Liver Cleanse Feed Your White Blood Cells All cancer and other severe cases have starving white blood cells (WBCs). They must be fed. Dr. Clark found that that three supplements taken together feed and reactivate our white blood cells (WBCs) - our immune system - so that, like pacman, they start eating the toxins in our bodies . The three supplements are: 1.ROSE HIP CAPSULES A teaspoon of coarsely ground rose hips, seeds included, supplies the vitamin C power of 2000 mg. This is because the effectiveness of a natural substance does not just depend on an "active ingredient". There are extra factors involved, making the whole food more effective. 2.HYDRANGEA CAPSULES A teaspoon of hydrangea root or raw nuts or safe peanut butter supplies the organic germanium. DO NOT USE if you have a chronic cough or cold you cannot get rid of. 3.SELENIUM A large Brazil nut, freshly cracked, brings 50 mcg of organic selenium, but can replace a dose of pure sodium selenite of 1000 mcg. Selenium is considered toxic if taken in excess. Dr. Clark gave high doses of selenium to her cancer patients. According to her research, the amount prescribed by her did not reach the threshold of toxicity. Dr. Clark noticed that after ten minutes of being fed, the Syncrometer® detects that they are cleaning themselves out of their own bacteria and viruses, which they were not able to do previously. Dr. Clark’s dosage for cancer patients: •Selenium (200mcg): 3 caps 5 times a day •Hydrangea root (33 mg): 2 caps 5 times a day •Rose hips caps (440mg): 2 cap 5 times a day These taken together feed your White blood cells. Take this dosage for 2 weeks, then reduce to half. After the 3rd week , at half dosage, cut it in half again, so you are on about ¼ of the starting dosages. If you are not a severe case, you might want to take a lower dosage such as ¼ of the above-mentioned starting dosages, i.e. •Selenium (200mcg) : 1-2 caps a day •Hydrangea root (335mg): 2 caps a day •Rose hips caps (440mg): 2 caps a day Different white blood cells are given different jobs to do. They are very organized in their one real task-to protect you. With the Syncrometer® Dr. Clark distinguished ten kinds of white blood cells. They are CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes, CD37 B cells, CD14 macrophages, and six more varieties that eat dyes and motor oil. The CD4s eat and kill viruses. The CD8s include our natural killers. They are even seen killing CD4s when these are not able to kill the viruses they have eaten. The CD 14s eat everything, except you. Both CD8s and CD 14s are flesh eaters; only these can eat tumor cells and large parasite pieces. Fast Green dye concentrates in our CD8 natural killer cells and is seen in every USA cancer patient. The cells remain quite alive after this, in increased numbers, but not able to kill anything. Besides the 3 supplements for our WBCs you can also add homeography to strengthen and reactivate your WBCs: •Take drops of CD 14s and CD8s •Make NICKEL-out-of-CD8s and NICKEL-out-of-CD14s •Make FAST GREEN-out-of-CD8s and FAST GARNET-out-of-CD4s •Make WHEEL BEARING GREASE, DYES and HEAVY METALS-out-of-CD37 cells L-G (glutamic acid and lysine) L-G is found normally present in at least ten kinds of white blood cells including lymphocytes, neutrophils, and even eosinophils. The CD4s and CD8s normally kill viruses but without L-G they do not. All CD4s and other white blood cells that do not have L-G present, have mercury and/or thallium stuck inside them. This is coming from amalgam deposits, located in very many places in the body. You have been robbed of your natural L-G making ability. Taking L-G as made in the recipe below, helps the CD4s and others to expel their mercury and thallium. Now they can kill viruses again and get your body well. L-G Recipe •1 tsp. L-glutamic acid powder (not glutamine) •1 tsp. L-lysine powder (you may open capsules) •1 1/3 cups water Heat ingredients together, covered, till completely dissolved; it will be near boiling. Use a stainless steel pan and stirring spoon. If it develops a white crystalline precipitate at the bottom, it must be reheated to get it redissolved. Add enough water to keep it dissolved. Since it has no preservatives, you must reheat it to near boiling every fourth day to kill any growing bacteria. Dose: take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily (or 2 tsp. twice a day). Take on an empty stomach, such as before meals. There are no side-effects. For viral conditions it is higher: one tablespoon (not tsp. ) 4 times daily (2 times daily if less ill). The regular dose is 