Because they know how to avoid the side affects by using antidotes and supplements. From a sample of rainwater taken in Australia before May 2010. Aluminium 720x (the safe level) Arsenic 593x Manganese 4000x Barium 300x Zinc 8000x Iron 2000x Boron 4000x Barium reacts with almost all non-metals, it naturally combines with sulphur, carbon or oxygen. It is used in Fluorescent lamps, as it phosphoreses after exposure to light. Can cause breathing difficulties, Increased blood pressure, Heart rythym changes, Stomach irritation, Muscle wekness, Changes in nerve reflexes, Swelling of brain and liver, Kidney and heart damage. How you know you have been poisoned= is excessive sweating, as Baruim is a Siderific. Barium Sulphate which has been proved to be a chemical in these chemtrails, I discovered you need potassium citrate to counteract the chemical. They have stopped the slash and burn of the cereal stubble, in our fields. This decreases the potassium in the soil now, so even if you eat 5 a day there isn't enough potassium in the plants. Take Potassium chloride 600gms and Vitamin C your body will do the rest. Aluminium poisoning can cause osteomalacia=Vitamin D deficiency. Water soluble aluminium as ions causes harm and can be taken upthrough food, breathing and by skin contact. This causes damage to the CNS, dementia, loss of memory, listlessness and severe trembling. AL. ions are found highest in acidic water environments, inc people. AL. ions react with phosphates, causing phosphates to be less available to water based organisms. Al, concentration of 1.5mg/L is fatal to trout. This can lead to calcium deficiency, which can lead to the heart muscles being affected as they are very sensitive to lack of calcium- increases the beats per min. Silicon decreases uptake of Aluminium. Aluminium poisoning is thwarted by Vitamin D and Vitamin C and Calcium. When you take these you need to take Magnesium and Zinc. Manganese poisoning can cause psychiatric, schizophrenia and neurological disturbances, flu like symptoms, hallucinations. I don't know the antidote. Zinc poisoning symptoms are stomach cramps, skin irritations, vomiting, nausea and amnemia. High levels leads to pancreatic damage, disturbance of protein metabolism, arteriosclerosis. Zinc chloride can cause respiratory disorders. Zinc can increase the acidity of waters (This ties in with the Aluminium ions!!) Zinc is accumulative in fish, which can bio-magnify in the food chain. Boron poisoning is used in chemtrails as it is electron deficient, pocessing an a vacant p-orbital. It reacts with metals to make Borides. It is a good conductor at high temperatures. When animals or people absorb Boron over a long period, male reproductive organs will be affected and birth defects happen. I found that Boron affects the crystal structure in the Pineal gland. When high UV light hits the body, it creates a charge and it fluoresces red. This is what happens to the Hope diamond when put under a UV light source. So you will literally 'see red'. Data didn't inform us if Arsenic was organic or inorganic. Inorganic is toxic. Volacnoes give of 3000 tonnes per year. Burning fossil fuels releases 80,000 tonnes per year. Arsenic combines readilly with many elements. Inorganic poisoning causes damge to DNA. ALso irritation of stomach and intestines. adn lungs. Can lead to skin cancer, lung, liver and lymphatic cancers. Decreased production of red and white blood cells. Infertility, heart disruptions and decreased resistance to infections. I don't know antidote. Iron is known to exist in 4 distinct crystalline forms and dissolves in dilute acids. Iron is chemically active. Iron can cause conjunctivitus, choroiditis and retinitis, if it contacts and remains in tissues. Chronic inhalation can cause benign pneumoconiosis or sidersis, which can cause changes on X-rays but no physical impairments. Iron-III-O-Arsenite, pentahydrate is hazardous to the environment as it persists. Need Vitamin C to convert tertiary iron to binary iron by reducing. Phytatic acid decreases amounts of binary iron. Drinking water has 200ppb of Iron. Groundwater has 100ppb. Best way to get rid of heavy metals is Vitamin C and Phytic acid, which is a strong chelater of Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Zinc (and B3) and uranium. Phytic acid is found in the hulls of nuts, seeds and grains. Also known as E391. Vitamin C reduces Phytic acid action. Phytase from probiotic lactobacilli (yoghurts) can actually increase the uptake of heavy metals. It all depends on your pH!! I have also heard that saunas and exercise are good to elimanate heavy metals through the sweat glands. All these ions are also causing an abundance of positive ions in the atmosphere, which can cause listlessness and a decrease of oxygen uptake. You can counteract this by a de-ioniser. This is also leading to an increase of conductivity in the lower atmosphere. Maybe this is the cause of lightning strikes around the globe. I have found other reasons for the chemicals and ions in Chemtrails. They want to increase your Serotonin levels and decrease your Melatonin levels. These have been found by UFOlogists to be needed by some of the nefarious ET races. Maybe this is what differentiates between non abductees and abductees? And they need high adrenaline in the skin of their victims before they eat them. So get more Sun (SAD light) and and a de-ioniser. And take Bicarbanate of soda (Sodium Bicarbanate) to increase your pH to an alkaline level. And showering can also increase the negative ions. Like being at the Seaside. If anyone knows an antidote to Arsenic I would like to know please as I don't have that knowledge. Quick Chemtrail Chemical Analysis from 1. Aluminum barium 2. Aluminum Oxide 3. Bacilli and Molds 4. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 5. Pseudomonas Florescens 6. Bacilli Amyloliquefaciens 7. Streptomyces 8. Enterobacteriaceae 9. Serratia Marcscens 10. Human white Blood Cells-A restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA 11. Enterobacter Cloacal 12. Other Bacilli and other toxic molds capable of producing heart disease and meningitis as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress. 13. Carcinogen Zinc Cadmium Sulfide. "After chemtrails lingered, spread, covered entire skies and fell, reports of illnesses increased substantially, such as persistent hacking coughs, upper respiratory and intestinal distress, pneumonia, fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, disorientation, headaches, aching joints and muscles, nosebleeds, diarrhea, bloody stools, depression, anxiety, loss of bladder control, and nervous tics. Much of it is reported as flu and everyone but a few know that much of it is poisons dropped over our heads, inhaled, absorbed through our skins, and consumed in our food." Behavioral and Psychological Effects of Chemtrails. A Special Report Please note there are doctors and medical professionals "disguised" from some agency that are fully aware of the chemtrail sprayings and they work mainly in the smaller doctors offices and medical clinics. When people are admitted to an emergency room or visit their clinic, they are fully prepared to start studying the effects of the people admitted, because they have been informed of the chemtrails sprayings in advance. These people should not be trusted under any circumstances. I see clients on a regular basis in my office and on some days the chemtrails seem to have a "dumbing down" effect on my clients when they walk in for their appointments. Most of all people become very sleepy and tired on some chemtrail spraying days. It's like they become "sedated", they start yawning like they are real tired. I have also noticed a reactionary occurrence when I speak to people from my heart they react more during a chemtrail spraying. You will also notice that pigeons and other types of birds are not as active and become more still and quiet on chemtrail spraying days. Other behavioral attributes include: Slowed or delayed reaction time and hesitation or significant lack of coordination skills. I have to talk slower and have more pauses in between my sentences when talking to people. I have also observed an effect that people seem to spend more time on a computer when chemtrails are sprayed. This could be due to the delayed reaction in their thinking. Emotional Attributes include: Denial & Ignorance on certain matters. Chemtrails seem to have a variety of purposes, and they seem to disperse in a variety of visible patterns after spraying. Some chemtrails linger in the sky as "lines" or visible streaks. Other chemtrails seem to fan and spread out and cover the sky in a blanket of thick fog. Others seem to be invisible or have a very fine layer visible. It is also a fact that on very windy days, chemtrails seem to loose a lot of their effect, due to the strong winds, blowing them off course. Some of the purposes chemtrails are used for are, weather modification as well as over the horizon radar, but what about mind control of the human population? Some days the chemtrails they spray are invisible, however you know when they have been spraying because in the late afternoon you will see a slight haze, especially if you use a mountain or other large land mass for contrast. You will see a brownish haze in the late afternoon. Usually on these chemtrail spraying days, people seem more docile and these sprayings occur usually around solar disruptions or flares. One sure way to see if chemtrails have been sprayed for the day is to look at the horizon at dusk or sunset. You will usually see a blood red sunset or the chemtrail streams will be more visible. In the area I live in (the silicon valley, california) when they have sprayed chemtrails, they lave a "tail" or a marker on the south horizon that is vertical. I've also noticed those in certain occupational groups seem to have an immunity to the chemtrail effects. One of these is Auto Body workers, or those who work on fixing up damaged cars. I finally figured this out and it is that it is because these workers work in a sealed environment, (for detailing and repairing cars) and wear special protective masks that screen out dust particles. They also work with epoxy chemical resin, it is possible that wearing a mask keeps the chemtrail contaminants out and