. I will write at greater length about Kali, a prominent Tantric goddess, in the following pages; for now, let us say that this symbolism implies that during the last stage elementary, infernal, and even abyssal forces are untrammeled. The immediate task consist in facing and absorbing these forces, in taking the risk of ‘riding the Tiger’, to use a Chinese expression that may best describe the situation, or to ‘transform the poison into medicine’, according to a Tantric expression. Hence the rituals and special practices of what has been named left-hand tantra, or the path of the left hand (Vama-marga), which despite some problematic aspects (orgies, use of sex, etc.) represents one of the most interesting forms within the trend analyzed in this study. It is therefore stated – and this is significant – that considering the situation of the Kali Yuga, teachings that were previously kept secret may now be revealed in different degrees, though a word of caution is issued concerning the danger they may represent for those who are not initiated. Hence what we have so far mentioned: the emergence, in Tantrism, of esoteric and initiatory teaching. A third point must be emphasized. In tantrism the passage from the ideal of liberation to that of freedom marks an essential change in the ideals and ethics of Hinduism. It is true that even previously the ideal of the jivanmukta had been known. The word means one who is freed, that is, the one who has achieved the unconditioned, the sahaja, while alive, in his own body. Tantrism introduces a specification, however: to the existential condition of mankind living in the last age. It relates the overcoming of the anti-thesis between enjoyment of the world and the ascesis, or yoga, which is spiritual aimed at liberation. In the other schools – thus claim the Tantras – one excludes the other, but in the path we follow these opposites meet. In other words, a discipline is developed that allows one to be free and invulnerable even while enjoying the world, or anything the world may offer. In the meantime, the world ceases to be seen in terms of Maya – that is, pure appearance, illusion, or mirage – as is the case in Vedantic philosophy. The world is not Maya but power. This paradoxical existence of freedom, or of the dimension of transcendence in oneself, and enjoyment of the world, freely experimenting with the world’s pleasures, carries the strictest relation with Tantrism’s formula and main goal: the union of the impassive Shiva with the ardent Shakti in one’s being and at all levels of reality. This leads us to consider a further fundamental element of Tantrism, namely, shaktism. In the complex movement called Tantrism, the central role was played by the emergence and predominance of the figure and of the symbol of the goddess or divine woman, Shakti, in its various epiphanies (especially under the forms of Kali and Durga). She may be either portrayed by herself, as the supreme principle of the universe, or reproduced under the species of multiple Shakti’s, that is, female divinities who accompany male Hindu gods (who had enjoyed a greater autonomy in the previous era), and even various Buddhas and bodhisattvas of late Buddhism. This marked the emergence in a thousand forms of the motif of divine couples, in which the feminine, Shaktic element enjoys a great role, to the point of becoming the predominant element in some of its currents.” I could not have described the power and practice of Organic Gnosticism more clearly than the above words about Tantrism by Julius Evola. The Kali Yuga is an age and according to ancient texts it is considered the last age of a great cycle. Tantrism is a specialized sacred practice of soul development and spirituality during this last age. In fact, it is believed that no other spiritual or religious doctrines or practices are effective during this time. In fact, all the others are considered to be as powerless as a snake deprived of its poison. This is a very strong statement to make and should be considered carefully. It is against superficial and empty religious practices, against speculation, meditation, and suffering or penitence of any kind. This practice involves the joining of male and female energies within the body and is not theoretical, but eminently practical and giving immediate results. Again these are strong words to be considered carefully. Tantrism and Organic Gnosticism is clearly a path of action. Another final point is made. Tantrism is so powerful and dangerous it is to be kept secret in all the other ages and only made available during the Kali Yuga. This brings up the main question, is the current age which we are living in representative of the Kali Yuga? It also brings up a second question, if so, why are the secret teachings of Tantrism not widely known in today’s world? This knowledge has always been known and I call it Organic Gnosticism! It is accepted that approximately every 2000 years a new and higher vibrational energy is introduced into our world. We speak of this happening with the change from one sign of the zodiac to another. We have just left the age of Pisces and entered the age of Aquarius. A great cycle is considered one complete trip around the zodiac. What is not so widely known is that each age brings in a totally new energy and causes the activation of that energy center or chakra within the human body. The last 2000 years has been dominated by concrete spiritual energy, archetypal thinking, Christianity, Christ consciousness and the development of the third eye. The cycle previous to the last one was dominated by abstract mental energy, philosophy, logic and reason, reading and writing, development of the soul or Observer self and the throat chakra. With the advent of each new age the energies of the old age are always considered evil and corrupt. They are considered satanic. Followers of the old energies have always been persecuted. During the last age or Christian era it was faith that was most important, not scientific or logical proof. Hairsplitting dialectic arguments were frowned upon as making a mockery of spiritual truths. Both the Jews and Irish at various points in their history were highly literate and suffered greatly because of it. The power of the last age was not in mental creations but in spiritual creations. The current age, the age of Aquarius, brings in a completely new energy that is higher and more powerful than that of the last age, the Christian age. This is the energy and vibration of unity, the level at which all things merge into spiritual light. It is also the nuclear threshold because mass and energy can be converted for peace or destruction. This is the level of the crown chakra and at this level are opposites are resolved and duality no longer exists. So the next 2000 years will be dominated by the powerful energies of unity and the crown chakra. Unfortunately, these energies are not accessible