Urine Therapy In 1945, John W. Armstrong published a book called The Water of Life, A Treatise on Urine Therapy. The book explored the difficult-to-accept idea that drinking one's own urine will promote healing and restore health to those afflicted with grave illnesses. Martha Christy also published a book on this topic titled Your Own Perfect Medicine in the late 1980's. I highly recommend reading both of them. Christy's approach is more technical and includes injections of prepared urine tissue and taking urine drops under the tongue. Armstong's approach is simpler: To resolve life-threatening disease conditions, drink every drop of your own urine and neither eat nor drink anything else until you are completely well!! In his book, Armstong provides the history of many, many patients with a variety of serious conditions (cancers, massive infections, heart conditions, etc.) who were frequently near The End. In some cases, the patient was so gravely disabled, that he couldn't produce any urine of his own. In those cases, Armstong would 'jump start' the patient with his own urine. Afterwards, the patient was able to produce a small amount of his own. With each subsequent ingestion of urine, the patient would gain in both strength and relief from pain. For the most serious cases, patients drank nothing but their own urine for periods of 90, 120, 150 days! Some, even longer. Armstrong points out that rubbing the body with old urine (for a substantial period of time, E.g.1-2 hours) is a necessary adjunct treatment to ingestion in very serious cases. In less severe cases, rubbing with old urine will clear up most skin conditions and produce a smooth, blemish-free skin if applied regularly (ladies, take note). Why this works is explained at length in the books, but briefly the 1. replenishment of vital tissues lost to the ill patient through the urine and the 2. reingestion, refinement, and re-filtering of antibodies and other immune enhancing substances allows the body to exclusively concentrate on destroying, unclogging, and removing the offending organisms and diseased tissue, without the burdens of routine work such as digestion and normal detoxification Of course, we normally think of both urine and stool elimination as waste, but urine, unlike feces, is totally sterile. Mind you, it's the filtrate of your own blood. Many people in normal health drink urine daily in order to keep their health and maintain physical beauty. Get the books and read them. In the event of survival difficulties, this simple technique can save your life. Beyond the Urine Therapy Story, I knew I had discovered a trusted and kindred spirit when Armstong began the book's Introduction with the following words: "Owing to the increasing part played by vested interests in many branches of human endeavor, not least in the very lucrative providing of remedies for disease, intelligent members of the public, are growing more and more distrustful of orthodox medical methods." He continued the book's Introduction by asking why, after more than 50 years (as of 1945), can orthodox cancer researchers only offer the knife, radium, or X-rays to address this malignancy after so much time, money, and effort has been expended to discover its cause and cure? The author further inquires, why, after so many letters from doctors testifying to the highly unsatisfactory results of radium treatment (repeatedly published in the British Medical Journal), did the Cancer Ring ( the Cancer Establishment or Cancer Industry as we would refer to it today) continue to tout radium as the "best" therapy? Finally, why, did the Cancer Research Ring, who "still asks the public to donate large sums of money towards the discovery of a cure", continuously discount and belittle effective treatments for cancer, when those therapies were proposed by practitioners of non-orthodox medicine? 58 years later, nothing much has changed when it comes to the politics of Big Medicine. Today, we know the answers to John Armstrong's questions. Only the most naive and uninformed among us continue to believe the party line spouted by the pharmaceutical/medical establishment and their propaganda flunkies such as the The American Cancer Society: "The Cure for Cancer is just around the Corner"; "Get a Checkup and Write a Check"; "The Race for The Cure"; " Marathon to Beat Breast Cancer"; etc. It's pure rot: nothing but lies to bilk the trusting and believing public out of their money and fend the appearace of doing honest research. The promoters and planners of these publicity/ fund raising events deserve the greatest possible condemnation for their deceit.