The 1st Runic house of this Ætt is Fehu. The main meaning of Fehu in NiflheimR is initiating energy; the fire which releases the potential of the forces gathered in NiflheimR. The idea of mobile wealth is expressed in the idea of putting one’s resources in motion. The inertia and restrictive nature of this Ætt must be overcome by the expansive energy of Fehu. This Runic house covers the period from 12/21 to 1/5, the 1st 15° of the zodiac, starting at Midwinter. The 2nd Runic house, moving downward to the first Rune of the second row, is Hagalaz, the Rune of Change. The sudden application of volatile energy is what must be used to release the energies trapped in NiflheimR. Hagalaz provides the means to escape from the restriction of this Ætt in order to progress to the formative realm of Svartalfheim. Hagalaz also represents the seed-form of moisture in the form of a snowflake or hailstone, which may seem to be disruptive, but always contains within it the seed of new life. It completes the cycle of the breaking of the old and the nurturing of the new. This house covers the period from 1/5 to 1/21. The 3rd Runic house is Tiwaz. This represents the process of judgment in the cyclic process of rebirth. The definition of one’s ørlög comes from the applied rationality of Tiwaz and makes it clear. It completes the work to be accomplished in the first Ætt of NiflheimR and prepares the individual for the process of formation that is to come next. Tiwaz will also define the role which one is expected to fulfill in relation to one’s society. It rules from 1/21 to 2/5. The whole sum of the Runic houses contained in NiflheimR is: the magical force of Fehu expressed in the universal wholeness of Hagalaz brings the victory of Tiwaz, thus releasing the potential contained in NiflheimR. This Ætt runs from Winter Solstice or Yule to Horning or Disting on 2/5; it is the second half of Winter. The 2nd Ætt Svartálfheim is the realm of the formative aspect of being. The shape (HamR or Hyde) is formed in this Ætt, as all things in Midgard have their original shape or form in Svartálfheim. It is the realm where the beginnings of the feelings or emotions are formed. The means of work or labor may also be formed here, especially as work relates to ørlög. Svartálfheim is a realm in which agreements may be made regarding the course of one’s life. One will owe a debt to the “dwarves” for the manner in which they have forged the weapons one needs in order to achieve victory. The manner in which the forces are defined in this Ætt are not easily changed. The training and educational processes are at work here as well. The planets which are in this Ætt will define how these building blocks of the self will manifest themselves in one’s actions in Midgard. One may be predestined to play a certain role in affairs; the means of that action will be defined by the energies that flow through Svartálfheim. Images are formed here which have the power to bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical worlds. That which may be crystalized in the imagination in the opposite realm of Ljusálfheim may be materialized in Svartálfheim. The first Runic house in this Ætt is Uruz, the Rune of primal formation and organic structuring, of the vital power of the will. It shows the need for strength in the formative processes taking place. Uruz is an earthy power and once initiated becomes a force which has great inertial energy. Care must be taken in putting this force into motion. Without the applied force of Uruz, the formative process will be weak or incomplete. This is the mighty engine which will drive the work of completing the tasks of life. The period covered by the operation of Uruz in Svartalfheim is from 2/3 to 2/28/95. The second Runic house in this Ætt is Naudhiz, the Rune of need. It informs us of the necessity of duty. It offers resistance to the work done, which leads to strength. The need-fire of the higher will must be lit; distress and discontent must be overcome. Unless one is aware of the needs of duty, what is being formed in this Ætt will become an unbearable burden. It is the cleansing and transformational power of fire. This Rune operates in Svartálfheim from 2/19 until 3/5/95. The third Runic house is Berkano, the Rune of Birth. This indicates the passage of the pre-formative through the formative into the life experience. It is the force of liberation and becoming; it is the harbinger of Spring when all of nature is reborn. It is concealing vessel of protective force. All that has been formed is now ready to be brought forth. This Rune operates from 3/5 until 3/20/95. The sum of the Runic forces at work in the Ætt of Svartálfheim may be expressed as The Power of Uruz empowers the Need-fire of Nauthiz and makes way for the Birth