to very many life forms. In fact these energies are not accessible to very many humans! So there seems to be a great discrepancy here. What do the energies of Christianity, the third eye and spiritual faith have to do with the Kali Yuga? The last age? More importantly, what do the energies of unity and the crown chakra have to do with the Kali Yuga? It seems that the energies of the Kali Yuga are the lowest possible energies and not the highest possible energies! Aren’t we heading toward a golden age and not a dark age?! There is also the question of Gaia’s Ascension. How is it that Gaia can ascend on the energies of unity and the crown chakra? The lower life forms on Gaia’s’s surface have no access to such high vibratory energies. How can this mystery be resolved? The answer lies in the cosmic keyboard itself. There are two types of energies that are active and dominate this new age! They are harmonics and octaves of each other and vibrate in unison as one single energy. They are the highest and the lowest energies possible! The other energy is a vital organic energy of life itself, sexual orgasm energy and it is utilized by all life forms. This energy is the garden of Eden energy and the energy that fuels Gaia’s Ascension. It manifests through the DNA and cellular life of evolving things. Those life forms that cannot access the unity and crown chakra energies have free access to the lower and more primitive vital life force energy! It is abundantly available to all living things. This is sexual orgasm energy! This is Tantric energy! This is the energy of the male and female combined! This is the energy of divine counterparts! Suddenly things have changed. For those accustomed to the spiritual energies of the third eye and Christianity, or even to the lower mental energies of the throat chakra, the logic and reason in philosophical speculations, these Tantric energies seem of no consequence and unimportant. They are not taken seriously. They should be! These old eon high-level head tripping energies are no longer effective in developing the soul or raising the human condition. They are no longer useful for true empowerment! For those unable to access the unity energies of the crown chakra the next 2000 years is the dark age, the Kali Yuga, the age of dissolution. The only path available for the development of the soul is Tantrism or Organic Gnosticism! For those that can do this earth will become the new garden of Eden’s! This is the age when gods and goddesses will once more walk upon the earth and mingle with ordinary mortals! These gods and goddesses will be divine counterparts whose individual awarenesses will span the full spectrum of existence, the highest and the lost energies and reveal the complete mysteries of love and sexuality! Share this: Divine Counterparts And Soulmates November 11, 2017 by anarchistbanjo Our Divine counterpart is created at the same time that we develop our own sense of self or ego. We assist each other in this process! This happens in progressive stages. We are both created out of the same soul material at the same time. Each development of our newly created soul is balanced with a corresponding, yet opposite development in the newly created soul of our Divine counterpart. I mentioned before that the soul or Observer self is created from a perfectly balanced mixture of male and female energies. The soul is neither male nor female and is perfectly neutral. Yet in the beginning our sense of awareness and the sense of self is based completely upon the sex of our physical bodies. As we learn what it is to be male or female we draw those things to us and integrate them as a part of us. At the same time we reject those things that belong to the opposite sex and push them away. The end result is that we acquire a solid sense of self based upon the sex of our own physical body and our Divine counterpart gains a similar sense of self based upon the sex of their body. We are total opposites of each other and have nothing at all in common except the energetic soul link that binds us together. We discover things inside ourselves that we don’t like and push them away in disgust and fear. This act of pushing away gives those things to our Divine counterpart and they become those same things. At the same time we become what they dislike and fear and what they push away. As this process continues our sense of self becomes more firmly established inside of us. The same thing happens with our Divine counterpart and their sense of self becomes more firmly established in a completely opposite way. Then we discover things that we like in other people and wish they were a part of us, but we don’t believe we really have those qualities. We can’t find any of those qualities inside of us. Again the same things happens, those things which we can’t find in ourselves are given to our Divine counterpart and become a part of who they are. Those things which our Divine counterpart likes but can’t find within themselves becomes a part of who we are. These things come to us through the soul link which we share. At this point our Divine counterpart is the opposite sex, has personal characteristics that we don’t like and at the same time has other personal characteristics which we really admire. We are strongly attracted and repelled by them at the same time and they feel the same way toward us. We are not consciously aware of these things. The only thing we are aware of is the powerful spark that exists between us. We are polar opposites of each other, Satan to each other! For those without a soul this is where the process stops and there is a mutual attraction/repulsion between them, a cllash of will and ideals, a battle of the sexes. This is the old way! This is the way it has always been! In the past neither Divine counterpart could experience or understand life from the point of view of the other. There was no common understanding of life experience but only duality and separation! They did not live in the same world as we did. But that has now changed! It is now possible for divine counterparts to find each other and experience full spectrum physical love relationships together for the first time! This is the new pattern and it already exists within the astral planes! Instead of Satan to each other, each is now able to become a loving companion to their own Divine counterpart! Our newly created soul requires an equal balance of male and female energies and our physical bodies can only provide one of those energies. We must receive the opposite sex energy from personal relationships with the opposite sex. We exchange this energy through the process of falling in love. This feeling of being in love is a magical feeling with energy exchanging between the two of us and this mingling of these two energies create something inside of us, something beautiful, and causes something to grow, causes our souls to grow! It happens to both of