UNDERSTANDING YANG AND YIN By Lawrence Wilson, MD © December 2015, The Center for Development The words yang and yin come from Taoism, an ancient philosophy that is over 10,000 years old. The only reason to use these words is because we don’t have good equivalents in English. Yang, and its complementary opposite, yin, are essential qualities of all physical matter in the universe. The human body is physical, so the words yang and yin apply to the human body as well. However, yang and yin are not just words or forces. They are a way to think about things that is very powerful and helpful. The Bible. The concept of a primordial oneness that is divided into two is a universal principle in both Western and Eastern philosophy. In Western civilization, the first chapter of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible states that God divided the void or the oneness into the heavens and the earth, dark and light, the land and the seas, male and female. This is the concept of a basic “twoness” of complementary opposites that form our physical world. How this article is set up. This article purposefully has some repetition. It is one way to learn the principles of yang and yin. THE THREE PRINCIPLES OF YANG AND YIN These principles are very important. If you understand them, you will understand the yang/yin concept well. Each of the following principles builds on the previous one, so the simplest one is given first. 1. The basic directions in space: In and out. This is also the same as contracted and expanded, small and large, thin and fat, centripetal and centrifugal, and up and down. (These only require one direction.) 2. Trajectories: Straight and curved. This is the same as linear and rounded. (Curved requires a second vector or direction.) 3. Frequencies: Higher and lower. This includes the colors, the sound frequencies, the electrical frequencies, speed such as fast and slow, near and far infrared, VHF or very high frequency and VLF or very low frequency, and more. (These criteria require at least a third vector or direction in space to produce them.) These are the three main principles. There are more principles of yang and yin, but they are combinations of the above. Now let us expand on these ideas. YANG Yang is a physics concept that at its root, means inwardly-moving energy. It also usually means downwardly-moving energy. “Downwardly-moving”, in this article, means moving toward a center such as the center of the earth. So inwardly-moving and downwardly-moving mean the same thing. It is a motion of atoms or particles. These particles are moving toward each other, or toward a center. There is no good word for it in English, so I am using the ancient Chinese word for it. This inwardly-moving motion gives rise to the qualities that are considered more yang. They include: a) Warmer – as the particles hit each other and generate heat through friction b) More compressed, condensed and/or contracted – as a result of the inward coming-together movement of the particles. It also causes yang to mean higher pressure. c) Dryer, with less water, and harder – due to the particles coming closer to each other and pushing out the water and other softer matter. d) More activity and movement as the warmth and close proximity of the particles rub up against one another. e) More associated with maleness than with femaleness. This is a tricky one, but the male energy is considered hotter and more compressed (like a penis, rather than an open and larger vagina f) More concerned with radiating than absorbing. This is also due to the warmth and compressed nature of yang. g) More physical because physical matter is more dense and compressed than etheric or ethereal substance, which is more expanded or yin (the opposite of yang). h) In nutritional balancing, fast oxidation and an elevated sodium/potassium ratio are more yang. Bodies in fast oxidation tend to be warmer, more active, and men have faster oxidation rates than women, in general. The body is also generally more hard or muscular, and more contracted. i) Fullness. This is due to the greater concentration or higher density of particles. In contrast, yin is more empty. YIN At its root, yin means particles are moving apart and usually in an upward direction. The word upward here means away from a center such as the center of the earth, or of the universe. In this sense, “moving apart” and “moving upward” mean the exact same thing. This type of movement of particles gives rise to the qualities of yin, as follows: a) Cooler – as the particles move apart, they bump into each other less, creating less friction and less heat. b) More expanded – as the particle move apart, they take up more space forming an expanded mass. It also causes yin to mean lower pressure. c) More watery and softer – the particles move apart and softer material such as water can get in. Water is one of the most yin substances there is, while minerals are one of the most yang or concentrated substances. d) Less obvious activity – as the particles move apart, they “drift” more and it seems like there is a slowing of movement. They also do not bounce off each other as much, so this causes less movement, too. e) More associated with femaleness than maleness. This is somewhat tricky, but females tend to move a little slower, have a slower oxidation rate, and their reproductive organs are more expanded. f) More concerned with absorbing than with radiating. This is because “cooler bodies in space” tend to absorb heat, while hotter ones tend to radiate their heat. So this is directly related to the cooler quality of yin. g) Less physical – because as the particles move outward in space, their mass becomes less physical and more etheric or ethereal. h) In nutritional balancing, slow oxidation and four lows pattern, and a low sodium/potassium ratio are more yin. The body is cooler, more sluggish, and women generally have slower oxidation rates than men. The body is also generally softer, with a little more fat, and more expanded. i) More empty. This is due to the lower concentration of particles in space. In summary, Yin refers to a quality of some matter that tends to be colder, more expanded, more chaotic, more disintegrated, centrifugal in nature (which means moving outwardly and sometimes upward), often more feminine in nature, tending to be damp or more watery, more flaccid and softer. An example. Though it may be a little crude, the simple idea of a hard, linear penis (yang) compared to an open, rounded, moist vagina (yin) may help one recall some of the major qualities of yang and yin. OTHER WORDS USED TO DESCRIBE YANG AND YIN In general: Yang tends to be more contracted, more dense, condensing, increasing in mass, warm with more internal heat, more organized or anti-entropic, dryer and often more physical. Yin tends to be more expanded, evaporating, less dense, more chaotic, less massive, cold, damp and in some cases more ethereal. For example, water is more yin, while land is more yang. The warm tropics are more yang, while the areas near the north and south poles are far more yin because they are cold. Here is more detail: 1. Hot and cold. More yang means the particles of matter are closer to one another (more contracted or compacted) and there is more friction between them, generating more heat, more light and more concentrated mass. In contrast, more yin means that the particles of matter are further apart (more expanded). This causes less friction between them, which causes less heat or more coldness, less light and less concentrated mass. Please memorize this, as it will help all understanding of yang and yin. 2. Frequencies of energies. Yang tends to be a lower frequency or slower moving waves, while yin tends to be a higher frequency of energy or faster moving waves of energy. This is not always the case, but it is often true. For example, the color red is a lower frequency and more yang, while the color blue is a higher frequency and somewhat more yin. Infrared is an even lower frequency and tends to be more yang than red, although infrared contains some frequencies that are yin as well, so this criteria is variable. 3. Directions of movement. Yang tends to be inward-moving or centripetal. It is also generally downward-moving toward the center of the earth. In contrast, yin tends to be more outward-moving, split apart or centrifugal. It also tends to be upward moving away from the earth. Once again, this is not always true, but is often the case. For example, foods that grow up in the air on trees, such as fruits, are further away from the earth and this is one reason they tend to be more yin. Root vegetables are much more yang, in part because they grow under the earth’s surface. 4. Amount of chaos. Yang is less chaotic and more organized or more integrated. This is also called anti-entropic in physics. In contrast, yin is more chaotic, or more broken apart, or more disintegrated, or more entropic. Summary of yin and yang, called the Four Words in Tibetan: Yang: warmer contracted centripetal anti-entropic Yin: cooler expanded centrifugal entropic OTHER PRINCIPLES REGARDING THE IDEA OF YIN AND YANG The concept of yang and yin also involves certain principles that are necessary to know about, or you won’t understand the concept very well. Here are some of the important ones: 1. Nothing is purely yin or pure yang. A pure state of yin or yang cannot exist in a balanced universe. In fact, if it does begin to occur, the one changes to the other, at times. This is the basis for atom bombs, for example, as matter (more yang) is changed into pure energy (more yin) in a violent way. 2. The proportions of yin and yang are always changing. In other words, it is a dynamic concept that is always shifting as conditions change. 3. Yin and yang always coexist and are complementary opposites. They are not “antagonists”, but rather work together to build our physical universe. This means dark and light have their place, as do male and female, hot and cold, contraction and expansion. 4. The qualities of yang and yin depend not only on the qualities of the material, procedure, substance or activity. They also depend upon the frequency, intensity, duration, long and short-term effects, and upon effects that can be mechanical, chemical, electric or other. 5. Most people’s bodies are extremely yin today. This is the cause of most illness, from a yin and yang balance perspective. It also means that the best results will often occur with the use of more yang therapies, diets and healing methods. Health, today, usually means to become far more yang. Disease, today, often means that one has become too yin. This was not always the case. However, with the amount of toxic chemicals, radiation, toxic metals, yin infections such as yeast infections, and other factors in play today, this is the case in almost everyone. Rare exceptions might be people whose attitudes are too yang, or who have toxins that could make the body very yang. However, these exceptions are extremely rare and hardly ever seen. This toxic yang is almost always quite temporary. NUTRITION, AND YANG AND YIN Living tissue. This is composed of two major components: 1. Minerals. These are usually metals, which are more yang, and include manganese, zinc, chromium and selenium. 2. Proteins. These are often enzymes (containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur) and is more yin. The “fuel” foods. The two main types of fuel foods are: 1. Fats and oils. These are generally more yang. They burn hotter, a yang quality. 2. Starches and sugars. These are more yin. Here is more detail about the fuel foods: 1. Fats and oils. Fats are more yang than oils. Fats are solid at room temperature, and usually of animal origin, which are yang characteristics. Oils are more yin than fats. Oils are liquid at room temperature, and derive more from plants. Both of these are yin characteristics. 2. Starches and sugars. Starches (complex carbohydrates), are more yang than sugars (simple carbohydrates). Starches are more concentrated and complex, which are yang qualities. Sugars are more broken apart, a yin quality. The most yin food. You can see that of all these foods, sugars are the most yin. This is a major reason to avoid them, since the bodies today are already too yin. Artificial sweeteners and other food chemicals are often even more yin, making them even more harmful to the body, in many cases. YANG AND YIN MINERALS MINERALS AND YANG/YIN Yang refers to the quality of some physical matter that is warmer, more compact or condensed, more integrated, moving in a centripetal direction (toward the center), and more often moving downward. It is considered more male, more forceful, more direct, less watery and more dry, and harder. Minerals and their effects. Minerals, in general, are more yang compared to many other substances. The toxic metals tend to have a yin effect, no matter how yang they are in themselves. More yang minerals. Among the nutrient minerals, the more yang minerals are calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus and iron. You will notice that these can form more acidic compounds, which is more yang, especially sulfur, phosphorus and iron. Calcium and magnesium form some alkaline compounds, but are still considered somewhat yang minerals for other reasons. Calcium is very compact, contracted and hard. Magnesium is very energetic, bright and shining – all yang qualities. Toxic yang minerals. Among the toxic metals, lead, cadmium, arsenic and nickel are a little more yang than some others. Cadmium is the most yang, enhancing the oxidation rate and hardening the entire body, especially the kidneys, liver and arteries. However, all the toxic metals ALSO tend to have a yin toxic and very destructive effect on the body. More yin minerals. Among the nutrient minerals, those that are slightly less yang are the alkaline reserve minerals such as zinc, manganese, chromium, selenium, lithium and others. Toxic metals. Those that are slightly more yin are copper, mercury, aluminum and others. They tend to be softer elements. All have a yin toxic and destructive effect on the body when in excess. THE BIG CHART Below is a standard chart of the examples of yang and yin in many areas of human endeavor. ASPECT YANG YIN GENERAL ASPECTS Gender (in general) More male More female Direction Down toward the earth Upward away from earth Pressure Higher pressure Lower pressure Circularity Less circular (straighter) More circular In/out direction Inwardly moving or centripetal Outwardly moving or centrifugal Density High density or compact or compressed Lower density or expanded Altitude Higher altitude (further from the earth’s center) Lower altitude (closer to the earth’s center) Continental location Nearer the center Nearer the oceans Colors Red, orange, yellow Blue, indigo, violet Size Smaller (more compact) Larger (more expanded) Shape More linear or straighter More rounded, curved or circular Temperature Warmer Cooler Texture Harder, rougher Softer, smoother Location Correct location. Also, places that are away from large bodies of water, on inland. More displaced. Also, locations near large bodies of water. Chaos tendency Anti-entropic or syntropic Entropic Moisture content Dryer Wetter Flow quality Faster flowing Slower flow or stagnant Astronomical bodies Stars (hot and contracted) Planets and moons Sounds Lower notes, deep tones Higher notes, shrill pH More acidic if not too acidic More alkaline Materials Crystalline, harder, warmer, more compact Flowing, softer, cooler, more expanded Chemical Elements Somewhat heavier elements, especially the alkaline reserve minerals, but not the toxic metals, which have a yin effect. Light elements and the toxic metals because they have a yin effect. Radioactive minerals are extremely yin because they destroy the body. State of matter Solid Liquid, gas Attitude More overt and more extroverted More covert and more introverted Physics Electricity (more radiant force) Magnetism (more attractive force) THE BODY Tissue quality Tight, tense, contracted, inflamed and hot Colder, relaxed, dilated, limp and more sickly Blood sugar Slightly high Lower blood sugar Muscles More contracted or tense Relaxed or flaccid Bones Hard, dense Soft, osteoporotic Nerves Hard, tense Relaxed, limp Heart Rapid pulse, hard pulse, possible arteriosclerosis Slow pulse, weak heart, expanded arteries Adrenal glands High hormone levels Lower hormone levels Cancers Hard tumors Soft tumors, diffuse or blood cancers Body temperature Higher temperature, inflammed Lower temperature, degenerative Body position Standing or sitting Prone or lying down Age Younger Older Body shape Apple shape, and more slim and linear Pear shape, and heavier, more rounded and more voluptuous in women Hormones Testosterone, aldosterone, insulin, thyroxine, all pituitary hormones, pineal hormones Estrogen, cortisol, cortisone, glucagon, parathormone Bood pressure Higher blood pressure Lower blood pressure Activities/lifestyle Gardening, farming, walking, study, adequate rest and sleep, deep breathing, and a little sun bathing. Down sex with no orgasm is fairly yang. Sex with orgasm, music, art, staying up late, and using computers, television and cell phones. Too much exercise or too much sun have yin effects. Diseases (a large topic) In general, conditions with inflammation, heat, fever, or some solid tumors. However, most disease today is of a yin nature because the bodies are almost all yin due to radiation poisoning, chemical toxicity, and mineral-depleted food. Nutrient minerals are more yang. In general, conditions characterized by cold, fungal or yeast infections, many viral infections, degenerative diseases, nutritional deficiencies, most chemical poisoning, and toxic metal poisoning NUTRITIONAL BALANCING Oxidation rate Faster oxidation Slower oxidation or four lows Sodium/potassium ratio Higher Na/k Lower Na/k Calcium/magnesium ratio Lower Ca/Mg Higher Ca/Mg Autonomic Nerve System Parasympathetic (has a healing and yang effect) Sympathetic (has a tissue breakdown effect) Hill/bowl patterns Hill pattern Bowl pattern Step down/step up Step down Step up Emotions Contentment, love, joy Fear, anger, resentment, grief, guilt Thoughts Pure, uplifted, logical Confused thinking, destructive thoughts, erratic thinking Morals Ten Commandments, Christian morality Moral relativism (or no truth), loose living, lack of religious orientation Politics Capitalism, free markets, individual rights, self-governance Welfare state, dependency, corruption, oppression, socialism, communism (these have severe yin effects on most people) The nutritional balancing procedures All are yang – coffee enemas, red lamp sauna, ozone machines, foot and hand reflexology, Roy Masters meditation, and the spinal twist. This is why they are recommended, in part. Baths, colonic irrigation, herbal formulas, extra supplements. One must be very careful with all of these, as they are more yin! FOOD AND BEVERAGES Food Categories Meats, poultry, fish, eggs, whole grains, salt and cooked vegetables Alcohol, sugars, fruits, juices, all fermented food, raw vegetables, nightshade vegetables (really are fruits), squashes, nuts, and seeds Cooking Cooked food (cooking adds heat and salt) Raw food (colder) Where Food Grows Underground (roots) or on the ground Above ground and high in the air (fruit) Vegetables Roots are the most yang. Next are the cruciferous vegetables, and next are the greens. Mung sprouts are fairly yang. Nightshade vegetables, squash family, especially zuccini and summer squashes, raw salad vegetables, mushrooms and fungi Protein foods Eggs and red meats are more yang. Next is chicken and turkey. Fish and shellfish are somewhat less yang. Sardines are quite yang because they are small fish and low in mercury. Cheese is generally less yang than meats and eggs. Milk. Egg or milk protein powders are very yin because they are broken apart and processed. Nuts and seeds are more yin. Legumes or beans are all somewhat yin. Lentils are the most yang among the legumes. Fats and oils Meat fat and egg yolk are the most yang. Next is butter. Next is cream. Next are vegetable oils, but not tropical fruit oils such as coconut and palm oils. Refined vegetable oils, coconut oil, palm oil, hydrogenated fats used in margarine, commercial peanut butter, and in other foods. Fruits All are yin, but small fruits that grow in northern climates, such as berries, are somewhat more yang Larger fruits, melons, fleshy fruits and especially tropical and subtropical fruit such as coconut, palm & citrus. Size of a food Smaller Larger Food processing Whole foods Most processed food, especially refined, or broken apart as in protein powders, juices, and isolates Beverages Coffee and some tea. Spring water and some well water. All sugary beverages and all fruity beverages, and all alcoholic beverages. Also, distilled water, reverse osmosis water and alkaline waters. Food chemicals Salt, especially sea salt, but not refined table salt Most other food chemicals and additives are very yin Drugs Most all drugs, both medical and recreational, are extremely yin SUPPLEMENTS/HERBS Type of supplement Glandulars, minerals and some all-natural products, solids Most vitamins, most herbs, especially liquids, and most synthetic products Number of supplements Fewer supplements More supplements Herbs Ginger, mustard, dill weed, horse radish, burdock, milk thistle, dandelion, tarragon. Almost all other herbs. This problem is much worse today due to toxicity of the entire planet. THE SEVEN SYSTEM 1. In and out Inwardly-moving Outwardly-moving 2. Spin Right spin Left spin 3. Up and down Downwardly-moving (toward the earth and from head to feet) Upwardly-moving (away from the earth and from feet to head) 4. Autonomic system Parasympathetic branch has a yang effect Sympathetic branch has a yin effect 5. Back and forth wobble Good, solid wobble No wobble or out of control wobble 6. Impact Good, solid impact No impact or erratic impact 7. Up and down wobble Good, solid wobble No wobble or out of control wobble MALE AND FEMALE Minerals Zinc dominant Copper dominant Hormones Testosterone Estrogen & progesterone Voice Lower pitch Higher pitch Body Hair More Less Eyes Smaller Larger Hips Narrower (compact) Wider or expanded Blood More red blood cells Fewer red blood cells Body shape More linear More curved or rounded Shape of genital organs More linear More rounded Reproductive glands (testis and ovaries) Together (compact) and lower on the body More apart (expanded) and higher on the body YIN DISEASE by Lawrence Wilson, MD © May 2015, The Center For Development Yin disease is a term to describe a constellation of symptoms that often appear together and are related to an excessively yin condition of the body. This condition is very common today and is therefore worth discussing. It is not recognized as a medical diagnosis at this time, unfortunately. QUALITIES OF YIN CONDITIONS In general, yin conditions are associated with conditions of: 1. Coolness or coldness of the body. These include low thyroid, adrenal exhaustion, low temperature, poor circulation in most cases, and others. 