of Berkano, completing the process of Formation by Transformation. This Ætt includes the first half of Spring, from Horning or Disting on 2/5 to the Vernal Equinox or Ostara on 3/20. The third Ætt of the year is assigned to the realm of Jötunheim between Ostara (the Vernal Equinox) on March 20th and Summer Finding (Walpurgis) on May 5th, the second half of Spring. It is a realm of constant motion, seeking to test whatever it meets. Forces of dissolution and destruction are at work. This is the realm where what has been formed will be tested. It is a catalyst for change and evolution; it is the reactive power of destruction necessary to evolutionary change. One must be prepared to take chances and risks in order to progress through life. Here is disorderly growth, the wildness of Spring, when random chance favors the well-nurtured. It is sometimes dangerous , but often energizing and exhilarating to throw caution literally to the winds of chance and see what happens. The consciousness of the individual is now interacting with the world around him. This tension between the inner and outer worlds is the primary means of achieving the Jungian goal of individuation or self-realization. The tension of the subjective self in opposition to the objective universe is the vessel in which the creation of consciousness is realized. One has no choice except to change when subject to the forces of Jötunheim. The energies of the planets will be enervated and challenged by the gigantic forces of this realm. The action of the gods is modified accordingly, and they behave in unexpected ways. Any self-delusion that has occurred during the previous stages of growth will be challenged in Jötunheim. The operation of the Runes in Jötunheim is as follows: The first Runic House is Thurisaz, the Rune of directed force. It is armed with this Rune, the hammer Mjölnir, that one may successfully tame the wild forces of Jötunheim. When threatened, this is the force which defends. It does not come from Thor as an external source; it comes from within and is empowered by making the magical link with Thor. Thus one can tame and control the wild forces of this realm. It rules from 3/20 to 4/5. The second Runic house is Isa, the Rune of Concentration. When buffeted by the wild forces of the Jötir, at may become necessary to retreat within and refocus the inner force. Thus one gains control by self-control, the concentrated self, unity of being and the ego-consciousness. Difficult situations are overcome with inner resources, an unused source of power and energy. It is centering and pulling inward, as in meditation; the strengthening of the vertical axis internally within the self. Rules from 4/5 to 4/20. The third Runic house is Ehwaz, the Rune of Harmony. Thus having passed the trials of the Jötir, one is now ready to form relationships with others, both personal and business. One’s success in this house leads to the recognition that one may not be required to always act alone. One learns the value of partnerships, teamwork, mutual trust and harmony. The awareness of the transcendental aspect of the union of opposites as an erotic union is manifested. Rules from 4/20 to 5/5. The sum of the Runic houses operating in Jötunheim is: Force applied to Stasis creates the Harmony which causes Change. This taming of the elemental forces of nature represents the next stage in the transformational process of self-realization. The 4th Ætt corresponds to Asgard, the realm of higher consciousness and the force of spirit entering matter. It is the source of divine inspiration- the house of the Önd. It is a divine state of being, the synthesis of the memory of divine existence and the faculty of the intellect. From Asgard flows the motivation for the transformational process. Here are matters of honor, positive influences from past states of existence, and the working of ørlög. The self-consciousness may find that it is receiving inspired revelations, although more in the abstract than in crystallized ideas. The religious and the spiritual become part of the self-awareness. The action of the planetary energies are seen as clearly divine in nature rather than purely mechanistic; these forces are informed and driven by actual intelligences. It is this realization which elevates the soul to divinity and leads to the empowerment of the archetypal god forms within the self. The first Runic House is Ansuz, the Rune of Inspiration. This is the ancestral sovereign power of the mind and consciousness, the power of the use of symbols for the transformation of consciousness. This also is the house of word power, synthesis and the workings of the intellect. It is the inspiration to emulate the Odinic model of self-transformation, the operation of communications as an Odinic