Urine Therapy: The Last Resort or The First Choice? There are three main ways to do Urine Therapy, namely, Drinking, Massage, and Urine Packs. DRINKING: The early morning first urine is the best. Sleep early, so that you are able to get up between 5 and 6 in the morning. Just rinse your mouth with water without even brushing your teeth. Drink all of this first urine. And drink it not as medicine but, with a spiritual frame of mind, as an elixir of life. Follow it with Pranayama (Breathing Practice) and Meditation for at least half an hour. Then drink about two to three glasses of water which will help you to clear your bowls. You will feel fresh for your daily routine. Besides this, you may drink the urine one hour after lunch and one hour after dinner. MASSAGE of head and body: Take the first morning urine and have it stored in a jar for at least 6 to 7 days, away from direct sun light. It will get matured. The day you want to do massage, Early morning fresh urine can also be used. It will get matured. The day you want to do massage, the previous night you should take bath with shampoo or soap. Next morning massage the whole body very gently from head to toe including hair. Let the urine get absorbed and dried completely on the skin, which may take an hour or two. Afterwards, bathe with plenty of water but DO NOT USE SHAMPOO, SOAP or OIL. Follow this procedure as frequent as you may feel, at least once a week is a must. FASTING ON URINE & WATER: If the disease is of a serious nature kind and you are looking for fast recovery, you must go on a fast by drinking only urine and water during the day. By evening you may have fresh fruit juice or vegetable soup. Begin with one day fast. If you feel the results are encouraging and your energy level is maintained, you may continue fasting for more days. GETTING RID OF ANY EAR AILMENT: Collect the first morning urine in a dark colour small bottle with a dropper lid. Older and matured urine is more effective. Take boiled hot water in a cup and keep this bottle having urine in it till the contents of the bottle get warm. Bend your head 90 degree sideway and pour a few drops into one ear. Bring the head back in a normal position. Take a tissue and dab it inside the ear to soak the extra urine. Repeat this process with the other ear. CLEANSING OF EYES: For eyes always use fresh urine. Use an eye cup available from the chemist shop. Allow 10 to 15 minutes to bring the urine down to room temperature. Wash the eye cup, first with plain water and then with the fresh urine. Fill the cup up to the brim with urine and put the cup against the eye. Try to blink while the eye cup is firmly kept on to the eye for about one minute. Discard the used urine, rinse the eye cup with the stored fresh urine, and repeat the same process on the other eye. URINE PACKS: Urine packs will definitely work wonders. Apply the urine-soaked packs to the affected area. To refresh the pack, whenever you pass urine, simply wet the pack with the urine. You may also keep the urine pack on the affected area while sleeping overnight. Why Urine Therapy ? Before starting Urine Therapy, let us understand how Urine is related to our body and life. Whenever we go to the doctor with any complain, the first thing he recommends us is to get urine and blood tested. Based on these investigations, the doctor prescribes medicines to restore the balance of the chemical system in our body. Conventional method of Allopathic treatment does not relate to the word cure. Till now there is not a single Allopathic medicine which has no side effect. Moreover Allopathy relates with symptomatic treatment whereas Alternative method like Pranayama and Ayurveda heal the internal system. In this regard one must own the responsibility of one’s own life. Do not let others decide for you what YOU ought to do. The moment this miracle happens in you, half the battle is won. You become architect of your own destiny, and in return you gain a sense of freedom First of all, let us face it, urine is not an another kind of medicine. After all it is a product of nature prepared by our own laboratory within our body. How Mind and Body are related to urine! Right from the moment we wake up in the morning until we go to sleep at night, our mind is constantly active and lives in duality which breeds conflicts. During this split we may also get agitated, excited, or angry. With all the conflicts and turmoil in our mind, our nervous system gets affected and damaged. If our body is not able to cope with all these shocks, it results in imbalance in our body’s chemical system which may take some form of disease. During sleep, the so called analytical mind—which was so active and loaded with thoughts running after logic during the day—is totally silent and no more active at all. Sleep is the only time our body gets a chance to work without the interference of the mind. Now, the question is, is it possible for us to attain the same silence of the mind while we are awake during day? Only while in sleep the body gets chance to repair the damaged nervous system. For the process of repair our body needs a host of essential chemicals. Once these chemicals are produced, they are absorbed by the body as per it’s requirement and ability. The excess of these chemicals come out in the form of urine in the morning. Remember, urine is not a waste matter, it is an excess of those valuable chemicals. The power of thought The composition and balance of the chemicals in the urine depends mainly on the state of mind and diet. We should never underestimate the potential and power of our mind. Our thoughts are the product of our mind which directly effects the Anabolism, Catabolism and Metabolism of our body. By negating, confronting or even suppressing the thoughts will result adversely. But if you start simply looking at the thought, watching and witnessing without attachment and involvement the same mind becomes your companion, beloved and source of strength. Then the body with its own intelligence will start functioning naturally in tune with the whole system, So, let us begin with the mind and not with the body alone. Most ailments are the result of going away from Nature. No matter what disease one has, one can heal oneself by awakening one’s inner natural power of healing. The body is simply a vehicle to carry out instructions given by the mind. That is why the mind comes first then the body. Therefore the preference should always be given to the mind, rather than the body alone or rather any therapy. All you need is determination, commitment and build trust in oneself from within. When it comes to mind, body, and spirit, science has never been able to reach to the depths of the fathomless universe. It is our mind which creates hell or heaven for us. Let us face the fact that our mind is always influenced by our thoughts which are going to be there as long as we are alive. Thoughts are the product of our own mind like unending waves of the ocean. We cannot control or suppress our thoughts; neither can we direct them nor put them aside. Thoughts create duality and breed conflict. Instead, one has to simply watch our thoughts without any involvement, comparison, expectation, or judgment. This process of watching and looking at our thoughts is Meditation. Our body normally contains a host of diseases including cancer etc. Whenever, there is deficiency of oxygen in the body or an imbalance of chemicals any kind of disease may surface. In oxygenated blood environment cancer cells do not survive. Besides this we also strengthen our immune system to guard against any kind of disease. Any kind of medicine is effective only 20 to 25% rest 75% healing happens through mindset alone. This healing process takes place when the mind is totally in the state of thoughtlessness and experiencing silence, oneness and emptiness of space. This state of awareness is meditation. We get into state of Meditation simply by watching our thoughts, without expecting anything, as we look at sunrise, a stage show, or a movie, without any involvement or getting affected by the drama what’s going on. It is as if watching the smile of a child. In this process, we notice that thought gets dissolved by itself. Then later on, another thought will emerge and we go through the same process. Meditation is nothing but total silence of the mind, and silence is the Meditative state. The holistic potential of our Breath There is another way to enter into the same state of quietness, emptiness and silence, that is through Pranayama (breathing practice). For this, please go through the attachment carefully and do it diligently twice a day. Let the approach be spiritual and not just mechanical exercise. Think that you are neither your body nor your senses, but a part of the whole cosmic energy.” This process of Pranayama may lead towards Meditation. Easy, step by step towards Pranayama: Pranayama should always be done empty stomach. Depends on the health condition of the individual. In normal circumstances one should sit cross legs in relaxed position (Lotus pose / Sukhasana) See that the spine is straight and erect. So that the flow of energy generated through Kriyas at the base of the spine is moving upward without any obstruction. If the person is unable to sit, he or she can do Pranayama while lying in bed or sitting on a chair, basically one has to be relaxed and there should be no tension in any part of the body. Even the face is adorned with smile. Secondly, both the hands should be kept on the knees, palms facing upward to let the cosmic energy enter. * Remember, the objective is to move inward, spiritually and discover and invoke one’s own ability to heal . After every Kriya sit quietly doing nothing. Simply watch the breath and feel how slow it has become or possibly, it has completely stopped. You may remain in this state of stillness for as long as you wish. Feel the emptiness of space. Oneness, with no interference of the Mind and Thought. This is MEDITATION. Witness these precious moments of Bliss wherein the TIME also stops. Kriya-1 Bhastrika: It is simply deep breathing through the nose. Sit in a relaxed position with your spine erect. Take a deep breath through the nose filling the lungs fully. Retain for 2 to 3 seconds then exhale slowly through the nose only because there is direct connection with the lungs. Remain in that state for a little while and then again inhale. The inhalation and exhalation has got to be rhythmic at the medium pace, neither too fast nor too slow. This is one cycle. Repeat 20 times. Bhastrika increases the capacity of the lungs and makes our blood enriched with oxygen. * After the above Kriya sit quietly doing nothing. Simply watch the breath and feel how slow it has become or possibly, it has completely stopped. You may remain in this state of stillness for as long as you wish. Feel the emptiness of space. Oneness, with no interference of the Mind and Thought. This is MEDITATION. Witness these precious moments of Bliss wherein the TIME also stops. Kriya-2 Kapalbhati: In this kriya you are throwing the air out with a stroke (forcefully) through the nose but not through throat because there is direct connection of both the nostrils with the lungs. While doing so you will notice that your stomach goes in automatically. As if you are cuffing through the nose while keeping the mouth completely closed. You do not have to make an effort to breath in, it will happen on its own. Maintain one stroke one second. In the beginning do this atleast for 50 times and every session try to increase the number of strokes. Certainly, after days of practice you may be able to reach 500 or 800 strokes. Kapalbhati activates all the internal organs and enhances the immunity level to fight against any disease. * After the above Kapalbhati Kriya sit quietly doing nothing. Simply watch the breath and feel how slow it has become or possibly, it has completely stopped. You may remain in this state of stillness for as long as you wish. Feel the emptiness of space. Oneness, with no interference of the Mind and Thought. This is MEDITATION. Witness these precious moments of Bliss wherein the TIME also stops. Kriya-3 Anulom Vilom: This kriya is an alternate breathing through each nostril. Begin with closing the right nostril with right hand thumb, after breathing in deeply from the left nostril, close the left nostril with the middle finger of the right hand exhale through the right nostril in the same condition breath in deeply through the right nostril and close the right nostril with the right hand thumb. Exhale the air through the left nostril. This is one round. Repeat the process at least for 10 to 15 minutes or even 20 to 30 minutes. As per one’s own ability. Anulom Vilom does the function of transporting the energy generated through previous Kriyas. Thus increases the immune system and enhances the healing process. * After the above Kriya sit quietly doing nothing. Simply watch the breath and feel how slow it has become or possibly, it has completely stopped. You may remain in this state of stillness for as long as you wish. Feel the emptiness of space. Oneness, with no interference of the Mind and Thought. This is MEDITATION. Witness these precious moments of Bliss wherein the TIME also stops. Kriya-4 Bhramari Breath combined with the Sound of ‘OM’ (Aum or Omkar) With this Kriya the exhalation automatically gets prolonged without much effort. Take a deep breath as we do in the case of bhastrika. While exhaling open the lips and keep the teeth apart to create the sound ‘O’. By keeping the sound of ‘O’ short, slowly close the lips lightly. Keeping the teeth apart, let the sound ‘M’ emerge and continue this sound as long as you can without putting any kind of strain or effort. While creating the sound, “M” see that it comes out from the deepest level of naval. This is one round of ‘OMKAR’. In this Kriya, experience the vibrations generated at the chest level and reaches to the brain. In this process each and every cell of the brain gets activated and rejuvenated. It also soothen the nervous system in the most natural manner, plus helps the process of healing. After one round of ‘Omkar’, just watch inwardly at breath, and in that total silence, listen to the Echo of the ‘Omkar’. After a while then start again with the next round. Like this you may do 3 to 5 or 10 times as one feels. ———————————————————————————————————— The content of this message merely should be considered as information or suggestion only. Please do not follow blindly what I say here. Assume your own responsibility for whatever action you take in your life. The healing power and strength has got to emerge from your own determination and commitment within and not from outside. THE SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPAL OF THE UROTHERAPY It is the realization of immunologic test of a fix surface, it revels the simultaneous presence of antibodies in the blood. For the patient that has a determinate disease, at the same time you may find specific antigen in the urine. The antigen is that which the patient eliminates in his urine, it is a protein non-toxic, produced by the body itself. When a daily intake of this urine is taken, the immune system of the body reacts and “learns” to combat the external agents, along with this it is very efficient in the elimination of cancer cells. THE UROTERAPHY IS AN AUTO-VACCINE THAT ACTS AS INMUNOMODULAR VERY SPECIFIC AND PERSONAL. The Antigen Urinary in the urine of the patient, being a natural protein that the body eliminates, has no risk or side effects and can be taken in combination with other natural resources, allowing us to diminish slowly the inmunosupressors and chemotherapy medications required. We have the ability to create our own vaccine, all the micro-organisms that infect our systems form toxins and endotoxins, and stimulates our immunologic system to form antitoxins (antidotes), which are discarded thru the urine and when we take it we force the bacteria to take their own toxins, that is why we say “poison kills poison”. The Urotherapy is an auto-vaccine that has the same elements of our own illness; it has an antiviral action, antineoplastic, antispasmodic, diuretic, antiallergenic, anticonvulsive, and cardiovascular stimulant, anti inflammatory, bactericide and antifungal as well. THE UROTHERAPY AND ITS BIOCHEMIST ACTION IN CANCER * Immunologic system stimulated to cellular and humeral level * Blocks the reproduction of and in tumor cells. * Breaks the tumor’s protection because the urine has specific “antigens” * Diminish the release of toxic substances, promoting its elimination by reducing the free radicals. * Diminish the damage of the Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy by increasing the cells’ defense. * Increase the immune system in this white and red form. * Has an Inmunomodular function. * Promotes changes in the Psychobioenergetic equilibrium of the patient. THE UROTHERAPY FOR THE TREATMENT OF OTHER ILLNESSES The Urotherapy has proven to be satisfactory for the treatment of the following illnesses: Systematic Lupus Erythematosus Rheumatic Illness Poliarteritis Node Hemolytic Anemia Type Acquired Autoimmune Malign lymphoma Chronic Anemia Immunological Neutropenia Thrombocytopenic Purple Uveitis or Coriorentitis Esclerosis Multiple Polineuritis Idiopathic Leukemia mielocitica Severe Leukemia linfocitic Thyroid or Hashimoto’s illness Graves’ illness Addison illness Arthritis Rheumatoid Espondilitis Anquilosant Miastenia Gravis Dermatomiositis Sclerodermia (sclerosis Progressive systematic Síndrome Guillen Barre Síndrome de Sjogren Colitis Ulcerative Active Chronic Hepatitis Primary Cirrosis gallbladder Glomerulo nefritis by inmune complex Dermatitis by contact Eczema A topic Itching Psoriasis Schizoaffective syndrome (one type of the schizophrenia) Autism Rinitis Allergic Asma Bronquitis Alveolitos Carcinoembriogenics Metaplasia scave Tumors Severe Displacía Insistu Cáncer Metastátic Cáncer in bones Invasive Carcinoma Metastátic Cáncer Prostate Cáncer HIV Human Papiloma Pillory Helicobacter Diabetes MOTHER CELLS AND UROTHERAPY The mother cells are obtained from two ways: Embryos in the first phase of development, or the reserves that the adult organism maintains with the purpose to repair the damage that is done to the tissues. The investigators state that only the “embryo” cells have the capability to convert into vital organs or any tissue (pluralpotencials). An example is the hematopoyetic that exist on the bone marrow that transform into blood cells, like white, red as well as plaquets. After all the application of this transference, techniques from adult mother cells for the change and repair if the damage tissues are yet too new. In reality, there is a substance of great importance that we have forgotten: it is the liquid that surrounds the cells that also carry the genetic information and biochemic element. Until today there is a general, belief that these mother cells are limited to generate only specialized cells. The Amniotic liquid also carries specific substances drunken by the fetus that has the genetic information too. EMBRION DEVELOPMENT The Cigot that is formed right after the fecundation between an egg and sperm they are cells capable to form a complete individual, it is a cell totiponent, capable of reproduce a human with all the tissues. Between the day’s one and four of the development, the original cell will divide itself into several more. Each one of these cells is separated from the rest as totitoponet cells that we mentioned before. After the fourth day, the bastocit is formed and is made of two cells with a big interior cavity. The external shell forms the placenta and the embryon’s cover; it is the trobobast and the cell’s mass that will form all the human tissues, which is called embryoblast. EMBRYON CELLS: These are obtained from the blastocit, in this case the embryo is a mass of 150 cells with a ball shape. Some of these cells form the sphere that is inside liquid, which