The following is the complete text from the Pyramid of Unas and based on translations by Faulkner, Piankoff and Speleer.

Use the links above to jump straight to the section of text you would like to read. At each section there is the opportunity to link to the corresponding section of the tomb.


South Wall (west to east)

Utterance 213

134: O Unas, you have not gone dead, you have gone alive to sit on the throne of Osiris. Your scepter is in your hand that you may give orders to the living, the handle of your lotus-shaped scepter in your hand. Give orders to those of the Mysterious Sites (the dead)!

135: Your arm is that of Atum, your shoulders are those of Atum, your belly is that of Atum, your back is that of Atum, your bottom is that of Atum, your two legs are those of Atum, your face is that of Anubis. The sites of Horus serve you, the sites of Seth serve you.

Utterance 214

136: O Unas, beware of the Lake!
To say four times:
The messengers of your ka have come to you, the messengers of your father have come to you, the messengers of Re have come to you.

137: Go after your sun! You are to purify yourself. Your bones are those of female hawks, the goddesses who are in heaven, so that you may be by the side of the god and leave your house to your son, your procreation. Everyone who shall speak evil against the name of Unas,

138: when you go up, is predestined by Geb to be a despised one of his city, he shall flee and falter. You are to purify yourself with the cool water of the stars, and you will climb down upon ropes of brass, on the arms of Horus, in his name He-of-the-Henu-barge.

139: The (glorified) humanity bewail you after the Imperishable Stars have carried you. Enter then into the place where your father is, where Geb is! He gives you that which was on the brow of Horus, so that you become powerful and full of glory through it, so that you become the One-at-the-Head-of-the-Westerners through it.

Utterance 215

140: O Unas! Your messengers go, your heralds hurry to your father, to Atum.
"Atum, let him rise to you, fold him in your arms!

141: There is no god, who has become a star, without a companion."
"Shall I be your companion?"
"Look at me! you have seen the forms of the children of their fathers, who know their spell, who are now Imperishable Stars".
May you see the two inhabitants of the Palace: this is Horus and Seth!

142: May you bespit the face of Horus and remove his injury! May you catch the testicles of Seth and remove his mutilation! That one is born for you, this one is conceived for you.

143: You are born, o Horus, as the one whose name is He-before-whom-the-earth-quakes;
(you are conceived, Seth, as the one whose name is ) He before-whom-the-sky-shakes.
Such a one has no mutilation (Horus),
such a one has no injury (Seth),
such a one has no injury, such a one has no mutilation,
(so) you have no injury, you have no mutilation!

144: You are born for Osiris, o Horus!
You have become more glorious than he,
You have become more powerful than he.

145: There is no seed of a god which has perished, neither (has he) who belongs to him. You will not perish, who belong to him. Re-Atum does not give you to Osiris, he does not reckon your heart, he has no power over your breast. Re-Atum does not give you to Osiris, he has no power over your breast.

146: Osiris, you cannot have power over him, your son cannot have power over him. Horus, you cannot have power over him, your father cannot have power over him.

147: You belong, o this one, to this god, as the Twins of Atum said:
"Lift yourself up", so said they, "in your name God", and so you become Atum for every god.

148: Your head is that of Horus of the Duat, O Imperishable One, your brow is the One-with-the-Two-Eyes, O Imperishable One, your ears are (those of) the Twins of Atum, O Imperishable One, your eyes are (those of) the Twins of Atum, O Imperishable One, your nose is (that of) a jackal, O Imperishable One, your teeth are (those of) Sopdu, O Imperishable One,

149: your arms are (those of) Hapy and Duamutef, which you need to ascend to heaven, and you ascend, your legs are (those of) Imsti and Qebehsenuf, which you need to descend to the lower heaven, and you descend. All your members are (those of) the twins of Atum, o Imperishable One! You did not pass away, your ka does not pass away.
You are a ka!

Utterance 216

150: I have come to you, Nephtys. I have come to the Evening Barge. I have come to you, True-is-she-over-the-Red, I have come to you, she-who-remembers-the-kas. Remember him, Unas!

151: Orion is encircled by the Duat, when the One-who-lives-in-the-Horizon purifies himself. Sothis is encircled by the Duat, when the One-who-lives-in-the-Horizon purifies himself. This Unas is encircled by the Duat, when the One-who-lives-in-the-Horizon purifies himself. He is content because of them, he is refreshed because of them, in the arms of His father, in the arms of Atum.

Utterance 217

152: To say the words: "Re-Atum, Unas comes to you, an Imperishable Spirit, Lord of Dispensation in the site of the four papyrus columns. Your son comes to you, this Unas comes to you, that you (both) may stride over the sky, united in darkness, that you may rise on the horizon in the place where you like to be [podium, pyramid].

153: Seth and Nephtys, hurry! Announce to the gods of the South and their spirits : He comes indeed, this Unas, an Imperishable Spirit!
If he wills that you will die, you will die;
If he wills that you will live, you will live.

154: Re-Atum, Unas comes to thee, an Imperishable Spirit, Lord of Dispensation in the site of the four papyrus columns. Your son comes to you, this Unas comes to you, that you (both) may stride over the sky, united in darkness, that you may rise on the horizon in the place where you like to be.

155: Osiris and Isis, hurry! Announce to the gods of the North and their spirits: He comes indeed, this Unas, an Imperishable Spirit, like the honored (star) over the Nile, so that the spirits in the waters honor him. Whom he wills that he live, he lives. Whom he will that he die, he dies.

156: Re-Atum, this Unas comes to you, an Imperishable Spirit, Lord of Dispensation in the site of the four papyrus columns. Your son comes to you, this Unas comes to you, that you (both) may stride over the sky, united in darkness, that you may rise on the horizon in the place where you like to be.

157: Thoth, hurry! Announce to the gods of the West and their spirits: He comes indeed, this Unas, an Imperishable Spirit, decked like Anubis on the neck, who rules over the Western Mountain, that he may reckon hearts and that he may have power over breasts! Whom he wills that he live, he lives. Whom he will that he die, he dies.

158: Re-Atum, Unas comes to you, an Imperishable Spirit, Lord of Dispensation in the site of the four papyrus columns. Your son comes to you, this Unas comes to you, that you (both) may stride over the sky, united in darkness, that you may rise on the horizon in the place where you like to be.

159: Horus, hurry! Announce to the gods of the East and their spirits : He comes indeed, this Unas, an Imperishable Spirit! Whom he wills that he live, he lives. Whom he will that he die, he dies.

160: Re-Atum! your son comes to you, Unas comes to you. Let him ascend to you! Enfold him in your embrace! This is the son of your body, eternally.?

Utterance 218

161: To say the words:
"O Osiris, this Unas comes indeed, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable Spirit, to reckon hearts, to take kas, to grant kas. His every appointment obliges one (to do his duty), him who he has elevated, and him who applied to him.

162: There is no one who withdraws because he will have no bread, his ka will have no bread, his bread will be withheld from him [worship and address Unas as a god, in do ut des fashion]. Geb said, and it came forth from the mouth of the Ennead:
"Hawk, after he has seized (his own)!" so they said, "Lo! you are ensouled and powerful!".

163: He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable spirit, he that bore more than you, he that suffered more than you, he that is more weary than you, he that became greater than you, he who will be happier than you, he who roars louder than you. You have no more time there! Lo, this is what Seth and Thoth have done, your two brothers, who could not bewail you!

164: Isis and Nephtys, come together, come together, unite! He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable Spirit.

The Western Ones, those who are upon earth, belong to this Unas.
He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable Spirit.
The Eastern Ones, those who are upon earth, belong to this Unas.
He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable Spirit.
The Southern Ones, those who are upon earth, belong to this Unas.
He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable Spirit.
The Northern Ones, those who are upon earth, belong to this Unas.
Those who are in the Lower Sky belong to this Unas.
He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable Spirit!?

Utterance 219

167: To say the words:
"Atum, this your son is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

168: Shu, this your son is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

169: Tefnut, this your son is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

170: Geb, this your son is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

171: Nut, this your son is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

172: Isis, this your brother is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

173: Seth, this your brother is here, Osiris, whom has been preserved alive, and who lives that he may punish you. He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

174: Nephthys, this your brother is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

175: Thoth, this your brother is here, Osiris, whom has been preserved alive, and who lives that he may punish you. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

176: Horus, this your father is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

177: Great Ennead, this Osiris is here, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

178: Little Ennead, this Osiris is here, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

179: Nunet, this your son Osiris is here, of whom you have said : "He is born for your father?". you have wiped his mouth, his mouth has been opened by his son Horus, who is his beloved, his members have been reckoned by the gods.

180: He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

181: In your name of He-in-Heliopolis-while-enduring-everlastingly-in-his-necropolis, he lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

182: In your name of He-in-Busiris, chief of his nomes, he lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

183: In your name of He-in-the-Mansion-of-the-Scorpion, the appeased ka, he lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

184: In your name of He-in-the-divine-Pavilion, He-in-fumigation, He-in-the-coffer, He-in-the-Shrine, He-in-the-Sack, he lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

185: In your name He-in-the-White-Chapel-of-paar-wood, he lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

186: In your name of He-in-Orion, your time is in heaven, your time is on earth. Osiris, turn your face so that you see this Unas,

187: your seed which came out of you, the penetrating one! he lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

188: In your name of He-in-Buto, may your arms be about your meal, your daughter,



East Wall (south to north)

Utterance 219 (continued from the South wall)

188 (cont): and be supplied with her (the meal)! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

189: In your name He-in-the-Palace-of-the Great-Oxen, may your arms be about the meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! may your arms be about your meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

190: In your name He-in-South-Hermopolis, may your arms be about the meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! may your arms be about your meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

191: In your name He-in-North-Hermopolis, may your arms be about your meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! may your arms be about the meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

192: In your name He-in-the-City-of-Lakes, may your arms be about the meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! may your arms be about your meal, your daughter, and be supplied with her (the meal)! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

193: Your body is the body of this Unas, your flesh is the flesh of this Unas, your bones are the bones of this Unas. You go, this Unas goes. This Unas goes, you go!?

Utterance 220

194: The doors of the horizon open themselves, its bolts slide. He has come to you, Nt-(Red) Crown, he has come to you, Flame (nsr.t)-uraeus, he has come to you, Great One, he has come to you, Great of Magic, purified for you, in awe before you.

195: Be pleased with him, be pleased with his purification, be pleased with the words he says to you:
"How beautiful is your face when you are pleased, when you are new and young! A god has given you birth, the father of gods!".
He has come to you, O Great of Magic! It is Horus who fought to protect his Eye, Great of Magic.

Utterance 221

196: O nt-crown, O jnw, o Great One! O Great of Magic, O Flame-uraeus!

197: Inspire fear before Unas as fear before you, inspire dread before Unas as dread before you, ;inspire awe before Unas as awe before you, inspire love before Unas as love before you! Let him rule at the head of the living, [let him be powerful] at the head of the spirits, let his knife be firm against his enemies!

198: O jnw, [you came forth from him, he came forth from you]. the Great Ikhet [has given you birth], Ikhet-utet has adorned you, the Ikhet-utet has given birth, the Great Ikhet [has adorned you] , for you are indeed Horus who fought to protect his Eye.

Utterance 222

199: To say the words:
"Stand up upon this land [which came out of Atum, the spittle] which came out of the Becoming One! May you become over it, may you be high over it, so that your father sees you, so that [Re] sees you!

200: He [comes] to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Re, he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Overthrown One, he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O pndn, he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Wanderer,

201: he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Great Bull, he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Great Raft, he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Sopdu, he comes to you, O his father, he comes to you, O Sharp-of-Teeth (Sopdu).