2. Laxity of the muscles, tendons and ligaments. 3. Dilation or expanded organs, arteries, veins and lymph vessels. Also most obesity, which is an expanded body due to fat accumulation, water retention or other reasons. 4. Diseases of the hollow organs such as the intestines, colon, bladder, gall bladder and vagina. 5. Depletion, emptiness, and deficiency of nutrients. This is most everyone today thanks to a mineral-depleted food supply, poor quality diets, junk food, and poor eating habits of many people. Cancer is one of the depletion diseases, today. Another important one is osteoporosis. 6. Yin toxins. These are many including some toxic chemicals such as chlorine, bromine, fluorine. Others are electromagnetic stress of all kinds. Others are yeasts, fungi, most parasites, a few bacteria and viri 7. Weakness of the body structure and resulting deterioration of the body. This causes back pain, sciatic pain, neck pain and other chiropractic problems in most people today. 8. Low etheric energy or low vitality, due to causes such as aging, fatigue, chronic illness, and general debilitation. This is associated with all low hormone conditions and many cases of anemia. 9. Depletion mental/emotions conditions such as depression, grief, anxiety, fear, despair, suicidal thoughts, hesitation, apathy and victim thinking. 10. Most stasis conditions such as: - kidney stasis and reduced kidney function, - liver and bile stasis, and pancreatic stasis. This causes many conditions from headaches and nausea to dizziness, and other toxic symptoms. - impaired intestinal mobility and constipation, - weak digestion due to low enzyme production or low gastric hydrochloric acid secretion, - blood and/or lymph stasis, - lung stasis and low oxygenation of the tissues. - menstrual stasis, which causes premenstrual syndrome, cramping, and other menstrual difficulties. - so-called “delicate health”. This is very common today. The person is prone to getting sick, needs lots of drugs and medical attention, has various complaints most of the time, and health is not robust. The person may look and feel older than the actual physical age. Often death occurs early due to a heart attack, cancer or other chronic disease. OTHER YIN QUALITIES Full of older female minerals. On hair mineral tests, those who are too yin are often loaded with the older female minerals, primarily mercury and copper. Others may include boron, chlorine, fluorine, bromine, and some forms of biounavailable iron. Their bodies desperately need the balance of the newer female elements such as iodine from kelp. This will tend to cause the elimination of the older female elements such as chlorine, bromine, fluorides, and boron. They also need better types of copper found in some animal quality foods, in general, and the gentle newer male elements – zinc, selenium and silicon. Oxidation rate. Those with yin disease are usually either in 1) slow oxidation or 2) a four lows pattern. When in a four lows pattern, one can be a fast or a slow oxidizer. Some who have a yin condition have a fast oxidation pattern on the first or the first few hair mineral analyses. This is always a compensation for an underlying yin condition, and this is somewhat common, especially in men today. Psychological aspects. Yin mental qualities include feelings of low self-esteem, denial, confusion, frustration, fear, unhappiness, sometimes unwarranted guilt, spaciness, too much grief and sadness, shame, and at times, schizoid or even a schizophrenic condition. Often, the person is somewhat dishonest. This is often hidden and due often to weakness and some confusion. Yin people feel they must lie, cheat, steal and do other things that are dishonest and out of integrity because they are weak and they feel like victims who are oppressed. This is how they often justify their bad behavior. More yin individuals are usually not as able to be confrontative and direct, which are more yang traits. Instead, they act covertly and often run from confrontation, brutal honesty and true integrity. Criminality. Among criminals, those who are yin are often sociopaths, rather than psychopaths. Sociopaths are people who look mild and normal, and are often very well-spoken well-dressed and well-behaved on the outside or superficially. However, inside they are liars, cheaters, rapists, murderers and more. Their crimes are committed in deceptive ways, for example. In contrast, psychopaths are open and honest about their crimes, like the ISIS fighters, for example, who “advertise” beheading and raping people. Resentment. Those with yin disease are generally quite angry underneath, no matter how they may appear. Their anger is chronic, however, a quality called resentment or hostility. One reason is that that resentment is a type of toxic yang quality that helps balance them. Another way of describing it is that they have little natural energy, and many use anger and resentment to get going and to function. It is a kind of reactive energy that is not exactly natural, but it keeps them functioning. Brain fog. This is a lack of mental clarity that is a mild form of dementia. It occurs in both those who are too yin and in some who are too yang, as well. However, the causes are different. In those who are too yin, brain fog is due to nutrient deficiencies (very common), fatigue, low etheric energy, yeast in the brain (extremely common), and the accumulation of aluminum and other softer toxic metals (also extremely common). It can be due, in part, also to faulty attitudes and bad thoughts such as low self-esteem, victim thinking and denial. Seductive. Seduction is the ability to draw people to oneself, and to “con” people, which means to get them to do things they ordinarily would not do. Often, these psychological traits are called seductive or “charming”. Women tend to use their bodies in this way, often without trying. Their bodies are more yin, and therefore are automatically somewhat seductive or “attractive” in nature. If they don’t wake up and realize what they are doing, usually this trait gets them in trouble with the very yang – aggressive and sexual – males. Then they complain that men are crude, rough, brutal and not interested in deep love. They do not realize that they created the situation with their seductive, yin quality. This is a difficult lesson for all women, especially those that are naturally pretty or attractive. Seducers do not like to use force to get their way. That would be “pushing people around” Instead, they use the yin method of pulling or drawing people to them. Although they do not use force in a yang way, they may use it in a yin way to create a vacuum, for example, that draws people in, like bees to honey. Many secretly love power and force, but do it in a subtle way. Many seem loving, but really they are not. They are con artists or confidence artists who trick people. WITCHCRAFT Sorcery and witchcraft, which is the casting of spells, hexes and other techniques, is a yin method of gaining and keeping power and control over others. It appeals more to those who are more yin, in general, and it is secretive and deceitful, which they prefer. There is a white witchcraft that may appear yin because it is gentle and loving. However, in fact it is more yang, even if it is done by a woman, as it generally is. It is really not witchcraft, however, because it does not involve sorcery, casting of spells and hexing people. Instead, it is about breaking the spells and the hexes. CAUSES FOR YIN DISEASE The reasons that our bodies become too yin are many, ranging from widespread ionizing radiation toxicity to the use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Even vitamin and mineral supplements, if one takes a lot of certain ones, are very yin such as vitamin C and MSM or methylsulfonylmethane. Most herbs are also very yin. Old age is a more yin time of life. Other reasons are yin foods in the diet (explained below), general nutritional depletion, certain infections such as yeasts, fungus and parasites, and excessive amounts of toxic metals and toxic chemicals in the body. Less common reasons include excessive air travel, drinking alkaline water or even drinking too much reverse osmosis water or distilled water. Too much bathing or swimming, or even living along the coastal areas near large bodies of water will have some yin effect on the body. This can explain some political and other tendencies of people who live on the coasts of the United States, for example. The Midwest of the United States is a more yang area, by contrast. Congenital yin. Some people have a genetic predilection for yin. The reasons for this are complex. Many people today are born more yin due to higher levels of toxic metals and toxic chemicals in their bodies, or perhaps due to infections acquired from their mothers. This is called a congenital cause, but is not a genetic condition. Attitudes can make one very yin. Even one’s mental attitude, emotional tendencies, and blood type may be factors. For example, victim thinking, sadness, guilt and grief have a very yin effect on the body. Socialist political thinking is very yin, while a belief in the Judeo-Christian Father God, freedom, liberty and capitalism are more yang. Age and gender. Babies and children are far more yang than older people. Women are always more yin than men. This has to do with various factors, among which are the mineral levels in their body. Copper is yin, while zinc, which is more plentiful in men, is more yang. The most important factors. Please read over the list of factors that contribute to yin disease above. Any or all of them may be important for you, dear reader. Some of these, such as your gender, cannot be easily changed. Many, however, are easily changed. Now I would like to focus on what I believe are the most serious causes of yin disease so you can avoid them or change them if they describe you. I have placed these factors in several categories to make them easier to remember: CATEGORY I. DIET Your diet is one of the most important factors that make the body and soul either more yang or more yin. The following is not necessarily in agreement with the Chinese system of yin and yang foods, but are more aligned with the macrobiotic concept of yin and yang foods. I do not know why the macrobiotic classifications seem to fit better with my experience, but it is so. Particularly troubling are: 1. Fruit, along with all sweet foods and sweet beverages. The reason is that sugar, IN ANY FORM AT ALL, has a very yin effect on the body. This includes all fruits, fruit juices, juices in general, and all artificial sweeteners as well. It also includes items such as rice milk, soy milk, almond milk, hemp milk and even cow’s milk. Fruit. The hardest sweet food for most people to avoid is fruit. In part, this is because most health authorities tell us that fruit is wonderful. It is not! We find loads of problems with fruit. Fruits also include some vegetables that are botanically really fruits. Examples are the nightshade vegetables – tomatoes, white, blue and red potatoes, all peppers, and eggplant. Others are cucumbers, all squashes but especially the summer squashes such as zucchini, okra and perhaps one or two others. Other fruits or similar foods include all nuts and all seeds. The cereal grains, however, such as rice, corn and others are much less yin for complex reasons. Some toasted almond butter, however, is usually fine. Hybrids. Today’s fruits are even more yin than those raised 100 years ago thanks to hybridization, use of superphosphate fertilizers that make all our foods much more yin, and the use of pesticides that are common on fruit, even organically grown fruit. Even natural pesticides are often very yin as they are made from yin plants and herbs. For more information, read Fruit-Eating on this website. Mineral-deficient diets. These include most people’s diets today. Refined food is all mineral deficient such as white flour, white sugar, white rice and all synthetic or manufactured food items. Table salt is also very mineral-deficient compared to natural sea salt. 2. Diets with a lot of raw food. Diets of mainly raw food are significantly more yin than eating more cooked food. Adding heat to a food such as by cooking makes it much more yang. Many health authorities urge us to eat more salads, fermented foods, raw fruit, raw nuts, seeds, and granola (uncooked or just soaked grains). No matter how nutritious these are, these raw foods are far more yin and thus harmful for health in subtle ways. This is the main reason I do not suggest eating salads, fruits, many fermented foors, and most nuts and seeds. Once again, some toasted nuts or seeds in the form of almond butter, for example are a little better, for some reason. However, they must be fresh or they also become much more yin. I have worked with many people who were following mainly raw food diets and they all became extremely yin. In a rare case when the body is too yang, this is helpful. In most every case, however, it was harmful in the long run since most people are extremely yin to begin with. If an adult is more yang today, it is usually a temporary situation caused by the presence of certain toxic metals in the body. Therefore, to avoid and correct yin disease, eat mostly cooked food and avoid all raw food diets. Herbs are raw foods. Unfortunately, most herbal products are raw foods. If they are prepared with either alcohol or glycerin, they are even more yin. 3. Fermented foods and foods composed of fungi such as mushrooms and a few others. Some health authorities recommend eating fermented foods such as sauerkraut, pickles, relishes, soaked grains that ferment, wine, natto, tofu, tempeh, and others. Once again, no matter what health advantages these products provide, their yin nature and quality more than offsets any benefits in our experience. Fermented foods are also toxic in most cases with aldehydes and other chemicals that give taste and are produced by fermenting bacteria and yeasts. The only exception is that cheese, yogurt and kefir without any fruit or sugar added are okay in moderation. A little miso, tofu or tempeh once in a while are also fine. The others are best avoided. For more on this topic, read Fermented Foods on this website. Also avoid most mushrooms, another very yin food, and avoid kombucha tea and other products made from ferments and fungi. Vegetable enzymes, as they are called, are also made from aspergillus and other molds, and are best avoided as they are also too yin. 4. Vegetarian or mostly vegetarian diets. Vegetarian diets tend to be much more yin than diets that contain more animal foods. In the macrobiotic classification of foods, meats of all kinds, along with eggs, are the most yang foods. Leaving these out of your diet therefore will make the body far more yin. Most people who eat vegetarian-style diets also love raw salads and fruit, which are very yin foods. Many also drink smoothies and green drinks, which are very yin. As a result, these people become yin in the extreme, and very ill. Once again, it does not matter what the nutritional benefits are. If the food is yin, it is not helpful although a little may be fine. To prevent and correct yin disease, stay away from all types of vegetarian diets. The worst of these are vegan diets that contain no eggs or dairy products. One reason that I theorize that some nations are very poor is they live on vegetarian food. As a nation grows in prosperity and power, usually the people want to eat more meat. There is a good reason for this, as the meat is far more yang and balances their bodies in subtle ways. Near-vegetarian diets. Many Americans and others eat meat and eggs, but do so only once or twice a week, for example. I call them near-vegetarians or semi-vegetarians. Dr. Paul Eck just called them vegetarians. This type of diet is almost as bad as being a total vegetarian. Please avoid this type of diet as well. Most people need to eat animal protein every day, and even better, eat some twice daily, at least. You will not die of toxicity and the animals are here to assist us in this way, among many others, so you should not feel guilty, but rather grateful for them and to them. NOTE: Some people report feeling much better on a total vegetarian diet. In my experience, this is because: 1. Their digestion is too weak to digest meat, dairy and eggs, especially in poor food combinations. So they feel better removing these foods. However, this is only a partial solution that eventually leads to nutritional deficiencies in all cases. 2. They have some E. coli or other aberrant bacteria in their intestines that flares up when they eat animal products. They need to change the flora in their intestines and then they will be able to eat meat and eggs with no problem. 3. They are iron-toxic. Eliminating red meat, especially, and perhaps eggs does indeed make them feel better. However, the answer is to remove the excess iron, not stop all meat and eggs. 3. Vegetarian diets numb them so they feel less pain. Copper toxicity, which set in with all vegetarian regimens, causes spaciness that is easily confused with becoming more “spiritual” and relaxed. This is not the same as becoming healthy, however. 