process. It rules from 5/5 to 5/22. The second Runic House is Jera, the Rune of Reward. As the height of Summer approaches, one becomes aware of how what is nurtured now will reap a bountiful harvest. One may especially expect rewards for work already accomplished. Synchronicity and timeliness become important to the work being done. We are reminded of the importance of the entire cycle of the yearly harvest, the turning of the Great Wheel. Jera rules from 5/20 to 6/5. The third Runic House is Mannaz, the Rune of the Self. It is the Rune of the divine structure of intelligence in the human psyche. One is aware of the horizons on human existence. This is the energy of self-realization and individuation. the incorporation of divine elements into the soul. At this stage, one is already preparing for death and is unafraid. Mannaz rules from 6/5 to 6/20. The sum of the Runic houses in Asgard are as follows: the divine Inspiration of Ansuz facilitates the Harvest of Self-realization empowering the consciousness ; a high spirituality is nurtured in the self, expressing the divine. This Ætt covers the period from Walpurgis on 5/5 to the Summer Solstice on 6/21, the first half of Summer. The Ætt from Summer Solstice to August 5th is assigned to the Realm of Muspelheim, being generally the hottest time of the year. In this realm, we find the idea of expansion and growth, as opposed to the contraction of its opposite NiflheimR. It is the cosmic fire, the state of light, heat, action. The first Runic house is Raido- Journey. This is a good period to travel, to put plans in motion, to combine the expanding energy of Muspelheim with the motion of Raido. from 6/22 to July 5th The second Runic house is Eiwaz- Defense. This rune operating in Muspelheim energizes the powers that bring protection and defense and expands those qualities. A mystical initiation strengthens and empowers. 7/5 to 7/22. The third Runic house is Lagu- Growth: Life energies are expanded during this period, the passing of a test, the growth of vitality and the unconscious; the matrix of the action. 7/22 to 8/5. The summation of the action of the Runes in Muspelheim is Travel on the vertical axis of the Tree to nurture Growth. The Grimnismal Houses are BreidablikR (Baldur) 6/22 to 7/22 and Himinbjorg (Heimdahl) till 8/22. The 6th Ætt is under the rulership of the realm of LjusalfheimR, the home of the Light-elves, ruled by FreyR. This is the time of the approaching harvest, with the emphasis on the intellect and the crystallization of abstractions into clear thoughts. It is the time of the manifestation of inspiration. The first Runic house is Kenaz, the rune of Creativity. Carrying the torch of discovery into the realm of the elves will bring great inspiration and enlightenment. Now is the time for realization of ideas. 8/5 to 8/22 The second Runic house is Perthro- Luck and good fortune. Luck is the ability to capitalize on opportunity, and now is the time to be alert for new possibilities. Cast the dice and let the LjusalfR guide you! 8/22 to 9/5 The third Runic house is Ingwaz- Completion: the cycle of conception, gestation and birth are complete and the new life is brought forth; think upon the mean to facilitate outcomes and results. 9/5 to 9/23 The summation of the Runes in LjusalfheimR is The Torch of creativity illuminates the source of good Luck in order to bring forth new Life. The Holy Houses from the Grimnismál for this period are: Breidablik/ Balder- 6/22 to 7/22; Himinbjorg/ Heimdahl from 7/22 to 8/22; and FolkvangR/ Freya from 8/22 to 9/23. The 7th Ætt corresponds to the realm of Vanaheim, the time of Harvest, the result of ordered growth. It is the abode of fruitful and static balance- constant growth, eternal well-being, peace, pleasure and comfort. It is the realm of organic, personal and cosmic cycles. The first Runic house of this Ætt is Gebo- a Gift. The operation of this Rune in Vanaheim exemplifies the process leading to harvest, the idea that in order to receive the gift of the harvest, one must have give in kind to the process. The quality and quantity of that which is harvested at this time is a direct outcome of what has been put into the process. This enhances the ability to give and receive power; through sacrifice, one achieves a binding loyalty between gods and humans. This Rune riles from 9/23 to 10/6. The Second runic house in Vanaheim is Algiz, Protection. This Rune in Vanaheim re[resents the idea of the safety that comes from controlled growth in an orderly environment. The reach upward to the gods for inner strength is grounded in the rich harvest of Vanaheim. It is the Yew tree growing upward out of fertile ground. Do not grasp this Rune; become it. This sacred force is protected by divine power, divine inspiration and the