Frequencies Reported uses 20 hz Depression Using CES Beta: outward awareness, Using CES Cranial electro stim/Ear clips no more than 20mins per day 10.2 Hz ATP Stimulation Depression Using CEF Chakra Frequencies Pancreas, Liver, Stomach, Gall Bladder, 9.8 - 10.2 Hz Nervous System, Islets of Langerhans Dopamine: 10.2Hz Norepinephrin / Epinephrin: 10.0Hz, 10.2Hz Healing of body, mind / body unity, Using CES Cranial electro stim/Ear clips no more than 20mins per day Cranial Eletromagnetic Fields To Start 1 min on 5 mins off max 5 mins AC pulse function only 7.83 Hz Alpha / Theta, "Schumann Resonance.": One of the main resonance frequencies of the Earth. Has a good reputation for :grounding, anti-jetlag, anti-mind control, improved stress tolerance. pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects). 'leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country.' reports of accelerated healing/enhanced learning - "the earth's natural brainwave Using CES Cranial electro stim/Ear clips no more than 20mins per day Cranial Eletromagnetic Fields To Start 1 min on 5 mins off max 5 mins AC pulse function only 5.00 Hz 5Hz -Increased DNA synthesis; cellular signalling; repair and healing Lymph drainage (micro-muscular movement), best at .5Hz In the Palaces of Memory they suggest 5hz as being the optimum learning frequency. Even as you read these words, a tiny portion of your brain is physically changing. New connections are being sprouted -- a circuit that will create a stab of recognition if you encounter the words again... Read: In the Palaces of Memory Endorphin: 5Hz Problem solving Using CES Cranial electro stim/Ear clips no more than 20mins per day Cranial Eletromagnetic Fields To Start 1 min on 5 mins off max 5 mins AC pulse function only 1.00 Hz Sleep When used with CEF is reported to help with depression This frequency can lead you to an " altered state of conscience" favorable to a deep sleep Using CES Cranial electro stim/Ear clips no more than 20mins per day Cranial Eletromagnetic Fields To Start 1 min on 5 mins off max 5 mins AC pulse function only 0.5 Hz Panic Attacks, Stress, Anxiety, Fast Relaxation, Sleep Using CES Cranial electro stim/Ear clips no more than 20mins per day Cranial Eletromagnetic Fields To Start 1 min on 5 mins off max 5 mins AC pulse function only All units are sold for Experimental use Homeostasis can be defined as the tendency for intrinsic balance within a system. Application of a range of CES appears to enhance the Balance of the biological central nervous system. A change in one system within the individual will have correlative effects upon other systems. Improvements in mood, cognitive function, self image, shift of locus , control to oneself, and sense of well being can be measured. When CES works, it enhances one's ability to handle or deal with situations that were previously beyond the range of one's control." Features Bio Feedback Stress is a physiological condition in which the body becomes excited to face an emergency situation. A number of physiological changes including increase in heart rate, breathing rate etc. occurs during a high stress state. There is a relationship between Stress and the Electrical conductivity of the skin. This is known as Galvanic Skin Response or GSR. Skin conducts electric current like a Resistor used in electronic circuits There is a relationship between Stress and the Electrical conductivity of the skin. This is known as Galvanic Skin Response or GSR. Skin conducts electric current like a Resistor. The resistance of Skin can vary from 25 Kilo Ohms to 2 Mega Ohms depending on the Emotional state (This varies from person to person ).This variation is due to the changes in the permeability of the skin. In a normal fully relaxed person, skin resistance will be around 2 Mega Ohms. This is due to the low permeability of the skin. Skin offers high resistance and restricts the current flow. But if the same person is in stress, his skin resistance reduces to 25 Kilo Ohms or less due to leakage of water from the blood vessels and subsequent sweating. This increases the electrical conductivity of the skin. Thus the electrical conductivity of the skin and Stress are directly related. In short Relaxed state – High skin resistance – Low electrical conductivity Stressed state – Low skin resistance – High electrical conductivity Thus the Galvanic skin response can be taken as a measure for the level of Stress. Polygraphs, Lie detectors etc. follow this principle The BT Plus Pro now has an added Bio feedback Function Tens For various reasons, pain-killing medication is not always acceptable. Another option for pain relief is a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator (TENS machine). TENS machines deliver small electrical pulses to the body via electrodes placed on the skin. This is thought to help ease pain. The research evidence to support the use of TENS machines is moderately strong, but they seem to be very popular with people who have pain. Electrodes are attached to the surface of the skin over or near the area where you are experiencing pain. TENS sends electrical impulses to certain parts of the body to block pain signals. The electrical currents produced are mild, but can prevent pain messages from being transmitted to the brain and may raise the level of endorphins (natural pain killers produced by the brain). For some chronic pain patients, a TENS unit provides pain relief that can last for several hours. For others, a TENS unit may help reduce the amount of pain medications needed.(which is a plus) TENS Tips The BT Plus Pro can now be used as a TENS Machine CES Cranial Electro Stimulation CES is the anti-drug—the non-pharmacological alternative for the Addictions withdrawal and the treatment of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It is a unique and viable "bioelectric" approach which seems to enhance the homeostasis (Balance) of the biological central nervous system—the tendency for intrinsic balance within a system. Its ethic is that of self-regulation. Its goal, wellness—a state of proper alignment—the balanced interplay of body and mind attained through personal empowerment rather than dependency. The microcurrent, delivered in a unique waveform, moves electrons through the brain at a variety of frequencies, collectively known as harmonic resonance. This normalizes the electrical activity of the brain as measured by an electroencephalogram (EEG). This explanation sounds a little suspect and I can't vouch for the veracity of the claim. We did a search in PubMed to see if any recent studies have been performed using CES. Apparently they recently tested devices for generalized anxiety disorder with some promising results. CES has an unblemished safety record. A broad reading of published