has the cellular mass, a group of mother cells, these cells are pluripotential, in other words they can create any body tissue, which is why it has a great therapeutic potential. After the eight week, the fetus will urinate inside the sac and is part of the amniotic liquid that carries all the genetic information that is recycled and comes out with new information. • THE SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLE OF THE UROTHERAPY • THE MISTIC PRINCIPLE OF THE UROTHERAPY • THE HOMOPATHIC PRINCIPLE OF THE UROTHERAPY: www.paraisodelasalud.org BIOCHEMIST OF FASTING WITH URINE The food flow, urine and intermediates substances for metabolic ways are controlled four ways. Substrate availability Activation or inhibit of the enzymes Covalent modification of enzymes Induction-repression of enzyme synthesis This mechanism allows the body to adapt to great physiologic variations in the stage of feeding. This mechanism will regulate and capture available nutrients. And example would be… Glycogen, Tricicligerol, and Protein. Alosteric Effects. The alosteric effects usually include speedy reactions Example: the glucoses in the liver that is stimulated after a meal or urine intake happens at the same timeframe, with the increase of two, six Difosfructuose that is an alosteric activator and the fosforfruvtosin and inhibitor of the 1,6 fructose disfosfatasa. In the feeding state, the high levels of insulin increase the enzymes synthesis, key to the metabolism or anabolic THE LIVER AS A DISTRIBUTION CENTER FOR NUTRIENTS IN THE FOOD AND URINE The liver is in charge of distributing and processing nutriments. Because the intestine drainage veins and the pancreas crosses the hepatic vein, before returning to general circulation. The liver gets flooded by the blood that contains the nutrients absorbed from the food, urine and the high elevations of insulin secreted by the pancreas, during this period of absorption the liver captures carbohydrates, lipids, and the majority of amino acids. Then these nutrients are metabolized, storaged or sent to other tissues. In other words, the liver acts as a regulator to absorb the great variations of fluctuations from available nutrients to the periphery tissues. FASTING IS IMPORTANT Inside the organism, the urine will stimulate all the senses, included in these stimulates are the pineal glad and hipophisis, and their production of curative substances and hormones, such as adrenaline, acetyl, colina among others. Stimulates the functioning of the basso and the spinal cord the formation of new antibodies. The fasting is a very important task since the urine intake produces acidosis in the organism that reflects a movement of the defense mechanisms that neutralize the toxins and repair the cells. ALL HUMAN BEINGS HAVE DRINKEN THERE OWN URINE, INCLUDING THE WOMB OF OUR BLESSED MOTHER! In the natural biological heaven of the human reproduction, inside the maternal womb while the formation of our body took place. The first step was the formation of mother cells, the heart, brain, kidneys, bones, basic organs, nerve cells that receives and transmit, and above all the coordination between sensorial organs and the incredible balance of genetic information, biochemist, cell reproduction, and the bio-energetic stimulant. Inside the maternal womb, we are in complete peace and harmony preparing ourselves to come out to a new life in the exterior. The man’s perfect time on earth is during the gestation period. The Urotherapy is literally a gift from God, it is part of nature. There is no human on earth that has not taken his or her own urine, we are born inside a womb and after six weeks, he or she will start urinating a few drops into the amniotic liquid, that is water and his or her own urine! Through the umbilical cord, the baby receives from the mother special nutrients as immunoglobulin, vitamins, but most of all oxygen. When the baby reaches the age of 5 months, they urinate from 400 to 500 ml. Each day inside the amniotic sac, and between 8 to 9 months the baby urinates 20 to 30 times every 24 hours. The 98% of the composition of the Urine is water. ETherefore, 1% is elements are cells and filaments, and the other 1% is more than 1000 healing chemical substances in form of ions. Powerful substances found in milligrams, that carry the genetic information of what works well or not in the body. When you take your own urine, you take an auto vaccine. In other words Urotherapy is part of be beginning of life and we believe that we grow up with nature. It is a wonderful cycle of life that should never be interrupted. Who can live without water?…………Nobody For that reason the water is an element ....SACRED Who can live without air ?.................Nobody For that reason the air is an element…SACRED Who can live without the sun.................Nobody For that reason the son is an element…SACRED Who can live without taking the urine inside the mother?………………...........................Nobody For that reason the urine is an element…SACRED. HISTORY OF THE UROTHERAPY Reference : http://paraisodelasalud.org/5ocongreso/infocientifica_en.html Ref frm :http://anandkunj.org Modern Medical and Scientific Aspects of Auto Urine Therapy Over the years Urine therapy has proved to be an effective tool for healing. Most urine therapists some of whom have been practicing urine therapy for decades have never sought an explanation for why it works: their own experiences were sufficient proof for some time now however, there has been increasing interest in the search for a scientific explanation. This is because urine therapists believe it is important for urine therapy to be acknowledged as a valid method of treatment: doctor should be well informed about the effects of this therapy so that as many people can benefit from it. Since members of the medical world demand an explanation the interest in scientific research has frown. Another reason for this growing interest is that a number of mainstream doctors have also had positive experiences with urine therapy, which is reason, enough for them to investigate how, and why it works. This is not a recent development: in the 1930s for example the German pediatrician Martin Krebs successfully treated many patients with urine therapy and subsequently published the results. As a physician he was convinced that urine therapy was an effective method of treatment but he also realized that other doctors would not readily accept this fact since it conflicted with the scientific dogma which formed the foundation of their profession. In order to be able to acknowledge urine therapy as an effective method of treatment a number of doctors within the medical world are now interested in how it works. Discovering how it actually works however will not be easy. Random double blind, crossover research could be useful but is difficult to execute. Actually a good deal of research has already been conducted within the medical world into the composition of urine and its separate components. The researchers Free and Free published a report listing two hundred substances found in urine. They point out that these are only the most significant substances, and that urine probably contains thousands of components. Several substances found in urine seems to be of value as medication some of which have already been processed and used. A number of hypotheses have, however, been suggested which can serve as the basis for further scientific research. According to Dr. Bartnett, applying urine therapy, using self-produced urine can be considered to be an extension of the methods of Jenner and Pasteur. An important task of the immune system is to rid the human body of diseased or unusable substances that have developed during the course of an illness. When these substances reach healthy tissue, the serum or blood becomes stronger, the activity of leukocytes (white blood cells) increases, and the patient probably recovers. This phenomenon is known as auto-inoculation self-vaccination and can be seen as Mother Nature's methods of healing an illness without external intervention. Urine therapy can also be seen as a from of self-vaccination: certain bodily substances which have been removed from the body, some of which may have been produced as a result of illness, are re-introduced into the body in small amounts. These substances are re-absorbed into the blood through either the intestines or the skin. According to this hypothesis, the immune system is then given the chance to react appropriately. The doctors Remington, Merler and Uhr have demonstrated that a particular part of urine-protein is able to eliminate certain pathogens. This discovery supports the assumption that urine therapy can be used to treat or prevent certain illnesses. In the early nineteenth century, Dr. Charles Ducan conducted research into therapies with self-produced substances, including urine therapy. He demonstrated that patients suffering from gonorrhoeic urethritis (infection of the urinary tube as a result of the venereal disease gonorrhoea) produce their own medication in the form of their own discharge. Auto - therapy was applied here by placing a drop of a patient's discharge directly on the tongue, in order to stimulate the body's natural powers. This method had a strong healing effect at every stage of the illness: If applied at an early stage it could cause the gonorrhoea to disappear. The results of Dr. William D. Linscott's research suggest that auto-therapy strengthens and stimulates the immune system, in particular with regard to the T-cells. The T-cell population of several patients who initially displayed a low T-cell count increased after treatment with urine therapy. Postulates of Auto Urine Therepy: A number of possible explanations (hypotheses) as to how and why urine therapy works are presented in the literature. These should not be seen as separate hypotheses but these several factors combine to give urine therapy its exceptional effectiveness. Here, ten hypotheses concerning the efficacy of Auto Urine Therapy are briefly discussed. 1. Re-absorption and re-use of nutrients 2. Re-absorption of hormones 3. Re-absorption of enzymes 4. Re-absorption of urea 5. Immunological effect 6. Bactericidal and virucidal effect 7. Salt therapy 8. Diuretic effect 9. Transmutation theory 10. Psychological effect 1. Re-absorption and re-use of nutrients Often most nutritive substances are obtained by body in sufficient quantities from the food. By drinking or massaging the urine on skin, a number of vitamins, amino acids, salts, hormones, etc. readily available in urine are possibly re-absorbed and reused as nutrients. This is important especially during illness, when diseased body tissue enters the blood and must therefore be excreted. The filtering process in the kidneys should break down this tissue to its original materials, after which it can be re-used by the body to build up new tissue. The composition of urine changes during illness, because certain essential substances do not reach their intended destination and are subsequently filtered out by the kidneys. A good example of this is liver blockage, which can result in hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). If a blockage develops in the liver, bile produced by the liver cannot reach the intestinal canal, instead seeps into the blood and subsequently ends up in the urine, resulting in weakness and nausea. The shortage of bile in the digestive tract restricts the digestion of fats and proteins. Therefore rest and a diet low in fats and proteins is usually prescribed. However, the substance, which should digest these proteins and fats, can be found in the urine in precisely the correct amount. According to this theory, the application of urine therapy allows bile and other liver enzymes to be re-used instead of wasted. This is just one example of an illness in which important substances can be re-used via urine. Research could also be conducted for other illnesses concerning the way in which important bodily substances can be saved and re-used. 2. Re -absorption of hormones: As stated above, many hormones end up in the urine. The basis for this hypothesis is that we can re-introduce these into the body by drinking or massaging with urine. Since the acids, pepsins and enzymes in the digestive tract harm proteins, the hormones re-absorbed into the body from urine when consumed orally, are mainly the small ones, which are not proteins (protein-complexes). The sex hormones, adrenal gland hormones and thyroid hormones are almost certainly be re-absorbed, the effects of which, need to be more closely researched. The external application of urine to the skin allows hormones to be re-absorbed by the body without being destroyed. Massaging with urine is therefore an important complementary component of urine therapy as urine is directly absorbed into the tissue. Enemas are also a good way to prevent destruction of certain hormones by gastric juices which, is why this method often helps to cure allergic disorders better. The same applies for urine injections. Re-absorption can be vital in two ways. Firstly certain hormones have a very specific effect during a healing process. For example cortico-steroids secreted by the adrenal cortex inhibit infections and have a positive effect in the treatment of allergies such as asthma and hay fever, skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis and inflammatory illnesses such as rheumatism. Auto Urine therapy has proved to be an extremely effective aid in the treatment of all these illnesses, but it has not yet been demonstrated that these hormones play a part in the treatment. Secondly, re-absorption can be a means for the body to generally conserve energy. Re-ingestion of hormones gives the body the chance to re-use at least a number of these, so that it is not necessary to spend energy on manufacturing new hormones. Hormones are actually extremely powerful molecules, the production of which requires a great deal of energy. Once produced they are able to cause a complete alteration in the balance of bodily processes, the personality, the emotions and the state of mind, even if only a few molecules are released. So even the slightest re-absorption of hormones may well have a powerful effect on our state of health and level of energy. A hormone melatonin released from pineal gland is found in urine, which has a calming effect. The concentration of this hormone is found to be more in first sample of urine in early morning. Melatonin also has a powerful anti-cancer effect and anti aging property. It is quite possible that the sages of olden times were well aware of the hormonal effects of urine. They state that if a person is unable to urinate, the urine from somebody of the same sex is acceptable but not from somebody of the other sex. Although cultural and social factors could have played a part in this rule, the fact is that female urine contains considerably greater amounts of female hormones such as estrogen. If ingested over a long period of time by a man, this could have a feminizing effect. The opposite is true for a woman who ingests male urine. Some people recommend using the first urine after sexual intercourse. During the process of sexual stimulation certain hormones are released by the higher endocrine glands which have a regenerating and rejuvenating effect on the body. This applies for men as well as women. 3. Re-absorption of enzymes: Urine contains many enzymes, which might explain why urine therapy is effective against arteriosclerosis, heart attack, hypertension, pulmonary embolism, etc. Based on research conducted on the enzyme Urokinase, positive results can be expected from the effects of enzymes in urine as a 'total entity'. Urokinase found in human urine causes vasodilation and resembles nitroglycerine in its ability to strengthen the bloodstream from the coronary artery to the cardiac muscle. Urokinase is extracted from urine and is available in market as life saving drug. There are many other enzymes found active in urine, but more specific information is not yet available. 4. Re-absorption of urea: Besides water, urea is the main component of urine, which is an end product of converted proteins. A person excretes approximately an average of 25 to 30 grams of urea per day. We come in contact with urea at an early age, i.e. as a foetus in the womb. The level of urea in amniotic fluid, which consists for the most part of urine from the foetus doubles in the last two months of pregnancy. Before we are born, we drink about over half a liter per perday of this liquid. The foetus also breathes it in and this is essential for proper development of the lungs. Scars disappear after an operation on a foetus in the womb due to the healing capacities of the urea in the amniotic fluid. Once we are born, the intestinal flora start to work, which has a special role in the conversion of urea. Scientists estimate that 25% of the urea in an adult finds its way into the intestines, where it is decomposed into ammonia by intestinal bacteria. Some of this ammonia ends up in the liver where part it is converted into urea and another part is converted into glutamine, an extremely useful amino acid. The liver converts a great deal of the ammonia, into other substances. Although ammonia is highly poisonous even in moderate amounts, this small amount is extremely important: it regulates the pH-value of the blood and has a powerful anti-viral effect. If it were true that the urea concentration increases the more often a person drinks urine, we would except urine to become stronger or more bitter in taste. However, the opposite is true: urine becomes more watery and less bitter, which suggests that urea is converted. It is quite possible that urea is indeed converted into glutamine by ammonia. As described above, this process takes place in the intestinal canal. Research demonstrates the vital importance of glutamine in the maintenance and construction of specialized tissue such as in the brain, the small intestine and in the growth and activity of the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal. Glutamine has a healing effect on ulcers and wounds in the intestinal canal. The most important function of glutamine, however is its ability to strengthen the immune system, and could be an important key in explaining why urine therapy is such a successful method of treatment. The body re-uses a certain part of urea; the extra supply created by applying urine therapy increases the glutamine level in the body. This consequently strengthens the immune system and specialized organs and at the same time heals damages to the digestive tract. Urea; in so far as it is not decomposed also affects the brain and central nervous system. High doses of urea are sometimes administered during brain surgery in order to temporarily shrink the brain, which is necessary for opening the skull. Less than one tenth of such a dose is ingested when a person drinks urine. Nevertheless, this small amount also brings about a slight reduction of pressure in the brain and spinal cord. Urea is also successfully administered in rather high doses to patients with sickle cell anaemia, an extremely painful and supposedly incurable illness. Research and experience have demonstrated that, if administered daily in four doses of approximately 40 grams, urea has a healing and preventive effect. This also indicates that the body can endure high doses of urea without displaying negative side effects. A third noteworthy application of urea can be found in the treatment of cancer by professor Dr. Danopoulos. He experimented with injecting urea mixed with a saline solution in and around skin cancer and as a treatment for breast cancer. He also conducted research on drinking urea dissolved in water in order to fight liver cancer and reported positive results. Danopoulos then began combining urea with creatine hydrate, another component of urine and in this way successfully treated other kinds of cancer. Urea