Tastes, Planets and the Food We Eat BY: ABHAYA MUDRA DASI Jul 13, 2010 — BLAGOEVGRAD, BULGARIA (SUN) — Feature story from The Astrological Newsletter, July 8, 2010, No. 11. In Vedic Astrology the 2nd house reveals one's preference for food. The planets influencing it may decide one's favorite taste. In addition, one should avoid the tastes of the planets that are likely to bring on disease. Suppose one is running a dasa or antardasa of the Moon in the 6th house ruling diseases. Then some suffering related to Moon is possible. Moon can give problems related to blood pressure as he governs liquids in the body. So eating too much salty food during such a period may result in high blood pressure. Similarly, one should cut down on sweets during a period in which Jupiter related troubles are indicated. Or, one may develop too much fat (Jupiter) or find himself prone to other Jupiter-related diseases. When we offer food to the Deities we wish those preparations to be palatable and acceptable by the Lord. In Nectar of Instructions (1) Shrila Prabhupada states: "There are six kinds of rasas (tastes), and if one is agitated by any one of them, he becomes controlled by the urges of the tongue." For this reason it is desirable that we offer all six tastes to the Lord while making an offering of food to Shri Krishna. Nonetheless the offering should contain only foodstuffs pleasing to the Lord and not be offered to Him with the intention of our enjoyment. Only then liberation from the material world is possible. The Deity of Shri Krishna is not a machine for producing prasadam. The seven planets (excluding Rahu and Ketu) rule the tastes as follows: Sun Rules Pungent (Sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, as if by a penetrating power; biting; acrid.) Pungent taste is present in spicy foods and in digestive enzymes. Pungent spices stimulate by irritating the lining of the digestive tract and other membranes. Made of the fire element, pungent tastes are sharp and concentrated, fast-acting and intense, spreading quickly to all tissues. The forceful, constant contact of fire element penetrates, burns, ulcerates, cuts and cauterizes. Black pepper and chilies are quintessential pungents. The body flushes pungent irritants by thinning the blood, dilating blood vessels and increasing the heart rate. Pungent taste thus improves circulation and liquefies, softens, secretes and flushes breaking up and dissolving thick or hardened masses such as mucus. Pungent taste stimulates courage and valor because blood flow is movement of prana. The immune system is in the blood. Good circulation, stimulated by ginger, black pepper or other pungents, helps improve immunity and resolve sore throats. Moon Rules Salty (Tasting of or containing salt; saline.) Salt brings out the flavor in food and brings enthusiasm for life. It stimulates secretions improving digestion. Salt is a laxative breaking up all hard masses in the digestive tract. Salt in excess obliterates all other tastes and causes thirst. Excess salt increases flabbiness and wrinkling of the skin. In excess salt damages fluids, decreases libido, hardens muscles, damages bones, causes premature aging and spoils the blood. Mars Rules Bitter (Having a harsh, disagreeably acrid taste, like that of aspirin, quinine, wormwood, or aloes.) The body perceives bitters as a poison and stimulates various organs for protection. In case of edible bitters, this has a beneficial, stimulating effect on digestion. Bitters stimulate peristalsis, release of bile in the liver and gall bladder, and clears the blood. Bitters are the missing taste in the modern diet but they are the most common taste in nature. Bitters are drying to the body, increase metabolism, and scrape fat. Bitter purifies the body and dries up all secretions. Bitter resets the taste buds and destroys food cravings. It increases ether element. Bitters are light, cooling, clearing and drying. They cleanse the body of toxicity. Bitters create a descending action that alleviates dizziness and fainting from heat conditions including fevers. Bitters are used to treat fever because they also clear the blood plasma of impurities and sweet taste. Bitter taste clears wounds and purifies the skin and muscle tissue. This was the favorite taste of Lord Chaitanya. Mercury Rules Mixed Tastes Every food has a 'taste personality'. Generally eating a food daily for two weeks will help discover the personality of the food. Emotions come from the mind but they are express with the mouth. As stated by Shrila Prabhupada in Nectar of Instruction (1), the tongue, belly and genitals are all situated in a straight line, and they fall in the same category. Lord Chaitanya said, bhala na khaibe ara bhala na paribe: "Do not dress luxuriously and do not eat delicious foodstuffs." (Cc. Antya 6.236) Those who suffer from diseases of the stomach must be unable to control the urges of the belly, at least according to this analysis. When we desire to eat more than necessary we automatically create many inconveniences in life. However, if we observe fasting days like Ekadashi and Janmastami, we can restrain the demands of the belly. Jupiter Rules Sweet (Having the taste or flavor characteristic of sugar, honey, etc.) Sweet taste includes nourishing foods like carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Sweet taste means good tasting not necessarily