202: May you grant that this Unas seize the Cool Region and receive the horizon! May you grant that this Unas rule over the Nine, so that he provide the Ennead (with offerings)! May you give the herdman's staff into the hand of this Unas, so that the head of Lower and Upper Egypt be bowed.

203: He comes down (to meet) his adversary and stands up, the greatest chief in his great kingdom. Nephthys praised him after he had captured (?) his opponent.

204: You have adorned yourself as Great-of-Magic, He-in-Ombos, Lord of the South (= Seth). It will not be lost for you, it will not cease for you. Lo, you are full of glory, powerful one, more than the gods of the South, together with their spirits!

205: You who the Pregnant One ejected when you did cleave the night, adorned are you like Seth, who came out forcibly! (But) more fortunate is he whom Isis praises :

206: You have adorned yourself as Horus with the two pupils (?). It will not be lost for you, it will not cease for you. Lo, you are full of glory, powerful one, more than the gods of the North, together with their spirits!

207: You make yourself free of what should be washed away for Atum in [Heliopolis, and you go down] with him. You judge the wants in the Netherworld and stand (as king) over the places of the primeval ocean. You come into being with your father Atum, you are high with your father Atum, you rise with your father Atum. The wants (of the Netherworld) are severed from you, your head (is held) by the nurse of Heliopolis.

208: You go up and open the way through the bones of Shu (air), the embrace of your mother Nut enfolds you, you purify yourself on the horizon and leave that which should be purified from you in the Lakes of Shu.

209: You go up, you go down. You go down with Re, darkened with ndjj. You go up, you go down, you go up with Re and you rise with the Great Raft.

210: You go up, you go down, you go up with Nephtys, darkened with the Evening Barge. You go up, you go down, you go up with Isis, you rise with the Morning Barge.

211: You have power over your body, there is no one to oppose you. You are born because of Horus (in you), you are conceived because of Seth (in you). You have purified yourself in the Hawk nome (Third Nome of Lower Egypt), you have received your purification in the Uninjured-Ruler nome (Thirteenth of Lower Egypt) before your father, before Atum.

212: You have come into being, you have become high, you have become a spirit! Cool it is for you in the embrace of your father, in the embrace of Atum.

213: Atum! Elevate to you this Unas, enfold him in your embrace! This is your son of your body, eternally.

Utterance 223

214: To say the words:
"To stir up, to turn around [court ?], O! O! O Unas, stand up, sit down to the thousand of bread, to the thousand of beer! The roast of your double rib is from the slaughter house, your rth-bread from the Wide Hall [or court?].

215: As a god is supplied with the offering meal, Unas is supplied with this his bread. You have come to your soul, Osiris, who is mighty among the spirits, who is mighty in his places, who is under the protection of the Ennead in the Prince's Hall.

216: O Unas, come up to me, betake you to me, do not be far from the tomb, your protection (?)! I have given you the Eye of Horus, I have reckoned it to you, may it be pleasant for you!

217: O Unas, stand up, receive this your bread from (my) hand! O Unas, I am your helper!"

Utterance 224

218: To say the words:
"Awake, Unas! Turn around, Unas! [courtyard circular procession?] You have gone to give orders to the places of Horus, you have gone to give orders to the places of Seth, you have gone to give orders to the places of Osiris.

219: A royal offering of all your insignia,

220: in all your places! Your lotus-shaped scepter is at the head of the living, your staff is at the head of the spirits, like Anubis Khentimentiu, like Andjti at the head of the western nomes.

221: How pleasant is your condition! You become a spirit, o Unas, among your brothers the gods. How changed, how changed (is your state)! (Therefore) protect your children! Beware of your border which is on Earth! Put on your body and come towards them!
(To say) four times:



East Gable (south to north)

Utterance 204

118: Let the hoers be in jubilation, the heart of Tssw-breast be exalted! They have swallowed the Eye of Horus, the healthy one, the one in Heliopolis. The finger of Unas, the small one, draws out that which is in the navel of Osiris.

119: Unas is not thirsty, he is not hungry, the heart of Unas is not faint (?), for the arms of the Desert God [also allusions to Libya and desert in tour of domain in Antechamber] keep away his hunger! Fill! Make the hearts full!

Utterance 205

120: To say the words:
"O you who preside over the offerings, o you who belong to Plenty, Unas has been directed to ftk, the cupbearer of Re! Re has directed him himself. Re sends him to the overseers of provender of this year. What they seize, they give it to him. They take hold of and they give him barley and spelt, bread and beer.

121: For it is to Unas that his father granted, that Re granted, barley and spelt, bread and beer. For it is he, the Great Bull who strikes Nubia, for to Unas, indeed, belong the five portions of bread, drink and cakes in the Hall, three (of which) are in the sky with Re, two are on earth with the Two enneads.

122: For he is the unbound one being unbound [contrast with cattle ?], for he is the seen one being seen. Says(?) Re: "It is better for him today than yesterday".

123: Unas has united himself to the Moist, he kissed the Dry Seat, Unas joined himself to the Flame, Unas unites himself with the Beautiful One. He is afraid of Shu who disperses and scatters (?). It is indeed the Beautiful One who fears Unas, and she gives bread to Unas. She does him good on this day."

Utterance 206

(Omitted, because identical with Utterance 205)

Utterance 207

124: To say the words:
"Offering of the butcher, offering of the butcher, offering of that which is in the Eye of Re! Offering of the birdcatcher, of that which is in the Eye of the god, the cupbearer who brings water! (Let) the flame burn! The joint together with the pastry!"
Four hands (full) of water.

Utterance 208

(Omitted, because identical with Utterance 207)

Utterance 209

125: To say the words:
"Shu is flourishing. Unas has not taken away his meal! Unas is flourishing. Shu has not taken away his meal! The messengers of the East repeat: "This is your bread!"

Utterance 210

126: To say the words:
"Judge, arise! Thoth, be high! Sleepers, awake! The inhabitants of Nubia arise before the Great Trembler who comes out of the nome, Upuaut who comes out of the bush!

127: Pure is the mouth of Unas! The two Enneads cense Unas. Pure indeed is the tongue which is in his mouth! Excrement is an abomination of Unas. Unas rejects urine [excrement and urine mentioned in Antechamber spells while slaughtering], Unas loathes his abomination.

128: The abomination of Unas is this : he does not eat this abomination, (and) like Seth rejects the poison(?) of these two who cross the sky, these are Horus and Thoth. Take Unas with you,

129: that he may eat of what you eat, that he may drink of what you drink, that he may live on what you live, that he may sit on what you sit, that he may be strong in what you are strong, that he may sail in what you sail!

130: The pavilion of Unas is woven with reeds [pavilion in S court? 'Field of Rushes'?], the plenty of Unas is in the Field of offerings. His offering is among you, you gods! The water of Unas is wine, like that of Re, Unas goes around the sky like Re, he traverses the sky like Thoth."

Utterance 211

131: To say the words:
"The abomination of Unas is hunger, he does not eat it. The abomination of Unas is thirst, he does not eat it. Unas it is, indeed, who gives bread to the Existing Ones, his nurse is the Milk-goddess. It is she who makes him live again, it is she, indeed, who gives Unas birth.

132: Unas is conceived at night, Unas is born at night, for he belongs to the Followers of Re who are before the Morning Star. Unas is conceived in the Watery Abyss, he is being born in the Watery abyss. He has come, he has brought your bread which he has found there!"

Utterance 212

133: To say the words:
"The Eye of Horus trickles on the bush of the Dnw-plant. Khentimentiu comes to him indeed, he has brought him the food of Horus-who-is-at-the-head-of-his-houses. On what he lives, Unas lives on it. Of what he eats, Unas eats. Of what he drinks, Unas drinks. One joint (and one) cake, this is his offering."



West Gable (north to south)

Utterance 226

225: To say the words:
"A serpent is entwined by a serpent,
when a young hippopotamus coming on the pasture is entwined.
Earth, swallow that which came out of you!
Monster, lie down, glide away!

226: The majesty of the pelican falls in water.
Serpent, turn over that Re may see you!"

Utterance 227

227: To say the words:
"The head of the great black bull is cut off.
Hepenu-serpent, this I say to you, kheser-netjer scorpion, this I say to you:
"Turn over, glide into the ground!". I have said this to you.""

Utterance 228

228: To say the words:
"A face falls on a face, a face has seen a face. The mottled knife, black and green, went forth against it.
It has swallowed that which it tasted."

Utterance 229

229: To say the words:
"This is the claw of Atum upon the dorsal vertebrae of the nHb-kA.w serpent, which stopped the strife in wnw.
Fall! Glide away!

Utterance 230

230: To say the words:
"Let your two poison glands be in the ground!
Let your two rows of ribs be in the hole!
Pour out the liquid!
The two Kites stand by [funerary role of two wailing women].
Your mouth is closed by the follower's tool.
The mouth of the follower's tool is closed by the Lynx.
The tired one is bitten by a serpent.

231: O Re, Unas has bitten the earth,
Unas has bitten Geb,
Unas has bitten the father of he who bit him.
This is the being who has bitten Unas,
Unas did not bite him.

232: It is he who comes against Unas.
Unas does not go against him.
The second moment later he sees Unas,
the second moment later he perceives Unas.
If you bite Unas, he will make you one,
if you look on Unas he will make you two.

233: The male serpent is bitten by the female serpent,
the female serpent is bitten by the male serpent.
Heaven is enchanted, earth is enchanted,
he male behind mankind is enchanted.

234: Enchanted will be the god Blind-is-his-head.
You, yourself, Scorpion, will be enchanted.
These are the two knots of Elephantine which are in the mouth of Osiris (Unas),
knotted for Horus over the backbone."

Utterance 231

235: Your bone is (made) into a harpoon by which you will be harpooned.
Hearts are removed(?),
the nomads are in the place of the spear,
they are overthrown.
This is the god Hemen!

Utterance 232

236: To say the words:
"mtj mtj mtj!
tjw his mother, tjw his mother!
mjtj mjtj!
You are washed, O desert. (Let there be) Water! There is no dust!"

Utterance 233

237: To say the words:
"The serpent which came forth from earth is fallen, the flame which came from the Nwn is fallen.
Fall! Glide away!"

Utterance 234

238: To say the words:
"A face is upon you, you who are on your bowels.
Fall on your backbone, you who are in the naut-bush!
Retreat before me, serpent provided with his two faces!"

Utterance 235

239: To say the words:
"You! Ah ah ah! Filler!
You are to rape the two (holes) of the (door) stone, door jamb! The two which are!
I, ia, i!"

Utterance 236

240: To say the words:
"Kebebhititi-biti-shes, son of Hifget, that is your name!"

Utterance 237

241: To say the words:
"Spittle which is not dried up (?), (which has not) escaped into the house of his mother. Beast, lie down!""

Utterance 238

242: To say the words:
"The bread of your father belongs to you, O Iki-nehii.
Your own bread belongs to your father and to you, O Ik-nehii.
Gold of praise, Khai-tau, this is your ox there, the renowned one, for whose deed (alone) this is being done."

Utterance 239

243: To say the words:
"The White Crown should go forth, after she has swallowed the Great, after the tongue of the White Crown has swallowed the Great, so that the tongue is not to be seen."

Utterance 240

244: To say the words:
"The uraus is for the sky, the centipede of Horus is for the earth.
Horus, an oxherd, treads.
Unas has trod upon the walk of Horus.
Unas knows not, Unas is not knowing.