also seems to be quite effective in fighting bladder cancer. You might wonder how bladder cancer can arise if urea, constantly present in the bladder is such an effective anti-cancer remedy. However, bladder cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer and generally only found in those who work with certain poisonous chemicals perhaps the effect of urea is counteracted or cancelled out by these chemicals. Further research on this topic is necessary. Urea also plays an extremely important role in the external application of urine, as it helps transport hormones through the skin. Many hormones are destroyed by the enzymatic action of the digestive system if urine is orally applied. Hormones can probably return to the body in their original form if urine is administered through the skin. Moreover a trans-dermal administration ensures that hormones are absorbed into the body slowly and in specific portions, which significantly increases it's effectiveness. Urea has the capacity to moisten the skin and regulate its condition & texture, one of the reasons why it is processed in many skin creams. Some pharmaceutical companies use horse urine for the production of urea and they actually have lots of horses in their factory just for this purpose. Urea is an oxidizing substance, which ensures that the disintegrating proteins (proteins in the area of a wound or inflammation) dissolve. It dissolves fats and other natural bodily secretions. Urea is even more effective when heated. Due to its strong anti-bacterial nature, urine has an inhabitive effect on the growth of tuberculosis bacilli. Bacteria-inhibiting or bacteria-killing effects of urine increase with a decreasing pH. Urea and ammonia, closely related, play an important role here. When brought in contact with urea, complex polymers are transformed or decomposed into monomers, which can then be endured by the body. 5. Immunological effect: Clearly urine is not toxic, although some end substances might be present in urine in small amounts, especially if one is ill. This small amount of end substances possibly contributes to the effectiveness of urine therapy. If these triggering substances enter the body, the body's defense mechanisms are called into action (immune system). If substances, which leave the body via the urine, are the same as those involved in the illness process, they can stimulate the defense system to attack and in this way urine therapy has proven so helpful in treating allergies. A similar process takes place when a person is vaccinated against certain disease, in which case, a small amount of poisonous substances is injected into a healthy body. This stimulates the immune system to manufacture antibodies (and thus defend the body), and could be called a homeopathic or isopathic effect. The practice of drinking and massaging with urine allows the antibodies, greater access to the body, which stimulates the immune system. The possible significance of urea and glutamine for the immune system is earlier discussed. Abele suggests that the presence of antigens and antibodies in urine strengthens the immune system when urine is re-introduced into the body. The re-introduction of small amounts of bacteria or parasites found in urine may stimulate the production of IgE. IgA (a virus inhibiting substance that prevents micro-organisms from becoming embedded in the mucous) also plays a role here. IgA is found in mucous and in excretions of body, and therefore also in urine. Urine therapy increases the production of IgA which possibly explains why this therapy has a positive effect on infections of the urinary passages and the kidneys while other treatments offer little relief. Several studies demonstrate that antibodies against for example salmonella diphtheria poliomyelitis and HIV can be found in urine. 6. Bactericidal and virucidal effect: Although it is not yet entirely clear why urine has a germicidal and antiseptic effect, it is known that urea plays an important role here. Ammonia and salt also have a similar purifying effect. Besides killing bacteria, urine also inhibits or destroys various viruses and fungi. Scientific research has demonstrated that both urea and ammonia have a powerful anti-viral effect. Applying urine to a fresh cut or scrape prevents infection and keeps files away (important in countries with a warm climate). Urine compresses from fresh or old urine help to combat infections and often cause them to disappear. Although urine does not entirely prevent the growth of bacteria in the urethra (infections often arise), it clearly has a powerful Antiseptic effect when externally applied. Herz also successfully treated infections of the urinary passages with urine therapy. The positive results can be traced back to the stimulating effect of the re-ingested urine on the immune system. As discussed above, in such a case, IgA is produced in greater quantities. 7. Detoxification therapy: Drinking salt water serves as an important therapeutic remedy during certain (fasting) cures. Salt water is also frequently applied in yoga to clean the body thoroughly from within and it relieve such illnesses as asthma, stomach ulcer, indigestion and constipation. Drinking urine, which is also a salt substance, has the same effect. This could be an important reason for its success as a therapeutic remedy. Salt solutions remove old mucous embedded in the mucous membranes. If one drink a salt liquid, part of the salt goes into the body, where it dissolves the surplus of mucous in the lungs and in other organs. According to those who work with this therapy, warm salt water, and in this sense also fresh warm urine, is particularly useful during illnesses in which the body does not generate enough heat to keep the normal bodily secretions thin and watery. Moreover, urine draws out surplus, which has become too watery due to an illness. This also explains why compresses of warm, concentrated urine externally applied are so effective. As a salt liquid, urine also has a laxative effect and is recommended to relieve constipation. As it moves through the intestinal canal, the salt detaches waste and draws water into the intestines, as a result of which bowel movement becomes easier. According to this theory, drinking urine, like drinking urine is like drinking salt water, accelerates the metabolism,. It removes a surplus of sugar from the blood and draws out toxic substances from cells. In this way, urine therapy is a good cleansing technique. According to urine therapists, urine has an extra advantage above salt water because urine contains small amounts of natural cortisone. This brings us back to the possible hormonal effects of urine. Using urine instead of salt is also more effective because urea and ammonia are organic solvents: they dissolve fats and other natural bodily secretions. These substances probably ensure that the mucous membranes and body cells are powerfully affected. Dabbing with salt water usually helps clean wounds; urine has the same effect. Urine is more effective than salt water because it contains healing substances such as allantoin. 8. Diuretic effect: According to this theory, urine therapy ensures that the kidneys work more quickly and that the body is stimulated to produce more urine. Metabolic products composed of proteins such as urea, nitrogen and ammonia are excreted out of the body via the urine as soon as there is a surplus in the body. Drinking urine causes more of these substances to enter the body than normal. The body reacts to this by washing them away with water and other substances. By ingesting urine, one stimulates the body not only to excrete part of these metabolic products at an accelerated rate, but also to convert another part into useful substances. A previously mentioned example of this is urea, which is converted through ammonia into glutamine. Another consequence might be that substances which should normally leave the body with the urine, but have got stuck somewhere, now do so due to the accelerated flow. For example, in the case of gout, the body disposes of urinary acid embedded in the joints. The effects of flowing and cleansing are particularly noticeable while one is fasting. The first time one urinates while fasting, the urine is often thick and tastes strong especially if one have a fever or is otherwise sick. However, after drinking this initial amount, the second flow of urine is thinner, even if one has not drunk extra water. The continuous re-use of urine yields a large amount of clear and not unpleasant tasting urine in a short period of time. According to this hypothesis, this ultimately results in stimulated and cleansed kidneys, and a purified blood stream. At the same time, the intestines, skin and exhalation process probably entirely takes over the role of excreting the unusable metabolic products. 9. Transmutation theory: The transmutation theory needs a new, holistic paradigm, which is based more on the dynamics of energies36. In recent scientific research, a shift is visible from reductionism to holism. Urine can be considered to contain an exact holographic picture of the body fluids and tissues. The biofeedback of this holographic information by re-ingesting the urine may well inform the energy system in a way, which helps restoring a disturbed balance. The medical doctor and urine therapist Abele cautiously discusses the possible effect of urine as holographic feedback: "The question rises as to whether urine could possibly be considered to be a sort of liquid hologram. Once the body has been made conscious of urine in an unconventional way (such as it being reintroduced into the body by intramuscular injection) the whole organism evaluates it and subsequently updates its own regulating mechanisms (at least in specific cases)" The theory of transmutation implies that the body is capable, through energetic exchange within the body itself, to transmute certain substances or molecules into other ones. ' Short circuiting ' the system by ingesting one's own secreted body fluids might stimulate the transmutational force within and challenge the body to transform unusable substances into usable ones without being constantly disturbed by new external input. This would specifically apply to fasting on urine. Another important aspect is the theory of structured water. The body consists for the biggest part of water and so does urine. Not all water is the same thought. The molecular structure of water can be less or more organized and in the latter case one speaks of structured water. The more it is organized the better all kind of enzymatic processes can do their job. These enzymatic processes, in their turn are responsible and necessary for the digestion, absorption and transmutation of all nutrients. It is scientifically proven how water in biological systems becomes more organized. Water also becomes more organized through exposure to sunlight and through close contact with crystals. The body is both a receptor of sunlight and it contains a high amount of solid and liquid crystalline-like substances. Also body fluids themselves form fluid crystals. Urine is thus a crystalline- like substance containing a high amount of structured water. This structured water, when taken in again promotes better enzymatic functioning and it has a higher solubility for minerals. A higher amount of structured water in the body system is correlated with better health and more energy. The fact that urine is a liquid crystal substance, particularly because of the various salts in it. Implies that it contains crystalline vibrations completely in tune with the vibrational condition of the body. Re-ingestion might give the body valuable vibrational information needed for two things. Healthy vibrations will strengthen the already existing healthy body resonance. Diseased or stress vibrations will counteract any unhealthy resonance in the body. It is known that disturbing sounds of any sort can be counteracted best confronting it with the same sounds. The vibratory patterns of the body, both in the bones (solid crystals) and in the tissues and fluids (liquid crystals), play an important role in the process of transmutation. The resonance field of a crystal can make a protein, for example change its form into one that is more useful for the body, or easier adaptable by it. Seeing urine as a liquid crystalline-like substance, containing a high amount of structured water may help understanding its healing qualities on the more subtle levels. 10. Psychological effect : The shock initially brought on by drinking urine might fundamentally challenge previously accepted ideas as a result of which repressed energy is released that can be applied to strengthen the body and fight an illness. Scientists claim that the highest acceptable placebo effect is 30%. However, a much higher percentage of people actually achieves positive results with urine therapy, which is remarkable since many people are often initially skeptical because of their aversion to urine, and apply urine therapy as a last resort. Confronting and conquering reluctance play an important role in this theory. Applying your own bodily substances in an attempt to lead to a considerably broadened outlook on the intelligence and power of the body, and can increase your appreciation and love for yourself as a physical and spiritual being. Instead of regarding excretions (really just a part of yourself) as enemies you, regard them as your helpers. This healthier way of seeing yourself might well have a powerful healing effect on your body. If the results are experienced as positive applying your own urine as medication means that you have more physical and mental freedom than previously believed, which can also have a healing effect on a deep level. Besides being beneficial on a personal level, the use of urine as medication opens a new door for contemporary medical science. It confronts us with the possibility that the powers of the body and the universe are infinite, and that we are much less dependent on complicated theories and technologies for our health than up until now was assumed. Urine therapy confronts us with a very concrete healer within which works both on a physical and on an energy level. The latter implies that urine, as a holographic substance, can affect all levels of being from the physical, through the electromagnetic fields of the emotions and the mind, up to the subtler genetic vibrational information of the soul. Composition of Human Urine: A general overview and a specified summary of a number of important substances usually found in urine follow below. The substances given in the specified summary have been research, either in relation to urine therapy or in other contexts. General Overview Inorganic substances in urine: Bicarbonate, chloride phosphor sulfur bromide fluoride jodide, rhodanide, kalium natrium, calcium magnesium iron copper, zinc cobalt, selenium, arsenium lead, mercury. Nitrogen containing substances in urine: Nitrogen (as totality), urea, creatine, creatinine guanidine, cholinecarnitine, piperidine, spermidine, spermine, dopamine, adrenaline, nor-adrenaline, serotonin, tryptamine, amino-levulinic acid prophyrin, bilirubin, and others. Amino acids in urine: Alanine, carnosine, glycine, histidine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylaanine, serine, tyrosine, valine, hyfroxyproline, galactosylhydroxlysine xylosylserine and others. Proteins in urine: Albumin, haptoglobin, transferrin IgG, IgA, IgM, and others. Enzymes in urine: Lactatdehydrogenase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, alpha-amylase, uropesinogen, lysozyme, beta-N-acetylgucosaminidase, urokinase, protease, and others. Carbohydrates in urine: Arabinos, xylose, ribose, fucose, rhamnose, ketopentose, glucose, galactose mannose, frutose, lactose, saccharose, fucosylglucose, raffinose, and others. Vitamins in urine: Thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitaminB2), vitamin B6, 4-pyridoxic acid, nicotinic acid, vitamin B-12, biopterine, asorbic acid and others. Hormones in urine: Gonadotropin, corticotropin, prolactin, lactogenic hormones, oxytocin vasopressin, thyroxine cathecaolamin (adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine) insulin, erythropoietin, coricosteriods (aldosterone, corticosterone, cortisone), testosterone, progesterone, oestrogen and others. Specified Summary: Agglutinins and precipitins - have a neutralizing effect on polio and other viruses. Antineoplaston - prevents selectively the growth of cancer cells without harming the growth of healthy cells. Allantoin - a nitrogenous crystal substance, which helps, wound healing. It is an oxidation product of uric acid. This substance can be found in man skin cream products. DHEA- (dehydroepiandrosterone or dhydroisoandrosterome) - a steroid secreted by the adrenal gland which can be found in large amount in male urine. This substance prevents obesity, prolongs the life span of animals and offers a possible treatment for anaemia, diabetes and breast cancer in women. DHEA stimulates the growth of bone marrow and increases the production of substances manufactured by bone marrow such as red blood cells, monocytes, macrophages and lymphocytes. A low DHEA level seems to be linked to ageing. Gastric secretory depressants - combat the growth of stomach uclers. Glucuronic acid - is created in the liver, kidneys and intestinal canal and has an important secretion function. H-11 - inhibits the growth of cancer cells and reduces already existing tumours, without disturbing the recovery process. HUD (Human's Urine Derivative) - urine derivative shown on helper cells and inhibiting substances. It can signal the hypothalamus to produce a fever. 