Anti-Estrogenic Diet Many diseases are affected by high levels of estrogen including fibrocystic breast disease, ovarian cysts and premenstrual syndrome or PMS. The liver is important in breaking estrogen down into an almost totally impotent form. It also converts estrogen into compounds that can be excreted from the body through urine and bile. The purpose of this diet is to support the liver, to reduce sources of estrogen found in foods, and to support other glands such as the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland that influences estrogen. •Avoid storing & drinking water from plastic containers. The softer the plastic, the more estrogenic •Avoid heating food stored in plastic containers in the microwave •Avoid hormone fed animal products (including non-organic milk and dairy products)- replace with free- range animal products and organic dairy products •Replace saturated animal fats with cold pressed unsaturated vegetable oils •Replace white flour with whole grain flour •Replace white sugar with honey, molasses, brown rice syrup •Increase intake of cruciferous & root vegetables: broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, carrots, turnip, rutabaga, onions, garlic •Increase intake of glutathione-rich foods: asparagus, avocado, walnuts •Increase intake of limonene-rich herbs: dill seeds, caraway seeds •Increase intake of sulfur containing amino acids: eggs, garlic, onions, beans •Increase antioxidant intake important in the detoxification process (Vitamin C, E, selenium) •Increase intake of decaffeinated green tea (minimum 3 cups daily) •Increase use of tumeric in cooking •Avoid all methylxanthines: caffeine, theophyline, theobromine (coffee, tea, chocolate, cola) •Try an anti-estrogenic smoothie: kelp (½- 1 tsp), lecithin (1-2 tbsp), yeast (1-2 tbsp), fruit, organic yogurt