empowerment of inner archetypal god-forms. It is protection by means of self-realization. Algiz rules from 10/6 to 10/22. The third Runic house in Vanaheim is Dagaz- Change. This is the Rune of transformation and Synchronicity. The way this operates in Vanaheim is an expression of the completion of the great cycle of the year and the inner personal reflection of that cycle. The outcomes of the harvest are the result of the interaction of opposites throughout the year on both an inner and outer level. It is the completion of the transcendent unity of human and godly awareness. It rules from 10/22 to 11/5. The sequence of Runes in Vanaheim may be summed up as follows: Orderly Growth: what is Exchanged (G) for inner Strength (Z) to bring abut Change (D). The Holy Houses of the Grimnismal for this period are: Glitnir- Forseti, from 9/23 to 10/23 and Noatun/ Nordh, from 10/23 to 11/23. The final Ætt of the year is associated with the realm of Hel, and the rulership of the Goddess Hela. It is the approach to the lowest ebb of the annual tides, the darkest and coldest of times. Remember that the Goddess of this realm had been portrayed as warm and vibrant in the upper part of her body, but cold and dead below- thus the inherent duality of the concept of death. Within every death there is the promise of rebirth and new life. The realm of Hel represents the function of instincts and intuition, the pre-formative level of human activity. It is a place of inertia and stillness. It is analogous to the so-called ‘lizard brain’, the hypothalamus. The lowest realm of the dead is Niflhel, a place totally devoid of light and energy which is seen as the final resting place of the non-Erulian. Influences from past existences are passed on in the form of “Ørlög” or karma. The first house of this realm is ruled by the Rune wunjo, which means “Joy”. At this time of year, we experience the joy that comes from the act of completion, the reward for work well done. Kith and kin join together in fellowship and celebration. Wunjo represents the idea of putting what is valuable into cold storage to be brought forth and used in the future. As if to compensate for the unpleasantness of the season, we make an extra effort to create and share joy. This Rune rules from 11/5 to 11/22. The second house of this Ætt is ruled by the solar Rune sowilo. During this period we concentrate on what is most needed, the warmth of the sun. We light the fires of the winter season and are uplifted by celebrations of our successes. We are reminded of our hopes, goals, and find the guidance to pursue these ideas. The descent into the realm of darkness is lighted by the flame of hope and honor. We are prepared to pass through the ordeal which will lead to rebirth of the light of our inner spirit. The third house of this Ætt is ruled by the final Rune of the cycle, Othala, It is the Rune which represents our ancestral wealth- home and homeland- our spiritual as well as material inheritance. From Othala, we get our sense of belonging to the group and the nourishment which comes from that source. It is the source of the strength and inspiration we need to get through the ordeal of the final dying of the light, leading to the rebirth of life and light at midwinter Solstice. What better time of the year than now to gather together the family: kith and kin, and celebrate! The ordeal of passing through Hel to be reborn is a demanding rite of passage that will require the utmost courage and commitment. The enemy is inaction; passive waiting for matters to resolve themselves is the worse choice. The Holy houses from the Grimnismal in this Ætt are: Noatun/ Njord until 11/22, and Landvidi/ Vidar from 11/22 till 12/22. This completes the examination of the annual cycle Ætts, Runes and Houses. The purpose of this work is to try to develop a system of Nordic Astrology which will be useful to all heathenry. The system begins with the assumption that the position of the stars and planets in the sky may provide us with a means of interpreting our “Ørlög” and, as with Runic divination, to find the means to take a hand in the process of living out our individual “doom” or fate. When free will comes to grips with predestination, the solution is in the acts and works of the individual; how will you play the hand which has been dealt to you? There is much more to be done. We must develop a set of correspondences between the traditional planetary tutelages and the Norse/Teutonic pantheon. Then there are the mechanics of setting up and interpreting the horoscope itself. The main ideas to keep in mind are that this system is based on the actual positions of the stars and planets overhead, not the misnamed Zodiacal houses of popular Astrology which no longer have any relationship to the real sky.