“to cerebrate the semen and seminate the brain,” It is possible, however, to regenerate the brain. But in order to regenerate it one has to transmute the Entity of semen, turn it to energy. Only thus can one “cerebrate the semen.” Extraordinary psychosomatic changes occur when the Sacred Sperm is transformed into energy. We know well what the hormonal vessels in our gonads are; how they work; how the hormones pass from one vessel to another; how they travel along the spermatic cords, eventually reaching the prostate. We know well how precious the prostate is. There the greatest transformations of the Entity of the semen are produced, and the hormones finally enter the blood stream. The word hormone comes from a Greek root that means “a yearning for being, the force of being.” Hormones have been studied by our men of science; hormones are wonderful. Sexual hormones, for example, work miracles when they enter the blood stream: they come into contact with the endocrine glands (whether the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, or the thymus, etc) and stimulate them; they make those little micro-laboratories produce more and more hormones. These hormones, produced by all the glands in general, enrich the blood stream extraordinarily, and then ailments disappear, illnesses disappear. Do you know what growing old really is? Maybe you think it is related to the years of age, to time. However, what we call “time” is nothing more than an illusion of the mind. Now, you must know that the most powerful hormones in the human organism are in the sexual glands of inner secretion. Think for a moment: what are, for example, the sexual hormones. Clearly - and let us focus on facts - the testicles have three layers: the first testicular layer has cells that manifest their activity very specially during the first seven years of infancy, then one is under the rulership of the Moon; later on, from seven to fourteen years, under the rulership of Mercury, the second testicular layer moves into activity and fully defines the sex of that male; and much later on, from fourteen to twenty-one, under the rulership of Venus, the third testicular layer becomes active, producing abundant zoosperms. The zoosperms that are produced in the third testicular layer ascend by the adjacent testis and continue along the spermatic cord towards the seminal vesicles, until they reach the prostate. It is most interesting to know that those zoosperms become electrified as they ascend trough the spermatic cords, they gradually become charged with a lot of electricty, and what is even more interesting is that they become magnetized, so to speak, from south to north; that is, they work like a compass, south-to-north; they also orientate themselves towards the North, being electrified, magnetized... It is most interesting to see how they pass from one small vessel to another, climbing through the spermatic cords, until they reach the seminal vesicles, where the sperm is purified even more (all those zoosperms), until they reach the prostate, where there is a very important chakra. Obviously, the Svadisthana Chakra, which is fundamental for the mastery of sexual transmutation, is located there. Sexual transmutation is based on the prostate. The Prostatic Chakra is, therefore, most important, and most interesting. That sperm becomes totally purified. It becomes completely radioactive, it becomes completely electromagnetic... And with transmutation, it turns into energy. Zoosperms break down into hormones, which go through the membranes and finally enter the blood, actively stimulating the glands of inner secretion. They make them work in an extraordinarily intensive way. Then the hormones ascend, they continue on their way to the brain. There they activate the brain areas that do not work anymore, that are degenerated; they make all the brain cells dynamic and activate certain powers latent in man, etc., etc., etc... Unfortunately, and this is the most serious thing, my dear friends, people are degenerated. Vulgar, ordinary men do not let the zoosperms rise to the prostate - not even for a second: they eliminate them from the sperm sacks to satisfy their brutal impulses. Under such circumstances the brain degenerates awfully, due to the lack of rising hormones. It does not receive sexual hormones and loses its capacity for action. The faculties latent in man degenerate because there is not enough stimulus from sexual hormones, which are so powerful, as I said. They have the power to move all the glands of inner secretion into activity, to make them produce all sorts of hormones, which make the living organism dynamic. Besides, there are other factors that must be taken into account: the sexual force is what produces the phenomenon of “mitosis” in the fetus. Mitosis is the splitting of cells to gestate humans, animals... Well, the presence of creative energy makes the original cell, which has the well-known 48 chromosomes1, split into two; it makes the two split into four, the four into eight, etc., etc., etc., and this is how the tissues, the organs and so on are formed. This is the process of gestation, the formation of creatures in the maternal womb. Now from the point of view of sexual transmutation, I want to tell you that the sexual hormones (active in the blood, charged with electricity and magnetism) produce mitosis in the adult human organism: new splitting of cells, formation of new tissues, etc. This is how you can achieve - from a biological standpoint - a complete regeneration or rejuvenation of the human organism. What is the difference, for example, between the young “new waves” and the antiquated and retardant old people? One: a young man’s third testicular layer produces large amounts of sexual hormones, lots of zoosperms. All these zoosperms, transformed into hormones, go to the brain and renew it. That is why young people have a revolutionary way of thinking and open up to what is new, etc. On the other hand, the poor old men who have already wasted the Sacred Sperm, who have deteriorated through sexual abuse, are really ruined: the third testicular layer now produces very few zoosperms. Quite often it takes them days and months to have enough zoosperms to achieve a simple erection. And of course, when they manage to achieve an erection, they immediately seek the coitus and eliminate these zoosperms. They spend days, a month, or more, accumulating new zoosperms; once they have them, they immediately waste them (for the passionate satisfaction of a moment), and that is how they spend their lives, till they die. Since they do not have what produces great amounts of zoosperms, the third testicular layer gradually becomes totally atrophied. It produces its cells or hormones, but due to its atrophy these cannot pass on to another stage. Then there may even appear certain inflammations and swellings between the second and the third layers and, worst of all, this logically comes to affect the prostate. Those poor, degenerated old men always have their prostates operated on because of their abuses. This is clear and I want you to understand it specifically and definitely. So, since their third testicular layer is not producing enough zoosperms, the poor old men do not have new ideas, because their brain cells are atrophied and certain areas are not working. They become stuck in what they learned in the past, and turn into old-fashioned people who do not accept anything new; they continue with their ancient ideas from yesterday, dated and clumsy. Obviously, they clash with young people, because the young ones are producing new zoosperms and so they have new ideas and open up to what is new; then comes the clash between what is new and what is old. That is then the difference between young people of “the new wave” and old people: it is wholly a sexual, biological difference. Understand that clearly. Notes: 1 - 48 chromosomes: In his other writings, Master Samael explains that two chromosomes are etheric, corresponding to the vital body, thus modern science remains unaware of their existence and has recognized only forty-six. < Previous: The Transformation of Impressions Next: The Transmutation