us and it is magical! It is love! Yet a point is reached when the spark dies, when the magic is gone, when there is no more soul growth. This is the point where love dies! The point is reached where we can now find things in ourselves which we could only find in our partner before. Because we now find them in ourselves they’re not as attractive in our partner. At the same time, due to conflicts within the relationship, we find those very same things in ourselves which we dislike in our partner. Our relationship has caused us to become aware of things about ourselves that we don’t like. These are the reasons why the spark of love dies in many relationships. Yet even though the spark has died our soul has become larger and more balanced. We now contain a mixture of male and female energies. We no longer identify exclusively with our physical body, but realize that we are much more. We have a soul! Our sense of self is no longer focused upon just the physical. While these changes are happening inside of us they are also happening inside our Divine counterpart. We have not yet met our Divine counterpart face-to-face. We have only met other people whom we thought might be soulmates because of the strong sense of love and attraction that draws us together. With them we experience love, soul growth, and then the painful realization that we are not compatible with each other. With each relationship, each time we fall in love, our soul becomes larger and more balanced and our sense of self becomes more peaceful and spiritual. We learn how to find those things we admire in others within ourselves and we learn to accept and integrate those things about ourselves that we don’t like. As this is happening to us it is happening to our Divine counterpart as well! Our Divine counterpart is our polar opposite, our true opposite, and the only way we can ever come together is through absolute unity where duality no longer exists! This can only happen at the highest spiritual level of existence. This can only happen through the mystical experience of becoming one with God, becoming one with everything that exists! Such mystical experiences of union with God are in reality connections and reunions with our Divine counterpart. There is a powerful bond and attraction of love between divine counterparts that is both spiritual and sexual in nature. It is a feeling of bliss and indescribable love! Is the feeling of becoming one with God! It is orgasmic! When one Divine counterpart is having the mystical experience of becoming one with God during meditation and prayer the other may be having the mystical experience of becoming one with God while giving birth to a child! The mystical experience of unity is shared by both at the same time, but the personal experience of each is completely individual! Once this first contact happens an entirely new sequence of events is activated within the lives of both divine counterparts. There is an intense power of attraction and energy exchange between them at the highest spiritual levels! At these levels the sense of self is challenged in every possible way until it is completely destroyed. This is the death of the false human ego! At this point all the soul fragments of one Divine counterpart are transferred into the other. This happens to both of them as they exchange parts of their souls. Each Divine counterpart has experienced the death of their own ego and now carries a fragmented version of the other inside of their own soul which makes them more complete. Yet these fragments are now parts of their own soul and a massive healing process begins at the highest levels as they both begin communicating with each other on the soul level. Each Divine counterpart now protects the other against all outside influences and dangers. This process will not stop or be interfered with until both are healthy and complete! Each Divine counterpart creates timelines for the other which will allow each fragment to heal and to be integrated. This is a very specific process. As each Divine counterpart follows its own timeline or destiny and becomes more healed and complete it also becomes more identical to its mate. In finding ways to heal and integrate these fragments they both become more like each other! Level by level they become true mates and companions! The bond between them increases in power and intensity and they are drawn even more closely together within the astral planes. The next stage is when they are spiritually and platonically drawn to each other at the physical level and begin communicating with each other. For the first time they become aware of each other and the true nature of their relationship. Layer by layer, level by level, they draw themselves to each other through the Intense power of the love they have for each other. The attractive force between divine counterparts is so strong that nothing can keep them apart once they have found each other. It is only a matter of time until their relationship is consummated in some way. As each layer is completed the energy flowing between them becomes stronger and harder to resist. The entire focus and goal of each becomes physical union with the other! As they both become more focused and goal oriented they become even more like-minded and compatible. They are no longer true opposites, have become divine counterparts with similar outlooks and beliefs! The final stage occurs when they are so closely fused together that they both exist inside each other at all levels and function as one. At that point the resources and abilities of one become available to the other at all times. They have become like the yin-yang symbol, opposites with similar shapes and joined in such a way that the movement and desire of one supports and strengthens the movement and desire of the other. For all practical purposes they have become one soul living within two bodies. Before this happens this same cycle happens between soulmates. Soulmates share specific types of soul connections with us that allow us to grow until we are healthy enough to attract our Divine Counterpart. Share this: « Chapter 3A The Astral Planes » The Soul November 10, 2017 by anarchistbanjo In thinking of the soul the first thing we need to realize is that we originated from the same divine sparks of light and love energy as everything else in the universe. Our physical bodies contain the same molecules and atoms found everywhere else in nature. Yet our conscious awareness remains independent of our physical bodies. Our awareness can be focused in the present moment so strongly that we are not aware of the passage of time. We can be so engrossed in television that we don’t even feel our physical bodies. We can be so caught up in daydreams that we miss out on what is going on around us. And of course, our nights are often filled with dreams in which our awareness travels in strange and wondrous worlds. Is this awareness our soul? Not