something in the epoxy resin may stop the DNA manipulation in the chemtrail mix from boding with the body's host. It is also because they are "creative" in that they are maximizing their creative potential in creating /repairing cars, so they are not sabotaged by the effects of chemtrails. The same effect seems to be with workers who paint cars and are in a sealed environment and also wear protective masks and work in an environment that has filtered air. Also I've noticed that when I work with epoxy resin (also known as Araldite), that when chemtrails are sprayed, the odor from the epoxy resin is lessened, and that my chemtrail immunity is strengthened. Also those that work in environments where UV lights are present. This is because the chemtrail particles are attracted to UV light and, as we all know UV light kills bacteria and viruses. Those most susceptible to chemtrails effects are those who use religion, practice yoga or other methods of "escape". These people have no will of their own and don't seriously question the corporate agenda, etc, rather they serve and honor the corporate agendas purpose and actions. Some Chemtrails inflict Fear and Sabotage People's Creative Potential. I also suspect that there are a select group of companies (possibly run by a covert agency) that provide air filtration systems that may have special air filtration screens that either "dumb down" the offices of the people working in them, or they provide a screen or filter from the chemtrail effects, when they install them in buildings and offices. These companies are probably some sort of CIA or secret government companies that do this. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________ Chemtrails and Stress Those of you familiar with solar physics, know that as Earth's geomagnetic field in the south polar region opens up during a flare or other sun disruption, (which is measured in BZ. This energy from the sun puts stress on the earth. When people become "Stressed", the effects on the human body are the same. Either these special cells in our body open up to fuel our creativity and potential when we are stressed, or if the person has been recently exposed to chemtrails, they activate the chemtrail ingredients. It is possible that our pineal gland, when stressed secretes chemicals that nurture and bring forth development of our true potential and chemtrails block this passage. Or maybe the DNA Host needs an electromagnetic charge to "push" it to activate. If a person works at a computer all day, or wears a cell phone, and than becomes frustrated and chemtrails are being sprayed, the electromagnetism from their computer or cell phone, could be just the trigger to trigger the persons DNA to create mind altering chemicals or fulfill a mind control agenda. Another possible scenario is the media prints certain stories with keywords embedded in them, when the person reads that keyword in the story, the persons DNA activates or triggers, if that person was exposed to chemtrail fallout the last few days. This stress already occurs naturally where creative power is strongest. One example is the los angeles international airport, next to it you have Raytheon Radar, Lockheed Martin, the hilton hotel (holds many conventions and seminars), and other areas where creative expression and potential are released. Remember when the earth is stressed during a flare outbreak, it lets energies in, a person is the same way, when they are stressed, a chemical reaction also takes place. The question is, is someone or something controlling this reaction to manipulate mankind? Another danger is that the ingredients in chemtrails could be activated by microwave, television signals or other RF Frequency, to "create" a virus. This may or may not be the reason for Morgellons Disease starting to appear in the human population. The human potential calendar seem to be one way people are breaking free of the effects of chemtrails. I have used it with much success. CHEMTRAILS AND AFFECT ON HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, THOUGHTS AND BEHAVIOUR FEAR is a key factor here, and it is through fear that we open ourselves up to control. Fear is the frequency which registers most with our fourth and fifth dimensional manipulators, and allows our auras, our protective shields, to be breached, leaving us open to their Light-sucking, energy-sucking control. When you see strips of chemtrails on the horizon, and at odd angles in the sky, than you know that these one time only strips are meant to induce fear and ignorance for those that are learning the truth. Symptoms can include dizziness, fatigue, short term memory loss/ difficulty thinking, thoughts of "reliance on the system" or "Don't challenge or question the corporate agenda, instead rely on it's "security and comfort of a paycheck". Also keywords may also buzz or occur in your head. Recent Keywords (as of November) Black, Insecurity, fear, sustainable development, Not enough accomplished in life etc. These keywords seem to change with each spraying. Other effects include: depression, sinus problems, chest congestion, and a general soreness in all your muscles. Added