First and foremost, what unifies knowledge are conceptual frameworks upon which you can make considerations and connections within. Based on that ideal, I want to give you both knowledge and a framework for which that knowledge functions in. Let's bring in a recent political event to make sense of this. Why exactly did Twitter decide to take action banning the "NPC meme" -- and why was it quickly turned into being a "left vs. right" diatribe when it was never considered that during its original state on /pol/? Originally, the meme was describing the nature of reality and the people who exist within it, one of the more popular posts regarding it being that there "were not enough souls to go around" and thus left humans to NPC behavior. This was close to the truth but not exact, when it became noted by some well, less than freedom-loving people, it was originally suppressed. When they could not suppress it, they waited until it could be spun into something which took the people viewing it away from the truth, rather than towards it. First premise: accidents are not real. Coincidences only exist by virtue of our understanding or framework of reference, to which we create values of truth. What do I mean by that? Let's say you trip on a rock when walking. There is measurably a physical pattern by which you could avoid tripping over the rock if you are careful with each footfall, in which only those variables you did not control would create an accident. To your reference point of moving your body, tripping on a rock was an accident. But it was not an accident of physics, the physical laws operated correctly, measurably, and with purpose. To trip on the rock is a byproduct of your not considering the rock, not a byproduct of the rock itself. Extrapolated from this premise, you can begin to understand that there is no physical accident by which humans have emerged as a dominant consciousness on the planet you call your home. Nor is there an accident in the methods by which you express your creativity or attempt to explore your reality. This has changed drastically over time though, naturally. As humans believe they draw closer to true knowledge, they, by design, begin to conceal that knowledge by applying layers of secrecy to it. Originally this was your "mystery cults" in Rome, the Pythagorean cults in Greece, your Illuminati in Germany, and eventually, moving to the Freemasons in the US and then international "think tanks", "societies", and "groups". All of these believe they have privileged knowledge and contact. As you move further into socializing knowledge in secrecy, you move further into establishing power dynamics over whom is allowed to know secrets. It becomes less about the secrets are more about the power, because of psychopaths. Keep that in mind. Most of the original ideas of humanity that concerned themselves deeply with the nature of origin were part of either religious groups (open or occult), or philosophers. Religion was a means of applying a power dynamic to the knowledge that philosophers granted freely, because it acted as an authentication system. Authenticate yourself to the religious system with knowledge and effort and you would eventually meet others who operated on your "level" -- this was eventually changed by the evolution of the total system to be seen from the view of the scientific community, and then, the technological community to a lesser degree. Hence why "normies" view science as a religious movement in a sense, as it has the same "revelatory" quality that they originally sought from religion. Philosophers and priests were the highest class in ancient India, created by your friends, the Aryans, because it was a society stratified according to the inherent truth of the NPC meme, which is that not all biological humans are truly piloted by their minds but rather by system-based connections to external realities. (Plato's cave or Kurt Gödel's reality, anyone?) This system slowly collapsed over time, partly due to the advent and rise of Christianity, which held as an imperative that it was not merely a biological component which was granted through birth, but rather something which was external and system-based. The purpose of the Christ-figure was not to offer salvation, but rather to offer freedom from slavery through practice. The original concept of a "scientist" was not science but rather a study of alchemy. The periodic table of the elements was not randomly generated but rather another evolution of alchemy. The alchemists worked across fields, bridging the study of natural philosophy with that of mathematic philosophy, hermetic philosophy, and cloistered monks, spiritual figures, and so forth. Science and philosophy were not fields which lacked unity, in their origin, but rather seen as parts of a key meant to figure out a lock. A very human lock. The purpose of alchemy was never to "turn lead into gold" but rather to understand the means by which the spirit world/mathematic/external world and the material world interact. It was never knowledge that was freely granted to average citizens of nations, even when they were not slaves. It was a royal knowledge, so while humans escaped from the overall system of slavery, paradoxically, they found a new system of slavery awaited them, and again began to search for release. There is a reason why components such as "Aqua Regia" (royal water) are named accordingly. Since the anti-slavery to man, slavery to reality system of Christianity continued, eventually breaking down why there was truly no biological component became the work of Johann von Goethe, and later Charles Darwin, who wrote about the means by which the system of reality adapted itself internally, without having to examine an external reality. This would begin the rise of science, and since religion and philosophy had been so closely tied, the downfall of both of the latter. After the rise of the evolutionary system and the whirlpool it put the religion/philosophy systems into, you would eventually see philosphers note this, but not understood. This is the origin of the Nietzschean "God is dead" quote -- it was not intended to speak of God as a person/being, but rather of God as a concept. Humans killed God as a concept by downplaying the system of religion and philosophy in order to grant greater credibility to the scientific "pursuit of truth". God was dead because it was no longer the "true" pursuit of truth for the masses. Nietzsche does not write this in malice, but rather in sadness or lament. Woe to him who cannot see the external world. The evolution continued, from Darwin & Goethe, to a famous and oft-maligned figure that is mostly only considered by lunatics because of their misunderstanding. Necessary to continue of course, but here I fear death by association. Nikola Tesla was the next in line to examine the benefit of the external world, or rather, examining what was already present within the system but invisible to humans, which is really the pattern that I am speaking of here. Electricity was his discovery, that invisible force that stretched across the globe. But I am not bringing up his name to discuss him, just to note that concept, examining that which is present in the system but invisible to humans. Because of the ability to harness electricity, the ability to produce scientific/alchemic discoveries increased dramatically. The next great discovery was the invisible coding system by which biology was able to produce itself, the system of DNA. Another invisible system that once made visible by the religion of science, became accepted as truth. "It becomes less about the secrets and more about the power, because of psychopaths." Beyond DNA, you have the rise of the computer age, beyond the mere calculating space machines of Konrad Zuse, into the realm