sugary. Sweet taste is rare in nature and desirable. We need sweet taste to survive. After the agricultural revolution sweet taste became abundant. It dominates the modern grocery store. Sweet taste is cooling, heavy, oily, and sticky. It brings softness and stability. Sweet taste coats the tongue and throat. It facilitates elimination of bowels. It is beneficial to children, in old age, and in debilitated persons. Sweet taste alleviates thirst and nourishes the mind. Sweet taste helps in wound healing as long as the wound is not infected. Excess use of sweet taste, especially refined grains and refined sugars, thicken blood plasma. Thick, sticky blood plasma bogs circulation causing stagnation and high blood pressure. Poor circulation also causes swelling in the hands and feet. Healthy lungs depend on good circulation to keep them hollow. Otherwise, the lungs fill up with mucous and water. Excess sweet taste causes mucous buildup in the lungs and back of throat. Venus Rules Sour (Having an acid taste, resembling that of vinegar, lemon juice, etc.; tart.) When something spoils or goes rotten it becomes sour. Sour foods include yogurt and pickles. Generally sour foods spoil the blood. Fortunately, nature provides us with healthy sours as well including acidic fruits like citrus and sub-acidic fruits like peaches. Acidic fruits include citrus fruits like lemons, limes and oranges. Sub-acidic fruits include peaches, apricots, cherries and apples. Sub-acidic fruits are the most sattwic of all sours. Sours moisten and refresh a dry palate, encouraging salivary secretions which improve taste. Gastric secretions in the stomach improve digestion. Saturn Rules Astringent (Cool, rough, dry taste) Foods with astringent taste make the mouth feel rough or dry. Astringent tastes cleanse the mouth but may cause difficulty swallowing. Leafy greens, green bananas and cranberries are astringent. Astringent taste makes an apple crunchy. It makes lentils and peeled potatoes stick to each other. Emotionally, astringent taste helps one cool and collect scattered thoughts. Astringent in the physical analog of fear causes the cells of the body to withdraw. We can recommend a diet that is appropriate to you horoscope. THE SUN : Food-stuffs-Rice, honey and aromatic herbs, as used for flavouring. Flowers - Marigold, sunflower, peonies, etc. Trees-The bay, walnut and palm. THE MOON : Food-stuffs-Cabbage, melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, turnips, mushrooms, lettuce, watercress. Flowers-Mostly night-growing varieties. Trees-Traditionally, those which are mostly rich in sap, e.g. Maple and Sycamore. MERCURY : Food-stuffs-Many seed-bearing plants; carrots, parsley, the majority of nuts. Flowers-The wilder varieties. Trees-Hazel, walnut, and other nut-bearing trees. VENUS : Food-stuffs-Gooseberry and other berries, wheat, and most of the spices. Flowers-Daffodil, goldenrod, violet, rose, lily, etc. Trees-Apple, pear, peach, fig, almond, ash, cypress and most of the vines. Mars : Food-stuffs-Practically all the "hot" foods, such as ginger, and peppers, and those of strong taste such as the onion, garlic, etc. Hops are also under Mars. Flowers-The unusual and rather coarser bright flowers. Trees-Holly, fir (?) and all thorn-bearing trees, or bushes. JUPITER : Food-stuff-Vegetables such as sage, leeks; asparagus; rhubarb; mints; and fruits such as strawberries and the currants. Flowers-The daisies and similar flowers. Trees-Lime, birch, mulberry, ash, oak, birch. SATURN : Food-stuffs-Most vegetables, such as potatoes, etc.; parsnips, spinach and barley. Flowers-Very few known to be associated, but the various bushes when in flower are thought to be so placed Trees-Pine, yew, willow, elm. URANUS and NEPTUNE are similar to Venus and the Moon, respectively. [After Lyndoe, 1938, pp.337-8] Some examples of medicinal plants ruled by the planets, as given in Culpeper, are as follows: Sun - Chamomile, Rosemary, Eyebright Moon - Willow, Watercress, Poppy, Cucumber, White Roses Mercury - Caraway, Lavender Venus - Coltsfoot, Woodsage, Alder, Elder, Wild Thyme Mars - Bryonia, Hops Jupiter - Cinquefoil, Hyssop, Red Roses, Henbane Saturn - Comfrey, Ivy, Hemlock, Belladonna Sun (Surya)- red chillies Moon (Chandra)- milk, water, rice Mars (Mangala)- bitter gourd Mercury (Budha)- green vegetables Jupiter (Guru)- sweets, clarified butter Venus (Shukra)- curd, yoghurt Saturn (Shani)- mustard, alcohol Rahu- mushrooms, red meat Ketu- fish MISCELLANY IN ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES- Venus rules curd and yoghurt and having power to revive the dead through the Sanjivani, curd and yoghurt are used in potentially fatal diseases. There is nothing better to strengthen the immune system and yet this is not for everybody as indicated in this article above. It should be no surprise then that the diamond is similarly used in such situations. Please see the correlations established above in this paper between the body, food and gemstones. When it comes to Saturn the difference is that the planet is ‘the great malefic’ and rules alcohol related problems when it comes to imbibing. In food stuffs ruled by Saturn a poignant situation usually emerges akin to a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea. This is how it was intended. Even so, if Saturn occupies special locations its food and drink significations cannot be ignored.