Feb 27th, 2009. Other Effects: Living in an artificially induced illusion set up by some covert group. Reliance on a built up system, rather than belief in oneself, Mass Insecurity, Cause people to loose confidence in themselves, fear of their potential, Fear, Lack, Lack of Faith. Personal Frustration, Lack of or less energy. Less energy for courage. Fear, Apathy, Giving up, Dizzy Spells, Birds will become more tired, less active and less energy. DEINAL, IGNORANCE are some of the major emotional feelings. Social Isolation & Segregation over certain subjects. A Quote from "Putting all this information together Michael and I one day hit upon what we believe is the real purpose of the chemtrails. It is mind control. It is done by delivering a high level of metals to all the people of earth. The aim is to turn each one of us into a walking antenna. Human beings are electrical in nature. In addition to our complex electrical makeup, we have an energetic side as well. Our meridians and chakras are only the most basic component of this hidden side. This energetic side is very sensitive to electro magnetic and scalar magnetic signals reaching into the terrahertz band. Saturating humans with metallic compounds makes them more sensitive to man made signals in these ranges. Much research has been conducted and many patents have been awarded relating to remote influence, electromagnetic telepathy and mind control." Author's Note: When you do a chakra balancing after a heavy chemtrail spraying, your creative potential improves greatly and you can see the contrast between a chemtrail spraying and how your creative potential is limited when chemtrails are sprayed. Not all chemtrails cause this disturbance, because some chemtrails are for military radar and weather modification. It's possible there is a link between the frequency emitted by a computer monitor and the chemtrails, thus those 2 combining to create a frequency carrier wave thus affecting human consciousness or manipulating human dna as they stare at a computer monitor screen. Also an interesting effect after a spraying is a persons state of thinking and thoughts appear to take on an accelerated pattern. This could be caused by a blockage in the persons receptive system, trying to compensate for the negative effects of chemtrails. Effects I have felt. On certain occasions, but not always, just before a heavy spraying, just before midnight, I have awoken with a suffocating effect. This ALWAYS OCCURS between midnight and 2 a.m., California Time. When they have barium in their mix, I can feel it as an ache in my lower stomach just below the navel. Other chemtrail days, my nose will twitch and itch, even before I see the planes in the sky, so my body now tells me when they are spraying, and I don't even have to look up. I also can feel a distinct "ringing" or high pitched sound in the air after spraying. Like a microwave or other radio frequency is being activated along with the spraying. Others, including myself have felt "disruptive" energies when we think of chemtrails, possibly this is due to fear of ridicule and ignorance, when we tell others. This same disruptive fear seems to resemble that of the UFO subject Another interesting fact is that Spiritual Healing's totally destroy any of the effects left behind by chemtrails, especially if a Spiritual Healing is conducted at the very start of the Earth's Long Term Geomagnetic Increase (or AP Index). Here is a link showing when earth's Geomagnetic Field for a long term rise occurs. I don't know if this means anything, but in astrology there is one particular asteroid called Eros, and when it aligns at these angles: 13 & 14 degrees (alignment with the Galactic Center this is the midpoint earth will cross in 2012), just before 19.5 degrees, 24 or into towards 29 degrees, it seems that at these angles a type of "brainwashing" occurs with the populace, related to greed and excess. Chemtrail Cure, Resistance and ways to get rid of the effects of chemtrails How to combat the effects of chemtrails that are affecting your health, your consciousness and your future potential to life free. Apples and Chemtrails by Peter Farley Chemtrail Cures and Resistance: Colloidal Silver Make Your Own Colloidal Silver;read=4693 High Fiber Foods,8122,455943,00.html Aspartame Poison & Detox After interviewing others about how they inoculate themselves against chemtrails, they use countermeasures (the ones shown below) as soon as spraying starts, than after getting over this "hump" or sleepiness caused by the chemtrails, the effects from the chemtrails are lessened or reduced altogether. Because chemtrails cause chemical changes in the body, a chakra balancing can rid the body of these chemical changes, especially after a very hard spraying. Chakra balancing's also cause beneficial chemical changes in the body and are closely related to our creativity and how we create things in our life. For those who meditate, doing a chakra meditation after a heavy spraying you can feel your creativity greatly increase and become accelerated. "Energy moves through the chakras to produce different psychic states. Modern biological science