literature on the subject shows no negative effects or major contraindications from its use, either in the U.S. or in other parts of the world. The National Research Council has deemed CES a non-significant risk modality. The unit's sole source of current are common 1.5 volt battery. Its intensity is limited —no more than is required to run a small toy or a penlight. Even when turned to maximum intensity, it is not harmful. It is suggested, however, that until you become fully acclimated to your unit, you maintain the intensity at a lower setting. Reference to Dr. Meg Patterson: "Scottish surgeon Margaret Patterson studied Wen’s methods in Hong Kong. Back in England she developed highly sophisticated machines that produced neurotransmitters by electrostimulation of the brain. Then she set up her own treatment center in California. Famous clients were flown in, some on stretchers – rock superstar Peter Townshend for one, guitarist and composer for The Who and creator of the hit rock musical Tommy. A drug addict for years, Townshend had spent a fortune trying to kick his habit. Within forty minutes of applying the device, the heroin was counteracted. Ten days of treatments later he was over his addiction to heroin, alcohol, and cocaine, with no withdrawal symptoms." OMNI Magazine, Volume 5, Number 4, January 1983 an Article was written by Kathleen McAuliffe, "The Black Box: Secret Drug Treatment of Rock Superstars" described how a "Brain Tuner" black box was used by Dr. Margaret A. Patterson, MD., to cure British rock star Pete Townsend of "The Who" of his addiction to heroin. Brain Tuner Function (BT) This is well worth listening to Bob Beck Audio on the Brain Tuner MP3 format The Brain Tuner Function is an electronic relaxation system. Micro-current energy pulses appear to have a profound balancing effect on the individual and tend to produce a state of over-all relaxation and well being. The most comprehensive review of the research in CES published to date is a chapter by Ray B. Smith, Ph.D. in the book, Neural Stimulation, published in 1985. Dr. Smith has been researching CES since 1972. He concluded, "There are 40 studies of CES readily available in the U.S. in which the dependent variable is reliable. When these are examined alone it becomes apparent that CES is effective in alleviating symptoms of anxiety, depression, and insomnia...CES appears effective as a treatment for withdrawal in the chemically dependent person...Other promising areas of treatment are in hypergastric acidity and migraine headaches." Dr. Smith adds, "CES appears to be safe, with no harm or negative side effects having been reported to date in controlled studies...Finally, while one usually assumes some placebo effect from a treatment as dramatic as this, none has been reported in studies controlled for this effect." Many users experience a more positive, energetic outlook, better mental clarity and feelings of improved self-esteem. The many daily challenges of life seem easier to handle and negative reactions to everyday stress and tension are diminished. Many individuals have reported that previous negative habits and unhealthy behavior patterns gradually diminish over a 1 to 4 week period of use. The numerous benefits of BT tend to be cumulative in nature and gradually reveal themselves over a period of 1 to 4 weeks. Change is spontaneous and effortless. "Dr. Donald Kubitz, of San Fransisco, one of the first American doctors to study Dr. Wen’s work with electro acupuncture on addicts, believed electrostimulation could be enormously beneficial for autistic and other mentally handicapped children.. Both the BT and electro-acupuncture could prove powerful new ways to open fabulous new dimensions of mind as well as overcome disabilities and addictions. ..."Dr. Beck Brain Tuner/Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation* invented in the early 1980s. There are later BT's that have been refined. The Brain Tuner balances the left and right brain hemispheres, balances brain chemistry thereby neutralizing addictions and allergies and reduces stress. It neutralizes depression, anxiety and promotes endorphin production. It seems to promote formation of dendrites resulting in a higher IQ. Over thirty years of research all over the world shows that this type of technology can neutralize hard-core alcoholism in approx 5-7 days for most individuals. Most people are no longer addicted after that time. Cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines etc., is cleared in 5-7 days generally speaking. Cigarettes are more difficult to neutralize quickly because research has proven nicotine to be three times more addictive than heroin. Usually within 2-3 weeks nicotine addiction is neutralized."... "Double-blind studies were done at the University of Wisconsin on the BT ’s capabilities to overcome drug-withdrawal symptoms and it did the job. Studies at both Wisconsin and the University of Louisiana showed it could boost IQ from twenty to thirty points. BT stimulation appears to enhance neural efficiency," researchers stated. The BT Plus Pro can be used as a Brain Tuner Frequency Research Papers 0.5 Hz Stress Buster The 0.5 Hz. setting DELTA brainwave frequency, normally associated with deep sleep and release of deeply embedded stress patterns. Pain relief (temporary) - natural opiates released; lymphatics assisted Reported Mitosis reduction or inhibition of rogue cell activity; Stress buster An indication of increased stress is an escalation in your pulse rate; however, a normal pulse rate doesn't necessarily mean you aren't stressed. Constant aches and pains, palpitations, anxiety, chronic fatigue, crying, over or under-eating, frequent infections, and a decrease in your sexual desire are signs you may notice which indicate you may be under stress. Reducing stress also reduces your risk for heart disease, the number one killer of American women, and certain types of cancer. Many women who experience PMS and menopausal symptoms will find the severity of these symptoms improved dramatically, once a reduced stress level is achieved. Untreated stress leads many people to depression, anxiety, headaches, and a host of other complaints, making reduction of stress an important factor in improving your total health. 