3- Methyl-glyxal - destroys cancer cells. Prostaglandin- is an hormonal substance which dilates the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, relaxes the bronchial muscles stimulates labour contractions, and has a number of other functions relating to the metabolism. Protein globulins - contain antibodies against specific allergens; identical to proteins in the immunoglobulins of serum (blood) Proteoses - immunologically active products of allergic reactions. Retine - anti-cancer element extracted from urine. Urine peptide (or polypeptide) - shows tuberculostatic activity which has been isolated in chemically pure form. Uric acid- helps keep free radical scavengers (molecules which can cause cancer) under control combats old age and even has a tuberculostatic effect.. Like this many useful products have been found in urine. The functions of the main ones are described below: · Urea is the major component found in urine and is the end product of protein metabolism. It dissolves fats and other body secretions and is finally discharged into urine. It is a strong antibacterial agent and specifically prevents the growth of the tubercle bacillus. It is said that a large quantity of vitamin C intake enhances it effect. · Uric acid is similar in action to urea and has strong antibacterial properties. In addition it helps to control cancer-causing substances. · Nitrates present in the urine, if they come in contact with the skin or sweat, react with the acid producing nitrous oxide, which is antibacterial. · Minerals from urine can be very easily absorbs if re-ingested and are more efficient compared to those derived from food. Urine contains different kinds of useful mineral compounds than those derived from food. All the minerals in the biological substances were once absorbed from food, processed and then discharged as surplus. · Urine becomes turbid if let alone for a while. This is because when enzymes in urine change urea into ammonia, urine becomes unstable and strongly alkaline. Therefore old urine looks turbid. Urine with higher ammonia content when applied to the skin. Plays an important role in beautifying it. · Minerals in urine purify and activate body tissues, which were not taken care of by the blood. In addition, they mobilize the toxins facilitating their excretion. Minerals also help rebuild tissues. · Cortisone detected in urine counteracts inflammatory conditions, allergies and other skin diseases. · Melatonin present in the morning urine has stress reducing effect. It boosts the immune system, inhibits cancer and reduces heart disease. It is also claimed to have a rejuvenating effect. · Urokinase detected in urine dissolves blood clots, helps cure heart disease and improves blood circulation. · Epithelium Growth Factor (EGF) helps repair and regenerate damaged tissues and cells. · Colony Stimulating Factor (CSF) is necessary for cell division and multiplication. · Growth Hormone (GH) shows different bio-active effects, such as promotion of protein production, cartilage growth and fat decomposition. · Erythropoietin promotes production of red blood cells. · Gonadotropin normalises the menstrual cycle and sperm production. · Kallikrein releases kallidin which expands peripheral veins and reduces blood pressure. · Trypsin Inhibitor is effective for prevention and healing of mucosal tumours (neoplasma) · Alantin heals wounds and tumours (neoplasms) · Prostaglandins lower blood pressure and act as oral contraceptives. · Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) stimulates adrenal cortex to make cortisone. · Thyrotrophin (TSH) stimulates thyroid gland and controls energy turnover in the body. · Leutenising Hormone(LH) stimulates esx hormone production. · Follice Stimulating Hormone (FSH) plays an important role in regulating menstrual cycle and pregnancy. · Thyroxin adjusts levels in the body. · Parathyroid Hormone regulates calcium metabolism. · Anti-cancer substances like anti-aneoplaston H-11, beta-indol-acetic directin, 3-menthy glyoxal differ from chemotherapeutic drugs which kill or injure all kinds of cells. They strongly prevent the multiplication of carcinogenic cells and help return them to normal. In addition to the above substances Urine is an excellent 'Bio-feedback'. It contains the breakdown products of the metabolism of each cell. These carry up to date information of the exact status of the health of each individual cell at any given period of time. It also contains other products manufactured by the body to counteract the ailment. Urine is a perfect 'tell-tale' and excellent diagnostic agent. Thus for instance vitamin A is not normally excreted in the urine but in-patients of cancer and tuberculosis large quantities of vitamin A can be detected. The composition of urine changes from season to season, in fact, moment to moment. Lack of sleep, grief and happy, moments each influence the composition of urine. If we had sophisticated instruments to detect each and every product present in the urine we would get a perfect scan of the functioning of the billions of cells present in the body and perhaps know the complex role played by the body to restore health. COMMON QUESTION Reference from : http://anandkunj.org/faq.htm F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s ( F A Q ) 1) Isn't urine a waste product, which the body excretes because it is poisonous? The idea that urine is poisonous waste product is not based upon fact. It has been scientifically proven that, besides water, urine consists mainly of minerals, hormones and enzymes, which are not harmful to the body. The body can re-use many of these substances. Urine is simply a healthy liquid, which is filtered out of the bloodstream. What at one moment was part of the blood can be found in urine a split second later. Certain substances are then filtered by the kidneys and secreted as raw materials, which can be directly absorbed by the body upon renewed intake by way of drinking or massaging. The kidneys filter hundreds of liters of blood per day (approximately 1700 liters). The greatest part of the filtered urine, the so-called 'pre-urine' is directly re-absorbed into the blood. Excess substances and the end products of nitrogen and protein metabolism together with water form the one to two liters of excreted urine. Actually kidneys are not excretory organs but they are regulatory systems. The kidneys are not intended to remove poisonous substances from the body - the liver, intestines, skin and exhalation take care of this. Obviously, the food you consume finds its way into the blood, and therefore into the urine, which is why it is important to follow a healthy diet. This in itself has nothing to do with therapy, but is important if you practice urine therapy. Even if we assume that poisonous substances can be found in urine, this does not necessarily mean that they are harmful to the body when ingested. If these bodily waste products are natural (i.e., not chemical due to the use of medication, etc.) they can be used to manufacture antibodies which restore balance to the body. In fact, a homeopathic or isopathic effect takes place. Urine is a sort of information card, which registers the condition of the blood. When that information is carried back to the body, the body can consequently react according to this feedback and it will normally do this in an appropriate and precise way. In this respect, the body is an extremely advanced and intelligent system. We see how precisely this system works in animals: animals are not in danger of their own poison, as they lick their wounds without any problems. They do not do that just to clean their wounds but also to feed the 'wound information' back into body so that it can appropriately. Furthermore, the intestines do not absorb all the substances we consume and they are able to make a selection. To a certain extent, they select what is useful to the body and excrete the rest through defecation. Certain substances are converted by the bacteria in the intestines into other substances, which the body can use or absorb better in that form. Such is the case with urea. You might ask if urea not cause any poisoning symptoms when taken in again. Although urea is poisonous when present in very large amounts in the blood, only relatively small amounts of urea are ingested when you drink urine. This does not end up directly in the blood, but rather in the intestines, and primarily has a purifying, cleansing effect. The bulk of it does not show up as urea in the blood, but is converted into the highly useful substance glutamine. 2) Aren't there harmful and pathogenic bacteria in urine? It is indisputable that the urine from ninety percent of the population is almost entirely free of all bacteria (sterile). Doctors and pathologists confirm this. This is simply because urine does not come into contact with anything until it is excreted, and furthermore contains substances which kill bacteria. In the other ten percent, microorganisms can be found, which can be caused by a latent illness or infection of the kidneys or urinary passages. Drinking urine, which contains a certain amount of microorganisms, can nevertheless be considered harmless. We constantly eat, drink and inhale bacteria. A large number of bacteria permanently exist in our body, and they generally do not make us sick. Some caution is suggested with infections of the kidneys, bladder or urinary passages. The number of bacteria can be quite high in these cases and sometimes-even pus can be seen in the urine. Even then, some urine therapists, such as we recommend drinking everything excreted. Externally applied, urine is an excellent antiseptic remedy. Fresh urine is sterile and therefore excellent for cleaning wounds. Old urine contains ammonia and other substances, which ensure that the infection and decay are combated. 3) If urine is so useful and good for the body why does the body excrete it? We can make the comparison here to a dam in a river. If water rises above a certain level, the surplus flows away through the floodgates. However, this does not mean that the surplus water is useless. In the same way, a surplus of water and salts can leave the body at any moment through the kidneys. If you drink more water, more urine is produced and if you drink less water, less urine is produced. Everybody knows this from personal experience. Nature works in cycles allowing matter to return to its original substance and be re-used for construction. Many substances still floating through the blood in compounded form are filtered by the kidneys and return to their original substances. In this way they can easily be re-absorbed by the body. Here it may be pointed out that we have all experienced this urine cycle as a foetus in the womb. For almost nine months, we drank our own urine in the form of Amniotic fluid. This liquid was an important contribution to the development of our bodies. Drinking urine is certainly not strange. On the contrary, it is foundation of our existence. 4) If drinking our own urine is so natural and useful, why hasn't nature equipped us with an instinct to do this automatically ? Rational thinking has completely suppressed many natural human instincts. For example, all animals avoid eating if they are sick. Many illnesses can be quickly cured in this way, since digesting food requires a great deal of energy. By not eating, we can direct much more energy towards the healing process. Human beings, however, often continue eating when they are sick. On top of that, the patient is often advised to eat especially well, even if he or she is absolutely not hungry. Sick or wounded animals instinctively use their own bodily fluids. By licking their wounds, for example, they not only keep the wound clean, but also send a signal to the body, which reacts, to this 'self-injection'. Goats sometimes urinate directly into their own mouths, and many other animals (e.g. dogs, caws) lick the urine from others of their species. We have obviously strayed quite far from our instinctual to light a cigarette or consume alcohol. It is therefore safer to assume that nature has equipped us with a number of instincts, but that we, as people, have largely lost contact with them. 5) Isn't it true that urine therapy seems to be effective, but that simultaneous change of dietary habits is actually the healing factor ? Of course dietary habits greatly influence your health. Urine therapy and health dietary habits go together. As already mentioned, no substance which has not earlier been consumed will appear in the urine. A change in dietary habits as part of urine therapy undoubtedly plays an important role in a possible healing process. Actually, urine therapy is also effective for those who already have healthy dietary habits and yet for one or another reason get sick. Furthermore, the rate at which symptoms improve when urine therapy employed is remarkably higher than when exclusively dietary habits are changed. Urine therapy also has an extraordinarily positive effect if you fast exclusively on water and urine, in which case you completely refrain, from eating. Furthermore the same results are achieved with a urine and water fast in one week as with a juice or water fast in two to three weeks. The fact remains the substances you eat, drink or otherwise ingest are indeed important, especially regarding long-term health. Applying urine therapy while maintaining unhealthy dietary habits is like lighting a candle to the sun. As a closing remark, there are no unequivocal rules regarding a healthy diet and lifestyle. This is very personal and experiential, deep down; you know best what is best for you. 6) Can't the effects of urine therapy be attributed to suggestion or belief ? Those who seek refuge in urine therapy as a last resort' have often already made the rounds by every other method of treatment, from allopathy to homeopathy, Ayurveda, etc. They hoped and believed these other therapies would work. Yet it seems that many who did not achieve results with other methods of treatment have been cured by urine therapy. This is remarkable when you consider that the nature and obscurity of urine therapy initially evoke a skeptical reaction. In India, it was observed with a urine therapist who in his role as supervisor at a national park also successfully treated animals with urine therapy. Here, there is no question of the treating animal under the influence of suggestion or belief. However, it is generally important to believe in the method of treatment you choose. This is also true if you choose another treatment. 7) Doesn't urine taste disgusting? Our aversion to urine the result of preconceptions and conditioning. We have been taught that urine is dirty. In reality, urine usually does not taste dirty. Many who have been drinking it for some time even think it taste and smells pleasant. The taste of urine partly depends on what you have eaten and drunk the previous day. If you eat a great deal of animal proteins, use a lot of spice or drink strong herbal tea, your urine will probably have a strong taste. Also, when your body is out of balance, i.e. you are sick, urine often tastes stronger than normal. While applying urine therapy it is wise to reduce the intake of especially animal proteins and strong herbs and spices. If you wish to gradually become accustomed to the taste, mix urine with water or mix a spoonful of honey into the urine. In general, taste is subjective. What is delicious to one person is disgusting to another. Furthermore, your taste can change with time. Most people who drink beer or wine for the first time in their life think it tastes disgusting, but after some time they get used to the taste and actually enjoy it. The same is true for olives, blue cheese, etc. Regarding medicine, it is interesting to note that people are willing to ingest the most disgusting tasting drink and pills as long as a doctor prescribes it. Likewise, if you are sick, you might also try to overcome your resistance to the taste of urine. But do it with love. 8) If urine therapy was so popular in the past, as is maintained, why are people no longer interested in it, and why don't they know it can be useful? With the development of culture and technological progress, we have strayed further and further from nature. Our interest in natural medicines, including urine therapy, has therefore decreased. Furthermore in many respects we have turned away from our own bodies. This has made urine therapy psychologically inaccessible to us; in other words, we think our own bodily products are disgusting. Our economic system is based upon scarcity and scarcity is related to dependence. Urine therapy provides patients with so much independence that the remedy, urine is not lucrative. Urine is free and always available for those who need it. In a world in which money talks, urine therapy can appear to be threatening to those who earn their living by manufacturing or prescribing medicine. In short, urine therapy does not fit in the current economic picture of scarcity. Many people believe we are healthier nowadays thanks to advances in medical science. This is partly true. The flip side of the coin is that we have had to give up a great deal of freedom and independence. The enormous efforts of medical science are partly based upon the failure to really cure illnesses. Fighting symptoms is considered to be crucial, but this does not take care of the cause. Urine therapy, being a real nature cure, not only reduces the symptoms, but also deals with the cause of the illness. Keep in mind that urine therapy is not a 'wonder drug' that relieves all symptoms. Illness always has several causes and is usually not only physical. Feelings, thoughts and the environment also play a role. If you apply urine therapy in order to get rid of a symptom, but after improvement continue to treat yourself and your body carelessly, the symptoms might reappear. It is therefore important to also pay attention to other factors playing a role in the healing process. 9) How do acquaintances and friends react when you tell them that you drink your urine? Is it not better to keep quiet about it? Nowadays, the taboos surrounding bodily excretions are great. We consider many things to be dirty as soon as they leave our body, and forget that those same substances just a few minutes before were an integral part of our body. Everybody knows that the best way to get a laugh is by telling jokes about peeing and shitting. We get the whole range of reactions whenever we talk about our experiences. This is how we have been brought up, and although we take urine therapy seriously, we generally prefer an approach with a healthy dose of humor. However, if you feel uncomfortable about telling it to those around you, but still want to experiment with urine therapy, feel free to do this without mentioning it to others. When you are convinced it works for you, the reluctance to talk about it will gradually subside, and may be even disappear. Perhaps you will start to enjoy talking about it, as I do. You can be sure that you will be surrounded by plenty of laughter, which in fact can be rather pleasant of laughter, which in fact can be rather pleasant. An old saying maintains that it is good to combine what is useful with what is pleasurable; you can be sure of that with urine therapy ! It is a different matter if you have difficulties explaining urine therapy to your immediate family or partner. Support from those closest to you is essential. Thorough explanation can work wonders. Let them visit this site. Before you know it, their interest in urine therapy will outweigh their aversion. As for smell, it is not as strong as one would expect. With a little bit of care, those closest to you will not notice a thing. The odour of urine is much less repulsive than most people think since most associate urine with public toilets. Actually, it often smells rather pleasant when applied fresh on the skin. Many people regularly use pure urine as after-shave and hair lotion. There will always be people who think it is bizarre or dirty. It is up to you to decide what is more important to you: your own good health or other people's opinions. 10) For which illnesses is urine therapy effective and for which is it ineffective? Are there any contra-indications? In theory, urine therapy is effective for every illness. Actually, a diagnosis is unnecessary prior to applying urine therapy. This therapy is total treatment aimed at strengthening or recovering the balance in the body. Because there are countless ways in which the balance can be upset, there are also countless illnesses. Medical science has conveniently categorized and named these illnesses. Urine therapy is a very personal treatment and can be applied in many ways. Likewise, an imbalance in the body can occur in countless ways and on different levels. Because the application of urine therapy does not require medication, which goes with a certain symptom, a diagnosis is also unnecessary. Nevertheless, because we are so accustomed to receiving a diagnosis it is for most of us reassuring to know which label is attached to our illness. Furthermore this can also help us in choosing other natural remedies, and these can certainly be used simultaneously with urine therapy. The treatments often support each other. In the Damar Tantra, of which the entire document can be found on this site combinations of herbal mixtures and urine are often prescribed. Urine therapy can be applied at all times and for every illness, although in a number of cases extra attention. Furthermore pay attention to the degree of acidity of the blood and urine. If the blood is too acidic, the urine might also be rather acidic, which may cause irritations during application. Reduce the degree of acidity by fasting, talking natural medicines and following an appropriate diet (low in protein and vegetarian). So, there are no contra-indications but there are certainly conditions under which urine therapy can best applied. Once again one very important condition is the quality and combination of your diet. 11) Why is it particularly recommended to drink the morning urine? The majority of useful, vital substances are found in the morning urine. This is because at night, while you sleep, your body is totally relaxed. This deep relaxation gives the body the chance to carry out its 'recovery activities'. The decomposition products partly end up in the urine and can be re-absorbed and used for new build-up processes. This process of filtering by the kidneys returns the so-called raw decomposition products to their original substances, which can subsequently be re-absorbed and re-used by the body. Certain hormones are also released during sleep, a number of, which are intended to bring about the above-mentioned deep relaxation. Re-absorbing these hormones ensures that we are more rested during the waking hours. Moreover, it saves the body energy because it does not have to manufacture these hormones again. Furthermore, ingestion of the morning urine, which is full of hormones, regulates the entire hormonal process. Some of these hormones have the particular function of maintaining hormonal balance. 