245: A face is upon you, you who are in his naut-bush.
You should be lain on your back, you who are in his hole.
Meat for the pot of Horus, escape into the earth!
O let the beast, O desert, glide away!"

Utterance 241

246: To say the words:
"Spit of the wall, vomit of the brick, what comes out of your mouth will be thrown back against yourself."

Utterance 242

247: To say the words:
"Extinguished is the flame!
The flame-serpent is not to be found in the house of he who possesses Ombos.
It is a serpent which will bite, which has slipped into the house of him whom it will bite, that it may remain in it."

Utterance 243

248: To say the words:
"Two Hts-scepters and two Hts-scepters for two djema-ropes and two djema-ropes!
As bread!
Interlace then!
You should be here indeed, you should be here indeed.
Servant! Take away!



North Wall - First Register (west to east)

Utterance 23

16: Osiris, seize every one who hates Unas,
who speaks evil against his name!
Thoth, go, seize him for Osiris!
Bring the one who speaks evil against the name of Unas, place him in your hand!
To say four times:
"Do not separate yourself from him,
take care that you are not separated from him".

Utterance 25

17: He goes who goes with his ka. Horus goes with his ka, Seth goes with his ka. Thoth goes.
To say four times: "He goes who goes with his Ka!
Horus goes with his Ka,
Seth goes with his Ka,
Thoth goes with his Ka.
The God goes with his Ka,
He-With-Two-Eyes goes with his Ka,
You yourself also go with your Ka.
O Unas, the arm of your ka is before you.
O Unas, the arm of your ka is behind you.
O Unas, the leg of your ka is before you.
O Unas, the leg of your ka is behind you.
Osiris Unas, I give you the Eye of Horus, that your face may be adorned with it, that the perfume of the Eye of Horus may spread towards you.

Utterance 32

22: This is your libation, Osiris.
This is your libation, O Unas, coming
-Libation (and) two pellets of natron-
from your son, coming from Horus.
I have come, I bring you the Eye of Horus,
so that your heart may be refreshed by it.
I bring it to you to carry you, (to be) under your soles.
23: Take the efflux which comes out of you,
that your heart may not be weary thereby.
To say four times:
Take! The voice has come out for you.

Utterance 34

26: smjn, smjn, open your mouth, O Unas!
Natron of the South, 5 pellets of El Kab.
You taste its taste in front of the divine chapels,
that which Horus spits out, smjn,
that which Seth spits out, smjn,
the two Harmonious Ones, smjn.
To say four times:
You purify yourself with natron, together with the Followers of Horus.

Utterance 35

27: You purify (yourself), Horus purifies (himself),
You purify (yourself), Seth purifies (himself),
natron of the North, 5 pellets of Wadi Natrun
You purify (yourself), Thoth purifies (himself),
You purify (yourself), the god purifies (himself),
you make yourself also pure with what is amongst them,
(so that) your mouth is (like) the mouth of a milk calf on the day of its birth

Utterance 36

28: You purify (yourself), Horus purifies (himself),
you purify (yourself), Seth purifies (himself),
You purify yourself
Natron, one pellet
Thoth purifies (himself), you purify (yourself),
The god purifies (himself)
You purify (yourself), your Ka purifies (himself),
You purify (yourself), purify, you purify (yourself).
This your own self purifies you among your brothers the gods.
29: You purify your mouth, you make pure all your bones, you are adorned with what is yours.
O Osiris, I give you the Eye of Horus that you may adorn your face with it. Hold on (to it)!

Utterance 37

30: O Unas, I make firm for you your two separated jawbones.
One psS-kf bread (?)

Utterance 38

Osiris Unas, I open for you your mouth!
The divine metal from the South and North (adze).

Utterance 39

31: Unas, take the Eye of Horus to which he went! I bring it to you, put it into your mouth.
Pellets of incense of the South and Pellets of incense of the North

Utterance 40

O Unas, take the Sjk of Osiris! Sjk pellets.

Utterance 41

32: Take the tip of the bodily breast of Horus, take it into your mouth!
A jar of milk.

Utterance 42

Take the full (?) breast of your sister Isis, bring it unto your mouth!
An empty mns-jar.

Utterance 32

22: This is your libation, Osiris.
This is your libation, O Unas.
To make a libation of the North, round about
Coming from your son, coming from Horus.
I have come, I bring you the Eye of Horus,
so that your heart may be refreshed by it.
I bring it to you to carry you, (to be) under your soles.
23: Take the efflux which comes out of you,
that your heart may not be weary thereby.
To say four times:
Take! The voice has come out for you.

Utterance 43

33: Take the two Eyes of Horus, the black and the white one, seize them for your front, that they may brighten your face!
A white jar and a black jar: to be lifted up.

Utterance 44

34: May Re in heaven be pleased with you,
may he appease for you the Two Lords,
may the night be favorable to you.
A wDA.t-cake.
May the Two Mistresses be favorable to you!
A gift which is brought to you is a gift which you see,
a gift is what you hear.
A gift is in front of you, a gift is behind you,
a gift is your due.

Utterance 45

35: Osiris Unas, take the white teeth of Horus which equip your mouth!
Five cloves of garlic.

Utterance 46

To say four times:
An offering which the king gives for the ka of Unas.
Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, your cake (which) you eat!
A cake of offering.

Utterance 47

36: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus snatched from Seth, which you shall take
-wine, one white hathes jar-
to your mouth, that you open your mouth with it!

Utterance 48

Osiris Unas, open your mouth with what took hold of you!
Wine, one black mnw-stone hathes jar.

Utterance 49

37: Osiris Unas, take the liquid which came out of you!
Beer, one black mnw-stone hnwt-bowl.

Utterance 50

O Re, you are adored in heaven, you are adored for Unas, Lord of all things. For your body are all things, for the Ka of Unas are all things, for his body are all things. Glorious altar.

Utterance 51

38: Unas, take the Eye of Horus that you may taste it!
One dp.t-loaf.

Utterance 52

Darkness clears up (?).
One ah-cake.

Utterance 53

Unas, take the Eye of Horus which you shall find!
One joint of meat.

Utterance 54

39: Unas, take the Eye of Horus which was snatched from Seth, which was rescued for you, that you may open your mouth with it!
Wine, one white mnw-stone bowl.

Utterance 55

Unas, take the Eye of Horus, the liquid which came out of Osiris!
Beer, one black mnw-stone bowl.

Utterance 56

40: Unas, take the Eye of Horus which was rescued for you, which will not separate itself from you! Beer, one iron (?) bowl.

Utterance 57

Unas, take the Eye of Horus that you may be provided with it!
Beer, one htm-bowl.


North Wall - Second Register (west to east)

Utterance 72

50: Osiris Unas, I make full your Eye with ointment.
To speak four times - feast perfume

Utterance 73

Osiris Unas, take the outflow of his face (?).

Utterance 74

51: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus on account of which he fought!

Utterance 75

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus of which he took possession!

Utterance 76

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus which brought the gods to him through it! Tuat-oil.

Utterance 77

52: O ointment, o ointment, arise, hurry! (You) who are on the brow of Horus, arise! First quality cedar oil. Hurry! (You who are) on Horus, you are placed on the brow of this Unas, so that he may feel sweet under you.

53: You grant him to have power over his body, you grant that his terror be in the eyes of all the spirits when they look at him, and of everyone who hears his name.

Utterance 78

54: Osiris Unas, I bring you the Eye of Horus which he takes, which is on your brow.
First quality Libyan oil.

Utterance 79

To say four times:
Osiris Unas, the sound Eye of Horus is being rubbed on your face.
Two pouches of green (eye) cosmetic.

Utterance 81

56: You awake in peace, (the Goddess) Tayt awakes in peace,
Taytyt awakes
-two rolls of line-
in peace!
The Eye of Horus in Dep is in peace,
the Eye of Horus in the Mansions of the Red Crown is in peace,
which the weavers receive, which He-of-the-sedia adorns.

57: Cause the Two Lands to bow before this Unas as they bow before Horus!
Cause the Two Lands to fear Unas as they fear Seth!
Be seated before Unas as his god,
open his way in front of the spirits,
that he may stand in front of the spirits like Anubis Khentimentiu.
Forward! Forward, before Osiris!

Utterance 25

17: He goes who goes with his Ka.
Horus goes with his Ka,
Seth goes with his Ka.
-burning incense-
Thoth goes with his Ka
the God goes with his Ka,
Osiris goes with his Ka,
He-With-Two-Eyes goes with his Ka,
you also go with your Ka.
O Unas, the arm of your Ka is before you.
O Unas, the arm of your Ka is behind you.
O Unas, the leg of your Ka is before you.
O Unas, the leg of your Ka is behind you.
Osiris Unas, I give you the Eye of Horus,
that your face may be adorned with it.
To say four times: That the perfume of the Eye of Horus may spread towards you.

Utterance 32

22: This is your libation, Osiris.
This is your libation, O Unas
Libation: Two pellets
Coming from your son, coming from Horus.
I have come, I bring you the Eye of Horus,
so that your heart may be refreshed by it.
I bring it to you to carry you, (to be) under your soles.

23: Take the efflux which comes out of you,
that your heart may not be weary thereby.
To say four times:
Take! The voice has come out for you.

Utterance 82

58: It is Thoth who came with it, he has come out carrying the Eye of Horus.
One table of offerings.

Utterance 83

The Eye of Horus is given to him that he may be satisfied with it.
Come with the royal offering.

Utterance 84

59: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus after he has been satisfied with it.
Royal offering, twice.

Utterance 85

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus! Be satisfied with it!
Two offerings of the Broad Hall.

Utterance 86

To say the words:
You have caused it to retreat before you.
Sit down! Be silent! Royal invocation. Offering.

Utterance 87

60: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus,
join it to your mouth!
Breakfast: one loaf, one beer.

Utterance 88

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, take care lest he violate it!
One ttw-bread.

Utterance 89

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, pulled out of him!
One tareteh-bread.

Utterance 90

61: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, the diminished one, of which Seth has eaten!
One mug of Dsr.t-beer.

Utterance 91

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus which they (acting) against it, destroyed!
One mug of xnms-beer.

Utterance 92

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, lift it to your face!
To lift up one loaf, one beer.

Utterance 93

62: Lift up your face, Osiris, lift up your face, o Unas, he whose spirit goes. Lift up your face, Unas, honored and sharp(-witted), that you see what comes out of you! Praise and partake of it!

63: Wash yourself, Unas, open your mouth with the Eye of Horus! Call your Ka, like Osiris, that he may protect you against every kind of wrath of the dead! Unas, receive this your bread which is the Eye of Horus!

Utterance 94-95

64: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, of which you shall chew, so that you may be adorned with the liquid which goes out of you!
Four times, meal: one loaf, one jar.

Utterance 96

Osiris Unas, take the joint, the Eye of Horus!
One joint of meat.

Utterance 108

72: Osiris Unas, unite to yourself the water which is in it!
Two cups of water.

Utterance 109

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus which purifies his mouth with natron.
Two cups of natron.

Utterance 110

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, unite it to your mouth!
Breakfast: one bread, one jar.

Utterance 111

73: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, the trampled by Seth!
One ttw-loaf.

Utterance 112

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus pulled out of him!
One tareteh-loaf.

Utterance 113

Osiris Unas, take (it) upon you!
Two heth-loaves.

Utterance 114

74: Osiris Unas, I bring you what causes you joy.
Two neher-loaves.

Utterance 115

Osiris Unas, I place your Eye, the tasty.
Four dp.t-loaves.

