Seven Stars far varied in their course revolved upon the [wide] Olympian plain; with them for ever will Eternity 1 <#fn_291> spin [fate] 2 <#fn_292>:—Mēnē that shines by night, [and] gloomy Kronos, [and] sweet Hēlios, and Paphiē who’s carried in the shrine, 3 <#fn_293> courageous Arēs, fair-wingèd Hermēs, and Zeus the primal source 4 <#fn_294> from whom Nature doth come. Now they themselves have had the race of p. 92 men entrusted to their care; so that in us there is a Mēnē, Zeus, an Arēs, Paphiē, a Kronos, Hēlios and Hermēs. Wherefore we are divided up [so as] to draw from the ætherial spirit, 1 <#fn_295> tears, laughter, anger, birth, reason, sleep, desire. Tears are Kronos, birth Zeus, reason [is] Hermēs, courage Mars, and Mēnē sleep, in sooth, and Cytherēa desire, and Hēlios [is] laughter—for ’tis because of him that justly every mortal thinking thing doth laugh and the immortal world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------