12) Should you only use your own urine? In theory, it is best to use exclusively your own urine, especially if internally applied. However, if you are in a state of shock and cannot urinate, the urine from somebody else can safely be administered. If possible, use the urine from somebody of the same sex. Different hormones can be in the urine from a male than in that of a female. For certain illnesses, it seems to be beneficial to ingest the urine from children. The urine from a child is often very pure, especially if the child follows a healthy diet. In some cases, the urine from a child can also be used in the external massage application for the seriously ill who cannot produce enough of their own urine. It is certainly possible to use the urine from other person for massage. The urine from pregnant women is also recommended by some urine therapists in the treatment of certain diseases like infertility, but further research is necessary before we can more about this. According to the latest reports it is almost certain that, HIV cannot be transmitted through urine. Urine from different people usually does not differ much in its ingredients, which is why the urine from one person will also to some extent work for somebody else. However, your own urine contains personal, characteristic substances and provides the particular information the body needs order to carry out the healing process as effectively as possible. 13) What about using nutritional supplements such as vitamins etc., when practicing urine therapy? In general it is no problem to combine urine therapy with any other form of natural treatment. This also applies to the use of nutritional supplements as long as they are natural. On should refrain from any chemically manufactured supplements. Experience has shown that the use of vitamin supplements in combination with the practice of urine therapy can considerably cut down the amount of supplements you need to take, because of the recycling effect. Many substances, such as vitamins and enzymes, act as carriers for other substances and after having fulfilled their task they leave the body unaltered. Thus they can be used and taken in again to carry out the same job. Some vitamin supplements contain very high doses of specific vitamins. This can make the urine look very dark and taste and smell very strong. However this is not a problem, although it might be somewhat unpleasant to drink. 14) What do you do, if you can't get over the taste? When it is not possible for you to get used to the taste there are several other ways in which you can take urine into your body. Massaging with urine allows urine to be absorbed into the body through the skin. As far as taking urine in through the mouth, one could dilute it with a lot of water. Initially one could take just a few drops of urine mixed in fruit juice or other fluids. Also one could make use of a homeopathic tincture or an injection. To help make the taste of your urine more acceptable it is wise to experiment with your diet. It is recommended to eat lost of fruits and fresh vegetables and avoid meat, spices, dairy products and carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables from a healthy diet anyway, and they normally make the urine taste milder and more watery It is then usually easier to drink your urine. For people who feel either occasionally or permanently a strong disgust blocking them from drinking their own urine, we would suggest that it may be worth first trying to discover their personal, psychological relation to urine. Clearing up some deeper issues surrounding body secretions might help to overcome the aversion. COMMON QUESTIONS Isn't urine a toxic body waste? Urine is a blood byproduct and though it contains some body waste, urine is non toxic. In a healthy person the toxins in urine constitute a very small percentage of the total volume. The main purpose of the kidneys is to control the amount of blood and to maintain the pH balance of the blood in the body. The kidneys filter all the blood 60 times a day constantly removing the excess water and those ingredients which alter the pH balance of the blood. Wouldn't it be harmful to put those toxins back into the body? The toxins found within urine are not enough to be toxic to the body from which it came. Anything that was in your blood cannot be harmful to the person where it came from. Had it been that harmful, that person would have been dead. Besides, the urine you drink does not go directly to the blood stream, first it goes into the digestive system where its ingredients are sorted out. The useful ones are used again (recycled) and the toxins get rejected. When the level of toxins is too high, the toxins stimulate the intestines (lymphatic system) into flushing themselves out to eliminate any stagnated excrements accumulated in the colon. What about doctors claiming that drinking urine will cause cirrhosis of the liver, and harm or paralyze the kidneys? They have a misconception with respect to drinking urine and what role the intestines play in urine therapy. Remember the answer to the previous question and keep in mind that the organ that removes cellular feces from the blood is the liver. The liver removes this waste, bile, and it dumps it at the beginning of the small intestine to aid in the process of digestion. The urine a person drinks goes into the same spot where the liver discharges the cellular waste, but the toxins urine contains are a very small amount in comparison to what the liver dumps at the same site. Couldn't we filter those toxins out of the urine before drinking it? I guess the toxins could be filtered out, but those toxins are necessary to stimulate a cleansing reaction in each individual. Those toxins are also necessary to vaccinate and protect the body from future illnesses. The amount of toxins found in the urine of each person is directly related to the amount of stagnated excrement in his colon. Sometimes these toxins are related to certain foods which are difficult to digest requiring very strong acids that later on find their way into the blood stream. The amount of preservatives a piece of meat has determines the type bacteria required to digest it, that is why it is not healthy to eat too much meat, preserved meat products and cold cuts. This type of bacteria produces very strong acids to decompose flesh which is laying in the colon for too long while being digested, but those acids are toxic even to the intestines therefore the body absorbs them and circulates them in the blood where they cause much less harm . Is there a way to purify the body to improve the taste of urine before starting to drink it? Ten percent of the people who start drinking their urine will find it too sour and bitter, even when diluted, and may experience nausea, headaches and other strong reactions before they get used to it and start seeing any results. And again I ask not to despair or give up. Remember that urine is a sample of what is flowing through your veins and repulsive urine should be a motivation to improve the internal conditions, rather than an excuse for not using Uropathy. When your internal conditions are too polluted, you need to purify the body before using Uropathy. However drinking your own urine mixed with juice is the fastest way to accomplish this task. Can a girl drink her urine during the menstrual cycle? Yes, a girl can drink her urine during menstruation. The urethra and the vagina are two different organs. Furthermore, I can assure you that there is nothing in your menstruation fluid that can harm you if you accidentally drink a little of it mixed with the urine. With a little care, you can keep your urine separated from menstruation if you decide to continue drinking your urine during the menstruation cycle. If you are fasting, you must continue drinking your urine during the menstrual cycle. Can a person drink his urine while on medications? For all intents and purposes the answer is no because there is the remote possibility of overdosing on a particular medication by recycling the portion of it discharged in the urine. However, you need to differentiate between medications and hormonal supplements because hormones supplements can be taken while drinking your urine. If you choose to drink your urine while on a hormone supplement, you should frequently monitor your hormone intake because as the affected organ improves, the supplement you need has to be reduced accordingly. How come urine appears to be ineffective for some problems? Sometimes health problems are associated with mineral deficiencies and they are corrected when you recycle and reuse traces of the specific mineral found in urine. But there are times when there is a chronic deficiency of one or several minerals. In this cases there is none of that mineral in your urine, therefore the problem remains the same, although 20 other conditions may improve. A diabetic person, for example, may need to take chromium for the cells to use blood sugar and vanadium to produce insulin. These supplements may be necessary to eradicate diabetes or any other sugar problem that did not improve with Uropathy. Can UROPATHY help a child who wets the bed while he sleeps? Though this problem is caused in part by deficiency of the ingredients in real salt, giving a little urine in juice to a child helps the problem because of the high content of minerals in this bodily fluid. In other rare occasions the condition is associated with a bacteria or virus that relaxes the sphincter, the muscle that closes the valve in the bladder that controls the flow of urine into the urethra. The universal remedy is one of the procedures I would advice using, if a malignant microorganism is suspected. Mixing a little urine with the morning orange juice is another application that will help improve this condition. How can urine be used to improve your health? These are some of the applications listed in "UROPATHY The Most Powerful Holistic Therapy." Remember that urine is a sterile substance that contains hydrogen peroxide. It is a blood byproduct and there is nothing in it that can harm anyone. A rectal implant is a procedure to stimulate cleansing of de rectum and sigmoid sections of the colon. You need a rectal implant syringe for this procedure and I advise using pure urine instead of water or coffee. It can be applied once every two weeks or several times a day depending on your condition and desire for been healthy. Aside from cleansing the colon, this application also regenerates the colon which is the largest organ of the lymphatic system therefore it helps cleanse the entire body. Regular application of implants with pure urine gets rid of 80% of the conditions that make you susceptible to disease and when combined with a full spectrum nutritional supplement can regenerate all deteriorated organs and glands in the body. When you feel that you need a very deep cleansing, like a colonic, you can apply several implants one after the other repeatedly. You should always wait until you discharge the previous one before applying the next one. For this purpose you need more urine obviously therefore you should save all urine passed during the day or you can collect the urine of your spouse or children. You can apply as many implants as you like and you will know when your colon is clean when the body absorbs the urine internally instead of discharging it. Use the old urine first since it stimulates a stronger cleansing reaction. Apply a drop of urine under your tongue every hour anytime you are sick in bed or when you are surrounded by people who are sick. Use this application as a prophylaxis (to prevent getting sick) anytime a person in the train, bus, car pool or your work environment appears to be getting sick coughing or sneezing often. Apply four or five drops of the ultimate universal remedy or a drop of pure urine under your baby's or child's tongue when you discover he has a fever. A fever is part of a process to develop antibodies to an unknown microbe. However, it is very likely that you, the mother, were already exposed to the same microbe and already developed antibodies against it. The antibodies to a thousand microbes are in the urine of the parents and by placing a drop of this urine under the tongue of a child with fever you are providing the child with a sample of the antibody that he has to develop and once the antibody is available the fever stops in a matter of minutes. You are vaccinating the child against a thousand microbes with this application. Drink one to four ounces of fresh morning urine on an empty stomach. The urine can be pure or mixed with juice. Girls can douche with fresh or stale urine, (excellent for yeast infections). When your throat itches, gargle with urine several times a day or every time you go to the bathroom. Rub fresh urine on healthy skin all over the body leaving it on the skin for 15 minutes then rinsing it off with water. Do not use soap. For serious skin conditions and problematic areas stale urine (one to eight days old) is better than fresh urine. You can save it covered in a glass jar in a cool and dark place. Collect a gallon of urine and pour it into a hot bath to open the pores and activate the lymphatic system into draining waste in the form of sweat. Stay in the bathtub for about 20 minutes and rub the skin while in the water. Although it is better if you don't, you can rinse off with plain water and very mild soap after the bath. Get a glove, boot, plastic bag, plastic wrap or the large leaf of a tree to cover or wrap burned skin, scraped skin or any other injury. This is done to keep oxygen away from the skin because oxygen is what causes the skin to blister and become painful. Fill the glove, boot or bag with fresh or stale urine and leave it on for a few days according to the severity of the injury. Do not apply creams or any other products on the skin. If urine is not available, immediately cover the burned area. That is the most important thing to do for burns. Refill bag, glove or rag with urine when the urine dries up. For a third-degree burn you may have to leave it on for a minimum of three to five days to give the body a chance to grow a new layer of skin. When you get a blister, the skin over it should be left alone, do not puncture it. The skin over the blister protects the area serving as a temporary incubator for the new layer of skin growing under the blister. Wet a towel or rag with urine and apply it over the affected area. This is called a compress and it is very effective to clean and moisturize your face, neck and the rest of the body. In a double pot, warm-up two-to-eight-day-old urine then wet a towel or rag with the urine and apply it over the affected area (this can also be done with cold urine). Leaving the compress on the affected area for 45 minutes or more makes this application even more effective. For benign or malignant tumors and other serious problems place a hot water bottle or small electric blanket over the compress at one hour intervals, which creates an artificial fever that stimulates circulation in the affected area. More circulation means more oxygen, removal of waste and gradual healing. Repeat four or five times a day. This application is excellent for gangrene, liver cirrhosis, lumps in the breasts and skin cancer. Prepare a mud pack to stimulate circulation in the affected area (Pancreas and liver for diabetes, hypoglycemia and hepatitis). To prepare it mix urine (stale urine is better) with soil, spread it over a towel and apply it over the affected area. Use a strainer to remove all twigs and stones from the soil and sterilize it in the oven for 20 minutes at 375-degrees Fahrenheit before mixing it with the urine. If an oven is not available, use plain dirt. Spread the mixture over a towel or rag and apply over the affected area of the body with the dirt touching the skin. Leave it on for an hour or two. Apply this preparation once or twice a day for a week. This application is more effective when left on the skin overnight. For serious problems apply a hot water bottle or an electric blanket over the mud pack. Wash the eyes or ears with fresh or stale urine or put urine drops in the eyes or ears. Fast on urine and water for two days every week. It is best to do it on your days of, like Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. Fasting during the weekend is great for healthy people. It gives the body an opportunity to regenerate anything that is deteriorating long before it becomes a serious problem. While fasting, try peeing only the amount of urine you intend to drink and hold the rest in the bladder to keep it fresh and try to pee every two to three hours. Drinking urine at such intervals will calm your appetite and accelerate the healing process. Boil fresh urine and deeply inhale the vapors. To use this application cover a pot or can with aluminum foil and cut a hole in it abut the size of half dollar so all the vapors come out at the same spot. Use the inner tube of a paper towel roll or make a tube out of paper to stay away from the pot, put it to your nose and breath the vapors deeply into your lungs for about 15 minutes once or twice a day for several days until the condition clears up. 6-7-09 Sent by Larry ERB (Written by Coen Van Der Kroon) (Edited for clarity by Joseph Kaemerer) Urine consists of 95% of water, 2.5% of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals , salts, hormones and enzymes. Only urea , the substance after which urine is named, can be poisonous when present in the blood. However, this is irrelevant in the practice of drinking urine, as urine is not immediately put back in the bloodstream. In small amounts urea gets back into the body, it is purifying, and clears up excess mucus. Urine is entirely sterile after secretion and has an antiseptic effect. One of the liver's most important functions is detoxification of the blood. The liver removes poisonous substances from the blood and either stores them or secretes them into the gall bladder. In the latter case, the poisonous substances end up as bile in the intestinal canal. They then leave the body in the form of defecation. After the blood is detoxified by the liver, it flows to the kidneys. The kidney's most important function consists of balancing out all elements in the blood. They remove all superfluous vital substances from the blood, and filter out a surplus of water. This water and the vital substances consequently form urine. In order to save energy and bring the blood into balance, the kidneys remove unused enzymes from the blood. The same goes for hormones, minerals and other substances. It is clear that urine is full of vital elements, which can hardly be called waste products. Human urine has strengthening and curative characteristics concerning many deficiencies. A mixture of potato and sulpher powder, mixed with heated, old urine helps against hair loss. One should rub this mixture into the scalp; this slows down loss of hair. All kinds of throat inflammation can be helped by gargling with urine to which a bit of saffron has been added. Trembling hands