1 tsp. 4 times daily. Taking repeated doses of L-G can clean up the white blood cells repeatedly but this is only permanent after amalgam has been removed from the whole body. Nevertheless, this can be accomplished in about six weeks, provided there are no amalgam filled teeth still in your mouth. As soon as L-G returns to the CD4s they manufacture interleukin 2 again, another important immune chemical. When the CD8s get their L-G they begin killing vagrant tissue bits, tumor cells, and virus filled cells. And life is back to normal. L-A (lysine-aspartic acid): is present in all our white blood cells. It specifically helps them remove copper, cobalt, vanadium, toxic germanium, toxic selenium, toxic chromate and nickel. This set of metals is our “natural” set; those brought in by bacteria or fungus, as opposed to unnatural ones brought in by amalgam, body products, etc. L-A Recipe: •1 tsp. L-aspartic acid •1 tsp. L-lysine powder •1 1/3 cups water Dr. Hulda Clark's Herbal Parasite Cleanse Getting rid of all parasites would be absolutely impossible using clinical medicines that can kill only one or two parasites each. Such medicines also tend to make you quite ill. Imagine taking 10 such drugs to kill a dozen of your parasites! Good news, perhaps, for the drug makers but not for you. Yet three herbs can rid you of over 100 types of parasites! And without so much as a headache! Without nausea! Without any interference with any drug that you are already on! Does this sound too fantastic? Just too good to be true? They are natures gift to us. The herbs are: BLACK WALNUT HULLS (from the black walnut tree - juglans nigra) Used by the Indians of America as an anti-parasite, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal remedy. Its active ingredients are juglone, tannin and iodine WORMWOOD (from the Artemisia shrub - artemisia absinthum) Known for its vermicidal properties and helps those with a weak and under-active digestion. It increases the acidity of the stomach and the production of bile. It reduced bloatiness and flatulences. COMMON CLOVES (from the clove tree - eugenia caryophyllata) Anti-parasitical, anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It also removes pain. These three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs. Only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single treatment. (From: "The Cure for all Cancers", p. 11f. Copyright notice) ORNITHINE and ARGININE are two natural aminoacids that detox ammonia. They help the body free itself from excessive nitrogen. They protect the liver from damage caused by medications and chemicals and stimulate the regeneration of the liver. They strengthen the immune defense by stimulating the production of more active and more effective WBCs. Arginine is also involved with hormone secretion and reduces tumor growth. (taken from: "Burgersteins Handbuch Nährstoffe) Dr. Clark’s KIDNEY CLEANSE Dr. Clark kidney cleanse is one of her most important cleanses. Most toxins pass through our kidneys. This cleanse strengthens and cleans our kidneys, removing and dissolving kidney stones and removing urinary tract bacteria. Dr. Clark has meticulously chosen from "Nature's garden", herbs and roots to do this. Reading the properties of each single herb and root, will help you to understand why Dr. Clark has put together the following roots and herbs for her kidney cleanse: •Root mixture: (1/2 cup each) ?HYDRANGEA ROOT (Arborescens) – was the North American Indian remedy for kidney and bladder stones. It expels and dissolves them ?MARSHMALLOW (Althaea officinalis) – treats cystitis and frequent urination ?GRAVEL ROOT (Eupatorium purpureum) – North American Indian remedy to eliminate stones from the urinary tract , treats urinary incontinence in children, cystitis, urethritis, impotence •BLACK CHERRY CONCENTRATE (240 ml) - for kidney stones and frequent urination •GOLDENROD (Solidago virgaurea) (30 ml) – treatment of urinary tract disorders and infections such as nephritis or simply cystitis, removal of bladder and kidney stones. Used against candida fungus •GINGER (Zingiber Officinale Rosc) (500 mg) •UVA URSI (Bearberry) (500 mg)– Used by North American Indians as one of the best natural urinary antiseptics Ginger and Uva Ursi remove methyl malonate that clog the kidneys •VITAMIN B6 (250 mg) and MAGNESIUM (300 mg)– to prevent oxalate stones from forming •PARSLEY – highly nutritious, a natural vitamin and mineral supplement. Rids the body of stones. Helps the body get rid of toxins via the urine. Removes malonic acid Excerpts taken also from DR. CLARK'S KIDNEY