Utterance 116

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus! Prevent him from suffering because of it!
Four psn-cakes.


North Wall - Third Register (west to east)

Utterances 117

75: Osiris Unas, receive your head!
To say four times: four Sns-loaves.

Utterance 118

Osiris Unas, take your Eye, seize it!
To say four times: four imta-loaves

Utterance 119

76: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, which he swallowed(?)!
Four cake baskets.

Utterance 120

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus in its glory(?)!
Four hebenenet-baskets.

Utterance 121

77: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, pulled out of him!
Four kemeh-loaves.

Utterance 122

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, which is placed in the mouth for you!
Four idat-cakes behind you.

Utterance 123

78: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, your cake, that you may eat!
Four pat-cakes.

Utterance 124

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, which he pulled out!
Four pieces of roast.

Utterance 125

79: Osiris Unas, bring to yourself these white and health teeth!
Four bunches of onions.

Utterance 126

Osiris Unas, take xpx [xpS ?], the Eye of Horus!
One foreleg.

Utterance 127

80: Osiris Unas, dance! Geb did not sin against his heir who inherited!
One joint of meat.

Utterance 128

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, [which you shall embrace].
One joint of sxn.w-meat.

Utterance 129

81: Osiris Unas, takes what replaces the Eye of Horus!
One [swt-joint].

Utterance 130

Osiris Unas, take those who rebel against you!
To say four times: four ribs [of meat].

Utterance 131

82: Osiris Unas, take your assailant!
To say four times: one pot of roast.

Utterance 132

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus! May you go towards it!
One liver.

Utterance 133

83: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, towards which he goes!
One spleen.

Utterance 134

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, which is on his brow!
One ha-meat.

Utterance 135

84: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, which is on the brow of Seth!
Meat, forequarter.

Utterance 136

Osiris Unas, take the severed heads of the Followers of Seth!
One ra-goose [sacrificed stage II].

Utterance 137

85: Osiris, take this heart?s desire!
To say four times: one Trp-goose.

Utterance 138

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, which he has brought.
One st-goose.

Utterance 139

86: Osiris Unas, take to you those who come being hot!
One sr-goose.

Utterance 140

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus! Prevent him from sickening on it!
One pigeon.

Utterance 141

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, which he pulled out!
One tasif-bread.

Utterance 142

87: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus! It shall not be cut off from you!
Two shat-loaves.

Utterance 143

Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus is reckoned for you.
Two nepat-baskets.

Utterance 144

88: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, the water of which he disclosed!
Two mst-cups.

Utterance 145

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, the diminished one, of which Seth has eaten!
Two cups of Dsr.t beer.

Utterance 146

89: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus. They come, who have torn a piece from it.
Two cups of strong milk (jatt Dsr.t).

Utterance 147

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, which they destroyed, (acting) against him!
Two cups of xnms-beer.

Utterance 148

90: Osiris Unas, equip yourself with the liquid which comes out of you!
Two cups of beer.

Utterance 149

Osiris Unas, equip yourself with the liquid which comes out of you!
Two cups of sxp.t.

Utterance 150

Osiris Unas, equip yourself with the liquid which comes out of you!
Two cups of px.

Utterance 151

91: Osiris Unas, equip yourself with the liquid which comes out of you!
Two jars of Nubian beer.

Utterance 152

Osiris Unas, take the breast of Horus, which they taste!
Two baskets of figs.

Utterance 153

92: Osiris Unas, open your mouth with it!
Two (cups of) wine of the North.

Utterance 154

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, which they spat out! Prevent him from swallowing it!
Two jars of abesh-wine.

Utterance 155

93: Osiris unas, take the pupil which is in the Eye of Horus, that you may open your mouth with it!
Two cups of Buto-wine.

Utterance 156

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus which he fished up! Open your mouth with it!
Two jars of hamu-wine.

Utterance 157

94: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus! It will not separate itself from you!
Two cups of Pelusium wine.

Utterance 158

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, it is glorious(?).
Two baskets of hebnenet.

Utterance 159

95: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, which he swallowed(?)!
Two baskets of cake.

Utterance 160

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, which he took from Seth.
Two baskets of jSd-fruit.

Utterance 161

96: Osiris Unas, take the white Eye of Horus! Prevent him from tearing it out!
Two baskets of white sS.t-fruit.

Utterance 162

Osiris Unas, take the green Eye of Horus! Prevent him from tearing it out!
Two baskets of green sS.t-fruit.

Utterance 163

97: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus! Prevent him from ravishing it!
Two vases of wheat and aghet-corn.

Utterance 164

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus! Prevent him from ravishing it!
Two baskets of aghet-corn.

Utterance 165

98: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, while it salutes (you)!
Two baskets of bebat-grain.

Utterance 166

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, which they chewed!
Two baskets of nbs-fruit.

Utterance 167

99: Osiris Unas, open your two eyes that you may see with them!
Two baskets of nbs-bread.

Utterance 168

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus! Prevent him from seizing it!
Two baskets of wah-fruit.

Utterance 169

100: Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus, the sweet one, which you have caused to return!
Two baskets of all sorts of sweet fruit.

Utterance 170

Osiris Unas, take the Eye of Horus! Reckon it to you!
Two baskets of all fresh vegetables.

Utterance 171

Osiris Unas, hey! Existence is for you, and with you, with you!



North Wall (west to east)

Utterance 199

115: O Osiris Unas, [turn towards this your bread! Receive it from (my) hand!]
To say four times:
[May the Eye of Horus] flourish (?) for you!
Diverted divine offering: bread, cake, liquid.

Utterance 32

22: This is your libation, Osiris.
This is your libation, O Unas,
coming from your son, coming from Horus.
I have come, I bring you the Eye of Horus, so that your heart may be refreshed by it;
I bring it to you to carry you, (to be) under your soles.

23: Take the efflux which comes out of you, that your heart may not be weary thereby!
To say four times:
Take! The voice has come out for you.
Presentation of a libation.

Utterance 23

16: Osiris, seize every one who hates Unas,
who speaks evil against his name!
O Thoth, go, seize him for Osiris!
Bring the one who speaks (evil) against the name of Unas, place him in your hand!
To say four times:
"Do not separate yourself from him, take care that you are not separated from him!".
A libation.

Utterance 25

17: He goes who goes with his Ka!
Horus goes with his Ka,
Seth goes with his Ka.
Thoth goes with his Ka,
The god goes with his Ka,
Osiris goes with his Ka,
He-with-Two-Eyes goes with his Ka.
You also go with your Ka.
O Unas, the arm of your Ka is before you.
O Unas, the arm of your Ka is behind you.
O Unas, the leg of your Ka is before you.
O Unas, the leg of your Ka is behind you.
Osiris Unas, I give you the Eye of Horus,
that your face may be adorned with it,
that the perfume of the Eye of Horus may spread towards you!

Utterance 200

116: Salutation, incense!
Salutation, brother divine!
Salutation, mn-wr, he who is in the flesh of Horus!
Great father, spread out in your name of "Pellet"!
Your smell is for Unas, your perfume is for Unas!
Eye of Horus, be high, be great for Unas!



South Wall (west to east)

Utterance. 244

249: This is here the (hard) [Eye of Horus. Place it in your hand] that you may be sure of victory and that he (Seth) may fear you!
Breaking of two red jars.

Utterance 245

250: This Unas comes to you, O Nut,
this Unas comes to you, O Nut!
He has thrown his father down to earth
he has left a Horus behind him.
His two wings have grown as those of a hawk,
(his) two feathers (are those) of a holy hawk.
His soul has brought him (here),
his magical power has adorned him.

251: May you open your place in heaven amongst the stars of heaven!
You are indeed the unique star, the comrade of Hu.
May you look down on Osiris, when he gives orders to the spirits!
You stand high up, far from him.
You are not of them, you shall not be of them.

Utterance 246

252: See! This Unas stands among (you), two horns are on his head (like) two wild bulls, for you are indeed the black ram, son of a black sheep, born of a bright sheep, suckled by four sheep-mothers.

253. He comes against you, Horus with blue eyes. Beware of the Horus with red eyes, whose anger is evil, whose power one cannot withstand! His messengers go, his quick runners run, they announce to the One-who-lifts-his-arm-in-the-East

254: that the Unique One in you is going away, (of whom) the God(?) said:
"He will give orders to (my) fathers, the gods".
The gods are silent before you, the Ennead has put their hands before their mouths, before the one in you of whom the God said:
"He will give orders to (my) fathers, the gods".

255: Step to the doors of the horizon, and the doors of the Cool Region open (themselves).
You stand there, ruling over them as Geb rules over his Ennead.
They come in, they strike down evil (with magical spells),
they come out, their faces are lifted up.

256: They see you as Min, who rules over the Two Shrines.
He stands, who stands behind you;
Your brother stands behind you;
Your relative stands behind you;
You do not go under, you will not be annihilated,
your name remains with men,
your name comes into being with the gods.


West Gable (north to south)

Utterance 247

257: To say the words:
"Your son Horus has done (this) for you.
The Great Ones tremble when they have seen the knife which is in your hand, when you come out of the Duat (dusk).

258: Hail to you, wise one!
Geb has created you, the Ennead has given you birth.
Horus is satisfied with his father,
Atum is satisfied with his years.
The gods of the East and West are satisfied with this great (event) which took place in the arms of the One-who-gives-birth-to-the-god (Nut).

259: Unas there! O Unas, see (mA)!
Unas there! O Unas, look (ptr)!
Unas there! O Unas, hear!
Unas there! O Unas, be there!
Unas there! O Unas, arise on your side!
Do as I order, (you) who hate sleep, you who are tired!
Get up, you who are in Nedit!
Your fine bread is made in Buto.
Receive your power (sxm) in Heliopolis!

261: It is Horus to whom order was given to do (this) for his father.
To the lord of the storm, wrath is forbidden when he carries you.
It is he who will carry Atum"

Utterance 248

262: To say the words:
"Unas is a great one.
Unas came out between the thighs of the Divine Ennead.
Unas was conceived by Sekhmet;
It is Shesemtet [loincloth ornament] who gave birth to Unas
(as) to a star with sharp (spd) front (hA.t), with wide stride, which brings provender for the road of Re every day.
Unas has come to his throne which is over (tp.t) the Two Goddessess (who protect Upper and Lower Egypt), and Unas appears (xaj) as a star."

Utterance 249

264: To say the words:
"O you Two-Contending-Ones,
say then to the Noble One (Spsj) in this his name:
Unas is from that zSzS-plant which came out of earth.
His hand is cleaned by the one who prepared his seat.

265: Unas is this (flower) at the nose of the Great Mighty One.
Unas has come out of the Isle of Fire, after he has placed Truth there in the place of Falsehood.
Unas is the guardian of washing, who watches over the Uraei on that night of the Great Flood which comes out of the Great One (sky).

266: Unas appears as Nefertum, the lotus at the nose of Re, as he comes out of the Horizon (Ax.t) every day, and at the sight of which the gods purify themselves."

Utterance 250

267: To say the words:
"Unas is he who is over his kas,
who unites hearts from the One-over-wisdom,
the great one who is in possession of the Divine Book,
the wisdom at the right of Re.

268: (O you) liberated one from the hand of Unas!
Indeed, Unas says what is in the heart of She-the-Great-One (Nut) on the Festival of Red Cloth (jns).
It is Unas, it is Unas, the Wisdom at the right of Re,
deep of heart (?), he who is the ruler of the Cavern of Nwn."

Utterance 251

269: To say the words:
"O you who are set over the hours,
you who go in front of Re,
prepare a way for Unas that Unas may pass through the guard (of demons) with terrible-faces!