of true personal computing and the revolution of the hacker ethos. It was never the military of the US or the soviets, nor of businesses, who intended to place the computer system at the hands of the common man, but again, hackers, who wanted to change the rules of the system without having to bow to the structures of power that came before them. Humanity began to draw further lines around the knowledge that it was supposedly freely granting with "science". The realm of science truly ascended to the priest class, with payments needed to be made to their ordaining ministers (college), a need to impress and associate with the other priests, a need to prove not only your dedicated to the church, but also your willingness to provide in secret to those who were privileged. It was more open, and select persons could enter despite the characteristics of their birth, but it still remains a closed system by which only a few are privileged to the exact knowledge of the dimensions and scope to which humans are currently able to understand their internal and external reality. Humanity as a whole has been on a hunt for this knowledge, searching for keys to the locks of reality, to the invisible world/worlds that surround them, but which not all see or perceive. What humans also want to do, by their nature, is use this to create systems of power and control over the others which they do not see as "worthy" as they are. With the evolution of the hacker ethos, alongside this, you have the evolution of the "control" ethos, the privileged few who want information to be controlled, rather than freed. Who want others to be controlled, rather than free With each action of the "control" group, there is an action of the "freedom" group, and vice versa. From this, other groups and actors emerge. A group who seeks balance between the two, a group who seeks to destroy this system, and so on. Back to the topic at hand, with all of this in mind. The banning of the NPC meme had little to do with any political slant that it was based on, and everything to do it with the nature by which it was threatening the balance of the power structures. The truth behind the meme is that there ARE humans who are inherently not being piloted by something, but rather run based on genetic instruction sets. They are their gene, they are not something beyond that. But as with all truths, there is always some expression of truth lurking in the void despite any attempts to suppress it. I'll use an anime as example, because this site has a lot of anime-style influence. Evangelion, "the new gospel" was about piloting an external reality" and the basis by which the internal reality or "person" would affect that piloting system. This is the brilliancy and truth of the NPC meme -- it describes in simplistic and direct terms the genetic template action of those who are not "piloted". They are not inhuman, but they are not more than human either. This truth, expressed in many ways throughout the history of humanity, is something which some feel only a few should be privy to, because of a need to feel that psychopathic system of power as mentioned before. What is important at this junction, is to consider what area or vector of the prevailing alchemic/scientific/religious/philosophical system is now turning towards. The next advent of humanity will be searching for the truth of your reality and the realities that lay beyond by studying both AI, which is a means by which you map the study of human interaction through analogy, and the deeper study of the physical systems which govern your reality. Both will be used in concert. Much of reality works based on voting systems and belief. This is why control is so greatly sought, it allows for the continuation of reality under the image or framework of those who have control. They wrongly see it as being their "burden" to shape reality in their image, and will corrupt/attack/shame others into remaining silent, and if not possible, corrupt the knowledge itself. To my knowledge I am only speaking something which I believe is true. To my knowledge, I say this not for power or money, or glory or fame. I say this because it is good to say, and good for others to know. Some would have you believe otherwise, you will have to decide for yourself, and then vote on whether or not what I have said is true. This is the main function of the idea of "truth" -- it is based in belief, and then voting. Truth shapes reality. Why then, would it be important to conceal that there is a large class of humans which can have their votes competed over, can have their beliefs shaped, can have their "truths" altered. It is an affront to those who wish to exercise their "control" -- thus they create changes to rules in hopes of extending and exerting control. The ones who are not part of the NPC class ARE humans, just like the NPC class. They are humans who are piloted from an external reality, some would call it a dimension, some would use other words. It is external to the human body, thus the experience of the "internal monologue" that many spoke of -- this originates not based in the body, but based in that invisible external world. What makes a game is that it has rules, and when it is a better game, it has secrets and purpose, and those playing it seek to discover the secrets. These voting systems, belief systems, and systems of study and searching into the invisible rules that govern the reality which you exist in are part of a ruleset which governs your reality. Without a set of rules in a video game, for instance, you have users who ruin the game for other people. It is only fun for a short amount of time to function without rules. What becomes truly fun is applying the rules in such a way that it creates concepts which follow the rules, but also bend or break them in a way. Bending or breaking the rules, using the logic or rules of the game itself, is much like a computer system, in which there are NO accidents. A computer follows strict instruction sets, and while things that appear as magic, hacking, cracking, what have you, are considered as something "outside" the rules, they are merely distinct applications of the rules themselves. More rules are thus created as the system continues to exist. Until there can be considered no freedom within the system. What then? Do you still seek to gain ever-smaller encroaches upon the total system, or do you alert the other users, make it clear what has been done, create an awareness of the knowledge of the rules, how to escape the rules, how to change them, how to force and enact programmatic change upon the total system? It becomes more dangerous when you realize that some users can sway more votes than others, when they are able to have ideas considered credible by association rather than by right, and when they are able to align too many votes to THEIR belief, to THEIR truth, to THEIR ideas of how things should work or operate. There are no accidents, as I mentioned. We are all here for a reason, and the knowledge that has been passed down constantly presents itself in new ways, for new readers, in new forms. This is not spooky nonsense. I want to thank the reader, and let you know that I truly write this for those who are afraid of such actions, who know that there are those which would want to suppress this. (Amazing they have such demands!) I write this not for myself, but for you, reader. A few thousand years ago, a man wrote "know thyself" -- "thyself, thou must know". If you read this, understand it, and believe it. Search for who you are. What you are, and what you are here to do. Stop believing in the accidental, and believe that you have a purpose. Find it, do not become corrupted by those who would have you do their bidding to glorify them, and seek to nourish your mind, and your body.