necessarily! The real answer to this question lies in whether our awareness can hold itself together after death when it leaves the physical body. It depends upon our concept of self, it depends upon the strength of our ego and whether our ego identifies with our physical body or with our nonphysical spiritual body. If our awareness cannot hold itself together after the death of our physical body it will fragment into random emotions, sensations, desires, thoughts and images. These fragments will then once more be absorbed into the group soul of the human race where they will mingle together with other fragments to form new personalities and new lifetimes. Another name for our soul is the observer self. It is this observer self that can collect the fragments of our personality upon the death of our physical body and reunite them in a meaningful way. This observer self is the basis of the human soul. Julian Jaynes in his book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown Of the Bicameral Mind shows us that humanity is evolving much more rapidly than we previously believed possible. In essence, it was only a few thousand years ago that humanity was operating as a type of hive mind with a central authority which all the workers obeyed without question. Humanity was genetically inclined to obey this external authority without question. It was a hierarchy with a caste system that was rigidly followed. Only in the last 2000 years has this really changed. Humanity has been going through the process of individuation, of discovering and following an internal authority through the development of the self or human ego. Humanity has been in the process of evolving the individual soul! Not all modern humans have a soul! The simple soul or rudimentary soul is created as a byproduct of the ability to create an internal world that reflects the outer world. We have the ability to see ourselves within this internal world and thus the soul and consciousness or the normal human ego corresponds to the “observer self” in modern psychology. It is a product of the creative imagination. The abilities of the soul include art and symbolic thinking. The observer self remains neutral and does not participate in dream activity but remains a watcher. The observer self or the human soul is created from a balance of male and female energies. It is neither male nor female but includes both in an integrated manner. It is this observer self that holds the personality fragments together as much as possible upon the death of the physical body. This creative soul is the evolutionary leap of humanity resulting from the invention of the written word, occurring for the first time only around 5000 BC. Prior to this time normal humans were not truly conscious and did not truly have souls. Those few humans that did have souls were the leaders of traditional civilizations involving strict systems of hierarchy. Humanity consisted of herds or societies of group minds or hive minds directed by those leaders who were the only ones that had souls. This was the old way. The horrific element in all of this is the large portion of modern human society that has not developed the immortal soul, the observer self, the ego. Again modern psychiatry and psychology tell us that schizophrenics, psychotics and others with mental or emotional illness have poorly developed ego’s and self esteem issues. How many people do you know that have poor self esteem? Do they have a soul? Do you? In today’s modern world this evolution is still taking place and perhaps half of humanity still has not developed the “soul” in the terms specified above. By this I mean the ability to have an internal world and the ability to see one’s self creatively within this internal world. Once more Julian Jaynes clarifies this for us. The person without a soul, an observer self or an ego can still function almost normally within society. They can be intelligent, learn rapidly and be highly skilled, but they are not dreamers! They are literal! Their awareness remains in the physical world except when forcibly torn from it through intoxication, drug use, devout religious prayer or crisis. They rely entirely upon memory and repetition of what has worked in the past. When confronted with unfamiliar situations they remain helpless unless told what to do by an “external authority” or “higher power”. Instinctively these people feel the need to “escape” and to have their “souls” torn from the torment of this perpetual present moment through traditional religion or artificial experiences such as drug and alcohol use. I’m sure that you can recognize a few people that fall into this category. There are two factors that need to be taken into consideration. The first is the strength of ego or sense of self and the second factor is how strongly the ego or sense of self identifies with the soul or nonphysical body and with a nonphysical awareness. Both of these are needed! The sense of self needs to be strong enough to hold all aspects of our personality together after the death of our physical body and it needs to be aware of itself as a nonphysical awareness that does not require a physical body to exist. Strength of ego or sense of self is largely determined through self-esteem. How is self esteem developed? Through competency and the creation of values. However, this is not as easy as it appears because of the insanity of modern society. The mental and emotional illnesses that remain unrecognized and unchallenged within modern society often work directly against this process! To put it bluntly, developing personal survival skills, the ability for self defense and training in basic first aid procedures do more to develop self esteem than anything else that is currently known. These three skills affect a person at such deep and core levels that they are able to neutralize most negative and pathological programming by getting beneath them. The development of basic survival skills allows a person to feel comfortable in his or her ability to provide for themselves and their family no matter what external circumstances might occur. They know themselves as “survivors” and because of knowing themselves as “survivors” they survive! This allows them to feel good about themselves and to have a healthy self-esteem! The same is true with basic self defense skills. The use of fear and intimidation is rampant within our society. We are taught to be afraid, not taught to be self-reliant. Fear and intimidation are powerful methods of coercive force used against us and the only way to rise above them is to have the ability to protect ourselves. We need to believe in our ability to deal with problems and emergency situations! This helps us to feel good about ourselves! Consider these examples: My father once asked me whether I stopped at stop signs because I was afraid of getting a ticket or afraid of being in an accident? I told him in no