Color therapy different healing colours for health and wellbeing Red Orange Yellow Lemon Green Turquoise Blue Indigo Violet Purple Scarlet Magenta Related Links General Directions for the use of colour as taken from the book "Healing for the Age of Enlightenment", by Stanley Burroughs. Each of the colours has a different effect on the body, yet they are all interrelated. They all work together to relieve, cleanse, build and heal. There are no dangerous side effects at any time. Only a normal condition can occur regardless of the length of exposure time on the body, face, or eyes. Since the colour works through the aura to make the changes, only the amount necessary will ever be accepted; as with a pail of water, only the full amount will be accepted and the rest will overflow. (The bulb used is not a heat lamp; it is the colour, not the heat, that does the healing). If the process of loosening and eliminating the toxins occurs very rapidly, one might feel upset. It is not necessary to stop as no danger is being done. If acute or dizzy conditions develop, turquoise may be used for temporary relief. Each application of colour should be for one hour or more; wait for two hours or more before the next one. Emergency treatments may be taken at any time; day or night, to obtain desired relief. With the possible exception of severe burns, generally speaking, it is needless to continue exposure for several hours at one time. It is always best to stay with about one hour on and two hours or more off. Give the body a chance to make necessary changes. Continued exposure of hours can possibly stir up more toxins that the eliminative organs can handle at the moment due to the weakened condition or being overworked. It won't cause harm but could cause discomfort. Even with burns long hours are not necessary after the pain leaves. For most conditions you will be using the warm colours but the cold colours also have many benefits and can be used from time to time just to relax, tone and condition various organs and nerves. Treatments may be taken at any time before eating, but wait for two hours or more after a meal. If indigestion occurs, however, yellow may be used at that time. The colour has the maximum benefit if applied to the nude body. A cover of a white sheet has lesser effects. Normal light in the room will not interfere with the effect of the colour, but do not use in the direct sunlight or other strong lights. It will dissipate the strength of the colour. Have the room warm enough to prevent a chill. Since it is the effect of the colour and not the heat, the lamp may be four to eight feet away from the body. It is best to be in a reclining position or sitting. The swivel on the lamp allows proper exposure on different areas. The base has a small hole in the hook that is suitable for a hook on the wall. Use of the Twelve colours RED: The longest wavelength in the spectrum in the visible spectrum is the colour red. It is the lowest rate of vibration of the visible spectrum. It is an outgoing vibration related to aggressiveness, and of glandular. It is a very exciting colour. A strong clear red in the aura indicates force, vigour, and energy. It is also the colour of warmth, love, and tenderness. Treating with this colour stimulates the automatic nervous and circulatory systems. A clear dark red is a sensual colour. High-pressure salesmanship is predominantly red. It is an irritant and excitant. A dark and cloudy red indicates high temper and nervous turmoil. A light thin red aura indicates a nervous, impulsive, and self-centred person with very little reserve of nervous energy. Man evolves from the low gross colour of red through the entire colour spectrum to the highest of colours, violet. Red projected on the body: Stimulates and builds the liver. Builds the red corpuscles in the liver which are stored in the bone. It is a postulant - draws poisons to a head on the surface to be eliminated. The negative aspect of red is an aggressive warlike attitude and instability with a very strong sex drive. ORANGE: Orange is the colour of success. Projected on the body it contributes to the following: Helps you expand your interests and activities. Gives life and healing with its increase in oxygen by stimulation of the lungs and thyroid glands. It depresses the parathyroid glands. It stimulates the production of milk in the mammary glands. This eliminates the need for animal milks and artificial formulas. Nothing can compare with mother's milk if she is eating the correct foods. Causes vomiting or stimulates action in the opposite direction in case of indigestion. Relieves gas in the digestive system; alleviates convulsions and cramps in all parts of the body. It is most effective for hiccups. Increase all kinds of discharges and elimination's. Decreases menstrual cramps and increases discharges. It is a postulant; drawing boils, carbuncles, and abscesses to a head. It is a lung builder and respiratory stimulant. It heals all lung disorders Most spices come under the orange colour and may be used sparingly in the diet. They contain many trace elements that may be lacking in other foods. Black and white pepper must not be used at any time as they contain a form of cumulative poison. Other spices act as a mild laxative and stimulant for the digestive tract. YELLOW Yellow is a creative colour. It brings the following benefits. Stimulating, activating, endless energy and building of the motivating actions in the body. Creates self-confidence and courage. Depresses the spleen and the parathyroid gland. Increases the appetite. Aids in better assimilation for better nutrition. Stimulates the lymphatic glands. Acts as a motivating action