Bioelectro Medicine There are a number of devices that use specialized electric fields to alter the function or condition of targeted tissue, organisms, or cells within the body. These electric fields can be programmed to promote the healing of healthy tissue or inhibit the growth of undesired organisms. Where there are electric fields , there are also magnetic fields, usually rotated at 90 degress to each other. The interplay of the electric and magnetic fields play a role in this therapy, but the frequency, the shape of the wave, the duration and polarity of the pulse, etc., all play into the mix and can make the difference between success or failure depending on the care and attention given to these parameters. This is not necessarily a new technology. At the turn of the 19th century, Nikola Tesla patented many Electro-inventions that demonstrated incredible health-promoting attributes; some of them based on the use of his high frequency, high voltage DC pulse generator circuits which produced a new ether-derived form of energy called Radiant Energy. Tesla had even patented a highly efficient cold plasma ozone generator by 1893. Dr. Royal Rife In the late 20's and early 1930's, Dr. Royal Raymond Rife from San Diego, California, developed a high powered microscope which he used in conjunction with a frequency generator. Using special UV light, Rife's mircroscope was capable of 60,000x magnification! This degree of magnification allowed him to observe LIVE virus and bacteria organisms while he applied the MOR (Mortal Oscillatory Resonance) frequency from his frequency generator via plasma tube radiation of the energy. He was able to destroy all manner of disease organisms (including cancer related organisms) by merely 'tuning' the generator to the correct resonant frequency of these organisms and applying the oscillating electric fields via the plasma driven, "Beam Ray Tube". Everything in the universe, living or dead, and its own resonant frequency. If you apply this exact resonant frequency to the object or organism, it will begin vibrating until it literally shatters itself. You've all seen the wine glass and the opera singer demonstration. Same deal for microbes. 60,000x magnifications is an unheard of degree of magnification in a light microscope, even by today's technical standards. Today's electron microscope can deliver high magnification, but it can only view DEAD organisms. The ability to view micro organims in a LIVING state is of great importance to diagnostic and therapeutic goals. This is an extremely important point to understand. Rife's microscope played no role in the actual destruction of the pathogenic organisms, but it allowed him to view the effects of the electric fields from the Beam Ray Tube upon the organism itself. As Rife adjusted and tuned his frequency generator to the correct frequency, he was able to observe the disintegration of the bacteria, parasite, or virii under the influence of the resonant electro-magnetic fields exerted by the Beam Ray Tube. At first, Rife's enormous accomplishments were ballyhooed in the press. He was feted and hosted by the local medical elites of the day who were hoping to climb onto the Glory Bandwagon with him and get their mug published in the newspaper as a supporter and cohort of the "man who could finally end cancer". But the Big Boys finally caught up with him. I'm referring to the string pullers in organized medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Needless to say, once word of Rife's success began to spread too wide, he was quickly 'neutralized' by organized medicine and demoralized into obscurity (unending court litigation, charges of quakery, intimidation of financial supporters, the burning down of laboratories, etc...the "usual' routine). His principle persecutor was the head of the American Medical Association and chief editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association. His name was Dr. Morris Fishbein and he never treated a patient in his life. He was motivated more by an unmitigated lust for greed and power, and less by a desire to save lives. Failing to convince Rife to sell him the exclusive rights to his technique and therapy, Fishbein set out to crush Rife with a vengence. The outrageous injustices against Rife by Fishbein and the medical establishment are explained in great depth in a book by Barry Lynes called The Cancer Cure That Worked. Fortunately, we have physicist Gary Wade, a specialist in Rife technology, available to readers of this web site. He will explain to you exactly how Rife achieved his amazing results and how YOU can learn how to apply Rife's hard earned technology yourself. You should waste no time in examing Gary's extraordinay and generously shared insights in Rife technology. Some of the best books about Rife were written by Barry Lynes (E.g. The Cancer Cure That Worked). Dr James Bare of Albuquerque, New Mexico has also published a manual and video on how to build your own Rife device ( ). See this special page devoted to Royal Rife links that will bring you to many excellent web sites talking about Rife and his work ( Geroges Lakhovsky Another brilliant observer and thinker was the Russian-born engineer, Georges Lakhovsky. Lakhovsky theorized that the genetic filaments stands within the nucleus of a living cell acted as a coil and exhibited all the properties properties required of an oscillator; namely: inductance, capacitance, and resistance. Lakhovsky postulated that all living cells, including disease organisms, could act as both an emitter and receiver of very high frequency oscillations. According to his theory, a state of health or disease was dependent on whether the oscillations from healthy cells were maintained (a state of equilibrium) or were overtaken by the oscillations of disease-causing cells (disequilibrium). He found that he could boost the oscillatory level of weakened cells and overcome disease by attaching a simple coil-shaped 'antennae' to the affected area and leaving it in place. Lakhovsky referred to these antennae as oscillating circuits and they were worn by people as collars, belts, or