CLEANSE 1st Preparation: ½ package of Root mixture 10 cups of cold tap water (2,5 liters) set the roots to soak for at least 4 hours or whole night Add: 8 oz. black cherry concentrate (240 ml) Heat to boiling and simmer for 20 minutes Pour through a stainless steel strainer into a HDPE container. Refrigerate and freeze 2nd Preparation: 4 bunches of fresh parsley 1 quart of water (l liter) 2 hot washes boil for 5 minutes Refrigerate a pint and freeze a pint (0.5 lt) Drink daily for three weeks: •3/4 cup (180ml) root mixture •1/2 cup (120 ml) parsley water •20 drops goldenrod tincture (omit if allergic) Supplements to take before meals: Ginger Uva Ursi Vitamin B6 Magnesium oxide Breakfast 1 1 1 Lunch Supper 1 2 1 Heat the kidney teas to boiling every fourth day if it is being stored in the refrigerator; this re-sterilizes it. If you sterilize it in the morning you may take it to work without refrigerating it. Drink this mixture in divided doses throughout the day. Keep cold. Do not drink it all at once or you will get a stomach ache and feel pressure in your bladder. If your stomach is very sensitive, start on half this dose. Save the roots after the first boiling, storing them in the freezer. After 13 days when your supply runs low, boil the same roots a second time, but add only 6 cups water and simmer only 10 minutes. This will last another 8 days, for a total of three weeks. You may cook the roots a third time if you wish, but the recipe gets less potent. If your problem is severe, only cook them twice. After three weeks, repeat with fresh herbs. You need to do the kidney cleanse for six weeks to get good results, longer for severe problems. (extracted from "The Cure for all advanced Cancers"; Copyright notice) BOWEL PROGRAM It is a known fact that 70% of our immune system lies within our bowel. Bowel bacteria come mainly through food and water and can disrupture the delicate intestinal flora. Dr. Clark mentions that bowel disorder are always connected to bacteria. Harmful enteric bacteria can then invade other parts of the body and colonize a trauma site or a weakened organ . The Dr. Clark’s Bowel program has been put together in order to remove harmful enteric bacteria. Many people report that after the bowel program they do not suffer from constipation or vice versa from diahrrea anymore, their minds are clearer and their bellies are flat. The bowel program aims to eliminate salmonellas, shigella, e. coli, clostridium and other harmful intestinal bacteria. To do this Dr. Clark has used following herbs and supplements: TUMERIC AND FENNEL SEEDS have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Used for the treatment of digestive disorders such as flatulence and bloating. In this bowel program Turmeric and Fennel seeds are used to remove shigellas and Escherichia coli. BETAINE HYDROCHLORID Removes clostridium from the intestinal tract DIGESTIVE ENZYMES Break down components of food so that they can be taken up by the organism. They remove things such as undigested food CASCARA SAGRADA Gentle laxative for those that are constipated and restores tone to the bowel muscles. LUGOL'S IODINE Essential trace element for the formation of the hormones of the thyroid gland. Antioxidant and removes free radicals. In Dr. Clark’s bowel program it removes salmonellas BLACK WALNUT TINCTURE to remove parasites HOT CUP OF WATER UPON RISING AND MAGNESIUM OXIDE for constipation DR. CLARK’S BOWEL PROGRAM CHART For three weeks: Morning Breakfast Lunch Supper Turmeric * 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps Fennel * 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap Digestive enzymes * 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap Black walnut tincture * 1 tsp Betaine hydrochlorid * 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps Cascara (in case of constipation) 1 cap Hot glass of water 1cup Magnesium oxide + 1 cap 1 cap Lugol's iodine (do not take if allergic) + 6 drops 6 drops 6 drops 6 drops + after meals * before meals Cascara, magnesium oxide and hot glass of water: in case of constipation. Take the hot glass of water upon rising in the morning. The Advanced Bowel Program The advanced bowel program has been studied to get rid of stubborn enteric bacteria that the dosages of the bowel program in the beginner’s section was not sufficient to get rid of. Bacteria are always at the root of bowel problems, such as pain, bloating and gassiness. They can not be killed by zapping, because the high frequency current does not penetrate the bowel contents. Although most bowel bacteria are beneficial, the ones that are not, like Salmonella, Shigella, and Clostridiums are extremely detrimental because they have the ability to invade the rest of your body and colonize a trauma site or tumorous organ. Bacteria come also from the liver which are brought down form the bile into the intestine and stomach. Another reason bowel bacteria are so hard to eradicate is that we are constantly reinfecting ourselves by keeping a reservoir on our hands and under our fingernails. To improve intestinal bacterial disorders follow these 4 rules: 1.Improve sanitation. Use 50% grain alcohol in a spray bottle at the bathroom sink. Sterilize your hands after bathroom use and before meals. 