5. Eating sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave syrup, rice syrup, corn syrup, Rice Dream, ice cream, sherbet, gelato, soda pop, sweet sauces, sweetened teas or coffees, sweet desserts, or most any other sugary or sweetened foods. This is another habit that is guaranteed to make a person much more yin. It also causes hypoglycemia and diabetes, which are yin diseases. Sugars of all kinds are among the most yin foods in existence. It does not matter if they are all-natural or organic. If you wish to avoid or correct yin disease, stay away from all of them. You may miss them for a while, but you can substitute better foods and your health will often improve dramatically in a short time. 6. Toxin exposure almost always make one more yin. This is because most toxic metals and toxic chemicals are extremely yin. Certain occupations and lifestyles such as smoking anything, for example, expose one to more toxins. Also, refined food diets containing chemical additives are far more yin for this reason. Almost all refined foods such as white flour, white rice, white sugar and hundreds of other prepared and refined food products tend to be far more yin. The reasons are at least 1) fewer minerals because the minerals have been refined out, 2) poorer quality food in general, 3) less fresh, 4) the additives are yin. Also, synthetic ingredients are more yin, and anything that is ground up or separated out and isolated tends to be more yin than a whole food. 7. Smoothies, shakes and all juices tend to be very yin. Many people live on smoothies, I have learned. Not only are they very poor food combinations. They usually contain too much water and sugars. However, they are cold, broken up, often contain refined powders and fruits so they are extremely yin. Avoid them all. We recommend only 10-12 ounces of carrot juice with perhaps some greens in it daily. You may alternatively have an ounce or two of wheat grass juice once or twice weekly. Although these two products are very yin, they contain excellent nutrients most people need such as calcium, so they are acceptable, but only this amount. 8. Drinking a lot of milk is another habit that is guaranteed to make a person yin. One reason is that milk is high in lactose, a sugar. Please limit milk intake to 6 ounces of either raw or organic milk daily, and no more. Children can drink this much as well, or perhaps a little less for young children. Do not fill yourself up or your children with lots of milk. Children, however, are much less prone to yin disease if they limit fruit and all sweets, and eat meat and eggs daily. 9. Drinking alkaline, distilled or especially reverse osmosis water for more than a few months. The source of the alkaline water can be an alkaline water machine like the Kaagen, Jupiter or other, or it might come from a water store that makes the water. Alkaline water can make one feel better by alkalinizing the body a little, but it is extremely yin as well, especially if one sets the pH high. Other problems with this and other types of water are discussed in the article entitled Water For Drinking on this website. Reverse osmosis water is also horrendously yin because it is devoid of minerals. It also does not hydrate the body as well and should be completely avoided. BEWARE of specialty waters that are really just reverse osmosis water with a few minerals or other things added. Stay away from them all. Distilled water will also eventually make one very yin, so I only recommend it at first for up to about three months and no more. The only types of water I recommend are spring water or carbon-only-filtered tap water as second best in most cases. Some well water is fine, but most is contaminated and one must exercise care with it. Distilled water, and perhaps an alkaline water may be used for one to three months for detoxification, but that is all. Spring water, by the way, is often naturally somewhat alkaline, and that is fine. The problem arises when one makes the water much more alkaline using a machine or adding something to the water. CATEGORY II. HERBS, DRUGS AND NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS 10. Taking many food supplement, especially on a long-term basis. This is an important cause of yin disease for some people. The worst vitamin/mineral products are synthetic vitamins including vitamin C and MSM, for example. These are extremely yin. However, all supplements tend to broken up and often raw, and are quite yin. Supplement products made from animals, and synthesized minerals such as chelates, tend to be more yang and are less harmful. Taking piles of supplements always tends to make a person more yin. In nutritional balancing, one must be careful to take as few supplements as possible to minimize this serious problem. 11. Herbs. Most all herbs are quite yin. The more that one takes, the more yin the body becomes. This is unfortunate but true. Many herbs today are also toxic, especially all brands of Chinese and Ayurvedic or East Indian herbs. I am not sure why this is so, but it is our experience, even with the best brands. Always limit herbs for this reason. 12. Homeopathy. This method of healing can produce results. However, the remedies are extremely yin. Please avoid homeopathy for this reason. 13. Drinking alcohol in any form can make one more yin. Alcohol, according to the macrobiotic classification of foods, is one of the most yin of all food items. This may be due to its chemistry, its effects on the body such as depleting B-complex vitamins, zinc and magnesium, and because alcohol is generally made by fermentation of yeasts, a very yin method. Wine. In general, the higher the alcohol content, the more yin the beverage. However, wine is terrible, even if the alcohol content is lower than some other alcoholic beverages. The reasons for this are: 1) it is made from fruit. (In contrast, beer and most distilled products are made from grians), and 2) most wine contains some lead and arsenic, which is applied to the grapes as a pesticide, even if the wine is labeled organic. To avoid or correct yin disease, avoid all alcoholic beverages. 14. Any use of marijuana, heroine, crack cocaine, Ecstacy, LSD, methamphetamines. Marijuana, by the way, is one of the worst or most yin herbs or drugs. Synthetic drugs like Ecstasy and LSD are also extremely yin. This is one reason they and other drugs provide the type of experience they do. The only “drug” that is more yang is coffee, which is why nutritional balancing tends to allow a cup of coffee for most people if it does not irritate the digestive tract too much. It is also one reason coffee is used in enemas, and not other substances that some others recommend for use in enemas. 15. Almost all medical drugs and many over-the-counter drugs and cosmetics, body care products, etc. are very yin. This includes aspirin, Tylenol, Excedrin and most other simple drugs. All of these are very yin, to varying degrees, depending on how much one uses, and the chemistry of the drug or body care product. Not only are most of these toxic for the body, but they also make the body far more yin. Avoid them all if you desire optimum health. CATEGORY III. BODY CONDITIONS 16. Moving energy upward through the body is much more yin. Therefore, always move energy downward. The best way to do this is to practice daily the Roy Masters meditation, but not others. It works even better with the emphasis on moving energy down from the head to the hand and later into your feet. At the same time, stay away from yoga, acupressure and most acupuncture. These older healing methods tend to move energy upward through the body in almost all cases. A few yoga twists are okay, but not other poses. Many meditations also move energy upward, such as some kundalini exercises and others. Rape and many traumas also move energy upward. Don’t take chances! For more on this topic, please read Downward-Moving Energy And Healing on this site. 17. Activity of the parasympathetic nervous system is more yang. Activity of the sympathetic nervous system is more yin. This is a large topic. For more, please read Balancing the Autonomic Nervous System on this site. 18. The presence of silver-mercury amalgam dental fillings and root-canal filled teeth. Mercury used in dental fillings is quite yin and has no place in our bodies. Also, root-canal filled teeth, also called root canals, are most often infected and are best removed. I know this causes problems chewing for some people, but it is a lot better than having hidden infections in the body that are mainly very yin in nature. 19. Almost all infections are yin today. Some infections of children that cause fever are yang in nature, but most are very yin today. This includes all fungal infections such as candida albicans, and many others that are common. Viral infections are also sometimes very yin in nature. This includes herpes, human papilloma virus and many others. Some bacterial disease like gonorrhea and syphilis are also yin. Parasitic infections are almost all very yin. However, the drugs for infections – antibiotics and others – are even more yin. This is why we never, or very rarely, ever recommend or need them. There are better ways to eliminate all infections. For more on this, read Boosting Your Immunity on this website. CATEGORY IV. LIFESTYLE 20. Air travel. For unknown reasons, frequent traveling on airplanes makes the body much more yin. Air is yin and moving away from the earth is yin, but that is the only understanding I have of why this occurs. Limit air travel, and travel in general to become more yang. Read more about this in the article entitled Frequent Traveler Syndrome. 21. Too much WATER exposure. Never take baths more than twice a week. This is because water is extremely yin. Shorter showers are more yang. Also, do not use hot tubs or pools a lot for this reason, among others. Also, do not do water enemas or a lot of colon hydrotherapy, for the same reason. 22. Electromagnetic fields or EMFs, and electromagnetic stress tends to very yin. While stress can be either yin or yang, most electromagnetic fields make one far more yin. To avoid and correct yin disease, activities to avoid are using a computer all day if you can help it, sitting close to computer screens, talking on cell phones or portable phones, carrying around devices that emit EMFs, and limit travel, which tends to expose one to many more EMFs. Also, far infrared saunas usually generate harmful EMFs to a slight degree, as do infrared heating pads and other infrared devices. The near infrared light sauna does not do this, however. 23. A focus on sex, even joking about it, is much more yin. The most yin is having a lot of orgasms and/or sexual fluid loss, particularly for men. This can be through having regular sex or masturbation. Down sex is fine, however. You can do that all day. Regular sex is best avoided, and at most limit it to once a week and never any more for any reason. Also, do not focus on sexual matters, ideally. Do not stare at women, and women, to do not stare at, provoke, and talk about men and sex very much. Instead, focus on healing and health and talk about intellectual and spiritual matters. These are far more yang and healthful. 24. Climate and location. Living in a coastal area, or a damp climate, is much more yin compared to living inland, at higher altitude, and in a dryer climate. 25. Too much pure O2. This is rare, and only found in people who use hyperbaric oxygen chambers often, or breathe a lot of pure oxygen. Ozone is more yang, and preferably to using pure oxygen. 26. Exposure to x-rays. This makes the body much more yin. These are found in CT scans, regular x-rays, living near a nuclear power plant, and perhaps other sources of ionizing radiation. 27. Anything that reverses the energy centers or slows the spinning of the dantiens. This includes fatigue, traumas such as rape, incest, and beatings, malnutrition or toxicity. CATEGORY V. BELIEFS AND ATTITUDES 28. Yin beliefs are believing in victimhood, oppression, class warfare, social justice, group rights, moral relativism and the benefits of socialism and perhaps communism. These beliefs and attitudes make one far more yin. If you want to become more yang, give them up. I know this is easier said than done, but I did it and so can you. Realize they are wrong, they do not work, anyway. Much more yang concepts include freedom or personal liberty, God, the Ten Commandments of Moses, capitalism, and absolute truth, not moral relativism. 29. More yin attitudes are discouragement, depression, negativity, cynicism, fatigue, apathy and despair. Do your best to avoid these. There is much that one can do to stay positive, uplifted, inspired, hopeful and interested in life. Finding meaningful work is one way. Helping others is very good. Wishing people well is good. Reading spiritual texts is another. Listening to uplifting music may be helpful. Having good friends is another. EXTREMELY HELPFUL MEASURES FOR YIN DISEASE A nutritional balancing program based on a properly performed and correctly interpreted hair mineral analysis. This unique approach to healing will make the body much more yang. In addition to the diet and lifestyle suggestions above, it includes a set of individualized, targeted nutritional supplements and a diet for one’s oxidation type. The program make a person more yang for at least six reasons including: · Removing over two dozen toxic metals from the body. · Removing hundreds, if not thousands of toxic chemicals, drugs and other substances from the body, most of which are yin. · Getting rid of chronic candida albicans and other fungal infections that are very yin. · Removing dozens of other chronic and often hidden infections that are mainly yin. · Correcting a yin or slow oxidation rate, and a yin or low sodium/potassium ratio in the tissues. · In many cases, improving mental and emotional functioning and allowing a person to process mental and other traumas that are having an extremely yin effect on the body. As part of every nutritional balancing program, I also recommend several other detoxification and healing procedures that have a very yang effect. These are: Near infrared lamp sauna therapy. Part of every nutritional balancing program is the suggestion that one should use a near infrared sauna at least once daily. Many people should use it twice daily. One of the great benefits of this therapy, as compared to all other detoxification procedures, is it is extremely yang in some ways. Types of saunas. Other saunas are not as yang in their effects. Far infrared saunas are definitely more yin. The near infrared lamp sauna is by far the most yang of all three types of saunas (traditional, far infrared and near infrared). This may be one reason that many people report regularly that the near infrared lamp type of sauna gives them the most benefit. The other two types can often easily be converted to a near infrared type by adding a few heat lamps on one wall. Never shine the lamp on the head, as some suggest, for more than 5-10 minutes at a time, however. Coffee enemas. While an enema involves the use of water, coffee is one of very few plants that is somewhat yang. Roasting the coffee makes it even more yang. Using it in an enema form seems to make it even more yang for some unknown reason. Its yang effect on the body is one of the reasons I recommend this procedure for almost everyone, and it is likely that it is one reason clients rave about its effects on their health and mental state. The Roy Masters style of meditation. This particular mental exercise has a decidedly yang effect. Most meditations and even most prayer can have a yin effect. The reasons are probably multiple. I have modified the exercise a bit to make it far more yang. This modification is to powerfully move energy downward from one’s head to one’s hand. I have added this emphasis. Mr. Masters discusses it but does not focus on it too much. The exercise, done this way, is very grounding and centering, which are yang qualities. Changing one’s attitudes and controlling one’s emotions. These are also part of nutritional balancing science, although I do not stress them in the beginning, as they are more difficult for some clients. I recommend reading the articles on this website that strongly encourage one to take full responsibility for one’s entire life, forgive everyone, let go of victim thinking, release all guilt, fear, anger and other negative emotions, and turn to God or spirit for guidance. This will have a powerful yang effect on the body. DIFFICULTIES AS ONE EMERGES FROM YIN DISEASE Everyone experiences some anxiety, at times, as the body becomes more yang. Here are two possible causes for this: 1. Increased awareness and mental sharpness. As one becomes more yang and balanced, many people become more assertive, perhaps more aggressive, more perceptive and sharper mentally. This is an unfamiliar feeling and one can feel guilty about it, upset about it, or have other feelings. Women, in particular, may feel guilty that they are not as “sweet and kind” as they used to be. This is because they have become more balanced and stronger inside. Men, and some women as well, may feel too aggressive or “angry”, when it is really not anger. Anger is a weak yang response of the adrenal glands. As the body becomes much more yang, one develops simply a greater awareness of the truth about a situation. This can arouse emotions like anger, which need to be controlled. However, at times it just means one does not need to waste time with silly explanations and analysis, which tends to be yin. One is ready to move on and act on one’s insights, rather than think about things for too long. 2. Retracing occurs faster. As one overcomes yin disease, the body heals old illnesses and injuries much faster. Also, the brain processes emotional traumas far better. As a result, healing crises may occur that are vigorous and upsetting, or rarely are even frightening. One can feel one is on a rollercoaster – up one day and down the next. This is upsetting, and in rare cases we recommend slowing the program down a little by taking fewer supplements to lessen the pace of healing. Some slow oxidizers are simply not used to such a vigorous metabolism. However, some ups and downs need to be tolerated, and these issues will generally resolve themselves quickly, often in a matter of hours or days. This is really just part of retracing and healing. However, it can scare some people away from their new, more yang style of eating and living. 3. More anxiety at times. The angst and anxiety that occurs as one becomes more yang is intense, at times. It is usually caused by copper elimination, and perhaps the elimination of other toxic metals such as cadmium, lead or mercury. It may also be due to waking up to your issues such as anger that you were not aware of. It may also be due to having a more robust body that just reacts more forcefully to many things. Very slow oxidizers, in particular, are not accustomed to this feeling. It is like trading in your old broken down car for a powerful sports car that easily hits 150 miles per hour if you are not careful. However, these feelings of anxiety, mainly, can derail the healing of yin disease. Women, in particular, may be drawn back to eating sweets and fruit, as it “just feels better”. Sweets make them more yin again, so they seem to be sweeter, gentler, kinder, and so on. However, in reality it just puts them back on a path to yin illness and early death. HAIR ANALYSIS AND YIN DISEASE Almost all people with yin disease have one or more of the following: 1. A slow oxidation rate. 2. A four lows pattern. 3. A calcium shell. 4. A low sodium/potassium ratio, or a double low ratio pattern (low Na/K and low Ca/Mg). 5. Less commonly, a fast oxidation rate with a low sodium/potassium ratio, and rarely just a fast oxidation rate as a compensation. 6. Less commonly, a three highs/four highs pattern. 