wake: ozone water 500ml(ozonate 5 minutes) 30 min.- 1 hr later: lime juice(2 limes) with MSM(1 tsp.) in 250 ml. water + activated charcoal in separate vessel with water 30 min.-1 hr later(2.5 hours after waking): Breakfast(0730): 10-20 gr. chlorella+10 gr nori+2 tbsps. beet powder+zinc tab(50mg.)+b12 tab+magnesium tabs(~500mg.) in water to make a paste);300 gr. dates(brought to boil in pot--water drained of) 5-6 hrs. later: noon meal: starch(dry weight): 50 gr.+ legume(same amount)+2 cups H20+ 1xgreen veg(usually spinach(boiled and added after)+garlic bulb(baked separately)+1x root vegetable(carrot or beet)+omega-3 seed(hemp/chia--alt days)(1 oz.)+nut butter(peanut or almond--same caloric amount) or other oil seed(eg. sesame)+turmeric(1tbsp.)+onion or brassica vegatable----all mixed together, vegetables and grains/legumes cooked together for 80-90 minutes in glass bakeware pot @350 degrees. I have been doing near infrared heat lamps daily but no longer do coffee enemas. Also I am drinking ozone water with lime juice 4 times per day