and knees can be helped by washing, and rubbing one's own warm urine into the skin directly after one has urinated. A universal and excellent remedy for all distempers inward and outward. Drink your own water in the morning nine days together and it cures the scurvy, makes the body lightsome and cheerful. It is good against the dropsy and Jaundice, drank as before. a. Wash your ears with it warm and it is good against deafness noises and most other ailments in the ears. b. Wash your eyes with your own water and it cures sore eyes and clears and strengthens the sight. c. Wash and rub your hands with it, and it takes away numbness, chaps and sores and makes the joints limber. d. Wash any green wound with it and it is an extraordinary good thing. e. Wash any part that itches and it takes the itch away. f. Wash the fundament and it is good against piles and other sores. More than any other method, urine therapy represents the principles of natural medicine. One's own urine is a specific medicine for anyone who is ill. It is made for him or her personally and is just right for what he or she needs at the present moment, because it changes its composition all the time. It is not only something that cures, but it also sustains health when taken as a preventative. Taken energetically, one could consider urine to be an exact hologram of both healthy as well as diseased body fluids. All information from the body fluids are collected and stored in the urine. One's own urine is the best medicine for the kidneys that we could imagine. It is clear for any holistic health practitioner that all cycles within the body are interconnected, and this means that the healing of one of those cycles will have a positive effect on the others. Urine was often used at the battle front, for lack of other medication and as a disinfectant for surgery instruments. A Russia doctor treated many people from far and wide, and was able to alleviate or completely cure illnesses with nothing else than urine therapy, while other methods up until then had failed. Drinking urine is a good alternative wherever water is scarce. It not only satisfies the need for liquid, but also actually keeps the body healthy. Some time ago there was an earthquake in Egypt. A survivor was pulled out of the rubble in Cairo after being trapped for three days. The man had kept himself alive by, among other things, drinking his own urine and he was in excellent condition. I heard another story about a man who kept himself alive with his own urine for a week in a collapsed mine. At the time of his rescue, he looked fine and was in extraordinary health. I also recently read an article about an Italian athlete who was lost in the Sahara for ten days. Upon returning to the civilized world, he told how he had drunk his own urine for lack of other liquids. He had kept himself alive by eating desert plants and insects and drinking his own urine. Shipwrecked people can drink their own urine to survive, although one should not wait until the body is almost dehydrated before doing so. Drinking urine is also a smart way to survive in situations in which water is unsafe to drink. a. During earthquakes and floods, water is often infected with pathogens, while urine is always scenic b. Drinking polluted water can cause serious, often fatal, illnesses Urine is a perfect alternative: if drunk fresh, it quenches thirst without presenting any danger and is always available - any time anywhere. c. Moreover, it will help combat possible diseases. Soldiers have survived long periods in the wilderness by drinking their own urine, and soldiers in the Foreign Legion are sometimes instructed to rub their own urine into their skin in order to build up resistance to illness. Soldiers sometimes also urinate into their shoes before starting on a march, as urine apparently helps prevent blisters. The method of using urine for (new) shoes was often applied in the past and today I sometimes meet people who know how to get their shoes fitting by using this versatile fluid. It is generally not recommended to combine urine therapy the use of (prescribed) chemical allopathic medicines or recreational drugs. The combination may be dangerous to your health. If you are taking any form of allopathic medicine, begin with the external application (urine massage) until you are free of all medication, if possible. Urine therapy consists of two parts: a. internal application (drinking urine) and b. external application (massaging with urine). Both aspects complement each other and are important for optimal results. The basic principle of urine therapy is therefore quite simple: you drink and massage yourself with urine. Even so, there are a number of different ways to apply urine therapy. After your initial experiences, you will be able to determine. Throughout the civilized world, blood and blood products are used in the medical world without evoking the repugnance associated with urine. We often use prepacked cells, plasma, white blood cells and countless other blood components. Urine is nothing other than a blood product. a. We see babies being breast-fed and we are not filled with repugnance. b. We drink cow's milk and eat cheese from cows, goats and other animals without a second thought. c. We eat dairy products in the form of blue cheese (molded) or as sour drinks such as yogurt and buttermilk, not to mention all the other bizarre things which are considered to be delicacies. If it is not the color (and it is not, because we drink wine, beer and fruit juice of the same color); and if it is not the smell (and it is not, because we consume considerable amounts of cheese which smell much worse) and if it is not the temperature, then perhaps it is the taste. How many people do you know who have drunk enough urine to really know what it tastes like? Probably not too many. Those who regularly drink their own urine say it. But taking urine into your mouth might be too big a step to begin with. Rubbing a drop into the and first smelling your own urine can help you to overcome part of the barrier. Really, it often does not smell bad at all. Many people even like its sometimes sweet odor. More extensive massaging of urine into your skin is also a good way to become accustomed to your life water. How can you overcome feelings of aversion to drinking your own golden elixir? a. Start by drinking a drop then a sip each day and slowly build up to a fill glass of urine. This is the most comfortable way to allow your body, mind and soul to become accustomed to this therapy. b. Another method, which I myself used, is to begin by fasting for a few days. The urine is then so watery that after the second glass you will notice only a slightly salty taste, which makes it much easier to let go of the idea that urine is dirty or at least tastes dirty. c. If you still cannot bring yourself to drink your own urine pure, mix a dash of it into a glass of fruit juice or mix it with water and honey. Then try to switch over from the dilution to drinking urine pure. d. Collect the middle stream of the first morning urine. The small amounts at the beginning and ending of urination do not have to be collected. e. The first part rinses the urinary passage clean, so the urine will be as sterile as possible. f. The last part sometimes contains sediment and is of little value. Only your own, fresh urine should be used. You are comfortable with. g. This may vary from one to several glasses per day. If you drink your urine not only in the morning but later in the day as well, h. the urine from approximately one hour after eating is usually the best. i. Do not eat up to thirty minutes after drinking your urine. After a meal wait for at least an hour before drinking any urine. j. A higher level of hormonal discharge takes place at night when the body completely relaxes and restores itself. k. Morning urine is therefore the most rich in vital substances. No extra diet restrictions apply if you drink one glass of morning urine per day, but a diet low in salt and (especially animal) protein is prefer-able and it will ensure that your urine tastes and smells milder. However, if you drink urine several times a day, a diet low in protein and salt is essential. A lot of fresh fruit and vegetables are recommended. Before a fast: Two days before the fast, decrease the intake of protein-rich and heavy foods, especially fried and fatty foods. Fruit and raw vegetables are easily digestible and ensure that the intestines clean themselves so the actual fast can easily begin. In this period, start drinking greater amounts of urine. Actual fast: In this period, exclusively drink water and urine. It is best if you do not work during the fast. Although some exertion is possible, rest and relaxation are important in order for the purifying process to take place undisturbed. In the beginning, stay with drinking the middle stream. Alternated with urine, pure, clean water can be drunk. Once the fast has been in progress for some time, all the urine can be drunk. In this period, you will urinate quite easily (urinating every fifteen minutes is not unusual). A complete body massage every day with old, heated urine is highly recommended. Urine massage is good for blood circulation, and massaging with old urine also ensures that you do not have heart palpitations during the fast. Furthermore it serves as a way of feeding the body through the skin, immediately into the muscle and lymph tissue. During fasts, urine enemas are highly recommended. Many illnesses begin in the intestines and it is very important to get rid of toxic waste products stored in them and to keep them clean. After a fast: This period is necessary in order to slowly and carefully return to a normal and natural eating pattern. You should take at least one week to gradually and carefully readjust your eating habits. The best way to end a fast is to stop drinking urine and water at the end of the afternoon. a. After one hour, drink a glass of orange juice, lemon juice with water, grape juice or apple juice. b. The next day, drink another glass of fruit juice during lunch. From this time on, start eating juicy fruits. The following day, eat vegetable broth, steamed vegetables and rice. This is a good way to return to your old pattern of eating, excluding the unhealthy habits. If fasting exclusively on water and urine is too great of a strain, consume one light meal per day. This fast proceeds according to the same basic rules as a complete fast, except for a few differences: 1) Eat a light meal consisting of whole meal bread, brown rice with steamed vegetables, raw vegetables or fruit preferably at the end of the afternoon. Chew the food well. 2) Refrain from eating or drinking (including urine or water) one hour before and after the meal. During a chronic illness, the body often has a high level of toxicity, which means that poisonous substances can be found in the tissues. Administering an enema, is a good way to remove poisonous substances from the body, and especially from the intestines. Furthermore, a number of substances found in urine are better absorbed by the body in this way than by oral ingestion. Urine should be kept in the mouth for twenty to thirty minutes or, when that seems too much, as long as possible. Gargling with urine is an effective way to fight gum problems or other mouth and tongue disorders. In addition, toothaches disappear quickly and teeth stay healthy. It can help heal APHTSquite fast. After gargling, spit the urine out again. Painful, burning and tired eyes can be relieved by applying a few drops of fresh or boiled urine to the eyes. Eyecups with urine are also quite useful. It is sometimes wise to dilute the urine used for eye drops with a bit of water. Conjunctivitis: Eyedrops are very helpful in cases of conjunctivitis. Irritation due to the wearing of contact lenses can disappear or be relieved by this treatment. Regular eye treatments with urine therapy may improve eyesight. Ear aches or ear infections: You can use four-day old urine for earaches or ear infections, as old urine enhances the effect of this method, but fresh urine will do as well. Put some drops in the ears and close them with some cotton wool dipped in oil. Sinusitis and Stuffed Up Nose: Salt water or URINis sniffed in the nose from a small bowl. Sniffing urine is the most effective treatment for a stuffed nose, other sinus disorders such as sinusitis, and problems with the uppermost part of the respiratory canal. This method also affects the eyes positively. If pure urine is too strong, dilute it with water. A 1/1.00.00 solution of urine should be placed under the tongue. Begin with two drops a day and increase this amount to ten drops a day. It is best to keep urine in a dark brown glass bottle which can beclosed with a cork or some cotton wool, or glass pot with the top or lid placed on top of it (rather than screwed on). In this way the bottle or pot is closed while allowing air in, which is necessary for the fermentation process. When I go on vacation, I always keep a bottle of old urine on hand as a first aid remedy for wounds. It works excellently. Hemorrhoids: Simultaneous compresses on the anus and abdomen are very effective in the treatment of hemorrhoid. Skin diseases: A mixture of clay and urine applied directly to the skin, can be used in the treatment of skin diseases. For those who value smooth, flawless skin and a healthy appearance, massaging fresh urine daily into the skin in the morning or in the evening is recommended. This is the secret of many a sex symbol and beauty queens. You can use this method during your morning shower. It is also extremely effective as an aftershave lotion. If you can smell the urine after using it as an after shave, use a (natural) perfumed body or skin lotion. I rub fresh urine thoroughly into my skin in the morning before I take a shower and pay extra attention to my face and hair. Skin becomes soft and smooth, and hair lustrous and clean. A footbath is good for the circulation and can also affect the entire body, as reflex zones are situated under the foot. Both heated, old and warm, fresh urine are suitable for these purposes. If you plan to take a foot or hipbath, collect your urine over the course of one day so that you have enough to fill a washtub halfway. You can dilute the urine with water to increase the amount of liquid in the washtub. Dandruff: This is an excellent remedy for dandruff, lifeless hair and even baldness and hair loss. Massage urine briskly into the scalp, allow it to be absorbed for thirty minutes to an hour, and then wash it out with lukewarm water (do not use soap or shampoo). Hair becomes clean and lustrous. If you do not rinse out the urine, the effect is even more powerful. You can use both fresh and old urine for this. Your hair will, however, become more beautiful and vital. Those who apply urine therapy often do not turn gray but retain their original hair color at a later age. If intensively applied, hair might grow again on bald spots. While practicing the more intensive form of urinetherapy follow a diet low in protein and salt. Avoid refined pre-processed and synthetic foods such as sugar, white flour, and canned foods. Herbs (also in herbal tea) might cause the urine to taste sharp and bitter making it more difficult to drink. Some urine therapists advise against drinking milk, primarily because dairy products are processed and contain unnatural additives, and because milk produces agreat deal of mucus in the body. In general, it is advisable to decrease the intake of acid-producing foods and to increase the intake of alkaline-promoting foods. Reduce the use of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine to an absolute minimum. Urine therapy is most beneficial if your diet contains no alcohol, tobacco products, coffee, junk foods & meat. Rub the infected areas with urine. Let the urine soak in for one to two hours and then rinse with water. If this method is not effective, place compresses on the areas. Never squeeze or puncture pustules or blisters. They usually disappear with correct treatment after three to seven days. Vomiting particularly occurs when urine tastes and smells very strong and unpleasant, such as is the case with fever, jaundice and a number of other diseases. In some cases drinking urine can be extremely unpleasant. However, if you drink as much urine as possible, the urine will quickly become thinner and taste more pleasant. Vomiting is good in so far as it cleans the stomach, so there is no cause for worry. After vomiting, you will be less tense and feel better. If vomiting continues even after the stomach is empty, call in professional help. After vomiting out urine, rest and consume only some light liquids, such as water with lemon juice. Once well rested, continue with urine therapy. Fever is actually the most thorough way for the body to discard unwanted substances. Reduce the amount of urine to be ingested, depending on how high the fever is, and get a lot of rest. If necessary, temporarily cease urine therapy until the fever has come down. During a cleansing process the body sometimes removes excess mucus from the lungs and bronchial tubes. If a great deal of mucus is released, reduce the amount of urine to be ingested or stop temporarily. Start inhaling urin through the nose, as this clears the upper part of the bronchial tubes. Avoid milk and dairy products, as well as all mucus producing nutrients such as fat and carbohydrates. This can occur as a result of the extra energy the body must exert in order to excrete the surplus of poisonous substances. Pregnant women can practice urine therapy with the following restrictions. The first morning urine should NOT be ingested. After drinking water, tea or milk, you may drink the second or third flow. The urine should be light in color, not too sharp or bitter and not too concentrated. Women can drink their urine during their menstruation period. Many women experience this as unpleasant, in which case it is better to stop for a few days. It is always best to consider what feels good for yourself. It is advisable to monitor and balance your pH, i.e. the acid/alkaline condition of your body, especially with intensive application of urine therapy & fasting. Your urine pH should ideally vary from approximately 5 (more acid) to 8 (more alkaline) during the course of a day. When there is a tendency to either over acidity (acidosis) or over alkalinity (alkalosis), your body is not functioning correctly. Everything you eat and drink has an effect on your body and consequently on your urine. The healthier your dietary habits are, the better your urine will taste. Urine therapy in itself does not perform miracles. Unless you provide your body with the essential nutrients, it will not possess the raw materials needed to maintain good health. If you eat healthily and consciously, your urine will contain many essential nutrients which can be reused. Even so, the body may have a deficiency of certain nutrients if they are not supplemented by a complete range of foods. In the long run, this may result in illnesses and ailments. The human body is not made to digest and absorb the many harmful additives to which we are now days exposed. Chemical products and radiation added to food products have been proven to be harmful. The recommended range of foods consists of fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains, seeds, nuts, bean, natural sweeteners such as honey, and a limited use of dairy products. It is advisable to follow a vegetarian diet during intensive application of urine therapy. This means that it is best for you to refrain from eating all meat and dairy products, or at least reduce this to a mini-mum, especially if you practice the therapy for an extended period of time. This also applies if you are fasting or if you drink several glasses of urine per day. If you continue to eat meat, you probably have a high concentration of nitrogen wastes, uric acids and other acidic substances in your