bracelets. He claimed that his 'antennae' captured and focused sympathetic waves from the cosmos (cosmic waves) which resonated with harmonics of the fundamental frequency at which the weakened cell oscillated. Whenever additional oscillating energy (from cosmic waves), of the same frequency or harmonics of that frequency, are introduced into an oscillating circuit (the nucleus of the cell), the oscillations within that cell will be strengthened through a phenomena of physics called resonance. According to Lakhovsky, the now-strengthened oscillations emanating from the formerly weakened human cell could now overtake the oscillations of the disease-causing organisms and cause them to diminish in strength and subsequently die off. Lakhovsky conducted an experiment with plants in 1924 to establish the validity of his theory. He inoculated ten potted geranium plants with a plant disease that causes cancerous tumors. Coiled around the stem of one of the geraniums, he affixed an open ended coil of thick copper wire about 30 cm in diameter. It was held in place by an ebonite stake stuck into the pot. While the other nine inoculated geraniums quickly succumbed to the cancerous disease, the one geranium with the attached coil (the 'antennae) sloughed off the cancerous growth and thrived into a robust and healthy plant. Lakhovsky had similar success when these antennae coils (the 'oscillating circuits ' mentioned above) were used with people and animals. He later expanded his research with the development of the Multi-Wave Oscillator (explained below). Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO) Geroges Lakhovsky published an extremely important book into French, German, Italian, and Spanish in the 1920's called The Secret of Life. Unfortunately, it wasn't available in English until September, 1939-at the very outbreak of World War II. Occupied with the emerging drama of World War II, the book went unnoticed and unreviewed. Thanks to Dr Bob Beck, however, many researchers are today re-discovering Lakhovsky's astounding Multi-Wave Oscillator. This instrument manufactures a broad range of high frequency pulsed signals that radiate energy into patient via two resonators: one resonator acting as a transmitter and the other as a receiver. The patient sits on a wooden stool in between the two resonators and is exposed to these energies for about 15 minutes. These energies increase the resonance of healthy cells and create disequilibrium in disease organisms. His clinical results created a lot of excitement in Europe where his reputaion quickly spread. You can read more about the MWO on the Georges Lakovsky page. Interested readers can obtain a reprint of Lakhovsky's The Secret of Life and The Waves That Heal by Mark Clement from Educate-Yourself (see the Products page). Back to top Bob Beck Rescues Lakhovsky's MWO from Obscurity In the early 60's, Dr Bob Beck found an original Lakhovsky Multi-Wave Oscillator in the basement of a well known southern California hospital. He took it apart and described exactly how it was built in a series of articles published by Borderlands in 1963. After Beck's articles were published, a number of builders began to assemble MWO's and the word started to spread. Two MWO builders who lived on the west coast, using the information contained in Beck articles, began making and selling a lot of Multi Wave Oscillators. Apparently they worked fairly well because the FDA got word of the MWO's growing popularity and told Beck to come to Washington. Beck and the two builders were told to lay off promoting the MWO and stop building them. They were told in no uncertain terms to cease and desist immediately ...or else. Beck and one of the MWO builders, Ed Skillings, complied, but the second builder, Ralph Bergstresser, was determined to keep going, so he actually formed a church dedicated to the worship of the MWO. Yes, you read that correctly. And, for a couple of years at least, his 'parishioners' were able to come to church, sit around the MWO-perched high atop an altar, with resonator antennas glowing - and received the 'blessed waves' from the Sacred Oscillator. It helped a lot of church goers, until the 'pastor' was finally thrown into the slammer by the Feds and had his modern version of the Ark of the Covenant hauled away. He got out after a couple of years, but still went on building MWO's anyway, distributing them through underground sources. Many present day owners of properly working MWO's are either using units built by or copies of the "pastor's" work (now why isn't there an Oscar category reserved for a guy like that?). Blood-Electrification In recent years, different electro-medicine units have been promoted at health expos and through magazine articles, interviews, books, etc.. One of the more interesting devices is the blood electrifier of Dr Bob Beck. I've seen laboratory reports and Institutional Review Board studies that seem to clearly support claims made by Dr BobBeck that his blood electrification device has caused 'complete spontaneous remission' in literally thousands of AIDS patients, cancer patients, and chronic fatigue sufferers among others. Dr Beck discovered the possibilities offered by blood electrification after reading a short article in 1991 in a journal called Science News. The Discovery In the Fall of 1990, two researchers, Drs William Lyman and Steven Kaali, working at Albert Einstein Medical College in New York City made an important discovery. They found that they could inactivate the HIV virus by applying a low voltage direct current electrical potential with an extremely small current flow to AIDS infected blood in a test tube. Initially, they discovered this in the lab by inserting two platinum electrodes into a glass tube filled with HIV-1 (type 1) infected blood. They applied a direct current to the electrodes and found that a current flow in the range of 50-100 microamperes (uA) produced the most effective results. Practically all of the HIV viral particles were adversely affected while normal blood cells remained unharmed. The viral particles were not directly destroyed by the electric