uncertain terms that I stopped at stop signs because there is collective agreement among drivers that this should be done. I did not do it out of fear! Or what about this other fear based slogan used by the Highway Patrol, “Click it or ticket!” The more ability a person has to defend themselves, the less power fear and intimidation have over them. Training in basic first aid procedures works in the same way. There is no feeling more horrible than that feeling of helplessness when someone is injured and we don’t know what to do. There is a need for action and we are unable to do anything. When this happens we do not feel good about ourselves! If we know what to do and can act appropriately we feel good about ourselves! It should be abundantly clear how these three skills are of absolute importance in the process of developing self esteem at the lowest possible level. They not only act to empower a person but they also in many cases provide mental and emotional healing for the individual and help them to feel good about themselves and believe in their abilities to live the type of life they desire. Now consider our modern society. Does modern society encourage survival skills? On the contrary, it actively encourages specialization of skills with a corresponding dependence upon others for various specialized functions. Can you see this as the continuance of the hive mind mentality which creates castes and hierarchy? Humanity is now evolving away from this, not evolving toward it! This is the old way, not the new way! This does not develop the ego or the soul, but develops non-ego and collectivism. Does modern society encourage the development of self defense skills? On the contrary it actively discourages self defense claiming that law enforcement is to serve the function of defending society. The problem with this is that it is merely an idea, a concept that falls down in the confrontation with reality. Reality is the present moment and the requirement for self defense occurs within the present moment, not when the police arrive. Then its too late! We live in the present moment and need to react in the present moment. We need to feel safe in the present moment. The police are never there in the present moment. Is that too hard to understand? Well, how about basic first aid training? Does modern society support general training in basic first aid? You’ve got to be kidding. Even the police are by law now prevented from offering medical assistance at accident scenes. Someone might sue them! Forget about supporting the common bystander in this! So does modern society support the development of self esteem in individuals or does it do everything it can to actively hinder this process? Do social workers and the welfare system provide empowerment of individuals or make them more dependent upon the system itself? The Organic Gnostic will answer that there is a sickness within modern society that tolerates and preserves just those very things that work to prevent development of the soul by blocking the creation of self esteem and the strengthening of the ego. In an evolutionary sense modern society is trying to revert back to the hive mind where all but the ruling class are mindless robots without souls. Instead of drawing people into the infinite opportunities available within the present moment, into positions of empowerment, it seeks to keep them helpless within the present moment at all costs, slaves to some higher and more sacred cause which demands their sacrifice and life’s blood, to something promised in the far future that will forever remain out of reach today. In Organic Gnosticism the soul and the body are tightly bound together in a resonant circuit. In the book Synagogue of Satan Stanislaw Przybyszewski informs us that the soul is an extrusion of the physical body. The soul is developed and strengthened through stressing the physical body until it gives off nonphysical energy and this can take place through Tantric sexuality, physical violence or extreme conditions, extreme emotionality, extreme study or even extreme prayer and meditation. The soul is developed through extreme living! When this concept of the resonant circuit and that of reincarnation are combined one discovers with joy that the cycle of birth/death/rebirth is an eternal one and that millennia from now our souls will require a physical body of some type. The worst thing a person can do is to live a bland life of no effort in which there is little or no soul growth. The highest achievement is to live life to the fullest, experiencing both the good and the bad that comes one’s way and embracing it to the fullest! This means to live and die with dignity and honor! There is no reason to fear death because there will be other lifetimes. There is no reason for mediocrity. The individual awareness and the soul will continue on after death of the physical body. In his book Satan’s Children the statement is made that if there is an afterlife for the soul it will only belong to Satanists because they alone have developed the power of their souls through passionate living. Those that live mild tranquil lives of sloth and boredom have not put forth any effort and thus have not generated any energy for the advancement or development of their souls. It is only the Organic Gnostic that can creatively and explosively learn to find solutions “outside the box” and more completely develop the powers of their soul. In doing this they are always outsiders and not herd animals. They are true individuals! Only a person with a powerful soul can travel the heroic path of Organic Gnosticism! For the first time a true understanding begins to emerge. In Organic Gnosticism we understand the complete creation and balancing of the soul as the divine Androgyne, half male and half female, with an awareness that is able to span the entire spectrum of human existence from the spiritual light to the dark, earthy, pure black energy of life giving sexuality itself. This is an awareness that always returns to a physical body for the full spectrum of experience it can give. This divine Androgyne is created through the wonderful and horrible process of falling in love and then falling out of love. It is the product of a loving and healthy human sexuality. In our world we can see the roots of violence and hatred as the frustrated responses of a blocked and unnatural human sexuality. Here is what he said in his introduction to De Profundis: “When I speak of the revelations of the soul in the sexual life, naturally I’m not thinking of the bland, brave, comical – spicy eroticism of a Guy de Maupassant, nor the sweet – repulsive ready-made petticoat poetry of a Peter Nansen, nor the sated indifference of the marriage bed. What I mean, is the painful, fear filled awareness of a nameless, terrible power which throws two souls together and seeks to join them in pain and torment, I mean the intense torment of love, in