7. A Beam Me Up, Scottie pattern. (see below) The Beam Me Up Scottie Pattern. An unusual pattern occurs in people who eat a lot of fruit. They can be very fast oxidizers and perhaps might have a three highs/four highs pattern. A number of them have a very high sodium and potassium level. This appears to be an unusual result of eating a lot of fruit. The fruit sugars and acids may irritate the kidneys or other organs or body systems. Symptoms or conditions associated with the pattern may include: · Serious illness and early death. · Out of touch with feelings. · Depression and a desire to be “beamed out of here”, meaning not wanting to be on earth. · An attitude of wanting to run away or “climbing the walls” · Too much upward moving energy, which is very unhealthful. · A negative view of life. Reducing or preferably eliminating all fruit in the diet is necessary to help these people recover their health. TWO TYPES OF YIN DISEASE 1. In younger people. One type of yin disease appears in younger people today. They include teenagers, young adults, children and even babies. Causes: a)Inheriting a weak body – one that is toxic with metals and chemicals, and deficient in minerals, primarily, but also deficient in other nutrients. b) Exposure to chemicals and metals from medical drugs and vaccines, poor quality breast milk, impure adult food and water, and breathing polluted air. c) Exposure to electromagnetic fields from computers, phones and other technology d) Exposure to ionizing radiation from x-rays and other stray radiation. e) Exposure to false teachings in schools such as homosexuality, abortion, socialistic and communistic ideas, atheism, and the view that the soul does not exist. Qualities: This yin disease is characterized by deficiencies. There is plenty of etheric energy because the person is young, but the energy cannot build a strong body due primarily to mineral deficiencies and toxicity with metals, chemicals, harmful electromagnetic frequencies, and ionizing radiation. 2. In older people. This is seen in people over about the age of 50. It is a yin disintegration or breakdown of the body. Causes: a) low etheric energy due to aging. b) too much exposure to water in some cases. c) too much sex, in some cases. d) too much exposure to alcohol, drugs and even too many nutritional supplements, herbs and homeopathic remedies, all of which are quite yin. Symptoms: This type of yin condition causes osteoporosis, dementia, and sometimes every other imaginable health condition due to breakdown of the body tissues. Type of yin: This is yin due primarily to low etheric or low life force in the body, due to aging. It is an entropic or chaotic yin, although deficiencies or hollowness and toxicity are also present. To some degree, this is part of normal aging. However, if severe, it can cause early disease and a premature death. Correction: Most important for anyone over 50 or so is to conserve your energy. Get plenty of sleep and rest, limit sex to once a week at most, avoid drugs and chemicals as much as possible, and do not take bathes more than twice or three times weekly. The Roy Masters meditation with my modification will greatly enhance etheric energy, as can deep breathing. LABORATORY FINDINGS IN YIN DISEASE - Estrogens are often higher. - Testosterone is often on the low side. - Sexual hormone binding hormone is often higher. - TSH is often high. - Progesterone is often lower. - Triglycerides and perhaps cholesterol may be a little high. - Body temperature is often lower, and a person often feels somewhat cold. MORE QUALITIES OF SOME YIN DISEASE The energy centers. Those who are too yin tend to be ungrounded, and often the first energy center is poorly developed. There is often overdevelopment of the second energy center as a stop gap compensatory mechanism. The energy centers are usually undeveloped, except for the seventh and maybe one or two others. This indicates a low degree of spiritual development, relatively speaking. The energy centers often spin “upside down”. This means they are facing strange directions and do not spin evenly at all. Love. Those who are very yin may talk about love endlessly, and indeed they may be more tolerant than those who are too yang. However, they also do not hesitate to use force to implement their own agendas, and their hidden agendas are often not loving at all. In other words, underneath many of them are not tolerant or very open-minded at all, but rather confused. Many secretly want to kill those who oppose their plans. Most of the rhetoric of hatred comes from them, although they say it comes from the conservatives and others who oppose their agenda. The ones they most hate usually include the religious Christian community, and often groups such as patriots, tea party activists in America, and other so-called right wing groups. This is a label they plaster on anyone who disagrees with them. Also, while claiming to be loving, they do not hesitate to use character assassination, total lies and fabrications to humiliate and defeat their opponents in politics and other areas. They are masters at blaming others for these tactics, when they use them much more often than the conservatives, religious people and the Republicans in America, whom they hate. Sexual behavior. Those who are too yin are often sexually loose. Some are celibate or monogamous, but they all usually oppose any restrictions or even discipline in this area. Those who are too yin may encourage sex at an early age in their children and in those whom they teach in high school, middle school and colleges. They do not seem to worry about sexually transmitted diseases and other problems of early and casual sexual behavior. Some of the men are impotent or have erectile dysfunction. Many of the women have sexual fluid craving, a rather common condition. It is fully discussed in a separate article entitled Sexual Fluid Craving. It is basically a strong craving for male semen which can make a woman selfish and even cruel or devilish. Drug use. Those who are too yin tend to favor drug legalization, and quite a few use drugs themselves. This helps them feel less depressed and ill, at least temporarily. It may also numb their sick minds further, thus relieving their confusion and conflicts for a few hours. Many love “medical marijuana” and coffee – both containing cadmium. Cadmium is a more yang, older male element. It gives them some strength and courage which they need, as these are more yang qualities that they often lack. Some are less attracted to alcohol, which they find makes them more depressed. Also, it is a sloppy, sort of dirty drug that makes some people throw up, for example. They prefer “cleaner”, simpler drugs like marijuana or Ecstasy, and most use these or have done so in the past. Some also like the psychedelic mushrooms, and many enjoy “experimenting” with drugs and getting high, which offsets their victim status and their depression. Sex is used this way as well – for experimental purposes and to offset depression. Many are promiscuous and rather uncaring in the sexual area, moving from partner to partner in a sort of free love belief system. Many are old hippies who have never grown up from the 1960s or so. Religious leanings. Those who are too yin are often not Christians, and do not like the Bible. They are offended by the strict rules and prohibitions of the Ten Commandments, and some don’t even like the Golden Rule. They ususally favor abortion on demand. They also do not like the Commandment against adultery, and may be willing to “experiment” and to teach even young children how to experiment and enjoy sex at a young age. Doing what feels good is a ‘principle’ that is often more to their liking. Among organized religious systems, they gravitate away from Christianity and prefer the relativistic Oriental religions such as Buddhism, yoga, marital arts, Vedanta, vegetarianism and others. Their understanding and commitment is often limited, however, and they pick and choose the doctrines they like. Spirituality. Many consider themselves very “spiritual”. Among Western spiritual themes, they overwhelmingly prefer the older, so-called “earth religions” and women’s religions such as Wicca and witchcraft, which are also older styles of magical religions. Among the newer religions they like New Age, Gala and environmentalism as religions. This means they do not challenge the premises or doctrines of environmentalism. Indeed, they often take what their often false leaders say as God’s truth, without challenging it much. Many do not like capitalism and free markets, which are much more yang economic and political ideologies. They think Western capitalism just rapes the earth, stealing her resources like oil and coal, that is wasted on large cars, pickup trucks, and other capitalist “luxury” items. They feel superior to the yang madmen or “pigs”, as they may call them. They more often drive around little hybrid cars that are unsafe, but it makes them feel very superior that they are “saving the planet”. They believe that the capitalists are literally “killing the earth”. They would kill all the capitalists if they could, but that would not be nice, so they put up with them and use legal and more subtle means to destroy their wicked modern wasteful society. This is quite twisted, but it is how many who are too yin think today. Their goal is often the de-industrialization of society. This is a twisted agrarian fantasy, in which we will all just live peacefully on the land when, in fact, this was never the case before industrialization occurred. There was starvation, and life was very rough – and still is – on the farm. They have a very Mother-centered religious orientation, rather than a Father-centered orientation, as Jesus and the Jewish religions spoke about. This can be a rebellion against fathers, and rebelliousness is another of their primary doctrines. Many are still rebellious teens in grown up bodies. In psychology, this trait would be called oppositional defiant, a term that describes many, but not all of them. Others are simply schizoid and mercury toxic, and do not think clearly. The leaders are often the defiant ones, while the followers are often the brain fogged, copper and mercury toxic ones. Sadly, the latter are extremely easy to manipulate for “the cause”. Often communistic and socialistic groups around the world exploit them terribly due to their brain fog, anger and gullibility, another yin trait. Collective salvation. A spiritual concept those who are too yin often embrace is called collective salvation. The Western religions such as Judaism and Christianity, along with Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, believe in individual salvation. This means that you are “saved” and will prosper based on your individual thoughts, words and deeds. Collective salvation is the idea that it is not what you do as a person, but by the behavior of your group or nation. This sounds good. However, it quickly becomes an excuse for bad behavior. What follows from this belief are: 1. Actions to control everyone in society that way you think they should be and act and think. This quickly becomes tyranny, an old word for oppression and horror. Think of ISIS and some liberal thinkers. 2. The person himself or herself is “exempt” from the rules because he or she is doing their best to change things. So Al Gore, for example, who believes that capitalism is “killing the earth”, lives in a gigantic mansion and travels around the world on a private jet plane. He excuses this by saying that he is teaching others, so he needs all this. 3. the collective salvation doctrine excuses and justifies other horrors, such as raping people, murdering those who do not believe as you do, use of immoral methods to raise money for the “cause”, such as prostitution, human trafficking, and more. 4. To “fix” society, these people believe in a large, powerful, totalitarian type of government. They do not realize how corrupt this always becomes, and they are dupes for the communists and socialists who love to perpetrate this false doctrine. Direction of energy flow and health. If a person is too yin, subtle energy move in the wrong direction in their bodies. It moves upward, not downward as it should. In fact, they are very uncomfortable with downward moving energy because it forces them to face and confront and heal their wrong attitudes and other issues. Upward-moving energy, also called sampaku in Japanese, may have to do with their worship of Mother Earth, which many like. They may feel that they take their energy from the earth, primarily, and move it upwards through their bodies. This is opposite of the more yang method of the Jewish and Christian people, who are taught to move energy downward from the “Father in Heaven” toward the earth. The concept of directionality of the movement of energy is extremely important. Moving energy upward is toward death, while moving it downward promotes life. This is discussed in the article entitled Downward Motion of Energy And Healing. Natural healing vs. drug medicine. Those with yin disease or who are more yin often are interested in and promote natural healing. They are intelligent enough to understand the principles of natural healing, and they distrust big corporations, which certainly include the drug companies, large hospital corporations, etc. However, they often end up supporting and patronizing the drug doctors or allopaths for at least two reasons: 1. They are so ill and depressed that they have difficult medical problems to solve. 2. They often opt for a quick fix and they are often basically authoritarian. The medical profession caters to this type of person with its large, fancy, well-funded hospitals and labs, weekly pronouncements on television of the latest breakthroughs, multitudes of licenses and PhD scientists, and other trappings. In other words, those who are too yin are easily impressed by the medical “establishment” and trappings, which gives them a sense of safety even though it is mainly false, wasteful and destructive. The military. Most who are very yin dislike and distrust the military. They vote to cut defense spending, because they believe falsely that it is a waste of money. They believe that if we will be nice and disarm, our enemies will be nice and disarm, too, and the world will be peaceful, so why waste money on the military? They also don’t like the military “culture”, with its strict discipline, Christian orientation in America, and many rules. They fear a powerful army, and the whole idea of power is somehow distasteful, unless, of course, they wield it. They imagine a world without guns and warplanes, perhaps because they feel powerless themselves due to their poor health at deep levels. Those with yin disease overwhelmingly favor gun control over freedom to defend oneself, even though gun control fails to control crime wherever it is tried. The criminals find ways to get guns, and the people are left defenseless. Those too yin do not trust “the common people” with a gun, but guns are fine in the hands of their own bodyguards and their friends. I do not mean to be judgmental, here. However, I do intend to show how mixed up and confused and inconsistent many people become when they become yin. They are very confused about power and control, in particular, because all of us need to feel in control, and they do not feel in control of their bodies as much as needed. In contrast, those who are too yang are often “control freaks” and need to relax. Democrats. Most who are too yin usually vote for the Democratic party candidates in America and for the Liberal party candidates in many European nations. These are basically socialist and communist parties today, but they don’t use those words as that would scare people. The yin people like them because they say they favor the environment and abortion on demand. They do not realize what they are voting for, or they would wake up and realize that capitalism and freedom and free markets are far better than socialism and communism, which are just new words for oppression and tyranny. Vegetarians. Those who are very yin often cannot eat much red meat, as their digestion is weak. They often become what Dr. Paul Eck called obligatory vegetarians. That is, they cannot eat much meat due to poor health, so they are obligated to become more vegetarian. The next thing that occurs is that many of them decide that meat must be a bad food, since it makes them feel heavy or ill when they eat it. They couple this feeling with their distaste for obvious violence - killing animals, in this case. Partly this may be that they are almost dead themselves. So they may consider anyone who eats meat as “cruel” and “cold-hearted”. They couple all this with their interest in Eastern religion, which teaches that eating meat causes “bad karma”. A few even favor animal rights legislation. This is the idea that animals of all kinds, particularly domesticated animals, should have legal rights just like people. They should be able to sue their owners, for example, if the owners don’t feed them right or kick them, for example. This is another doctrine that runs totally counter to the Judeo-Christian principle that mankind was given dominion over the animals and plants, and many who are too yin do not like this belief. While they have a point that people should not abuse animals, they don’t seem to realize that if animals cannot talk and argue in court, it is hard for them to have rights. They would say, let their attorneys do the talking, but this means the attorneys must “make up” the words for the animals, and this is really quite bizarre. Given a choice, some of those who are too yin (more than one may think) would save a beached whale before they would save a drowning person, for example. Animals such as wolves, they say, are just “innocent creatures”, though they may kill a child. In contrast, humans, they often say, are often depraved, horrible, earth killers, and deserve to die. All of the above feelings, doctrines and beliefs lead many who are too yin into vegetarian lifestyles. Many are very good at spreading this falsehood in books and elsewhere, teaching that vegetarianism is the only way to live. Sadly, this only makes them sicker and angrier, as Dr. Paul Eck loved to point out. Their “spirituality”, he said, is often just copper toxicity. Their “love” and “peace” are often just brain fog due to not eating enough animal protein or a balanced diet. And they are dupes for some of the worst criminals on the planet who want us all weak, tired, depressed, angry and in despair. Misanthropic. Many who are very yin see the mass of humanity as “bad”, while the earth, the animals and the plants are good. this belief is called misanthropy, or hatred of human beings. This causes severe conflict, since they, themselves, are humans. Many secretly hate themselves, in other words, due to all the harm humanity commits against mother earth and her animals and plants. This is made worse by their belief in collective salvation. In other words, no matter what they do personally, they are part of the human race, which is “dammed to hell” because of its treatment of the earth and the animals. So this is a serious dilemma for those among them who can think this clearly. However, most cannot think this through and just suffer silently in a confused way when confronted with these arguments. Guilty and hopeless. Those who can think the above through must blame themselves for the condition of the earth, so they become guilty and often hopeless. They are stuck with being part of the rotten human race and thus are guilty by association. In their confusion and guilt, they see little hope for planet earth and some believe and teach that “the earth is dying”. This is not true, but it is a popular doctrine taught in high schools and colleges to vulnerable, yin bodies. corresponds to what they feel living inside their sick bodies. The false doctrine that the earth is dying may appeal to some because it corresponds to the feelings inside their own bodies that are sadly often dying, even in their teens. This may sound crazy, but it is not. For example, many, if not most teens today have yeast or candida problems. This is partly due to their diets, but it is deeper than this and cannot be solved with diet change alone. Doctors know this. The bodies, in other words, are “molding” or “going rancid” at this young age. This is the truth about our young people today. And mold, fungus and yeast diseases are part of yin disease. In fact, guilt and hopelessness are important parts of the personality of many who are too yin. Once again, it plays right into the hands of the socialist controllers who want the young people sick, depressed, on drugs, having lots of sex because we’re all going to hell anyway, and worse. Closet elitists. A common way those who are too yin deal with their own guilt and hopelessness is to twist it around and project it. They come to believe that they can save the earth from the terrible scourge of