current, but rather the outer protein coating of the virus was affected in such a way as to prevent the virus from producing reverse transcriptase, a necessary enzyme needed by the virus to invade human cells. Reverse transcriptase allows the virus to enter a human T cell line (called CEM-SS) and commandeer the DNA reproduction machinery. After using the host cell to reproduce itself into thousands of new virii, the swollen host cell (now called syncytia or giant cell) will burst and spew the contents into the bloodstream or lymph system. This is how the virus spreads, but lacking reverse transcriptase, the HIV virus can't invade the host cell and it becomes vulnerable to destruction by the body's immune system. (The details of this experiment can be read from Kaali's patent application.) Getting the Word Out? A brief announcement of this discovery appeared in The Houston Post (Mar 20, 1991), then in Science News (Mar. 30, 1991 pg. 207) and later in Longevity magazine: (Dec.1992 pg. 14). Following their work in the Fall of 1990, Kaali and Lyman presented their findings at the First International Symposium on Combination Therapies (an AIDS conference) in Washington DC on March 14th, 1991. Kaali outlined two methods for treating an AIDS patient with this new therapy: One method involved removing a small amount of blood, electrifying it and then returning it to the patient's body. The second method involved sewing a miniature electrifying power supply along with two tiny electrodes directly into the lumen of an artery. For long term treatment, the mini electrifying unit needed to be removed and relocated to a new artery site after 30-45 days since scar tissue and calcification forming around the implant unit would lead to artery blockage. Kaali (along with co-inventor Peter Schwolsky) filed for a patent on this implantable electrifying device on Nov 16, 1990 and nine months later was granted patent #5,139,684 on August 18, 1992. It's interesting to note two things here: 1. In order to obtain a patent from the United States Patent Office, Kaali and Schwolsky had to prove that the device works as claimed. Lacking solid proof, patents are simply not granted. 2. Very often it takes years to obtain a patent, yet this patent was granted in only nine months; a further indication to me of the strength their proven claims It's also interesting to note that other than the 3 publications mentioned above and the March '91 AIDS conference, nothing again appeared in print, radio, or TV about this important discovery as a potential treatment and cure for AIDS from Kaali and company. Most knowledgeable observers feel that Kaali and Lyman's discovery was intentionally suppressed following the March '91 AIDS conference presentation. If AIDS research was on the level and not the sham that it actually is, this should have made front page news around the world. By the way, in July (2000), a woman with Mycoplsma Incognitus (Gulf War Illness) E mailed me and told me (after reading this story) that she had called Albert Einstein College and spoke directly with Dr William Lyman, one of the co-discoverers of blood electrification. She wanted to know how effective he thought blood electrifiation would work against mycoplasma. Lyman told her that he had no idea what she was talking about. He denied knowing anything about blood electrifiction and couldn't give her any information about it at all. Such is the vice grip power of the medical cartel. Enter Dr Bob Beck A man named Professor Walter Schnitder drew Dr Robert C. Beck's attention to the above mentioned item in Science News. Beck looked up the patent and decided to try and duplicate the therapy, but he wanted to do it non-invasively; that is by applying the electric current from outside the body. Now if you apply a direct current (DC) potential to the skin, you're going to get an electrolysis effect and that can cause problems, so Beck designed a circuit that varied the voltage with an alternating current (AC) at a very low frequency and avoided the electrolysis problem. The waveform that Beck chose is not the typical sine wave seen in AC household outlets, but rather is a bi-phasic square wave. Square waves generate a large number of harmonics. Harmonics are frequency multibles of the original frequency. For example, a 4 Hertz (hz) square wave can produce harmonics (with the right equipment) of 8 hz, 16 hz, 32 hz, etc. right up into the radio frequency range. Beck finally settled on 3.92 hz as the ideal base frequency and assembled a schematic of the simple square wave oscillator , including a complete parts list. He used short, one inch lengths of stainless steel welding rods with attached wires for electrodes and started to experiment on himself. Gradually, he began feeling stronger, had more energy and started losing his excessive weight (he was over 300 lbs at the time). After a 7 or 8months, his weight was down to 150 lbs and he felt better than ever. He went on the lecture circuit, talked for free, and gave the schematic and related construction/protocol information away without charge. AIDS patients, particularly, experienced dramatic reversals of their deteriorating conditons using the blood electrifier, but the unit seemed to help many other conditions as well, whether autoimmune, viral, or bacterial in origin. (more information about Beck's papers and protocols can be obtained by contacting the Editor) Pulsed, Electro-Magnetic Therapy Pulsed- low, mid, and high frequency AC signals, when applied to the body, can produce therapeutic electric/ magnetic fields. Properly configured, they can also produce scalar waves. The special attributes of scalar waves were first described mathematically by James Clerk Maxwell in 1873, and later by Nikola Tesla. A certain type of pulsed electro-magnetic field, with their attendant scalar waves, seems to stimulate re-growth and regeneration in injured tissue. Covalent waves (conventional sine waves) do not have the same effect. Dr Robert O. Becker, M.D., discusses this phenomena in two of his recent books that deal with electro-medicine: The Body Electric (1985) and Cross Currents (1990).