270: Unas is on the way to his throne which is in front of (other) seats behind the god to whom a head has been given back (Osiris), adorned with the sharp and strong horn of an antelope, (he is liike one) who carries a sharp knife which cuts the throat.
(The horn is) the expeller of pain before the Bull, the one who chastizes those who are in darkness, (it is) the strong horn of the antelope behind the Geat God.

271: Unas has overpowered those who were to be punished,
Unas has smashed their fronts.
The arm of Unas will not be opposed in the horizon (Ax.t)."

Utterance 252

272: To say the words:
"Lift up your face, you Gods who are in the Duat!
Unas has come, that you might see him having become a great god.
Lead (jbs = introduce, initiate) Unas with trembling attire,
Unas who has honored you all when he gave orders to men!
Unas (now) judges those who live in the land (jdb, shore) of Re.
Unas speaks to this Pure Land after having taken a seat there,
together with Him-who-separated-the-two-Gods (nTr.wj) (= Thoth).

274: Unas is powerful in relation to him.
Unas lifts his Ams-scepter when he intends to refuse admittance to Unas.
Unas sits together with the rowers of the Bark of Re.
Unas orders the good and he executes it.
Unas is the Great God."

Utterance 253

275: To say the words:
"He is purified who has purified himself in the Fields of Rushes.
Re has purified himself in the Fields of Rushes.
He is purified, who has purified himself in the Fields of Rushes.
This Unas has purified himself in the Fields of Rushes.
The hand of Unas is in the hand of Re.
Nut, take his hand!
Shu, lift him up! Shu, lift him up!"



West Wall (north to south)

Utterance 254

276: To say the words:
"The Great (Uraeus) fumigates the Bull of Nekhen (Hierakonpolis).
The heat of the fiery breath is against you,
you who are about the shrine (kAr)!
O Great God whose name is unknown, (bring) at once a meal of the Unique Lord.
O lord of the Horizon (Ax.t), make place for Unas.
If you fail to make place for Unas, Unas will pronounce a curse against his father Geb:
the earth shall not speak any more;
Geb shall not be able to defend himself.
(He) whom Unas finds on his way, he will eat him piecemeal.
The hnt-pelican announces (sr), the ennead(psD.t)-pelican comes out.
The Great One rises. The enneads speak: completely dammed-off shall be the land.

279: The two ridges of the mountain (on both sides of the Nile valley) shall be united.
The two banks of the river will be joined.
The roads will be hidden from the passers-by.
The steps (rwd.w) will be annihilated for those who go up.
Make tight the rope (of the boat), sail the road of heaven!
Strike the ball on the meadow of Hapi (Apis)!

280: Ha! Your fields are in fright, o jAd-star,
before the pillar of stars,
when they have seen the pillar of Kenset (a country), the Bull of Heaven.
How the herdsman of the bulls is overwhelmed with awe before him!

281: Ha! fear, tremble, you evil doers, before the storm of heaven!
He has opened the earth with that which he knew on the day when he intended to come,

282: so he said, the Rich-one-in-plow-land, he who-lives-in-the-Duat.
"She comes to meet you, the beautiful West-goddess, to meet you with her beautiful locks!"
She says: "He comes whom I have borne,

283: whose horn shines, the (well) anointed pillar, the Bull of Heaven.
Your form is exalted. Pass by in peace!"

284: "I have preserved you", so says the Beautiful West (Goddess), to Unas.
"Go, navigate towards the Field of Offerings, that you may bring the Hp.t to Him-on-his-qA.t-bush",

285: so says He-at-the-head-of-his-dwellingsS (mnj.t=f). "You fall to pieces to the ground to your thickness, up to your middle, up to your stretching out.
(Still) you see the sun in his bonds and you praise the sun at his coming out of his bonds with Great-protection, He-in-his-red-fabric (shroud).

286: The Lord of peace (Htp.w = offerings?) gives you your arm.
O you she-monkeys who cut off the heads, let Unas pass by you in peace.
He has attached his head to his neck while his neck is (well) established on his rump in this his name of He-with-attached-head, when he (also) attached the head of the Apis bull in it, on the day of lassoing of the ng-bull.

287: Those whom Unas allowed to get fed from their drink, they draw from their overflow.
O may Unas be honored there by those who see him.

288: The Praise-Serpent is on its Da(m)-scepter, the Tefnut of Unas, she who supports Shu, she makes his seat wide in Busiris (Ddw), in Mendes (Dd.t), in the necropolis of Heliopolis.
She erects his two supports ( in front of the Great One.

289: She excavates a pool for Unas in the Fields of Rushes, she establishes his field in the Fields of Offerings.
Unas judges in the Great-Flood (cow) who is between the Two Contending Ones,

290: for his strength is the strength of the Eye of Tebi (the sun god), his vistorious strength is the vistorious strength of the eye of Tebi.
Unas has freed himself from those who did this against him, who ravished his meal

291: when it was there, who ravished his evening meal when it was there,
who ravished the breath from his nose and brought to an end the period of his life.
Unas is victoriously stronger than they, appearing (again) on his riverbank (wDb).

292: The hearts (of his enemies) fall into his fingers,
their intestines are for the inhabitants of the sky,
their red (blood) for those of the earth,
their inheritance is to be poor,
their homes set afire,
their land property is to the high Nile (Hp wr).

293: the heart of Unas be glad (sweet), the heart of Unas be glad (sweet).
Unas is the Unique One, the Bull of Heaven.
He has exterminated those who did this against him,
he has annihilated their offspring upon earth.

294: What is before his throne,
what he will seize, what he will exalt [is what his father] Shu gave him in the presence of Seth."

Utterance 255

295: To say the words:
"The horizon (Ax.t) fumigates before Horus of Hierakonpolis.
- A meal for the Lords -
The horizon fumigates before Horus of Hierakonpolis.
The heat of its fiery breath is against you who surround the shrine (kAr) (of the Sun God).
Its poisonous heat is against you who wear the Great One.

296: The horizon fumigates before Horus of Hierakonpolis.
A meal for the lords.
O, Ugly One, whose essence is ugly, whose form is ugly.

297: go away from your seat, lay down on the ground your dignity for Unas.
If you do not go from your seat and lay down on the ground your dignity for this Unas,
Unas will come with a face like this Great One,
the Lord of the lion helmet (the god of the striking power),
who became powerful through the injury of his eye.

298: Then he will [cause the fire of his eEye] to encompass you,
so that it sends a storm against those who did (evil), so that it (poison) gushes forth among the Primeval Ones.

299: He will then strike off [the arms of Shu under Nut].
Unas will then lay his arm on this (last) protection on which you lean.

300: The Great One rises then in his shrine (kAr).
[He lays down his dignity on the floor for] Unas after he (Unas) has seized Hw and taken possession of sjA."

Utterance 256

301: To say the words:
"Unas has inherited Geb,
Unas has inherited Geb!
He has inherited Atum,
him on the throne of Horus the Eldest (smsw).
His (Horus') Eye is in his strength,
is protection is what has been done against him.

302: The heat of the fire of the uraeus (Ax.t) is like Renenutet, which is on him.
Unas has put his fear into their hearts by making a massacre amongst them.

303: The gods have seen (it), while (they) took their clothes off.
They bow before Unas while praising:
"Row him, O his mother, tow him, O (his) native place (dmj).
Horus, loose the rope!"

Utterance 257

304: To say the words:
"Excitement in heaven! "We see something new!" say the gods of Primeval Times.
O Ennead, a (new) Horus is in the sunlight,
the lords of forms serve him, the Two whole Enneads turn for him,

305: as he sits on the seat of the Lord of All (nb tm).
Unas takes heaven, he splits its brass, Unas is led on the ways of the Becoming One (xpr).

306: Unas goes to peace, being alive in the West,
and the inhabitants of the Duat serve (Sms) him.
Unas shines again (psD) in the East,
the One-who-separates-the-Quarrelers (Thoth) comes to him, bowing.
"Serve Unas, you gods, he is older than the Great One", says he.
"He took his seat!".

307: Unas takes Hw, Eternity (nHH) is brought to him, sjA is placed at his feet.
Jubilate for Unas, he has taken the Horizon!"

Utterance 258

308: To say the words:
"Osiris is Unas in a dust storm.
His horror is the earth,
Unas does not enter into Geb that he might be annihilated,
that he might sleep in his house (Hw.t) upon earth,
that his bones might be broken!
His injuries are effaced.
He has purified himself with the Eye of Horus.
His injuries are effaced by the two Female Kites of Osiris.
Unas has freed himself from the discharge (of his wounds) in Kus into earth.

309: His sister, the lady of Pe, is the one who bewailed him.
Unas goes to heaven!
Unas goes to heaven with the wind, with the wind!
He will not be hindered, there is no one who might hinder him.
There will be no session on his behalf in the assembly (DADA.t) of the god.
Unas is on his own, the eldest (smsw) of the gods.

310: His cake comes up together with (the one for) Re.
His great offering meal comes out of Nwn. Unas is one who returns.
He comes and goes together with Re.
His houses (Hw.wt) are being visited by him.

311: Unas distributes the kA.w, he ravishes the kA.w, he punishes and effaces injuries.
Unas spends the day, he spends the night while he pacifies the Two Hoes in Hermopolis (wnw).
His foot is not hindered, his heart is not opposed."

Utterance 260

316: To say the words:
"O Geb, Bull of Nut, Horus is Unas, the heir of his father.
Unas is he who went and came back, the fourth of these four gods who have brought the water, who have made a purification, ...



South Wall (west to east)

Utterance 260 (continued from the West Wall)

...who jubilate over the strength of their fathers.
He wishes to be justified in what he has done himself.

317: Unas, the small orphan (tefen), went to law with the sister (Tefnet).
The Two Truths judged, while Shu was a witness.
The Two Truths have decreed that the thrones of Geb should come to him and that he should raise himself to what he wanted.

318: Bring together (then) his members, which shall be secret.
He joins those who are in Nwn, he leaves his testament in Heliopolis.
Lo! Unas comes out on this day in the true form of a living Akh-spirit so that Unas interrupts the fight,

319: so that he punishes strife.
Unas comes out, the guardian of Maat,
he brings it while it is with him.
Those who were very angry turn round about him,
those who were in Nwn transfer life to him.

320: Unas' shelter is in his Eye, the protection of Unas is in his Eye,
Unas' victorious strength is in his Eye, the power of Unas in his Eye.

321: O you gods of the South, of the North, of the West and of the East,
honor Unas, fear him, for he sat in the leather (?) tent of the Two Courts.
The Red One (uraeus), the djenen-snake, might have burned you, for it strikes (crushes) your hearts.

322: You who come to Unas as adversaries, come to him (as friends) come to him!
Unas is his father's self,
he is the sprout of his mother.

323: Unas' abomination is to go about in darkness, so that he does not see, upside down.
Unas comes out on this day and brings Maat which is with him.
Unas will not be handed to your flame, you gods."

Utterance 261

324: To say the words:
"Unas is a heart-thrower, the son of the heart of Shu, spread out an outspreading with a terrible light.
Unas is he who burns before the wind to the limits of heaven, to the limits of earth, as soon as the hands of Lightning are emptied of Unas.

325: Unas traverses the air (Shu) and passes over the earth (Aker).
He kisses the Red Crown as one hurled by a god.
Those in the tree crowns (?) open their arms to him.
Unas stands on the East side of the vault of heaven and what rises to the road (of heaven) is brought to him.
It is Unas, the message of the Storm.