which the soul breaks, because it is not able to merge with that of the other, I mean the enormous feeling of oppression in love, where man feels the activity of a thousand generations within his soul, a thousand centuries of torment and ever again the torment of these generations, which destroy the future in a frenzy of rutting passion, I think only of the soul’s side in the life of love: the unknown, puzzling, great problem, which Schopenhauer seriously brought forth for the first time in his “Metaphysics of Love”, yet really with little success, because logic and reason is not sufficient for the illogical soul.” What he is talking about is falling in love and believing that you have found the missing half of your soul, only to painfully find out that your soul is not able to merge completely with that of the other person. When successfully done this divine Androgyne is a god or a Satan, a Divine Counterpart, the completion of the goal. But what is the beginning? What is the beginning of the soul? How does a person with a soul differ from an animal that does not have one? And what is a Divine Counterpart? This is the view of the Organic Gnostic, but what about the view of Christianity? Christianity seeks to escape from physical life and the wheel of reincarnation. It teaches that the soul is immortal and that one needs to save their soul, to return to the spiritual light of the Godhead, to the spiritual light of creation! The reality is almost exactly what they say! If a soul refuses physical reincarnation it will gradually rise through the astral planes and fade away into extinction over thousands of years. It will return into the light with only the awareness and consciousness of light, and the soul will be no more. Yet even Christianity admits the power of physical incarnation in the creation and strengthening of the soul. The human soul with its physical body is capable of immense soul growth during its brief lifetime, far more than would be possible if it had chosen to not live a physical life. The use of physical energies can be applied to the creation and strengthening of the nonphysical soul. The command of Christianity is to subject the physical body and channel its energies directly to the higher levels of the soul. The lowest possible and most powerful type of energy that can be generated by the physical body is that of sexual orgasm energy. Through Tantric sexual practices the soul can be developed and strengthened immensely so that it is empowered upon all levels of the astral planes and well-prepared for its next physical incarnation. Through such practices the soul can become strong and healthy. It can provide a safe nonphysical home for awareness at the death of the physical body! This practice has long been understood by other religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and various yogic schools as well as the cults of Vishnu and Shiva. But Christianity has forbidden and vilified human sexuality and made it something of the devil. It has taken the most beautiful gift that humanity has and turned it into something repulsive. In its teachings it has taken away the most powerful means for the strengthening and regeneration of the soul and promoted a life renouncing worldview that leads to the extinction of the soul, not to its continued existence or to immortality as it claims! Life is sacred! Those who refuse further incarnations will gradually rise through the astral planes over thousands of years and fade away like a soul with Alzheimer’s disease, not even realizing what they are missing! Share this: How It Works! The soul or observer self that observes our dream selves in dreams is perfectly balanced between male and female energies. Our task is to increase the powers of the soul by empowering it within all the astral levels. This means developing astral bodies within all the astral levels. But we also live within physical bodies that are sexual, male or female. The male physical body can only generate male sexual energy and the female physical body can only generate female sexual energy. Both need each other for the creation of astral bodies and the empowerment of the individual Soul. The male physical body is created to ejaculate sperm and to create more sperm on a continuous basis throughout life. In this manner it is expansive and always pressurized, pushing out for release. The act of sex is the natural function that allows this release of pressure. The female physical body is created to take in male sperm and give forth life. She is born with the number of ovum or eggs that she will carry through the rest of her life. The act of sex is the natural function that allows her to give birth to life. But sex exists upon the astral planes as well as the physical planes. Within the astral the male is a solar, radiant energy that causes the astral to grow and expand. The female is like a prism that catches the rays of the sun and creates a rainbow of colors. That is why the feminine is so beautiful! She both creates and is the world that we all live in and love. The power of the male is voltage or astral pressure. The power of the female is creation and attraction. The male and female begin to generate sexual orgasm energy. As the voltage builds a point is reached within the astral where the energy of one is attracted to the energy of the other and that energy flashes between them as a spark of love and passion. It is a frequency or harmonic that they share at the soul level. The male continues to astrally send male energy to the female and it fills the female until she is complete. At this point her soul is born and she has an observer self. She continues to astrally accept the male energy and conceives an astral child which she gives birth to. This astral child is the new astral body of the male, the observer self of the male or his soul body. This is the occult hidden meaning of being “born again”! The male and the female are now astrally linked through the astral umbilical cord. As he continues to generate male sexual energy and send it to her she returns it to him and he creates a timeline within the astral, a timeline that is for both of them. When this timeline is created the energy then returns to her and she creates an astral world around that timeline. This completes the cycle of soul and world creation and happens within all levels of the astral planes. This is the essence of tantric practice and the essence of all spiritual and magical practices. This cycle must happen for each of the astral worlds, the worlds of spirit, mental energies, upper emotional energies, lower emotional energies, etheric energies and sexual energies until the astral is forced to manifest the created world and timeline as a physical reality. The magical couple are soulmates to each other at the level of the world they create. At this point they can choose to continue on together following the timeline the male has created