farm-raised meats and eggs do not differ from factory farm-raised foods in K2 content. eating lots of green vegetables should provide substrate for some quantity of K2 conversion. However, work by Schurgers et al have shown that K1 absorption is poor, no more than 10%, but increases significantly when vegetables are eaten in the presence of oils. meats and eggs Parsley(, fresh 2 tbs 2.7 123.00 153.8 1025.0), Basil, dried, ground 2 tsp 7.5 48.01 60.0 143.6, Thyme, dried, ground 2 tsp 7.9 48.01 60.0 136.4, Cabbage, shredded, boiled 1 cup 33.0 73.35 91.7 50.0, Oregano, dried, ground 2 tsp 9.2 18.65 23.3 45.8 Celery, raw 1 cup 19.2 35.26 44.1 41.3 Kelp (sea vegetable) 0.25 cup 8.6 13.20 16.5 34.5 Black pepper 2 tsp 10.9 6.88 8.6 14.2 ,Cayenne pepper, dried 2 tsp 11.2 2.89 3.6 5.8