urine, which are not helpful when reinvested in these large amounts. A surplus of these substances in the blood can lead to an abnormally high degree of acidity. The body consequently acidifies, creating a breeding ground for illnesses. The above mentioned substances in high concentrations cause the urine to taste extremely unpleasant. If you wish to keep eating meat, the best meat products are fish and fowl, free of hormones. Avoid foods containing refined flour products, white sugar and white rice. These nutrients also acidify the blood and body. Avoid processed & radiated foods, and foods which contain colorings or flavorings. Unfortunately, it is not easy to come by good, clean water. Tap water is full of harmful substances, such as fluoride, chlorine and aluminum. It is advisable, especially for drinking & to use purified water from bottles or containers. You can also purchase a good water filter. It is more difficult to come by fresh air. You can, however, go to a wooded area or the beach for the exercise you need. Exercise (in moderation) is important. It increases the heartbeat, stimulates the circulation and strengthens the muscles. It also de acidifies the blood. Most importantly, it should form a part of your daily routine, and preferably a pleasurable part. The idea that urine is a poisonous waste product is not based upon fact. It has been scientifically proven that, besides water, urine consists mainly of minerals, hormones and enzymes that are not harmful to the body. The body can reuse many of these substances. Urine is simply a healthy liquid, which is filtered out of the bloodstream. What at one moment was part of the blood can be found in urine a split second later. Certain substances are then filtered by the kidneys and secreted as raw materials, which can be directly absorbed by the body upon renewed intake by way of drinking or massaging. The kidneys filter hundreds of liters of blood per day (approximately 1700 liters). The greatest part of the filtered urine, the so-called 'pre-urine', is directly reabsorbed into the blood. Excess substances and the end products of nitrogen and protein metabolism together with water form the one to two liters of excreted urine-. The kidneys are not intended to remove poisonous substances from the body - the liver, intestines, skin and exhalation take care of this. Obviously, the food you consume finds its way into the blood, and therefore into the urine, which is why it is important to follow a healthy diet. Urine is a sort of information card which registers the condition of the blood. When that information is carried back to the body, the body can consequently react according to this feedback; it will normally do this in anappropriate and precise way. The body is an extremely advanced and intelligent system. The intestines do not absorb all the substances we consume and they are able to make a selection. To a certain extent, they select what is useful to the body and excrete the rest through defecation. Certain substances are converted by the bacteria in the intestines into other substances, which the body can use or absorb better in that form. You might ask if urea will not cause any poisoning symptoms when taken in again. Although urea is poisonous when present in very large amounts in the blood, only relatively small amounts of urea are ingested when you drink urine This does not end up directly in the blood, but rather in the intestines, and primarily has a purify, cleansing effect. The bulk of it does not show up as urea in the blood, but is converted into the highly useful substance glutamine. It is indisputable that the urine from ninety percent of the population is almost entirely free of all bacteria (sterile). Doctors and pathologists confirm this. This is simply because urine does not come into contact with anything until it is excreted, and furthermore contains substance which kill bacteria. In the other ten percent, microorganisms can be found, which can be caused by a latent illness or infection of the kidneys or urinary passages. Drinking urine, which contains a certain amount of microorganisms, can nevertheless be considered harmless. We constantly eat, drink and inhale bacteria. A large number of bacteria permanently exist in our body, and they generally do not make us sick. Externally applied, urine is an excellent antiseptic remedy. Fresh urine is sterile & therefore excellent for cleaning wounds. Old urine contains ammonia & other substances, which ensure that the infection & decay are combated. Nature works in cycles, allowing matter to re-turn to its original substance and be reused for construction. Many substances still floating through the blood in compounded form are filtered by the kidneys and return to their original substances. In this way they can easily be re-absorbed by the body. Once again, I refer to the example of a tree that lives off its fallen leaves. Nature possesses an infal-lible capacity for recycling, of which urine therapy is remarkable, but sadly forgotten. I would again like to point out that we have all experienced this urine cycle as a fetus in the womb. For almost nine months, we drank our own urine in the form of amniotic fluid. This liquid was an important contribution to the development of our bodies. Drinking urine is certainly not strange. It is the foundation of our existence. Rational thinking has completely suppressed many natural human instincts. For example, all animals avoid eating if they are sick. Many illnesses can be quickly cured in this way, since digesting food requires a great deal of energy. By not eating, we can direct much more energy towards the recovery process. Human beings, however, often continue eating when they are sick. On top of that, the patient is often advised to eat especially well, even if he or she is absolutely not hungry. Urine therapy and healthy dietary habits go together. As already mentioned, no substance that has not earlier been consumed will appear in the urine. A change in dietary habits as part of urine therapy undoubtedly plays an important role in a possible healing process. Exclusively change your dietary habits. Urine therapy also has an extraordinarily positive effect if you fast exclusively on water and urine, in which case you completely refrain from eating. The same results are achieved with a urine and water fast in one week as with a juice or water fast in two to three weeks. The fact remains: the substances you eat, drink or otherwise ingest are important, especially regarding long-term health. Applying urine therapy while maintaining unhealthy dietary habits is like lighting a candle to the sun. The taste of urine partly depends on what you have eaten and drunk the previous day. If you eat a great deal of animal proteins, use a lot of spices or drink strong herbal tea, your urine will probably have a strong taste. Also, when your body is out of balance, i.e. if you are sick, urine often tastes stronger than normal. While applying urine therapy it is wise to reduce the intake of especially animal proteins and strong herbs and spices. If you wish to gradually become accustomed to the taste, mix urine with water or fruit juice or mix a spoonful of honey into the urine. The remedy, urine, is not lucrative. Urine is free and always available for those who need it. In a world which money talks, urine therapy can appear be threatening to those who earn their living by manufacturing or prescribing medicine. In short, urine therapy does not fit in the current economic picture of scarcity. Many people believe we are healthier nowadays thanks to advances in medical science. This is partly true. The flip side of the coin is that we have had to give up a great deal of freedom and independence. The enormous efforts of medical science are partly based upon the failure to really cure illnesses. Fighting symptoms is considered to be crucial, but this does not take care of the cause. Urine therapy, being a real nature cure, not only reduces the symptom, but also deals with the cause of the illness. When you are convinced it works for you, the reluctance to talk about it will gradually subside, and maybe even disappear. Per-haps you will start to enjoy talking about it, as I do. You can be sure that you will be surrounded by plenty of laughter, which in fact can be rather pleasant. The odor of urine is much less repulsive than most people think since most associate urine with public toilets. Actually, it often smells rather pleasant when applied fresh on the skin. I myself regularly use pure urine as aftershave and hair lotion. The majority of useful, vital substances are found in the morning urine. This is because at night, while you sleep, your body is totally relaxed. This deep relaxation gives the body the chance to carry out its recovery activities. The decomposition products partly end up in the urine and can be re-absorbed and used for new build-up processes. This process of filtering by the kidneys returns the so-called raw decomposition products to their original substances, which can subsequently be absorbed and re-used by the body. Certain hormones are also released during sleep, a number of which are intended to bring about the above-mentioned deep relaxation. Reabsorbing these hormones ensures that we are more rested during the waking hours. Itsaves the body energy because it does not have to manufacture these hormones again. Ingestion of the morning urine, which is full of hormones, regulates the entire hormonal process. These hormones have the particular function of maintaining hormonal balance. In theory, it is best to use exclusively your own urine, especially if internally applied. However, if you are in a state of shock and cannot urinate, the urine from somebody else can safely be administered. If possible, use the urine from somebody of the same sex. Different hormones can be found in the urine from a male than in that of a female. For certain illnesses, it seems to be beneficial to ingest the urine from children. The urine from a child is often very pure, especially if the child follows a healthy diet. In some cases, the urine from a child can also be used in the external massage application for the seriously ill who cannot produce enough of their own urine. Urine from different people usually does not differ much in its ingredients, which is why the urine from one person will also to some extent work for somebody else. However, your own urine contains personal, characteristic substances and provides the particular information the body needs in order to carry out the healing process as effectively as possible. In general, it is no problem to combine urine therapy with any other form of natural treatment. This also applies to the use of nutritional supplements as long as they are natural. One should refrain from any chemically manufactured supplements. Experience has shown that the use of vitamin supplements in combination with the practice of urine therapy can considerably cut down the amount of supplements you need to take, because of the recycling effect. Many substances, such as vitamins and enzymes, act as carriers for other. Urine therapy can also be seen as a form of self-vaccination: certain bodily substances which have been removed from the body, some of which may have been produced as a result of illness, are reintroduced into the body in small amounts. These substances are reabsorbed into the blood through either the intestines or the skin. According to this hypothesis, the immune system is then given the chance to react appropriately. In the early nineteenth century, Dr. Charles Duncan conducted research into therapies with self-produced substances, including urine therapy. He demonstrated that patients suffering from gonorrheal URETHARITIS (infection of the urinary tube as a result of the venereal disease gonorrhea) produce their own meditation in the form of their own discharge. Auto-therapy was applied here by placing a drop of a patient's discharge directly on the tongue, in order to stimulate the body's natural powers. This method had a strong healing effect at every stage of the illness: if applied at an early stage, it could cause the gonorrhea to disappear. Auto-therapy is based on the principle that the body can use all fresh, self-produced, unaltered diseased tissue substances that originate from the microorganisms causing the illness. Seen in this light, patients have their own medication in exactly the form constructed by nature to heal their condition. Ten effects of Urine Therapy: 1. Re-absorption and reuse of nutrients, 2. Re-absorption of hormones. 3. Re-absorption of enzymes, 4. Re-absorption of urea, 5. Immunological effect, 6. Bactericidal and viracidal effect, 7. Salt therapy, 8. Diuretic effect, 9. Transmutation theory, 10. Psychological effect The filtering process in kidneys should break down this tissue to its original materials, after which it can be reused by the body to build in new tissue. Re-absorption can be a means for the body to generally conserve energy: re-ingestion of hormones gives the body the chance to reuse at least a number of these, so that it is not necessary to expend energy on manufacturing new hormones. Hormones are actually extremely powerful molecules, the production of which requires a great deal of energy. Once produced, they are able to cause a complete alteration in the balance of bodily processes, the personality, the emotions and the state, of mind, even if only a few molecules are released. So even the slightest re-absorption of hormones may well have a powerful effect on our state of health and level of energy. I have already referred to research on the effects of melatonin, a hormone found in urine, which possibly has a calming effect. Melatonin also has a powerful anti-cancer effect. Sexual Intercourse: Some people recommend using the first urine after Sexual Intercourse. During the process of sexual stimulation certain hormones are released in the higher endocrinal glands, which have a regenerating effect on the body for men as well as women. On research conducted on the enzyme Urokinase, positive results can be expected from the effects of enzymes in urine as a total entity. Urokinase causes Vasodilatation and resembles nitroglycerine in its ability to strengthen the bloodstream from the coronary artery to the cardiac muscle. Urokinase is extracted from urine and brought on the market as medicine on a large scale. Besides water, urea is the main component of urine and is a decomposition product of converted proteins. A person excretes approximately an average of 25 to 30 grams of urea per day. We come in contact with urea at an early age, as a fetus in the womb. The level of urea in amniotic fluid, which consists for the most part of urine from the fetus doubles in the last two months of pregnancy. Before we are born, we drink well over half a liter per day of this liquid. The fetus also breathes it in; this is essential for proper development of the lungs. Scars disappear after an operation on a fetus in the womb due to the healing capacities of the urea in the amniotic fluid. Bacteria are not yet active in the intestinal canal. Once we are born, the intestinal flora start to work, which has a special role in the conversion of urea. Scientists estimate that 25% of the urea in an adult finds its way into the intestines, where it is decomposed into ammonia by intestinal bacteria. The body reuses a certain part of urea; the extra supply created by applying urine therapy increases the glutamine level in the body. This consequently strengthens the immune system and specialized organs, and at the same time heals damages to the digestive tract. Urea has the capacity to moisten the skin and regulate its condition, and one of the reasons why it is processed in many skin creams. Some pharmaceutical companies use horse urine for the production of urea and they actually have lots of horses in their factory. Early urine is not toxic, although some toxic substances might be present in urine in small amounts, especially if one is ill. This small amount of toxic substances possibly contributes to the effectiveness of urine therapy. If toxic substances enter the body, body's defense mechanisms are called into action (the immune system). If substances, which leave the body via the urine, are the same as those involved in the illness process, they can stimulate the defense system to attack and in this way fight the illness. This might explain why urine therapy has proven so helpful in treating allergies. The practice of drinking and massaging with urine allows antibodies greater access to the body, which stimulates the immune system. Applying urine to a fresh cut or scrape prevents infection and keeps flies away (important in countries with a warm climate). Urine compresses from fresh or old urine help to combat infections and often cause them to disappear. Although urine does not entirely prevent the growth of bacteria in the urethra (infections often arise), it clearly has a powerful antiseptic effect when externally applied. Salt solutions remove old mucous embedded in the mucous membranes. If one drinks a salt liquid, part of the salt goes into the body, where it dissolves the surplus of mucus in the lungs and in other organs. As a salt liquid, urine also has a laxative effect and is recommended to relieve constipation. As it moves through the intestinal canal, the salt detaches waste and draws water into the intestines, as a result of which bowel movement becomes easier. According to this theory, drinking urine, like drinking salt Water, accelerates the metabolism. It removes a surplus of sugar from the blood and draws out toxic substances from cells. In this way, urine therapy is a good cleansing technique. Using urine instead of salt is also more effective because urea and ammonia are organic solvents: they dissolve fats and other natural bodily secretions. These substances probably ensure that the mucus membranes and body cells are powerfully affected. By ingesting urine, one stimulates the body not only to excrete part of these metabolic products at an accelerated rate, but also to convert another part into useful substances. A previously mentioned example of this is urea, which is converted through ammonia into glutamine. The theory of transmutation implies that the body is capable, through energetic exchange within the body itself, to transmute certain substances or molecules into other ones. Short-circuiting the system by ingesting one's own secreted body fluids might stimulate the transmutation forces within and challenge the body to transform unusable sub-stances into usable ones without being constantly disturbed by new external input. This would specifically apply to fasting on urine. Another important aspect is the theory of structured water. The body consists for the biggest part of water and so does urine. Not all water is the same though. The molecular structure of water can be less or more organized and in the latter case one speaks of structured water. The more it is organized, the better all kind of enzymatic processes can do their job. These enzymatic processes, in their turn, are responsible and necessary for the digestion, absorption and transmutation of all nutrients. Urine is thus a crystalline-like substance containing a high amount of structured water This structured water, when taken in again, promotes better enzymatic functioning and it has a higher solubility for minerals. A higher amount of structured water in the body system is correlated with better health and more energy. The fact that urine is a liquid crystal substance, particularly because of the various salts in it, implies that it contains crystalline vibrations completely in tune with the vibrational condition of the body. Re-ingestion might give the body valuable vibrational information. Healthy vibrations will strengthen the already existing, healthy body resonance. Diseased or stress vibrations will counteract any unhealthy resonance in the body. It