within the world the female has created or they will split apart and go their separate ways more empowered than they were, more complete than they were because they carry the essence of each other in their hearts and souls forever. More will be clarified in later chapters but this is the essence of the development of the soul and its empowerment for both males and female Basic Building Blocks November 4, 2017 by anarchistbanjo The basic building block of everything is the photon/electrical energy. The basic type of energy is vibratory energy that exists as outward and inward pulses of light/electricity. These vibratory pulses exist simultaneously within six dimensions. Three dimensions of space/time and three dimensions of time/space. Another way to say this is everything exists simultaneously in the physical world and within the astral world. Metaphysical literature has claimed for a long time that there are two worlds, the astral and the physical. There are two bodies, a physical body and a non-physical body called a soul. Human life originated as a divine spark of light and evolved into its human form over eons. It has also been said that foundationally everything is a form of vibratory energy. For the first time a scientific theory supports these claims. This is especially true when combined with modern chaos theory. As energy pours into the universe evolutionary forces cause the vibratory energy of the photon to make a quantum leap into rotational motion. The photon evolves into rotating magnetic field energies of the entire electromagnetic spectrum including cosmic rays, sound waves and radio waves. These rotating waves continue pulsing with an inward and outward movement forming an expanding vortex of clockwise North pole magnetic field energy or a concentrating vortex of counter clockwise south pole magnetic field energy. Our galaxy has a massive black hole at its center that is driving the rotational forces of the entire system. One day our world will be pulled into that black hole and cease to exist. Again these magnetic vortexes exist simultaneously within two worlds, the physical and the astral. Occult and magic theory term these vortexes as “Cones of Power”. The clockwise cone of power is considered created out of “Spiritual Energy”. This is because it resists merging with other types of energy and remains pure. It cleanses and purifies. The counter clockwise cone of power is considered a “Manifesting Energy”. It will mutate and merge with other types of energy to aid in physical manifestation. This is an energy of change and transformation. The third quantum leap is the resolution of paradox and union of these male and female vortexes. They combine to create spheres. In the physical world they create atoms with atomic particles. In the astral they create astral objects. Astral objects are always the combination the two types of energy. This shows the basic polarity of the universe and life itself. Outward expanding energy is termed male energy. Inward contracting energy is termed female energy. It is in their union that objects appear. In a greater manner the union of the space/time universe and the time/space universe create the life we experience. Continuing with this exploration of Dewey Larson’s Reciprocal theory: We find two basic types of movement within the universe and within life itself. There is an outward expansive movement such as the photon. This has traditionally been termed male energy and associated with light. There is an inward constricting or formative shaping movement such as electricity. This has traditionally been termed female energy and associated with earth energy and physical matter. These two movements continue into the living world. We see these pulsations in breathing, the heart beat, the peristaltic movement as food moves through the intestines. We see it in how muscles constrict and relax and even in sexual orgasm. Tension and relaxation are the dual forces that rule existence. In nature the gravitational pull of the moon as it combines and then opposes the gravitational pull of the sun create the tides of the ocean and the weather. These dual forces create a pulsing action that moves energy, fluid, blood, air and many other things. These dual forces are movement! Life exists to experience this full range of expression and the life force suffers when this pulsing activity is blocked or hindered. Like a living sponge we need to absorb and contain as much energy as possible and then wring ourselves completely dry by the end of the day. Absorb and expel giving this energy the greatest opportunity possible to flow through us daily. We find this concept echoed in the works of Wilhelm Reich in his study of orgone energy, the living force of life. He believed all mental and emotional illness were the result of blockages of this pulsing activity. He expressed the expansive movement as orgasm and the constrictive movement as anxiety. Illness arose from not allowing the full range of expression. We find the works of Wilhelm Reich compatible with the reciprocal theory of Dewey Larson as well. Tantra November 3, 2017 by anarchistbanjo I seem to be on a roll with this new project! Once I decided to take the plunge I can’t seem to stop writing! I feel the energy pushing me forward and I’m rolling with it. The interesting thing about Tantra is that it is considered the path to enlightenment within this lifetime, not the next. It is also the path that develops the “Thunderbolt” or “Diamond” astral body, a very strong and powerful astral body. Other paths teach that one will gain their rewards after the death of the physical body. If we consider my previous essays it should be clear that Organic Gnosticism is about results! By this I mean immediate and significant results. All it takes is the guts to continue on this heroic path and I mean heroic! The development of the soul and its powers is purely a mechanical process that only requires massive amounts of physically generated energy over long periods of time. You provide the energy and the universe will take care of the rest. Pick up any valid book on tantra and you will find that it says much the same thing about the power of tantra and also its dangers. Well the dangers are no longer as significant as they were before our collective ascension. If you haven’t gone crazy by now you will probably not go crazy because of tantric practices. By now you are probably thinking, “That’s all well and good but I don’t have a suitable tantric sex partner!” Now it’s my turn to laugh! You don’t need one! Tantric practice and the generation of sexual orgasm energy can be heterosexual; homosexual or even autoerotic! Chuckle. It is a mechanical process, not a romantic one! While tantra is usually thought of as male and female partners working together in specific and ritualistic ways; none of the usual rituals or meditations or specifics are required! The only thing required