82% of participants in one study suffering from an anxiety disorder reported a significant improvement in their symptoms after treatment with CES. - Kirsch D, Gilula MF, Electromedicine: CES in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders, Practical Pain Management, March 2007, pp 40-47. A pilot study of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for generalized anxiety disorder. The BT Plus Pro can be used as a Stress Buster "In the 1960’s Robert O. Becker (1985) demonstrated that electrical current is the trigger that stimulates healing, growth, and regeneration in all living organisms. He found that repair of injury occurs in response to signals that come from our electrical control system, and suggested that this system became less efficient as we age. " 1.5 Hz The BT Plus Pro can be used for Pain relief, Quiet sleep This frequency can lead you to an " altered state of conscience" favorable to a deep sleep. .At present, there are over 125 research studies on CES(Cranial Electro Stimulation) in humans and 29 experimental animal studies. The overwhelming majority of the scientific research is extremely positive. No significant lasting side effects have been reported. Harvard University School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management found: "The meta-analysis of anxiety showed CES to be significantly more effective than sham (P<.05) One study reported an average 67% effectiveness in treating sleeping disorders among 648 patients, while increasing daytime vigilance. - Smith RB, Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation, Oklahoma: Tate Publishing and Enterprises, LLC. 2007, pp 37-43. Abrahams Universal Healing Rate; Sleep; Those individuals whose ailments have manifested into the fourth stage of Chronic Fatigue, where some form of disease is apparent, experienced a release from the negative sensation of their symptoms when moved into 1.5HZ Hello from Iowa, I would like to thank you for your prompt service on my order. The so called, "Black Box," works better than any pill I have ever taken to relieve stress related pain. I used it this morning for about fifteen minutes, and the effects lasted all day. I think this product will be very useful just before I go to bed. I think that many more people would benefit from this product. Unfortunately though, the mind-set of people in the US is to take a pill to solve one's ailments. Good Luck in the new year! Best Regards, Joel T. Blum. Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA Howard Rosen, MD, an anesthesiologist/pain specialist in Monterey, California, gave a lecture on fibromyalgia at the 2003 annual meeting of the American Academy of Pain Management. He said that he never uses narcotics because they don't work well enough for his patients, and once patients start narcotics, they never come off them. His prescription: a daily dose of mild electrical stimulation with CES Sleep deprivation, or insomnia, is a common companion with attacks of anxiety. Some may think it is the anxiety that is causing the lack of sleep, and the insomnia is just a symptom of another greater physiological or psychological problem. However, in all honesty, it can be the exact opposite. Researchers are discovering how lack of sleep or insomnia may be one of the primary contributors to a case of anxiety. Source A peer-reviewed study published in the American Journal of Pain Management documented treatment outcomes from 2,500 patients who responded to a survey.14 Of those, there were 363 fibromyalgia patients, 91% of whom reported significant results (>25% improvement) in their condition. These patients all used CES for a minimum of three weeks. Similar results were reported for other pains, including migraine and other headaches, back, and neck pain. Carole L. of Verdugo City, California, uses CES twice a day for her pain from lupus and fibromyalgia. It only took a few treatments for her to realize less frequent awakenings and a more rested feeling when she awoke. The fogginess gave way to a clear head, and she felt calm. When her pain increased, she was able to relieve it in minutes. She said, "If I had not experienced this myself, I would have difficulty believing it! I ended up having a pleasant evening instead of being in bed with narcotic pain relievers and still feeling the pain."more Marilyn Lins, MD, of Utica Neurological Surgery, Inc. in Tulsa, Oklahoma, said that the results she has been obtaining have been miraculous. A pain specialist, Dr. Lins reported on several fibromyalgia patients who have had sufficient pain relief to resume normal activities with as little as two 20-minute treatments per week. One of her patients stopped limping after only one treatment. Dr. Lins said, "[CES] has forever changed my treatment approach. I have never experienced results like I have had in the past two months." A 386% increase in attention span test results after just 20 minutes of a single CES treatment in healthy volunteers - Southworth S, A Study of the Effects of Cranial Electrical Stimulation on Attention and Concentration, Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, 1999, Vol 34:1, 43-53. 5.0 Hz The BT Plus Pro can be used To Enhance Memory retention and Brain stimulation In the Palaces of Memory they suggest 5hz as being the optimum learning frequency. Even as you read these words, a tiny portion of your brain is physically changing. New connections are being sprouted -- a circuit that will create a stab of recognition if you encounter the words again Read: In the Palaces of Memory For years, physicians and Alzheimer's experts have said that the earliest symptoms of the disease typically don't appear until you're in your 60s, 70s, or beyond. But now there's reason to believe that the first warning signs may actually crop up much earlier than that, and in a seemingly much more benign way: as cold sores, those embarrassing blisters that can erupt on the lips of people who are sick or run-down, Source "Beth was given anesthesia when she gave birth to her first baby and later found that she had lost part of her memory. She was forced to give up her job in an aerospace plant. Years later a friend gave her a small cranial electro-stimulation (CES) device and she began using it.‘Almost overnight,’ she said, ‘all my memories started coming back, including everyone’s telephone extensions at the plant. It was uncanny – all those old extension numbers of people I hadn’t thought of in years.’ "This story, told to me by researcher Bob Beck, Ph.D., provides graphic evidence of a key fact: We have electrically-powered brains. Each of the billions of neurons in our brains is a tiny electrical generator, as complex as a small computer, firing an electrical signal that triggers the release of various neurochemicals and links it with thousands of other neurons." Mega Brain Power, Michael Hutchinson, 1994 "Many studies have shown that low-level electrical stimulation actually promotes cell growth and regeneration. A recent NIH study showed that low-level electrical stimulation of neurons increased the production of the all important myelin cells in the brain. This could be an important discovery since myelin is shown to be decreased in patients with certain disorders and diseases, including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and multiple sclerosis." Cranial electrical stimulation (CES) may improve memory, attention and focus; important studies are emerging on the uses of mild electrical current to enhance cognition and aspects of intelligence. For those of you that still think this is voodoo medicine, do a google search for electroporation, electropharmacology and cell biomembrane transport. Also do a PUB MED search for Saul Liss, PhD, to pull up actual abstracts. Research shows that the key to speed learning is your state of mind before, during and immediately after your learning session. It is when you are in a state of relaxed alertness that you will achieve the greatest improvement in memory together with increased concentration and creativity. You Can Improve memory and retention of study material Enhance understanding during learning sessions Accelerate new language learning Increase maths ability ..The Theta Rhythm In a 1999 study, Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D worked with 8 struggling college students. After undergoing audio-visual brainwave stimulation, the students outperformed a control group and significantly increased their GPA. GPA for the 8 students continued to rise even after treatment was discontinued! Psychologist Michael Joyce used brainwave entrainment with a group of 30 children. He observed improvements in reading and a half year advancement in grade level as well as substantial improvements in attention, reaction and a reduction in impulsivity and variability. Harold Russel Ph.D. and John Carter, Ph.D., of the University of Houston, did several studies in which they used brainwave entrainment to treat ADHD and other learning disorders, testing their IQ before and after treatment. Astonishingly, after treatment the subjects showed a 5 to 7 point increases in IQ score. Michael Tansey used a similar protocol to treat dyslexia and other learning disorders, reporting a 19 point average increase in IQ score post-treatment. 7.83 Hz The BT Plus Pro can be used To Enhance Meditation/Deeply relaxed focused awareness Imagine plugging your brain into a specially mastered Black box containing a powerful (but absolutely safe) technology that launches you into an incredible experience of deep inner peace - an experience of deep meditation so immediately begins to create profound, positive changes in the structure of your nervous system... Meditate. Meditation will raise your vibration. You don’t have to chant and sit in a funny position that will cause your feet to fall asleep. "The to silence of the trees, the deep rivers and ancient mountains, of the soul lost in meditation: "Silence grew and became intense, wider and deeper. The brain which had listened to the silence -- of the hills, fields, and groves -- was itself, now, silent.... It was still, deep within itself; like a bird that folds its wings, it had folded up on itself. It had entered into depths which were beyond itself. It was a dimension which the brain could not capture or understand."jk Throughout the ages humankind has searched for new means to reach higher levels of consciousness. Most of this exploration has been shrouded in the occult and sought through spiritual or mystical experimentation. With the advent of the technological age science has joined the quest for the Holy Grail of expanded experience. This state of awareness has been sought in all cultures and described in the ancient eastern teachings as , the state of nirvana. The scientific exploration of this field has developed through psychology, studying human behavior and psyche, sensory deprivation with John Lily’s floatation tank, the psychedelic days with Tim Learny and friends, and finally to the most recent and technologically advanced form Yet, CES Assisted vibrational Nirvana FAQ Everything you wanted to know about CES... 100.00 Hz The BT Plus Pro can be used To Help one Feel better, Blast those moods end Depression C.E.S.- SAFE EFFECTIVE ALTERNATIVE TO DRUGS IN THE TREATMENT OF DEPRESSION . Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) is an FDA approved treatment for depression .. Over 100 human and eighteen animal studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of CES in treating these and other disorders. CES involves the introduction of a very weak electrical current into the brain. Before you say, "No way! Not my brain!" understand CES is not "Shock therapy". The electrical current used in CES/BT9 is typically less than one milliampere. To put this in perspective, the current needed to power a light bulb is about 11,000 times stronger. No serious side effects have been reported with CES "I noticed effects from the first day of using my BT unit. I experienced a greater sense of well being, I experienced a sense of euphoria and also a sense that finally I HAD found something that is making changes to me and is living up to the facts.." John Gardiner Utah There is always hope. Depression blinds us to that fact. If we can somehow hold on to our hope, just maybe we can find a way to get through. What's 3 times better than Prozac? CES was found to be two times more effective in treating depression than the most effective antidepressant drugs on the market. In fact, CES treatment is 3 times as effective as fluoxetine (Prozac) in the curing of depression, compared to placebo (fake treatment). - Gilula MF, Kirsch DF, Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Review: A Safer Alternative to Psycho pharmaceuticals in the Treatment of Depression, J Neurotherapy, 2005: 9(2), pp 7-26. Electro medicine (including BT/CES) is designed to primarily impact the electrical nature of the body. The current used in CES is very similar to the electrical fields naturally present in the body One study reported an average 92% increase in beta-endorphins in the CSF after only 20 minutes of a single CES treatment. - Shealy CN, Cady RK, et al., Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma Neurochemicals: Response to Cranial Electro stimulation, J Neurol Orthop Med Surg, 1998, 18, pp 94-97. Longitudinal data from 17 studies of CES conducted follow-up investigations from one week to two years after treatment (Kirsch, 2002). These studies encompassed various populations including depressed patients unresponsive to medications. Sixteen of the studies reported that at least some of the subjects had continued improvement after a single CES treatment, or a series of CES treatments. The other follow-up report only commented on safety (Forster et al., 1963). None of the 17 studies mentioned any enduring adverse effects. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation is available to health care professionals as a safe, effective treatment for depression. For many depressed or anxious patients, this modality can be quite efficacious as either a stand Scientific Articles 21 alone (i.e., as “mono therapy”) or as an add-on therapy. When used as an add-on, CES can enable the physician to reduce the dosage of SSRIs or other potent antidepressant medications thereby reducing the potential for severe long-term adverse effects from the medication (Gilula & Barach, 2004).Source You brain has nerve cells that are firing electrical signals and oscillate in distinctive arrangements called brainwave patterns. These patterns are closely connected to your thoughts, emotions, moods, biological chemistry, and really, everything that you are. Fully Rechargeable Battery and Charger Timer : 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 mins Intensity Control Very portable High Quality Ear clips Bio Feedback Ten pads and lead Manual The Ultimate BT system CES is the anti-drug—the non-pharmacological alternative for the Addictions withdrawal and the treatment of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It is a unique and viable "bioelectric" approach which seems to enhance the homeostasis (Balance) of the biological central nervous system—the tendency for intrinsic balance within a system. Its ethic is that of self-regulation. Its goal, wellness—a state of proper alignment—the balanced interplay of body and mind attained through personal empowerment rather than dependency. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation: A Non-Drug Neuromedical Treatment "Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) is the application of low-level pulsed electrical currents (usually less than 1 milliampere) applied to the head for medical and/or psychological purposes. There is now better than 20 years of medical experience with CES in America. Presently, its use requires a prescription by a licensed health practitioner in the United States. It is available without a prescription throughout the rest of the world." CES in the United States has received Food and Drug Administration marketing clearance for the treatment of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. CES devices are sold over the counter in Europe and other parts of the world. Mood disordered alcoholics have shown increased activity of the enzyme MAO-B in the spinal fluid after 20 CES treatments. (3) Patients with treatment-resistant depression have shown significant (P < 0.0089) elevations in plasma serotonin. (4) Increases in cerebrospinal fluid levels of [beta]-endorphins up to 219%, plasma endorphinsendorphins (endôr`finz), neurotransmitters found in the brain that have pain-relieving properties similar to morphine. There are three major types of endorphins: beta endorpins, found primarily in the pituitary gland; and enkephalins and up to 98%, and cerebrospinal fluid serotonin up to 200% have been demonstrated in normal volunteers receiving 20 minutes of CES. A recent annotated bibliography of CES by Kirsch details 126 human and 29 experimental animal studies of CES conducted over the past 40 years. More than half the studies cited are from the peer-reviewed literature. The majority of the studies were double-blinded and conducted at major American universities. In aggregate, there were 6,007 patients treated under varying research conditions, with 4,541 actually receiving CES treatment. One hundred twelve (89%) of the studies reported positive outcomes. Seventeen studies followed up the patients to assess any continued results after 1 week to 2 years, and all the patients showed at least some residual effect after one or a series of treatments. Source We Sing The Mind Electric To date, several thousand Americans are treated with CES annually and more than eleven thousand persons own CES devices, which have been prescribed for their home use. Possibly the most exciting application of the CES is for drug addiction. Further studies are needed to fully document use of the device for these purposes. In this technological age when we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields and currents, CES treatment may be necessary as an antidote and for maintenance of fully optimum health. Electromagnetic “ pollution” from video screens, televisions, stereophonic equipment, microwaves and phone lines may be destroying our health and may require a device of this type to counter these negative effects.CES may provide natural levels of supplementary current to keep the brain healthy in the electrical age. Eric Braverman, M.D DRUGS "Double-blind studies were done at the University of Wisconsin on the Brain Tuners’s capabilities to overcome drug-withdrawal symptoms and it did the job. Studies at both Wisconsin and the University of Louisiana showed it could boost IQ from twenty to thirty points. Brain Tuners stimulation appears to enhance neural efficiency," researchers stated. 'Users report the BT Tuners reduces stress, improves short and long term memory, helps learning, increases energy, improves concentration and reduces pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep requirements." Reference to Dr. Meg Patterson: "Scottish surgeon Margaret Patterson studied Wen’s methods in Hong Kong. Back in England she developed highly sophisticated machines that produced neurotransmitters by electrostimulation of the brain. Then she set up her own treatment center in California. Famous clients were flown in, some on stretchers – rock superstar Peter Townshend for one, guitarist and composer for The Who and creator of the hit rock musical Tommy. A drug addict for years, Townshend had spent a fortune trying to kick his habit. Within forty minutes of applying the device, the heroin was counteracted. Ten days of treatments later he was over his addiction to heroin, alchohol, and cocaine, with no withdrawal symptoms." OMNI Magazine, Volume 5, Number 4, January 1983 an Article was written by Kathleen McAuliffe, "The Black Box: Secret Drug Treatment of Rock Superstars" described how a "Brain Tuner" black box was used by Dr. Margaret A. Patterson, MD., to cure British rock star Pete Townsend of "The Who" of his addiction to heroin. This paper reviews the scientific literature on cranial electrostimulation (CES) as a non-chemical means to alleviate opiate withdrawal symptoms Cranial electrostimulation (CES) use in the detoxification of opiate-dependent patients. The microcurrent, delivered in a unique waveform, moves electrons through the brain at a variety of frequencies, collectively known as harmonic resonance. This normalizes the electrical activity of the brain as measuredby an electroencephalogram (EEG). This explanation sounds a little suspect and I can't vouch for the veracity of the claim. We did a search in PubMed to see if any recent studies have been performed using CES. Apparently they recently tested this