Utterance 262

327: To say the words: Ignore not Unas, O god, you know him for he knows you, he knows you.

328: Ignore not Unas, O Re, you know him for he (also) knows you.
Ignore not Unas, O Re, it is to be said to you "Greatest One of the Annihilated".

329: Ignore not Unas, O Thoth, you know him for he knows you.
Ignore not Unas, O Thoth, it is said to you 'The One in Peace'.

330: Ignore not Unas, O Horus Soped, you know him because he knows you.
Ignore not Unas, O Horus Soped, it is to be said to you: "Unfortunate One!"

331: Ignore not Unas, you who are in the Duat. You know him for he knows you.
Ignore not Unas, you who are in the Duat, it is to be said to you: "He who awakes in good health (wDA)".

332: Ignore not Unas, O Bull of Heaven, you know him because he knows you.
Ignore not Unas, O Bull of Heaven.

333. It is to be said to you: "this nxx star".
See, Unas comes, see, Unas comes! See, Unas has gone up! Unas, however, comes not by himself.
It is an embassy which came to him.

334. Unas has passed by the dangerous place.
The fury of the Great Lake (S wr) avoided him.
His fare is not taken in the Great Ferryboat.
The Shrine of the Great Ones (Hedj-uru) could not ward him off the road (msk.t) of the sehedu-stars.

335: See then, Unas has reached the height of Heaven!
He has seen his self in the Night Barge (msk.t.t).
It is Unas who rowed it.
He has recognized his Swelling uraeus in the Morning Barge (manD.t).
It is Unas who has bailed it out.

336: The People of Light (Hnmm.tjw) bore witness for him.
The hail showers of the sky took hold of him.
They let Unas ascend to Re."

Utterance 263

337. To say the words:
The two Reed Floats of the sky are laid down for Re, that he may cross to the Horizon.
The two Reed Floats of the sky are laid down for Horakhty, that Horakhty may cross on them to Re.
The two Reed Floats of the sky are laid down for Unas, that he may cross on them to Horakhty, to Re.

338: It is pleasant for Unas to be with his ka and he lives together with his ka.
His panther skirt is on him, his ames-scepter is on his arm, his aba-scepter in his hand.

339: He(?) those who go to them, and they bring him those four akh-spirits,
the oldest ones, at the head of the curly ones who stand at the eastern side of the sky,
who lean on their Dam-scepters

340: in order that (these four spirits) say to Re the beautiful name of Unas, and announce this Unas to Neheb-kau,
in order that the entrance of this Unas be greeted.
The Fields of Rushes are filled (with water) to let Unas cross the Sinuous Water-course.

341: This Unas will cross a crossing to the eastern side of the Akhet-Horizon.
This Unas will cross a crossing to the eastern side of the sky.
His sister is Sothis, the Duat has given him birth.

Utterance 267

364: To say the words:
"Your heart belongs to you, O Osiris, your two feet belong to you,
O Osiris, your arm belongs to you,
O Osiris, the heart of Unas belongs to him, himself, his two feet belong to him, himself,
his arms beling to him, himself.

365: The earth is beaten into steps for him towards heaven,
that he may mount on it towards heaven,
and he rises on the smoke of the great fumigation.

366: He flies away, this Unas, as an Apd-goose, he alights as a xprr-scarab,
he flies away as an Apd-goose, he alights as a scarab on the empty throne which is in your boat, O Re.

367: Stand up, begone, thou who do not know the thicket of rushes, that Unas may sit on your seat, that he may row in the sky in your boat, O Re.

368: This Unas pushes off from earth (being) in your boat, O Re, when you come out of the Akhet-horizon.
He has his sxm (?)-scepter in his hand as one who sails your boat, O Re.

369: You approach heaven, you are far from earth, being far from wife and the SnDwt-kilt."

Utterance 268

370: To say the words:
"This Unas washes himself, Re appears,
the Great Ennead shines, the Ombite (Seth) is high as ruler of the (southern) Iteret-shrine.

371. This Unas ravishes mankind as his (own) limb.
This Unas seizes the wrr.t-cown ('The Very Great' = White Crown) from the Two Enneads.
Isis takes care of him, Nephtys suckles him,

372: Horus takes him to his side, he purifies this Unas in the Jackal-lake (S zAb),
he cleans the ka of this Unas in the Lake of Dawn (S,
he rubs down the flesh of the Ka of this Unas as well as his own,
with that which is at Re's side in the Akhet-horizon, with what he (Re) receives

373: when the Two Lands (Egypt) are lighted and he opens the face of the gods.
He takes the ka of this Unas as well as himself to the Great Castle (Hw.t aA.t),
after courts have been made [or : travelled through ?] by him and the 'wire' (HmATT) has been attached for him.

374: Then this Unas leads to the Imperishable (Stars = Circumpolars),
he crosses to the Fields of Rushes,
those who are in the Horizon row for him,
those who are in the Cool (Sky) Region (qbH.w) convey him.

375: Excellent is this Unas being excellent, his arms do not fail him.
Foremost is this Unas being foremost,
his Ka comes to him."

Utterance 269

376: To say the words:
The fire is laid, the fire shines,
the incense is placed on the fire, the incense shines.
Your smell comes to Unas, O incense!
The smell of Unas comes to you, O incense!

377: Your smell comes to Unas, O gods!
The smell of Unas comes to you, O gods!
May Unas be with you, O gods!
May you be with Unas, O gods!
May Unas live with you, O gods!
May you live with Unas, O gods!

378: May Unas love you, O Gods!
Love him, O Gods!
The paq-pellet comes, the pAD-pellet comes,
which come out of the knee of Horus.

379: They come the ones who have risen up.
They come, the ones who have risen up.
They come the ones who have elevated (Shu-wise).
They come the ones who have elevated (Shu-wise).
Horus climbs on the knees of Isis.
This Unas ascends on the knees of Nephtys.

380: The father of Unas, Atum, seizes the arm of Unas
and he assigns Unas to those gods who are quick and clever,
the Never-setting Stars (Circumpolars).

381: Mother of Unas, Ipy, give to Unas this your breast,
that this Unas may pass it over his mouth,
that he may suck this your white, clear, sweet milk.

382: That land into which Unas goes,
he will not thirst in it,
he will not hunger in it, eternally."

Utterance 270

383: To say the words:
"Awake in peace, You-whose-Face-is-behind;
in peace, You-who-looks-behind;
in peace, Ferryman of the Sky;
in peace, Ferryman of Nut;
in peace, Ferryman of the Gods, in peace.

384: Unas comes to you that you may ferry him in that ferryboat in which you ferry the gods.

385: Unas comes to his side as a god who comes to his side.
Unas comes to his sidelock (side) as a god who comes to his sidelock (side).

386: There is no accuser (about) a living one against Unas,
there is no accuser (about) a dead one against Unas,
there is no accuser about a zt-goose against Unas,
there is no accuser about a gn (= ng ?)-bull against Unas.

387: If you do not ferry Unas, he will jump up and place himself on the wing of Thoth.
It is he (Thoth) who will (then) ferry him over to this other side."

Utterance 271

388: To say the words:
"Unas is he who has caused the land to be under water [Nile flood], after he came out of the Lake.
It is Unas who has plucked up the papyrus.
Unas is he who has satisfied (Htp) the Two Lands.
Unas is he who has united the Two Lands.
Unas is he who will unite himself with his mother [kamutef deity], the Great Wild Cow (smA.t wr.t).

389: Mother of Unas, you Wild Cow and wife, who (as a cow) is on the grassy hill,
who (as a woman or vulture) is on the Mount of the zHzH-bird!
They stand fast, the two Djed-pillars, the broken-off steps come down(?).

390: Unas ascends on that ladder which his father Re has made for him.
Horus and Seth seize the arm of Unas and take him to the Duat Region.

391: He (Horus) to whom a wink was made:
"Beware of the one to whom (this) was ordered!".
He (Seth) to whom it was ordered:
"Beware of him to whom a wink was made!".
The face of the god opens for Unas and Unas sits down on the Great Seat (st wr.t) at the side of the God."

Utterance 272

392: To say the words:
"O height which has not (yet) been reached,
Gate of Nun, Unas comes to you!
Let this (gate) be opened for him!
"Is Unas the Little One there?"
"Unas is at the head of the servants of Re,
Unas is not at the head of the gods who create trouble!"



East Gable (south to north)

Utterance 273-274

393: To say the words:
"The sky is clouded, the stars are darkened.
The Bows move, the bones of Aker tremble (earthquake), (then all) movements cease

394: after they have seen Unas appearing and powerful as a god who lives on his fathers, who feeds on his mothers!
Unas is a lord of craft, whose name (even) his mother does not know.

395: Unas' venerability (Spsw) is in the sky,
his strength (wsr) is in the Akhet-horizon,
like his father Atum who begat him.
He has begotten him more powerful (wsr) than himself.

396: The Kas of Unas are behind him, his maidservants are under his feet,
his (protector) gods are over him, his uraei are on his brow (wp.t),
the guide-serpent of Unas is on his brow (Ha.t),
she who perceives (ptr) the soul (of the enemy), she whose fire is effective.
The power (wsr.w) of Unas is for his protection.

397: Unas is the Bull of Heaven, who (once) suffered want,
and who has decided to live on the essence of every god,
who eats their entrails when they come from the Isle of Fire with their bellies full of magical charms (HkA.w).

398: Unas is a well provided one, who has absorbed his spirits (Ax.w).
Unas has appeared as this Great One, lord of those who are at hand.
He sits with his back turned to Geb.

399: Unas it is who judges with He-whose-Name-is-Hidden, on the day when the elder (smsw) is being sacrificed.
Unas is the lord of offerings, who knots the cord, who prepares himself a meal.

400: Unas is he who eats men (rm.tjw), who lives on gods, lord of messengers who gives instructions.

401: Indeed, He-who-seizes-by-the-Hair, residing in Kehau (kHA.w) is he who lassoes (spH) them for Unas.
Indeed, the snake Lifted-Head (Dsr-tp=f) is he who keeps guard over them for him,
who keeps them back for him.
Indeed, He-over-the-red is he who binds (the Kas) them for him.

402: Indeed, Khonsu (the Moon), who slaughters the lords, cuts their throats for Unas, and takes out for him what is in their bellies.
He is the messenger whom he sends out to chastise.

403: Indeed, Shesmu (Wine-press god) cuts them up for Unas and cooks for him a meal out of them in his evening cook pots.
Unas is he who eats their magic, who swallows their spirits (Ax.w) .

404: Their great ones are for his morning meal,
their middle-sized ones for his evening meal,
their little ones for his night meal,
their old men and the old women are for his fuel.

405: Indeed, the Great Ones in teh Northern Sky are they who light fire for him (under) the kettles which contain them with the legs of their eldest.

406: Those who are in heaven serve Unas when his hearth is constructed with the legs of ther (old) women.
e has completely encircled the Two Heavens, he has revolved around the Two Lands.
407: Unas is the Great Power (sxm wr), the Power over the Powers.
Unas is the Axm-hawk, the Hawk of Hawks, the Great One.
He whom he finds on his way, he eats him bit by bit.
Respect before Unas is (more) than before other nobles (saH.w) who are in the Akhet-horizon.

408: Unas is a god older than the eldest. Thousands serve him. Hundreds make offerings for him.
A certificate is given him as a great power (sxm wr) by Orion (saH), the father of the gods.
409: Unas has appeared again in heaven.
He is crowned with the Upper Egyptian Crown as Lord of the Horizon.
He has reckoned up the dorsal vertebrae, he has seized the hearts of the gods,

410: he has eaten the Red One, he has swallowed the Green One.
Unas feeds on the lungs of the wise.
His pleasure is to live on hearts, as well as on thier magic (HkA.w).