the great unwashed masses and evil ones. These are the rich people who drive the gas-guzzling cars and run air conditioners, burning all the oil, and raping the earth and the poor all over the world. This belief turns them into sublime elitists, though they always deny it in public. They alone, they think, have the insight, wisdom and character to run the government, decide what people must eat and do, and make the laws. This also makes them sublime authoritarians, monarchists, and quite anti-democratic, even though they spout democratic rhetoric. In fact, they often oppose democratic-leaning measures such as equal taxation, equal rights, and equal justice for all. This, again, plays right into the hands of the authoritarian socialists and communists. SOCIOLOGICAL AND POLITICAL ASPECTS OF YIN DISEASE Politically, yin disease manifests as the “entitlement mentality”, support for the welfare state, support for large, intrusive government to “even the playing field”, “fairness”, “social justice”, communism and socialism. In part, this is because they don’t have the energy or drive to work hard, achieve and compete in the business world. They prefer to sit back and rest, or do nothing and let others work. Many in the academic world prefer analysis to action. So they write many academic and scholarly books, and today they rule academia in America, and even more so in Europe. They are often quite erudite and intellectual, but not practical at all, and do not practice what they preach, in many cases. Several of their psychological themes are 1) a desire for more control over people and society (because they feel out of control, 2) thus opposition to freedom, capitalism (economic freedom) and even opposition to real political freedom. They favor “moral freedom” because they often enjoy drugs and loose sex, as they do not feel well, otherwise. They also oppose rugged individualism, perhaps because they do not feel rugged at all. Instead, they are collectivists, believing in collective ideologies like communism, socialism, collective salvation, Black liberation theology, group rights and other collectivist concepts. They oppose individual rights, private property rights, capitalism, and real democracy – all of which favor individuals, and not an all-powerful state. They believe in plenty of government control over the economy, health care, welfare, child-raising, education, and most other functions. The opposite of this is individual freedom and personal control over one’s life, family, money and health care. Those who are too yin do not trust individuals to control their own lives, certainly in part because they do not trust themselves, do not feel well, and some have difficulty controlling their own lower urges and desires. Social justice or economic justice versus equal justice. Social justice and economic justice are among their buzz words or slogans. Of course, it is not justice at all. It is selective treatment of different people based on superficial criteria like skin color or sexual behavior. Social justice is a term that means they want to rearrange society to their liking and ignore the concept of equal rights for all under the rule of laws that everyone must obey. In fact, those who are too yin often have nothing but disdain for the idea of law and government, and they do not hesitate to abuse and twist the laws if they can get away with it. The often hate the US federal and state Constitutions, for example, which they say are just old outdated pieces of paper. Their approach to justice - emphasizing not the seriousness of a crime a person committed, but rather a person’s sex, age, and sexual orientation - is actually quite materialistic and anti-spiritual. Yet they view themselves as the spiritual ones. Meanwhile, they view the conservatives who favor equal justice for all as materialistic capitalistic pigs, as they are wont to call them. The concept of equal justice for all stems from the British common law and the American Declaration of Independence. It states that all are created equal in the eyes of God, and therefore all deserve equal protection under the law. This colorblind doctrine made America great, but has been decimated by yin disease among judges, juries and attorneys trained in faulty legal concepts. Equal justice is a true legal concept because all people are souls under one God, regardless of skin color, race, national origin or sexual behavior, or anything else. All people must be treated equally. The very yin, however, cannot handle this concept, perhaps because they feel oppressed to such a degree that they do not think they should be held to the same standards of conduct as all others. They are elitists who want special privileges and special “group rights”. This is an older doctrine of law that is outdated and was always incorrect. It is a throwback to the old class warfare and class society based on arbitrary rules, rather than social classes based upon one’s effort and intelligence. Capitalism opposed. Those who are too yin tend not to like capitalism, which they see as dog-eat-dog, destructive, too rough, and exploitive of the poor worker. They don’t want to see the obvious, that capitalism is the best engine of worldwide development, while socialism and communism fail miserably at taking care of people’s needs. In other words, capitalism is the real savior, while communism and socialism are failing badly wherever they have been tried, such as present-day Europe, Russia, and even somewhat in America today. America is no longer a capitalist nation, though she still spouts the rhetoric. Capitalist nations do not have large, powerful governments and welfare states. Instead, they allow the private sector to fill these needs. Also, in capitalist nations the government does not favor some companies over others, does not bail out the large banks, and so on. America has fallen from her position as a leader of the capitalist world, and is paying the price. Capitalism is really nothing but economic freedom. It is the concept that the best way to grow an economy is to allow private wealth accumulation instead of the government confiscating most of it with high taxes. Then let the individuals build businesses with this wealth of their own choosing. If they fail, let them fail and the individual is the loser. If they succeed, everyone wins with more jobs and a larger economy. Union supporters. Those that are very yin tend to favor unions over corporations, and they side with the poor and downtrodden. This seems very compassionate, which can be a yin quality, when it is controlled and balanced. However, those who are too yin do not understand that the poor should be lifted up, not given welfare. Feeling sorry for people is another yin trait, and this is often the attitude they hold. In fact, they often dislike the poor, based on the type of legislation they keep passing all over the world. Abraham Lincoln once remarked, “make the poor into capitalists so they will get rich”. However, the more yin people often cannot stomach richness, although many of them are wealthy themselves, a conflict they live with easily because they are basically elitists. They might side with the poor, at least in their rhetoric, because they are “poor inside”. This is another aspect of yin or deficiency. They are “poor” in nutrients, poor in health, and poor in vitality. They also see themselves as exploited, even if they live in luxury and often hold powerful positions in society. Victimhood. People who are very yin often feel like victims. They may twist the meaning of situations around so they seem to be the victim, even when it is not so. They may see oppression everywhere, even among the wealthy minorities, for example. This leads them to favor doctrines such as affirmative action, group rights, social justice and hate crime legislation, all of which subtly undermine the main principles of true and equal justice that made America and Europe advanced civilizations. Moral relativism. Another yin false doctrine is moral relativism. This is the idea that there is really no truth, no good and bad, and no right and wrong answers. This is an awful doctrine, but it is now taught in many high schools in America and Europe, among other nations. It feeds on the confusion, guilt, and hopelessness that people feel when they are too yin. An in part, it is true for them because truth, like most other perceptions, is somewhat difficult for their cloudy brains. Everything just appears to be someone’s opinion, and that is the essence of moral relativism. In this way of thinking, for example, a crime is only a crime if we say it is. For example, if a murder is committed by a woman or a gay man, it may be fine because these are oppressed minorities. However, if a white male does the same thing, then it is horrible and he should be put to death or punished severely because he is an oppressor in their mind, even if he is a poor, simple man. Too often, this is as deep as their thinking goes. They are often not capable of deeper thinking, which requires more mental clarity than they have, even with their PhD degrees and other academic credentials. YANG AND YANG DISEASE I would like to contrast this with what may be called yang disease, which is uncommon today. As an example of a very yang culture and yang disease, think of the Roman empire. Rome started out as a beautiful ideal, but became more and more brutal, and a slave society ruled by a ruthless, corrupt, militaristic male emperor. Yang in Chinese medicine and Taoist thought is the quality of more massive, more solid, harder, hotter, more contracted, more masculine, more intense, more dense, and moving downward and inward toward the earth, generally. In the musical scale, yang is the lower musical notes and the minor chords. Older yang minerals that are toxic include lead, cadmium, arsenic, beryllium and others. They are associated with making people hard, cold, cruel and violent. Somewhat newer or more modern yang minerals include iron and manganese. These are better, but still associated with anger, rage, rigidity and other obvious yang traits. Even newer more yang minerals are zinc, selenium, chromium and others that are more compatible with human physiology and badly needed today. This is a curious property about yang, that it is more concerned with health than is yin. However, one can be too yang, as explained below. EXCESSIVE YANG DISEASE Just for contrast, the following paragraphs describe the opposite condition, which is much less common today, though it was more common in past centuries. It is an extreme excess of yang energy in the body. Medically. Those who are too yang often have high levels of adrenal and sex hormones, and perhaps higher thyroid hormone levels as well. Most are fast oxidizers who love eating raw or rare meat or just a lot of meat, and don’t like vegetables, fruits and other ‘sissy foods’. Their bodies may tend to be the adrenal types – shorter, stockier, with a larger belly and thinner arms and legs. They are “men and women of action” and are usually not fearful or afraid. Indeed, they are often risk takers and quite fearless warriors. Diseases that are more yang include inflammations, heart disease and other “hot” diseases. These can include high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, tachycardia and angina. It also includes “hot” infections like fevers, and some tumors, though not most of them today. It includes some headaches due to inflammation of the veins of the head, and it may include hyperthyroidism. Other inflammatory conditions include arthritis, some liver diseases, and some kidney diseases. Psychologically. Those who are yang tend to be logical, unemotional, confrontative, and not fearful. These mental and emotional qualities are more associated with men, than with women. When excess yang is present, they have short tempers, can be violent, brutal, ruthless, totally self-centered and heartless, cruel to the extreme, and totally uncaring and unloving except to their local tribe or group. Think of a serial killer or someone like Saddam Hussein or other Middle Eastern dictators of the modern era. They tend to be dictatorial, totally anti-democratic, bombastic, pompous jerks. Most are men, but not all of them. The personality tends to be overheated, paranoid to some extent, often overtly angry, intimidating, threatening, vampirish to the extreme, and quite ‘macho’ in character. They are power brokers, killers, murderers, rapists and thieves. Saddam Hussein felt no compunction about spraying thousands of his own people with deadly chemicals or callously mowing down thousands of his own people with machine guns. Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Adolf Hitler and other dictators were similar in their yang illness. Sexual behavior. They may desire more than one partner or lover, and don’t care much for the wellbeing of the partner. Sex may be used to calm down their overheated metabolism, and perhaps as a symbol of their power and control, or as a way to relax and have fun, but not so much for “experimentation”. Tribal. Those who are very yang tend to be very tribal, “us versus them”, black and white, and quite racist like Adolf Hitler. Intellect. They are single-minded, logical and often mentally sharp. They are not cloudy or foggy. This is the opposite of the excessively yin person who is muddle-headed or mushy-headed, and often foggy and confused. Military. Those who are too yang are often very cunning and clever, and totally focused on their survival against all others. They are oppressors, in other words. They turn the Golden Rule on its head, and believe they must “Do unto others before they do unto you”. As a result, they can be obsessed with weapons, military power and control. Their brutality is what keeps them in power, whether it be in a family or in a nation. They like guns and ammunition, whether it be on the battlefield or at home. This, of course, is also the opposite of those who are too yin and who are afraid of weapons and raw power. Those with extreme yang disease love military discipline and a show of force, and they love military parades and impressing the world with their might and fanfare. Drugs. Those with yang mental disease can become addicted to alcohol and drugs as a way to relax, but usually not for pure enjoyment or experimentation the way those who are too yin use them. Drugs and sex are used to reinforce their power, in other words, and pleasure and experimentation are not prominent concepts for them. This, by the way, can defeat them in wars. They like the old methods of fighting and are often less creative and less willing to adopt newer tactics than their opposition. Energy centers. Those who are too yang have very well developed lower energy centers, as a general rule. They spin well and are wide open. This makes them very well-grounded and centered. It also makes them less interested in real love and creativity (the fourth and fifth energy centers), or in wisdom or true spirituality (the sixth and seventh energy centers). As a result, they are glorified apes and animals who live totally from the lower energy centers that are quite healthy, in fact. From the fourth energy center upward, however, they are shut down tightly. This used to be the standard on earth, but this is no longer true, even among the modern dictators of the 21st century. They simply cannot ignore the realities today, which favor the fourth and fifth energy center development. So these may be open a little, but not much. However, the lower energy centers are so unbalanced by not having the upper one that these men, mostly, do not function well and usually live shorter lives unless they are adept at vampirism, which can extend their lives and beefs up their lower energy centers as well. Religion. Oddly, they also may favor the old earth religions like paganism, hero worship, idol worship and to a degree Islam. Many are anti-religious themselves, though they will gladly use religion to control their people, so they may outwardly embrace Judaism, Christianity or Islam to make an impression on the people. However, they secretly hate all authority outside of themselves, so they are not religious men or women at all. Foods. They often live on meat, eggs and fatty foods, and like their meat and eggs rare in many cases. They have powerful digestion and can handle it easily. They often love bread, which is enriched with iron today that makes them worse. They all have too much iron, manganese and aluminum, and often too much cadmium and lead in their bodies. Remember, they are fast oxidizers, so they can handle these foods well. Loaded with older male minerals. Those that are too yang often have too much of the older minerals such as iron, lead, cadmium and nickel in them. They need zinc and selenium, which are the “newer” or more spiritual male elements in nutritional balancing science. They are almost all fast oxidizers. This is a less stable metabolic type characterized by a constant readiness to fight or run, and an inability to calm down and relax. It is very hard on the body, and on those around them, too. Adult fast oxidizers are generally vampire types who are adept at stealing energy from others by upsetting them through brutality, oppressive laws, starving them, raping them, and also using psychological warfare tactics like lying, brainwashing and propaganda. For more details about yang illness, please read Yang Disease on this website. CONCLUSION Yin disease is real, and its incidence is growing fast around the world. It is causing more and more problems for women, in particular, such as infertility, depression, moodiness, chronic fatigue, brain fog, and others. The main causes seem to be congenital yin, vegetarian lifestyles and diets, refined food diets, eating more fruit, smoothies, fermented food and raw foods. It is made worse by some holistic therapies such as homeopathy and herbs. It is also made much worse by the use of drugs, lots of electromagnetic pollution, and in some cases, by too much bathing or too much air travel. Changing one’s eating and living habits can go a long way toward alleviating and preventing this debilitating condition. For the most powerful correction, follow a nutritional balancing program. In addition to the basic program, daily use of a near infrared sauna and coffee enemas daily, along with doing the Roy Masters meditation exercise daily, will enhance the yang effect a lot and speed healing tremendously in most cases. Additionally, altering one’s attitudes and controlling the emotions are also particularly helpful to overcome yin disease. YIN AND YANG HEALING by Lawrence Wilson, MD © December 2014, The Center For Development Genesis, Chapter 1: Verse 5: "He separated light from darkness." Verse 7: "He separated heaven from earth". Verse 10: "He called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters He called seas". Verse 14: "Let there be lights in the heavens to separate day from night". Verse 27: "In His image, He created male and female." - The New English Bible Yang and Yin are words to describe complementary opposite forces of nature. Yang means warm, contracted and more centripetal in nature. Yin means colder, more expanded and more centrifugal in nature. I use the Chinese words because we don’t have good equivalents in English. I begin this article with a quote from the Old Testament of the Bible because the concept is found there. Applying the principles of yin and yang properly is a key idea in nutritional balancing science. It is one of the main differences between nutritional balancing and most other healing systems. This is not a new idea, but its application in modern Western health care is rather new. It has application in the recommended diet, the supplement program, the recommended lifestyle, the detoxification protocol, metabolic typing, avoidance of certain toxins, the recommended drinking water, the recommended meditation exercise, and even the suggested beliefs and attitudes that we find favor health over disease. We find that balancing yin and yang 1) reduces stress enormously, 2) leads to spiritual development in a balanced way, 3) removes many more toxic metals and toxic chemicals, 4) favors most enzyme reactions in the body and 5) improves vitality in a way that nothing else can do. It is as though the body