device for generalized anxiety disorder with some promising results. A pilot study of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for generalized anxiety disorder. It is also believed that micro-current stimulation restores cellular electrical balance by changing potentials across cell membranes. This may alter the levels of certain ions and molecules toward a desirable equilibrium. Other physiological effects are believed to be produced: reduction of alkalinity proximate the passage of electrical current and the production of low levels of hydrochloric acid which can scavenge free radicals; attraction of oxygen to the region; localized vasoconstriction and vasodialation; reduction of local hemorrhage; sedation; increased tonicity of local tissues; antisepsis; production of desirable fibroplasia; and reduced neuromuscular irritability Cranial Electrical Stimulation So, it is believed that, if electrical stimulation is provided to the cells before they die, blood vessel permeability is increased, a more normal cellular electrical potential will be achieved, the ATP levels will increase, and protein synthesis will occur again. Treated patients showed a 28% improvement in tender point scores, and a 27% improvement in self-rated scores of general pain level. The number of subjects rating their quality of sleep as poor dropped from 60% at the beginning of the study to 5%. In addition, there were significant gains in the self-rated feelings of well-being and quality of life, plus gains in six stress-related psychological test measures. The treatment of fibromyalgia with cranial electrotherapy stimulation. One study reported an average 67% effectiveness in treating sleeping disorders among 648 patients, while increasing daytime vigilance. - Smith RB, Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation, Oklahoma: Tate Publishing and Enterprises, LLC. 2007, pp 37-43. They have also done a study to reduce pain in patients with spinal cord injury. Using cranial electrotherapy stimulation to treat pain associated with spinal cord injury. In animal studies at the University of Tennessee Medical Center, researchers used drugs to deliberately upset the homeostatic balance among the brain's neurotransmitters in canine subjects. In this way they induced Parkinson-like behavior in the dogs. Once all drugs were removed from their bloodstream, and the animals were put back on normal feeding schedules, they returned to normal behavior within 3-7 days. If CES treatment was applied at the time the drugs were removed, all animals returned to normal within 2-8 hours. The researchers concluded that CES was effective in bringing back to pre-stress homeostasis, neurotransmitters that had become If that were a mechanism of action, then many kinds of medical conditions should respond to CES, and research soon found that CES was effective in the treatment of addictions, (11-13) in head injury, (14) in various types of cognitive dysfunctions, (15-16) and more recently in reflex sympathetic dystrophy. (17-18) In addition, the use of CES in the treatment of many types of pain patients has been documented, (19,20) and ongoing studies are documenting the effectiveness of its use in treating patients suffering from the difficult fibromyalgia syndrome. (21-22) Still, it came as something of a surprise when within the past 12 months, two testimonial letters arrived in our office from MS patients describing highly positive experiences with CES. One woman noted, "I have used the CES for about three weeks. It relieves intense pain and puts me in a very relaxed state. I use it at least three to four hours a day." A man wrote regarding his wife's use of CES for her MS, "My wife suffers from MS. She is classified as a chronic progressive patient. Within a few days of using the (CES device), my wife was not getting tired as fast as before. She could hold up to eight hours of activity instead of 3-4 hours ... my wife has cut back dramatically on the amount of medication she used to take." (23) Ray B. Smith "The use of cranial electrotherapy stimulation in the treatment of multiple sclerosis". LEARNING Learning causes changes in synaptic connectivity between one neuron and another. Dendrites increase in length, change branching patterns, and the number of spines alter. Connectivity is altered not only by increasing the actual number of synapses but also by altering the size or position of any particular synapse. Johnson, George. In the Palaces of Memory: Memory loss probably affects the majority of us in one way or another. More often than not, it is a momentary memory lapse; nothing to worry about – it happens to the best of us. However, when memory lapses begin to become a regular occurrence, it is wise to dig a little deeper and seek .more Alzheimer's Disease Brain Cell Growth affected by Stress Brain May Grow New Cells Daily Salk Institute Study Finds Brains Can Grow New Cells Memory loss probably affects the majority of us in one way or another " Imagine how your life and career would improve if you could learn faster and retain much more without constant revisions ?" Research shows that the key to speed learning is your state of mind before, during and immediately after your learning session. It is when you are in a state of relaxed alertness that you will achieve the greatest improvement in memory together with increased concentration and creativity. You Can Improve memory and retention of study material Enhance understanding during learning sessions Accelerate new language learning Increase maths ability Besides the more everyday ways memory fails, there are many diseases which can affect it. Alzheimer's is probably the most well-known of these. Alzheimer's impairs judgment and changes personality as well as affecting memory .. It occurs most often in older people, who make up about 50% of the population with the disease, and is very rare in individuals under 40 .. The memory loss in this disease, as well as in other brain-altering diseases, comes form changes in the physical structure of the brain, rather than from normal brain mechanisms. "Beth was given anesthesia when she gave birth to her first baby and later found that she had lost part of her memory. She was forced to give up her job in an aerospace plant. Years later a friend gave her a small cranial electro-stimulation (CES) device and she began using it. ‘Almost overnight,’ she said, ‘all my memories started coming back, including everyone’s telephone extensions at the plant. It was uncanny – all those old extension numbers of people I hadn’t thought of in years.’ The brain shrinks as we age, some of the shrinkage is due to cells dying, but cell death is less of a factor then previously thought. Cell death begins as early as 40 but measurable intellectual slowing does not begin until age 60 and does not accelerate until age 80. Other cells take over the dying cell function and cell death alone does not significantly effect memory. The neuro transmitter acetylcholine decreases over time and may contribute to age associated memory impairment "Many studies have shown that low-level electrical stimulation actually promotes cell growth and regeneration. A recent NIH study showed that low-level electrical stimulation of neurons increased the production of the all important myelin cells in the brain. This could be an important discovery since myelin is shown to be decreased in patients with certain disorders and diseases, including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and multiple sclerosis." DEPRESSION Safe Effective Nondrug Treatment of Chronic Depression: A Review of Research on Low-Voltage Cranial Electrical Stimulation and Other Adjunctive Therapies What's 3 times better than Prozac? CES was found to be two times more effective in treating depression than the most effective antidepressant drugs on the market. In fact, CES treatment is 3 times as effective as fluoxetine (Prozac) in the curing of depression, compared to placebo (fake treatment). - Gilula MF, Kirsch DF, Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Review: A Safer Alternative to Psychopharmaceuticals in the Treatment of Depression, J Neurotherapy, 2005: 9(2), pp 7-26. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Review: A Safer Alternative to Psychopharmaceuticals in the Treatment of Depression One study reported an average 92% increase in beta-endorphins in the CSF after only 20 minutes of a single CES treatment. - Shealy CN, Cady RK, et al., Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma Neurochemicals: Response to Cranial Electrostimulation, J Neurol Orthop Med Surg, 1998, 18, pp 94-97. One study reported an average 92% increase in beta-endorphins in the CSF after only 20 minutes of a single CES treatment. - Shealy CN, Cady RK, et al., Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma Neurochemicals: Response to Cranial Electrostimulation, J Neurol Orthop Med Surg, 1998, 18, pp 94-97. Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma Neurochemicals- Response to Cranial ... Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES), Chi,Homeostasis, and the Bioelectrical System The Research Studies section starts with an article on CES and chi, homeostasis and the bioelectrical system. Following this are some articles by Ray Smith, Ph.D. that are recently completed summary studies or meta-analyses of different cogent CES topic areas. Following these articles are broad range database literature search results. I hope you enjoy these readings. And an extensive Research / Studies Section provides much of the solid scientific documentation for the claims Possible range of benefits are based on 20 years of experience and observation Reduced Pain Ability to Focus Lucid Dreaming Deep Relaxation Alzheimer's Disease Chronic headaches Centering and Calmness Reduced Nervous Energy Deeper, more Restful Sleep Better Sexual Performance Improved Mental Abilities Traumatic head injuries Short Term Memory Improvement Increased Mental and Physical Energy Reduced Negative Behavior Patterns Heightened Alpha Brainwave Patterns Improved Attention Span and Concentration FAQ Everything you wanted to know about CES... PAIN Cranial electrical stimulation, and stimulation at selected points of the peripheral nervous system, have been shown to modulate brain neurochemicals, such as endorphins, serotonin, ACTH, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Some of these neurochemicals act as natural morphine-like agents to inhibit pain, while others raise the pain threshold in a natural manner. Studies have shown that serotonin, beta-endorphins and ACTH levels have continued to change up to four hours following treatment. However, the positive effect of the neurochemical changes on patient pain level has been reported to last up to 48 hours after treatment. Transcutaneous Cranial Electrical Stimulation (Limoge’s Currents) Decreases Early Buprenorphine Analgesic Requirements After Abdominal Surgery A study done in Texas reported an 83% positive response after CES treatment in patients suffering from severe aggression attacks that could not be managed by drugs. 67% of these severely aggressive patients that had been permanently institutionalised were well enough to be discharged after three months of daily CES treatment. - Childs A, Price L, Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Reduces Aggression in Violent Neuropsychiatric Patients, Primary Psychiatry, 2007: 14(3), pp 50-56. AN INTRODUCTION TO CRANIAL ELECTROTHERAPY STIMULATION Other brain wave activity such as Alpha (8-12 Hz) and Delta (0-4 Hz) are generally not focused on by ADHD-Neurofeedback research. Worth noting is that in normal development, Alpha increases between the ages of 12-14, while Theta levels decrease at this time (Swartz, 1995). This maturational stage is delayed in ADHD population throughout the 12-14-age range. For example Mann, et al. (1992) found that ADHD boys showed continued increased levels of Theta representative of brainwave activity in younger children. More Transcutaneous cranial electrical stimulation ANXIETY and STRESS There are other reasons to choose CES over medication in the treatment of anxiety. Side effects and addiction are not uncommon with use of these medications. And whereas anti-anxiety drugs may leave the patient in a stupor, CES produces a state of relaxation combined with mental alertness and creativity. This is referred to as the alpha state. CES is superior to medication in another way. CES improves both state and trait anxiety. State anxiety is situational; for example, the stress many experience in undergoing a dental procedure. Trait anxiety is more engrained in the personality. Drugs only work as long as they are taken but CES has demonstrated excellent long-term effects on trait anxiety. Dr. Ray Smith, a leading researcher in CES, shared some amazing statistics. He has measured the effects of CES on anxiety and depression in hundreds of patients. He has used daily one-hour treatments, five days per week. After seven treatments, 96 % of anxiety patients are free of anxiety! After ten to thirteen treatments, 94 % of patients have resolution of depression! Dr. Smith has seen these results maintained for twelve months after treatment in 111 patients! Thirty-three patients were followed for thirteen to twenty months after treatment and were still cured! 82% of participants in one study suffering from an anxiety disorder reported a significant improvement in their symptoms after treatment with CES. - Kirsch D, Gilula MF, Electromedicine: CES in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders, Practical Pain Management, March 2007, pp 40-47. Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES):A Safe And Effective Non-Pharmocological Treatment for Anxiety How does CES work? As with a number of medicines, the mechanism of action (how it works) of CES is not fully understood. Research has led to the hypothesis that it has a mild effect on the hypothalmic area of the brain. Researchers also have noticed rapid increases in serotonin, also associated with relaxation and calmness, and decreases in cortisol, one of the primary stress-related biochemicals. Interestingly, CES also increases levels of norepinephrine and dopamine, both associated with alertness and feelings of pleasure. This may be why so many CES users report feeling both relaxed and alert and slight to moderate euphoria after use. Wide variety of Applications Possible Explanations The microcurrent, delivered in a unique waveform, moves electrons through the brain at a variety of frequencies, collectively known as harmonic resonance. This normalizes the electrical activity of the brain as measuredby an electroencephalogram (EEG). The exact physiological mechanism by which CES works is not fully understood and is still the subject of research study. It is hypothesized, however, that CES acts by indirectly stimulating brain tissue in the hypothalamic area, causing the brain to manufacture various neurohormones and restoring them to pre-stress homeostasis. Is CES safe? CES has an unblemished safety record. A broad reading of published literature on the subject shows no negative effects or major contraindications from its use, either in the U.S. or in other parts of the world. The National Research Council has deemed CES a non-significant risk modality. The unit's sole source of current are common 1.5 volt batterys. Its intensity is limited —no more than is required to run a small toy or a penlight. Even when turned to maximum intensity, it is not harmful. It is suggested, however, that until you become fully acclimated to your unit, you maintain the intensity at a lower setting. It appears that CES influences areas of the brain called the thalamus, hypothalamus and the reticular activating system. It also seems to stimulate the vagus nerve, producing a state of parasympathetic nervous system dominance. The parasympathetic nervous system has a general calming effect on the body. This is certainly consistent with the effects observed with CES. CES has been documented to normalize the body’s electrical fields. This has been measured on EEG (brain wave tracing). For example, people with moderate to severe pain from osteoarthritis were found to have abnormal brain wave activity. After five minutes of CES treatment, brain waves were virtually normal and pain was reduced by more than fifty percent. It has been found that individuals whose brain waves improved the most had the greatest pain relief. It is postulated that CES restores normal electromagnetic communication between cells. This may have the effect of regulating cellular differentiation, tissue repair, and immune function. Case Studies / Vignettes Section The efficacy of CES has been demonstrated in many different ways. Studies have used twenty-seven different psychometric (pencil and paper) tests including the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the State/Trait Anxiety Inventory. CES has consistently demonstrated reductions in anxiety on these tests. Other studies have measured the physiological manifestations of anxiety before and after CES treatment. Slowing of brain waves and respiration rate, as well as reduction in blood pressure are physical signs of stress reduction that have been documented with CES treatment. One placebo-controlled study evaluated the effects of CES treatment in twenty individuals with chronic stress symptoms of at least a year’s duration. All of them had failed to respond to medication. Muscle tension, heart rate and finger temperature were measured before, immediately after, and one week following a single twenty minute CES treatment. Muscle tension and heart rate decreased and finger temperature increased immediately after treatment in those receiving active CES treatment but not in the placebo (sham CES) group. One week after treatment, those who had received active CES treatment still had significantly reduced muscle tension and heart rate! This is one of the many advantages of CES over medications. Whereas medications only work as long as they are taken, CES effects are long lasting and cumulative. Its An Alpha theta Stim and a BT11 all in one BT+ has combined functions of the best units State of the art Micro processors control this amazing new unit Time: 5, 10, 20, 40 mins timer Rechargable Batteries Smaller more portable Intensity Controls High quality ear clips 5 Built in frequencies Plus the Full BT6-BT9-BT11 Frequencies Size aprox 2 inches x 3 inches x 3/4 inch or 5 cm x 7.5cm x 2cm Power Supply Rechargable Batteries, supplied with Recharger Timer 10, 20, 60 minutes and continuous Frequencies 0.5 Hz The 0.5 Hz. setting DELTA brainwave frequency, normally associated with deep sleep and release of deeply embedded stress patterns. Pain relief (temporary) - natural opiates released; lymphatics assisted Reported Mitosis reduction or inhibition of rogue cell activity; Stress buster 1.5Hz Pain, Quiet sleep more 5.00Hz In the Palaces of Memory they suggest 5hz as being the optimum learning frequency. Even as you read these words, a tiny portion of your brain is physically changing. New connections are being sprouted -- a circuit that will create a stab of recognition if you encounter the words again Read: In the Palaces of Memory Increased DNA synthesis; cellular signalling; repair and healing 7.83Hz The 7.83Hz ALPHA THETA( border) brainwave frequency and is associated with a relaxed, but very focused mental state 100.Hz Feel better, Blast those moods Plus the Full BT6-BT9-BT11 Frequencies Current 10 to 600 µA Waveform Bipolar asymmetric rectangular waves, 50% duty cycle Earclips High Quality Ear clips Supplied Intensity Control 20 Different Steps Light Weight and fully portable Homeostasis can be defined as the tendency for intrinsic balance within a system. Application of a range of CES appears to enhance the Balance of the biological central nervous system. A change in one system within the individual will have correlative effects upon other systems. Improvements in mood, cognitive function, self image, shift of locus , control to oneself, and sense of well being can be measured. When CES works, it enhances one's ability to handle or deal with situations that were previously beyond the range of one's control. The BT Plus is a combination of these Two amazing units