[——] How, [then,] are offspring born like to their parents? Or how are they returned 1 <#fn_286> to [their own] species 2 <#fn_287>? [/Aphrodite/.] I will set forth the reason. When generation stores up seed from the ripe blood being sweated forth, 3 <#fn_288> it comes to pass that somehow there’s exhaled from the whole mass 4 <#fn_289> of limbs a certain essence, following the p. 90 law of a divine activity, as though the man himself were being born; the same thing also in the woman’s case apparently takes place. When, then, what floweth from the man hath the ascendancy, and keeps intact, the young one’s brought to light resembling its sire; contrary wise, in the same way, [resembling] its dam. Moreover, if there should be ascendancy of any part, [then] the resemblance [of the young] will favour that [especial] part. But sometimes also for long generations the offspring favoureth the husband’s form, because his decan has the greater influence 1 <#fn_290> at that [particular] moment when the wife conceives.