2.Stop eating polluted food 3.Kill intestinal bacteria 4.Clean your liver The Kidney Cleanse is often effective with bowel problems. INGREDIENTS OF THE BOWEL PROGRAM have the following purposes: TURMERIC (Curcuma longa) and FENNEL (Foeniculum vulgare): Removes shigellas and E. coli. BETAINE HYDROCHLORID Removes clostridium from the intestinal area. DIGESTIVE ENZYMES: Removes undigested food and dying parasites BLACKWALNUT TINCTURE kills parasites MAGNESIUM OXIDE Involved in over 300 different metabolic processes and is essential to promote the functionality of several enzyme systems. CASCARA SAGRADA (Rhamnus Purshianus) gentle laxative that restores tone to the bowel muscles and thus makes repeated doses unnecessary. Also used for haemorrhoids, liver problems and jaundice. LUGOL'S IODINE Removes salmonella and increase the thyroid function. (taken from: "The Cure for all Cancers", Copyright) You must work hard to be sure you expel bowel contents at least once a day...if necessary, with an enema. With this powerful approach, even a bad bacterial problem should clear up in two days. If it doesn't, you are feeding them heavy metals. Test all your dishes and cookware for seeping heavy metals with a conductivity indicator. Eat only fresh food and sanitize your food. Dr. Clark’s Advanced Bowel Handy Chart [As in "The Prevention of All Cancers", 2004 edition] Improve sanitation by using 70% grain alcohol in spray bottle at bathroom sink. Or Lugol's iodine, one drop per cup water. Sterilize your hands after bathroom use and before meals by spraying or dipping them. This to avoid re-infection For 2 or 3 weeks Morning Breakfast Lunch Supper at bedtime Lugol's (after meals) * 6 drops 6 drops 6 drops 6 drops Turmeric 2 capsules 2 capsules 2 capsules Fennel 2 capsules 2 capsules 2 capsules Digestive enzymes 4 capsules Black walnut tincture 1 tsp or 2 caps Betaine hydrochloride 3 capsules 3 capsules 3 capsules Super Enema once daily In case of constipation: Cascara Sagrada 1 cap or up to maximum on label Magnesium Oxide 1 capsule 1 capsule Glass of hot water 1 cup * Omit if allergic Advanced Supplement Metal Removal Guide Kidneys must be in good-working condition before removing metals. Do the kidney cleanse before the Metal Removal Program Supplements that remove heavy metals: VITAMIN B6: supports the elimination of aluminum THIOCTIC ACID: Is a chelating agent, which means it combines with heavy metals to yield complexes that can be eliminated by the body. Being a very small water and fat soluble molecule, thioctic acid has access to almost any tissue in the body and work within cells too. It increases the intra cellular level of glutathione. Glutathione is the most important cerebral antioxidant. That is why thioctic acid is especially important to eliminate heavy metals from the brain and other nervous tissue CYSTEINE, METHIONINE, TAURINE (sulphur containing amino acids) and GLUTATHIONE: Especially the heavy metals, cadmium, arsenic and mercury bind with sulphur to create sulfides and thus become soluble to be excreted from the body. Glutathione is also an important antioxidant, is similar to L-cysteine and is regenerative for the liver and improves the detoxification capacity of the liver. Taurine is good for diabetic patients and detoxes the liver. Methionine is similar to MSM but it unbalances the pH SELENIUM: has a protective effect against aluminium, cadmium and reduces the toxicity and oxidative damages caused by mercury. ZINC: reduces the toxicity of aluminium and the cell damage that comes with it. Can remove also lead. The presence of cadmium often causes a lack of zinc. MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane): Is an organic sulphur compound. As a source of sulphur it helps eliminate heavy metals, just like the sulphur containing amino acids, by chelating the heavy metals and making them soluble. MSM works primarily extra cellular. VITAMIN C (ascorbic acid): Stimulates in high doses the liver’s enzyme system. That helps detoxify the blood and toxic substances such as pesticides and heavy metals are better excreted. It also reduced the absorption of heavy metals in the intestines. A higher level of free radicals such as caused by heavy metals uses up more vitamin C, empties the body’s vitamin C vaults and increases the probability of a state of deficiency. Vitamin C also directly interacts with copper to change it into a state that can be used by the body’s enzyme system. VITAMIN E: Protects from toxic aluminum, can reduce the deposition of lead in connective tissue and therefore its cell toxicity and reduce the neuro-toxic effect of mercury. CALCIUM: Calcium also reduces lead absorption in the digestive tract and removal of aluminum. Metal Removal Chart: DURATION : 100 DAYS Bottles for 100 days Product description Qty per capsule Qty per bottle Type of dosage Dosage Morning Lunch Evening 1 VITAMIN B6 250 mg 100 Capsule 1 0 0 1 VITAMIN E 400 IU 100 Capsule 1 0 0 1 THIOTIC ACID 350 mg 100 Capsule 1 0 0 2 VITAMIN C 1000 mg 100 Capsule 1 1 0 3 MSM 650 mg 100 Capsule 1 1 1 2 SELENIUM 200 mcg 50 Capsule 0 0 1 1 ZINC 30 mg 100 Capsule 0 1 0 2 L-CYSTEINE 500 mg 100 Capsule 0 1 1 2 METIONINE 500 mg 50 Capsule 0 0 1 1 CALCIUM CITRATE 690 mg 100 Capsule 0 0 1 L-A (lysine-aspartic acid): is present in all our white blood cells. It specifically helps them remove copper, cobalt, vanadium, toxic germanium, toxic selenium, toxic chromate and nickel. This set of metals is our “natural” set; those brought in by bacteria or fungus, as opposed to unnatural ones brought in by amalgam, body products, etc. L-A Recipe: •1 tsp. L-aspartic acid •1 tsp. L-lysine powder •1 1/3 cups water L-G (lysine – glutamic acid): is found normally present in at least ten kinds of white blood cells including lymphocytes, neutrophils, and even eosinophils. The CD4s and CD8s normally kill viruses but without L-G they do not. They seem to fill up on them or attack them but are not able to kill them. All CD4s and other white blood cells that do not have L-G present, have mercury and/or thallium stuck inside them. This is coming from amalgam deposits, located in very many places in the body. Helps the CD4s and others to expel their mercury and thallium. L-G recipe: •1 tsp. L-glutamic acid powder (not glutamine) •1 tsp. L-lysine powder (you may open capsules) •11/3 cups water Magnets Kidney and spine magnets – 5 to 10 gauss magnets Big magnets – between 4000 and 5000 gauss Functions•stops DNA production by Clostridium •Pulls iron and lanthanides (such as holmium, thulium and gadolinium) out of your tissues including excess ferritin that coats the WBCs •Helps remove parasites, funghi, bacteriaHelps kidneys become north polarized •Equivalent to zapping a very small area Place the biological north side TOUCHING the skin. Mistaken polarity helps bacteria and fungi grow! If uncertain, do not use them Usage•Place the biological north side TOUCHING the skin. Check each magnet with a compass. Mistaken polarity helps bacteria and fungi grow! If uncertain, do not use them. •Use clear tape or masking tape •Do not apply more than three small magnets to an area the size of your head or abdomen at one time at first. But you may treat another area immediately after the first twenty-minute treatment by moving each magnet over by ½ inch. You may do three such treatments in a row, after which the excretory system might be overloaded. •After three sets of magnet treatments you must clear the liver, kidneys and bladder which are excreting holmium, PCB, etc. for you. To assist the liver, take thioctic acid 250 mg., four capsules 3 times daily. To assist the kidneys, zap them daily, both left and right organs. To assist the bladder, use enough parsley tea and water to make 3 qts. of urine daily. •After you have zapped the kidneys, adrenals and bladder the first time, you may switch to using tiny magnets here instead. Use 5 to 10 gauss strength magnets; not over 10 gauss – wear by day time – two over each kidney region. Do not leave them on the kidney area for more than one hour since this reduces kidney action in spite of restoring immunity. After a one hour rest the magnets may be replaced over the kidneys. •Later, when experience is gained and side-effects such as dizziness no longer occur, the number of magnets can be increased up to a maximum of twenty at one time, always placing two over the kidney (and adrenal) area. •If lanthanides are found, apply four tiny magnets to the skin over the tumor about 3 inches apart from each