for all kinds or paralysis such as in strokes or sluggish organs. Is a nerve stimulant and builder. Stimulates and strengthens the heart for better circulation. Stimulates the liver and gall bladder, aiding in better eliminations. Destroys body worms and drives them out of the body. Worms and insects shy away from the yellow. Stimulates and builds the pancreas for better control of the sugar balance. Stimulates and builds the eyes and ears. Loosens and aids in elimination of calcium and lime deposits that cause arthritis, neuritis, and similar conditions. Yellow is a most inspiring condition. LEMON: Lemon has more elements than any other colour. Projected on the body; It is a chronic alternative - loosening, relaxing and stimulating the eliminative process. Its phosphorus stimulates and builds the brain for clearer and more positive thinking. Loosens and eliminates mucus throughout the entire body. Activates and loosens congestion in the colon for better elimination. Loosens and dissolves calcium and lime deposits. Activates the thymus gland for better and more rapid growth in retarded children. Is a bone builder. It heals broken bones faster and hardens soft bones. Is extremely effective for loosening and eliminating the common cold. The lemon fruit is the best of all foods to loosen and cleanse. It contains all the elements in the lemon colour plus much more. Is a soothing colour because it relieves tension. GREEN: Green is the master colour. It is the fulcrum of the primary colours and stands out as the key to prepare the body for more effective results from other colours. It stimulates the pituitary, the master gland. Is a vibrant colour of life and growth - the most predominating colour in the life force of our planet. Is crisp, cool, and fresh cleansing in nature. Has the universal appeal to the sense of balance and normality. Raises the vibrations of the body above the vibrations of disease - a form of immunity from all disease. Destroys and heals all infections. Hospitals find less infections when green is present. Is the colour - destroying rotting and building cells and tissues. This is nitrogen, the substance of protein, and the builder of muscles. Animal proteins are highly toxic and destructive. They have no place in creative nutrition. Many elements needed by the body are absorbed from the air through the lungs. It is recognized that oxygen and hydrogen are taken from the air, but few realize that nitrogen is also taken from the air and used as a protein builder. Breathing fresh air and eating of fresh vegetables eliminates completely any possible need for any of the animal forms of food. Smoking prevents the lungs from utilizing the nitrogen from the air. Heavy smokers have a craving for toxic animal proteins. Plants obtain a great percentage of their nitrogen from the air also. Green is the basic colour for all disorders of either chronic or acute conditions. Start all schedules with one or more green exposures. Many conditions may be cleared up with green alone. Green dissolves blood clots in any part of the body or head. It takes less than an hour to accomplish this. There is nothing in medicine that works so fast. The chemicals used for this purpose have many dangerous side effects. There are no side effects from the use of green. The main colour used for cancer is green. Cancer feeds on waste and rotting conditions within the body. When these wastes are removed from the body, the cancer cannot feed on healthy tissue, so it breaks up and passes out of the body - absolutely harmlessly. The fear of cancer is greatly exaggerated. The fear of cancer kills more people than the cancer itself. A clean, healthy body will never produce any form of cancer. The use of green on open sores, cuts, bruises and damaged flesh is truly wonderful. Use green for burns in connection with turquoise to build muscle and tissue, and to build new skin without scars. TURQUOISE: Turquoise is an acute alternative for all sudden pains and aches. Use turquoise after the green for all infections. Use turquoise for skin building when damaged by any degree of burns, scratches, sores, and infections. Pain from burns is usually gone within one hour. The complete healing of third degree burns occurs in less than three weeks without a trace of a scar. Use coconut oil on the burned area to keep it soft. All fevers regardless of the name are caused by the same thing and respond quickly - usually in one hour. It is a tonic, quickly reviving conditions of fatigue poisons. Work, play and exercise produce these poisons as the cells and tissues are broken down, making one feel tired. Turquoise is very cooling and relaxing - especially for headaches and pressures. It is for irritations, inflammations, and itching. It is a mental or brain depressant - especially good for sleeping. Use instead of sleeping pills - a mild sedative with no side effects. BLUE: The oxygen in blue unites or intercepts the hydrogen in red to increase perspiration, as a fever is broken. It is a vitality builder - the oxygen neutralizes the fatigue poisons for a more relaxed and calming condition. Blue is the colour of the pineal gland, the colour of the spirit. A strong, deep blue in the aura indicates anaemia. Blue is a creative force. It produces a peaceful effect for sounder sleep. It relieves itching and irritations. It relieves all fevers and burns, just slightly stronger than the turquoise - to be used after the turquoise if fever still persists. INDIGO: Indigo depresses the thyroid and at the same time stimulates the parathyroid. It is an analgesic - giving relief especially to pain form extreme swelling. Actually reduces swelling as well as relieving the