is known that disturbing sounds of any sort can be counteracted best by confronting it with the same sounds. The vibratory patterns of the body, both in the bones (solid crystals) and in the tissues and fluids(liquid crystals), play an important role in the process of transmutation. The resonance field of a crystal can make a protein; for example, change its form into one that is more useful for the body, or easier adaptable by it. Applying your own bodily substances in an attempt to heal can lead to a considerably broadened outlook on the intelligence and power of the body, and can increase your appreciation and love for yourself as a physical and spiritual being. Instead of regarding excretions (re-ally just a part of yourself) as enemies, you regard them as your helpers. This healthier way of seeing yourself might well have a powerful healing effect on your body. Urine therapy confronts us with a very concrete 'healer within' which works both on a mechanistic and on an energetic level. The latter implies that urine, as a holographic substance, can affect all levels of being, from the physical, through the electromagnetic fields of the emotions and the mind, up to the subtler genetic vibrational information of the soul. UT BY SWAMI SATYANANDA SARASWATI Auto Urine Therapy- Amaroli The Bihar School of Yoga, Bihar, India Amaroli author: Swami Satyananda Saraswati publishers: Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, India info: e-mail: yoga@yogavision.net web: www.yogavision.net Amaroli is the ancient tantric and yogic technique which incorporates the use of urine for fulfilling vajroli kriya. Amaroli comes from the root word amara which means "immortal, undying, imperishable". Amaroli was therefore a technique designed to bring about immortality. It was used in conjunction with tantric kundalini kriyas in an attempt to purify the body so that consciousness could expand to its original and cosmic state. Because amaroli was originally a spiritual practice rather than a method of treatment, it was accepted and widely used by the yogis and rishis of old, but not by the general populace, and hence it fell into disuse. Recently, however, as Yoga and Tantra have gained worldwide acceptance and esteem, amaroli has reemerged as one of the most useful techniques, and many people are now interested in its particular application. At the Bihar School of Yoga they have been watching this revival with great interest and have noticed that generally the therapeutic aspect of amaroli is being practiced without its previous association of vajroli. Since the first contemporary book "The WATER OF LIFE- A TREATISE ON URINE THERAPY was written by J. W. Armstrong many others have followed. This is especially so in India where the connections between amaroli, Sanskrit and yogic texts, as well as the need for inexpensive yet effective medication, was quickly recognized. In 1967 R. V. Karlekar wrote Auto-Urine Care and this was followed in 1973 by R.M. Patel's Manav Moolra. Just recently a magazine entitled Auto-Urine Therapy has commenced publication in Bombay. The publisher of this magazine, Acharya Jagdish B., has also recently printed Practical Guide to Auto Urine Therapy- Treatment and Diet. These books and magazines present a sizable number of case histories and some amazing claims, for example, the cure of cancer, gangrene and tuberculosis, which have a considerable impact on the public. Many people have experimented with this technique, some with good results and some with bad. However, the subject still remains wide open; as yet no conclusive proof has been offered that amaroli works or that it does not work. With these thoughts in mind Swami Satyananda Saraswati decided to pool the resources of the IYFM Research Coordinating Centre in an all out effort to fully research this important subject and to re-introduce amaroli as part of our ancient yogic heritage, bringing it back into its true perspective. Using the expertise of doctors, scientists, psychologists, natural therapists and other specialists, Swamiji initiated various research projects in both the theoretical and practical aspects. This work culminated in a seminar on amaroli in which the opinion on non-scientifically oriented people was also sought. Swamiji's inspiration and presence in all these spheres was the focal point of everyone concerned. Whether the interest shown by all those involved in this research and by the general public grows into a revolutionary phase in the evolution of our society (the healing professions in particular) is in the hands of time and those proponents who not only have the courage and conviction to partake of their water, but also to scientifically research its beneficial effects. Having utilized these techniques ourselves, we feel that the time has come to accept that amaroli is probably a valid therapy and to scientifically investigate its effects as a healing agent as well as a spiritual practice. Practice programs The method of amaroli had lain untouched, shrouded in mist for thousands of years until its recent discovery. Because of this, little has remained of its practical aspects. Therefore we will attempt to fill in this gap by providing some concrete and practical programs for everyday use, which are now being recommended by the proponents of this technique. Please note, however, that we do not take any responsibility for the techniques laid down here. As yet there is no scientific evidence that aramoli works, and no standards as to quantity and quality of urine have been laid down. If you wish, you wish you may select the aspect that applies to you, follow the recommendation laid down and examine carefully the results you obtain. Any changes in the regime should be noted and the results observed. Here at HPS On-Line we shall be pleased to receive the details of such experimentation for our own records. Eventually this compilation will be made available to others. All particulars will remain confidential, and it is not necessary to send your name and address if you do not want to. The following information is given as a guideline only. It has been extracted from personal experience of the aspirant, the advice laid down by proponents of amaroli with the proper understanding of the science, and the handful of books available on the subject. Advise and precautions During any form of internal use of urine, the following should be observed: Amaroli should not be started if medical or any other form of treatment is being used. Two days should intervene between the stopping of medication and the commencement of amaroli. People with liver, kidney or heart disease, in whom protein intake and water balance is a problem (for example if there is swelling of the tissues of the legs, abdomen, hands, etc., with water), should consult an experienced therapist or doctor before starting amaroli. Pus filled urine should not be used in amaroli. Only those people with great faith and experience would attempt to treat infections of the kidney, bladder or urethra with amaroli. Diet for the most intense forms of the internal technique (that is three or more glasses per day), should be low in protein and salt. Refined, processed and synthetic foods should be avoided, for example, white sugar, refined flour, tinned food, and so on. Spicy food may make the urine pungent and difficult to drink. Some proponents recommend that milk consumption be stopped too. Intake of alcohol and tobacco should be reduced to the barest minimum, or preferably avoided totally if possible. A healing crisis is said to be a sign that the body is purifying itself very rapidly. These crises may take the form of loose stools, skin eruptions such as pimples and boils, vomiting, fever of unexplained origin, cough, general weakness and debility. The advocates say that there is no need to panic and take drugs for any of the above mentioned processes. They usually occur because the body systems are now strong enough for the elimination processes to handle the deeply ingrained toxins and poisons. These other methods (eg. healing crises) are then employed by the body to dispose of the excess, and as a result, strange and perhaps as yet un-experienced manifestation may occur. If this happens the best way to handle the situation is to reduce the intake of urine or to stop completely and rest the body. Complete rest and fasting may also help, or a fruit diet can be instigated, depending on the manifestations that occur. Please do not run to your doctor and start taking medications to suppress the healing crisis's. Let them unfold naturally and according to their own sequences. The following are the most common manifestations of the healing crises and their recommended treatment: Loose stools: fasting and complete rest for one day is probably the best measure. Plenty of boiled or distilled water and lemon juice is suggested. The toxins of the body that have been loosened by amaroli then have a chance to be eliminated. The second day one should eat some boiled rice and curd, or some boiled rice with mung beans. By the third day all manifestations should have subsided and amaroli can again commence. Skin eruptions such as pimples and boils can be treated in the following ways. In the early stages rub the lesion with urine and leave the urine on for one or two hours before washing if off (in cold water without soap) to stop the process. If they continue to cause trouble or if boils develop, urine packs can be applied. Fomentation with warm water, cotton wool and Dettol or salt should be applied at night before sleep. Boils should never be lanced, squeezed, pressed or touched by the hand. These manifestation usually disappear after three to seven days. A light diet of fruit only will help the process. Please remember that boils and pimples are the bodies natural way or expelling overloads of toxins. They usually excrete from the skin if the other filtering and eliminative channels (lungs, colon, liver) are not functioning optimally. Once the toxins have been excreted the boils should disappear for good. Vomiting may occur when the urine is especially bad tasting and smelling as in fevers, jaundice and other illnesses. The urine of such dis-"eases" may seem totally unpalatable, yet if the patient has steeled his mind to drink it, then copious supplies of water will help to dilute the urine and make it easier to drink. If you can hold down the first flow, then the second should be more dilute and better tasting, and so on, until clear pleasant tasting urine finally comes. Vomiting is good in that it cleans the stomach just as kunjal kriya does, Therefore, it should not cause any undue worry. After vomiting, the nausea is usually relieved and you feel better. If vomiting persists and dry retching occurs, you should seek professional help. After vomiting urine, you should rest and take some light fluids such as lemon water or some other fluid replacement. When fully rested, try amaroli again. Mild fever of unexplained origin can occur as a reaction of the body, designed to burn up the toxins. It is one of the most thorough of the eliminative series and requires nothing more than complete rest and constant fluid intake. After the fever, fruit and a light diet should precede the commencement of amaroli. NOTE: regular checking of the body temperature should ensure that it does not go too high. In such a case the head should be cooled down with cold water application and the feet massaged with ghee. If the temperature still stays up after one hour, aspirin may be taken only as a last resort. Cough and cold may appear and indicate elimination of mucus from the lungs and respiratory passages. again reduce or stop the intake of urine and start the practice of kunjal and neti kriyas once or twice a day. Neti using half water and half urine is good to relieve all discomfort and to help wash out mucus form the nasal passages and sinuses. The diet should exclude milk and milk product and all mucus producing foods such as fats and excessive starch until the cold is finished. General debility may be felt as a result of the excess toxins, and in such a case plenty of sleep, rest and good food will help. Fasting may be too difficult for some people, especially if they have been suffering from a chronic illness for considerable time, for example, low blood pressure, heart disease, and so on. These people should proceed very slowly and gradually. They may prefer to start with one meal a day fasts or fruit fasts before trying the more complete water and urine only fasts. This rule should be applied to all people, for the slow approach usually ends up with better and faster results than one in which we jump into the most advanced practices and, finding that we can not swim, have to stop in order to resolve the problems we have inflicted upon ourselves. In some diseases the urine becomes dense, pungent and seemingly unpalatable. It is advised that you attempt to utilize this urine even though it may be difficult to do so. Dense and scanty urine may contain mineral salts and other body components of value. Wash it down with plenty of water. Pregnant woman can use amaroli with the following restrictions. The first flow of the day (on arising form sleep) should be completely discarded. Then water, tea, milk, or any beverage can be consumed and the second or third flow can be used. However, the urine should have a light color and should not be too pungent or concentrated. Each person is different, so the results of your friend's experimentation may not apply to you. Age, constitution, physique, diet and disease all lead one on a different path to the same goal, that of good health. Different modes of amaroli Amaroli can be divided into two main categories: 1. Internal use which spans the range of drinking one glass per day, to drinking every drop passed while fasting. 2. External uses which ranges from rubbing fresh urine on cuts and bruises, to massage or packs with specially prepared urine. We will present here practice programs and the rules and regulations for each. These programs are merely a guideline and you may have to change them according to your body's demands. Every person is his own best judgment of what his body needs and this is the best criterion on which to judge the timing and quantity of intake. Basic rules Midstream urine should be used, the exception being in a fast where urine is being passed every ten to fifteen minutes. The first flow should always be midstream. Urine should be sipped like tea and not drunk like water. This will prevent excessive problems in the form of loose stools and other eliminative processes. The first flow of the day is the most important and the best time of the day to drink it is between three and four a.m., especially if one is doing yoga sadhana. Drink at least one liter of water per day. Pungent and salty food as well as excessive protein should be avoided. Urine passed during the night before three a.m. should not be used. The quantity used is left up to the individual. Initial adjustment phase Before amaroli can be fully utilized, an initial period of adjustment is usually required. During this period a few obstacles must be overcome. For some courageous and broad minded people this first step will be easily accomplished, whereas others, still opening to the potential therapeutic value of urine, may be a little slower. In either case adjustment is necessary, and the best way to commence the adjustment phase is as follows: Prepare the mind by making a resolve to at lease attempt the process and examine your reactions, thoughts and feelings. When you feel mentally prepared to attempt the actual practice, collect some fresh urine and start by rubbing your hands with it. Feel its texture, smell it, and see whether it can actually clean your skin as well as some people claim. After about five minutes wash it off with cold water and feel the skin to see whether the urine has had an effect. Do not use soap after amaroli. The next phase of adjusting the body and mind to amaroli is to put one drop onto the tongue. Taste and smell play an important part in assessing its nature. Eventually you should build up the quantity you take in until you can drink a full glass of midstream urine and feel neutral in body and mind. Then you will be ready to start one of the next programs outlined in the internal practices section. Most people have little difficulty in accepting the external use of urine It has been part of many cultures for millennia. However, it takes time to understand and become fully competent in all the phases of aramoli. Internal practice This can be divided into three basic programs: 1. Once a day. 2. Three times a day. 3. Fasting. You may wish to modify the following suggestions, for example, drinking two glasses or four glasses. However, these basic rules and suggestions which have been gained from experience should remain as your guiding light. Once a day Use the midstream of the first flow of urine, discarding the first and last ten milliliters. Collect the rest. The best time for this from three to four a.m.. Before drinking the urine, perform you morning ablutions such as cleansing the teeth and mouth. The urine should be sipped like tea. This is performed every morning so that it becomes a part of your daily routine. You may wish to try this for one or two weeks in connection with some disease, or for an indefinite period in order, as some suggest, to enjoy even better health. There are no dietary restrictions to this program, however, a low protein, low salt diet will make your urine taste and smell a lot better. Do not commence amaroli if you're under medical treatment. Three times a day Midstream urine is drunk at the following times: 1. The first flow of the day (preferably from three to four a.m.). 2. At twelve noon or hone hour after the midday meal. 3. One hour after the evening meal. Diet: this is a more potent form of amaroli and requires a low protein, low salt diet. When urine is passed one hour after eating, it is said to contain more enzymes and valuable body substances. If elimination problems of the healing crisis type start to occur, then follow the instructions given and decrease the intake to one glass per day. Over the years, urine therapy has proved to be an effective tool for healing. Most urine therapists, some of whom have been practicing urine therapy for decades, have never sought an explanation for why it works: their own experiences were sufficient proof. You too can join the growing legions of urine drinkers. Follow the above logical rules and you will see a marked improvement in your health. Drinking. The mid stream of the first morning urine is taken. Begin with two-three ounces and increase it to your personal, comfortable level. Fasts. Fasts with urine and water are practiced for one or more days. J.W.Armstrong, a renowned urine therapist from England, lets his patients fast for up to 45 days. Fasts are only recommend under trained, medical supervision. Enemas. The easiest way to take an enema is with a syringe containing two-three ounces of urine. The urine is kept in the colon for as long as possible. Gargle. Urine is kept in the mouth 20-30 minutes, or as long as possible, for gum problems and other lesions of the mouth and tongue. Douche. For any vaginal discomfort or cleansing, a solution of Golden Seal and urine will give comfort and healing. Eye and ear drops. Any pain, burning and tiredness in the eyes may get relief with a few drops of urine placed into the eyes. The ears also benefit greatly if receiving a few urine drops for ear pain and discomfort. Urine sniffing. This is the most effective way of treatment for any sinus congestion and upper respiratory problems. External Application: Rubbings. Urine is massaged into the body. Rubbings are usually done for any kind of skin lesions from a simple rash to eczema and cancer. The rubbings may last from 20 minutes to one hour in duration. Foot Baths. Very effective for athlete's foot or any skin problem on the feet