other for 20 minutes. After a 5 minute rest, test again. •Alternatively, you may place two small magnets over the kidney area placing one over each. Do not leave them on the kidney area for more than one hour since this reduces kidney action in spite of restoring immunity. After a one hour rest the magnets may be replaced over the kidneys. •Later, when experience is gained and side-effects such as dizziness no longer occur, the number of magnets can be increased up to a maximum of twenty at one time, always placing two over the kidney (and adrenal) area. Applying the South Pole to your skin makes more DNA, and makes bacteria and viruses and tissues grow! Or instead of the small magnets: •Sit on a large magnet 4000 to 5000 gauss, for 5 minutes, then get off for 25 minutes, repeat as often as possible throughout the day Warning •Do not zap while wearing magnets •Do not position the magnet over the heart. •Do not use the high strength magnet if you have a pacemaker •Keep it away from delicate instruments and electronic eqiupment •Dropping or heating could change its polarity •Store magnets carefully, away from other large magnets Natural Remedies for Intestinal Parasites 8 Ways to Get Rid of Parasites Naturally By Cathy Wong Updated July 21, 2013 .Ads:Intestinal ParasitesColon Parasites SymptomsParasites in HumansParasites WormNatural Remedies HerbsAds The Best Parasite Cleanse DrFloras is the #1 Leader in Detox & Parasite Cleanse - Watch Videos "Candida Cleanse Warning" Read This Page. Before You Go One Step Further! Candida Has Weakness If You Want to Destroy Candida Then You Have To Know Its Weakness See More About •parasite treatments •goldenseal •garlic •black walnut •wormwood Ads 3 Herbs that Beat Anxiety Doctors Reveal 1 Weird Compound to Calm Anxiety that May Surprise You 5 Foods you must not eat: Cut down a bit of stomach fat every day by never eating these 5 foods. Intestinal parasites are typically caused by protozoa or helminths, the two major types of intestinal parasites. Protozoa are single-celled organisms that can multiply within the body. The word helminth comes from the Greek word for worm. Helminths can't multiply in the human body, which means that they usually clear up with treatment without reinfecting you. The most common types of helminths are tapeworms and roundworms. Symptoms of Intestinal Parasites •Diarrhea •Gas or bloating •Nausea or vomiting •Stomach pain or tenderness •Fatigue or weakness •Weight loss •Passing a worm in your stool Natural Remedies for Intestinal Parasites If you think you might have intestinal parasites, it's important to see your primary health care provider to get a proper diagnosis and find out what kind of organism is causing your problems. This is done through various tests. The following herbs, supplements, and dietary recommendations may also be a part of your treatment plan. Although they are widely used for intestinal parasites, keep in mind that there has been very little research conducted on the effectiveness of these supplements for intestinal parasites. 1) Garlic Garlic (Allium sativa) has been found to have activity against Ascaris (roundworm), Giardia lamblia, Trypanosoma, Plasmodium, and Leishmania. Garlic is available in capsule and tablet form and as whole garlic cloves. Read more about using garlic for health. 2) Goldenseal The herb goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis) has been used historically for infections involving the mucous membranes in the body, such as respiratory tract infections. Preliminary lab studies suggest that berberine, the active constituent of goldenseal, is active against Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, and Plasmodium. Read more in my article on Goldenseal. 3) Black walnut Black walnut is a folk herbal remedy used for ringworm and athlete's foot. The juice of unripe hulls of black walnut that are used for parasites and fungal infections. There have been no clinical studies on the effectiveness or safety of black walnut for intestinal parasites. Check out my article, Black Walnut. 4) Wormwood The herb wormwood (Artemesia annua) has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy for intestinal parasites. Preliminary research suggests wormwood may have activity against Ascaris lumbricoides, Plasmodium, Schistosoma mansoni, and Giardia. Wormwood contains sesquiterpene lactones, which are thought to weaken parasite membranes. Wormwood can be found in tea, liquid extract, or capsule form, however, the pure oil is considered toxic and should not be ingested. The safety and effectiveness of this herb has not been established in clinical trials. 