is the generation of sexual orgasm energy at least twice a day over long periods of time. This is perhaps the most misunderstood aspect of tantrism. Obviously male and female partners working together will be mixing male and female energies for the development of their souls and magical empowerment. But both homosexual workings and autoerotic practice will work just as powerfully by provoking incubus or succubus type experiences. Medieval cloisters and monasteries were filled with demonic incubi and succubae encounters due to the frenzied masturbatory practices of horny monks and nuns. The generation of sexual orgasm energy at least twice a day is required to break through the elasticity of astral creations and bonds. Now the female will have no problem with this; but the male will be hard pressed in this regard. More will be said about these things later. I have shared enough for any reader to prove for themselves through practical experience that this practice will provoke explosive dreams on a consistent basis without fail. It should be stated that tantra is also called “the path of woman” because it is natural for the female but not natural for the male. In this regard the female has the advantage over the male and is often considered the “power” behind tantric practice. Again more will be said on this in the proper place « Tantra-The Seventh Stage Of Love Who Created The Universe » Intense Living October 18, 2017 by anarchistbanjo All of our personal efforts are progressive and cumulative. Energy which we physically generate belongs only to us and can be used only by us. Our goal should be putting out intense effort for at least one half hour every day if possible. More than two hours of intense effort is too much. This should be done with each type of energy which the body generates. For developing Etheric energy we should do some type of aerobic exercise. Do something that you really enjoy. Ideally you will stress the body until you get the “second wind sensation”. When this happens the generated energy bursts free of the physical body and goes into the astral planes. You can also stress the physical body by doing breathing exercises but this should be done with extreme care as you will get dizzy. Sexual energy is developed through the control and exploration of human sexuality and orgasm. Learning to control orgasm and make sexual pleasure last brings great pleasure to both partners and is worth learning. The time spent brings great rewards and personal satisfaction. Too many people do not enjoy their own sexuality. Confronting anger, fear and depression and learning to transform them into determination and resolve are the best ways to develop lower emotional energy. Find a way to use these energies in a creative and constructive manner. Take some risks and do some thrillseeking to develop the upper emotional energies. We create crisis in our lives if we do not have enough excitement. By deliberately planning for excitement we take away the need for much of the crisis we face daily. Love, honor, patriotism, these are not things to laugh at. They are very important upper emotional energies as well. Find some cause to believe in and act upon it! Stand up for what you believe. Stand up for what is in your heart! One of the greatest pleasures in life is to learn new things. If possible every day we should make a point to expand the world we live in by learning something new that we didn’t know before. This type of learning develops the awareness of our environment and strengthens our mental concrete energy. Debate and philosophical argument strengthens our minds and our wills. Through practice we develop persistence and the ability to return our focus to what we are doing. If we allow ourselves to be sidetracked we will never achieve the things we want in life. Mental discipline and willpower is vital. The resolution of paradox and problem solving allows us to learn how to think outside the box and make quantum leaps in awareness. These leaps in awareness are what brings us out of old nonproductive programming. Many people enjoy working puzzles and finding solutions Prayer and meditation every day can center us and bring us health and peace of mind as we listen to the still small voice of our conscience. We learn the all-important task of loving ourselves. If we can’t love ourselves how can we love others? Lastly, we are all part of the great collective soul of humanity and part of the earth as well. How can we harm someone else without harming ourselves? In truth we are all in this together. We monitor the development of these energies through our dreams. Our dream life is a form of astral work that reflects physical life. When we are happy and empowered in our dreams we are happy and empowered in our physical lives. Each dream involves a specific type of astral energy and represents our stage of development with that particular energy. Sexual Energy October 15, 2017 by anarchistbanjo Sexual charisma and magnetism is something that all of us would like to have more of. No matter how much we have is not enough. We want to be sexually attractive to the opposite sex in general and specifically to our partner. Sexual energy and sexual magnetism are developed through orgasm. More correctly they are developed through the pleasurable waves that flood the body prior to orgasm. This energy floods the body and escapes into the astral to create an astral body out of this sexual energy. Like each type of astral energy generated by the physical body, sexual energy is cumulative in nature. The creation of an astral body and development of sexual magnetism requires many orgasms or near orgasms. For the male this involves prolonged sexual tension without orgasm as long as possible. For the female this involves riding the peak of the orgasm and making it last as long as possible. These are both tantric practices for the creation and development of the soul. Those serious about developing sexual magnetism will generate this energy on a daily basis over long periods of time. Often several years go by before this astral body is fully formed and functional. This is a natural cycle that exists within love relationships in which our souls grow through the experience of sharing loving energies. There are dangers involved in generating massive amounts of sexual energy. The most important of them is that it will stir up deeply buried and repressed emotional baggage as it circulates throughout the physical body. This will cause emotional releases or outbursts. In more serious cases it may cause psychotic episodes if the repressed emotions are released and take over the body without conscious control. I personally experienced an episode where I relived every memory of being physically punished as a child. This was followed by two hours of uncontrollable weeping as the repressed energy was released. It was not a pleasant experience but it was a healthy one!