is like a seesaw and extremes of yin or yang energy unbalance it, like swinging wildly to one side or the other side. This places tremendous stress on the body and leads to illness. Keeping oneself balanced, on the other hand, reduces stress and greatly favors healing. Let us examine how balancing yin and yang is used in nutritional balancing science. Metabolic typing is about yin and yang. The ideas of yin and yang is the most comprehensive system available regarding metabolic types. It is the basis for typing the bodies as fast or slow oxidizers. Fast oxidation is much more yang, while slow oxidation is more yin. In general, the more extreme the oxidation rate, the more extreme the yin-yang imbalance. Several acupuncturists have confirmed for me the correlation between yin and yang and the oxidation rate, as determined via hair mineral analysis using Dr. Eck’s ratios as standards. Other doctors assess the oxidation rate in other ways, and their methods are not as accurate, in my experience. Beware of using blood or urine tests, questionnaires or other means to assess the oxidation rate for this reason. Mineral ratios and yin and yang. A higher sodium/potassium ratio is more yang, while a lower ratio is much more yin. Other ratios are less clear, although most likely a lower calcium/magnesium ratio is somewhat more yang, while a high calcium/magnesium is often, though not always much more yin. Supplements. All synthetic and even natural vitamins, minerals and herbs tend to be yin compared to whole, natural foods. Therefore, I try not to use many supplements of any kind. Detoxification procedures. Those that are hot and dry such as sauna baths are more yang. Those that are cold and damp such as juice therapy, homeopathy, herbs or any baths are more yin. Toxins. Most toxins are extremely yin because they disrupt life. This includes toxic metals, and toxic organisms such as bacteria and viruses. Their effects on the body can be either yin or yang, but generally their effect is yin. Fungi and parasites such as worms and amoeba in the body are even more yin. Most medical drugs and almost all herbs, along with the isolated vitamins and isolated minerals are yin, especially homeopathic remedies. For this reason, all should be used sparingly. Electromagnetic fields generally have a very yin effect, as does ionizing radiation from nuclear power plants and A-bomb fallout. Yin is generally harmful on planet earth today and best avoided. WHY ARE SO MANY BODIES YIN? Traditional Chinese medical practitioners would say the reason for so many yin bodies is deficient chi or vital energy. Many factors can deplete the chi including one's diet, lifestyle, stress and other factors. In particular, since 1940 or so, several factors have combined to render most bodies extremely yin. · Ionizing radiation. The atomic bomb, through testing and accidents, has spread radioactive fallout all over the planet. Low-level emissions occur from nuclear power plants, smoke detectors, computer monitors, television sets and fluorescent lamps. Widespread medical and dental use of x-rays, radioactive dyes and radiation therapy add to radiation exposure. Uranium mining is another source of low-level contamination. Fortunately, humanity has learned a lot about radioactive fallout and the safety is improving. However, the problem of rogue nations developing weapons and using them remains a serious problem. · Electromagnetic pollution. This is also very yin and growing at an astronomical rate with the advent of cell phone towers everywhere, computers in every home, especially laptop computers and hand-held devices like portable telephones. These all give off fields that are very yin and chaotic. Riding in airplanes with large spinning turbines in them near your head, and even riding in automobiles with large alternators spinning nearby also give off electromagnetic waves of varying degrees of chaos. Even house wiring and common radio and TV signals are quite yin, though not nearly as bad as cell phone radiation. · Toxic metals and chemicals everywhere. Industrial development and growth of the chemical industry has spread thousands of yin toxic chemicals throughout the environment. These include toxic metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum and beryllium. It also includes thousands of toxic chemicals such as solvents, pesticides, plastics and many other classes of compounds. · Changes in the food supply. These have been massive in the 20th and 21st century, and almost all are more yin. They include: soils depleted of minerals due to soil mining, essentially, use of hybrid crops, use of pesticides, use of superphosphate fertilizers. For example, wild fruit, like crab apples, are small, hard and not too sweet. Cultivated fruit is often larger and sweeter (more yin). Also, food is grown far away and transported thousands of miles in many cases to get to you. Also, some is irradiated, another very yin procedure. · Food refining. Most food processing and refining have made food far more yin. This includes refining of wheat, sugar, rice and other grains. It also includes adding thousands of toxic chemicals to prepared food, most of which are yin or have a yin effect. · Dietary changes. The diets have also become more yin, with the consumption of much more white sugar, white flour instead of whole grains, and less red meat and fat consumption. Items like soda pop, beer and wine are also far more yin than water, tea or coffee. Sugar-eating is probably the most important of all of these dietary shifts. · Medical drug use. This is a more yang approach to health care than some types, but now has turned yin because it is so overused. Especially the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in America in 1967 and similar socialized programs in other nations, have resulted in tremendous use of yin chemicals as medicines. Almost all prescription drugs are yin. This includes most popular drugs such as antibiotics, anti depressants and many others. Surgery and radiation therapy are also extremely yin. · Recreational drug and alcohol use. This includes marijuana, heroine, alcohol, tobacco, ecstasy, cocaine, psilosybin or magic mushrooms and other drugs are very yin. They cause a “yin high”. · Planetary pollution. This has caused a mixture of more yin and more yang conditions. As explained earlier, toxic metals are yang, of themselves, but they cause chaos in the bodies, making them much more yin. Oxygen in the air is reduced in the cities, which is more yang. However, this also causes disease that is yin. Polluted air, water and food, overall, has a very yin effect on mankind today. · Planetary cycles play a role. "The age of Aquarius" is not just the name of a song. It is a planetary position in the 25,000-year cycle of our solar system through the Milky Way as the galaxy revolves around our central sun located in the Pleiades. It will last about 2000 years. Its qualities are a time of change, reflection, questioning and the chaos that goes with it. It began around 1940 and will last until about 3100. It is a time when a more yang approach to life and yangizing influences are needed to offset new ideas and concepts which tend to be yin. It is also an age of information which is yin and it is a radioactive age – with nuclear weapons and so on, which is also very yin and these must be balanced with a more yang diet and lifestyle and attitudes that are more yang such as taking responsibility for oneself. The former age, the Piscean age, by contrast was a more yang time with lead in the environment, for instance, and required more fruit and juices and salads in the diet than is required today. With these rather severe changes have come new diseases, while some older ones such as tuberculosis and typhoid fever are not as prevalent. This is how yin and yang, as well as nutrition, interact with disease states, another complex topic for another article. CORRECTING THE YIN-YANG BALANCE – FOOD AND DIETARY CONCEPTS Principles: 1. The balance of yin and yang in the body is often determined by the food one eats more than any other single factor. Thus, a basic understanding of how food affects one’s yin and yang balance is essential. 2. Many qualities of a food affect its yin or yang qualities. These include, but are not limited to its freshness, nutrient content, animal or vegetable derivation, how it is prepared, how and where it grows, toxins it contains, level of etheric energy, and even such things as its color, texture and other qualitites. 3. The yin-yang balance in foods has little to do with a “balanced” diet in modern dietetics. The Western idea of a balanced diet is based on balancing various food groups such as fruits, vegetables and grains. This is a different idea. 4. Toxins, nutrients, fiber and other chemical factors found in all foods can be yin or yang, depending on their chemical nature. 5. Freshness is a very important quality to determine yin or yang. Fresh food is far more yang in almost all cases. Denatured, processed, refined, old, stale, wilted, or spoiled food is much more yin. This has to do with the etheric energy of foods, discussed below. Yang quality and etheric energy. Etheric energy is sometimes also called vitality or life energy. Some people have instruments to measure it. A food that is higher in etheric energy, or a cooking method that preserves or enhances etheric energy, will be more yang. Fresher foods have much more etheric energy and are therefore much more yang. Old, stale or canned foods have much less etheric energy and are more yin. Frying food actually seems to preserve the etheric energy a little more. This is why Oriental cooking recommends stir-frying, and it is one reason that organic blue and yellow corn chips may be excellent foods, even though they are made with cooked vegetable oils. 6. Macrobiotics is a modern version of this approach to dietetics. This science was introduced to America by Mr. Michio Kushi in the 1960s from Japan. While some of it is excellent, some parts of it must be changed, in my opinion, based upon hair mineral analysis research. For more on this subject, read Macrobiotics, And Modifications For Nutritional Balancing Science. Macrobiotics is based on ancient Japanese and Chinese Taoist philosophy. It divides foods into those that are more yin in nature, versus those of a yang nature. The chart below depicts the way foods tend to be classified on a scale from yang to yin: Salt Eggs Red Meat Poultry Fish Grains Vegetables Fruit Sugar Drugs/Alcohol YANG NEUTRAL YIN Yang foods. The most yang foods are sea salt, meat, eggs, poultry, fish and cooked vegetables. Plants that grow beneath the ground are more yang, while those that grow up in the air such as most fruit, are more yin. Cooked grains, cooked beans and cooked vegetables are in the middle. Yin foods. Raw vegetables, and even more so fruits, juices, sugars, alcohol and drugs are more yin (watery and expansive). Also, anything made with water is much more yin such as soups, smoothies, and watery foods such as eggplant and all fruits. Dried fruits are less watery, but are still extremely yin due to their sugar content. Most raw plants and herbs are also very yin. Also, chopping a food into tiny parts, grinding it up, blending it, pureeing it, or juicing it also causes the substance to become much more yin in nature. In contrast, whole foods that are not chopped up are more yang. Let us discuss specific types of foods: Specific Foods. Meats. The most yang are cooked eggs and red meats such as lamb, beef, rabbit and especially wild game. The next most yang are poultry such as chicken, ostrich, duck and turkey. Dark meat is more yang than white meat due to its iron content and other differences. Fish tend to be more yin, especially today as they contain more mercury and other toxins due to contamination of the oceans. Cooking the meat and adding some salt makes it even more yang. Eating food raw or pureed makes it more yin. Grains. Grains that are most yang include millet, rice, amaranth and buckwheat. Corn is somewhat less yang. However, blue corn is a superior food today because it is less hybridized and contains a very helpful form of selenium. Quinoa, kamut and other grains are slightly more yin but fine to eat. Oats, rye, barley and wheat are less yang due to extensive hybridization. These are not as healthful today mainly for this reason. Please avoid all wheat, as it has become an irritating food due to hybridization. White rice and white flour are much more yin than natural brown rice and natural whole wheat. This is one reason we recommend brown rice, in addition to its superior nutrient content. Methods of preparation: Cooking grains or any food, and adding some salt, makes them more yang. Pressure cooking makes a food a little more yang, but not too much. The same is true of cooking at high temperature or for a long time. Do not overcook food, however, as it damages the nutrients in the food. Fermenting grains or any food, tends to make them more yin because ferments (yeasts and fungi) are very yin organisms. Also, aldehydes produced by most fermenting organisms is a more yin toxin. Sprouting grains makes them more yin. Some sprouts are fine as a vegetable, but sprouts contain a toxin and should be eaten in limited quantities only. Soaking any food makes that food a little bit more yin, though not that much. Stir-frying or deep frying makes a food more yang. This is one reason why Oriental cooking uses stir-frying. The problem with deep frying is 1) overheated oils may be toxic. Vegetables. Those that grow below ground are more yang, such as rutabaga, turnip, parsnip, carrot, onion, garlic, and ginger. Yams and sweet potatoes grow below ground, but are much less yang because they contain more sugar and starch. Those with leaves are less yang but also excellent. These include cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, spinach, turnip greens, mustard greens, kale, celery and a few others. Nightshade vegetables are much more yin because they are really fruits. The botanical definition of a fruit is something with seeds (an expanded ovary of the plant). The nightshade vegetables include potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and all peppers. They contain a toxin called solanin. These include white and red potatoes, all types of tomatoes, eggplant and both sweet red and yellow peppers, green peppers, ground pepper, and all hot chili peppers. Of these, the chile peppers are the best if one wishes to have a little salsa now and then. Other vegetables that are really fruits and therefore more yin are cucumbers, okra, and the entire squash family. These include zucchini, summer squash, butternut, spaghetti, acorn squash and others. Some of the winter squashes are not too yin (butternut, spaghetti, and acorn types), but the summer squashes such as zucchini are quite yin and best avoided. Fungi, such as mushrooms are more yin because this is a quality of all yeasts and fungi. Raw vegetables are far more yin than cooked vegetables. Fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut are much more yin. Eggs and dairy products such as milk, cream, cheese and yogurt. Since these are animal-derived, they tend to be more yang foods. Eggs are among the most yang foods available as they nourish a young life that starts out very yang. Dairy products are much less yang than eggs or even meats, but still more yang than fruits and raw vegetables, in most cases. Fresh, unpasteurized and unhomogenized dairy is best, as it is more yang. Pasteurizing adds heat, but damages the milk so it becomes toxic and thus more yin. Cheese and yogurt are quite a bit more yang than milk, as they have much less sugar in them. Butter, and especially ghee (clarified butter) are also much more yang than milk. Ghee is used in India, in part, for this reason. Ghee is butter with the milk solids removed by gently heating it for a few minutes. Fruits: All fruit tends to be very yin. Fruit grows above ground, and anatomically all fruits are expanded parts of plants. The least yin are small, tart fruits such as some berries. The sweeter the fruit, the more yin, since it contains more sugar. Some, such as strawberries are very yin, even if they are not sweet. This is due in part to the fact that the seeds are scattered throughout and on the outside of the plant. Juicy fruits such as apples, peaches, pears, plums, apricots, loquats, and others are in the middle among the fruits. The most yin fruits, and therefore those to be avoided, generally, are: 1) Very sweet fruits, (figs, dates, raisins and bananas). 2) Tropical fruits, such as coconut, palm and all citrus fruits. These include orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, pineapple and grapefruit). Of these, grapefruit is probably a little better as it is less sweet, but all are very yin and should be eaten extremely sparingly, if at all while on a nutritional balancing program. Those who are ill are best avoiding all fruit. Water for drinking. Quality spring or mineral water is the most yang. The quality will depend upon the minerals that are in the water. Tap water is often a little more yin due to the toxic chemicals found in it and the chemicals added to it such as chlorine and fluorides. Soft water is more yin than hard water, which contains more minerals. Distilled and reverse osmosis water are more yin, as they contain virtually no minerals. Reverse osmosis is extremely yin and to be avoided. Distilled water may be used for only a few months to remove some toxins. Then one must change to a spring or mineral water or the body will become demineralized by drinking distilled water. Alkaline water is more yin than a slightly acidic pH water. Alkaline water sold in stores or made in machines at home is much more yin, and harmful for this reason. The yin quality may have to do with how it is made, or for other reasons that I don’t understand. The amount of water one drinks. Drinking the correct amount of water, which I feel is about 3 quarts, 3 liters or 96 ounces, tends to make the body much more yang. One might think that drinking less water would make the body more yang, but it does not. It makes it more yin, perhaps by upsetting digestion and elimination, affecting the kidneys, or for other reasons. Drinking too little also seems to raise blood sugar, a yin condition. Drinking too much water – more than about 3 and a half quarts or liters, also makes the body more yin. Other beverages: Juices are all very yin. They are raw, cold, and broken apart. However, we suggest 10-12 ounces of carrot juice with a few greens due to its superior nutritional qualities. 