5) Wormseed Wormseed (Chenopodium ambrosioides) is a traditional herbal remedy in the tropics for expelling roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms. Concentrated wormseed oil is too potent to use, so many herbalists consider wormseed tea to be preferable. More scientific studies are needed to confirm the historical usage of this herb and its safety. 6) Pumpkin Seeds Traditionally, pumpkin seeds (Curcubita pepo) have been used as a remedy for tapeworms and roundworms. Herbalists often recommend large amounts, up to 25 ounces for adults. The seeds are often mashed and mixed with juice. Two or three hours after consuming the pumpkin seeds, a laxative is often recommended to help cleanse the intestines. The clinical safety and effectiveness of pumpkin seeds has not been scientifically studied. 7) Grapefruit seed extract Grapefruit seed extract is usually found in liquid form in health food stores. Although preliminary research suggests it may have antimicrobial and antiyeast properties, there is little research to date on its effectiveness for parasites. More about grapefruit seed extract. 7) Diet These are some dietary recommendations often suggested to support the intestinal parasite cleansing process: •Temporarily avoid coffee, refined sugar, alcohol, and refined foods. •Eat anti-parasitic foods. Try eating more raw garlic. Pineapple contains the digestive enzyme bromelain. A diet rich in pineapple can help to clear certain parasites such as tapeworms. Papaya seeds contain enzymes that help to digest protein. They can be chewed, but watch out, they are as hot as mustard seeds. •Carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash are some foods that are rich in beta carotene, a precursor for vitamin A. Vitamin A is thought to increase resistance to penetration by larvae. Vitamin C and zinc also support the immune system •Probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacteria, and L. bulgaricus can help to rebuild beneficial intestinal bacteria. More about acidophilus and other probiotics. •Turmeric and cloves are other spices that can help fight parasites. 8) Intestinal cleansing Intestinal cleansing involves the use of a higher-fiber diet plus supplements such as psyllium husks, citrus pectin, papaya extract, bentonite clay, activated charcoal, pumpkin seeds, beet root, and/or flaxseeds. Although there is no clinical research showing that it can help to eliminate intestinal parasites, it is a popular alternative approach. To learn more about detox and cleansing, see a list of articles on Detox and Cleansing. Detox Vitamins and Nutrients By Cathy Wong Signs of poor bile flow include constipation aggravated by fiber supplements, flatulence, dry skin and hair, indigestion 1-2 hours after eating, indigestion after fatty foods and small, hard stools. Multivitamin Choose a high-potency multivitamin with selenium, molybdenum, and zinc. Choline and Methionine Known as lipotropic factors, the supplements choline and methionine help to regulate fat metabolism and increase bile flow. Vitamin C A water-soluble vitamin, vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports detox. It may also help to decrease some of the side effects of detox, such as headache or nausea. Milk Thistle This herb has many positive effects on the liver. It is an antioxidant, assists in liver cell regeneration, and is used after exposure to chemical and industrial pollutants or adverse effects from excess alcohol or fat consumption. Artichokes Contains plant compounds known as caffeoylquinic acids, which increase the flow of bile and help to digest fats. Beets Beets contain betaine, which promotes the regeneration of liver cells and the flow of bile. It also has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism. Broccoli Broccoli and other members of the brassica family (cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, kholrabi) support the liver's detoxification enzymes. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Food sources of vitamin C and glutathione, which are essential for detox. Protein Protein is required by the liver for detox. Beans, nuts, seeds, quinoa, protein powder. Some people may choose to eat fish in moderation. Onions and Garlic Rich in sulfur-containing compounds. Involved in sulfation, the main detox pathway for environmental chemicals and certain drugs and food additives. Helps with the elimination of harmful heavy metals from the body. Dandelion Root Increases the flow of bile. Can be taken as a tea. Kidney Cleanse What Should I Know About It? By Cathy Wong Updated September 20, 2013 .Ads:Detox CleanseKidney ProblemKidney StonesKidney Foods to AvoidCleanse DietsAds Want To Be Candida Free? If You Want to Destroy Candida You Have To Know Its Weakness Fibromyalgia Tax Credit Disability Tax Credit up to $40,000 from Can Gov. Contact Us Today! Alkaline Water Ionizers Alkaline Water Ionizer Comparison. Sign Up for Your Free Buyers Guide. See More About •detox diet Ads New Kidney Health Wonder 2,000 year old wonder reinvented to enable optimum kidney health. Lose Belly Fat Naturally 3 Sneaky Hormones That Are Making You Fat & How To Stop Them Now. Located near the middle of your back, your kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs responsible for clearing waste from your body. Each day, your kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood to help remove about two quarts of excess water and waste products (from food and normal breakdown of active tissues). Kidneys also release three important hormones: erythropoietin (which stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cells), renin (which regulates blood pressure), calcitriol (the active form of vitamin D, which helps maintain calcium for bones and for normal chemical balance in the body). What Is a Kidney Cleanse? The kidney is actually self cleansing if you consume adequate fluids, which can take the form of foods such as fruits and vegetables as well as water and other liquids. Typically marketed under the term "kidney cleanse" or "natural kidney cleanse," a number of products (or specialized diets) claim to detoxify the kidneys in order to promote healthy kidney function and prevent kidney stones. Kidney cleanses are also purported to help keep blood pressure in check, improve functioning of the urinary tract and bladder, boost immunity, and clear toxins from the entire body. Benefits of a Kidney Cleanse Although the individual components of a kidney cleanse (such as certain herbs, foods, or nutrients) may offer various health benefits, there's no scientific evidence to support their use in cleansing the kidneys or preventing kidney stones. If you're interested in taking natural approaches to enhancing your kidney health, consider consulting a naturopathic physician. Kidney Cleanse Recipes Kidney cleanses vary in approach. While kidney-cleanse proponents suggest that these approaches enhance the kidneys' ability to remove waste from the body, their claims are not backed by scientific data. Here's a look at some of the most common types of kidney cleanse. 1) Herbs Some kidney cleanses are based on herbal remedies, such as: •dandelion •marshmallow root •juniper •nettles •parsley •red clover •ginger •goldenrod 2) Foods Other kidney cleanses emphasize certain foods, including: •watermelon •lemon juice •cranberry juice •pumpkin seeds 3) Vitamins Some proponents recommend incorporating the following vitamins and minerals into a kidney cleanse: •vitamin B2 •vitamin B6 •magnesium In many cases, a kidney cleanse will integrate herbs, vitamins, and minerals into a whole-foods-based diet designed to flush out the kidneys. Caring for Kidneys Here are several science-supported methods of caring for your kidneys and reducing your risk of kidney disease: •avoid smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine •maintain normal blood pressure and blood sugar levels •keep your cholesterol in check •drink plenty of water (at least eight glasses daily) •stay at a healthy weight Kidney Stones A kidney stone is a hard mass that forms from crystals that have separated from the urine within the urinary tract. In most cases, kidney stones develop because calcium oxalate within the urine has crystallized. Symptoms of Kidney Stones Usually marked by extreme pain in the area of the kidneys or in the lower abdomen, kidney stones may also cause difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, nausea, and fever. Preventing Them Although there's no evidence that a kidney flush can help prevent kidney stones, you might reduce your risk by drinking lots of water and cutting back on sodium. People with a history of kidney stones may also want to avoid foods rich in oxalate, such as chocolate, okra, sweet potatoes, sesame seeds, greens, nuts, and spinach. There is some evidence suggesting that the herb Phyllanthus may help prevent the formation of kidney stones. See more about Phyllanthus. Despite claims to the contrary, research shows that a high intake of calcium through foods may decrease risk for kidney stones. However, taking calcium in supplement form may increase risk.