pain. It is a very strong sedative. Stops haemorrhages and nosebleeds. Stops internal bleeding into the tissues and organs. It is an astringent - tightening, firming, and toning the flesh, skin and nerves. (Women particularly enjoy its effect of firming the skin.) As an antibiotic, it equals or surpasses any of the manufactured products on the market with no harmful side effects. The body never becomes allergic or intolerant to its antiseptic action. Has a narcotic effect - produces a strong, deep sleep. Upon awakening, there are no hangovers or drug-like effects. Instead, one feels alive, alert, and refreshed. Depress the heart; shrinks an enlarged heart. VIOLET: Violet has the shortest wavelength of the visible colours. A motor depressant - depressing all over-active parts of the body except the spleen and the parathyroid. It is a spiritual colour. Relaxes, calms, and depressed the nerves, as in over excitable people. It is also an antibiotic, building organism that destroys harmful organisms. As a splenetic stimulant it builds the white corpuscles in the spleen. The spleen produces vitamin D. As the blood passes through the spleen to the heart, a final cleansing takes place to remove any harmful poison or bad cells. Reduces excitement and extreme irritations. Depresses the action of the lymphatic glands for lowered nutrition such as in overweight. Depresses the appetite. Is a cardiac depressant, relaxing and soothing to the muscles and nerves controlling the heart. Gives relief from dysentery and diarrhea. Gives a wonderful deep sleep similar to the Indigo. PURPLE: Purple slows the heartbeat and relieves pain and pressure in the heart. Depressed action in the arteries. Stimulates the action in veins. Lowers the blood pressure; relieves pain of headaches and pains from extreme pressure. Depresses overactive kidneys and adrenal glands. Is a hypnotic - produces relaxed deep sleep with no hangover. Excellent for calming and putting children to sleep. Reduces sex desire. Depresses over emotional conditions. Is an excellent colour for deep meditation. Decreases excessive discharges and menstrual pains. Purple may be interchanged from time to time with turquoise form many types of fevers (such as malaria and rheumatic fevers). SCARLET: Scarlet speeds up the heart beat; it strengthens and builds. Stimulates action in the arteries. Depresses the veins. Raises the blood pressure for more alertness. Stimulates sluggish kidneys and adrenal glands. Increases and stimulates the emotions . Scarlet may be interchanged wherever lemon is indicated. Especially beneficial for congestion and pain in back (lumbago and arthritis). Increases sluggish menstrual discharges. MAGENTA: Magenta balances the emotions. It is soothing and relaxing both to over-emotional and under-emotional conditions. Stimulates and builds the heart. Will produce similar stimulative and depressive effects to those of both scarlet and purple. It works slightly slower. Will raise or lower the blood pressure automatically to produce a normal condition. Stimulates or depresses the veins or the arteries to normal function. Stimulates or depresses the kidneys and adrenal glands. Balances the sex desires and abilities. As with green, magenta is used for all disorders and conditions - it makes the other colours more effective. Builds the aura - strengthens and intensifies Reference from Color Therapy For centuries it's been known that colors can dramatically affect our health, inner harmony and even our emotions. With the help of color the medical effect can be got which the conventional West medicine cannot receive with traditional approaches. Color is a living energy. It is a property of light. Light is an electromagnetic energy produced by the sun in different wavelengths. As the light is absorbed and reflected we end up with different colors. Everything in nature is full of color. Vibration forms everything in life. The universe is only the energy in vibration. Our body has energy fields (called charkas). All of our organs are comprised of vibrating atoms. All of us have our own unique energy system and our organs have different vibrational patterns. We all emit color. Light has different particles called photons and microwaves. Light penetrates everything, even our bodies. Light also emits wavelengths that we cannot see (ultraviolet). These wavelengths contain radiation, which is energy. Energy is Qi and life. Now it is revealed that the length of a wave defines its color. In our environment there is an enormous quantity of waves with different frequency characteristics. Moreover, concrete frequency and color corresponds to each organ. Having the electromagnetic nature the color cooperates with the energetic structures of a human body, strengthening or suppressing their vibrations. Significant changes in energy structure of the person invariable entail changes at a physical level. HOW DOES COLOR THERAPY WORK? The method of color therapy is based on the law of resonant colors interaction, conterminous to frequency characteristics of body. There is a resonant interaction of zones of hands and feet (chakras energy points, acupuncture points of meridians and waves surrounding them) to similar frequency of a color source (artificial or natural). The set of frequencies related to musical notes is an example how colors works. If you place two properly tuned guitars in the same room and pluck the A string on one guitar, the A string on the second guitar will also ring. This is because the sound frequency of the A note traveled across the room causing the resonant frequency of the A string on the second guitar to sound. Likewise, the body's organs have their own resonant