411: Unas is disgusted when his tongue touches the emetic (parts) which are in the Red One.
He is pleased when their magic is in his belly.
The dignity (saHw) of Unas shall not be taken from him (for) he has swallowed the wisdom (sjA) of every god.

412: Unas' span of life is Eternity, his limit is Everlastingness in this his dignity of If-he-wishes-he-does, if-he-wishes-not-he-does-not.
He is in the region of the Akhet eternally and forever.

413: Lo, their soul (bA) is in the belly of Unas, their spirits (Ax.w) are with Unas as the broth of the gods, cooked for Unas from their bones.
Lo, their soul (bA) is with Unas, their Shadows (taken away) from those to whom they belong.

414: Unas is that which appears, which appears, which remains. The doers (of evil) shall not be able to destroy the favorite seat of Unas amongst the living in this land, eternally to eternity.

Utterance 275

415: To say the words:
"Unas has come to you, hawks, although your houses are closed for Unas.
His loincloth is on his back, made of the hide of the jan-baboon.

416: Unas opens the gate with the double doors (xns-Gate).
Unas reaches the limit of the Akhet after Unas has put down there to the ground his robe with the tail.
Unas will become a Great One who resides in Crocodilopolis (Sobek)."

Utterance 276

417 : To say the words:
"Your deed be against you, what you will do will be against you, (O) zkzk-serpent, he who is in his hole(?), (O) adversary!"



East Wall (south to north)

Utterance 277

418: To say the words:
"Horus has fallen down because of his Eye,
the bull has rolled down because of his testicles.
Fall! Roll down!"

Utterance 278

419: To say the words:
"BAbj has arisen, he opposes the (god) Ruler of Letopolis (xntj-xm),
who was protected by that spittle.
This (spittle)(also) protects everyone beloved by me.
You are loosed, o wfj-snake.
I cause Unas to be protected."

Utterance 279

420: To say the words:
"O Unas, I have trampled the mud of the watercourses.
Thoth is the protector of Unas,
when it is dark, when it is dark.

Utterance 280

421: To say the words:
"Doer, doer, passer-by, passer-by,
(May thy) face look backward!
Beware of the Great Door!

Utterance 281

422: Chastise hkw, kbb hrwbj,
O lion of phtj, lion of pTtj, the phtj (and) pTtj.
Give me now, hrw Twbs meat, now!
One pot!
Go! Go! Serpent! Serpent!"

Utterance 282

423: To say the words:
"O this country (xAs.t) Mouth-of-the-River,
this is the place of my overthrow.
This country, Mouth-of-the-River belongs to me, the Gold of the Praise,
It is xaj-tA.w of the praise, this your ox,
the renowned one, against whom this has been done."

Utterance 283

424: To say the words:
"Unas jerks indeed his thumb, the left one, against you.
He gives a sign with it to Min [as god of the eastern desert], to the defenders.
O you who are used to rob, do not rob!"

Utterance 284

425: To say the words:
"He one bitten by Atum (as a mongoose) has filled the mouth of Unas while he twisted (himself) a twisting.
The centipede (zpA) is struck (Hw) by the inhabitant of the mansion (
The inhabitant of the mansion is struck by the centipede. That (should be) lion inside the lion,
the two bulls fight inside the ibis (txn)."

Utterance 285

426 : To say the words:
"Your two drops of poison are on the way to the two poison vessels.
Spit out the two now, as they are overfilled with liquid.
O you who wink, you who are (adorned) with a diadem,
O sSA.w-rain, that the snake may become faint-hearted and the throat of my heart be saved.
Cloud, burst, that the lion be drowned in water and that the throat of the king be wide."

Utterance 286

427: To say the words:
"O you who rush up as the young of the water-pest,
TmTj, Thnw [= foreign countries ?], kbnw, those who glide away!
The Red Crowns praise the tj.w-S(a)jj.
The tj.w-S(a)jj belong to him who has elevated the Red Crowns.
Hail, we two!"

Utterance 287

428: To say the words:
"He who makes his mother nnj,
he who makes his mother nnj!
Are you really in this?
Are you really in this?
Lion, be gone!"

Utterance 288

429: To say the words:
"hkj-serpent, hkr.t-serpent, go away (with) face on the road.
Eye of Horus, do not look at him.
You will not do your will with Unas!
Get away, out!"

Utterance 289

430: To say the words:
"The bull falls because of the sDH-snake,
the sDH-snake falls because of the bull.
Fall, roll together!"

Utterance 290

431: To say the words:
"A face falls on a face.
A speckled and black knife comes out against it.
It has swallowed that which it has seized."

Utterance 291

432: To say the words:
"Your honor (Hknw) is effaced, O White Hole, by him who has escaped the fnT-snake.
Your honor is ravished from you, O White Hole, by him who escaped the fnT-snake!"

Utterance 292

433: To say the words:
"You (...) to the one who attacks, o jknhj-snake.
Your parentage belongs to him whom you have attacked, O jknhj-snake!"

Utterance 293

434: To say the words:
"Back, invisible (jmnj) snake, make yourself invisible and do not let Unas see you.
Do not come in the place where Unas is, lest he pronounce against you this your name of nmj, son of nmj.t.

435: A holy person falls into the Nile (Hp) as a pelican.
Flee! Flee!
Brute, lie down!"

Utterance 294

436: To say the words:
"Unas is a Horus who came out of the acacia (SnD) [House of the Acacia, linked with funerary ritual / mummification],
who came out of the acacia,
to whom it was ordered: "Beware of the lion (serpent)!".
He comes out to whom it was ordered: "Beware of the lion!".

437: Unas has come out of this Dnj.t-jar after he has passed the night in his Dnj.t-jar.
Unas appears in the morning.
He has come out of his Dnj.t-jar after he has passed the night in his Dnj.t-jar.
Unas appears in the morning.

Utterance 295

438: To say the words:
"The panther-cat (mAfd.t) springs on the neck of the serpent She-who-brought-her-gift (poison).
She repeats it (the attack) on the neck of the serpent holy-head (Dsr-tp).
Who is he who will be spared?
Unas is who will be spared."

Utterance 296

439: To say the words:
"TTw-snake (chainer?), whither?
You shall not go, stop for Unas!
Unas is Geb, O hmT-snake,
brother of the hmT.t-snake.
Shall the father die,
the Daamjw"

Utterance 297

440: The hand of Unas is come upon you, the powerful one, the one which is come upon you.
(This hand is) the panther-cat (mAfd.t) which rules in the Mansion of Life (xnt.t Hw.t anx)
She strikes you in your face, she scratches your eyes,

441: so that you fall down in your dung and glide down in your urine.
Fall, lie down, glide away,
so that your mother Nut may see you!"

Utterance 298

442: To say the words:
"Re appears, his uraeus on his head,
against this serpent which comes out of the ground,
which is under the fingers of Unas.
He cuts off your head with this his knife which was in the hand of the panther-cat (mAfd.t),
she who lives [in the house of Life]

443: He draws those (teeth) which are in your mouth,
he saps your seed (poison) with those four strings
which were in the service of the sandal of Osiris.
Monster, lie down! Bull, glide away!?

Utterance 299

444: To say the words:
"The uraeus is for the sky, the centipede of Horus is for the earth.
One sandal (had) Horus when he stepped on the lord of the mansion (Hw.t),
the bull of the hole (TpH.t), the fighting snake (SnT).
I will not be attacked (by it)
for the sycamore of Unas is his sycamore,
the refuge of Unas is his refuge.
(He) whom Unas meets on his way, he will eat him bit by bit!"

Utterance 300

445: To say the words:
"O Kherti of Nezat, ferryman [jnt-rd floor sweeping ritual ?] of the jqh.t-barge, made by Khnum, bring this to Unas. Unas is Sokar of Ro-setau. Unas is (on his way) to the place of Sokar, at the head ( of pDw-S. Our brother of the two is he who brings these dunes of the desert."

Utterance 301

446: To say the words:
Your bread of eternity is yours, o njw together with nn.t,
you two sources of the gods, who protect the gods in their shade.
Your bread of eternity is yours, jmn together with jmn.t,
you two sources of the gods, who protect the gods in their shade.

447: Your bread of eternity is yours,
O Atum together with the Double Lion, who have created themselves,
thier double divinity for themselves.
This is Shu with Tefnut, the two who made the gods, begat the gods, established the gods.

448: Say to your father that Unas has given you your bread of eternity,
that he satisfied you with what is due to you.
You should not hinder Unas when he crosses to him, towards the horizon.

449: Unas knows him, he knows his name:
Everlastingness (nHH) is his name, Everlastingness,
the Lord of the Year is his name, he with the arm ready to fight,
Horus over the Milky Way (sHdw) of heaven, who makes Re alive every day.

450: He will build Unas again, make Unas alive every day.
Unas comes to you, Horus of Khat.
Unas comes to you, Horus of Ssm.t,
Unas comes to you, Horus of the East.

451: Lo, Unas brings you your great left Eye as healer.
Receive it from the hand of Unas, being uninjured (wDA),
the water in it uninjured, its red (blood ?) is in it, uninjured,
its breathing is in it, uninjured!

452: Enter into it, take it into your possession, in this your name He-with-the-divine-ruler's-decoration,
that you may approach it in this your name of Re.

453: Place it on your brow (Ha.t) in this your name of Choice Oil (Hat.t),
that you may rejoice in it in this your name of Willow(-basket) (Tr.t),

454: so that you shine forth thereby among the gods, in this your name of That-which-sparkles (THn.t),
that you may be pleased with it in its name of Oil-of-Praise.
The rnnwt.t-goddess shall love you.

455: Stay, great raft, as Upuaut, fuel of your spiritual power (mHtj m jax=k),
coming out of the Horizon after having taken the wrr.t-(white) crown in the great and mighty fountain-heads in the South of Libya (xn.tjw THnw) as Sobek, lord of the Mountain of the Morning (bA-jrw).
You travel towards your fields,
you traverse your ksb.t-groves,
your nose inhales the perfumes of the Land of Shesemtet.
You let the Ka of Unas come near him like that wig of yours which comes near you.

457: Purify for you Unas, make Unas bright in this your Jackal-lake, o Jackal (zAb), in which you purify the gods.
You are powerful,
you are sharp (spd) as Horus,
the Lord of the Green Stone.
To say four times:
"like the two green hawks."



North Wall (west to east)

Utterance 302

458: To say the words:
"Serene(?) is the sky, Soped lives (i.e., shines), for it is Unas indeed who is the living (star), the son of Sothis.
The Two Enneads have purified (themselves) for him as Meskhetiu (Great Bear), the Imperishable Stars.
The House of Unas which is in the sky will not perish,
the throne of Unas which is on earth will not be destroyed.

459: The humans (rm.tjw) hide themselves, the gods fly up,
Sothis has let Unas fly towards Heaven amongst his brothers the gods.
Nut the Great has uncovered her arms for Unas.

460: The two souls at the head of the souls of Heliopolis have bowed down at the beginning of the day,
they who have passed the night while they made this bewailing for the god.
The throne of Unas is with you, Re. He will not give it to any other god.

461: He (Unas) ascends (on it ?) towards heaven near you, Re,
while his face (is like that of) hawks, his wings (are like those) of apd-geese,
his talons (like) the fangs of He-of-the-Dju-ef-nome.