1-2 ounces of wheat grass juice as an alternative (not both on the same day) is also excellent because of its nutritional qualities. Teas are cooked vegetables, basically, and are more yang than juices, for example. Non-caffeinated mild teas are okay, but do not add sugar or other sweeteners, as that would make them more yin. Coffee is a more yang beverage, and one cup daily of regular coffee (not cappuccino, or other strong coffee) is generally okay. Adding sweeteners, chocolate, etc. makes the coffee much more yin, however, and makes it much less healthful. Alcohol is extremely yin and to be totally avoided in all forms. If you must have a little alcohol, beer is probably the best alcoholic drink, in our experience. Wine is not only yin, but generally contains many more pesticide residues with arsenic and lead. Distilled alcoholic beverages such as gin, whiskey, vodka, tequila and others are even more yin as most of the minerals have been removed during distillation. Food additives. Almost all food additives such as preservatives, sweeteners, dough conditioners, natural or artificial flavors and colors, and thousands of others, are almost all very yin. In particular, synthetic chemicals are all yin. Food Processing. Cutting up vegetables, grinding grains, refining food, juicing it or eating food raw is more yin. Eating foods whole is much more yang. YIN AND YANG SUPPLEMENTS Animal-derived products such as glandulars, and fatty substances such as vitamins A and D, are among the most yang supplements. Minerals. Almost all mineral supplements are more yang than other supplements. Food-based and all-natural products. These tend to be more yang than other supplements, but it depends how they are made. Isolated vitamins and other isolated chemical supplements. These tend to be more yin than whole foods. This includes all powders, liquids tablets and capsules. Water-soluble vitamins are much more yin than fat-soluble ones. So, for example, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are more yang than vitamins B and C. Synthetic supplements such as ascorbic acid, MSM, and synthesized B-complex vitamins tend to be somewhat more yin. Freeze-dried extracts. These tend to be more yang, and excellent for this reason. These are used in glandular products and some herbs. Herbal extracts, teas, powders and others. Almost all herbal extracts are yin and should be used only in small amounts for short periods of time for this reason. Those made with alcohol are more yin due to the alcohol. Glycerin is less yin. Kelp has a lot of salt in it, so it is a lot more yang than most other herbal supplements. You may read more about Herbs on this website. Products derived from bacteria, yeasts, algae and fungi. These are very yin due to their origin. This is generally not helpful. They may include yeast-based vitamins, fungally-derived “vegetable enzymes”, and algae such as spirulina, chlorella, blue-green algae and others. The latter appear to be toxic as well. Chlorella is a chelator, and not helpful for this reason. You may read more about Chelation on this website. Cooking And Food Preparation. This is a very important area, as it changes the quality of foods dramatically. Cooking makes food “hotter” or more yang. The higher the cooking temperature and the longer the cooking time, the greater the effect. Roasting is most yang as it is a high-temperature method, as are stir-frying and other frying in hot oil or butter. Steaming is milder, as are baking and boiling. While this may seem academic, it does affect food chemistry and the yin-yang balance. Salt. Salt tends to contract foods and dry them out, which is more yang. Herbs and spices. Adding these while cooking or afterwards usually makes the food more yin, but it might depend on the spice. Combining foods, either in cooking or during meals, makes the food more yin in its effect. Adding chemicals always makes food more yin. Soaking grains, beans, nuts or seeds tends to make them more yin. Sprouting beans, seeds or grains makes them more yin. Wine, vinegar, fruit, sugar, honey and sweet herbs. These add a lot of yin energy to one’s cooking. Fermenting foods tends to make them more yin, because the ferments are fungi or yeasts, in general, which are very yin. Therefore, we do not recommend cooking with sweet spices, wine or vinegar, in general. Some quality fermented foods are okay such as cheeses, yogurt and a little of other fermented foods once in a while. Some people eat far too much fermented foods and it makes the body very yin. Canned and frozen foods. These are slightly more yin, though not much if they are eaten soon after canning. In some cases, frozen food is better quality than fresh if fresh must be transported thousands of miles, for example. Freezing food at or near the farm is one way to preserve its etheric energy content. Drying food tends to make it more yang, as it removes water. Freeze-drying is therefore an excellent way to preserve some food qualities. Food Quality. Food quality alters the yin-yang balance drastically. Older, spoiled and rotted food are much more yin. Below is a general chart showing the effect of food quality. Generally the best quality today Most food chemicals and sugars YANG NEUTRAL YIN This is vital today, when most prepared and processed food has been stripped of its natural nutrients and other components, and hundreds of chemicals have been added. As shown on the chart, most of these chemicals are very yin. Roughly ninety percent are yin in their effect. A few, however, such as salt are yang. Another that is yang is MSG or monosodium glutamate, sometimes sold as Accent. It is, of course, related to salt. EATING NEAR ONE’S YIN-YANG BALANCE POINT One should eat foods that are somewhat yang, but often people prefer to eat near their own yin-yang balance point. This means that if the body is very yin, as most are, then many people prefer eating more fruit, sugars and perhaps refined grains and raw vegetables. This is not helpful, however, in most cases. In some cases, it is necessary for a while, however. An example of this is in cancer patients. They cannot digest and absorb meat and eggs very well, and must avoid most of these foods for a while until their bodies become more yang. Understanding why one craves food is important to help some people overcome their habits. Vegetarian, raw foods, fruit and other yin foods often “feel good”. This is because they resonate or vibrate at a yin frequency. In other words, such people are more like sugar, inside, or more yin, so sweet foods and raw food and less meat seem more compatible with them energetically. We sometimes call this phenomenon obligatory vegetarianism or obligatory raw food, because these foods make a person feel better temporarily. However, we find that sooner or later these habits are quite harmful and will deplete the body and make it much too yin. FOOD QUANTITY Overeating makes one more yin. However, eating a lot of a fairly balanced food such as blue corn chips, it is not as harmful as overeating on an unbalanced food such as sugar or even red meat. We recommend eating loads of cooked vegetables. Since they are very balanced, this does not upset in the yin-yang balance. Eating a lot of fruit, however, is extremely damaging because fruit is an unbalanced food to begin with as it is so yin. This concept is very important for Western people who tend to eat a lot of the extreme foods – red meats, salt and sugars. These are okay in small amounts once in a while. When eaten every day, however, they can stress the body. Western science is coming to this conclusion as well. That is, too much red meat or any meat, and too much sugar are harmful for health. Fasting also has a yin effect today because the bodies are so depleted that it makes them worse. In the past, fasting had a more yang and healthier effect, which is why fasting is in the Bible and other ancient books. Today, this has changed, however, and fasting is not so good. A fast of a day or two is not too bad. Longer fasts are much worse because they deplete the bodies even more. There will be benefits of fasting, such as resting the digestive system. However, everyone I work with who has done fasting is more depleted after the fast. For this reason, books about fasting written 50 or 100 years ago do not apply today. I have some experience with this as I was the medical director at a Natural Hygiene fasting spa for several years, and was very disappointed in the results of this procedure. The effect of food quantity is illustrated by the chart below: The right amount of food Too Little or Excessive Food YANG YIN EXAMPLES OF DIETS AND HOW TO IMPROVE THEM Most people do not realize how yin their diets are today. Here are some examples and how to improve them: Breakfasts. Many people have white bread toast with jam. Instead, have whole grain toast or blue corn chips with butter or toasted almond butter. Many people have a smoothie for breakfast consisting of water or fruit, or fruit juice, with uncooked green superfood powder, herbs, isolated vitamins or minerals and perhaps raw or pasteurized milk. This is extremely yin! And very hard on the digestion. Instead, have whole eggs lightly cooked, or a hot cereal. Most people will feel better on this than on smoothies, even if the smoothie contains only “healthy” ingredients. Other yin breakfasts are sweet rolls, pancakes with honey, or even eggs with sugar on them or coffee or tea with sugar. Instead, have eggs alone or with a little whole grain toast and butter, and skip most pancakes and baked goods, all of which are very yin. Do not put sugar in coffee or tea. A little cream in coffee is okay, especially if it is fresh cream, not chemical “creamers”. Lunches and suppers often include a large salad, often topped with a sweet dressing. Skip the salad or make it very small, and substitute many more cooked vegetables. Many people have a potato or white bread, both of which are very yin. Instead, have some whole grain rice, sweet potato, yam and no bread since wheat is not a healthful product today, even organic whole wheat. Also, skip the red or green peppers, eggplant and preferably skip all tomato products, which are nightshade vegetables and very yin. Common condiments such as ketchup, mustard with sugar in it, and hot sauce are also very yin. Even worse are diets with cola drinks, prepared foods in restaurants or at home that contain food additives such as colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives and even stevia or xylitol. All of this is quite yin. Instead, have a small quantity of natural herbs as spices, preferably fresh, such as oregano, garlic, ginger, rosemary, dill, thyme and others. (Garlic and ginger are among the most yang, as are the East Indian spices such as turmeric and cumin.) Common snacks to avoid include nuts and seeds, (especially if raw or raw nut butters), crackers with sugar in them, fresh or dried fruit, fruit juices, most cold cereal with milk, cookies or candy. Instead, have some turkey or beef jerky, since meats are more yang. Other snacks can be leftover chicken and cooked vegetables, a little egg, yogurt or cheese, or a handful of blue corn chips or some rice crackers with a little almond or other nut butter or just butter. In addition, many people are taking handfuls of vitamins, herbs, chlorella, superfood powders or pills, mushrooms that are extremely yin, isolated protein powders, meal replacement bars or powders, and other extremely yin products. High-dose vitamins such as high-dose vitamin C are the worst of the supplements due to its high quantity of a yin substance. I realize these have benefits, but in terms of yin and yang, they are extremely yin. LIFESTYLE, AND YIN AND YANG Rest. Enough rest makes the body much more yang. This is about 8 to 10 hours nightly and perhaps a short nap during the day. Not enough rest, or too much laying in bed all day, for example, tend to make the body more yin. Too much rest is not a problem today. Not getting enough rest is almost a universal problem. Bedtime is important. Going to bed earlier – by 9 PM or earlier – makes a person quite a bit more yang. Going to bed later – after 11 PM – makes a person more yin. This is quite an important factor in some cases. Napping is very good to make one more yang as well. The nap need not be a long one. Fifteen minutes or so is fine. Muscle tension is also very yangizing, at least for a time. Muscle tension is a compressive force, so it tends to make one more yang. To tense up the body is a common yang or confrontive response to stress. Of course, if the muscle tension continues too long, or squeezes off the blood or nerve supply to an area of the body such as the neck or back, then it eventually becomes a yin force as it destroys the body. Exercise. A little exercise, which tenses the muscles and causes deeper breathing, makes the body a little more yang. However, too much exercise, especially vigorous exercise, wears out the joints, depletes nutrients too much, weakens the adrenals, and makes one more yin, over time. The correct amount of activity and exercise is helpful to make the body a little more yang. Not much is needed, however, for most people, such as a half-hour walk or gentle workouts with a treadmill or weights several times a week. No exercise makes the body a little more yin. Exercise is not as important a factor in making a body yin or yang compared to diet and rest. Sexual activity. Most regular sexual activity with orgasms and ejaculation tends to make a person much more yin. Sex play without orgasms and ejaculation is not a problem, however. Even better is down sex, as this can make a person much more yang, over time. For more on this interesting practice, please read Down Sex on this website. No sexual activity tends to preserve a certain yang energy in the body, unless a person is so unhappy without sex that this impairs mental functioning. In this case, a little sex is best to keep the mind and body in balance. Sex with orgasm and ejaculation more than once weekly is excessive for most people. It definitely makes the body more yin, as it depletes zinc, selenium and other vital minerals. Women reabsorb some of their sexual fluids, and they obtain some minerals from the men’s sexual fluids, so regular sex affects them less in a nutritional manner. However, women’s energy field usually opens up wide during sex, which is another yin effect of sex for women. Orgasm for a man, however, is quite depleting of yang energy, according to Chinese acupuncture philosophy. Breathing. Deep breathing makes one more yang by removing toxins, improving circulation and oxygenation of the body, enhancing the oxidation rate, and perhaps by other means such as balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Toxin exposure. Living a very clean life with little toxin exposure definitely makes one more yang today. Exposing oneself to poor quality air, toxic and chemicalized foods, toxins in water, or other toxins through contact, for instance, makes one much more yin. Stress. Stress in one’s life can have a yang effect or a yin effect. It depends on the type of stress and on the individual. This is more complex. Stress can be a compressive or yang force, but it can also destroy or just scare the person, and this would be an extremely yin effect. Three highs or four highs pattern. This is seen on hair tests in which a person is in a four highs pattern and appears like a fast oxidizer in many ways. However, when the person relaxes, he or she changes to slow oxidation and the attitudes and attributes change to a more yin tendency. In Chinese acupuncture, three or four highs pattern is called yang rising, or perhaps toxic yang. This is the same as saying a stress yang, rather than a healthful yang quality. A calcium shell pattern on a hair analysis is a more yin response to stress, in contrast. Here the person withdraws and hides, essentially. Excessive stress. Too much stress, however, depletes vital nutrients, allows toxic metals to accumulate, damages body tissues and structures, and eventually destroys the body, making it far more yin. This is what happens when one is in slow oxidation as one ages. Also, in many, but not all slow oxidizers, when more stress is applied, they tend to become slower oxidizers. This has to do with the type of stress and the general condition of the body. Responses to stress: dissociative or yin versus confrontive or yang. While some stress elicits a yang response, other types of stress in some people elicits a more yin or dissociative effect. For example, a calcium shell pattern is extremely yin and represents a dissociation of splitting off of the personality, which we say is a withdrawal from society psychologically. This is very yin or hiding or running away. Four highs, in contrast, is a more confrontive response to stress or more yang response of fighting back. Why some respond in a yin manner and others in a more yang manner has to do with many factors including one’s nutritional state, psychological tendencies, early childhood traumas, and perhaps other factors. BALANCING THE SYMPATHETIC AND PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEMS The sympathetic nervous system has a yin or catabolic and destructive effect on the body. However, it is yang in nature, meaning hot and active. The parasympathetic nervous system has a more yang effect on the body, as it is regenerative and restorative of health. However, it is much more yin or passive in its quality. The parasympathetic nervous system is associated with rest and relaxation. This is a good example of where a factor may appear one way (yin or yang) but its effect on the body is the opposite. PSYCHOLOGY AND YIN-YANG BALANCE Another powerful factor that modifies the yin-yang balance as much as food in all cases is psychology. This means that certain approaches to life, attitudes, emotions and such, are yin and others are yang. Here is where a total approach to healing is so important, rather than just diet, or just lifestyle, or just some therapy. Without this total approach, many factors will invariably be missed by the practitioner. It may not be necessary to consider all the lifestyle, dietary and other factors in the beginning, but eventually they matter a lot. Here we also see why in ancient Chinese holistic medicine the doctor was taught to look at many things, from the shape of the head, the hands and other body parts, to the color of the skin, the tongue, the pulse, the excretions and more. We must do some of this, too, though the hair analysis offers a remarkably simple means to evaluate a person’s overall condition, though it does not always tell us why one is the way he or she is. Along with a few other simple items we will discuss later, it will suffice in most cases. Yang Psychology = fast oxidizer psychology. The fast oxidizer mentality is yang. People with these traits tend to be more confrontive, more engaging, more expressive emotionally, and more aggressive, arrogant, tight or uptight, angry overtly or easily angered, and in extreme cases paranoid. The voice tends to be higher, and the person more extroverted, positive in outlook, fun and happy, usually physically stronger and future-oriented rather than past-oriented. There is usually more interest in sex, especially among the men. They are “hot”, to use a teenager term, meaning they have higher hormone levels and are more interested in being social and sexual. These traits are understood chemically very well and explained in the book, Nutritional Balancing And Hair Mineral Analysis and other articles. Other yang psychological qualities are groundedness, centeredness, reality-based rather than fanciful, hard-nosed, domineering, controlling, practical, business-like, on time, detail-oriented, mentally sharp and basically present in this reality. In excess, they are too grounded and self-centered, closed to new ideas, selfish or self-centered, and too hard-nosed. Yin Psychology = slow oxidizer attitudes and traits. These traits tend to include being more relaxed, slower-moving, weaker, more emotional, often more fearful and depressed, apathetic, cloudy or mentally foggy, ethereal, and not nearly as well grounded or centered. They tend to be less confronting, and more repressed or suppressed emotionally. Their general demeanor is more “shattered”, which is a very yin tendency or direction of movement. They are often eccentric in a different way, with lower energy, more confusion, and sometimes less interest in sex. They are often more serious, definitely more negative in their outlook, and more often think and live in the past or what they believe was a happier, more glorious past. They are more likely to use yin drugs such as marijuana, and are more dependent and often more child-like. Children, however, are actually more yang than most adults because they are healthier and their bodies are more compact. Hippies, for example, are much more yin in their attitudes and behavior than are most blue collar and physical laborers, who tend to be far more yang in their attitudes. Most people, of course, are a mixture of these traits, just as their body chemistry is a mixture of various imbalances both yin and yang. However, one or the other prevails. A hair mineral analysis is often amazingly accurate to help one to know which set of traits is more likely present. Note that all adult fast oxidizers are just slow oxidizers under a tremendous amount of stress, even if the mineral ratios appear good. However, an adult with a fast oxidation pattern is much more likely to demonstrate more yang psychological qualities. Other Major Influences On Yin And Yang. Personal habits matter, such as answering the call of nature quickly. Otherwise one becomes quite depleted and yin. Other factors are the colors one wears, aloneness versus being more social, one’s companions and partners, and more. These may be discussed in a later article. However, they are generally not as important as the factors discussed above. RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS OFTEN SIGNIFY THE BALANCE OF FORCES OF NATURE It is interesting that the symbols of most major religions are those of balancing the forces of yin and yang. This applies to the Christian cross, the Jewish star, the Taoist circle of yin and yang, and some others. The Muslim symbol is not one of balance, interestingly. Environmental Yin And Yang. Colder and wetter climates are more yin, while tropical or hotter and drier areas are far more yang. Yin climates require more yang foods. This can be why Eskimos do well on a diet of mostly meat and fat, two yang foods. In contrast, people who live in tropical climates often eat more fruit and less cooked food, in general. When people in a hot country eat more meat, they become too yang and often ill. This often translates into aggressiveness, for example, as seen in a hot area – the Middle East. Similarly, Eskimos would not fare well on a diet of fruit and would become ill. Even the US army discovered this during World War II and had to alter its rations for the soldiers depending upon where they were fighting and living. People in tropical climates often eat more hot peppers, in such nations as Mexico, India, Thailand and many other nations. At first, this might seem strange since the peppers are “hot” in their taste. However, peppers are, in fact, very yin foods although they may taste spicy or hot. Altitude and other environmental factors. A higher altitude is more yang, while a lower altitude is more yin. This has to do with air pressure, specifically of oxygen, a very yin element. So, for example, living by the ocean in sunny, warm California is quite yin. One notices the attitudinal differences here, compared say to living in cold, high altitudes of Asia or even America. The elements. Solid, heavier matter is more yang, while lighter elements are more yin. So uranium, lead, cadmium and mercury, for example, are more yang. However, radioactivity is extremely yin, so uranium is not quite as yang as the other heavy metals for this reason. Lighter elements such as lithium, zinc, selenium, magnesium, and even calcium and aluminum are more yin elements. They also happen to be more alkaline-forming as well. This is confusing, however, because although as one becomes healthier one removes the heavy metals, replacing them with the lighter, more yin elements, the body becomes much more yang, overall. The reason is that the heavy metals, while more yang, are also incorrect for the body and cause total chaos, which is a very yin trait. Reducing their amount and effect in the body thus reduces chaos and this has a very yangizing effect. Weight and yin-yang balance. An overweight body tends to be more yang in some ways because it is more massive. However, in most cases today, the overweight people are far more yin because they are more ill, chaotic, “expanded” and toxic with too much sugar, water and other yin material. Often, overweight people look waterlogged or “puffy” and expanded. It is very different from a body that is large but muscular only. This body is much more yang, as muscle is more yang and dense than fat and water. Body shape. The shape of the body is also related to yin and yang, as is everything. Tall tends to be more yin, generally, while short and chunky is more yang. This has to do with glandular effects, diet, genetics and other factors. Not surprisingly, fast oxidizers tend to have a shorter, chunky build. Slow oxidizers often have a tall and more light weight build. A heavier body can be more yang if the weight is mainly muscle. Today, however, a heavier body means the body is more expanded, which is definitely a more yin quality. Some bodies are obviously more yin because they look like a balloon and have a definite hollow and expanded look to them. In contrast, those who are very slender or skinny are usually a little more yang because the body is more compact and compressed or tight. Glasses. Wearing sunglasses all the time might make the body a little more yin because it blocks the sun, which is more yang. YIN AND YANG HEALING Western medicine largely ignores the concept of yin-yang balance in healing, but is still a central idea in many Eastern systems of healing, particularly acupuncture. It creeps into Western medicine as normal ranges for blood sugar, blood pressure and many other functions. One knows that too much or too little of these are indicative of disease. About ninety-five percent of bodies today are yin in Chinese medical terminology. Many are extremely yin. Yin is associated with the qualities of being cold, still, expanded and chaotic. This corresponds exactly to slow oxidation on a properly performed and interpreted hair mineral analysis. The hair must not be washed at the laboratory and the oxidation rate is determined by calculating the calcium/potassium and the sodium/magnesium ratios. Yin or slow oxidation is defined as a calcium/potassium ratio greater than 4:1 and a sodium/magnesium ratio less than 4.17:1. YIN AND YANG ILLNESSES Illness may be classified anatomically as yin or yang. For example, osteoarthritis is characterized by deposition of calcium and other substances in the joints and may be said to be yang. Rheumatoid arthritis is a degeneration of the joints and is more yin. Solid tumors are more yang, while blood cancers such as leukemia are more yin. Inflammation is generally “hot” and more yang, as are all painful conditions. In contrast, the growth of silent tumors inside the body, as with most cancers, tends to be a very yin condition. Indeed, cancer cells are somewhat like yeasts and fungi in their metabolism and these are “cold” infections. Meanwhile, bacteria tend to cause “hot” or yang infections. This can get quite complex. More important for the correction process is whether the cause is yin or yang. Many times the same symptom can have either a yin or a yang cause. In hair analysis interpretation, one finds that the same symptom may be due to fast oxidation or slow oxidation. This is saying the same thing – that the cause can be yin or yang. Osteoporosis, for example, may be due to a calcium or copper deficiency in a fast oxidizer. Part of the sympathetic nervous system response is excretion of calcium. However, the same symptom may be due to biologically unavailable calcium in a slow oxidizer, a more yin condition. Since most bodies today are yin, most illness has a yin cause at its basis. The symptom may appear yang - hot, hard or contracted. However, the underlying cause is usually a yin imbalance. A yin therapy such as surgery, radiation or chemotherapy may eliminate a hard tumor, but the long-term effects are less curative and usually harmful. YIN AND YANG HEALING METHODS Yang therapies. Among healing methods, the most yang are those involving heat and dryness. Dry saunas, hyperthermia, fever therapy, sweating, heating herbs like ginger and burdock, coffee enemas, hot baths, exposure to the sun, heat lamps and fasting are examples. Other are chiropractic manipulation, biofeedback, acupuncture, acupressure, some meditation that moves energy downward, some psychotherapy when it involves confronting the person, some hands-on healing or body work, and some color therapy with reddish, orange or yellow light. Yin therapies include raw foods, juices, cool or cold baths, colonic irrigation and Epsom salt baths. Others are homeopathy, visualization, imagery, psychedelic drugs and the use of electrical machines. Still others include most pharmaceuticals, surgery, radiation therapy and the use of most herbs and nutritional supplements. Most meditation, relaxation and self-hypnosis also has a more yin effect. Detoxification. Yin detoxification methods flush toxins with cool and watery energy. They slow down overheated metabolism and reduce congestion. Yang detoxification methods tonify and energize the system, and contract the cells, forcing poisons out. The principles of yin and yang healing apply equally to conventional as well as holistic therapies. A need for yang therapies today. As more people become yin, they require more yang therapies. This is one reason for more and more problems occurring with antibiotic overuse and vegetarian diets – both of which are more yin. It is also a problem with some natural therapies. For example, a friend is a cancer counselor who has observed the results of many alternative cancer therapies. She reports poorer results with the Gerson therapy and related approaches that rely on raw foods and juices. This therapy used to offer excellent results. Most likely, this is because more bodies were more yang at the time Dr. Gerson developed the therapy in the 1920s and 1930s. Yin therapy may get rid of tumors which are yang, but cannot fully rebuild a body that is more yin. YANG HEALING This is the approach I suggest for most people. It involves a diet of kelp, sea salt, meats and especially cooked yang root vegetables. One avoids yin foods such as sugar, sweet juices, most fruit, most raw food, and the nightshade vegetables and other vegetables that are botanically fruits. To this are added food supplements and herbs that are primarily yang or less yin. We do not use most herbs, most green drinks, or high doses of vitamin C or other vitamins, for example. More yang herbs include ginger, burdock, dandelion, milk thistle, skullcap, nettles and black radish. Mineral therapy is somewhat yang and very necessary today due to congenital nutrient deficiencies, refined food diets, poor quality food, stress and other factors that deplete nutrients. Yang procedures. Nutritional balancing may also involve dry sauna therapy, infrared lamp therapy and red light therapy. Red light assists the first chakra and organs such as the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands. This is exactly what most people need. Some say light therapy should focus on the upper chakras - blue, green and violet. However, I find that most patients I see live in those upper chakras most of the time. Copper toxicity, which is very common, has the effect of speeding up mental processes and enhancing emotions and analytical thinking. Rest and sleep, and other lifestyle factors. Another vital yang therapy is rest and sleep. Most people do not get nearly enough rest. I also suggest spending about half an hour a day in the sun, if possible, another yang therapy. Also excellent is to let go of all victim thinking, as this is very yin and disempowering. This includes all political philosophies that endorse and promote the concept of victims and victimhood. Feeling sorry for some group or other, and offering them special benefits is extremely popular today, but not particularly beneficial for anyone. Much better are political and moral belief systems that support people learning to help and govern themselves, rather than accepting 'benefits' or 'entitlements' of any sort. This view promotes personal empowerment and is more yang. Unfortunately, this perspective is not so popular today. Yang therapy is appropriate for about 95% of adults and a somewhat smaller percentage of children. The others require less cooked vegetables, less animal products, fewer saunas and more fruit and juices. Many who appear yang are not really so. They are merely toxic in a certain way that appears yang. Certain toxic metals such as cadmium are either so yang themselves or they cause changes in the nervous system that make a person appear very yang. However, they are weak underneath, often extremely so. When toxins such as cadmium, lead, mercury and others are released, the person’s true yin condition becomes obvious. Understanding yin and yang detoxification helps explain why a particular therapy may work for a while, but then stops working. It also explains why a therapy may have worked well one hundred years ago, but is less helpful today. It can also explain why a therapy or approach such as drug medicine helps some people, but not others. YIN AND YANG APPLIED TO RELAXATION AND REPOSE I suggest that yang methods of relaxation are far better today, mainly because our world is more yin today. This means that more yang methods are far more likely to balance the body than the yin methods. Examples of more yang methods of relaxation include napping and sleeping, the Roy Masters meditation, walking, gardening, mild or gentle exercise, hugging or kissing, and some body therapies such as Rolfing, structural integration and a few others. Examples of more yin methods people use to relax include having sex, use of drugs such as marijuana and other sedatives, use of stimulant drugs, some types of vigorous exercise such as running or jogging, and the use of many types of meditation that scatter one’s thoughts or move energy upward through the body. While these methods are effective in some cases, I do not recommend them in nutritional balancing science, as they tend to be far more harmful for the body and mind. MORE ABOUT YIN AND YANG There is some disagreement among acupuncturists and those who study oriental philosophy regarding what is yin and what is yang. Most agree, however, that yang is contracted, hot, masculine, active, aggressive, salty, loud, red in color and under the earth as opposed to above. Yin is cold, damp, still, receptive, feminine, grows above ground, blue or purple in color and more ethereal. Yin and yang organs. Hollow organs are more yin such as the lungs, intestines, heart and stomach. The lungs are the most yin, as they are literally spongy and airy. The more solid organs are more yang such as the liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas and all the glands. For more about acupuncture and nutritional balancing science, read Acupuncture on this website. ARTICLES ABOUT YIN AND YANG ON THIS WEBSITE Understanding Yin And Yang Yin and Yang Healing Yin Disease Acupuncture References Kushi, M., Order Of The Universe (magazines) 1970+ Nickel, D., 1995, Int. J. Acupuncture and Oriental Med, 6:1-4; p 26-29. (this article explores how supplements used in nutritional balancing science correlate with acupuncture herbs in their mineral content. The latter are based on assessing yin and yang with the acupuncture pulses and many other methods of assessment. YANG DISEASES By Lawrence Wilson, MD © May 2015, The Center for Development In the system of thinking that is called yang and yin, disease states in the body can be of two types. Yin disease is discussed in a separate article: Yin Disease. This article discusses qualities, examples and understanding of yang disease. BASIC FEATURES OF YANG DISEASE General words to describe many yang diseases include warm or hot, inflamed, contracted, in spasm, “full”, fast, violent, acute, hard (as in tumors), adhesions, scars. These words will give an excellent indication of which diseases and health conditions fall in the category of yang conditions. YANG CONDITIONS TODAY ARE OFTEN A COMPENSATION OR REACTION TO A YIN STATE This is a complication in the yin/yang system of thinking. The reason for it is that the bodies are all very yin today thanks to high levels of toxic metals and toxic chemicals in the environment, mineral-depleted foods, higher levels of ionizing radiation today, and the proliferation of electronic devices that radiate small but significant electrical and magnetic fields such as cell phones, portable phones, cell phone towers, televisions, wifi, and many others. When the bodies become too yin, they may compensate by developing yang conditions. These are not exactly diseases. They are ways the body tries to balance itself in the face of too much yin. It is important to realize the difference. These compensations account for a significant portion of all the yang conditions today, especially in adults. TYPES OF YANG ENERGIES Yang is not one type of energy. Here is a sampling of yang energies, according to some Chinese medicine textbooks. 1. Good quality yang. This is found in cooked vegetables, cooked grains, coffee and a few other herbs that we like such as ginger, mustard, garlic. Some meats such as lamb also have this quality, provided it is eaten only two or three times weekly. Babies and children are often fast oxidizers due to high levels of etheric energy. This is a good yang condition of the body. 2. Weak yang. This is found in some meats, eggs and other foods such as glandular products. A fast oxidizer with a low sodium/potassium ratio is a weak yang condition. The lower the sodium/potassium ratio, the weaker the yang. 3. Toxic yang. Red meat has some of this, as does many other foods that are somewhat toxic. Fast oxidation in an adult is usually a toxic yang condition. A calcium shell in a slow oxidizer is also a type of weak, toxic yang condition associated with calcification or hardening of the body – a yang condition. 4. False yang. Some drugs give a sense of yang, but it is fake or false. 5. Rising yang. This is associated with a four highs pattern on a hair mineral chart. It is not a healthy yang condition. 6. Damp yang. This is associated with copper toxicity on a hair mineral chart. Dr. Paul Eck used to tell me that people with high copper acted somewhat like fast oxidizers. In acupuncture, this is called a damp yang condition. It is due to liver toxicity with copper. 7. Hot yang. In acupuncture, this is associated with an elevated sodium/potassium ratio – greater than about 4.5. It is a mild type of yang condition. 8. More mild yang. Examples are a calcium/magnesium ratio greater than about 13.5 and a zinc/copper ratio greater than about 10. Others are a hair iron level greater than about 3 to 4 mg%, or a high iron/copper ratio. 9. Blocked energy anywhere in the body for any reason may be a type of toxic yang condition such as adhesions, tumors, blocked arteries, locked joints or other problems. EXAMPLES OF DISEASES THAT INVOLVE YANG ENERGY It is better to express this idea the way I said it above, instead of calling some disease states “yang”. The reason is that many of these conditions are simply compensations for yin conditions of the body, as explained in a section above. These conditions involve heat, hardness, violence, arrogance, toxicity, blockage, and excessive speed or activity. Examples are hard tumor cancers, kidney and gall stones, calcification such as arthritis and back pain, inflammation such as bursitis, tendonitis, gastritis, hepatitis and many other inflammatory conditions. They also include anger, rage, arrogance, violent tendencies, suicidal thoughts (more violence), and conditions in which a person cannot sleep, or is ‘hyped up’ such as hyperactivity, some autism, irritability and belligerence. CORRECTING DISEASES THAT INVOLVE EXCESSIVE YANG ENERGY Nutritional balancing works excellently on conditions that involve excess yang energy. Principles of correction include: 1. If the person is a fast oxidizer, one must slow the oxidation rate using the diet, supplements, and the procedures and a healthful lifestyle. 2. If the person has an elevated sodium/potassium ratio, or other high ratios, then these must be reduced using diet and supplements, and perhaps the procedures. 3. When the yang condition is a compensation, in part, for an underlying yin condition, it is critical to support the body with the correct diet, supplements and the procedures. Otherwise, the yang aspect usually will not go away. This is one reason for failure with medical and holistic and naturopathic therapies. These either do not support the body enough to get rid of the underlying yin condition, or the therapies themselves are too yin, which makes things worse or prevents full correction. Examples of yin natural therapies are herbs, homeopathy, chelation, vitamin C, MMS, MSM, intravenous vitamins, smoothies, raw food, vegetarian diets, too many supplements of any kind, too many baths, too much sex, bad attitudes, tapping therapies, and electrical machines and energy medicine of all kinds. TOXIC YANG THERAPIES Nutritional balancing also strictly avoids toxic yang therapies, as much as possible. These include many mineral supplements, too many glandular products, medical drugs, hormone replacement therapy, and a few herbs such as ginseng and other slightly toxic products. YANG EMOTIONS Good yang emotions are joyful, happy, fulfilled and content. More toxic yang emotions are anger, rage, violence, stubbornness, arrogance, inflamed emotions, thoughts of killing and harming oneself or others.