By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Stimulate your thyroid gland with the “Rockabye Thyroid” exercise. Make the classic hitchhiking gesture, and lightly hold the laryngeal prominence (Adam’s apple) between your thumb and index finger. Gently rock it from side to side while blinking your eyes at a comfortable speed. The four best times to rejuvenate your thyroid gland are … Lung Time (3:00-5:00 a.m.) Spleen-Pancreas Time (9:00-11:00 a.m.) Urinary Time (3:00-5:00 p.m.) Triple Heater Time (9:00-11:00 p.m.) The Triple Heater refers to … YES — hypothalamus NO — adrenal gland MAYBE — thyroid gland Will Power is accessible at the level of the thyroid gland (Fifth Endocrine Level) … Will — nitrogen Power — hydrogen HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is inside your own body … Triple Heater Meridian — ionospheric enhancement radio frequency transmitter Spleen-Pancreas Meridian — radio frequencies Lung Meridian — atmosphere Urinary Bladder Meridian — rainfall. Mesmerism is like Voodoo without having to conjure up Legba and his playfellows. :) . A Complete Yawn Makes Your Eyes Pee By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Buteyko Method practitioners tend to disparage yawning, one of the greatest stress-busters available to everyone at no cost. (Wilhelm Reich’s “complete orgasm” is even more effective, but this is a children’s blog.) Even ants yawn. Cats don’t practice Buteyko Breathing. Ninety-nine out of a hundred cats prefer to yawn. A yawn relaxes muscles. They immediately tighten up at yawn’s end (with rare exceptions). But if you form a habit of yawning day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, your muscles get looser and looser and looser and looser. Muscle relaxation works backwards and forwards — nerves relax and bones relax. Relaxed bones contain more calcium carbonate and less calcium phosphate. Results are faster using Complete Yawns — “a full yawn with tonic extension of the limbs.” A Complete Yawn makes your eyes water because carbon dioxide is a refrigerant (like dry ice). Food removed from a freezer “sweats” — condensation occurs. Teardrops defrost nerves, muscles, and bones. According to “Cats” (a book based on the Wikipedia article “Cat”) … “Yawning in front of their companion and blinking behavior is common in cats and may be a sign of trust or affection. Some cats will respond to a human who dramatically yawns or closes or opens their eyes by reciprocating the action.” In Defense Of ADHD & Consciousness By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Intelligence and consciousness are based on divergent electrical phenomena (according to Karl Pribram, not to mention Swami Nitty-Gritty). Consciousness is not based on individual nerve impulses (voltage spikes), but on slower electrical field voltage shifts within the cellular mechanism. Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) identified concentration as “distress of the brain,” and he affirmed … “The ability to relax the brain must be developed.” He was aware of the pneumatic basis of both consciousness and intelligence … “When inhalation meets exhalation, brain power increases. Yogis call it samadhi. The greater the lung power, the greater the brain power. Brain power is increased when breath enters this particular state of neutrality known as samadhi, the breathless state, hibernation, or suspended animation.” Standard IQ tests — the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the American College Test (ACT), the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), the Miller Analogies Test (MAT), the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), and an ad nauseum “alphabet soup” of other IQ tests — are extremely limited in their approach to intelligence measurement. John Taylor Gatto wrote … “That’s the secret behind short-answer tests, bells, uniform time blocks, age grading, standardization, and all the rest of the school religion punishing our nation. There isn’t a right way to become educated; there are as many ways as fingerprints. We don’t need state-certified teachers to make education happen — that probably guarantees it won’t.” Cross-cultural intelligence is unfairly portrayed in such standard IQ tests, and high IQ has been correlated with maladaptive behavior, notably social ineptitude and impaired survival adaptions. Consider that dumb-ass nerd, Archimedes, who was so engrossed in delineating his latest invention in the sand that he refused to acknowledge the enemy soldier who promptly beheaded him. Acidify Or Die! / Alkalize Or Live! By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Re: You were swimming against the current when you wrote Acidify or Die! I was swimming against the current in an alkaline river. Acid rain is alkalizing our rivers and lakes at an alarming rate. Limestone rock is being dissolved into our waterways. Environmental geologist Sujay S. Kaushal explained … “We’re basically dissolving the surface of the Earth. It’s ending up in our water. It’s like rivers on Rolaids. There’s a natural antacid in these watersheds.” Excess alkalinity allows algae to proliferate — algae that sucks the oxygen right out of the water. Lack of oxygen kills fish and whatever else lives in the water. Alkaline water converts nitrogen into ammonia, killing more fish. Acidify or Die! was written as a rebuttal to Alkalize or Die! The front cover depicts acidity as a dried-out desert. Almost all deserts are alkaline — dried-up alkali flats. Acidic people die from being too young. They tumorize. They often die of cancer and lack of oxygen. Alkaline people die from being too old. They ulcerate. They often die of shock and excess oxygen. Hyperventilation with respiratory alkalosis is a common symptom of septic shock. Almost all surgeries result in respiratory and/or metabolic alkalosis — one reason why many people with cancer die of the “cure.” . O2 Is Pro-Aging & CO2 Is Anti-Aging By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog A candle burns out faster in pure oxygen than it does in ordinary air. Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) got it right in 1775 when he wrote … “… [oxygen] might not be so proper for us in the usual healthy state of the body, for a candle burns out much faster in dephlogisticated air [oxygen] than in common air, so we might, as may be said, live out too fast and the animal powers be soon exhausted in this pure kind of air.” Priestley italicized “live out too fast.” Indeed, oxygen is a double-edged sword. Not to worry, sulfur supplement-takers — sulfur not only helps deliver oxygen, it helps protect the body against it. Just don’t hyperventilate and over-alkalize beyond sulfur’s protective capabilities. Sulfur is capable of combustion just like oxygen, but it rarely happens because sulfur doesn’t have the same flair for tearing electrons away from other atomic elements. Truth be told, human beings (like many anaerobic prokaryotes) are facultatively anaerobic — we can switch to sulfur respiration (anaerobic respiration with sulfur). Sulfur is an integral part of our so-called “chakra” system. Olivia Newton-John sang, “Let’s Get Physical,” but Olivia Neutron-Bomb sang, “Let’s Get Metaphysical,” so buckle your seat belts, Earthlings! We’re carbon-based beings contaminated (in both detrimental and beneficial ways) by silicon-based, sulfur-based, and methane-based beings. The four castes of India are actually distorted versions of this celestial contamination. 1) The DAIVAS (silicon-calcium-based beings) infiltrated our Second Endocrine Acceleration (our astral or electrical body). 2) The ASURAS (sulfur-iron-based beings) infiltrated our Third Endocrine Acceleration (our mental or magnetic body). 3) The RAKSHASAS (methane-magnesium-based beings) infiltrated our Fourth Endocrine Acceleration (our causal or environmental body). By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Subcutaneous injections of chemically inert cellulose don’t cause cancer if the cellulose fibers are round, only if they’re sharp. Round asbestos fibers don’t cause cancer. Sharp asbestos fibers do. Sun Sync Nutrition is mostly about structure and geometry, not chemistry. In Chinese medicine, Yin moves outward and Yang moves inward. Cancer cannot form “in the round.” It takes elongation. Confining your leg to a cast slows the development of cancer … and hinders pregnancy. Traction speeds the development of cancer … and supports pregnancy. Stretching can activate a defense mechanism. For example, gadolinium is a stretch-activated channel blocker that discourages lung cell proliferation. Shape-shifting is a defense against disease. Perhaps shape-shifting is associated with 22:6, an extremely polyunsaturated fatty acid found in the human body capable of alternating between different shapes BILLIONS of times each second! Geometric Body Resonance will be a course of study at the Sun Sync Science School of Self Healing. By Atom Bergstrom Atom’s Blog Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Grtty) said … “The life is in the blood. Energy follows the circulation of the blood.” “Magnetic flow leaves you vulnerable. Neutral flow is collective integration. Life flow is superior to all. The life is in the blood.” “The brain doesn’t think, it pulsates. Thinking is the rhythmic expansion and contraction of the brain, geared to the respiratory pattern.” “The lungs produce blood pressure. God don’t want no competition with a big brain. God is breath.” “Self-respect comes from the heart. ‘Listen, listen, listen to my heart’s song’ is the sound of the venous and arterial blood crossing so uniquely throughout the body. If you can synchronize your ears to that sound, you will learn how volition is released from the heart.” “The bell resonates with the heart. The bell sound is from ventricle collapse, the resonance of the blood passing through the ventricle.” “Arterial blood is rich in magnesium, and venous blood is rich in iron. Iodine regulates them.” “Volition is normal blood pressure. Low blood pressure causes you to drag your feet and be listless, to be nonparticipating, and eventually become catatonic. High blood pressure causes you to be overly concerned with time, with getting things done as quickly as possible. Though low blood pressure and high blood pressure are both problems, if you have to choose between them, pick low blood pressure because high blood pressure kills.” “Water-containing fruit and plants that clean the blood are biological Clorox.” Laura Sanders (“Blood exerts a powerful influence on the brain The brain’s nerve cells have a call-and-response relationship with the blood that sustains them,” Science News, Nov. 4, 2015) wrote … “Beyond keeping neurons well fed, blood may actually tell neurons when to fire. Kind of like gasoline oozing out of a car’s gas tank and taking the wheel.” .