462: There is no word against Unas on earth among men,
there is no crime of him in heaven among gods.
Unas has done away with the word against him,
Unas has annulled it in order to rise towards heaven.

463: Upuaut has let Unas fly to heaven amongst his brothers, the gods.
Unas has moved his arms like a smn-goose, he has beaten his wing like a kite.
He flies up, he who flies up, O men!
Unas flies up away from you!"

Utterance 303

464: To say the words:
"O Gods of the West,
O Gods of the East,
O Gods of the South,
O Gods of the North !
These four pure reed floats which you placed for Osiris when he ascnded towards heaven

465: that he might cross towards the Cool (Region) (qbHw),
while his son Horus was at his fingers (i.e., at his side) in order to let him grow up
and let him appear as a great god in the Cool (Region), place them for Unas!

466: Are you Horus, son of Osiris? Are you, Unas, the god, the eldest one, the son of Hathor?
Are you the seed of Geb?

467: Osiris has ordered that Unas may appear (xaj) as a second Horus.
These four spirits (ax.w) who are in Heliopolis have written it down in the register of the two great gods in the Cool (Region)."

Utterance 304

468: To say the words:
"Hail to you, daughter of Anubis, she who stands at the windows (ptr.w) of the sky,
you friend of Thoth, she who stands at the two side rails of the ladder!
Open the way for Unas that he may pass!

469: Hail you, O ostrich standing on the shore of the Winding Stream!
open the way for Unas, that he may pass!

470: Hail to you, Bull of Re, you with the four horns!
Your horn is in the West,
your horn is in the East,
your horn is in the South,
your horn is in the North!
Bow that Western horn of yours for Unas, that Unas may pass.

471: Are you then a pure Westerner?
I come from the Hawk-city!
Hail, Field of my peace!
Hail, honored dead who are in you!
Unas will honor those who are in you.
Pleasant is the pure one who is in me."
(says the field)

Utterance 305

472: To say the words:
"The ladder is tied together by Re before Osiris.
The ladder is tied together by Horus before his father Osiris, when he goes to his soul (ax).
One of them is on this side,
one of them is on that side,
while Unas is between them.

473: Are you then a god whose places are pure?
(I) come from a pure place!
Stand (here) Unas, says Horus.
Sit (here) Unas, says Seth.
Take this arm, says Re.

474: The spirit (ax) belongs to heaven, the body (Sa.t) to earth.
What men receive when buried is one thousand bread, one thousand beer from the offering table of Khentimentiu.

475: Is the heir grown poor, not having a script, (then) this Unas shall write with his big finger, he shall not write with his little finger."

Utterance 306

476: To say the words:
"How beautiful is indeed the sight, how good indeed to see, so say they, so say the gods, (when) this god ascends to heaven, (when) Unas ascends to heaven

477: while his power (bA.w) is over him, the fear on both his sides, his magical power in front of his legs.
Geb acted towards him as it was done towards (himself).

478: They come towards him, the gods Baw Pe, the gods Baw Nekhen, the gods of the sky, the gods of the earth.
They elevate Unas on their arms.

479: and you ascend, Unas, to the sky, (you) climb on it in this its name of ladder.
Heaven be given to Unas, earth be given to Unas, so said Atum.

480: He who spoke about it (to Atum) is Geb.
The abodes of (my) office (kingdom), the abodes of Horus, the abodes of Seth, the Fields of Rushes, they honor you in this your name of Duau [bag-like standard = tekenu-equivalent], like Soped he (who resides) under his kesbet-tree.

481: Has he killed you after his heart told him that you should die through him?
Lo, you come into being against him as the Bull (jmnw) of the wild bulls (smA.w), who remained (after the fight).
He remains (jmn), he remains,
the bull who remained,
and you will also remain,
Unas, at their head, at the head of the spirits (ax.w) forever!"

Utterance 307

482: To say the words:
A Heliopolite is in Unas, O God.
Your Heliopolite is in Unas, O God.
A Heliopolite is in Unas, O Re.
Your Heliopolite is in Unas, O Re.
The mother of Unas is a Heliopolite.
The father of Unas is a Heliopolite.

483: Unas himself is a Heliopolite,
born in Heliopolis when Re ruled the Two Enneads,
when Nefertum ruled the human beings (rxjjt).
(He is) one who has no second, the heir of his father Geb.

484: Any god who should stretch his arm (against him) when the face of Unas is turned towards you in order to praise (dwA) you and to call you on account of the person (D.t) of Unas, O God,
on account of his nose,
O god, he shall have no bread,
he shall have no cake amongst his brothers the gods,

485: he shall not send a sending, he shall not cover in his rut amongst his brothers, the gods.
The doors of the Night Barge ( shall not be opened for him,
the doors of the Morning Barge (manD.t) shall not be opened for him.
His speech should not be judged as that of one in his city.
The doors of the Place of Annihilation should not be opened for him.

486: Unas comes to you.
This Unas is a wild bull of the grassland, the bull with a large head, which comes from Heliopolis.
Unas comes to you, the wild bull of the grasland.
It is Unas, he who gives birth to you, who continually gives birth to you."

Utterance 308

487: To say the words:
"Hail to you, Horus in the Horite Sites!
Hail to you, Seth in the Sethan Sites!
Hail to you, Reed God (jArw) in the Fields of Rushes!

488: Hail to you, the Two Harmonious Ones, daughters of the four gods who are at the head of the Great Castle (Hw.t aA.t), you who came out at the voice of Unas, naked!

489: Unas saw you, as Horus saw Isis.
Unas saw you as Neheb-kau saw Serqet.
Unas saw you as Sobek saw Neith.
Unas saw you as Seth saw the Two Harmonious Ones."

Utterance 309

490: To say the words:
"Unas is the thresher of gods,
who is behind the castle of Re,
born from the goddess Wish-of-the-gods, She-at-the-prow-of-the-barge-of-Re.
Unas sits before him,

491: Unas opens his chests,
Unas unseals his decrees,
Unas seals his book rolls,
Unas sends his messengers who do not tire.
Unas does that which he says to Unas."

Utterance 310

492: To say the words:
"Should Unas be bewitched, Atum will be bewitched.
Should Unas be opposed, Atum will be opposed.
Should Unas be beaten (Hw), Atum will be beaten.
Should Unas be hindered on this way, Atum will be hindered.

493: Unas is Horus, Unas came after his father, Unas came after Osiris.
O His-face-in-front-his-face-behind, bring this to Unas!
What ferry shall I bring to Unas?
Bring to Unas the one that flies up, which alights."

Utterance 311

495: To say the words:
"See Unas, O Re, recognize Unas, Re!
He is one of them who know you, he knows!
When his lord comes out, he should not forget the offering given,

496: so that She-who-locks-out-when-she-locks-out may open the doors of the Horizon (Ax.t) for the coming out of the Morning Barge.
I know the Hall (zH) of the Pavilion (mnw) in the middle of the podium (xtA) of the Guardian (jzkn) from which you come out and

497: descend into the Night Barge.
Order then, Unas, order him,
order him to speak the words four times one after the other to these roaring ones who are behind you,
who see with two faces, who speak in a roar(?)

498: which is evil for those who are to be (made) miserable, for those whom they want to annihilate.
(Give order) so that they do not put their arm (in the way of Unas) when Unas turns (his face) towards you,
when Unas comes towards you,

499: as one who says to you your name of Great Flood which came out of She-the-Great-One (Nut).
May Unas not be blind when you place him in darkness.
May he not be deaf so that he does not hear your voice.

500: May you take Unas with you, with you, with you,
he who drives away the storm for you, who dispels the clouds for you, who breaks up the hail for you.
Unas will make you adoration (upon) adoration.
Unas will make you praise (upon) praise.
May you set Unas over the Vulture Goddess."

Utterance 312

501: To say the words:
"May the bread fly up!
May the bread continue to fly up to the seven Houses of the Red Crown !"



West Wall (south to north)

Utterance 313

502: The phallus of Babi is pulled out (lock of door), the doors of the sky are open.
The doors of the sky are locked, (the way leads) over the fire glow,
under that which assembles the gods.

503: What lets every Horus glide through will also let Unas glide through,
over the fire glow, under that which assembles the gods.
They make a way for Unas that Unas may pass along it.
Unas is a Horus.

Utterance 314

504: To say the words:
"Back, you ox who should be slaughtered,
in whose horns should be the fingers of Aker!
Fall, glide away!"

Utterance 315

505: "Unas is a jan-baboon, a hTt-baboon, a pATT-baboon.
Unas' bottom is according to Unas' own wish(?),
blessedness is on the head of Unas.
Unas will make the jubilations (hnj) of those (i.e., as those) who jubilate.
He will sit among you, youthful ones."

Utterance 316

506: "O hmj, and sHd, Unas does not give you his magical power.
Unas will sit, his back towards She-the-Holy-One in Heliopolis.
Take Unas to the sky!"

Utterance 317

507: To say the words:
"Unas came today, out of the overflow of the Inundation.
Unas is Sobek with green feather, with watchful face, with uplifted brow, rushing up, coming from the leg and the tail of the Great One, she who resides in the brilliant light (jmj.t jax).

508: Unas came to his water currents which are in the land of the flood of the Great Overflow (mH-wr.t) (= the sky), to the place of peace with green pastures, which is on the horizon.

509: Unas causes the grass to become green on the two banks of the horizon.
Unas brings the green brilliance to the Great Eye which resides among the pastures.
Unas takes his seat which is on the horizon.

510: Unas arises as Sobek, the son of Neith.
Unas eats with his mouth, Unas urinates, Unas copulates with his phallus.
Unas is the lord of seed, he who takes the women from their husbands,
wherever Unas wants, according to the desire of his heart.



East Wall (south to north)

Utterance 318

511: [Unas is the Nau-snake, the leading bull], who has swallowed his seven Uraei,
and so his seven neck vertebrae came into being,
he who gives orders to his seven Enneads who hear the word of the king (md.w jt.w).

512: Unas has come, he swallows myrrh (antjw). Unas takes myrrh, he wallows (anjj=f) in myrrh.
The nails (ant) of Unas are of myrrh.
Unas has taken your necks, O gods.
Serve Unas so that he invests you with your Kas."

Utterance 319

513: To say the words:
"Unas is the bull of double brilliance in the midst of his Eye.
Safe is the mouth of Unas through the fiery breath,
the head of Unas through the horns of the lord of the South.
Unas leads the god. Unas rules over the Ennead.
Unas lets the lapis lazuli (xsbD) grow (srwd),
Unas causes the southern twn-plant to grow.

514: Unas has twisted the SmSm-plant into ropes.
Unas has united (zmA) the heavens (pt.w).
Unas rules over the lands (tA.w), the South and the North, (as) the god of those who were before.
Unas has built a divine city as it should be.
Unas is the third when he appears."

Utterance 320

515: To say the words:
"Unas has regulated the night, Unas has sent the stars on their way.
The Powers (sxm.w) appear, they honor Unas (with the title of) bAbjj.
Unas is the son of her who did not know that she gave birth to Unas,
for Powerful Face, the Lord of Nights.

516: Humble (?) yourselves, you lords,
hide yourselves, o rekhyt-populace, before Unas.
Unas is bAbjj, the Lord of the Night,
The Bull of Apes (kA ian.w), who lives without knowing it."

Utterance 321

517: To say the words:
"O you, whose back is on his back,
bring to Unas the sfr.t of the offering-meal which is on the back of Osiris,
so that Unas may ascend (prj) on it to heaven,
so that Unas may serve as courtier/ guardian / protection (zA) to Re in the sky."


Bennu Live

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