frequencies related to the charkas and meridians. Hence, we can "tune " our bodies for optimal wellness through color therapy by exposing our chakras and meridians to the specific color needed. The light beam is as language of the organism cells which communicate with each other, and they do so via photons and microwaves. The color scale promotes restoration of the energy balance broken by illness. Different colors give off different wavelength frequencies and these different frequencies have different effects on physical and psychological functions and consequently different disorders. Colored light can be used directly on the body's health and immuno strength, affecting the body and the emotions. It does not alter the material make up of the body, but rather the vibrational aspect, similar to homeopathy. The treatment itself involves the application of colored light to the acupuncture points on the skin with an instrument that resembles a simple pen light. It does not use needles or pierce the skin. Rather the color sensitivity of acupuncture receptors on the skin is used to absorb the colored light. Acupuncture meridians then channel healing information encoded in the light to targeted cells and the brain where it is needed. On jogas' representation, every chakra depending on frequency of vibrations prevailing in it has own color. The aura of the healthy person has pure colors. The mechanism of many illnesses is caused by infringement of color (electromagnetic) harmony, mixture of colors, and also deficiency of the certain color necessary for normal activity of the organs and mind-emotional condition of the person. RED stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, respirations and blood pressure, excites sexual glands. It energizes the first chakra (coccyx). It warms us and awakens us physically and energizes our blood. It is a good color to wear when we have colds and poor circulation. Too much red can over stimulate and make some illnesses worse. High blood pressure is an indicator of too much red energy in the body. It is a color for war, prosperity, fire, and rising sun. Spiritually it is the root color of fire and connects us to our physical self. ORANGE is the color of joy and wisdom. It affects the second chakra (sacral). It gives an energy, stimulates appetite and it is a good color for illnesses of the colon and digestion. Spiritually it is the color of joy. It connects us to our emotional self. YELLOW is the solar plexus chakra. It energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, stimulates appetite and helps in digestive problems. Spiritually it is the color of wisdom and connects us to our mental self. GREEN affects the heart chakra. It has a calming effect and balances the nervous system. Green color is soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically, helps those suffering from depression, anxiety, nervousness. It is a good color for cardiac conditions, high blood pressure and ulcers. Spiritually it is the color of love and connects us to perfect love. BLUE is the color for the throat chakra. It is a good color in respiratory illness or throat infections. Blue is calming and cooling to our system and hence, a good color to counteract hypertension. Spiritually it is the color of health and connects us to holistic thought. INDIGO is the color for healing of the brow chakra. It is a good color for sinusitis, immunity problems, and all face problems. Too much of this color can cause depression. Spiritually it is the color of intuition and connects us to our unconscious self. VIOLET is the color of the crown chakra. It is cleansing, strengthening, and awakening, suppresses appetite, provides a peaceful environment. It affects the skeletal system of the body. It is a good color for improving immunity, cancerous conditions, and arthritis. It also purifies the system and is an excellent color for headaches and migrains. Spiritually it is the color of faith and connects us to our spiritual self. TREATMENT WITH COLOR. You can practice some exercises to heal your chakras. * Balancing the chakras. Take 7 clothes of different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Put violet cloth on the crown chakra. Place the rest clothes over your body at the appropriate chakra. Relax, and breathe deeply for 5 minutes. The body will absorb these colors and saturate the charkas, in that way the vibrations in your body will be balanced. * With a deep breathing imagine that you breathe air into every part, every organ of your body. This air is transformed then into different frequencies of energy. Inhale slowly though your nostrils and exhale through the mouth. Inhale and exhale to the count of 5. Place the tip of the tongue to the palate of the mouth during breathing. See and feel the air coming in at a certain color. This exercise can be done for 10 minutes in the morning. * This exercise is used when you feel that some basic color needs stimulating. Water can be infused with the color by placing water in colored glasses and exposing the water for 3 hours to sunlight. The next day drink the water. Water can be also placed in the glass with the colored paper over it and being exposed to the sunlight for 3 hours. Colortherapy is a prolonged method of stimulation. This method of healing is carried out with the help of: felt-tip pens, markers, color varnishes, color pencils. Treatment by color can be performed on finger meridians, on chakras, painting the certain points by the certain color following the laws of colors interaction (and consequently, energies) and thus changing the energy potential (balance) both in the point, and in all meridian, and, hence, in organ. Reference from :